#' Package vignette engines
#' Since R 3.0.0, package vignettes can use non-Sweave engines, and \pkg{knitr}
#' has provided a few engines to compile vignettes via \code{\link{knit}()} with
#' different templates. See \url{} for
#' more information.
#' @name vignette_engines
#' @note If you use the \code{knitr::rmarkdown} engine, please make sure that
#' you put \pkg{rmarkdown} in the \samp{Suggests} field of your
#' \file{DESCRIPTION} file. Also make sure \command{pandoc} is available
#' during \command{R CMD build}. If you build your package from RStudio, this
#' is normally not a problem. If you build the package outside RStudio, run
#' \code{rmarkdown::find_pandoc()} in an R session to check if Pandoc can be
#' found.
#' When the \pkg{rmarkdown} package is not installed or not available, or
#' \command{pandoc} cannot be found, the \code{knitr::rmarkdown} engine will
#' fall back to the \code{knitr::knitr} engine, which uses R Markdown v1 based
#' on the \pkg{markdown} package.
#' @examples library(knitr)
#' vig_list = tools::vignetteEngine(package = 'knitr')
#' str(vig_list)
#' vig_list[['knitr::knitr']][c('weave', 'tangle')]
#' vig_list[['knitr::knitr_notangle']][c('weave', 'tangle')]
#' vig_list[['knitr::docco_classic']][c('weave', 'tangle')]
vweave = function(file, driver, syntax, encoding = 'UTF-8', quiet = FALSE, ...) {
on.exit({opts_chunk$restore(); knit_hooks$restore()}, add = TRUE)
oopts = options(knitr.knit2html.force_v1 = TRUE)
on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE)
opts_chunk$set(error = FALSE) # should not hide errors
knit_hooks$set(purl = function(...) {
# run some hooks for vignettes
hook_purl(...) # write out code while weaving
# optimize PNG images if tools exist and hooks not set
for (i in c('optipng', 'pngquant'))
if (!is.function(knit_hooks$get(i)) && Sys.which(i) != '') {
switch(i, optipng = hook_optipng(...), pngquant = hook_pngquant(...))
(if (grepl('\\.[Rr]md$', file)) knit2html else if (grepl('\\.[Rr]rst$', file)) knit2pandoc else knit)(
file, encoding = encoding, quiet = quiet, envir = globalenv(), ...
vtangle = function(file, ..., encoding = 'UTF-8', quiet = FALSE) {
purl(file, encoding = encoding, quiet = quiet, ...)
vweave_docco_linear = vweave
body(vweave_docco_linear)[5L] = expression(docco_linear(
file, encoding = encoding, quiet = quiet, envir = globalenv(), ...
vweave_docco_classic = vweave
body(vweave_docco_classic)[5L] = expression(rocco(
file, encoding = encoding, quiet = quiet, envir = globalenv(), ...
vweave_rmarkdown = vweave
body(vweave_rmarkdown)[5L] = expression(rmarkdown::render(
file, encoding = encoding, quiet = quiet, envir = globalenv(),
output_dir = getwd(), ...
# do not tangle R code from vignettes
untangle_weave = function(vig_list, eng) {
weave = vig_list[[c(eng, 'weave')]]
# remove the purl hook from the weave function, but the rmarkdown engine
# function is different (not vweave_rmarkdown above, but the function(...)
# defined below in vig_engine('rmarkdown'), and it is not straightforward to
# remove the purl hook there)
if (eng != 'knitr::rmarkdown') body(weave)[4L] = expression({})
vtangle_empty = function(file, ...) {
unlink(with_ext(file, 'R'))
# when neither Pandoc nor markdown is available, just silently skip the vignette
vweave_empty = function(file, ..., .reason = 'Pandoc') {
out = with_ext(file, 'html')
writeLines(sprintf('The vignette could not be built because %s is not available.', .reason), out)
register_vignette_engines = function(pkg) {
# the default engine
vig_engine('knitr', vweave, '[.]([rRsS](nw|tex)|[Rr](md|html|rst))$')
vig_engine('docco_linear', vweave_docco_linear, '[.][Rr](md|markdown)$')
vig_engine('docco_classic', vweave_docco_classic, '[.][Rr]mk?d$')
vig_engine('rmarkdown', function(...) {
if (is_cran_check() && !has_package('rmarkdown'))
return(vweave_empty(..., .reason = 'rmarkdown'))
if (pandoc_available()) {
} else {
(if (is_R_CMD_check()) message else stop2)(
'Pandoc is required to build R Markdown vignettes but not available. ',
'Please make sure it is installed.'
if (has_package('markdown')) vweave(...) else vweave_empty(...)
}, '[.][Rr](md|markdown)$')
# vignette engines that disable tangle
vig_list = tools::vignetteEngine(package = 'knitr')
engines = grep('_notangle$', names(vig_list), value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
for (eng in engines) vig_engine(
paste(sub('^knitr::', '', eng), 'notangle', sep = '_'),
untangle_weave(vig_list, eng),
tangle = vtangle_empty,
pattern = vig_list[[c(eng, 'pattern')]]
# all engines use the same tangle and package arguments, so factor them out
vig_engine = function(..., tangle = vtangle) {
tools::vignetteEngine(..., tangle = tangle, package = 'knitr', aspell = list(
filter = knit_filter
#' Spell check filter for source documents
#' When performing spell checking on source documents, we may need to skip R
#' code chunks and inline R expressions, because many R functions and symbols
#' are likely to be identified as typos. This function is designed for the
#' \code{filter} argument of \code{\link{aspell}()} to filter out code chunks
#' and inline expressions.
#' @param ifile Filename of the source document.
#' @param encoding Ignored (the file \code{ifile} must be encoded in UTF-8).
#' @return A character vector of the file content, excluding code chunks and
#' inline expressions.
#' @export
#' @examples library(knitr)
#' knitr_example = function(...) system.file('examples', ..., package = 'knitr')
#' \donttest{
#' if (Sys.which('aspell') != '') {
#' # -t means the TeX mode
#' utils::aspell(knitr_example('knitr-minimal.Rnw'), knit_filter, control = '-t')
#' # -H is the HTML mode
#' utils::aspell(knitr_example('knitr-minimal.Rmd'), knit_filter, control = '-H -t')
#' }}
knit_filter = function(ifile, encoding = 'UTF-8') {
x = read_utf8(ifile)
n = length(x); if (n == 0) return(x)
p = detect_pattern(x, tolower(file_ext(ifile)))
if (is.null(p)) return(x)
p = all_patterns[[p]]; p1 = p$chunk.begin; p2 = p$chunk.end
m = group_indices(grepl(p1, x), grepl(p2, x))
i = m %% 2 == 0
x[i] = '' # remove code chunks
x[!i] = gsub(p$inline.code, '', x[!i], perl = TRUE) # remove inline code
structure(x, control = '-H -t')
pandoc_available = function() {
html_vignette = function(
..., fig_caption = TRUE, theme = NULL, highlight = NULL,
includes = list(
in_header = system.file('misc', 'vignette.html', package = 'knitr')
) {
..., fig_caption = fig_caption, theme = theme, highlight = highlight,
includes = includes
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