
Defines functions transparency.col ise.diff Lpdiff Sdrv.recursive Sdrv.direct Sdr.recursive Sdr.direct Sdrv Sdr DrL0 mat.Kpow getRow rowKpow Ksum Kpow mat.Kprod Kmat matrix.pow matrix.sqrt OF differences block.indices2 block.indices pinv.all permute.mat perm.rep which.mat is.diagonal is.even pre.sphere pre.scale dupl comm elem tr invvech invvec vech vec parse.name ks.defaults

Documented in getRow invvec invvech Lpdiff matrix.sqrt pre.scale pre.sphere rowKpow Sdr Sdrv vec vech

## Default values for parameter choices for ks objects

ks.defaults <- function(x, w, binned, bgridsize, gridsize)
    ## dimensions of x
    if (is.vector(x)) { d <- 1; n <- length(x) }
    else { d <- ncol(x); n <- nrow(x) }

    ## default uniform weights
    if (missing(w)) w <- rep(1,n)
    else if (!missing(w))
        if (!(identical(all.equal(sum(w), n), TRUE)))
            warning("Weights don't sum to sample size - they have been scaled accordingly\n")
            w <- w*n/sum(w)

    ## default binning flag
    if (missing(binned)) binned <- default.bflag(d=d, n=n)

    ## default grid sizes
    if (missing(bgridsize))
        if (missing(gridsize)) bgridsize <- default.bgridsize(d)
        else bgridsize <- gridsize
    if (missing(gridsize)) gridsize <- default.gridsize(d)
    if (length(gridsize)==1) gridsize <- rep(gridsize, d)
    if (length(bgridsize)==1) bgridsize <- rep(bgridsize, d)
    ksd <- list(d=d, n=n, w=w, binned=binned, bgridsize=bgridsize, gridsize=gridsize)


## Parse variable name

parse.name <- function(x)
    if (is.vector(x))
        d <- 1
        x.names <- deparse(substitute(x))
        d <- ncol(x)
        x.names <- colnames(x)
        if (is.null(x.names))
            x.names <- strsplit(deparse(substitute(x)), "\\[")[[1]][1]
            x.names <- paste(x.names, "[, ", 1:d,"]",sep="") 


## Basic vectors and matrices and their operations
## vec operator 

vec <- function(x, byrow=FALSE)
    if (is.vector(x)) return (x)
    if (byrow) x <- t(x)
    d <- ncol(x)
    vecx <- vector()
    for (j in 1:d) vecx <- c(vecx, x[,j])


## vech operator

vech <- function(x)
    if (is.vector(x))
    if (length(x)==1)
        return (x)
        stop("vech undefined for vectors")
    else if (is.matrix(x))
        d <- ncol(x)
        if (d!=nrow(x)) stop("vech only defined for square matrices")

        vechx <- vector()
        for (j in 1:d) vechx <- c(vechx, x[j:d,j])

## inverse vec operator 
invvec <- function(x, ncol, nrow, byrow=FALSE)
    if (length(x)==1) return(x)

    d <- sqrt(length(x))
    if (missing(ncol) | missing(nrow))
        ncol <- d; nrow <- d
        if (round(d) != d)
            stop("Need to specify nrow and ncol for non-square matrices")

    invvecx <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol)
    if (byrow)
    for (j in 1:nrow)
        invvecx[j,] <- x[c(1:ncol) + (j-1)*ncol]
        for (j in 1:ncol)
            invvecx[,j] <- x[c(1:nrow) + (j-1)*nrow]


## inverse vech operator 

invvech <- function(x)
  if (length(x)==1) return(x)
  d <- (-1 + sqrt(8*length(x) + 1))/2
  if (round(d) != d)
    stop("Number of elements in x will not form a square matrix")
  invvechx <- matrix(0, nrow=d, ncol=d)

  for (j in 1:d)
        invvechx[j:d,j] <- x[1:(d-j+1)+ (j-1)*(d - 1/2*(j-2))]
  invvechx <- invvechx + t(invvechx) - diag(diag(invvechx))

## trace of matrix

tr <- function(A)
    count <- 0
    if (is.vector(A)) return (A[1])
    if (nrow(A)!=ncol(A)) stop("Not square matrix")
        for (i in 1:nrow(A)) count <- count + A[i,i]

## elementary vector 
elem <- function(i, d)
    elem.vec <- rep(0, d)
    elem.vec[i] <- 1


## commutation matrix (taken from MCMCglmmm library)

comm <- function(m,n)
    K <- matrix(0,m*n, m*n)
    H <- matrix(0,m,n)
    for (i in 1:m)
        for(j in 1:n)
            H[i,j] <- 1
            K <- K+kronecker(H,t(H))
            H[i,j] <- 0


## Duplication matrix
## Taken from Felipe Osorio http://www.ime.usp.br/~osorio/files/dupl.q

dupl <- function(order, ret.q = FALSE)
    ## call
    cl <- match.call()
    time1 <- proc.time()
    if (!is.integer(order))
        order <- as.integer(order)
    n <- order - 1
    ## initial duplication matrix
    d1 <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
    d1[1,1] <- 1
    if (!is.integer(d1))
        storage.mode(d1) <- "integer"
    ## recursive formula
    if (n > 0)
        for (k in 1:n)
            drow <- 2*k + 1 + nrow(d1)
            dcol <- k + 1 + ncol(d1)
            d2 <- matrix(0, nrow = drow, ncol=dcol)
            storage.mode(d2) <- "integer"
            d2[1,1] <- 1
            d2[2:(k+1),2:(k+1)] <- diag(k)
            d2[(k+2):(2*k+1),2:(k+1)] <- diag(k)
            d2[(2*k+2):drow,(k+2):dcol] <- d1
            ## permutation matrix
            q <- permute.mat(k)
            ## new duplication matrix
            d2 <- q %*% d2
            storage.mode(d2) <- "integer"
            d1 <- d2
    else {
        d2 <- q <- d1
    ## results
    obj <- list(call=cl, order=order, d=d2)
    if (ret.q)
        obj$q <- q
    obj$time <- proc.time() - time1

## Pre-scaling
## Parameters
## x - data points
## Returns
## Pre-scaled x values

pre.scale <- function(x, mean.centred=FALSE)
    S <- diag(diag(var(x)))
    Sinv12 <- matrix.sqrt(chol2inv(chol(S)))

    if (mean.centred) x.scaled <- sweep(x, 2, apply(x, 2, mean))
    else x.scaled <- x  
    x.scaled <- x.scaled %*% Sinv12

    return (x.scaled)

## Pre-sphering
## Parameters
## x - data points
## Returns
## Pre-sphered x values

pre.sphere <- function(x, mean.centred=FALSE)
    S <- var(x)
    Sinv12 <- matrix.sqrt(chol2inv(chol(S)))

    if (mean.centred) x.sphered <- sweep(x, 2, apply(x, 2, mean))
    else x.sphered <- x  
    x.sphered <- x.sphered %*% Sinv12

  return (x.sphered)

## Boolean functions

is.even <- function(x)
    y <- x[x>0] %%2
    return(identical(y, rep(0, length(y))))

is.diagonal <- function(x)

## Finds row index matrix
## Parameters
## x - data points
## Returns
## i  - if r==mat[i,]
## NA - otherwise

which.mat <- function(r, mat)
    ind <- numeric()

    for (i in 1:nrow(mat))
    if (identical(r, mat[i,])) ind <- c(ind,i)


## Permutation functions

## Exactly the same function as combinat:::permn

permn.ks <- function (x, fun = NULL, ...) 
    if (is.numeric(x) && length(x) == 1 && x > 0 && trunc(x) == x) x <- seq(x)
    n <- length(x)
    nofun <- is.null(fun)
    out <- vector("list", gamma(n + 1))
    p <- ip <- seqn <- 1:n
    d <- rep(-1, n)
    d[1] <- 0
    m <- n + 1
    p <- c(m, p, m)
    i <- 1
    use <- -c(1, n + 2)
    while (m != 1) {
        out[[i]] <- if (nofun) 
        else fun(x[p[use]], ...)
        i <- i + 1
        m <- n
        chk <- (p[ip + d + 1] > seqn)
        m <- max(seqn[!chk])
        if (m < n) 
            d[(m + 1):n] <- -d[(m + 1):n]
        index1 <- ip[m] + 1
        index2 <- p[index1] <- p[index1 + d[m]]
        p[index1 + d[m]] <- m
        tmp <- ip[index2]
        ip[index2] <- ip[m]
        ip[m] <- tmp

## Permutations with repetitions of the first d naturals (1:d) taking 
## k elements at a time. There are d^k of them, each having length k 
## => We arrange them into a matrix of order d^k times k
## Each row represents one permutation
## Second version: filling in the matrix comlumn-wise (slightly faster)

perm.rep <- function(d,r)
    if (r==0) { PM <- 1 }
    if (r>0)
        PM <- matrix(nrow=d^r,ncol=r)
        for (pow in 0:(r-1))
            t2 <- d^pow
            p1 <- 1
            while (p1<=d^r)
                for (al in 1:d)
                    for (p2 in 1:t2)
                        PM[p1,r-pow] <- al
                        p1 <- p1+1


## Permute a list of values
## Same function as EXPAND.GRID (base package), modified to take 
## list as an argument and returns a matrix 

permute <- function (args) 
    nargs <- length(args)
    if (!nargs) 
    if (nargs == 1 && is.list(a1 <- args[[1]])) 
    nargs <- length(args <- a1)
    if (nargs <= 1) 
        return(as.data.frame(if (nargs == 0 || is.null(args[[1]])) list() else args, optional = TRUE))
    cargs <- args
    rep.fac <- 1
    orep <- prod(sapply(args, length))

    for (i in 1:nargs) 
        x <- args[[i]]
        nx <- length(x)
        orep <- orep/nx
        cargs[[i]] <- rep(rep(x, rep(rep.fac, nx)), orep)
        rep.fac <- rep.fac * nx
    do.call("cbind", cargs)

permute.mat <- function(order)
    m <- as.integer(order)
    m <- m + 1
    eye <- diag(m)
    u1 <- eye[1:m,1]
    u2 <- eye[1:m,2:m]
    q1 <- kronecker(eye, u1)
    q2 <- kronecker(eye, u2)
    q <- matrix(c(q1, q2), nrow = nrow(q2), ncol = ncol(q1) + ncol(q2))
    if (!is.integer(q)) storage.mode(q) <- "integer"

## pinv.all generates all the permutations PR_{d,r} as described in
## Appendix B of Chacon and Duong (2014)
pinv.all <- function(d,r)
    i <- 1:d^r
    n <- i-1
    dpow <- d^(0:r)
    n.mat <- matrix(rep(n,r+1),byrow=FALSE,nrow=d^r,ncol=r+1)
    dpow.mat <- matrix(rep(dpow,d^r),byrow=TRUE,nrow=d^r,ncol=r+1)
    ndf.mat <- floor(n.mat/dpow.mat)
    ans <- ndf.mat[,r:1]-d*ndf.mat[,(r+1):2]    


## Block indices for double sums

block.indices <- function(nx, ny, d, r=0, diff=FALSE, block.limit=1e6, npergroup)
    if (missing(npergroup)) 
        if (diff) npergroup <- max(c(block.limit %/% (nx*d^r), 1))
        else npergroup <- max(c(block.limit %/% nx,1))
    nseq <- seq(1, ny, by=npergroup)
    if (tail(nseq,n=1) <= ny) nseq <- c(nseq, ny+1)
    if (length(nseq)==1) nseq <- c(1, ny+1)

block.indices2 <- function(nx, ny, block.limit=1e6, npergroup)
    if (missing(npergroup)) npergroup <- max(c(block.limit %/% nx,1))
    nseq <- seq(1, ny, by=npergroup)
    if (tail(nseq,n=1) <= ny) nseq <- c(nseq, ny+1)
    if (length(nseq)==1) nseq <- c(1, ny+1)

## Differences for double sums calculations

differences <- function(x, y, upper=FALSE, ff=FALSE, Kpow=0)
    if (missing(y)) y <- x
    if (is.vector(x)) x <- t(as.matrix(x))
    if (is.vector(y)) y <- t(as.matrix(y))

    nx <- nrow(x)
    ny <- nrow(y)
    d <- ncol(x)

    if (ff) difs <- ff(init=0, dim=c(nx*ny,d))
    else difs <- matrix(ncol=d,nrow=nx*ny)

    for (j in 1:d)
        difs[,j] <- rep(x[,j], times=ny) - rep(y[1:ny,j], each=nx)
        ## jth column of difs contains all the differences X_{ij}-Y_{kj}

    if (upper)
        ind.remove <- numeric()
        for (j in 1:(nx-1))
          ind.remove <- c(ind.remove, (j*nx+1):(j*nx+j))
    else return(difs)

## Odd factorial

OF <- function(m) { factorial(m)/(2^(m/2)*factorial(m/2)) } 

## Matrix square root - taken from Stephen Lake 
## http://www5.biostat.wustl.edu/s-news/s-news-archive/200109/msg00067.html

matrix.sqrt <- function(A)
    if (length(A)==1) return(sqrt(A))
    sva <- svd(A)
    if (min(sva$d)>=0) Asqrt <- sva$u %*% diag(sqrt(sva$d)) %*% t(sva$v)
    else stop("Matrix square root is not defined")


## Matrix power

matrix.pow <- function(A, n)
    if (nrow(A)!=ncol(A)) stop("A must be a square matrix")
    if (floor(n)!=n) stop("n must be an integer")
    if (n==0) return(diag(ncol(A)))
    if (n < 0) return(matrix.pow(A=chol2inv(chol(A)), n=-n))
    ## trap non-integer n and return an error
    if (n == 1) return(A)
    result <- diag(1, ncol(A))
    while (n > 0) 
        if (n %% 2 != 0) 
          result <- result %*% A
          n <- n - 1
        A <- A %*% A
        n <- n / 2

## Kmat computes the commutation matrix of orders m,n
Kmat <- function(m, n)
    K <- matrix(0,ncol=m*n,nrow=m*n)
    i <-1:m; j <- 1:n
    rows <- rowSums(expand.grid((i-1)*n,j))
    cols <- rowSums(expand.grid(i,(j-1)*m))    
    positions <- cbind(rows,cols)
    K[positions] <- 1


## mat.Kprod computes row-wise Kronecker products of matrices
## Returns a matrix with rows U[i,]%x%V[i,]

mat.Kprod <- function(U,V)
    n1 <- nrow(U)
    n2 <- nrow(V)
    if (n1!=n2) stop("U and V must have the same number of vectors")
    p <- ncol(U)
    q <- ncol(V)
    onep <- rep(1,p)
    oneq <- rep(1,q)
    P <- (U%x%t(oneq))*(t(onep)%x%V)


## Kpow computes the Kronecker power of a matrix A

Kpow <- function(A,pow)
    if (floor(pow)!=pow) stop("pow must be an integer")
    Apow <- A
    if (pow==0) { Apow <- 1 }
    if (pow>1) { for(i in 2:pow) Apow <- Apow%x%A }


## Kronecker sum

Ksum <- function(A,B)
    AB <- numeric()
    for (i in 1:nrow(A))
        for (j in 1:nrow(B))
            AB <- rbind(AB, A[i,] + B[j,])


## Row-wise Kronecker product

rowKpow <- function(A,B,r=1,s=1)
    A <- as.matrix(A)
    if (missing(B))
        res <- t(apply(t(A), 2, Kpow, r))
        B <- as.matrix(B)
        if (nrow(A)!=nrow(B)) stop("A and B must have same number of rows") 
        res <- numeric()
        Ar <- t(apply(t(A), 2, Kpow, r))
        Bs <- t(apply(t(B), 2, Kpow, s))
        for (i in 1:ncol(Ar)) res <- cbind(res, apply(Bs, 2, FUN="*", Ar[,i]))

getRow <- function(object, n) { return(object[n,]) }

## Returns a matrix with the pow-th Kronecker power of A[i,] in the i-th row

mat.Kpow <- function(A,pow)
    Apow <- A
    if (pow==0) { Apow <- matrix(1,nrow=nrow(A), ncol=1) }  
    if (pow>1) 
        for(i in 2:pow) Apow <- mat.Kprod(Apow,A)


## Vector of all r-th partial derivatives of the normal density at x=0, i.e., D^{\otimes r)\phi(0)

DrL0 <- function(d,r)
    v <- as.vector(Kpow(A=vec(diag(d)),pow=r/2))
    DL0 <- (-1)^(r/2)*(2*pi)^(-d/2)*OF(r)*matrix(Sdrv(d=d, r=r, v=v), ncol=1) 

## Symmetriser matrix

## Wrapper functions for Chacon & Duong (2014) 

Sdr <- function(d, r, type="recursive")
    type <- match.arg(type, c("recursive", "direct"))
    Sdr.mat <- do.call(paste("Sdr", type, sep="."), list(d=d, r=r))


Sdrv <- function(d, r, v, type="recursive")
  type <- match.arg(type, c("recursive", "direct"))
  v <- as.vector(v)
  Sdrvec <- do.call(paste("Sdrv", type, sep="."), list(d=d, r=r, v=v))

## Sdr.direct computes the symmetrizer matrix S_{d,r} based on Equation (4)
## as described in Section 3 of Chacon and Duong (2014)

Sdr.direct <- function(d,r)
    S <- matrix(0,ncol=d^r,nrow=d^r)
    per <- permn.ks(r)
    per.rep <- pinv.all(d,r)
    nper <- factorial(r)
    nper.rep <- d^r
    per <- matrix(unlist(per), byrow=TRUE, ncol=r, nrow=nper)    
    pow <- 0:(r-1)
    dpow <- d^pow
    if (nper.rep<=nper)
        dpow.mat <- matrix(rep(dpow,nper),byrow=TRUE,ncol=r,nrow=nper)
        for(i in 1:nper.rep)
            ## Loop over no. perms with reps (d^r)
            pinvi <- per.rep[i,]
            sigpinvi <- matrix(pinvi[per],byrow=FALSE,nrow=nrow(per),ncol=ncol(per))
            psigpinvi <- drop(1+rowSums((sigpinvi-1)*dpow.mat))
            S[i,] <- tabulate(psigpinvi,nbins=d^r)
    if (nper<nper.rep)
        dpow.mat <- matrix(rep(dpow,nper.rep),byrow=TRUE,ncol=r,nrow=nper.rep)
        for (s in 1:nper)
            ## Loop over no. perms (r!)
            sig <- per[s,]
            sigpinv <- per.rep[,sig]
            psigpinv <- drop(1+rowSums((sigpinv-1)*dpow.mat))
            locations <- cbind(1:d^r,psigpinv)
            S[locations] <- S[locations]+1
## Sdr.recursive computes the symmetrizer matrix S_{d,r} based on 
## the recursive approach detailed in Algorithm 1 in Section 3 of 
## Chacon and Duong (2014)
Sdr.recursive <- function(d,r)
    S <- diag(d)
    if (r==0) S <- 1
    if (r>=2) 
        Id <- diag(d)
        T <- Id 
        A <- Kmat(d,d)        
        for (j in 2:r)
            T <- ((j-1)/j)*(A%*%(T%x%Id)%*%A)+A/j
            S <- (S%x%Id)%*%T
            if (j<r) A <- Id%x%A

## Symmetrizer matrix applied to a vector

## Sdrv.direct computes the result of multiplying the symmetrizer matrix
## S_{d,r} by a vector v of length d^r, based on Equation (4) as described
## in Section 4 of Chacon and Duong (2014)

Sdrv.direct <- function(d,r,v)
    Sv <- rep(0,d^r)
    per <- permn.ks(r)
    per.rep <- pinv.all(d,r)
    nper <- factorial(r)
    nper.rep <- d^r
    per <- matrix(unlist(per), byrow=TRUE, ncol=r, nrow=nper)    
    pow <- 0:(r-1)
    dpow <- d^pow
    if (nper.rep<=nper)
        dpow.mat <- matrix(rep(dpow,nper),byrow=TRUE,ncol=r,nrow=nper)
        for (i in 1:nper.rep)
            ## Loop over no. perms with reps (d^r)
            pinvi <- per.rep[i,]
            sigpinvi <- matrix(pinvi[per],byrow=FALSE,nrow=nrow(per),ncol=ncol(per))
            psigpinvi <- drop(1+rowSums((sigpinvi-1)*dpow.mat))
            Sv[i] <- sum(tabulate(psigpinvi,nbins=d^r)*v)
    if (nper<nper.rep)
        dpow.mat <- matrix(rep(dpow,nper.rep),byrow=TRUE,ncol=r,nrow=nper.rep)
        for (s in 1:nper)
        ## Loop over no. perms (r!)
            sig <- per[s,]
            sigpinv <- per.rep[,sig]
            psigpinv <- drop(1+rowSums((sigpinv-1)*dpow.mat))
            Sv <- Sv+v[psigpinv]
## Sdrv.recursive computes the result of multiplying the symmetrizer matrix
## S_{d,r} by a vector v of length d^r, based on the recursive Algorithm 2
## as described in Section 4 of Chacon and Duong (2014)

Sdrv.recursive <- function(d,r,v)
    if ((!is.vector(v)) & (!is.matrix(v))) { stop("v must be a vector or a matrix") }
    if (is.vector(v)) { v <- matrix(v,nrow=1) }
    n <- nrow(v)   
    if (ncol(v)!=d^r) { stop("Length of the vector(s) must equal d^r") }
    if ((r==0)|(r==1)) { w <- v } 
        per.rep <- pinv.all(d,r)
        nper.rep <- d^r
        dpow <- d^((r-1):0)
        dpow.mat <- matrix(rep(dpow,d^r),ncol=r,nrow=d^r,byrow=TRUE) 

        w <- v
        for (p in 2:r)
            Tv <- matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=d^r)
            for (j in 1:p)
                per.rep.tau <- per.rep
                per.rep.tau[,j] <- per.rep[,p]
                per.rep.tau[,p] <- per.rep[,j]
                positions <- 1+rowSums((per.rep.tau-1)*dpow.mat)
                Tv[,positions] <- Tv[,positions]+w
            w <- Tv/p


## Lp norm between two functions (grid based)

Lpdiff <- function(f1, f2, p=2, index=1)
    if (is.vector(f1$H)) d <- 1 else d <- ncol(f1$H)
    f.diff <- f1
    if (is.list(f1$estimate)) f.diff$estimate <- (abs(f1$estimate[[index]] - f2$estimate[[index]]))^p
    else f.diff$estimate <- (abs(f1$estimate - f2$estimate))^p
    if (d==1)
        delta <- diff(f.diff$eval.points)
        riemann.sum <- sum(c(delta[1], delta)*f.diff$estimate)
    else if (d>1)
        delta <- sapply(f.diff$eval.points, diff)
        delta <- rbind(head(delta, n=1), delta)
        if (d==2) riemann.sum <- sum(outer(delta[,1], delta[,2]) * f.diff$estimate)
        else if (d==3) riemann.sum <- sum(outer(outer(delta[,1], delta[,2]), delta[,3]) * f.diff$estimate)


## ISE of difference between two KDEs

ise.diff <- function(fhat1, fhat2, xmin, xmax)
    if(!isTRUE(all.equal(fhat1$eval.points, fhat2$eval.points)))
    stop("fhat1 and fhat2 need to de defined on the same grid")

    fhat.sq <- fhat1
    fhat.sq$estimate <- (fhat1$estimate - fhat2$estimate)^2

    if (missing(xmin) & missing(xmax))
    int <- integral.kde(fhat=fhat.sq, q=max(fhat.sq$eval.points)+0.1*abs(max(fhat.sq$eval.points)), density=FALSE)

    if (missing(xmin) & !missing(xmax))
    int <- integral.kde(fhat=fhat.sq, q=xmax, density=FALSE)

    if (!missing(xmin) & missing(xmax))
    int <- integral.kde(fhat=fhat.sq, q=max(fhat.sq$eval.points)+0.1*abs(max(fhat.sq$eval.points)), density=FALSE) - integral.kde(fhat=fhat.sq, q=xmin, density=FALSE)

    if (!missing(xmin) & !missing(xmax))
    int <- integral.kde(fhat=fhat.sq, q=xmax, density=FALSE) - integral.kde(fhat=fhat.sq, q=xmin, density=FALSE)


## Create transparent colour
## partial alias for plot3D::alpha.col

## copied from plot3D::alpha.col
plot3D.alpha.col <- function (col="grey", alpha=0.5) 
    RGBini <- col2rgb(col)
    return(rgb(t(RGBini), maxColorValue=255, alpha=alpha*255))

transparency.col <- function(col, alpha)
    trans.ind <- col!="transparent"
    col[trans.ind] <- plot3D.alpha.col(col[trans.ind], alpha=alpha)

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ks documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:28 a.m.