
Defines functions cfaList semList lavaanList

Documented in cfaList lavaanList semList

# lavaanList: fit the *same* model, on different datasets
# YR - 29 Jun 2016
# YR - 27 Jan 2017: change lavoptions; add dotdotdot to each call
# TDJ - 23 Aug 2018: change wrappers to preserve arguments from match.call()

lavaanList <- function(model         = NULL,             # model
                       dataList      = NULL,             # list of datasets
                       dataFunction  = NULL,             # generating function
                       dataFunction.args = list(),       # optional arguments
                       ndat          = length(dataList), # how many datasets?
                       cmd           = "lavaan",
                       store.slots   = c("partable"),    # default is partable
                       FUN           = NULL,             # arbitrary FUN
                       show.progress = FALSE,
                       store.failed  = FALSE,
                       parallel      = c("no", "multicore", "snow"),
                       ncpus         = max(1L, parallel::detectCores() - 1L),
                       cl            = NULL,
                       iseed         = NULL) {

    # store.slots call
    mc  <- match.call()

    # check store.slots
    store.slots <- tolower(store.slots)
    if(length(store.slots) == 1L && store.slots == "all") {
        store.slots <- c("timing", "partable", "data", "samplestats",
                         "cache", "loglik", "h1", "baseline", "external",
                         "vcov", "test", "optim", "implied")

    # dataList or function?
    if(is.function(dataFunction)) {
        if(ndat == 0L) {
            stop("lavaan ERROR: please specify number of requested datasets (ndat)")
        firstData <- do.call(dataFunction, args = dataFunction.args)
        #dataList  <- vector("list", length = ndat)
    } else {
        firstData <- dataList[[1]]

    # check data
    if(is.matrix(firstData)) {
        # check if we have column names?
        NAMES <- colnames(firstData)
        if(is.null(NAMES)) {
            stop("lavaan ERROR: data is a matrix without column names")
    } else if(inherits(firstData, "data.frame")) {
        # check?
    } else {
        stop("lavaan ERROR: (generated) data is not a data.frame (or a matrix)")

    # parallel (see boot package)
    if (missing(parallel)) {
        #parallel <- getOption("boot.parallel", "no")
        parallel <- "no"
    parallel <- match.arg(parallel)
    have_mc <- have_snow <- FALSE
    if (parallel != "no" && ncpus > 1L) {
        if (parallel == "multicore") {
            have_mc <- .Platform$OS.type != "windows"
        } else if (parallel == "snow") {
            have_snow <- TRUE
        if (!have_mc && !have_snow) {
            ncpus <- 1L

    # dot dot dot
    dotdotdot <- list(...)

    # if 'model' is a lavaan object (perhaps from lavSimulate), no need to
    # call `cmd'
    if(inherits(model, "lavaan")) {
        FIT <- model
    } else {
        # adapt for FIT
        #dotdotdotFIT <- dotdotdot
        #dotdotdotFIT$do.fit  <- TRUE    # to get starting values
        #dotdotdotFIT$se      <- "none"
        #dotdotdotFIT$test    <- "none"
        #dotdotdotFIT$verbose <- FALSE
        #dotdotdotFIT$debug   <- FALSE

        # initial model fit, using first dataset
        FIT <- do.call(cmd,
                       args = c(list(model  = model,
                                     data   = firstData), dotdotdot) )

    lavoptions  <- FIT@Options
    lavmodel    <- FIT@Model
    lavpartable <- FIT@ParTable
    lavpta      <- FIT@pta

    # remove any options in lavoptions from dotdotdot
    if(length(dotdotdot) > 0L) {
        rm.idx <- which(names(dotdotdot) %in% names(lavoptions))
        if(length(rm.idx) > 0L) {
            dotdotdot <- dotdotdot[ -rm.idx ]

    # remove start/est/se columns from lavpartable
    lavpartable$start <- lavpartable$est <- lavpartable$se <- NULL

    # empty slots
    timingList <- ParTableList <- DataList <- SampleStatsList <-
        CacheList <- vcovList <- testList <- optimList <-
        h1List <- loglikList <- baselineList <-
        impliedList <- funList <- list()

    # prepare store.slotsd slots
    if("timing" %in% store.slots) {
        timingList <- vector("list", length = ndat)
    if("partable" %in% store.slots) {
        ParTableList <- vector("list", length = ndat)
    if("data" %in% store.slots) {
        DataList <- vector("list", length = ndat)
    if("samplestats" %in% store.slots) {
        SampleStatsList <- vector("list", length = ndat)
    if("cache" %in% store.slots) {
        CacheList <- vector("list", length = ndat)
    if("vcov" %in% store.slots) {
        vcovList <- vector("list", length = ndat)
    if("test" %in% store.slots) {
        testList <- vector("list", length = ndat)
    if("optim" %in% store.slots) {
        optimList <- vector("list", length = ndat)
    if("implied" %in% store.slots) {
        impliedList <- vector("list", length = ndat)
    if("loglik" %in% store.slots) {
        loglikList <- vector("list", length = ndat)
    if("h1" %in% store.slots) {
        h1List <- vector("list", length = ndat)
    if("baseline" %in% store.slots) {
        baselineList <- vector("list", length = ndat)

    if(!is.null(FUN)) {
        funList <- vector("list", length = ndat)

    # single run
    fn <- function(i) {

        if(show.progress) {
            cat("   ... data set number:", sprintf("%4d", i))

        # get new dataset
        if(i == 1L) {
            DATA <- firstData
        } else if(is.function(dataFunction)) {
            DATA <- do.call(dataFunction, args = dataFunction.args)
        } else if(is.list(dataList)) {
            DATA <- dataList[[i]]

        # if categorical, check if we have enough response categories
        # for each ordered variables in DATA
        data.ok.flag <- TRUE
        if(FIT@Model@categorical) {
            # expected nlev
            ord.idx <- unique(unlist(FIT@pta$vidx$ov.ord))
            NLEV.exp <- FIT@Data@ov$nlev[ord.idx]
            # observed nlev
            NLEV.obs <- sapply(DATA[,unique(unlist(FIT@pta$vnames$ov.ord)),
                               function(x) length(unique(na.omit(x))))
            wrong.idx <- which(NLEV.exp - NLEV.obs != 0)
            if(length(wrong.idx) > 0L) {
                data.ok.flag <- FALSE

        # adapt lavmodel for this new dataset
        # - starting values will be different
        # - ov.x variances/covariances
        # FIXME: can we not make the changes internally?
        #if(lavmodel@fixed.x && length(vnames(lavpartable, "ov.x")) > 0L) {
            #for(g in 1:FIT@Data@ngroups) {
            lavmodel <- NULL

        # fit model with this (new) dataset
        if(data.ok.flag) {
            if(cmd %in% c("lavaan", "sem", "cfa", "growth")) {
                #lavoptions$start <- FIT # FIXME: needed?
                lavobject <- try(do.call("lavaan",
                                     args = c(list(slotOptions  = lavoptions,
                                                   slotParTable = lavpartable,
                                                   slotModel    = lavmodel,
                                                   #start        = FIT,
                                                   data         = DATA),
                             silent = TRUE)
            } else if(cmd == "fsr") {
                # extract fs.method and fsr.method from dotdotdot
                if(!is.null(dotdotdot$fs.method)) {
                    fs.method <- dotdotdot$fs.method
                } else {
                    fs.method <- formals(fsr)$fs.method # default

                if(!is.null(dotdotdot$fsr.method)) {
                    fsr.method <- dotdotdot$fsr.method
                } else {
                    fsr.method <- formals(fsr)$fsr.method # default

                lavoptions$start <- FIT # FIXME: needed?
                lavobject <- try(do.call("fsr",
                                     args = c(list(slotOptions  = lavoptions,
                                                   slotParTable = lavpartable,
                                                   slotModel    = lavmodel,
                                                   #start        = FIT,
                                                   data         = DATA,
                                                   cmd          = "lavaan",
                                                   fs.method    = fs.method,
                                                   fsr.method   = fsr.method),
                             silent = TRUE)
            } else {
                stop("lavaan ERROR: unknown cmd: ", cmd)
        } # data.ok.flag

        RES <- list(ok = FALSE, timing = NULL, ParTable = NULL,
                    Data = NULL, SampleStats = NULL, vcov = NULL,
                    test = NULL, optim = NULL, implied = NULL,
                    baseline = NULL, baseline.ok = FALSE, fun = NULL)

        if(data.ok.flag && inherits(lavobject, "lavaan") &&
           lavInspect(lavobject, "converged")) {
            RES$ok <- TRUE

            if(show.progress) {
                cat("   OK -- niter = ",
                        sprintf("%3d", lavInspect(lavobject, "iterations")),

            # extract slots from fit
            if("timing" %in% store.slots) {
                RES$timing <- lavobject@timing
            if("partable" %in% store.slots) {
                RES$ParTable <- lavobject@ParTable
            if("data" %in% store.slots) {
                RES$Data <- lavobject@Data
            if("samplestats" %in% store.slots) {
                RES$SampleStats <- lavobject@SampleStats
            if("cache" %in% store.slots) {
                RES$Cache <- lavobject@Cache
            if("vcov" %in% store.slots) {
                RES$vcov <- lavobject@vcov
            if("test" %in% store.slots) {
                RES$test <- lavobject@test
            if("optim" %in% store.slots) {
                RES$optim <- lavobject@optim
            if("implied" %in% store.slots) {
                RES$implied <- lavobject@implied
            if("loglik" %in% store.slots) {
                RES$loglik <- lavobject@loglik
            if("h1" %in% store.slots) {
                RES$h1 <- lavobject@h1
            if("baseline" %in% store.slots) {
                RES$baseline <- lavobject@baseline
                if(length(lavobject@baseline) > 0L) {
                    RES$baseline.ok <- TRUE

            # custom FUN
            if(!is.null(FUN)) {
                RES$fun <- FUN(lavobject)

        } else { # failed!
            if(show.progress) {
                if(data.ok.flag) {
                    if(inherits(lavobject, "lavaan")) {
                        cat("   FAILED: no convergence\n")
                    } else {
                        cat("   FAILED: could not construct lavobject\n")
                } else {
                    cat("   FAILED: nlev too low for some vars\n")
            if("partable" %in% store.slots) {
                RES$ParTable <- lavpartable
                RES$ParTable$est <- RES$ParTable$start
                RES$ParTable$est[ RES$ParTable$free > 0 ] <- as.numeric(NA)
                RES$ParTable$se <- numeric( length(lavpartable$lhs) )
                RES$ParTable$se[ RES$ParTable$free > 0 ] <- as.numeric(NA)
            if(store.failed) {
                tmpfile <- tempfile(pattern = "lavaanListData")
                datfile <- paste0(tmpfile, ".csv")
                write.csv(DATA, file = datfile, row.names = FALSE)
                if(data.ok.flag) {
                    # or only if lavobject is of class lavaan?
                    objfile <- paste0(tmpfile, ".RData")
                    write(lavobject, file = objfile)


    # the next 20 lines are based on the boot package
    RES <- if (ncpus > 1L && (have_mc || have_snow)) {
        if (have_mc) {
            parallel::mclapply(seq_len(ndat), fn, mc.cores = ncpus)
        } else if (have_snow) {
            list(...) # evaluate any promises
            if (is.null(cl)) {
                cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(rep("localhost", ncpus))
                if(RNGkind()[1L] == "L'Ecuyer-CMRG") {
                    parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cl, iseed = iseed)
                RES <- parallel::parLapply(cl, seq_len(ndat), fn)
            } else {
                parallel::parLapply(cl, seq_len(ndat), fn)
    } else {
        lapply(seq_len(ndat), fn)

    # restructure
    if("baseline" %in% store.slots) {
        meta <- list(ndat = ndat, ok = sapply(RES, "[[", "ok"),
                     baseline.ok = sapply(RES, "[[", "baseline.ok"),
                     store.slots = store.slots)
    } else {
        meta <- list(ndat = ndat, ok = sapply(RES, "[[", "ok"),
                     store.slots = store.slots)

    # extract store.slots slots
    if("timing" %in% store.slots) {
        timingList <- lapply(RES, "[[", "timing")
    if("partable" %in% store.slots) {
        ParTableList <- lapply(RES, "[[", "ParTable")
    if("data" %in% store.slots) {
        DataList <- lapply(RES, "[[", "Data")
    if("samplestats" %in% store.slots) {
        SampleStatsList <- lapply(RES, "[[", "SampleStats")
    if("cache" %in% store.slots) {
        CacheList <- lapply(RES, "[[", "Cache")
    if("vcov" %in% store.slots) {
        vcovList <- lapply(RES, "[[", "vcov")
    if("test" %in% store.slots) {
        testList <- lapply(RES, "[[", "test")
    if("optim" %in% store.slots) {
        optimList <- lapply(RES, "[[", "optim")
    if("implied" %in% store.slots) {
        impliedList <- lapply(RES, "[[", "implied")
    if("h1" %in% store.slots) {
        h1List <- lapply(RES, "[[", "h1")
    if("loglik" %in% store.slots) {
        loglikList <- lapply(RES, "[[", "loglik")
    if("baseline" %in% store.slots) {
        baselineList <- lapply(RES, "[[", "baseline")
    if(!is.null(FUN)) {
        funList <- lapply(RES, "[[", "fun")

    # create lavaanList object
    lavaanList <- new("lavaanList",
                      call         = mc,
                      Options      = lavoptions,
                      ParTable     = lavpartable,
                      pta          = lavpta,
                      Model        = lavmodel,
                      Data         = FIT@Data,

                      # meta
                      meta         = meta,

                      # per dataset
                      timingList      = timingList,
                      ParTableList    = ParTableList,
                      DataList        = DataList,
                      SampleStatsList = SampleStatsList,
                      CacheList       = CacheList,
                      vcovList        = vcovList,
                      testList        = testList,
                      optimList       = optimList,
                      impliedList     = impliedList,
                      h1List          = h1List,
                      loglikList      = loglikList,
                      baselineList    = baselineList,

                      funList         = funList,

                      external     = list()


semList <- function(model         = NULL,
                    dataList      = NULL,
                    dataFunction  = NULL,
                    dataFunction.args = list(),
                    ndat          = length(dataList),
                    store.slots   = c("partable"),
                    FUN           = NULL,
                    show.progress = FALSE,
                    store.failed  = FALSE,
                    parallel      = c("no", "multicore", "snow"),
                    ncpus         = max(1L, parallel::detectCores() - 1L),
                    cl            = NULL,
                    iseed         = NULL) {

  mc <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
  mc$cmd <- "sem"
  mc[[1L]] <- quote(lavaan::lavaanList)
  eval(mc, parent.frame())

cfaList <- function(model         = NULL,
                    dataList      = NULL,
                    dataFunction  = NULL,
                    dataFunction.args = list(),
                    ndat          = length(dataList),
                    store.slots   = c("partable"),
                    FUN           = NULL,
                    show.progress = FALSE,
                    store.failed  = FALSE,
                    parallel      = c("no", "multicore", "snow"),
                    ncpus         = max(1L, parallel::detectCores() - 1L),
                    cl            = NULL,
                    iseed         = NULL) {

  mc <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
  mc$cmd <- "cfa"
  mc[[1L]] <- quote(lavaan::lavaanList)
  eval(mc, parent.frame())

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lavaan documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:08 p.m.