Man pages for h2o
R Interface for the 'H2O' Scalable Machine Learning Platform

aaaStarting H2O For examples
and-andLogical and for H2OFrames
applyApply on H2O Datasets
as.character.H2OFrameConvert an H2OFrame to a String parsed H2O data into an R data frame a collection of Segment Models to a data.frame
as.factorConvert H2O Data to Factors
as.h2oCreate H2OFrame
as.matrix.H2OFrameConvert an H2OFrame to a matrix
as.numericConvert H2O Data to Numeric
as.vector.H2OFrameConvert an H2OFrame to a vector
australiaAustralia Coastal Data
case_insensitive_match_argWorks like match.arg but ignores case
colnamesReturns the column names of an H2OFrame
dim.H2OFrameReturns the Dimensions of an H2OFrame
dimnames.H2OFrameColumn names of an H2OFrame
dot-addParmTODO: No objects in this file are being used. Either remove...
dot-check_for_ggplot2Stop with a user friendly message if a user is missing the...
dot-collapseHelper Collapse Function
dot-consolidate_varimpsConsolidate variable importances
dot-create_leaderboardCreate a leaderboard like data frame for 'models'
dot-customized_callA helper function that makes it easier to override/add params...
dot-find_appropriate_column_nameTries to match a 'fuzzy_col_name' with a column name that...
dot-get_algorithmGet the algoritm used by the model_or_model_id
dot-get_domain_mappingGet a mapping between columns and their domains
dot-get_feature_countGet feature count sorted by the count descending.
dot-get_first_of_familyGet first of family models
dot-h2o.__ALL_CAPABILITIESCapabilities endpoints
dot-h2o.__checkConnectionHealthCheck H2O Server Health
dot-h2o.__CREATE_FRAMEH2OFrame Manipulation
dot-h2o.__DECRYPTION_SETUPDecryption Endpoints
dot-h2o.__DKVRemoval Endpoints
dot-h2o.doGETJust like doRawGET but fills in the default h2oRestApiVersion...
dot-h2o.doPOSTJust like doRawPOST but fills in the default...
dot-h2o.doRawGETPerform a low-level HTTP GET operation on an H2O instance
dot-h2o.doRawPOSTPerform a low-level HTTP POST operation on an H2O instance
dot-h2o.doSafeGETPerform a safe (i.e. error-checked) HTTP GET request to an...
dot-h2o.doSafePOSTPerform a safe (i.e. error-checked) HTTP POST request to an...
dot-h2o.__EXPORT_FILESExport Files Endpoint Generator
dot-h2o.__FRAMESInspect/Summary Endpoints
dot-h2o.__IMPORTImport/Export Endpoints
dot-h2o.is_progressCheck if Progress Bar is Enabled
dot-h2o.__JOBSAdministrative Endpoints
dot-h2o.locateLocate a file given the pattern <bucket>/<path/to/file> e.g....
dot-h2o.__LOGANDECHOLog and Echo Endpoint
dot-h2o.__MODEL_BUILDERSModel Builder Endpoint Generator
dot-h2o.__MODEL_METRICSModel Metrics Endpoint
dot-h2o.__MODELSModel Endpoint
dot-h2o.__PARSE_SETUPParse Endpoints
dot-h2o.perfect_aucInternal function that calculates a precise AUC from given...
dot-h2o.primitivesMap of operations known to H2O
dot-h2o.__RAPIDSRapids Endpoint
dot-h2o.__REST_API_VERSIONH2O Package Constants
dot-h2o.__SEGMENT_MODELS_BUILDERSSegment Models Builder Endpoint Generator
dot-h2o.__W2V_SYNONYMSWord2Vec Endpoints
dot-has_model_coefficientsHas the 'model' coefficients?
dot-has_varimpHas the model variable importance?
dot-interpretableIs the model considered to be interpretable, i.e., simple...
dot-is_h2o_modelIs the 'model' an H2O model?
dot-is_h2o_tree_modelIs the 'model' a Tree-based H2O Model?
dot-is_plotting_to_rnotebookCheck if we are plotting in to r notebook.
dot-leaderboard_for_rowEnhance leaderboard with per-model predictions.
dot-min_maxMin-max normalization.
dot-model_idsGet Model Ids
dot-pkg.envThe H2O Package Environment
dot-plot_varimpPlot variable importances with ggplot2
dot-process_models_or_automlDo basic validation and transform 'object' to a...
dot-shorten_model_idsShortens model ids if possible (iff there will be same amount...
dot-skip_if_not_developerH2O <-> R Communication and Utility Methods
dot-uniformizeConvert to quantiles when provided with numeric vector. When...
dot-varimpGet variable importance in a standardized way.
dot-verify_dataxyUsed to verify data, x, y and turn into the appropriate...
feature_frequencies.H2OModelRetrieve the number of occurrences of each feature for given...
generate_col_indCHeck to see if the column names/indices entered is valid for...
get_seed.H2OModelGet the seed from H2OModel which was used during training. If...
h2o.absCompute the absolute value of x
h2o.acosCompute the arc cosine of x
h2o.adaBoostBuild an AdaBoost model
h2o.aecuRetrieve the default AECU (Average Excess Cumulative Uplift =...
h2o.aecu_tableRetrieve the all types of AECU (average excess cumulative...
h2o.aggregated_frameRetrieve an aggregated frame from an Aggregator model
h2o.aggregatorBuild an Aggregated Frame
h2o.aicRetrieve the Akaike information criterion (AIC) value
h2o.allGiven a set of logical vectors, are all of the values true?
h2o.anomalyAnomaly Detection via H2O Deep Learning Model
h2o.anovaglmH2O ANOVAGLM is used to calculate Type III SS which is used...
h2o.anyGiven a set of logical vectors, is at least one of the values...
h2o.anyFactorCheck H2OFrame columns for factors
h2o.apiPerform a REST API request to a previously connected server.
h2o.arrangeSorts an H2O frame by columns
h2o.ascharacterConvert H2O Data to Characters
h2o.as_dateConvert between character representations and objects of Date...
h2o.asfactorConvert H2O Data to Factors
h2o.asnumericConvert H2O Data to Numerics
h2o.assignRename an H2O object.
h2o.atcRetrieve Average Treatment Effect on the Control
h2o.ateRetrieve Average Treatment Effect
h2o.attRetrieve Average Treatment Effect on the Treated
h2o.aucRetrieve the AUC
h2o.aucprRetrieve the AUCPR (Area Under Precision Recall Curve)
h2o.automlAutomatic Machine Learning
H2OAutoML-classThe H2OAutoML class
h2o.auucRetrieve AUUC
h2o.auuc_normalizedRetrieve normalized AUUC
h2o.auuc_tableRetrieve the all types of AUUC in a table
h2o.average_objectiveExtracts the final training average objective function of a...
h2o.betweenssGet the between cluster sum of squares
h2o.biasesReturn the respective bias vector
h2o.bottomNH2O bottomN
h2o.calculate_fairness_metricsCalculate intersectional fairness metrics.
h2o.cbindCombine H2O Datasets by Columns
h2o.ceilingTake a single numeric argument and return a numeric vector...
h2o.centersRetrieve the Model Centers
h2o.centersSTDRetrieve the Model Centers STD
h2o.centroid_statsRetrieve centroid statistics
h2o.clearLogDelete All H2O R Logs
h2o.clusterInfoPrint H2O cluster info
H2OClusteringModel-classThe H2OClusteringModel object.
h2o.clusterIsUpDetermine if an H2O cluster is up or not
h2o.cluster_sizesRetrieve the cluster sizes
h2o.clusterStatusReturn the status of the cluster
h2o.coefReturn the coefficients that can be applied to the...
h2o.coef_normReturn coefficients fitted on the standardized data (requires...
h2o.coef_with_p_valuesReturn the coefficients table with coefficients, standardized...
h2o.colnamesReturn column names of an H2OFrame
h2o.columns_by_typeObtain a list of columns that are specified by 'coltype'
h2o.computeGramCompute weighted gram matrix.
h2o.confusionMatrixAccess H2O Confusion Matrices
h2o.connectConnect to a running H2O instance.
H2OConnection-classThe H2OConnection class.
H2OConnectionMutableStateThe H2OConnectionMutableState class
h2o.corCorrelation of columns.
h2o.cosCompute the cosine of x
h2o.coshCompute the hyperbolic cosine of x
h2o.coxphTrains a Cox Proportional Hazards Model (CoxPH) on an H2O...
H2OCoxPHModel-classThe H2OCoxPHModel object.
H2OCoxPHModelSummary-classThe H2OCoxPHModelSummary object.
h2o.createFrameData H2OFrame Creation in H2O
h2o.cross_validation_fold_assignmentRetrieve the cross-validation fold assignment
h2o.cross_validation_holdout_predictionsRetrieve the cross-validation holdout predictions
h2o.cross_validation_modelsRetrieve the cross-validation models
h2o.cross_validation_predictionsRetrieve the cross-validation predictions
h2o.cummaxReturn the cumulative max over a column or across a row
h2o.cumminReturn the cumulative min over a column or across a row
h2o.cumprodReturn the cumulative product over a column or across a row
h2o.cumsumReturn the cumulative sum over a column or across a row
h2o.cutCut H2O Numeric Data to Factor
h2o.dayConvert Milliseconds to Day of Month in H2O Datasets
h2o.dayOfWeekConvert Milliseconds to Day of Week in H2O Datasets
h2o.dctCompute DCT of an H2OFrame
h2o.ddplySplit H2O Dataset, Apply Function, and Return Results
h2o.decision_treeBuild a Decision Tree model
h2o.decryptionSetupSetup a Decryption Tool
h2o.deepfeaturesFeature Generation via H2O Deep Learning
h2o.deeplearningBuild a Deep Neural Network model using CPUs
h2o.describeH2O Description of A Dataset
h2o.diffConduct a lag 1 transform on a numeric H2OFrame column
h2o.dimReturns the number of rows and columns for an H2OFrame...
h2o.dimnamesColumn names of an H2OFrame
h2o.disparate_analysisCreate a frame containing aggregations of intersectional...
h2o.distanceCompute a pairwise distance measure between all rows of two...
h2o.downloadAllLogsDownload H2O Log Files to Disk
h2o.downloadCSVDownload H2O Data to Disk
h2o.download_modelDownload the model in binary format. The owner of the file...
h2o.download_mojoDownload the model in MOJO format.
h2o.download_pojoDownload the Scoring POJO (Plain Old Java Object) of an H2O...
h2o.drop_duplicatesDrops duplicated rows.
h2o.entropyShannon entropy
h2o.expCompute the exponential function of x
h2o.explainGenerate Model Explanations
h2o.explain_rowGenerate Model Explanations for a single row
h2o.exportFileExport an H2O Data Frame (H2OFrame) to a File or to a...
h2o.exportHDFSExport a Model to HDFS
h2o.extendedIsolationForestTrains an Extended Isolation Forest model
h2o.fair_pd_plotPartial dependence plot per protected group.
h2o.fair_pr_plotPlot PR curve per protected group.
h2o.fair_roc_plotPlot ROC curve per protected group.
h2o.fair_shap_plotSHAP summary plot for one feature with protected groups on...
h2o.feature_interactionFeature interactions and importance, leaf statistics and...
h2o.filterNAColsFilter NA Columns
h2o.find_row_by_thresholdFind the threshold, give the max metric. No duplicate...
h2o.findSynonymsFind synonyms using a word2vec model.
h2o.find_threshold_by_max_metricFind the threshold, give the max metric
h2o.floorTake a single numeric argument and return a numeric vector...
h2o.flowOpen H2O Flow
H2OFrameS3 Group Generic Functions for H2O
H2OFrame-classThe H2OFrame class
H2OFrame-ExtractExtract or Replace Parts of an H2OFrame Object
h2o.gainsLiftAccess H2O Gains/Lift Tables
h2o.gains_lift_plotPlot Gains/Lift curves
h2o.gains_lift_plot-H2OModel-methodPlot Gains/Lift curves
h2o.gains_lift_plot-H2OModelMetrics-methodPlot Gains/Lift curves
h2o.gamFit a General Additive Model
h2o.gbmBuild gradient boosted classification or regression trees
h2o.genericImports a generic model into H2O. Such model can be used then...
h2o.genericModelImports a model under given path, creating a Generic model...
h2o.getAlphaBestExtract best alpha value found from glm model.
h2o.get_automlGet an R object that is a subclass of H2OAutoML
h2o.get_best_modelGet best model of a given family/algorithm for a given...
h2o.get_best_model_predictorsExtracts the subset of predictor names that yield the best R2...
h2o.get_best_r2_valuesExtracts the best R2 values for all predictor subset size.
h2o.getConnectionRetrieve an H2O Connection
h2o.getFrameGet an R Reference to an H2O Dataset, that will NOT be GC'd...
h2o.get_gam_knot_column_namesExtracts the gam column names corresponding to the knot...
h2o.getGLMFullRegularizationPathExtract full regularization path from a GLM model
h2o.getGridGet a grid object from H2O distributed K/V store.
h2o.getIdGet back-end distributed key/value store id from an H2OFrame.
h2o.get_knot_locationsExtracts the knot locations from model output if it is...
h2o.getLambdaBestExtract best lambda value found from glm model.
h2o.getLambdaMaxExtract the maximum lambda value used during lambda search...
h2o.getLambdaMinExtract the minimum lambda value calculated during lambda...
h2o.get_leaderboardRetrieve the leaderboard from the AutoML instance.
h2o.getModelGet an R reference to an H2O model
h2o.getModelTreeFetchces a single tree of a H2O model. This function is...
h2o.get_ntrees_actualRetrieve actual number of trees for tree algorithms
h2o.get_predictors_added_per_stepExtracts the predictor added to model at each step.
h2o.get_predictors_removed_per_stepExtracts the predictor removed to model at each step.
h2o.get_regression_influence_diagnosticsExtracts a list of H2OFrames containing regression influence...
h2o.get_segment_modelsRetrieves an instance of H2OSegmentModels for a given id.
h2o.getTimezoneGet the Time Zone on the H2O cluster Returns a string
h2o.getTypesGet the types-per-column
h2o.get_variable_inflation_factorsReturn the variable inflation factors associated with...
h2o.getVersionGet h2o version
h2o.giniCoefRetrieve the GINI Coefficcient
h2o.glmFit a generalized linear model
h2o.glrmGeneralized low rank decomposition of an H2O data frame
h2o.grepSearch for matches to an argument pattern
h2o.gridH2O Grid Support
H2OGrid-classH2O Grid
h2o.group_byGroup and Apply by Column
h2o.gsubString Global Substitute
h2o.hCalculates Friedman and Popescu's H statistics, in order to...
h2o.headReturn the Head or Tail of an H2O Dataset.
h2o.HGLMMetricsRetrieve HGLM ModelMetrics
h2o.histCompute A Histogram
h2o.hit_ratio_tableRetrieve the Hit Ratios
h2o.hourConvert Milliseconds to Hour of Day in H2O Datasets
h2o.ice_plotPlot Individual Conditional Expectation (ICE) for each decile
h2o.ifelseH2O Apply Conditional Statement
h2o.importFileImport Files into H2O
h2o.import_hive_tableImport Hive Table into H2O
h2o.import_mojoImports a MOJO under given path, creating a Generic model...
h2o.import_sql_selectImport SQL table that is result of SELECT SQL query into H2O
h2o.import_sql_tableImport SQL Table into H2O
h2o.imputeBasic Imputation of H2O Vectors
h2o.infogramH2O Infogram
H2OInfogramwrapper function for instantiating H2OInfogram
H2OInfogram-classH2OInfogram class
h2o.infogram_train_subset_modelsTrain models over subsets selected using infogram
h2o.initInitialize and Connect to H2O
h2o.insertMissingValuesInsert Missing Values into an H2OFrame
h2o.inspect_model_fairnessProduce plots and dataframes related to a single model...
h2o.interactionCategorical Interaction Feature Creation in H2O
h2o.ischaracterCheck if character
h2o.is_clientCheck Client Mode Connection
h2o.isfactorCheck if factor
h2o.isnumericCheck if numeric
h2o.isolationForestTrains an Isolation Forest model
h2o.isotonicregressionBuild an Isotonic Regression model
h2o.keyofMethod on 'Keyed' objects allowing to obtain their key.
h2o.kfold_columnProduce a k-fold column vector.
h2o.killMinus3Dump the stack into the JVM's stdout.
h2o.kmeansPerforms k-means clustering on an H2O dataset
h2o.kolmogorov_smirnovKolmogorov-Smirnov metric for binomial models
h2o.kurtosisKurtosis of a column
H2OLeafNode-classThe H2OLeafNode class.
h2o.learning_curve_plotLearning Curve Plot
h2o.levelsReturn the levels from the column requested column.
h2o.list_all_extensionsList all H2O registered extensions
h2o.list_api_extensionsList registered API extensions
h2o.list_core_extensionsList registered core extensions
h2o.list_jobsReturn list of jobs performed by the H2O cluster
h2o.list_modelsGet an list of all model ids present in the cluster
h2o.listTimezonesList all of the Time Zones Acceptable by the H2O cluster.
h2o.load_frameLoad frame previously stored in H2O's native format.
h2o.loadGridLoads previously saved grid with all it's models from the...
h2o.loadModelLoad H2O Model from HDFS or Local Disk
h2o.logCompute the logarithm of x
h2o.log10Compute the log10 of x
h2o.log1pCompute the log1p of x
h2o.log2Compute the log2 of x
h2o.logAndEchoLog a message on the server-side logs
h2o.loglikelihoodRetrieve the log likelihood value
h2o.loglossRetrieve the Log Loss Value
h2o.lsList Keys on an H2O Cluster
h2o.lstripStrip set from left
h2o.maeRetrieve the Mean Absolute Error Value
h2o.makeGLMModelSet betas of an existing H2O GLM Model
h2o.make_leaderboardCreate a leaderboard from a list of models, grids and/or...
h2o.make_metricsCreate Model Metrics from predicted and actual values in H2O
h2o.matchValue Matching in H2O
h2o.maxReturns the maxima of the input values.
h2o.meanCompute the frame's mean by-column (or by-row).
h2o.mean_per_class_errorRetrieve the mean per class error
h2o.mean_residual_devianceRetrieve the Mean Residual Deviance value
h2o.medianH2O Median
h2o.meltConverts a frame to key-value representation while optionally...
h2o.mergeMerge Two H2O Data Frames
h2o.metricH2O Model Metric Accessor Functions
h2o.minReturns the minima of the input values.
h2o.mktimeCompute msec since the Unix Epoch
H2OModel-classThe H2OModel object.
h2o.model_correlationModel Prediction Correlation
h2o.model_correlation_heatmapModel Prediction Correlation Heatmap
H2OModelFuture-classH2O Future Model
H2OModelMetrics-classThe H2OModelMetrics Object.
h2o.modelSelectionH2O ModelSelection is used to build the best model with one...
h2o.mojo_predict_csvH2O Prediction from R without having H2O running
h2o.mojo_predict_dfH2O Prediction from R without having H2O running
h2o.monthConvert Milliseconds to Months in H2O Datasets
h2o.mseRetrieves Mean Squared Error Value
h2o.multinomial_aucpr_tableRetrieve the all PR AUC values in a table (One to Rest, One...
h2o.multinomial_auc_tableRetrieve the all AUC values in a table (One to Rest, One to...
h2o.nacntCount of NAs per column
h2o.naiveBayesCompute naive Bayes probabilities on an H2O dataset.
h2o.namesColumn names of an H2OFrame
h2o.na_omitRemove Rows With NAs
h2o.ncharString length
h2o.ncolReturn the number of columns present in x.
h2o.negative_log_likelihoodExtracts the final training negative log likelihood of a GLM...
h2o.networkTestView Network Traffic Speed
h2o.nlevelsGet the number of factor levels for this frame.
H2ONode-classThe H2ONode class.
h2o.no_progressDisable Progress Bar
h2o.nrowReturn the number of rows present in x.
h2o.null_devianceRetrieve the null deviance
h2o.null_dofRetrieve the null degrees of freedom
h2o.num_iterationsRetrieve the number of iterations.
h2o.num_valid_substringsCount of substrings >= 2 chars that are contained in file
h2o.openLogView H2O R Logs
h2o-packageH2O R Interface
h2o.pareto_frontPlot Pareto front
h2o.parseRawH2O Data Parsing
h2o.parseSetupGet a parse setup back for the staged data.
h2o.partialPlotPartial Dependence Plots
h2o.pd_multi_plotPlot partial dependencies for a variable across multiple...
h2o.pd_plotPlot partial dependence for a variable
h2o.performanceModel Performance Metrics in H2O
h2o.permutation_importanceCalculate Permutation Feature Importance.
h2o.permutation_importance_plotPlot Permutation Variable Importances.
h2o.pivotPivot a frame
h2o.prcompPrincipal component analysis of an H2O data frame
h2o.predictPredict on an H2O Model
h2o.predicted_vs_actual_by_variableCalculates per-level mean of predicted value vs actual value...
h2o.predict_jsonH2O Prediction from R without having H2O running
h2o.predict_rulesEvaluates validity of the given rules on the given data....
h2o.printPrint An H2OFrame
h2o.prodReturn the product of all the values present in its...
h2o.proj_archetypesConvert Archetypes to Features from H2O GLRM Model
h2o.psvmTrains a Support Vector Machine model on an H2O dataset
h2o.qiniRetrieve the default Qini value
h2o.quantileQuantiles of H2O Frames.
h2o.r2Retrieve the R2 value
h2o.randomForestBuild a Random Forest model
h2o.rangeReturns a vector containing the minimum and maximum of all...
h2o.rank_within_group_byThis function will add a new column rank where the ranking is...
h2o.rapidsExecute a Rapids expression.
h2o.rbindCombine H2O Datasets by Rows
h2o.reconstructReconstruct Training Data via H2O GLRM Model
h2o.relevelReorders levels of an H2O factor, similarly to standard R's...
h2o.relevel_by_frequencyReorders levels of factor columns by the frequencies for the...
h2o.removeAllRemove All Objects on the H2O Cluster
h2o.removeVecsDelete Columns from an H2OFrame
h2o.rep_lenReplicate Elements of Vectors or Lists into H2O
h2o.reset_thresholdReset model threshold and return old threshold value.
h2o.residual_analysis_plotResidual Analysis
h2o.residual_devianceRetrieve the residual deviance
h2o.residual_dofRetrieve the residual degrees of freedom
h2o.resultRetrieve the results to view the best predictor subsets.
h2o.resumeTriggers auto-recovery resume - this will look into...
h2o.resumeGridResume previously stopped grid training.
h2o.rmDelete Objects In H2O
h2o.rmseRetrieves Root Mean Squared Error Value
h2o.rmsleRetrieve the Root Mean Squared Log Error
h2o.roundRound doubles/floats to the given number of decimal places.
h2o.rstripStrip set from right
h2o.rulefitBuild a RuleFit Model
h2o.rule_importanceThis function returns the table with estimated coefficients...
h2o.runifProduce a Vector of Random Uniform Numbers
h2o.save_frameStore frame data in H2O's native format.
h2o.saveGridSaves an existing Grid of models into a given folder.
h2o.saveModelSave an H2O Model Object to Disk
h2o.saveModelDetailsSave an H2O Model Details
h2o.save_mojoSave an H2O Model Object as Mojo to Disk
h2o.saveMojoDeprecated - use h2o.save_mojo instead. Save an H2O Model...
h2o.save_to_hiveSave contents of this data frame into a Hive table
h2o.scaleScaling and Centering of an H2OFrame
h2o.scoreHistoryRetrieve Model Score History
h2o.scoreHistoryGAMRetrieve GLM Model Score History buried in GAM model
h2o.screeplotScree Plot
h2o.sdStandard Deviation of a column of data.
h2o.sdevRetrieve the standard deviations of principal components
H2OSegmentModels-classH2O Segment Models
H2OSegmentModelsFuture-classH2O Future Segment Models
h2o.setLevelsSet Levels of H2O Factor Column
h2o.set_s3_credentialsCreates a new Amazon S3 client internally with specified...
h2o.setTimezoneSet the Time Zone on the H2O cluster
h2o.shap_explain_row_plotSHAP Local Explanation
h2o.shap_summary_plotSHAP Summary Plot
h2o.show_progressEnable Progress Bar
h2o.shutdownShut Down H2O Instance
h2o.signifRound doubles/floats to the given number of significant...
h2o.sinCompute the sine of x
h2o.skewnessSkewness of a column
h2o.splitFrameSplit an H2O Data Set
H2OSplitNode-classThe H2OSplitNode class.
h2o.sqrtCompute the square root of x
h2o.stackedEnsembleBuilds a Stacked Ensemble
h2o.startLoggingStart Writing H2O R Logs
h2o.std_coef_plotPlot Standardized Coefficient Magnitudes
h2o.stopLoggingStop Writing H2O R Logs
h2o.strDisplay the structure of an H2OFrame object
h2o.stringdistCompute element-wise string distances between two H2OFrames
h2o.strsplitString Split
h2o.subString Substitute
h2o.sumCompute the frame's sum by-column (or by-row).
h2o.summarySummarizes the columns of an H2OFrame.
h2o.svdSingular value decomposition of an H2O data frame using the...
h2o.tableCross Tabulation and Table Creation in H2O
h2o.tabulateTabulation between Two Columns of an H2OFrame
h2o.tanCompute the tangent of x
h2o.tanhCompute the hyperbolic tangent of x
h2o.target_encode_applyApply Target Encoding Map to Frame
h2o.target_encode_createCreate Target Encoding Map
h2o.targetencoderTransformation of a categorical variable with a mean value of...
h2o.tf_idfComputes TF-IDF values for each word in given documents.
h2o.thresholds_and_metric_scoresRetrieve the thresholds and metric scores table
h2o.toFrameConvert a word2vec model into an H2OFrame
h2o.tokenizeTokenize String
h2o.tolowerConvert strings to lowercase
h2o.topBottomNH2O topBottomN
h2o.topNH2O topN
h2o.totssGet the total sum of squares.
h2o.tot_withinssGet the total within cluster sum of squares.
h2o.toupperConvert strings to uppercase
h2o.train_segmentsH2O Segmented-Data Bulk Model Training
h2o.transformUse H2O Transformation model and apply the underlying...
h2o.transform_frameUse GRLM to transform a frame.
h2o.transform-H2OTargetEncoderModel-methodApplies target encoding to a given dataset
h2o.transform-H2OWordEmbeddingModel-methodTransform words (or sequences of words) to vectors using a...
h2o.transform_word2vecTransform words (or sequences of words) to vectors using a...
H2OTree-classThe H2OTree class.
h2o.trimTrim Space
h2o.truncTruncate values in x toward 0
h2o.uniqueH2O Unique
h2o.upliftRandomForestBuild a Uplift Random Forest model
h2o.upload_modelUpload a binary model from the provided local path to the H2O...
h2o.upload_mojoImports a MOJO from a local filesystem, creating a Generic...
h2o.varVariance of a column or covariance of columns.
h2o.varimpRetrieve the variable importance.
h2o.varimp-H2OAutoML-methodRetrieve the variable importance.
h2o.varimp-H2OFrame-methodRetrieve the variable importance.
h2o.varimp-H2OModel-methodRetrieve the variable importance.
h2o.varimp_heatmapVariable Importance Heatmap across multiple models
h2o.varimp_plotPlot Variable Importances
h2o.varsplitsRetrieve per-variable split information for a given Isolation...
h2o.weekConvert Milliseconds to Week of Week Year in H2O Datasets
h2o.weightsRetrieve the respective weight matrix
h2o.whichWhich indices are TRUE?
h2o.which_maxWhich indice contains the max value?
h2o.which_minWhich index contains the min value?
h2o.withinssGet the Within SS
h2o.word2vecTrains a word2vec model on a String column of an H2O data...
h2o.xgboostBuild an eXtreme Gradient Boosting model
h2o.xgboost.availableDetermines whether an XGBoost model can be built
h2o.yearConvert Milliseconds to Years in H2O Datasets
housevotesUnited States Congressional Voting Records 1984
initialize-H2OInfogram-methodMethod on 'H2OInfogram' object which in this case is to...
irisEdgar Anderson's Iris Data
is.characterCheck if character
is.factorCheck if factor
is.h2oIs H2O Frame object
is.numericCheck if numeric
Keyed-classVirtual Keyed class
length-H2OTree-methodOverrides the behavior of length() function on H2OTree class....
Logical-orLogical or for H2OFrames
ModelAccessorsAccessor Methods for H2OModel Object
model_cache-classNeeded to be able to memoise the models
names.H2OFrameColumn names of an H2OFrame
plot.H2OInfogramPlot an H2O Infogram
plot.H2OModelPlot an H2O Model
plot.H2OTabulatePlot an H2O Tabulate Heatmap
plot-methodsPlot Pareto front
predict_contributions.H2OModelPredict feature contributions - SHAP values on an H2O Model...
predict.H2OAutoMLPredict on an AutoML object
predict.H2OModelPredict on an H2O Model
predict_leaf_node_assignment.H2OModelPredict the Leaf Node Assignment on an H2O Model
print.H2OFramePrint An H2OFrame
print.H2OTablePrint method for H2OTable objects
prostateProstate Cancer Study
range.H2OFrameRange of an H2O Column
row_to_tree_assignment.H2OModelOutput row to tree assignment for the model and provided...
scaleScaling and Centering of an H2OFrame
show-H2OAutoML-methodFormat AutoML object in user-friendly way
show-H2OParetoFront-methodShow H2OParetoFront
staged_predict_proba.H2OModelPredict class probabilities at each stage of an H2O Model
str.H2OFrameDisplay the structure of an H2OFrame object
summary-H2OAutoML-methodFormat AutoML object in user-friendly way
summary-H2OCoxPHModel-methodSummary method for H2OCoxPHModel objects
summary-H2OGrid-methodFormat grid object in user-friendly way
summary-H2OModel-methodPrint the Model Summary
use.packageUse optional package
walkingMuscular Actuations for Walking Subject
zzzShutdown H2O cluster after examples run
h2o documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:26 a.m.