
Defines functions plot.pca plotExtreme.pca plotDistDoF plotQDoF plotT2DoF plotBiplot.pca plotLoadings.pca plotResiduals.pca plotScores.pca plotCumVariance.pca plotVariance.pca pca.cal pca.run pca.nipals pca.svd pca.getB pca.mvreplace summary.pca print.pca predict.pca categorize.pca getCalibrationData.pca getProbabilities.pca setDistanceLimits.pca selectCompNum.pca pca

Documented in categorize.pca getCalibrationData.pca getProbabilities.pca pca pca.cal pca.getB pca.mvreplace pca.nipals pca.run pca.svd plotBiplot.pca plotCumVariance.pca plotDistDoF plotExtreme.pca plotLoadings.pca plot.pca plotQDoF plotResiduals.pca plotScores.pca plotT2DoF plotVariance.pca predict.pca print.pca selectCompNum.pca setDistanceLimits.pca summary.pca

#' Principal Component Analysis
#' @description
#' \code{pca} is used to build and explore a principal component analysis (PCA) model.
#' @param x
#' calibration data (matrix or data frame).
#' @param ncomp
#' maximum number of components to calculate.
#' @param center
#' logical, do mean centering of data or not.
#' @param scale
#' logical, do standardization of data or not.
#' @param exclrows
#' rows to be excluded from calculations (numbers, names or vector with logical values)
#' @param exclcols
#' columns to be excluded from calculations (numbers, names or vector with logical values)
#' @param x.test
#' test data (matrix or data frame).
#' @param method
#' method to compute principal components ("svd", "nipals").
#' @param rand
#' vector with parameters for randomized PCA methods (if NULL, conventional PCA is used instead)
#' @param lim.type
#' which method to use for calculation of critical limits for residual distances (see details)
#' @param alpha
#' significance level for extreme limits for T2 and Q disances.
#' @param gamma
#' significance level for outlier limits for T2 and Q distances.
#' @param info
#' a short text with model description.
#' @details
#' Note, that from v. 0.10.0 cross-validation is no more supported in PCA.
#' If number of components is not specified, a minimum of number of objects - 1 and number of
#' variables in calibration set is used. One can also specified an optimal number of component,
#' once model is calibrated (\code{ncomp.selected}). The optimal number of components is used to
#' build a residuals distance plot, as well as for SIMCA classification.
#' If some of rows of calibration set should be excluded from calculations (e.g. because they are
#' outliers) you can provide row numbers, names, or logical values as parameter \code{exclrows}. In
#' this case they will be completely ignored we model is calibrated. However, score and residuls
#' distances will be computed for these rows as well and then hidden. You can show them
#' on corresponding plots by using parameter \code{show.excluded = TRUE}.
#' It is also possible to exclude selected columns from calculations by provideing parameter
#' \code{exclcols} in form of column numbers, names or logical values. In this case loading matrix
#' will have zeros for these columns. This allows to compute PCA models for selected variables
#' without removing them physically from a dataset.
#' Take into account that if you see other packages to make plots (e.g. ggplot2) you will
#' not be able to distinguish between hidden and normal objects.
#' By default loadings are computed for the original dataset using either SVD or NIPALS algorithm.
#' However, for datasets with large number of rows (e.g. hyperspectral images), there is a
#' possibility to run algorithms based on random permutations [1, 2]. In this case you have
#' to define parameter \code{rand} as a vector with two values: \code{p} - oversampling parameter
#' and \code{k} - number of iterations. Usually \code{rand = c(15, 0)} or  \code{rand = c(5, 1)}
#' are good options, which give quite almost precise solution but much faster.
#' There are several ways to calculate critical limits for orthogonal (Q, q) and score (T2, h)
#' distances. In \code{mdatools} you can specify one of the following methods via parameter
#' \code{lim.type}: \code{"jm"} Jackson-Mudholkar approach [3], \code{"chisq"} - method based on
#' chi-square distribution [4], \code{"ddmoments"} and \code{"ddrobust"} - related to data
#' driven method proposed in [5]. The \code{"ddmoments"} is based on method of moments for
#' estimation of distribution parameters (also known as "classical" approach) while
#' \code{"ddrobust"} is based in robust estimation.
#' If \code{lim.type="chisq"} or \code{lim.type="jm"} is used, only limits for Q-distances are
#' computed based on corresponding approach, limits for T2-distances are computed using
#' Hotelling's T-squared distribution. The methods utilizing the data driven approach calculate
#' limits for combination of the distances bases on chi-square distribution and parameters
#' estimated from the calibration data.
#' The critical limits are calculated for a significance level defined by parameter \code{'alpha'}.
#' You can also specify another parameter, \code{'gamma'}, which is used to calculate acceptance
#' limit for outliers (shown as dashed line on residual distance plot).
#' You can also recalculate the limits for existent model by using different values for alpha and
#' gamme, without recomputing the model itself. In this case use the following code (it is assumed
#' that you current PCA/SIMCA model is stored in variable \code{m}):
#' \code{m = setDistanceLimits(m, lim.type, alpha, gamma)}.
#' In case of PCA the critical limits are just shown on residual plot as lines and can be used for
#' detection of extreme objects (solid line) and outliers (dashed line). When PCA model is used for
#' classification in SIMCA (see \code{\link{simca}}) the limits are also employed for
#' classification of objects.
#' @return
#' Returns an object of \code{pca} class with following fields:
#' \item{ncomp }{number of components included to the model.}
#' \item{ncomp.selected }{selected (optimal) number of components.}
#' \item{loadings }{matrix with loading values (nvar x ncomp).}
#' \item{eigenvals }{vector with eigenvalues for all existent components.}
#' \item{expvar }{vector with explained variance for each component (in percent).}
#' \item{cumexpvar }{vector with cumulative explained variance for each component (in percent).}
#' \item{T2lim }{statistical limit for T2 distance.}
#' \item{Qlim }{statistical limit for Q residuals.}
#' \item{info }{information about the model, provided by user when build the model.}
#' \item{calres }{an object of class \code{\link{pcares}} with PCA results for a calibration data.}
#' \item{testres }{an object of class \code{\link{pcares}} with PCA results for a test data, if it
#' was provided.}
#' More details and examples can be found in the Bookdown tutorial.
#' @references
#' 1. N. Halko, P.G. Martinsson, J.A. Tropp. Finding structure with randomness: probabilistic
#' algorithms for constructing approximate matrix decompositions. SIAM Review, 53 (2010) pp.
#' 217-288.
#' 2. S. Kucheryavskiy, Blessing of randomness against the curse of dimensionality,
#' Journal of Chemometrics, 32 (2018).
#' 3. J.E. Jackson, A User's Guide to Principal Components, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY (1991).
#' 4. A.L. Pomerantsev, Acceptance areas for multivariate classification derived by projection
#' methods, Journal of Chemometrics, 22 (2008) pp. 601-609.
#' 5. A.L. Pomerantsev, O.Ye. Rodionova, Concept and role of extreme objects in PCA/SIMCA,
#' Journal of Chemometrics, 28 (2014) pp. 429-438.
#' @author
#' Sergey Kucheryavskiy (svkucheryavski@@gmail.com)
#' @seealso
#' Methods for \code{pca} objects:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'    \code{plot.pca} \tab makes an overview of PCA model with four plots.\cr
#'    \code{summary.pca} \tab shows some statistics for the model.\cr
#'    \code{categorize.pca} \tab categorize data rows as "normal", "extreme" or "outliers".\cr
#'    \code{\link{selectCompNum.pca}} \tab set number of optimal components in the model\cr
#'    \code{\link{setDistanceLimits.pca}} \tab set critical limits for residuals\cr
#'    \code{\link{predict.pca}} \tab applies PCA model to a new data.\cr
#' }
#' Plotting methods for \code{pca} objects:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'    \code{\link{plotScores.pca}} \tab shows scores plot.\cr
#'    \code{\link{plotLoadings.pca}} \tab shows loadings plot.\cr
#'    \code{\link{plotVariance.pca}} \tab shows explained variance plot.\cr
#'    \code{\link{plotCumVariance.pca}} \tab shows cumulative explained variance plot.\cr
#'    \code{\link{plotResiduals.pca}} \tab shows plot for residual distances (Q vs. T2).\cr
#'    \code{\link{plotBiplot.pca}} \tab shows bi-plot.\cr
#'    \code{\link{plotExtreme.pca}} \tab shows extreme plot.\cr
#'    \code{\link{plotT2DoF}} \tab plot with degrees of freedom for score distance.\cr
#'    \code{\link{plotQDoF}} \tab plot with degrees of freedom for orthogonal distance.\cr
#'    \code{\link{plotDistDoF}} \tab plot with degrees of freedom for both distances.\cr
#' }
#' Most of the methods for plotting data are also available for PCA results (\code{\link{pcares}})
#' objects. Also check \code{\link{pca.mvreplace}}, which replaces missing values in a data matrix
#' with approximated using iterative PCA decomposition.
#' @examples
#' library(mdatools)
#' ### Examples for PCA class
#' ## 1. Make PCA model for People data with autoscaling
#' data(people)
#' model = pca(people, scale = TRUE, info = "Simple PCA model")
#' model = selectCompNum(model, 4)
#' summary(model)
#' plot(model, show.labels = TRUE)
#' ## 2. Show scores and loadings plots for the model
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
#' plotScores(model, comp = c(1, 3), show.labels = TRUE)
#' plotScores(model, comp = 2, type = "h", show.labels = TRUE)
#' plotLoadings(model, comp = c(1, 3), show.labels = TRUE)
#' plotLoadings(model, comp = c(1, 2), type = "h", show.labels = TRUE)
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
#' ## 3. Show residual distance and variance plots for the model
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
#' plotVariance(model, type = "h")
#' plotCumVariance(model, show.labels = TRUE, legend.position = "bottomright")
#' plotResiduals(model, show.labels = TRUE)
#' plotResiduals(model, ncomp = 2, show.labels = TRUE)
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
#' @export
pca <- function(x, ncomp = min(nrow(x) - 1, ncol(x), 20), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE,
   exclrows = NULL, exclcols = NULL, x.test = NULL, method = "svd", rand = NULL,
   lim.type = "ddmoments", alpha = 0.05, gamma = 0.01, info = "") {

   # check calibration data and process excluded rows and columns
   x <- prepCalData(x, exclrows = exclrows, exclcols = exclcols, min.nrows = 2, min.ncols = 2)

   # calibrate model and set distance limits
   model <- pca.cal(x, ncomp, center = center, scale = scale, method = method, rand = rand)
   model$info <- info
   model$call <- match.call()

   # apply the model to calibration set
   model$res <- list()
   model$res[["cal"]] <- predict.pca(model, x)
   model$calres <- model$res[["cal"]]

   # compute critical limit parameters
   model$limParams <- list(
      "Q" = ldecomp.getLimParams(model$res[["cal"]]$Q),
      "T2" = ldecomp.getLimParams(model$res[["cal"]]$T2)

   # apply model to test set if provided
   if (!is.null(x.test)) {
      model$res[["test"]] <- predict.pca(model, x.test)
      model$testres <- model$res[["test"]]

   # set distance limits
   model <- setDistanceLimits(model, lim.type = lim.type, alpha = alpha, gamma = gamma)

   class(model) <- c("pca")

#' Select optimal number of components for PCA model
#' @description
#' Allows user to select optimal number of components for a PCA model
#' @param obj
#' PCA model (object of class \code{pca})
#' @param ncomp
#' number of components to select
#' @param ...
#' other parameters if any
#' @return
#' the same model with selected number of components
#' @export
selectCompNum.pca <- function(obj, ncomp, ...) {
   if (ncomp < 1 || ncomp > obj$ncomp) {
      stop("Wrong number of selected components.")

   obj$ncomp.selected <- ncomp
   obj$res[["cal"]]$ncomp.selected <- ncomp
   obj$calres <- obj$res[["cal"]]

   if (!is.null(obj$res$test)) {
      obj$res[["test"]]$ncomp.selected <- ncomp
      obj$testres <- obj$res[["test"]]


#' Compute and set statistical limits for Q and T2 residual distances.
#' @description
#' Computes statisticsl limits for orthogonal and score distances (based on calibration set)
#' and assign the calculated values as model properties.
#' @param obj
#' object with PCA model
#' @param lim.type
#' type of limits ("jm", "chisq", "ddmoments", "ddrobust")
#' @param alpha
#' significance level for detection of extreme objects
#' @param gamma
#' significance level for detection of outliers (for data driven approach)
#' @param ...
#' other arguments
#' @details
#' The limits can be accessed as fields of model objects: \code{$Qlim} and \code{$T2lim}. Each
#' is a matrix with four rows and \code{ncomp} columns. First row contains critical limits for
#' extremes, second row - for outliers, third row contains mean value for corresponding distance
#' (or its robust estimate in case of \code{lim.type = "ddrobust"}) and last row contains the
#' degrees of freedom.
#' @return
#' Object models with the two fields updated.
#' @export
setDistanceLimits.pca <- function(obj, lim.type = obj$lim.type, alpha = obj$alpha,
   gamma = obj$gamma, ...) {

   obj$T2lim <- ldecomp.getT2Limits(lim.type, alpha, gamma, obj$limParams)
   obj$Qlim <- ldecomp.getQLimits(lim.type, alpha, gamma, obj$limParams,
      obj$res[["cal"]]$residuals, obj$eigenvals)

   obj$alpha <- alpha
   obj$gamma <- gamma
   obj$lim.type <- lim.type

   attr(obj$res[["cal"]]$Q, "u0") <- obj$Qlim[3, ]
   attr(obj$res[["cal"]]$Q, "Nu") <- obj$Qlim[4, ]
   attr(obj$res[["cal"]]$T2, "u0") <- obj$T2lim[3, ]
   attr(obj$res[["cal"]]$T2, "Nu") <- obj$T2lim[4, ]
   obj$calres <- obj$res[["cal"]]

   if (!is.null(obj$res$test)) {
      attr(obj$res[["test"]]$Q, "u0") <- obj$Qlim[3, ]
      attr(obj$res[["test"]]$Q, "Nu") <- obj$Qlim[4, ]
      attr(obj$res[["test"]]$T2, "u0") <- obj$T2lim[3, ]
      attr(obj$res[["test"]]$T2, "Nu") <- obj$T2lim[4, ]
      obj$testres <- obj$res[["test"]]


#' Probabilities for residual distances
#' @details
#' Computes p-value for every object being from the same populaion as calibration set
#' based on its orthogonal and score distances.
#' @param obj
#' object with PCA model
#' @param ncomp
#' number of components to compute the probability for
#' @param q
#' vector with squared orthogonal distances for given number of components
#' @param h
#' vector with score distances for given number of components
#' @param ...
#' other parameters
#' @export
getProbabilities.pca <- function(obj, ncomp, q, h, ...) {

   # if chisq / hotelling
   if (obj$lim.type == "chisq") {
      nobj <- obj$T2lim[4, ncomp]
      return(pmax(chisq.prob(q, obj$Qlim[3:4, ncomp]), hotelling.prob(h, ncomp, nobj)))

   if (obj$lim.type == "jm") {
      nobj <- obj$T2lim[4, ncomp]
      return(pmax(jm.prob(q, attr(obj$Qlim, "eigenvals"), ncomp), hotelling.prob(h, ncomp, nobj)))

   # if data driven
   h0 <- obj$T2lim[3, ncomp]
   Nh <- round(obj$T2lim[4, ncomp])
   q0 <- obj$Qlim[3, ncomp]
   Nq <- round(obj$Qlim[4, ncomp])

   f <- Nh * h / h0 + Nq * q / q0
   return(pchisq(f, Nh + Nq))

#' Returns matrix with original calibration data
#' @param obj
#' object with PCA model
#' @export
getCalibrationData.pca <- function(obj) {
   x <- obj$res[["cal"]]$scores %*% t(obj$loadings) + obj$res[["cal"]]$residuals

   if (!is.logical(obj$scale) && length(obj$scale) == ncol(x)) {
      x <- sweep(x, 2, obj$scale, "*")

   if (!is.logical(obj$center) && length(obj$center) == ncol(x)) {
      x <- sweep(x, 2, obj$center, "+")


#' Categorize PCA results based on orthogonal and score distances.
#' @description
#' The method compares score and orthogonal distances of PCA results from \code{res} with
#' critical limits computed for the PCA model and categorizes the corresponding objects as
#' "regular", "extreme" or "outlier".
#' @param obj
#' object with PCA model
#' @param res
#' object with PCA results
#' @param ncomp
#' number of components to use for the categorization
#' @param ...
#' other parameters
#' @details
#' The method does not categorize hidden values if any.
#' @return
#' vector (factor) with results of categorization.
#' @export
categorize.pca <- function(obj, res = obj$res$cal, ncomp = obj$ncomp.selected, ...) {

   create_categories <- function(nobj, extremes_ind, outliers_ind) {
      categories <- rep(1, nobj)
      categories[extremes_ind] <- 2
      categories[outliers_ind] <- 3
      return(factor(categories, levels = 1:3, labels = c("regular", "extreme", "outlier")))

   # get distance values for selected number of components
   h <- res$T2[, ncomp]
   q <- res$Q[, ncomp]

   # remove excluded values if any
   rows_excluded <- attr(res$T2, "exclrows")
   if (length(rows_excluded) > 0) {
      h <- h[-rows_excluded]
      q <- q[-rows_excluded]

   nobj <- length(h)

   # if chisq / hotelling
   if (obj$lim.type %in% c("jm", "chisq")) {
      outliers_ind <- (h >= obj$T2lim[2, ncomp] | q >= obj$Qlim[2, ncomp])
      extremes_ind <- (h >= obj$T2lim[1, ncomp] | q >= obj$Qlim[1, ncomp])
      return(create_categories(nobj, extremes_ind, outliers_ind))

   # if data driven
   h0 <- obj$T2lim[3, ncomp]
   Nh <- obj$T2lim[4, ncomp]
   q0 <- obj$Qlim[3, ncomp]
   Nq <- obj$Qlim[4, ncomp]

   f <- Nh * h / h0 + Nq * q / q0
   outliers_ind <- f > (obj$T2lim[2, ncomp] * Nh / h0)
   extremes_ind <- f > (obj$T2lim[1, ncomp] * Nh / h0)
   return(create_categories(nobj, extremes_ind, outliers_ind))

#' PCA predictions
#' @description
#' Applies PCA model to a new data set.
#' @param object
#' a PCA model (object of class \code{pca}).
#' @param x
#' data values (matrix or data frame).
#' @param ...
#' other arguments.
#' @return
#' PCA results (an object of class \code{pcares})
#' @export
predict.pca <- function(object, x, ...) {

   # check datasets and convert to matrix if needed
   attrs <- attributes(x)
   rownames <- rownames(x)
   x <- prepCalData(x, min.nrows = 1, min.ncols = nrow(object$loadings) - length(attrs$exclcols))

   if (ncol(x) != nrow(object$loadings)) {
      stop("Number and type of data columns should be the same as in calibration dataset.")

   # compute scores and residuals
   x <- prep.autoscale(x, center = object$center, scale = object$scale)
   scores <- x %*% object$loadings
   residuals <- x - tcrossprod(scores, object$loadings)

   # set names
   rownames(scores) <- rownames(residuals) <- rownames
   colnames(scores) <- colnames(object$loadings)
   colnames(residuals) <- attrs$dimnames[[2]]

   # set attributes
   scores <- mda.setattr(scores, attrs, "row")
   residuals <- mda.setattr(residuals, attrs)
   attr(scores, "name") <- "Scores"
   attr(scores, "xaxis.name") <- "Components"
   attr(residuals, "name") <- "Residuals"

   if (is.null(attrs$yaxis.name)) {
      attr(scores, "yaxis.name") <- "Objects"

   # create and return the results object
   res <- pcares(scores, object$loadings, residuals, object$eigenvals, object$ncomp.selected)
   attr(res$Q, "u0") <- object$Qlim[3, ]
   attr(res$Q, "Nu") <- object$Qlim[4, ]
   attr(res$T2, "u0") <- object$T2lim[3, ]
   attr(res$T2, "Nu") <- object$T2lim[4, ]


#' Print method for PCA model object
#' @description
#' Prints information about the object structure
#' @param x
#' a PCA model (object of class \code{pca})
#' @param ...
#' other arguments
#' @export
print.pca <- function(x, ...) {

   cat("\nPCA model (class pca)\n")

   if (length(x$info) > 1) {


   cat("\nMajor model fields:\n")
   cat("$loadings - matrix with loadings\n")
   cat("$eigenvals - eigenvalues for components\n")
   cat("$ncomp - number of calculated components\n")
   cat("$ncomp.selected - number of selected components\n")
   cat("$center - values for centering data\n")
   cat("$scale - values for scaling data\n")
   cat("$alpha - significance level for critical limits\n")
   cat("$gamma - significance level for outlier limits\n")
   cat("$Qlim - critical values and parameters for orthogonal distances\n")
   cat("$T2lim - critical values and parameters for score distances\n")
   cat("$res - list with model results (calibration, test)\n")

#' Summary method for PCA model object
#' @description
#' Shows some statistics (explained variance, eigenvalues) for the model.
#' @param object
#' a PCA model (object of class \code{pca})
#' @param ...
#' other arguments
#' @export
summary.pca <- function(object, ...) {

   cat("\nSummary for PCA model (class pca)\n")

   if (length(object$info) > 1) {
      fprintf("\nInfo:\n%s\n", object$info)

   if (!is.null(object$rand)) {
      fprintf("\nParameters for randomized algorithm: q = %d, p = %d\n",
         object$rand[1], object$rand[2])

   if (length(object$exclrows) > 0) {
      fprintf("Excluded rows: %d\n", length(object$exclrows))

   if (length(object$exclcols) > 0) {
      fprintf("Excluded coumns: %d\n", length(object$exclcols))

   fprintf("Type of limits: %s\n", object$lim.type)
   fprintf("Alpha: %s\n", object$alpha)
   fprintf("Gamma: %s\n", object$gamma)

   data <- cbind(
      round(object$eigenvals, 3),
      round(object$calres$expvar, 2),
      round(object$calres$cumexpvar, 2),
      object$Qlim[4, ],
      object$T2lim[4, ]

   colnames(data) <- c("Eigenvals", "Expvar", "Cumexpvar", "Nq", "Nh")
   rownames(data) <- colnames(object$loadings)

#  Static methods              #

#' Replace missing values in data
#' @description
#' \code{pca.mvreplace} is used to replace missing values in a data matrix with
#' approximated by iterative PCA decomposition.
#' @param x
#' a matrix with data, containing missing values.
#' @param center
#' logical, do centering of data values or not.
#' @param scale
#' logical, do standardization of data values or not.
#' @param maxncomp
#' maximum number of components in PCA model.
#' @param expvarlim
#' minimum amount of variance, explained by chosen components (used for selection of optimal number
#' of components in PCA models).
#' @param covlim
#' convergence criterion.
#' @param maxiter
#' maximum number of iterations if convergence criterion is not met.
#' @details
#' The function uses iterative PCA modeling of the data to approximate and impute missing values.
#' The result is most optimal for data sets with low or moderate level of noise and with number of
#' missing values less than 10\% for small dataset and up to 20\% for large data.
#' @return
#' Returns the same matrix \code{x} where missing values are replaced with approximated.
#' @references
#' Philip R.C. Nelson, Paul A. Taylor, John F. MacGregor. Missing data methods in PCA and PLS:
#' Score calculations with incomplete observations. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory
#' Systems, 35 (1), 1996.
#' @author
#' Sergey Kucheryavskiy (svkucheryavski@@gmail.com)
#' @examples
#' library(mdatools)
#' ## A very simple example of imputing missing values in a data with no noise
#' # generate a matrix with values
#' s = 1:6
#' odata = cbind(s, 2*s, 4*s)
#' # make a matrix with missing values
#' mdata = odata
#' mdata[5, 2] = mdata[2, 3] = NA
#' # replace missing values with approximated
#' rdata = pca.mvreplace(mdata, scale = TRUE)
#' # show all matrices together
#' show(cbind(odata, mdata, round(rdata, 2)))
#' @export
pca.mvreplace <- function(x, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, maxncomp = 10, expvarlim = 0.95,
   covlim = 10^-6, maxiter = 100) {

   # save original values and indices of missing ones
   xo <- x
   mvidx <- is.na(x)

   # check if any column has more than 20% values
   nmv_cols <- colSums(mvidx) / nrow(x)
   if (any(nmv_cols > 0.2)) {
      stop("Some of columns have more than 20% missing values.")

   # make initial estimates with mean values for each column
   col_means <- matrix(apply(xo, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE), byrow = TRUE, nrow(x), ncol(x))
   xo[mvidx] <- col_means[mvidx]

   # autoscale
   xo <- scale(xo, center = center, scale = scale)

   if (scale) {
      gsd <- attr(xo, "scaled:scale")

   if (center) {
      gmean <- attr(xo, "scaled:center")

   n <- 1
   scoresp <- 0
   scores <- 1
   cond <- 1
   maxncomp <- min(maxncomp, nrow(x) - 1, ncol(x))
   x <- xo
   while (cond > covlim && n < maxiter) {

      # recenter data on every iteration
      x <- scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
      lmean <- attr(x, "scaled:center")

      # compute PCA decomposition annd find number of components
      res <- pca.svd(x, maxncomp)
      expvar <- cumsum(res$eigenvals / sum(res$eigenvals))
      ncomp <- min(which(expvar >= expvarlim), maxncomp)

      # correct number of components for border cases
      if (ncomp == length(expvar)) ncomp <- ncomp - 1
      if (ncomp == 0) ncomp <- 1

      # get and trancate scores and loadings and reestimate the values
      scoresp <- scores
      loadings <- res$loadings[, seq_len(ncomp)]
      scores <- x %*% loadings
      x_new <- tcrossprod(scores, loadings)

      # remove centering
      x_new <- sweep(x_new, 2L, lmean, "+", check.margin = FALSE)

      # replace missing values by the calculated
      x <- xo
      x[mvidx] <- x_new[mvidx]

      if (n > 2) {
         # calculate difference between scores for convergence
         ncompcond <- min(ncol(scores), ncol(scoresp))
         cond <- sum((scores[, seq_len(ncompcond)] - scoresp[, seq_len(ncompcond)])^2)

      n <- n + 1

   # rescale the data back and return
   if (scale) {
      x <- sweep(x, 2L, gsd, "*", check.margin = FALSE)

   if (center) {
      x <- sweep(x, 2L, gmean, "+", check.margin = FALSE)

   attr(x, "scaled:center") <- NULL
   attr(x, "scaled:scale") <- NULL

#' Low-dimensional approximation of data matrix X
#' @param X
#' data matrix
#' @param k
#' rank of X (number of components)
#' @param rand
#' a vector with two values - number of iterations (q) and oversmapling parameter (p)
#' @param dist
#' distribution for generating random numbers, 'unif' or 'norm'
#' @import stats
pca.getB <- function(X, k = NULL, rand = NULL, dist = "unif") {

   if (is.null(rand)) {

   ncols <- ncol(X)

   q <- rand[1]
   p <- rand[2]
   k <- if (is.null(k)) ncols else 2 * k

   l <- k + p
   Y <- if (dist == "unif")
            X %*% matrix(runif(ncols * l, -1, 1), ncols, l)
            X %*% matrix(rnorm(ncols * l), ncols, l)

   Q <- qr.Q(qr(Y))
   if (q > 0) {
      for (i in seq_len(q)) {
         Y <- crossprod(X, Q)
         Q <- qr.Q(qr(Y))
         Y <- X %*% Q
         Q <- qr.Q(qr(Y))

   return(crossprod(Q, X))

#' Singular Values Decomposition based PCA algorithm
#' @description
#' Computes principal component space using Singular Values Decomposition
#' @param x
#' a matrix with data values (preprocessed)
#' @param ncomp
#' number of components to calculate
#' @return
#' a list with scores, loadings and eigenvalues for the components
pca.svd <- function(x, ncomp = min(ncol(x), nrow(x) - 1)) {

   s <- svd(x, nu = ncomp, nv = ncomp)
   lambda <- s$d[seq_len(ncomp)]

         loadings = s$v,
         scores = s$u %*% diag(lambda, ncomp, ncomp),
         eigenvals = lambda^2 / (nrow(x) - 1),
         ncomp = ncomp

#' NIPALS based PCA algorithm
#' @description
#' Calculates principal component space using non-linear iterative partial least squares algorithm
#' @param x
#' a matrix with data values (preprocessed)
#' @param ncomp
#' number of components to calculate
#' @param tol
#' tolerance (if difference in eigenvalues is smaller - convergence achieved)
#' @return
#' a list with scores, loadings and eigenvalues for the components
#' @references
#' Geladi, Paul; Kowalski, Bruce (1986), "Partial Least Squares
#' Regression:A Tutorial", Analytica Chimica Acta 185: 1-17
pca.nipals <- function(x, ncomp = min(ncol(x), nrow(x) - 1), tol = 10^-10) {
   nobj <- nrow(x)
   nvar <- ncol(x)

   if (ncomp < 1 || ncomp > min(nobj - 1, nvar)) {
      stop("Wrong number of components")

   scores <- matrix(0, nrow = nobj, ncol = ncomp)
   loadings <- matrix(0, nrow = nvar, ncol = ncomp)

   E <- x
   for (i in seq_len(ncomp)) {
      ind <- which.max(apply(E, 2, sd))
      t <- E[, ind, drop = FALSE]
      tau <- th <- 99999999
      while (th > tol * tau) {
         p <- crossprod(E, t) / as.vector(crossprod(t))
         p <- p / as.vector(crossprod(p)) ^ 0.5
         t <- (E %*% p) / as.vector(crossprod(p))

         th <- abs(tau - as.vector(crossprod(t)))
         tau <- as.vector(crossprod(t))

      E <- E - tcrossprod(t, p)
      scores[, i] <- t
      loadings[, i] <- p

         loadings = loadings,
         scores = scores,
         eigenvals = colSums(scores^2) / (nobj - 1)

#' Runs one of the selected PCA methods
#' @param x
#' data matrix
#' @param ncomp
#' number of components
#' @param method
#' name of PCA methods ('svd', 'nipals')
#' @param rand
#' parameters for randomized algorithm (if not NULL)
#' @export
pca.run <- function(x, ncomp, method, rand = NULL) {

   # define which function to use depending on method name
   f <- switch(
      "svd" = pca.svd,
      "nipals" = pca.nipals,
      stop("Wrong value for PCA method!")

   # use proper function to compute scores, loadings and eigenvalues
   res <- f(pca.getB(x, k = ncomp, rand = rand), ncomp)

   # recompute scores and eigenvalues if randomized algorithm was used
   if (!is.null(rand)) {
      res$scores <- x %*% res$loadings
      res$eigenvals <- colSums(res$scores^2) / (nrow(x) - 1)

   # compute and add residuals
   res$residuals <- x - tcrossprod(res$scores, res$loadings)


#' PCA model calibration
#' @description
#' Calibrates (builds) a PCA model for given data and parameters
#' @param x
#' matrix with data values
#' @param ncomp
#' number of principal components to calculate
#' @param center
#' logical, do mean centering or not
#' @param scale
#' logical, do standardization or not
#' @param method
#' algorithm for compiting PC space (only 'svd' and 'nipals' are supported so far)
#' @param rand
#' vector with parameters for randomized PCA methods (if NULL, conventional PCA is used instead)
#' @return
#' an object with calibrated PCA model
pca.cal <- function(x, ncomp, center, scale, method, rand = NULL) {

   # check if data has missing values
   if (any(is.na(x))) {
      stop("Data has missing values, try to fix this using pca.mvreplace.")

   # prepare empty list for model object
   model <- list()

   # save data attributes
   attrs <- mda.getattr(x)

   # convert data to a matrix
   x <- mda.df2mat(x)
   nrows_full <- nrow(x)
   ncols_full <- ncol(x)

   # correct maximum number of components
   ncols <- ncols_full - length(attrs$exclcols)
   nrows <- nrows_full - length(attrs$exclrows)

   # make sure that ncomp is correct
   ncomp <- min(ncomp, ncols, nrows - 1)

   # prepare data for model calibration and cross-validation
   x_cal <- mda.purgeRows(x)

   # autoscale and save the mean and std values for predictions
   x_cal <- prep.autoscale(x_cal, center = center, scale = scale)
   model$center <- attr(x_cal, "prep:center")
   model$scale <- attr(x_cal, "prep:scale")

   # remove excluded columns
   x_cal <- mda.purgeCols(x_cal)

   # compute loadings, scores and eigenvalues for data without excluded elements
   res <- pca.run(x_cal, ncomp, method, rand)

   # correct loadings for missing columns in x
   # corresponding rows in loadings will be set to 0 and excluded
   if (length(attrs$exclcols) > 0) {
      loadings <- matrix(0, nrow = ncols_full, ncol = ncomp)
      loadings[-attrs$exclcols, ] <- res$loadings
      loadings <- mda.exclrows(loadings, attrs$exclcols)
   } else {
      loadings <- res$loadings

   if (is.null(dim(loadings))) {
      loadings <- matrix(loadings, ncol = ncomp)

   if (is.null(attrs$xaxis.name)) {
      attrs$xaxis.name <- "Variables"

   # set names and attributes for the loadings
   rownames(loadings) <- colnames(x)
   colnames(loadings) <- paste("Comp", seq_len(ncol(loadings)))
   attr(loadings, "name") <- "Loadings"
   attr(loadings, "xaxis.name") <- "Components"
   attr(loadings, "yaxis.name") <- attrs$xaxis.name
   attr(loadings, "yaxis.values") <- attrs$xaxis.values
   model$loadings <- loadings

   # organize eigen values
   model$eigenvals <- res$eigenvals
   names(model$eigenvals) <- colnames(loadings)

   # finalize model
   model$method <- method
   model$rand <- rand

   # setup other fields and return the model
   model$ncomp <- ncomp
   model$ncomp.selected <- model$ncomp

   # save excluded columns and rows
   model$exclcols <- attrs$exclcols
   model$exclrows <- attrs$exclrows
   class(model) <- "pca"


#  Plotting methods            #

#' Explained variance plot for PCA model
#' @description
#' Shows a plot with explained variance or cumulative explained variance for components.
#' @param obj
#' a PCA model (object of class \code{pca})
#' @param type
#' type of the plot ("b", "l", "h")
#' @param labels
#' what to use as labels (if \code{show.labels = TRUE})
#' @param variance
#' which variance to show
#' @param xticks
#' vector with ticks for x-axis
#' @param res
#' list with result objects to show the variance for
#' @param ylab
#' label for y-axis
#' @param ...
#' other plot parameters (see \code{mdaplotg} for details)
#' @details
#' See examples in help for \code{\link{pca}} function.
#' @export
plotVariance.pca <- function(obj, type = "b", labels = "values", variance = "expvar",
   xticks = seq_len(obj$ncomp), res = obj$res, ylab = "Explained variance, %", ...) {

   res <- getRes(res, "ldecomp")
   plot_data <- lapply(res, plotVariance, variance = variance, show.plot = FALSE)
   mdaplotg(plot_data, xticks = xticks, labels = labels, type = type, ylab = ylab, ...)

#' Cumulative explained variance plot for PCA model
#' @description
#' Shows a plot with cumulative explained variance for components.
#' @param obj
#' a PCA model (object of class \code{pca})
#' @param legend.position
#' position of the legend
#' @param ...
#' other plot parameters (see \code{mdaplotg} for details)
#' @details
#' See examples in help for \code{\link{pca}} function.
#' @export
plotCumVariance.pca <- function(obj, legend.position = "bottomright", ...) {
   plotVariance(obj, variance = "cumexpvar", legend.position = legend.position, ...)

#' Scores plot for PCA model
#' @description
#' Shows a scores plot for selected components.
#' @param obj
#' a PCA model (object of class \code{pca})
#' @param comp
#' a value or vector with several values - number of components to show the plot for
#' @param type
#' type of the plot ("p", "l", "b", "h")
#' @param show.axes
#' logical, show or not a axes lines crossing origin (0,0)
#' @param show.legend
#' logical, show or not a legend on the plot
#' @param res
#' list with result objects to show the variance for
#' @param ...
#' other plot parameters (see \code{mdaplotg} for details)
#' @details
#' If plot is created only for one result object (e.g. calibration set), then the behaviour and
#' all settings for the scores plot are identical to \code{\link{plotScores.ldecomp}}. In this case
#' you can show scores as a scatter, line or bar plot for any number of components.
#' Otherwise (e.g. if model contains results for calibration and test set) the plot is a group
#' plot created using \code{\link{mdaplotg}} method and only scatter plot can be used.
#' See examples in help for \code{\link{pca}} function.
#' @export
plotScores.pca <- function(obj, comp = if (obj$ncomp > 1) c(1, 2) else 1, type = "p", show.axes = TRUE,
   show.legend = TRUE, res = obj$res, ...) {

   if (min(comp) < 1 || max(comp) > ncol(obj$loadings)) {
      stop("Wrong values for 'comp' parameter.")

   res <- getRes(res, "ldecomp")
   if (length(res) == 1) {
      return(plotScores(res[[1]], comp = comp, type = type, ...))

   if (type != "p") {
      stop("You have several result objects in model, only scatter plot is available for scores.")

   # set up values for showing axes lines
   show.lines <- FALSE
   if (show.axes) {
      show.lines <- if (length(comp) == 2 && type == "p") c(0, 0) else c(NA, 0)

   plot_data <- lapply(res, plotScores, comp = comp, type = type, show.plot = FALSE)
   mdaplotg(plot_data, type = type, show.lines = show.lines, show.legend = show.legend, ...)

#' Residuals distance plot for PCA model
#' @description
#' Shows a plot with score (T2, h) vs orthogonal (Q, q) distances and corresponding critical
#' limits for given number of components.
#' @param obj
#' a PCA model (object of class \code{pca})
#' @param ncomp
#' how many components to use (by default optimal value selected for the model will be used)
#' @param log
#' logical, apply log tranformation to the distances or not (see details)
#' @param norm
#' logical, normalize distance values or not (see details)
#' @param cgroup
#' color grouping of plot points (works only if one result object is available)
#' @param xlim
#' limits for x-axis
#' @param ylim
#' limits for y-axis
#' @param show.legend
#' logical, show or not a legend on the plot (needed if several result objects are available)
#' @param show.limits
#' logical, show or not lines/curves with critical limits for the distances
#' @param lim.col
#' vector with two values - line color for extreme and outlier limits
#' @param lim.lwd
#' vector with two values - line width for extreme and outlier limits
#' @param lim.lty
#' vector with two values - line type for extreme and outlier limits
#' @param res
#' list with result objects to show the plot for (by defaul, model results are used)
#' @param ...
#' other plot parameters (see \code{mdaplotg} for details)
#' @details
#' The function is a bit more advanced version of \code{\link{plotResiduals.ldecomp}}. It allows to
#' show distance values for several result objects (e.g. calibration and test set or calibration
#' and new prediction set) as well as display the correspondng critical limits in form of lines
#' or curves.
#' Depending on how many result objects your model has or how many you specified manually,
#' using the \code{res} parameter, the plot behaves in a bit different way.
#' If only one result object is provided, then it allows to colorise the points using \code{cgroup}
#' parameter. If you specify \code{cgroup = "categories"} then it will show points as three groups:
#' normal, extreme and outliers. If two or more result objects are provided, then the function show
#' distances in groups, and adds corresponding legend.
#' The function can show distance values normalised (h/h0 and q/q0) as well as with log
#' transformation (log(1 + h/h0), log(1 + q/q0)). The latter is useful if distribution of the
#' points is skewed and most of them are densely located around bottom left corner.
#' See examples in help for \code{\link{pca}} function.
#' @export
plotResiduals.pca <- function(obj, ncomp = obj$ncomp.selected, log = FALSE,
   norm = TRUE, cgroup = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, show.limits = TRUE,
   lim.col = c("darkgray", "darkgray"), lim.lwd = c(1, 1), lim.lty = c(2, 3),
   res = obj$res, show.legend = TRUE, ...) {

   # generate values for cgroup if categories should be used
   if (length(cgroup) == 1 && cgroup == "categories") {
      cgroup <- categorize(obj, res[[1]], ncomp = ncomp)

   ldecomp.plotResiduals(res, obj$Qlim, obj$T2lim, ncomp = ncomp, log = log, norm = norm,
      cgroup = cgroup, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, show.limits = show.limits, lim.col = lim.col,
      lim.lwd = lim.lwd, show.legend = show.legend, ...)

#' Loadings plot for PCA model
#' @description
#' Shows a loadings plot for selected components.
#' @param obj
#' a PCA model (object of class \code{pca})
#' @param comp
#' a value or vector with several values - number of components to show the plot for
#' @param type
#' type of the plot ('b', 'l', 'h')
#' @param show.legend
#' logical, show or not a legend on the plot
#' @param show.axes
#' logical, show or not a axes lines crossing origin (0,0)
#' @param ...
#' other plot parameters (see \code{mdaplotg} for details)
#' @details
#' See examples in help for \code{\link{pca}} function.
#' @export
plotLoadings.pca <- function(obj, comp = if (obj$ncomp > 1) c(1, 2) else 1,
   type = (if (length(comp == 2)) "p" else "l"),
   show.legend = TRUE, show.axes = TRUE, ...) {

   if (min(comp) < 1 || max(comp) > ncol(obj$loadings)) {
      stop("Wrong values for 'comp' parameter.")

   plot_data <- mda.subset(obj$loadings, select = comp)
   colnames(plot_data) <- paste0("Comp ", comp, " (", round(obj$res[["cal"]]$expvar[comp], 2), "%)")
   attr(plot_data, "name") <- "Loadings"

   # set up values for showing axes lines
   show.lines <- FALSE
   if (show.axes) {
      show.lines <- if (length(comp) == 2 && type == "p") c(0, 0) else c(NA, 0)

   if (type == "p") {
      return(mdaplot(plot_data, type = type, show.lines = show.lines, ...))

   plot_data <- mda.t(plot_data)
   attr(plot_data, "yaxis.name") <- "Loading"
   mdaplotg(plot_data, show.legend = show.legend, type = type, show.lines = show.lines, ...)

#' PCA biplot
#' @description
#' Shows a biplot for selected components.
#' @param obj
#' a PCA model (object of class \code{pca})
#' @param comp
#' a value or vector with several values - number of components to show the plot for
#' @param pch
#' a vector with two values - markers for scores and loadings
#' @param col
#' a vector with two colors for scores and loadings
#' @param main
#' main title for the plot
#' @param lty
#' line type for loadings
#' @param lwd
#' line width for loadings
#' @param show.labels
#' logical, show or not labels for the plot objects
#' @param show.axes
#' logical, show or not a axes lines crossing origin (0,0)
#' @param show.excluded
#' logical, show or hide rows marked as excluded (attribute `exclrows`)
#' @param lab.col
#' a vector with two colors for scores and loadings labels
#' @param ...
#' other plot parameters (see \code{mdaplotg} for details)
#' @export
plotBiplot.pca <- function(obj, comp = c(1, 2), pch = c(16, NA), col = mdaplot.getColors(2),
   main = "Biplot", lty = 1, lwd = 1, show.labels = FALSE, show.axes = TRUE,
   show.excluded = FALSE, lab.col = adjustcolor(col, alpha.f = 0.5), ...) {

   if (length(comp) != 2) {
      stop("Biplot can be made only for two principal components!")

   show.lines <- if (show.axes) c(0, 0) else FALSE
   loadings <- mda.subset(obj$loadings, select = comp)
   scores <- mda.subset(obj$calres$scores, select = comp)
   attrs <- mda.getattr(scores)

   loadsScaleFactor <- sqrt(max(rowSums(loadings^2)))

   scoresScaleFactor <- max(abs(scores))
   scores <- (scores / scoresScaleFactor) * loadsScaleFactor
   scores <- mda.setattr(scores, attrs)
   colnames(scores) <- paste0("Comp ", comp, " (", round(obj$res[["cal"]]$expvar[comp], 2), "%)")

   mdaplotg(list(scores = scores, loadings = loadings), type = "p", pch = pch,
            show.legend = FALSE, show.labels = show.labels, lab.col = lab.col,
            main = main, colmap = col, show.lines = show.lines, show.excluded = show.excluded, ...)

   if (show.excluded && length(attr(loadings, "exclrows")) > 0) {
      loadings <- loadings[-attr(loadings, "exclrows"), , drop = FALSE]

   segments(0, 0, loadings[, 1], loadings[, 2], col = col[2], lty = lty, lwd = lwd)

#' Degrees of freedom plot for score distance (Nh)
#' @description
#' Shows a plot with degrees of freedom computed for score distances at given number
#' of components using data driven approach ("ddmoments" or "ddrobust").
#' @param obj
#' a PCA model (object of class \code{pca})
#' @param type
#' type of the plot ("b", "l", "h")
#' @param labels
#' what to show as data points labels
#' @param xticks
#' vector with tick values for x-axis
#' @param ylab
#' label for y-axis
#' @param ...
#' other plot parameters (see \code{mdaplotg} for details)
#' @details
#' Work only if parameter \code{lim.type} equal to "ddmoments" or "ddrobust".
#' @export
plotT2DoF <- function(obj, type = "b", labels = "values", xticks = seq_len(obj$ncomp), ylab = "Nh", ...) {

   if (!(obj$lim.type %in% c("ddrobust", "ddmoments", "chisq"))) {
      stop("This plot can not be made for selected 'lim.type' method.")

   plot_data <- mda.subset(obj$T2lim, subset = 4)
   attr(plot_data, "name") <- "Degrees of freedom"
   attr(plot_data, "xaxis.name") <- attr(obj$loadings, "xaxis.name")
   mdaplot(plot_data, xticks = xticks, labels = labels, type = type, ylab = ylab, ...)

#' Degrees of freedom plot for orthogonal distance (Nh)
#' @description
#' Shows a plot with degrees of freedom computed for score distances at given number
#' of components using data driven approach ("ddmoments" or "ddrobust").
#' @param obj
#' a PCA model (object of class \code{pca})
#' @param type
#' type of the plot ("b", "l", "h")
#' @param labels
#' what to show as data points labels
#' @param xticks
#' vector with tick values for x-axis
#' @param ylab
#' label for y-axis
#' @param ...
#' other plot parameters (see \code{mdaplotg} for details)
#' @details
#' Work only if parameter \code{lim.type} equal to "ddmoments" or "ddrobust".
#' @export
plotQDoF <- function(obj, type = "b", labels = "values", xticks = seq_len(obj$ncomp), ylab = "Nq", ...) {

   if (!(obj$lim.type %in% c("ddrobust", "ddmoments", "chisq"))) {
      stop("This plot can not be made for selected 'lim.type' method.")

   plot_data <- mda.subset(obj$Qlim, subset = 4)
   attr(plot_data, "name") <- "Degrees of freedom"
   attr(plot_data, "xaxis.name") <- attr(obj$loadings, "xaxis.name")
   mdaplot(plot_data, type = type, labels = labels, xticks = xticks, ylab = ylab, ...)

#' Degrees of freedom plot for both distances
#' @description
#' Shows a plot with degrees of freedom computed for score and orthogonal distances at given number
#' of components using data driven approach ("ddmoments" or "ddrobust").
#' @param obj
#' a PCA model (object of class \code{pca})
#' @param type
#' type of the plot ("b", "l", "h")
#' @param labels
#' what to show as data points labels
#' @param xticks
#' vector with tick values for x-axis
#' @param ...
#' other plot parameters (see \code{mdaplotg} for details)
#' @details
#' Work only if parameter \code{lim.type} equal to "ddmoments" or "ddrobust".
#' @export
plotDistDoF <- function(obj, type = "b", labels = "values", xticks = seq_len(obj$ncomp), ...) {

   if (!(obj$lim.type %in% c("ddrobust", "ddmoments", "chisq"))) {
      stop("This plot can not be made for selected 'lim.type' method.")

   plot_data <- rbind(
      mda.subset(obj$T2lim, subset = 4),
      mda.subset(obj$Qlim, subset = 4)

   rownames(plot_data) <- c("Nh", "Nq")
   attr(plot_data, "xaxis.name") <- attr(obj$loadings, "xaxis.name")
   attr(plot_data, "name") <- "Degrees of freedom"
   mdaplotyy(plot_data, type = type, labels = labels, xticks = xticks, ...)

#' Extreme plot
#' @description
#' Shows a plot with number of expected vs. number of observed extreme objects for different
#' significance levels (alpha values)
#' @param obj
#' a PCA model (object of class \code{pca})
#' @param res
#' object with PCA results to show the plot for (e.g. calibration, test, etc)
#' @param comp
#' vector, number of components to show the plot for
#' @param main
#' plot title
#' @param xlab
#' label for x-axis
#' @param ylab
#' label for y-axis
#' @param pch
#' vector with values for \code{pch} parameter for each number of components
#' @param col
#' vector with color values for series of points
#' @param bg
#' vector with background color values for series of points (if pch=21:25)
#' @param lwd
#' line width for point symbols
#' @param cex
#' scale factor for data points
#' @param ellipse.col
#' color for tolerance ellipse
#' @param legend.position
#' position of the legend
#' @param ...
#' other arguments
#' @export
plotExtreme.pca <- function(obj, res = obj$res[["cal"]], comp = obj$ncomp.selected,
   main = "Extreme plot", xlab = "Expected", ylab = "Observed", pch = rep(21, length(comp)),
   bg = mdaplot.getColors(length(comp)), col = rep("white", length(comp)),
   lwd = ifelse(pch %in% 21:25, 0.25, 1), cex = rep(1.2, length(comp)),
   ellipse.col = "#cceeff", legend.position = "bottomright", ...) {

   if (min(comp) < 1 || max(comp) > obj$ncomp) {
      stop("Wrong value for parameter 'ncomp'.")

   if (is.null(res$T2)) {
      stop("Wrong value for 'res' parameter.")

   # remove excluded values if any
   T2 <- res$T2
   Q <- res$Q
   rows_excluded <- attr(res$T2, "exclrows")
   if (length(rows_excluded) > 0) {
      T2 <- T2[-rows_excluded, , drop = FALSE]
      Q <- Q[-rows_excluded, , drop = FALSE]

   nobj <- nrow(T2)
   expected <- seq_len(nobj)

   # show axes, grid and diagonal
   par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
   plot(0, type = "n", xlim = c(0, nobj), ylim = c(0, nobj), main = main, xlab =  xlab, ylab = ylab)
   lines(c(0, expected), c(0, expected), type = "l", col = ellipse.col)

   # compute and show the tolerance ellipse
   i <- 1:nobj
   alpha <- i / nobj
   D <- 2 * sqrt(i * (1 - alpha))
   Nm <- i - D
   Np <- i + D
   segments(expected, Nm, expected, Np, col = ellipse.col)
   lines(c(0, expected), c(0, Nm), col = ellipse.col)
   lines(c(0, expected), c(0, Np), col = ellipse.col)

   # check length of main plot parameters and correct if necessary
   ncomp <- length(comp)
   correct.param <- function(param) if (length(param) == 1) rep(param, ncomp) else param
   pch <- correct.param(pch)
   col <- correct.param(col)
   cex <- correct.param(cex)
   lwd <- correct.param(lwd)
   bg <- correct.param(bg)

   # show the plints
   alpha_mat <- matrix(alpha, byrow = TRUE, ncol = nobj, nrow = nobj)
   for (j in seq_along(comp)) {
      p <- getProbabilities.pca(obj, comp[j], Q[, comp[j]], T2[, comp[j]])
      p_mat <- matrix((1 - p), ncol = nobj, nrow = nobj)
      observed <- colSums(p_mat < alpha_mat)
      points(expected, observed, pch = pch[j], lwd = lwd[j], cex = cex[j], col = col[j],
         bg = bg[j])

   legend <- paste0(comp, " PC", ifelse(comp > 1, "s", ""))
   mdaplotg.showLegend(legend, pt.bg = bg, lty = NA, col = col, pch = pch, lwd = lwd, cex = cex,
      position = legend.position)

#' Model overview plot for PCA
#' @description
#' Shows a set of plots (scores, loadings, residuals and explained variance) for PCA model.
#' @param x
#' a PCA model (object of class \code{pca})
#' @param comp
#' vector with two values - number of components to show the scores and loadings plots for
#' @param ncomp
#' number of components to show the residuals plot for
#' @param show.labels
#' logical, show or not labels for the plot objects
#' @param show.legend
#' logical, show or not a legend on the plot
#' @param ...
#' other arguments
#' @details
#' See examples in help for \code{\link{pca}} function.
#' @export
plot.pca <- function(x, comp = c(1, 2), ncomp = x$ncomp.selected,
   show.labels = FALSE, show.legend = TRUE, ...) {

   par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
   plotScores(x, comp = comp, show.labels = show.labels, show.legend = show.legend)
   plotLoadings(x, comp = comp, show.labels = show.labels, show.legend = show.legend)
   plotResiduals(x, ncomp = ncomp,  show.labels = show.labels, show.legend = show.legend)
   plotCumVariance(x, show.legend = show.legend)
   par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

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