#' @keywords internal
simdat <- function(n, model, sepassoc, ntms, ran, b1, b2, gamma, sigu,
vare, theta0, theta1, censoring, censlam, truncation,
trunctime, gridstep) {
ctsx <- rnorm(n)
binx <- rbinom(n, 1, 0.5)
X2 <- cbind(ctsx, binx)
id <- 1:n
idl <- rep(id, each = ntms)
ctsxl <- rep(ctsx, each = ntms)
binxl <- rep(binx, each = ntms)
time <- rep(0:(ntms-1), length = n*ntms)
X1 <- cbind(intercept = 1, ctsxl, binxl, ltime = time)
U <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu = rep(0, ran), Sigma = sigu)
Ul <- U[rep(1:n, each = ntms), ]
D <- getD(ran, time)
DU <- t(D) * Ul
Y <- (X1 %*% b1) + rowSums(DU) + sqrt(vare) * rnorm(n*ntms)
u0 <- U[, 1]
if (model == "intslope") {
u1 <- U[, 2]
} else {
u1 <- rep(0, n)
b2x <- X2 %*% b2
cens <- rep(1, n)
if (!sepassoc) {
gamma <- rep(gamma[1], ran)
if (model != "quad") {
if (model == "int") {
gamma <- c(gamma[1], 0)
uu <- runif(n)
if (model == "int") {
survtime <- -log(uu) / exp(theta0 + b2x + gamma[1]*u0)
} else {
ii <- ((theta1 + gamma[2]*u1) < 0) & (uu < exp(exp(theta0 + b2x + gamma[1]*u0) /
(theta1 + gamma[2]*u1)))
survtime <- rep(0, n)
survtime[ii] <- Inf
survtime[!ii] <- log(1 - (theta1 + gamma[2]*u1[!ii]) * log(uu[!ii]) /
exp(theta0 + b2x[!ii] + gamma[1]*u0[!ii])) / (theta1 + gamma[2]*u1[!ii])
} else {
tau <- trunctime
tgrid <- seq(runif(1, 0, gridstep), tau, gridstep)
lam0 <- exp(theta0 + theta1 * tgrid)
hazt <- gridstep * exp(b2x) %*% lam0
gD2 <- gamma * getD(ran, tgrid)
hmat <- exp(U %*% gD2) * hazt
uu <- matrix(runif(length(hmat)), n, length(tgrid))
tmat <- matrix(tgrid, n, length(tgrid), byrow = TRUE)
tmat[hmat < uu] <- tau
survtime <- apply(tmat, 1, min)
cens[survtime == tau] <- 0
if (censoring) {
censtime <- -log(runif(n)) / censlam
} else {
censtime <- rep(Inf, n)
if (model != "quad") {
if (truncation) {
censtime <- pmin(censtime, trunctime)
ii <- (censtime < survtime)
survtime[ii] <- censtime[ii]
cens[ii] <- 0
ls <- rep(survtime, each = ntms)
Y <- Y[ls > time]
X1 <- X1[ls > time, ]
idl <- idl[ls > time]
time <- time[ls > time]
cat(paste0(round(100 * sum(cens) / n, 1), "% experienced event\n"))
list(longdat = data.frame(id = idl, Y, time, X1),
survdat = data.frame(id, survtime, cens, X2))
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