## Kernel mean shift
kms <- function(x, y, H, max.iter=400, tol.iter, tol.clust, min.clust.size, merge=TRUE, keep.path=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
n <- nrow(x)
d <- ncol(x)
if (missing(tol.iter)) tol.iter <- 1e-3*min(apply(x, 2, IQR)) ## mean(apply(apply(x, 2, range), 2, diff))
if (missing(tol.clust)) tol.clust <- 1e-2*max(apply(x, 2, IQR)) ## mean(apply(apply(x, 2, range), 2, diff))
if (missing(y)) y <- x
if (missing(min.clust.size)) min.clust.size <- round(1e-2*nrow(y),0)
if (missing(H)) H <- Hpi(x, deriv.order=1, binned=default.bflag(d=d, n=n), nstage=2-(d>2))
Hinv <- chol2inv(chol(H))
if (is.vector(y)) y <- matrix(y, nrow=1)
## mean shift iterations
n.seq <- block.indices(n, nrow(y), d=d, r=0, diff=FALSE, block.limit=3e6)
if (verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar()
ms <- list()
i <- 1
if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/(length(n.seq)-1))
ms <- kms.base(x=x, y=y[n.seq[i]:(n.seq[i+1]-1),], H=H, tol.iter=tol.iter, tol.clust=tol.clust, Hinv=Hinv, verbose=verbose, max.iter=max.iter)
if (length(n.seq)>2)
for (i in 2:(length(n.seq)-1))
if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/(length(n.seq)-1))
ms.temp <- kms.base(x=x, y=y[n.seq[i]:(n.seq[i+1]-1),], H=H, tol.iter=tol.iter, tol.clust=tol.clust, Hinv=Hinv, verbose=verbose, max.iter=max.iter)
ms$y <- rbind(ms$y, ms.temp$y)
ms$end.points <- rbind(ms$end.points, ms.temp$end.points)
ms$label <- c(ms$label, ms.temp$label + max(ms$label))
ms$mode <- rbind(ms$mode, ms.temp$mode)
ms$nclust <- ms$nclust + ms.temp$nclust
ms$nclust.table <- table(ms$label)
ms$path <- c(ms$path, ms.temp$path)
## merge clusters which are closer than tol.clust distance
ms <- ms.merge.dist(ms=ms, tol=tol.clust, verbose=FALSE)
if (verbose) close(pb)
path.temp <- ms$path
ms$path <- NULL
ms$tol.iter <- tol.iter
ms$tol.clust <- tol.clust
ms$min.clust.size <- min.clust.size
ms$names <-
if (keep.path) ms$path <- path.temp
## merge clusters which are smaller than min.clust.size
if (merge) ms <- ms.merge.num(ms, min.clust.size=min.clust.size, verbose=verbose)
kms.base <- function(x, H, Hinv, y, max.iter, tol.iter, tol.clust, verbose=FALSE)
## mean shift iterations
## original implementation J.E. Chacon (2013)
## modifications T.D. (2014)
if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
if (!is.matrix(y)) y <- as.matrix(y)
if (missing(Hinv)) Hinv <- chol2inv(chol(H))
nx <- nrow(x)
ny <- nrow(y)
d <- ncol(y)
y.path <- split(y, row(y), drop=FALSE)
names(y.path) <- NULL
xHinv <- x %*% Hinv
xHinvx <- rowSums(xHinv*x)
y.update <- y
i <- 1
eps <- max(sqrt(rowSums(y.update^2)))
disp.ind <- head(sample(1:nrow(y)), n=min(100,nrow(y)))
while (eps > tol.iter & i< max.iter)
y.curr <- y.update
yHinvy <- t(rowSums(y.curr%*%Hinv *y.curr))
Mah <- apply(yHinvy, 2, "+", xHinvx) - 2*xHinv %*% t(y.curr)
w <- exp(-Mah/2)
denom <- colSums(w)
num <- t(w)%*%x
denom[denom<=1e-3*tol.iter] <- 1e-3*tol.iter
mean.shift.H <- num/denom
y.update <- mean.shift.H
y.update.list <- split(y.update, row(y.update), drop=FALSE)
y.path <- mapply(rbind, y.path, y.update.list, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
eps <- max(sqrt(rowSums((y.curr-y.update)^2)))
if (verbose>1)
y.range <- apply(y, 2, range)
if (d==2) plot(y.update[disp.ind,], col=1, xlim=y.range[,1], ylim=y.range[,2], xlab="x", ylab="y")
else pairs(y.update[disp.ind,], col=1)
i <- i+1
ms.endpt <- t(sapply(y.path, tail, n=1, SIMPLIFY=FALSE))
## extract cluster centres
mode.tree <- hclust(dist(ms.endpt))
clust.label <- cutree(mode.tree, h=tol.clust)
nclust <- length(unique(clust.label))
mode.val <- by(ms.endpt, INDICES=clust.label, FUN=colMeans)
mode.val <- t(sapply(mode.val, FUN=identity))
colnames(mode.val) <- colnames(x)
rownames(mode.val) <- NULL
nclust.table <- table(clust.label, dnn="")
ms <- list(x=x, y=y, end.points=ms.endpt, H=H, label=clust.label, nclust=nclust, nclust.table=nclust.table, mode=mode.val, path=y.path)
class(ms) <- "kms"
## merge classes in 'label' into a single class
## label is a list of vector of class labels
## i.e. all classes in label[[j]] merged into new class j
ms.merge.label <- function(ms, label, verbose=FALSE)
ms.merge <- ms
for (i in 1:length(label))
labeli <- label[[i]]
if (length(labeli)>1)
merge.label <- min(labeli)
ms.merge$label[ms$label %in% labeli] <- merge.label
mode.label <- ms$mode[labeli[round(length(labeli)/2,0)],]
for (j in labeli) ms.merge$mode[j,] <- mode.label
ms.merge$mode <- unique(ms.merge$mode)
ms.merge$nclust <- nrow(ms.merge$mode)
ms.merge$label <- as.factor(ms.merge$label)
levels(ms.merge$label) <- 1:ms.merge$nclust
ms.merge$label <- as.numeric(ms.merge$label)
ms.merge$nclust.table <- table(ms.merge$label)
if (verbose) cat("Current clusters:", ms.merge$nclust.table, "\n")
## merge mean shift clusters based on distance threshold
ms.merge.dist <- function(ms, tol, verbose)
if (missing(tol)) tol <- 1e-1*min(apply(ms$x, 2, IQR))
mode.tree <- hclust(dist(ms$mode))
merge.label <- cutree(mode.tree, h=tol)
merge.label <- split(1:ms$nclust, merge.label, drop=FALSE)
## create list where each element is a vector of cluster labels
## to be merged into a single cluster
ms.temp <- ms.merge.label(ms=ms, label=merge.label, verbose=verbose)
## merge mean shift clusters based on min cluster size
ms.merge.num <- function(ms, min.clust.size, verbose=FALSE)
if (missing(min.clust.size)) min.clust.size <- round(1e-2*nrow(ms$y),0)
min.clust.size <- round(min.clust.size, 0)
if (any(ms$nclust.table<=min.clust.size))
if (verbose) cat("Min cluster size merging begins. Min size = ", min.clust.size, "\n")
ms.temp <- ms
while(any(ms.temp$nclust.table<=min.clust.size) & ms.temp$nclust>1)
nclust.table <- table(ms.temp$label)
small.clust.ind <- which.min(nclust.table)
if (nclust.table[small.clust.ind] <= min.clust.size)
nearest.clust.ind <- FNN::get.knnx(ms.temp$mode, ms.temp$mode, k=2)$nn.index[small.clust.ind,2]
merge.label <- ms$label
merge.label[merge.label==small.clust.ind] <- nearest.clust.ind
merge.label <- split(ms$label, merge.label, drop=FALSE)
merge.label <- lapply(merge.label, unique)
ms.temp <- ms.merge.label(ms=ms.temp, label=merge.label, verbose=verbose)
ms <- ms.temp
ms$min.clust.size <- min.clust.size
if (verbose) cat("Min cluster size merging ends.\n\n")
if (verbose) { cat("Final clusters:\n"); summary(ms) }
## Cluster partition for 2D kernel mean shift
kms.part <- function(x, H, xmin, xmax, gridsize, verbose=FALSE, ...)
if (missing(H)) H <- Hpi(x, deriv.order=1, binned=TRUE)
tol <- 5
tol.H <- tol * diag(H)
if (missing(xmin)) xmin <- apply(x, 2, min) - tol.H
if (missing(xmax)) xmax <- apply(x, 2, max) + tol.H
if (missing(gridsize)) gridsize <- default.gridsize(2)
xx <- seq(xmin[1], xmax[1], length = gridsize[1])
yy <- seq(xmin[2], xmax[2], length = gridsize[2])
xy <- expand.grid(xx, yy)
xy.kms <- kms(x=x, y=xy, H=H, verbose=verbose, ...)
xy.lab <- array(xy.kms$label, dim=gridsize)
fhat <- kde(x=x, binned=TRUE, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, bgridsize=gridsize)
fhat$estimate <- xy.lab
fhat <- c(fhat, xy.kms[c("end.points", "label", "mode", "nclust", "nclust.table", "min.clust.size", "tol.iter", "tol.clust")])
class(fhat) <- "kde.part"
plot.kde.part <- function(x, display="filled.contour", col,, alpha=1, add=FALSE, ...)
clev <- sort(unique(as.vector(x$estimate)))
if (missing( <- function(n) { hcl.colors(n, palette="Dark2", alpha=alpha) }
if (missing(col)) col <-
for (i in 1:length(clev))
xtemp <- x
xtemp$estimate <- x$estimate==clev[i]
plot.kde(xtemp, display=display, col=c("transparent", col[i]), add=add | i>1, abs.cont=0.5, drawlabels=FALSE, alpha=alpha, ...)
## S3 methods for KMS objects
## summary method
summary.kms <- function(object, ...)
cat("Number of clusters =", object$nclust, "\n")
cat("Cluster label table =", object$nclust.table, "\n")
cat("Cluster modes =\n")
print($mode), ...)
## plot method
plot.kms <- function(x, display="splom", col,, alpha=1, xlab, ylab, zlab, theta=-30, phi=40, add=FALSE, ...)
disp <- match.arg(display, c("splom", "plot3D", "rgl"))
if (is.vector(x$H)) d <- 1 else d <- ncol(x$H)
if (missing( <- function(n) { hcl.colors(n, palette="Set2", alpha=alpha) }
if (missing(col)) col <-$label)))
col <- transparency.col(col, alpha=alpha)
if (d==1) stop("kms plot not yet implemented")
else if (d==2)
if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- x$names[1]
if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- x$names[2]
if (!add) plot(x$x, col=col[x$label], xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
else points(x$x, col=col[x$label], ...)
else if (d==3 & disp %in% c("plot3D", "rgl"))
if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- x$names[1]
if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- x$names[2]
if (missing(zlab)) zlab <- x$names[3]
if (disp=="plot3D")
if (!requireNamespace("plot3D", quietly=TRUE)) stop("Install the plot3D package as it is required.", call.=FALSE)
if (!add) plot3D::points3D(x$x[,1], x$x[,2], x$x[,3], col=1, cex=0, add=add, theta=theta, phi=phi, d=4, colkey=FALSE, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, zlab=zlab, ticktype="detailed", bty="f", ...)
for (i in 1:length(col))
plot3D::points3D(x$x[x$label==i,1], x$x[x$label==i,2], x$x[x$label==i,3], col=col[i], add=TRUE, ...)
else if (disp=="rgl")
## suggestions from Viktor Petukhov 08/03/2018
if (!requireNamespace("rgl", quietly=TRUE)) stop("Install the rgl package as it is required.", call.=FALSE)
if (!add) rgl::plot3d(x$x, col=col[x$label], alpha=alpha, ...)
else rgl::points3d(x$x, col=col[x$label], alpha=alpha, ...)
else if (d>=3)
pairs(x$x, col=col[x$label], ...)
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