
Defines functions covAsVec2 covAsVec parseGroupList optimMethods symIndices contr.helmod checkPar parNamesSymm

Documented in checkPar contr.helmod optimMethods parNamesSymm symIndices

##' Make translucient colors.
##' @title Make translucient colors
##' @param colors A vector of colors in a format that can be
##' understood by \code{\link{col2rgb}}.
##' @param alpha Level of opacity ("0" means fully transparent and
##' "max" means opaque).  After recycling to reach the required
##' length, this value or vector is used as \code{alpha} in
##' \code{\link{rgb}}.
##' @return A vector of translucient (or semi-transparent) colors.
translude <- function (colors, alpha = 0.6) {
    L <- pmax(length(colors), length(alpha))
    colors <- rep(colors, length.out = L)
    alpha <- rep(alpha, length.out = L)
    rgb <- as.matrix(col2rgb(colors)/255)
    colors2 <- rgb(red = rgb["red", ], green = rgb["green", ], 
                   blue = rgb["blue", ], alpha = alpha)

##' Vector of names for the general 'Symm' parameterisation.
##' @title Vector of Names for the General 'Symm' Parameterisation
##' @param nlev Number of levels.
##' @return Character vector of names.
##' @examples
##' parNamesSymm(nlev = 4)
parNamesSymm <- function(nlev) {

    if (nlev == 1L) return(character(0))
    mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nlev, ncol = nlev)
    a <- col(mat)[upper.tri(mat)]
    b <- row(mat)[upper.tri(mat)]
    paste("theta", a, b, sep = "_")

##' Check length/names for a vector of values for parameters or
##' bounds.
##' @title Check Length and Names of a Vector of Values for Parameters or
##' Bounds
##' @param value Numeric vector of values.
##' @param parN Number of wanted values.
##' @param parNames character. Names of the wanted values. 
##' @param default numeric. Default value.
##' @return A numeric vector.
##' @examples
##' checkPar(value = c(1, 2), parN = 2L, parNames = c("theta", "sigma2"),
##'          default = 1.0)
##' checkPar(value = NULL, parN = 2L, parNames = c("theta", "sigma2"),
##'          default = 1.0)
##' checkPar(value = c("sigma2" = 100, "theta" = 1),
##'          parN = 2L, parNames = c("theta", "sigma2"),
##'          default = 1.0)
checkPar <- function(value, parN, parNames, default) {
    if (is.null(value)) {
        value <- rep(default, parN)
    if (length(value) != parN) {
        stop("value must have length ", parN, " with values ",
             " for ", parNames)
    if (!is.null(nm <- names(value))) {
        if (!setequal(nm, parNames)) {
            stop("bad names provided for value")
        value <- value[match(nm, parNames)]
    names(value) <- parNames

## ****************************************************************************
##' Modified Helmert contrast (or coding) matrix.
##' The returned matrix is a scaled version of
##' \code{contr.helemert(A)}.
##' @title Modified Helmert Contrast Matrix
##' @param n Integer.
##' @return An orthogonal matrix with \code{n} rows and \code{n - 1}
##' columns. The columns form a basis of the subspace orthogonal to
##' a vector of \code{n} ones.
##' @examples
##' A <- contr.helmod(6)
##' crossprod(A)
contr.helmod <- function(n) {
    A <- stats::contr.helmert(n = n)
    n1 <- n - 1L
    norm <- sqrt((1:n1)^2 + 1L:n1)
    ## variant
    ##  scale(A, center = FALSE, scale = norm)
    sweep(A, MARGIN = 2L, STATS = norm, FUN = "/")
## *****************************************************************************
##' Vector of indices useful for symmetric or anti-symmetric matrices
##' This function is intended to provide computations which are faster
##' than \code{lower.tri} and \code{upper.tri}.
##' @title Vector of Indices Useful for Symmetric or Anti-Symmetric Matrices.
##' @param n Size of a square matrix. 
##' @param diag Logical. When \code{FALSE} the diagonal is omitted in
##' the lower and upper triangles.
##' @return A list containing the following integer vectors, each with
##' length \eqn{(n - 1) n / 2}.
##' \item{i, j}{
##' Row and column indices for the lower triangle to be used in a
##' two-indice style.
##' }
##' \item{kL}{
##' Indices for the lower triangle, to be used in single-index
##' style. The elements are picked in column order. So if \code{X} is
##' a square matrix with size \code{n}, then \code{X[kL]} is the
##' vector containing the elements of the lower triangle of \code{X}
##' taken in colum order.
##' } \item{kU}{
##' Indices for the upper triangle, to be used in a single-index
##' style.  The elements are picked in row order.  So if \code{X} is a
##' square matrix with size \code{n}, then \code{X[kU]} is the vector
##' containing the elements of the upper triangle of \code{X} taken in
##' row order.
##' }
##' @examples
##' n <- rpois(1, lambda = 10)
##' L <- symIndices(n)
##' X <- matrix(1L:(n * n), nrow = n)
##' max(abs(X[lower.tri(X, diag = FALSE)] - L$kL))
##' max(abs(t(X)[lower.tri(X, diag = FALSE)] - L$kU))
##' cbind(row = L$i, col = L$j)
symIndices <- function(n, diag = FALSE) {
    if (diag) stop("'diag = TRUE' not implemented yet")
    j <- rep.int(1L:(n - 1L), times = (n - 1L):1L)
    i <- sequence((n - 1L):1L) + j
    kL <- (j - 1L) * n + i
    kU <- (i - 1L) * n + j
    list(i = i, j = j, kL = kL, kU = kU)


# ****************************************************************************
##' Optimization methods (or algorithms) for the \code{mle} method.
##' @title Optimization Methods (or Algorithms) for the \code{mle}
##' Method
##' @param optimMethod A character string used to find a method in a
##' possible approximated fashion, see \bold{Examples}.
##' @param optimFun Value of the corresponding formal argument of the
##' \code{mle} method, or \code{"both"}. In the later case the full
##' list of algorithms will be obtained.
##' @return A data frame with four character columns: \code{optimFun},
##' \code{optimMethod}, \code{globLoc} and \code{derNo}. The column
##' \code{globLoc} indicate whether the method is global (\code{"G"})
##' or local (\code{"L"}). The column \code{derNo} indicates whether
##' the method uses derivatives (\code{D}) or not (\code{"N"}) or
##' \emph{possibly} uses it (\code{"P"}). Only methods corresponding
##' the \code{optimFun = "stats::optim"} can have the value \code{"P"}
##' for \code{derNo}. The data frame can be zero-row if
##' \code{optimMethod} is given and no method match.
##' @section Caution: The optimization method given in the argument
##' \code{optimMethod} of the \code{mle} method should be compliant
##' with the \code{compGrad} argument. Only a small number of
##' possibilities have been tested, including the default values.
##' @references 
##' See \href{https://nlopt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/}{The NLopt website}.
##' @seealso
##' \code{\link{mle-methods}}, \code{\link[stats]{optim}},
##' \code{\link[nloptr]{nloptr}}.
##' @examples
##' optimMethods()
##' optimMethods(optimMethod = "cobyla")
##' optimMethods(optimMethod = "nelder")
##' optimMethods(optimMethod = "BFGS")
##' optimMethods("CMAES")
optimMethods <- function(optimMethod = NULL,
                         optimFun = c("both", "nloptr::nloptr",
                             "stats::optim")) {
    name <- NULL ## to avoid NOTE at check
    optimFun <- match.arg(optimFun) 

    if (optimFun != "nloptr::nloptr") {
        oMO <- eval(formals(optim)$method)
        globLocO <- rep("L", length(oMO))
        derNoO <- rep("N", length(oMO))
        names(globLocO) <- names(derNoO) <- oMO
        globLocO["SANN"] <- "G"
        derNoO[c("BFGS", "L-BFGS-B", "CG")] <- "P"
    } else {
        oMO <- globLocO <- derNoO <- character(0)
    if (optimFun != "stats::optim") { 
        nO <- nloptr.get.default.options()
        oMN <- subset(nO, name == "algorithm")$possible_values
        oMN <- strsplit(oMN, ", ")[[1]]
        GLND <- regmatches(oMN, regexpr("[LG][DN]", oMN))
        globLocN <- substr(GLND, start = 1, stop = 1)
        derNoN <- substr(GLND, start = 2, stop = 2)
    } else {
        oMN <- globLocN <- derNoN <- character(0)
    df <- data.frame(optimFun = c(rep("stats::optim", length(oMO)),
                         rep("nloptr::nloptr", length(oMN))),
                     optimMethod = c(oMO, oMN),
                     globLoc = c(globLocO, globLocN),
                     derNo = c(derNoO, derNoN),
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    if (!is.null(optimMethod)) {
        ind <- grep(tolower(optimMethod), tolower(df$optimMethod))
        df <- df[ind, ]

## *****************************************************************************
##' Given a list defining groups of levels for a qualitative input,
##' two vectors of the same length are built: \code{group} gives the
##' (name of the) group and \code{nestedLevels} gives the nested
##' levels, i.e. the levels within the groups.
##' @title Translates a List Defining Groups of Levels into two
##' Character Vectors
##' @param groupList A list defining the groups. This must be a list
##' containing atomic vectors, each defining a group of levels. These
##' vectors will be coerced to character. If the list is named, then
##' the names will be used as names for the groups, else default group
##' names we be given based on \code{prefix} and group numbers, see
##' \bold{Examples}.
##' @param prefix A prefix to identify groups.
##' @param sep Separator char used to paste groups and nested levels.
##' @return A list with the two items \code{group} and
##' \code{nestedLevels}.
##' @section Caution: the levels of the wanted input must all appear
##' exactly once in \code{unlist(groupList)}. We check that the list
##' does not embed duplicated levels, but we can not tackle missing
##' levels here.
##' @examples
##' gL <- list(letters[1:3], rev(letters[8:4]))
##' parseGroupList(gL)
##' parseGroupList(gL, prefix = "G", sep = "-")
##' parseGroupList(list(c(1, 2, 5), c(4, 3)))
##' cities <- list("B" = c("AntWerp", "Ghent" , "Charleroi"),
##'                "F" = c("Paris", "Marseille", "Lyon"),
##'                "D" = c("Berlin", "Hamburg", "Munchen"))
##' parseGroupList(cities)
##' ## duplicated levels: error
##' try(parseGroupList(list("a" = c(1, 2, 3), "b" = c(1, 4))))
##' ## not all names provided: use default names
##' try(parseGroupList(list("a" = c(1, 2, 3), c(5, 4))))
parseGroupList <- function(groupList, prefix = "gr", sep = "/") {

    flat <- unlist(groupList)
    if (any(duplicated(flat))) {
        stop("'groupList' contains duplicated elements")
    if (is.null(names(groupList)) || any(names(groupList) == "")) {
        ng <- paste0(prefix, 1:length(groupList))
    } else {
        ng <-  names(groupList)

    lg <- sapply(groupList, length)
    group <- character(0)
    nestedLevels <- character(0)
    for (i in seq_along(lg)) {
        group <- c(group, rep(ng[i], lg[i]))
        nestedLevels <-
            c(nestedLevels, paste(ng[i], groupList[[i]], sep = sep))
    list(group = group,
         nestedLevels = nestedLevels,
         levels = flat)


## ============================================================================
## utility functions to use 'numDeriv'
## ============================================================================

covAsVec <- function(par, object, X) {
    coef(object) <- par
    C <- covMat(object = object, X = X, compGrad = TRUE)
    grad <- attr(C, "gradient")
    C <- as.vector(C)
    dim(grad) <- c(length(C), length(par))
    attr(C, "gradient") <- grad
covAsVec2 <- function(xNew, object, X) {
    C <- covMat(object = object, X = X, Xnew = xNew, 
                deriv = TRUE)
    der <- attr(C, "der")
    C <- as.vector(C)
    dim(der) <- c(length(C), object@d)
    attr(C, "der") <- der

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