
Defines functions .onAttach .readImage gitter.demo .defaultFormat gitter.batch gitter .threshold .rmRle .xl .xr .matBorder .spilled .fitRects .register2d

Documented in gitter gitter.batch gitter.demo

# Todo:
# - give option to use discrete or continuous sum of pixels for quantification
# - grid color option

# z = setwd('~/Development/gitter/R')
# #Import packages
# library('EBImage')
# library('jpeg')
# library('tiff')
# library('logging')
# library('parallel')
# library('PET')
# library('ggplot2')
# source('peaks.r')
# source('help.r')
# source('plot.r')
# source('io.r')
# setwd(z)

# Current version

# This message appears on library or require call of package
.onAttach <- function(lib, pkg, ...) {
  packageStartupMessage(sprintf("gitter version %s - quantification of pinned microbial cultures\n
Copyright (C) 2015 Omar Wagih\n
Type 'gitter.demo()' for a demo, '?gitter' for help 
or see http://gitter.ccbr.utoronto.ca for more details", .GITTER_VERSION))

# Formats
.pf = list('1536'=c(32,48),'768'=c(32,48),'384'=c(16,24),'96'=c(8,12))

# Read image using appropriate functions, based on its format
.readImage <- function(file){
  n = basename(file)
  if(grepl('*.jpg$|*.jpeg$', file, ignore.case=T)){
    return( readJPEG(file) )
  }else if(grepl('*.tiff$', file, ignore.case=T)){
    return( readTIFF(file) )
    im = imageData( readImage(file) )
    d = dim(im)
    M = array(NA, dim=d[c(2,1,3)])
    M[,,1] = t(im[,,1])
    if(d[3] > 1){
      M[,,2] = t(im[,,2])
      M[,,3] = t(im[,,3])

#' Run a demo of gitter
#' This function will run a demo of gitter.
#' @export
#' @param eg Type of demo. 1 for a single image demo, 1 for a single image demo using a reference image. Default is 1.
#' @examples
#' # gitter.demo()
gitter.demo <- function(eg=1){
  if(!eg %in% c(1,2)) stop('Invalid example, please use 1 for a single image or 2 to process an image using a reference image')
  if(! interactive() ) stop('Unable to run demo through non-interactive interface!')
  if(eg == 1){ # Process single image
    f = system.file("extdata", "sample.jpg", package="gitter")
    dat = gitter(f, verbose='p')
    p <- plot.gitter(dat, title=sprintf('gitter v%s single image example', .GITTER_VERSION))
    browseURL(file.path(getwd(), paste0('gridded_', basename(f))))
  if(eg == 2){ # Process using reference image
    f = system.file("extdata", "sample_dead.jpg", package="gitter")
    f.ref = system.file("extdata", "sample.jpg", package="gitter")
    gitter.batch(f, f.ref, verbose='p')
    browseURL(file.path(getwd(), paste0('gridded_', basename(f))))
    warning(sprintf('NOTE: Output files were saved to working directory at %s', getwd()))

.defaultFormat <- function(record) {
  text <- paste(paste(record$timestamp, record$levelname, record$logger, record$msg, sep=':'))

#' Process a batch set of plate images
#' This function will process a directory or list of images in a batch. 
#' You can also use this function to process images with sparse to empty rows/columns using a reference image.
#' @keywords batch directory reference
#' @param image.files Directory containing images OR a character vector of image paths.
#' @param ref.image.file Specifies path to a reference image, which will be used to grid images specified in \code{image.files}.
#' @param verbose See parameters in \code{\link{gitter}}.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to \code{\link{gitter}}
#' @return \code{\link{gitter.batch}} does not return any values. DAT and gridded files are saved to their respective directories.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Processing image using reference image

#' # This image would typically fail to process, since its missing several rows
#' f = system.file("extdata", "sample_dead.jpg", package="gitter")
#' # We will use this image to successfully process the above image
#' f.ref = system.file("extdata", "sample.jpg", package="gitter")
#' # Process
#' gitter.batch(f, f.ref)
#' # Remember: output files by default are saved to your working directory
gitter.batch <- function(image.files, ref.image.file=NULL, verbose='l', ...){
  f = 'gitter_failed_images'
  ff = list.files(pattern=f)
  if(length(ff) > 0){
    f = paste0(f, format(Sys.time(), "_%d-%m-%y_%H-%M-%S"))
  failed.file = paste0(f, '.txt')
  # Set verbose
  if(verbose == 'l') addHandler(writeToConsole, formatter=.defaultFormat)
  is.dir = file.info(image.files[1])$isdir
    image.files = image.files[1]
    loginfo('Reading images from directory: %s', image.files)
    image.files = list.files(image.files, pattern='*.jpg$|*.jpeg$|*.tiff$', full.names=T, ignore.case=T)
    image.files = image.files[!grepl('^gridded_', basename(image.files))] # ignore gridded images
    if(length(image.files) == 0) stop('No images with JPEG or JPG extension found. Images must be JPG format, please convert any non-JPG images to JPG')
  z = sapply(image.files, file.exists)
  if(!all(z)) stop(sprintf('Files "%s" do not exist', paste0(image.files[!z], collapse=', ')))
  params = NULL
  is.ref = !is.null(ref.image.file)
    loginfo('Processing reference image: %s', ref.image.file)
    r = gitter(ref.image.file, verbose=verbose, .is.ref=T, ..., )
    params = attr(r, 'params')
  failed.plates = c()
  for(image.file in image.files){
    result = tryCatch({ gitter(image.file, .params=params, .is.ref=F, verbose=verbose,...) }, 
                error = function(e) { 
                  logerror('Failed to process "%s", skipping', image.file)
                  if(verbose == 'p') cat('\n')
    # If we have an error
    if('error' %in% class(result)){
      failed.plates = c(failed.plates, basename(image.file))
  # Save failed plates
  if(length(failed.plates) > 0){
    failed.plates = c(sprintf('# gitter v%s failed images generated on %s', .GITTER_VERSION, format(Sys.time(), "%a %b %d %X %Y")),
    writeLines(failed.plates, failed.file)
  #dats = lapply(image.files, gitter, ..., .params=params, .is.ref=F)

#' Process a single plate image 
#' The following function will grid and quantify a single plate image (for batch processing, see \code{\link{gitter.batch}})
#' @keywords gitter sga image process single
#' @param image.file The path to the image. Defaults to a file choosing dialog.
#' @param plate.format The plate format, accepted formats: 1536, 768, 384 and 96. Alternatively, you can provide the number of rows and columns on the plate as an integer vector for example c(32,48). Default is 1536.
#' @param remove.noise Logical indicating noise/speckles should be remove from the thresholded image prior to analysis. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param autorotate Logical indicating if image should be auto-rotated prior to processing. Only select this option if image is extremely rotated. gitter is able to handle small variations in rotations (1-2 degrees) without auto-rotating. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param inverse Logical indicating if input image is inverted, meaning colonies are darker compared to their background. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param verbose Shows details about the results of running job. For detailed logs "l", for a progress bar "p" or for no output "n". Default is "l".
#' @param contrast Integer between 1 and 100 indicating how much contrast should be applied to the image, prior to processing. A value of \code{NULL} will not apply any contrast. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param fast If set to integer value, the image will be resized to this width in pixels to speed up computation. This is useful for very large images that otherwise take a long time to process. We do not recommend resizing to fewer than 1500 pixels or greater that 4000 pixels in width. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param plot Logical indicating whether intensity profiles should be plotted. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param grid.save Directory path to save gridded/thresholded images. Set to \code{NULL} if you do not want gridded images saved to disk. Default is the current working directory.
#' @param dat.save Directory path to save resulting data files. Set to \code{NULL} if you do not want resulting data saved to disk. Default is the current working directory.
#' @param .is.ref Specifies if a reference property list is supplied. Warning: NOT for use by casual users.
#' @param .params Reference property list. Warning: NOT for use by casual users.
#' @export
#' @import jpeg tiff logging ggplot2 EBImage stats utils
#' @importFrom PET radon
#' @importFrom grid unit
#' @importFrom graphics text abline lines par
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb gray
#' @return 
#' \item{ DAT file }{
#'   Tab delimited file containing quantified colony sizes. There are two types of flags that can be associated with a data file 
#'   (1) plate-level flags signify possible misgridding of the plate due to a high number of colonies with small size or low circularity. #' These flags can be viewed using the \code{\link{plate.warnings}} function 
#'   (2) colony-based flags signify warnings associated with individual colonies. These flags can be viewed in the column named flags of #' the data file. 
#'   \tabular{ll}{
#'     row: \tab row number\cr
#'     col: \tab column number\cr
#'     size: \tab quantified colony size\cr
#'     circularity: \tab circularity of the colony\cr
#'     flags: \tab colony-based flags: S - Colony spill or edge interference, C- Low colony circularity\cr
#'   }
#' }
#' \item{ Gridded image }{Thresholded image showing the grid defined over the image}
#' @examples
#' # Read sample image
#' f = system.file("extdata", "sample.jpg", package="gitter")
#' # Process it
#' dat = gitter(f)
#' # View head of the results
#' head(dat)
gitter <- function(image.file=file.choose(), plate.format=c(32,48), remove.noise=F, autorotate=F, 
                   inverse=F, verbose='l', contrast=NULL, fast=NULL, plot=F, grid.save=getwd(), 
                   dat.save=getwd(), .is.ref=F, .params=NULL){

  # Check if we have one number plate formats
  if(length(plate.format) == 1){
    t = as.character(plate.format)
    if(t %in% names(.pf)){
      plate.format = .pf[[t]]
      stop('Invalid plate density, please use 1536, 384 or 96. If the density of your plate is not listed, you can specifcy a vector of the number of rows and columns in your plate (e.g. c(32,48))')
  # Check for incorrect plate formats
  if(length(plate.format) != 2){
    stop('Invalid plate format, plate formats must be a vector of the number of rows and columns (e.g. c(32,48)) or a value indicating the density of the plate (e.g 1536, 384 or 96) possible')
  if(!verbose %in% c('l', 'p', 'n')) 
    stop('Invalid verbose parameter, use "l" to show the log, "p" to show a progress bar or "n" for no verbose')
    if(contrast <= 0) stop('Contrast value must be positive')
  if(grepl('^gridded', basename(image.file))) 
    warning('Detected gridded image as input')
      stop(sprintf('Invalid gridded directory "%s"', grid.save))
      stop(sprintf('Invalid dat directory "%s"', grid.save))
  is.fast = !is.null(fast)
    if(fast < 1500 | fast > 4000) stop('Fast resize width must be between 1500-4000px')
  expf = 1.5
  params = as.list(environment(), all=TRUE)
  nrow = plate.format[1]
  ncol = plate.format[2]
  ptm <- proc.time()
  # Set verbose
  if(verbose == 'l') addHandler(writeToConsole, formatter=.defaultFormat)
  prog = verbose == 'p' 
  if(!prog) pb <- NULL
    cat('Processing', basename(image.file), '...\n')
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
  # Read image
  loginfo('Reading image from: %s', image.file)
  if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 5)
  im = .readImage(image.file)
  is.color = (length(dim(im)) == 3)
    if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 7)
    loginfo('Resizing image...')
    im = resize(im, h=fast)
  # Extract greyscale
    if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 9)
    loginfo('\tDetected color image, extracting greyscale')
    # Luminosity grey scale from GIMP
    im.grey = (im[,,1]*0.72) + (im[,,2]*0.21) + (im[,,3]*0.07)
    #im.grey = im[,,1]
    loginfo('\tDetected greyscale image')
    im.grey = im
    # no color information
    if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 14)
    loginfo('Autorotating image...')
    im.grey = .autoRotateImage2(im.grey)
    if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 15)
    loginfo('\tIncreasing image contrast with factor %s', contrast)
    im.grey = .setContrast(im.grey, contrast)
    if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 17)
    loginfo('Inversing image')
    im.grey = 1 - im.grey 
  # Are we using a reference screen?
  is.ref = is.null(.params)
    if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 18)
    loginfo('Non-reference plate, registering image to reference')
    # Fix any shifts 
    im.grey = .register2d(im.grey, .params$row.sums, .params$col.sums)
  if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
  im.grey = .threshold(im.grey, nrow, ncol, fast=T, f=1000, pb)
    # Remove the noise
    if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 50)
    loginfo('Denoising image... ')
    kern = makeBrush(3, 'diamond')
    im.grey = opening(im.grey, kern)
  if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 55)
  #sum.y = rowSums(im.grey)
  loginfo('Computing row sums')
  sum.y = .rmRle(im.grey, p=0.6, 1)
  if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
  loginfo('Computing column sums')
  sum.x = .rmRle(im.grey, p=0.6, 2)
  #sum.x = colSums(im.grey)

    # Get peaks of sums
    if(plot) par(mfrow=c(2,1), bty='n', las=1)
    z = nrow * ncol
    loginfo('Getting row peaks...')
    if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 65)
    cp.y = .colonyPeaks(sum.y, n=nrow, z, plot)
    loginfo('Getting column peaks...')
    if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 70)
    cp.x = .colonyPeaks(sum.x, n=ncol,z, plot)
    if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 73)
    # Average window (though they should be the same)
    w = round(mean( c(cp.x$window, cp.y$window) ))
    # Get center coordinates
    coords = expand.grid(cp.x$peaks, cp.y$peaks)
    names(coords) = c('x', 'y')
    params$window = w
    params$coords = coords
    params$row.sums = rowSums(im.grey)
    params$col.sums = colSums(im.grey)
    w = .params$window
    coords = .params$coords
  # Window expansion factor
  d = round(w * expf)
  d = .roundOdd(d)
  if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 75)
  #Pad image
  im.pad = .padmatrix(im.grey, w, 1)
  coords[,c('x','y')] = coords[,c('x','y')]+w
  coords$xl = coords$x - d
  coords$xr = coords$x + d
  coords$yt = coords$y - d
  coords$yb = coords$y + d
  loginfo('Fitting bounds...')
  if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
  coords = .fitRects(coords, im.pad, w)
  if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 84)
  im.grey = .unpadmatrix(im.pad, w)
  coords[,c('x','y','xl','xr','yt','yb')] = coords[,c('x','y','xl','xr','yt','yb')]-w
  coords[,1:6][coords[,1:6] < 0] = 1
  coords[,c('xl', 'xr')][coords[,c('xl', 'xr')] > ncol(im.grey)] = ncol(im.grey)
  coords[,c('yt', 'yb')][coords[,c('yt', 'yb')] > nrow(im.grey)] = nrow(im.grey)
  # Generate rows and columns to be bound to coords below
  rc = expand.grid(1:ncol, 1:nrow)[,c(2,1)]
  names(rc) = c('row', 'col')
  results = cbind(rc, coords)
  # Print elapsed time
  elapsed = signif( (proc.time() - ptm)[['elapsed']], 5)
  # Rearrange
  results = results[,c('row', 'col', 'size', 'circularity','flags',
                       'x', 'y', 'xl','xr', 'yt', 'yb')]
  class(results) = c('gitter', 'data.frame')
  if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 90)
  # Save gridded image
  if(!is.null(grid.save) & !.is.ref){
    #imr = drawPeaks(peaks.c=cp.y$peaks, peaks.r=cp.x$peaks, imr)
    imr = .drawRect(coords[,3:6], im.grey, color = 'orange')
#     z = (im[,,1] - im[,,2] - im[,,3]) * im.grey
#     z[z>0.2] = 1
#     z[z<=0.2] = 0
#     imr = imr/8
#     imr[,,1][z==1] = 1
#     imr[,,2][z==1] = 0
#     imr[,,3][z==1] = 0
    # imr = .drawRect(coords[,3:6], imr, color = 'gray')
    #imr = im.grey
    save = file.path(grid.save, paste0('gridded_',basename(image.file)))
    loginfo('Saved gridded image to: %s', save)
    if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 93)
    #writeJPEG(imr, save,1)
    writeJPEG(imr, save)
  if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 98)
  # Save dat file
  if(!is.null(dat.save) & !.is.ref){
    save = file.path(dat.save, paste0(basename(image.file), '.dat'))
    results$circularity = round(results$circularity, 4)
    results = results[,1:5]
    results = .gitter.write(results, save)
  # Garbage collector
  gc(reset=T, verbose=F)
  loginfo('Time elapsed: %s seconds', elapsed)
  # Save important attributes
  attr(results, 'params') = params
  attr(results, 'elapsed') = elapsed
  attr(results, 'call') = match.call()
  attr(results, 'file') = image.file
  attr(results, 'format') = plate.format
  if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
  if(prog) close(pb)

# Threshold function
.threshold <- function(im.grey, nrow, ncol, fast=T, f=1000, pb){
  prog = !is.null(pb)
  ptm <- proc.time()
  if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 22)
    loginfo('Running fast background correction')
    im = resize(im.grey, h=f)
    si = round((nrow(im) / nrow) * 1.5)
    loginfo('Opening image with kernel size %s', si)
    kern = makeBrush(.roundOdd(si), 'box')
    if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 25)
    op = opening(im, kern)
    if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 32)
    op = resize(op, w=nrow(im.grey), h=ncol(im.grey))
    if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 39)
    im.grey = im.grey - op
    # Find threshold
    if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 42)
    thresh = .findOptimalThreshold(resize(im.grey, h=f))
    loginfo('Running background correction')
    si = round((nrow(im.grey) / nrow) * 1.0)
    loginfo('Opening image with kernel size %s', si)
    kern = makeBrush(.roundOdd(si), 'box')
    if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 32)
    im.grey = whiteTopHat(im.grey, kern)
    # Find threshold
    if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 39)
    thresh = .findOptimalThreshold(im.grey)
  if(prog) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 48)
  im.grey = (im.grey >= thresh)+0
  e = round( (proc.time() - ptm)[[3]], 2)
  loginfo('Thresholding took %s seconds', e)

# Remove long streches of 1s (possibly lines)
.rmRle <- function(im, p=0.2, margin=1){
  c = p * nrow(im)
  if(margin == 2){
    c = p * ncol(im)
  z = apply(im, MARGIN=margin, function(x){
    r = rle(x)
    any(r$lengths[r$values == 1] > c)
  if(margin==1) x = rowSums(im)
  if(margin==2) x = colSums(im)
  zh = .splitHalf(z)
  if(sum(zh$left) > 0) x[1:max( which(zh$left) )] = 0
  if(sum(zh$right) > 0) x[min( which(zh$right) + length(zh$left) ) : length(x)] = 0
  #x[z] = median(x)

.xl <- function(z, w){ 
  m = which(z == min(z))
  t = length(z) - m[length(m)]
  if(t < w) t = w

.xr <- function(z, w){ 
  t = which.min(z) + 1
  if(t < w) t = w
.yt <- .xl
.yb <- .xr

.matBorder <- function(x){
  list(l = x[1:nrow(x),1],
       r = x[1:nrow(x),ncol(x)],
       t = x[1,1:ncol(x)],
       b = x[nrow(x),1:ncol(x)])

.spilled <- function(x, f){
  z = .matBorder(x)
  sum( z$l ) > nrow(x)*f | 
    sum( z$r ) > nrow(x)*f | 
    sum( z$t ) > ncol(x)*f | 
    sum( z$b ) > ncol(x)*f

# Fit rectangles for each colony
.fitRects <- function(coords, im.grey, d){
  # Minimum border for really small colonies
  # Remove any decimals
  minb = round(d/3)
  ret = lapply(1:nrow(coords), function(i){
    # Center of spot
    x = coords$x[i]
    y = coords$y[i]
    cent.pixel = im.grey[y,x]
    # Define expanded rectangle 
    rect = c(coords$xl[i], coords$xr[i], coords$yt[i], coords$yb[i])
    spot.bw = im.grey[rect[3]:rect[4], rect[1]:rect[2]]
    rs = rowSums(spot.bw)
    cs = colSums(spot.bw)
    # Crop bw spot and compute new size
    x.rel = x - rect[1]
    y.rel = y - rect[3]
    if(cent.pixel == 0){
      z = rep( minb*2, 4)
      # Sum rows and cols, split sums in half 
      sp.y = .splitHalf(rs)
      sp.x = .splitHalf(cs)
      # Get minimums relative to the spot and set minimums if too small
      z = c(.xl(sp.x$left, minb), 
            .xr(sp.x$right, minb),
            .yt(sp.y$left, minb), 
            .yb(sp.y$right, minb))
    rect.rel = c(x.rel - z[1], x.rel + z[2], y.rel - z[3], y.rel + z[4])
    spot.bw = spot.bw[rect.rel[3]:rect.rel[4], rect.rel[1]:rect.rel[2]]
    spilled = .spilled(spot.bw, 0.2)
    # Compute new spot relative to plate
    rect = c(x - z[1], x + z[2], y - z[3], y + z[4])
    c(x, y, rect, sum(spot.bw), .circularity(spot.bw), spilled)
  coords = matrix(simplify2array(ret), nrow(coords), byrow=T)
  coords = as.data.frame(coords)
  names(coords) = c('x', 'y', 'xl', 'xr', 'yt', 'yb', 'size', 'circularity', 'spill')
  flags = data.frame(spilled = (coords$spill == 1), 
                     lowcirc = (coords$circularity < 0.6 & !is.nan(coords$circularity) & !is.na(coords$circularity)))
  # 1: Colony spill over or edge interference, 2 = Low circularity
  flag.id = c('S', 'C')
  coords$flags = apply(flags, 1, function(r){
    paste0(flag.id[r], collapse=',')
  coords[,names(coords) != 'spill']

# Cross correlation 2d registration
.register2d <- function(im, r2, c2, lag.max=100){
  r1 = rowSums(im)
  c1 = colSums(im)
  z1 = ccf(r1, r2, lag.max, plot=F)
  y_s = as.vector(z1$lag)[ which.max(as.vector(z1$acf)) ]
  z2 = ccf(c1, c2, lag.max, plot=F)
  x_s = as.vector(z2$lag)[ which.max(as.vector(z2$acf)) ]
  return(translate(im, c(y_s,x_s)))

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gitter documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:14 a.m.