locfdr <-
function(zz, bre = 120, df = 7, pct = 0, pct0 = 1/4, nulltype = 1, type = 0, plot = 1, mult, mlests, main = " ", sw = 0)
call =
if(length(bre) > 1) {
lo <- min(bre)
up <- max(bre)
bre <- length(bre)
else {
if(length(pct) > 1) {
lo <- pct[1]
up <- pct[2]
else {
if(pct == 0) {
lo <- min(zz)
up <- max(zz)
if(pct < 0) {
med = median(zz)
ra = med + (1 - pct) * (range(zz) - med)
lo = ra[1]
up = ra[2]
if(pct > 0) {
v <- quantile(zz, c(pct, 1 - pct))
lo <- v[1]
up <- v[2]
zzz <- pmax(pmin(zz, up), lo)
breaks <- seq(lo, up, length = bre)
zh <- hist(zzz, breaks = breaks, plot = F)
x <- (breaks[-1] + breaks[ - length(breaks)])/2
yall <- y <- zh$counts
K <- length(y)
N <- length(zz)
if(pct > 0) {
y[1.] <- min(y[1.], 1.)
y[K] <- min(y[K], 1.)
if(type == 0) {
X <- cbind(1, ns(x, df = df))
f <- glm(y ~ ns(x, df = df), poisson)$fit
else {
X <- cbind(1, poly(x, df = df))
f <- glm(y ~ poly(x, df = df), poisson)$fit
l <- log(f)
Fl <- cumsum(f)
Fr <- cumsum(rev(f))
D <- (y - f)/(f + 1)^0.5
D <- sum(D[2:(K - 1)]^2)/(K - 2 - df)
if(D > 1.5)
warning(paste("f(z) misfit = ", round(
D, 1), ". Rerun with increased df", sep=""))
# ............. create fp0 matrix ..........................
if (nulltype == 3) {
fp0 = matrix(NA, 6, 4)
colnames(fp0) = c("delta", "sigleft", "p0", "sigright")
else {
fp0 = matrix(NA, 6, 3)
colnames(fp0) = c("delta", "sigma", "p0")
rownames(fp0) = c("thest", "theSD", "mlest", "mleSD", "cmest", "cmeSD")
fp0["thest", 1:2] = c(0,1)
fp0["theSD", 1:2] = 0
# ..............begin central matching f0 calcs...............
imax <- seq(l)[l == max(l)][1]
xmax <- x[imax]
if(length(pct0) == 1) {
pctup <- 1 - pct0
pctlo <- pct0
else {
pctlo <- pct0[1]
pctup <- pct0[2]
lo0 <- quantile(zz, pctlo)
hi0 <- quantile(zz, pctup)
nx <- length(x)
i0 <- (1.:nx)[x > lo0 & x < hi0]
x0 <- x[i0]
y0 <- l[i0]
if(nulltype == 3) {
X00 <- cbind((x0 - xmax)^2, pmax(x0 - xmax, 0)^2)
else {
X00 <- cbind(x0 - xmax, (x0 - xmax)^2)
lr <- lm(y0 ~ X00)
co <- lr$coef
## Error messages for failed CM estimation ##
if (nulltype == 3) {
cmerror = I([3]) |[2]))
if (!cmerror) cmerror = I(co[2] >= 0 | co[2]+co[3]>=0)
else {
cmerror =[3])
if (!cmerror) cmerror = I(co[3] >= 0)
if (cmerror) {
if (nulltype == 3)
stop("CM estimation failed. Rerun with nulltype = 1 or 2.")
if (nulltype == 2)
stop("CM estimation failed. Rerun with nulltype = 1.")
else {
X0 <- cbind(1, x - xmax, (x - xmax)^2)
warning("CM estimation failed, middle of histogram non-normal")
else {
if(nulltype == 3) {
X0 <- cbind(1, (x - xmax)^2, pmax(x - xmax, 0)^2)
sigs <- 1/sqrt(-2 * (c(co[2], co[2] + co[3])))
fp0["cmest", c(1,2,4)] <- c(xmax, sigs)
else {
X0 <- cbind(1, x - xmax, (x - xmax)^2)
xmaxx <- - co[2.]/(2. * co[3.]) + xmax
sighat <- 1./sqrt(-2. * co[3.])
fp0["cmest", 1:2] <- c(xmaxx, sighat)
l0 <- as.vector(X0 %*% co)
f0 <- exp(l0)
p0 <- sum(f0)/sum(f)
f0 <- f0/p0
fp0["cmest", 3] <- p0
#............... begin MLE f0 calcs ........................
b = 4.3 * exp(-0.26*log(N,10))
med = median(zz);sc=diff(quantile(zz)[c(2,4)])/(2*qnorm(.75))
mlests = locmle(zz, xlim=c(med, b*sc))
if (N>500000) {
warning("length(zz) > 500,000: For ML estimation, a wider interval than optimal was used. To use the optimal interval, rerun with mlests = c(", mlests[1], ", ", b * mlests[2], ").\n", sep="")
mlests = locmle(zz, xlim=c(med, sc))
if (![1])) {
if (N>500000) b = 1
if (nulltype == 1) { = list(x=x, X=X, f=f, sw=sw)
ml.out = locmle(zz, xlim = c(mlests[1], b * mlests[2]),
d=mlests[1], s=mlests[2],
mlests = ml.out$mle
else mlests = locmle(zz, xlim = c(mlests[1], b * mlests[2]),
d=mlests[1], s=mlests[2])
fp0["mlest", 1:3] = mlests[1:3]
fp0["mleSD", 1:3] = mlests[4:6]
if (sum([c(3,5),1:2])) == 0 & nulltype > 1)
if(abs(fp0["cmest",1] - mlests[1]) > 0.050000000000000003 |
abs(log(fp0["cmest",2]/mlests[2])) > 0.050000000000000003)
warning("Discrepancy between central matching and maximum likelihood estimates.\nConsider rerunning with nulltype = 1")
## Error messages for failed ML estimation ##
if ([1])) {
if (nulltype == 1) {
if (["cmest", 1]))
stop("CM and ML Estimation failed, middle of histogram non-normal")
else stop("ML estimation failed. Rerun with nulltype=2")
else warning("ML Estimation failed")
if(nulltype < 2) {
delhat = xmax = xmaxx = mlests[1]
sighat = mlests[2]
p0 = mlests[3]
f0 = dnorm(x, delhat, sighat)
f0 = (sum(f) * f0)/sum(f0)
fdr = pmin((p0 * f0)/f, 1)
f00 <- exp( - x^2/2)
f00 <- (f00 * sum(f))/sum(f00)
p0theo <- sum(f[i0])/sum(f00[i0])
fp0["thest", 3] = p0theo
fdr0 <- pmin((p0theo * f00)/f, 1)
f0p <- p0 * f0
if(nulltype == 0)
f0p <- p0theo * f00
F0l <- cumsum(f0p)
F0r <- cumsum(rev(f0p))
Fdrl <- F0l/Fl
Fdrr <- rev(F0r/Fr)
Int <- (1 - fdr) * f * (fdr < 0.90000000000000002)
##### raise fdr to 1 near xmax .............
if (sum(x <= xmax & fdr == 1) > 0)
xxlo <- min(x[x <= xmax & fdr == 1])
else xxlo = xmax
if (sum(x >= xmax & fdr == 1) > 0)
xxhi <- max(x[x >= xmax & fdr == 1])
else xxhi = xmax
if (sum(x >= xxlo & x <= xxhi) > 0)
fdr[x >= xxlo & x <= xxhi] <- 1
if (sum(x <= xmax & fdr0 == 1) > 0)
xxlo <- min(x[x <= xmax & fdr0 == 1])
else xxlo = xmax
if (sum(x >= xmax & fdr0 == 1) > 0)
xxhi <- max(x[x >= xmax & fdr0 == 1])
else xxhi = xmax
if (sum(x >= xxlo & x <= xxhi) > 0)
fdr0[x >= xxlo & x <= xxhi] <- 1
##################### raise fdr to 1 for mle option
if(nulltype == 1) {
fdr[x >= mlests[1] - mlests[2] & x <= mlests[1] + mlests[
2]] = 1
fdr0[x >= mlests[1] - mlests[2] & x <= mlests[1] + mlests[
2]] = 1
p1 <- sum((1 - fdr) * f)/N
p1theo <- sum((1 - fdr0) * f)/N
fall <- f + (yall - y)
########Efdr1 calculations
Efdr <- sum((1 - fdr) * fdr * fall)/sum((1 - fdr) * fall)
Efdrtheo <- sum((1 - fdr0) * fdr0 * fall)/sum((1 - fdr0) * fall)
iup <- (1:K)[x >= xmax]
ido <- (1:K)[x <= xmax]
Eleft <- sum((1 - fdr[ido]) * fdr[ido] * fall[ido])/sum((1 - fdr[
ido]) * fall[ido])
Eleft0 <- sum((1 - fdr0[ido]) * fdr0[ido] * fall[ido])/sum((1 -
fdr0[ido]) * fall[ido])
Eright <- sum((1 - fdr[iup]) * fdr[iup] * fall[iup])/sum((1 - fdr[
iup]) * fall[iup])
Eright0 <- sum((1 - fdr0[iup]) * fdr0[iup] * fall[iup])/sum((
1 - fdr0[iup]) * fall[iup])
Efdr <- c(Efdr, Eleft, Eright, Efdrtheo, Eleft0, Eright0)
Efdr[which(] = 1
names(Efdr) <- c("Efdr", "Eleft", "Eright", "Efdrtheo", "Eleft0",
if(nulltype == 0)
f1 <- (1 - fdr0) * fall
else f1 <- (1 - fdr) * fall
############ multiple sample size Efdr1 calculation
if(!missing(mult)) {
mul = c(1, mult)
EE = rep(0, length(mul))
for(m in 1:length(EE)) {
xe = sqrt(mul[m]) * x
f1e = approx(xe, f1, x, rule = 2, ties=mean)$y
f1e = (f1e * sum(f1))/sum(f1e)
f0e = f0
p0e = p0
if(nulltype == 0) {
f0e = f00
p0e = p0theo
fdre = (p0e * f0e)/(p0e * f0e + f1e)
EE[m] = sum(f1e * fdre)/sum(f1e)
EE = EE/EE[1]
names(EE) = mul
#................. Accuracy Calcs .................................
Cov2.out = loccov2(X, X0, i0, f, fp0["cmest",], N)
Cov0.out = loccov2(X, matrix(1, length(x), 1), i0, f, fp0["thest",], N)
if(sw == 3) {
if (nulltype==0) Ilfdr = Cov0.out$Ilfdr
else if (nulltype==1) Ilfdr = ml.out$Ilfdr
else if (nulltype==2) Ilfdr = Cov2.out$Ilfdr
else stop("With sw=3, nulltype must equal 0, 1, or 2.")
if (nulltype == 0) Cov = Cov0.out$Cov
else if (nulltype == 1) Cov = ml.out$Cov.lfdr
else Cov = Cov2.out$Cov
lfdrse <- diag(Cov)^0.5
fp0["cmeSD",1:3] = Cov2.out$stdev[c(2,3,1)]
if (nulltype==3) fp0["cmeSD",4] = fp0["cmeSD",2]
fp0["theSD",3] = Cov0.out$stdev[1]
########### sw==2 returns Influence function pds. ##########
if(sw == 2) {
if (nulltype==0) {
pds = fp0["thest", c(3,1,2)]
stdev = fp0["theSD", c(3,1,2)]
pds. = t(Cov0.out$pds.)
else if (nulltype==1) {
pds = fp0["mlest",c(3,1,2)]
stdev = fp0["mleSD",c(3,1,2)]
pds. = t(ml.out$pds.)
else if (nulltype==2) {
pds = fp0["cmest",c(3,1,2)]
stdev = fp0["cmeSD", c(3,1,2)]
pds. = t(Cov2.out$pds.)
else stop("With sw=2, nulltype must equal 0, 1, or 2.")
colnames(pds.) = names(pds) = c("p0", "delhat", "sighat")
names(stdev) = c("sdp0", "sddelhat", "sdsighat")
return(list(pds=pds, x=x, f=f, pds.=pds., stdev=stdev))
# find cdf1, the cdf of fdr according to f1 density..................
p1 <- seq(0.01, 0.99, 0.01)
cdf1 <- rep(0, 99)
fd <- fdr
if(nulltype == 0)
fd <- fdr0
for(i in 1:99)
cdf1[i] <- sum(f1[fd <= p1[i]])
cdf1 <- cbind(p1, cdf1/cdf1[99])
mat <- cbind(x, fdr, Fdrl, Fdrr, f, f0, f00, fdr0, yall, lfdrse,
namat <- c("x", "fdr", "Fdrleft", "Fdrright", "f", "f0", "f0theo",
"fdrtheo", "counts", "lfdrse", "p1f1")
if(nulltype == 0)
namat[c(3, 4, 10)] <- c("Fdrltheo", "Fdrrtheo",
dimnames(mat) <- list(NULL, namat)
############## Locations of triangles ###########
z.2 = rep(NA, 2)
m = order(fd)[nx]
if (fd[nx] < 0.2) {
z.2[2] = approx(fd[m:nx], x[m:nx], 0.20000000000000001,
if (fd[1] < 0.2) {
z.2[1] = approx(fd[1:m], x[1:m], 0.20000000000000001,
################### Plotting ####################
if(plot > 0) {
if(plot == 2 | plot == 3)
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2), pty = "m")
else if (plot ==4) oldpar = par(mfrow = c(1, 3), pty = "m")
hist(zzz, breaks = breaks, xlab = " ", main = main)
################### make yt positive ##############
yt <- pmax(yall * (1 - fd), 0)
for(k in 1:K)
lines(c(x[k], x[k]), c(0, yt[k]), lwd = 2, col = 6)
if(nulltype == 3)
title(xlab = paste("delta=", round(xmax, 3),
"sigleft=", round(sigs[1], 3),
" sigright=", round(sigs[2], 3), "p0=",
round(fp0["cmest", 3], 3)))
if(nulltype == 1 | nulltype == 2)
title(xlab = paste("MLE: delta:", round(
mlests[1], 3), "sigma:", round(mlests[
2], 3), "p0:", round(mlests[3], 3)),
sub = paste("CME: delta:",
round(fp0["cmest",1], 3),
"sigma:", round(fp0["cmest",2], 3),
"p0:", round(fp0["cmest", 3], 3)))
lines(x, f, lwd = 3, col = 3)
if(nulltype == 0)
lines(x, p0theo*f00, lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = 4)
lines(x, p0*f0, lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = 4)
################## Plot triangles ###############
if (![2]))
points(z.2[2], -0.5, pch = 24, col="red", bg="yellow")
points(z.2[1], -0.5, pch = 24, col="red", bg="yellow")
if(nulltype == 1 | nulltype ==2)
Ef <- Efdr[1]
else if (nulltype == 0) Ef <- Efdr[4]
if (plot == 2 | plot == 4) {
if(nulltype == 0)
fdd <- fdr0
else fdd = fdr
matplot(x, cbind(fdd, Fdrl, Fdrr), type = "l",
lwd = 3, xlab = " ", ylim = c(0,
1.1000000000000001), main =
"fdr (solid); Fdr's (dashed)")
title(xlab = paste("Efdr= ", round(Ef, 3)))
abline(0, 0, lty = 3, col = 2)
lines(c(0, 0), c(0, 1), lty = 3, col = 2)
if (plot == 3 | plot == 4) {
if(sum([, 2])) == nrow(cdf1))
warning("cdf1 not available")
else {
plot(cdf1[, 1], cdf1[, 2], type = "l",
lwd = 3, xlab = "fdr level", ylim
= c(0, 1), ylab =
"f1 proportion < fdr level", main
= "f1 cdf of estimated fdr")
title(sub = paste("Efdr= ", round(Ef,
0.20000000000000001), c(0, cdf1[
20, 2]), col = 4, lty = 2)
lines(c(0, 0.20000000000000001), rep(
cdf1[20, 2], 2), col = 4, lty = 2)
text(0.050000000000000003, cdf1[20, 2],
round(cdf1[20, 2], 2))
abline(0, 0, col = 2)
lines(c(0, 0), c(0, 1), col = 2)
if(plot > 1)
if(nulltype == 0) {
ffdr <- approx(x, fdr0, zz, rule = 2, ties="ordered")$y
else ffdr <- approx(x, fdr, zz, rule = 2, ties="ordered")$y
vl = list(fdr = ffdr, fp0 = fp0, Efdr = Efdr, cdf1 = cdf1, mat = mat,
z.2 = z.2)
vl$mult = EE
vl$call = call
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