lsp <- function (x, times = NULL, from = NULL, to = NULL, type = c("frequency", "period"), ofac = 1, alpha = 0.01, normalize=c("standard","press"), plot = TRUE, ...) {
type <- match.arg(type)
if (ofac != floor(ofac)) {
ofac <- floor(ofac)
warning("ofac coerced to integer")
if (ofac < 1) {
ofac <- 1
warning("ofac must be integer >=1. Set to 1")
if (!is.null(times)) {
if (!is.vector(times))
stop("no multivariate methods available")
if (length(x) != length(times))
stop("Length of data and times vector must be equal")
names <- c(deparse(substitute(times)), deparse(substitute(x)))
if (is.null(times) && is.null(ncol(x))) {
names <- c("Time", deparse(substitute(x)))
times <- 1:length(x)
if (is.matrix(x) || {
if (ncol(x) > 2)
stop("no multivariate methods available")
if (ncol(x) == 2) {
names <- colnames(x)
times <- x[, 1]
x <- x[, 2]
times <- times[!]
x <- x[!]
nobs <- length(x)
if (nobs < 2)
stop("time series must have at least two observations")
times <- as.numeric(times)
start <- min(times)
end <- max(times) <- mean(diff(times))
o <- order(times)
times <- times[o]
x <- x[o]
y <- cbind(times, x)
colnames(y) <- names
datanames <- colnames(y)
t <- y[, 1]
y <- y[, 2]
n <- length(y)
tspan <- t[n] - t[1]
fr.d <- 1/tspan
step <- 1/(tspan * ofac)
if (type == "period") {
hold <- from
from <- to
to <- hold
if (!is.null(from))
from <- 1/from
if (!is.null(to))
to <- 1/to
if (is.null(to)) {
f.max <- floor(0.5 * n * ofac) * step
} else {
f.max <- to
freq <- seq(fr.d, f.max, by = step)
if (!is.null(from))
freq <- freq[freq >= from]
n.out <- length(freq)
if (n.out == 0)
stop("erroneous frequency range specified ")
x <- t * 2 * pi
y <- y - mean(y)
if (normalize=="standard") {
} else if (normalize=="press"){
norm <- 1/(2 * var(y))
} else {
stop ("normalize must be 'standard' or 'press'")
w <- 2 * pi * freq
PN <- rep(0, n.out)
for (i in 1:n.out) {
wi <- w[i]
tau <- 0.5 * atan2(sum(sin(wi * t)), sum(cos(wi * t)))/wi
arg <- wi * (t - tau)
cs <- cos(arg)
sn <- sin(arg)
A <- (sum(y * cs))^2
B <- sum(cs * cs)
C <- (sum(y * sn))^2
D <- sum(sn * sn)
PN[i] <- A/B + C/D
PN <- norm * PN
PN.max <- max(PN)
peak.freq <- freq[PN == PN.max]
if (type == "period") <- c(1/peak.freq, peak.freq) else <- c(peak.freq, 1/peak.freq)
scanned <- if (type == "frequency")
freq else 1/freq
if (type == "period") {
scanned <- scanned[n.out:1]
PN <- PN[n.out:1]
if (normalize=="press"){
effm <- 2 * n.out/ofac
level <- -log(1 - (1 - alpha)^(1/effm))
exPN <- exp(-PN.max)
p <- effm * exPN
if (p > 0.01) p <- 1 - (1 - exPN)^effm
if (normalize=="standard"){
p<-pbaluev (Z,fmax,tm=t)
sp.out <- list(normalize=normalize, scanned = scanned, power = PN, data = datanames, n = n,
type = type, ofac = ofac, n.out = n.out, alpha = alpha,
sig.level = level, peak = PN.max, =, p.value = p)
class(sp.out) <- "lsp"
if (plot) {
plot(sp.out, ...)
} else {
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