
Defines functions convert_units

Documented in convert_units

#' convert_units
#' This function is designed to accept input units, output units, and the 
#' molecular weight (MW) of a substance of interest to then use a table lookup
#' to return a scaling factor that can be readily applied for the intended
#' conversion. It can also take chemical identifiers in the place of a 
#' specified molecular weight value to retrieve that value for its own use.
#' If input or output units not contained in the table are queried,
#' it gives a corresponding error message. It gives a warning message about the
#' handling of 'ppmv,' as the function is only set up to convert between ppmv 
#' and mass-based units (like 
#' mg/\ifelse{html}{\out{m<sup>3</sup>}}{\eqn{m^3}} or umol/L) 
#' in the context of ideal gases.
#' convert_units is not directly configured to accept and convert units based
#' on BW, like mg/kg. For this purpose, see \code{\link{scale_dosing}}.
#' The function supports a limited set of most relevant units across
#' toxicological models, currently including umol, uM, mg, mg/L, 
#' mg/\ifelse{html}{\out{m<sup>3</sup>}}{\eqn{m^3}} or umol/L), and
#' in the context of gases assumed to be ideal, ppmv. 
#' \emph{Andersen and Clewell's Rules of PBPK Modeling:}
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{1}{Check Your Units}
#'  \item{2}{\strong{Check Your Units}}
#'  \item{3}{Check Mass Balance}
#' }
#' @param input.units Assigned input units of interest
#' @param output.units Desired output units
#' @param MW Molecular weight of substance of interest in g/mole 
#' @param vol Volume for the target tissue of interest in liters (L).
#' NOTE: Volume should not be in units of per BW, i.e. "kg".
#' @param chem.name Either the chemical name, CAS number, or the parameters
#' must be specified.
#' @param chem.cas Either the chemical name, CAS number, or the parameters must
#' be specified.
#' @param dtxsid EPA's DSSTox Structure ID 
#' (\url{http://comptox.epa.gov/dashboard}) the chemical must be identified by
#' either CAS, name, or DTXSIDs
#' @param parameters A set of model parameters, especially a set that
#' includes MW (molecular weight) for our conversions
#' @param temp Temperature for conversions (default = 25 degreees C)
#' @param state Chemical state (gas or default liquid)
#' @author Mark Sfeir, John Wambaugh, and Sarah E. Davidson
#' @examples
#' # MW BPA is 228.29 g/mol
#' # 1 mg/L -> 1/228.29*1000 = 4.38 uM
#' convert_units("mg/L","uM",chem.cas="80-05-7")
#' # MW Diclofenac is 296.148 g/mol
#' # 1 uM -> 296.148/1000 =  0.296
#' convert_units("uM","mg/L",chem.name="diclofenac")
#' convert_units("uM","ppmv",chem.name="styrene")
#' # Compare with https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-two/onsite/ia_unit_conversion.html
#' # 1 ug/L Toluene -> 0.263 ppmv
#' convert_units("ug/L","ppmv",chem.name="toluene")
#' # 1 pppmv Toluene, 0.0038 mg/L
#' convert_units("ppmv","mg/L",chem.name="toluene")
#' MW_pyrene <- get_physchem_param(param='MW', chem.name='pyrene')
#' conversion_factor <- convert_units(input.units='mg/L', output.units ='uM',
#'   MW=MW_pyrene)
#' @export convert_units
convert_units <- function(input.units = NULL, 
                          output.units = NULL, 
                          MW = NULL,
                          vol = NULL,
                          chem.cas = NULL,
                          chem.name = NULL,
                          dtxsid = NULL,
                          parameters = NULL,
                          temp = 25, 
# The volume of an ideal gas at this temperature (L/mol)
  volidealgas <- (273.15 + temp)*0.08205

  #Take the lower case form of the units requested
  input.units <- tolower(input.units)
  output.units <- tolower(output.units)
  if ("unitless" %in% c(input.units,output.units)){
        "User specified 'unitless' for a model compartment that has units, ",
        "or alternatively specified units compartment that is 'unitless'. "
      conversion_factor <- 1
  #Conditional block that checks if enough info is available to retrieve
  #MW value and use in determining conversion factor:
if (is.null(MW)) {
  if (is.null(chem.cas) & is.null(chem.name) & is.null(dtxsid) &
    stop('User must specify either MW (molecular weight), or give chemical
identifying information like chem.cas, chem.name, or dtxsid
so that httk can retrieve a molecular weight value in determining
the unit conversion factor.')
  } else if (is.null(chem.cas) & is.null(chem.name) & is.null(dtxsid)) {
      if (is.null(parameters['MW'])) {
        stop("If describing chemical exclusively with a set of parameters,
the parameters must include an entry 'MW' (molecular weight).")
      } else {
        #Support parameters objects of the different classes currently employed
        #by httk, namely compound data.table/data.frame objects and lists.
          if (is.data.table(parameters)){
            MW <- parameters[1, MW] #should be same MW value in each row
            #of data.table of parameters from Monte Carlo functions
          } else if (is(parameters,'list')){
            MW <- parameters[['MW']]
          } else stop('httk only supports parameters objects of class
compound data.table/data.frame or list.')
  } else {
    MW <- get_physchem_param(param = 'MW', chem.cas=chem.cas,
                             chem.name=chem.name, dtxsid=dtxsid)
  #Check if input.units or output.units contain a time component indicating
  #AUC value for conversion
  if(all(grepl(c(input.units,output.units),pattern = "[*].+"))){
    #obtain vector of split amount/concentration and time scale portions
    #of unit string
    split.input.units  <- unlist(stringr::str_split(input.units,pattern = "[*]"))
    split.output.units <- unlist(stringr::str_split(output.units,pattern = "[*]"))
    #Check if input and output unit time scales are NOT the same
        "Input and output units are in different time scales, namely:\n    ",
        "Input units:", input.units,"\n    ",
        "Output units:", output.units,"\n    ",
        "This functionality is currently not supported."
      #Update input.units and output.units to only the amount/concentration
      #and proceed with normal conversions
      input.units  <- split.input.units[1]
      output.units <- split.output.units[1]
  }else if(sum(grepl(c(input.units,output.units),pattern = "[*].+"))==1){
    #If one of the units has a time scale and the other does not,
    #then stop code and notify the user both need to have time scales or no
    #time scales
      "If unit conversions are for area under the curve (AUC), then both the
      input and output units need to specify time scales. Input units are in ",
      " and output units are in ",
      output.units,".  Add or remove time scales where appropriate."
  #initialize a data.frame that determines conversion factors between key 
  #units corresponding to extrinsic quantities
  amounts_units_conversion_frame <- data.frame(mg = c(1, MW/10^3), 
                                               umol = c(10^3/MW, 1))
  row.names(amounts_units_conversion_frame) <- c('mg','umol')
  #initialize a data.frame that determines conversion factors between key
  #units corresponding to intrinsic quantities, set official names manually
  conc_units_conversion_frame <- data.frame()
  # First entry (row) is input unit, second entry (column) is output unit:
  # Where 24.45 L is the volume of an ideal gas under standardized temp/pressure
  # conditions, according to the Environmental Science and Technology Briefs for 
  # Citizens Issue 2 in 2006 from the Center for Hazardous Substances Research.
  # So an ideal gas will occupy 24.45 L/mol at 1 atm and 25 degrees C. 
  # MW has units of g/mol or ug/umol
  # So MW/24.45 has units of g/L
  # density of water is 1 g/mL = 1000 g/L = 10^6 mg/L
  # density of air is 1.225 kg/m^3 = 0.001225 kg/L = 1.225 g/L
  conc_units_conversion_frame["mg/l","um"] <- 10^3/MW 
  conc_units_conversion_frame["mg/l","ppmv"] <- 10^3/MW*volidealgas  
  conc_units_conversion_frame["ug/l","ppmv"] <- 1/MW*volidealgas
  conc_units_conversion_frame["ug/ml","ppmv"] <- 10^3/MW*volidealgas
  conc_units_conversion_frame["um","ppmv"] <- 24.45 # uL gas / L air -> mol gas / L air
  conc_units_conversion_frame["ug/ml","mg/l"] <- 1
  conc_units_conversion_frame["ug/ml","um"] <- 10^3/MW
  conc_units_conversion_frame["ug/l","mg/l"] <- 1/10^3
  conc_units_conversion_frame["ug/l","um"] <- 1/MW 
  conc_units_conversion_frame["umol/l","um"] <- 1
  conc_units_conversion_frame["umol/l","ppmv"] <- 24.45
  conc_units_conversion_frame["nmol/l","um"] <- 1/10^3
  conc_units_conversion_frame["nmol/l","ppmv"] <- 1/10^3*volidealgas
  conc_units_conversion_frame["nm","um"] <- 1/10^3
  conc_units_conversion_frame["nmol/l","nm"] <- 1
  conc_units_conversion_frame["ug/dl","mg/l"] <- 1/10^2
  conc_units_conversion_frame["ug/dl","um"] <- 1/10^2*10^3/MW
  conc_units_conversion_frame["ug/dl","ppmv"] <- 1/10^2*10^3/MW*volidealgas
  conc_units_conversion_frame["ug/g","um"] <- 10^3/MW 
  conc_units_conversion_frame["ug/g","ppmw"] <- 1
  # Weight conversiond depends on state of matter:
  if (state == "gas")
  # ug/g -> uL/L for air not water    CHECK    
    conc_units_conversion_frame["ppmw","ppmv"] <- 1.225/(MW/volidealgas*10^6) 
    conc_units_conversion_frame["ug/g","ppmv"] <- 1.225/(MW/volidealgas*10^6) 
  # Get a master list of all units:
  conc_units <- sort(unique(c(rownames(conc_units_conversion_frame),
  # Define undefined relationships as NA and make
  # symmetric entries inverses:
  for (i in conc_units)
    for (j in conc_units)
      # Identity:
      if (i==j) 
        conc_units_conversion_frame[i,j] <- 1
      } else if (!is.null(conc_units_conversion_frame[i,j]))
        if (!is.na(conc_units_conversion_frame[i,j]))
          conc_units_conversion_frame[j,i] <- 1/conc_units_conversion_frame[i,j]
        } else conc_units_conversion_frame[i,j] <- NA
      } else conc_units_conversion_frame[i,j] <- NA
  # Make sure there is a row and column for each unit and that they are in the same order:
  conc_units_conversion_frame <- conc_units_conversion_frame[conc_units,   

  #initialize a data.frame that determines conversion factors between key
  #amount units and concentration units, set official names manually
  #Check if volume is provided to complete the conversion table.
    # rows = concentrations; columns = amount (input, output -- respectively)
    # if amount to concentration is needed use the inverse
    conc2amount_units_conversion_frame <- 
      conc_units_conversion_frame[,c("mg/l", "um")]*vol
    colnames(conc2amount_units_conversion_frame) <- c("mg","umol")
  #initialize master list of names of chemical amounts/concentration-based
  #units supported in httk, excluding those scaled to body weight 
  httk_dose_units_list <- sort(unique(c(rownames(conc_units_conversion_frame),
  #Now check to see if our compiled information can appropriately support
  #the requested units conversion, and if so, provide the conversion factor.
    stop(paste("Requested units",
      unique(c(input.units,output.units)) %in% httk_dose_units_list)],
      collapse=", "), "
not supported for unit conversion. 
Extrinsic amounts are supported in units of \'mg\' and \'umol\', and intrinsic 
concentrations are supported in \'mg/L\', \'uM\', and, in the case of gas models 
where the gas is assumed ideal, \'ppmv\'.")) 

    conversion_factor <-
      amounts_units_conversion_frame[input.units, output.units]
  }else if(all(c(input.units,output.units)%in%names(conc_units_conversion_frame))){
    conversion_factor <-
      conc_units_conversion_frame[input.units, output.units]
  }else if(input.units%in%names(amounts_units_conversion_frame) &
           output.units%in% names(conc_units_conversion_frame) &
    # if we need to switch between an amount and concentration;
    # volume must be provided
    # ** amount to concentration (use inverse from
    #    'conc2amount_units_conversion_frame') **
    conversion_factor <-
      1/conc2amount_units_conversion_frame[output.units, input.units]
  }else if(input.units%in%names(conc_units_conversion_frame) &
           output.units%in%names(amounts_units_conversion_frame) &
    # if we need to switch between an amount and concentration;
    # volume must be provided
    # ** concentration to amount (use straight from
    #    'conc2amount_units_conversion_frame') **
    conversion_factor <- 
    stop(paste('Conversion from', input.units, 'to', output.units, 'is not
  supported. Supported extrinsic amount units include mg and
  umol, and supported intrinsic concentration units include
  mg/L, uM, and in the case of gas models where the gas is
  assumed ideal, ppmv. If converting between amount and
  concentration, user must specify volume (vol).'))

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httk documentation built on March 7, 2023, 7:26 p.m.