
Defines functions as_node_index reset_states get_output_mask_at get_input_mask_at get_output_shape_at get_input_shape_at get_output_at get_input_at count_params set_weights get_weights from_config py_to_r.keras.utils.generic_utils.SharedObjectConfig get_config

Documented in count_params from_config get_config get_input_at get_input_mask_at get_input_shape_at get_output_at get_output_mask_at get_output_shape_at get_weights reset_states set_weights

#' Layer/Model configuration
#' A layer config is an object returned from `get_config()` that contains the
#' configuration of a layer or model. The same layer or model can be
#' reinstantiated later (without its trained weights) from this configuration
#' using `from_config()`. The config does not include connectivity information,
#' nor the class name (those are handled externally).
#' @param object Layer or model object
#' @param config Object with layer or model configuration
#' @param custom_objects list of custom objects needed to instantiate the layer,
#'   e.g., custom layers defined by `new_layer_class()` or similar.
#' @return `get_config()` returns an object with the configuration,
#'   `from_config()` returns a re-instantiation of the object.
#' @note Objects returned from `get_config()` are not serializable. Therefore,
#'   if you want to save and restore a model across sessions, you can use the
#'   `model_to_json()` function (for model configuration only, not weights) or
#'   the `save_model_tf()` function to save the model configuration and weights
#'   to the filesystem.
#' @family model functions
#' @family layer methods
#' @export
get_config <- function(object) {

  # call using lower level reticulate functions to prevent conversion to list
  # (the object will remain a python dictionary for full fidelity)
  get_fn <- py_get_attr(object, "get_config")
  config <- py_call(get_fn)

  # set attribute indicating class
  attr(config, "config_class") <- object$`__class__`

# model$get_config() returns a nested object of list/dicts, but the contract
# is that the object is serializable to json, which means that once
# reticulate conversion rules are redone, the config will be guaranteed to be safe
# to convert to R and back.

# this py_to_r method is so that model$get_config() can return a pure R object.
# A keras SharedObjectConfig is a keras dictionary
#' @export
py_to_r.keras.utils.generic_utils.SharedObjectConfig <- function(x) {

#' @rdname get_config
#' @export
from_config <- function(config, custom_objects = NULL) {
  class <- attr(config, "config_class") %||% keras$Model
  args <- list(config)
    args[[2L]] <- objects_with_py_function_names(custom_objects)
  do.call(class$from_config, args)

#' Layer/Model weights as R arrays
#' @param object Layer or model object
#' @param trainable if `NA` (the default), all weights are returned. If `TRUE, `
#' @param weights Weights as R array
#' @note You can access the Layer/Model as `tf.Tensors` or `tf.Variables` at
#'   `object$weights`, `object$trainable_weights`, or
#'   `object$non_trainable_weights`
#' @family model persistence
#' @family layer methods
#' @export
get_weights <- function(object, trainable = NA) {
    x <- object$get_weights()
  else if(isTRUE(trainable))
    x <- lapply(object$trainable_weights, function(x) x$numpy())
  else if (isFALSE(trainable))
    x <- lapply(object$non_trainable_weights, function(x) x$numpy())
  else stop("`trainable` must be NA, TRUE, or FALSE")
  lapply(x, as_r_value)

#' @rdname get_weights
#' @export
set_weights <- function(object, weights) {

#' Count the total number of scalars composing the weights.
#' @param object Layer or model object
#' @return An integer count
#' @family layer methods
#' @export
count_params <- function(object) {

#' Retrieve tensors for layers with multiple nodes
#' Whenever you are calling a layer on some input, you are creating a new tensor
#' (the output of the layer), and you are adding a "node" to the layer, linking
#' the input tensor to the output tensor. When you are calling the same layer
#' multiple times, that layer owns multiple nodes indexed as 1, 2, 3. These
#' functions enable you to retrieve various tensor properties of layers with
#' multiple nodes.
#' @param object Layer or model object
#' @param node_index Integer, index of the node from which to retrieve the
#'   attribute. E.g. `node_index = 1` will correspond to the first time the
#'   layer was called.
#' @return A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs/outputs).
#' @family layer methods
#' @export
get_input_at <- function(object, node_index) {

#' @rdname get_input_at
#' @export
get_output_at <- function(object, node_index) {

#' @rdname get_input_at
#' @export
get_input_shape_at <- function(object, node_index) {

#' @rdname get_input_at
#' @export
get_output_shape_at <- function(object, node_index) {

#' @rdname get_input_at
#' @export
get_input_mask_at <- function(object, node_index) {

#' @rdname get_input_at
#' @export
get_output_mask_at <- function(object, node_index) {

#' Reset the states for a layer
#' @param object Model or layer object
#' @family layer methods
#' @export
reset_states <- function(object) {

as_node_index <- function(node_index) {

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keras documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:20 a.m.