#' Predict from merMod objects with a prediction interval
#' @description This function provides a way to capture model uncertainty in
#' predictions from multi-level models fit with \code{lme4}. By drawing a sampling
#' distribution for the random and the fixed effects and then estimating the fitted
#' value across that distribution, it is possible to generate a prediction interval
#' for fitted values that includes all variation in the model except for variation
#' in the covariance parameters, theta. This is a much faster alternative than
#' bootstrapping for models fit to medium to large datasets.
#' @param merMod a merMod object from lme4
#' @param newdata a data.frame of new data to predict
#' @param which a character specifying what to return, by default it returns the
#' full interval, but you can also select to return only the fixed variation or
#' the random component variation. If full is selected the resulting data.frame
#' will be \code{nrow(newdata) * number of model levels} long
#' @param level the width of the prediction interval
#' @param n.sims number of simulation samples to construct
#' @param stat take the median or mean of simulated intervals
#' @param type type of prediction to develop
#' @param include.resid.var logical, include or exclude the residual variance for
#' linear models
#' @param returnSims logical, should all n.sims simulations be returned?
#' @param seed numeric, optional argument to set seed for simulations
#' @param fix.intercept.variance logical; should the variance of the intercept
#' term be adjusted downwards to roughly correct for its covariance with the
#' random effects, as if all the random effects are intercept effects?
#' @param ignore.fixed.terms a numeric or string vector of indexes or names of
#' fixed effects which should be considered as fully known (zero variance). This
#' can result in under-conservative intervals, but for models with random effects
#' nested inside fixed effects, holding the fixed effects constant intervals may
#' give intervals with closer to nominal coverage than the over-conservative
#' intervals without this option, which ignore negative correlation between the
#' outer (fixed) and inner (random) coefficients.
#' @param .parallel, logical should parallel computation be used, default is FALSE
#' @param .paropts, -NOT USED: Caused issue #54- a list of additional options passed into the foreach function
#' when parallel computation is enabled. This is important if (for example) your
#' code relies on external data or packages: use the .export and .packages arguments
#' to supply them so that all cluster nodes have the correct environment set up
#' for computing.
#' @return a data.frame with three columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{fit}}{The center of the distribution of predicted values as defined by
#' the \code{stat} parameter.}
#' \item{\code{lwr}}{The lower prediction interval bound corresponding to the quantile cut
#' defined in \code{level}.}
#' \item{\code{upr}}{The upper prediction interval bound corresponding to the quantile cut
#' defined in \code{level}.}
#' }
#' If returnSims = TRUE, then the individual simulations are attached to this
#' data.frame in the attribute \code{sim.results} and are stored as a matrix.
#' @details To generate a prediction interval, the function first computes a simulated
#' distribution of all of the parameters in the model. For the random, or grouping,
#' effects, this is done by sampling from a multivariate normal distribution which
#' is defined by the BLUP estimate provided by \code{ranef} and the associated
#' variance-covariance matrix for each observed level of each grouping terms. For
#' each grouping term, an array is build that has as many rows as there are levels
#' of the grouping factor, as many columns as there are predictors at that level
#' (e.g. an intercept and slope), and is stacked as high as there are number of
#' simulations. These arrays are then multiplied by the new data provided to the
#' function to produce a matrix of yhat values. The result is a matrix of the simulated
#' values of the linear predictor for each observation for each simulation. Each
#' grouping term has such a matrix for each observation. These values can be added
#' to get the estimate of the fitted value for the random effect terms, and this
#' can then be added to a matrix of simulated values for the fixed effect level to
#' come up with \code{n.sims} number of possible yhat values for each observation.
#' The distribution of simulated values is cut according to the interval requested
#' by the function. The median or mean value as well as the upper and lower bounds
#' are then returned. These can be presented either on the linear predictor scale
#' or on the response scale using the link function in the \code{merMod}.
#' @note \code{merTools} includes the functions \code{subBoot} and \code{thetaExtract}
#' to allow the user to estimate the variability in \code{theta} from a larger
#' model by bootstrapping the model fit on a subset, to allow faster estimation.
#' @export
#' @import lme4
#' @importFrom abind abind
#' @importFrom mvtnorm rmvnorm
#' @importFrom foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom foreach foreach
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' m1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1 | Subject), sleepstudy)
#' regFit <- predict(m1, newdata = sleepstudy[11, ]) # a single value is returned
#' intFit <- predictInterval(m1, newdata = sleepstudy[11, ]) # bounded values
#' # Can do glmer
#' d1 <- cbpp
#' d1$y <- d1$incidence / d1$size
#' gm2 <- glmer(y ~ period + (1 | herd), family = binomial, data = d1,
#' nAGQ = 9, weights = d1$size)
#' regFit <- predict(gm2, newdata = d1[1:10, ])
#' # get probabilities
#' regFit <- predict(gm2, newdata = d1[1:10, ], type = "response")
#' intFit <- predictInterval(gm2, newdata = d1[1:10, ], type = "probability")
#' intFit <- predictInterval(gm2, newdata = d1[1:10, ], type = "linear.prediction")
#' }
predictInterval <- function(merMod, newdata, which=c("full", "fixed", "random", "all"),
level = 0.8,
n.sims = 1000, stat=c("median","mean"),
type=c("linear.prediction", "probability"),
include.resid.var=TRUE, returnSims = FALSE,
seed=NULL, .parallel = FALSE, .paropts = NULL,
fix.intercept.variance = FALSE, #This does NOT work with random slope models
ignore.fixed.terms = NULL)
newdata <- merMod@frame
if(any(c("data.frame") != class(newdata))){
if(any(c("tbl_df", "tbl") %in% class(newdata))){
newdata <-
warning("newdata is tbl_df or tbl object from dplyr package and has been
coerced to a data.frame")
} else{
newdata <-
predict.type <- match.arg(type,
c("linear.prediction", "probability"),
several.ok = FALSE)
stat.type <- match.arg(stat,
several.ok = FALSE)
which.eff <- match.arg(which,
c("full", "fixed", "random", "all"),
several.ok = FALSE)
if (!is.null(seed))
else if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv))
##First: check if it is a GLMM or NLMM and draw from sigma distribution or incorporate scale parameter if GLMM
merMod.devcomp <- getME(merMod, "devcomp")
if (merMod.devcomp$dims[["GLMM"]] == 0 &
merMod.devcomp$dims[["NLMM"]] == 0) {
sigmahat <- sqrt(1/rgamma(n.sims, 0.5 * residDF.merMod(merMod),
0.5 * merMod.devcomp$cmp[["pwrss"]]))
if (predict.type=="probability") {
warning(" Asking for predictions on the probability scale makes no sense, resetting predict.type to linear.prediction",
else if (merMod.devcomp$dims[["GLMM"]] == TRUE &
merMod@resp$family$family == "binomial" &
merMod@resp$family$link %in% c("logit", "probit")) {
sigmahat <- rep(1,n.sims)
else {
warning(" Prediction for NLMMs or GLMMs that are not mixed binomial regressions is not tested. Sigma set at 1.")
sigmahat <- rep(1,n.sims)
#TODO: Making a sparse model matrix fails with nested specification, e.g. (1|order/vore)
# sleep_total ~ bodywt + (1 | vore/order)
newdata.modelMatrix <- buildModelMatrix(model= merMod, newdata = newdata)
# When there is no fixed effect intercept but there is a group level intercept
# We need to do something!
rr <- ranef(merMod, condVar = TRUE)
re.xb <- vector(getME(merMod, "n_rfacs"), mode = "list")
names(re.xb) <- names(ngrps(merMod))
for (j in names(re.xb)) {
reMeans <- as.matrix(rr[[j]])
reMatrix <- attr(rr[[j]], which = "postVar")
# OK, let's knock out all the random effects we don't need
if (j %in% names(newdata)){ # get around if names do not line up because of nesting
obslvl <- unique(as.character(newdata[, j]))
alllvl <- rownames(reMeans)
keep <- intersect(obslvl, alllvl)
} else {
obslvl <- colnames(newdata.modelMatrix)
alllvl <- rownames(reMeans)
keep <- intersect(obslvl, alllvl)
# Add switch if no random groups are observed to avoid indexing errors,
# we burn 1 sample of 1 group of all coefficients that will eventually
# be multiplied by zero later on
if (length(keep) > 0 & !identical(keep, alllvl)) {
reMeans <- reMeans[keep, , drop=FALSE]
dimnames(reMatrix)[[3]] <- alllvl
reMatrix <- reMatrix[, , keep, drop = FALSE]
} else if (length(keep) > 0 & identical(keep, alllvl)){
dimnames(reMatrix)[[3]] <- alllvl
# dimnames(reMeans)[[2]] <- j # we need to get the variable name into this ojbect
reMatrix <- reMatrix[, , keep, drop = FALSE]
} else{
reMeans <- reMeans[1, , drop=FALSE]
reMatrix <- reMatrix[, , 1, drop = FALSE]
tmpList <- vector(length = nrow(reMeans), mode = "list")
for (k in 1:nrow(reMeans)){
meanTmp <- reMeans[k, ]
names(meanTmp) <- NULL
matrixTmp <- as.matrix(reMatrix[, , k])
tmpList[[k]] <- as.matrix(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n= n.sims,
sigma=matrixTmp, method = "chol"))
REcoefs <- sapply(tmpList, identity, simplify="array")
# rm(tmpList)
dimnames(REcoefs) <- list(1:n.sims,
attr(reMeans, "dimnames")[[2]],
attr(reMeans, "dimnames")[[1]]
if (j %in% names(newdata)) { # get around if names do not line up because of nesting
newdata.modelMatrix <- as.matrix(newdata.modelMatrix) ## give up, sparse to dense now
tmp <- cbind(, var = newdata[, j])
tmp <- tmp[, !duplicated(colnames(tmp))]
keep <- names(tmp)[names(tmp) %in% colnames(REcoefs)]
if (length(keep) == 0) {
keep <- grep(dimnames(REcoefs)[[2]], names(tmp), value = TRUE)
if (length(keep) == 0) {
tmp <- cbind(model.frame(subbars(formula(merMod)), data = newdata),
var = newdata[, j])
keep <- grep(dimnames(REcoefs)[[2]], names(tmp), value = TRUE)
if ( length(keep) == 0) {
# Add in an intercept for RE purposes
tmp <- cbind(, var = newdata[, j])
tmp <- tmp[, !duplicated(colnames(tmp))]
tmp <- cbind(data.frame(1), tmp)
names(tmp)[1] <- "(Intercept)"
keep <- "(Intercept)"
tmp <- tmp[, c(keep, "var"), drop = FALSE]
tmp[, "var"] <- as.character(tmp[, "var"])
colnames(tmp)[which(names(tmp) == "var")] <- names(newdata[, j, drop = FALSE])
if (all(grepl(":", keep))) {
# Strip out the interaction after
keep <- unique(gsub("(.*):.*", "\\1", keep))
} else {
# If newdata.modelMatrix is still sparse at this point, we need to convert it safely
if(is(newdata.modelMatrix, "dgCMatrix")){
newdata.modelMatrix <- as.matrix(newdata.modelMatrix) ## give up, sparse to dense now
tmp <-
} else {
tmp <-
tmp <- tmp[, !duplicated(colnames(tmp))] # deduplicate columns because
# column names can be duplicated to account for multiple effects
# but we've already reconciled all the effects
tmp$var <- names(tmp[keep])[max.col(tmp[keep])] #changed alllvl to keep in
#this line re: issue #53 where newdata doesn't have all levels of rfx in
#nested specification (with ":") so this just takes the subset of alllvl
#that are specified in model
keep <- names(tmp)[names(tmp) %in% dimnames(REcoefs)[[2]]]
tmp <- tmp[, c(keep, "var"), drop = FALSE]
tmp[, "var"] <- as.character(tmp[, "var"])
colnames(tmp)[which(names(tmp) == "var")] <- j
tmp.pred <- function(data, coefs, group){
new.levels <- unique(as.character(data[, group])[!as.character(data[, group]) %in% dimnames(coefs)[[3]]])
msg <- paste(" The following levels of ", group, " from newdata \n -- ", paste0(new.levels, collapse=", "),
" -- are not in the model data. \n Currently, predictions for these values are based only on the \n fixed coefficients and the observation-level error.", sep="")
if(length(new.levels > 0)){
warning(msg, call.=FALSE)
yhatTmp <- array(data = NA, dim = c(nrow(data), dim(coefs)[1]))
colIdx <- ncol(data) - 1
colLL <- length(1:colIdx)
if(colLL > dim(coefs)[2]) {
# copy over
coefs_new <- array(NA, dim = c(dim(coefs)[1], colLL,
dimnames(coefs_new)[c(1, 3)] <- dimnames(coefs)[c(1, 3)]
dimnames(coefs_new)[[2]] <- rep(dimnames(coefs)[[2]], dim(coefs_new)[2])
for (k in 1:colLL) {
coefs_new[, k, 1:dim(coefs)[3]] <- coefs[, 1, 1:dim(coefs)[3]]
coefs <- coefs_new
for(i in 1:nrow(data)){
lvl <- as.character(data[, group][i])
if(!lvl %in% new.levels){
yhatTmp[i, ] <- as.numeric(data[i, 1:colIdx]) %*% t(coefs[, 1:colIdx, lvl])
} else{
# 0 out the RE for these new levels
yhatTmp[i, ] <- rep(0, colIdx) %*% t(coefs[, 1:colIdx, 1])
rownames(yhatTmp) <- rownames(data)
if(nrow(tmp) > 1000 | .parallel) {
if (requireNamespace("foreach", quietly=TRUE)) {
tmp2 <- split(tmp, (1:nrow(tmp) %/% 500)) #TODO: Find optimum splitting factor
tmp2 <- tmp2[lapply(tmp2,length) > 0]
fe_call <-, i = seq_along(tmp2),
.combine = 'rbind')))
fe <- eval(fe_call)
re.xb[[j]] <- foreach::`%dopar%`(fe, tmp.pred(data = tmp2[[i]],
coefs = REcoefs[, keep, , drop = FALSE],
group = j))
} else {
warning("foreach package is unavailable, parallel computing not available")
re.xb[[j]] <- tmp.pred(data = tmp, coefs = REcoefs[, keep, , drop = FALSE],
group = j)
} else{
re.xb[[j]] <- tmp.pred(data = tmp, coefs = REcoefs[, keep, , drop = FALSE],
group = j)
# TODO: Add a check for new.levels that is outside of the above loop
# for now, ignore this check
if (include.resid.var==FALSE) {
# if (length(new.levels)==0)
sigmahat <- rep(1, n.sims)
# else {
# include.resid.var=TRUE
# warning(" \n Since new levels were detected resetting include.resid.var to TRUE.")
# }
# fixed.xb is nrow(newdata) x n.sims
##Calculate yhat as sum of the components (fixed plus all groupling factors)
fe.tmp <- fixef(merMod)
vcov.tmp <- as.matrix(vcov(merMod))
# Detect if an intercept is present
# TODO - is this reliable
if ([[j]],"stddev")["(Intercept)"]))) {
fix.intercept.variance <- FALSE
message("No intercept detected, setting fix.intercept.variance to FALSE")
# If intercept is not in fixed terms
if (!"(Intercept)" %in% names(fixef(merMod)) && fix.intercept.variance) {
# TODO - decide if this is an error or if we should allow it to continue with warning
warning("No fixed-effect intercept detected. Variance adjustment may be unreliable.")
if (fix.intercept.variance) {
#Assuming all random effects include intercepts.
intercept.variance <- vcov.tmp[1,1]
groupsizes <- ngrps(merMod)
for(j in names(groupsizes)){ #for every group of random e
groupExtraPrecision <- 0
groupVar <- (attr(VarCorr(merMod)[[j]],"stddev")["(Intercept)"])^2
reMatrix <- attr(rr[[j]], which = "postVar")
for (eff in 1:dim(reMatrix)[3]) {
term <- 1/(reMatrix[1,1,eff] + groupVar)
if (term > 0) {
groupExtraPrecision <- groupExtraPrecision + term
} else {
warning("fix.intercept.variance got negative precision; better turn it off.")
intercept.variance <- intercept.variance - 1/groupExtraPrecision
if (intercept.variance < 0) {
warning("fix.intercept.variance got negative variance; better turn it off.")
ratio <- intercept.variance/vcov.tmp[1,1]
prec.tmp <- solve(vcov.tmp)
prec.tmp[1,1] <- prec.tmp[1,1] / ratio
vcov.tmp[1,] <- vcov.tmp[1,] * ratio
vcov.tmp <- solve(prec.tmp, tol=1e-50)
if (!is.null(ignore.fixed.terms)) {
prec.tmp <- solve(vcov.tmp)
for (term in ignore.fixed.terms) {
prec.tmp[term,term] <- prec.tmp[term,term] * 1e15
vcov.tmp <- solve(prec.tmp, tol=1e-50)
if(n.sims > 2000 | .parallel){
i <- 1:n.sims
fe_call <-, i = i,
.combine = 'rbind')))
fe <- eval(fe_call)
betaSim <- foreach::`%dopar%`(fe, mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = 1, mean = fe.tmp,
sigma = vcov.tmp,
method = "chol"))
} else {
betaSim <- abind::abind(lapply(1:n.sims,
function(x) mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = 1, mean = fe.tmp,
sigma = vcov.tmp,
method = "chol")), along=1)
# Pad betaSim
colnames(betaSim) <- names(fe.tmp)
rownames(betaSim) <- 1:n.sims
newdata.modelMatrix <- buildModelMatrix(merMod, newdata = newdata, which = "fixed")
if (ncol(newdata.modelMatrix) > ncol(betaSim)) {
pad <- matrix(rep(0), nrow = nrow(betaSim),
ncol = ncol(newdata.modelMatrix) - ncol(betaSim))
if(ncol(pad) > 0){
message("Fixed effect matrix has been padded with 0 coefficients
for random slopes not included in the fixed effects and interaction terms.")
colnames(pad) <- setdiff(colnames(newdata.modelMatrix), colnames(betaSim))
betaSim <- cbind(betaSim, pad)
keep <- intersect(colnames(newdata.modelMatrix), colnames(betaSim))
newdata.modelMatrix <- newdata.modelMatrix[, keep]
betaSim <- betaSim[, keep]
re.xb$fixed <- newdata.modelMatrix %*% t(betaSim)
if(which.eff == "full"){
yhat <- Reduce('+', re.xb)
} else if(which.eff == "fixed"){
yhat <- Reduce('+', re.xb["fixed"])
} else if(which.eff == "random"){
re.xb["fixed"] <- NULL
yhat <- Reduce('+', re.xb)
} else if(which.eff == "all"){
yhat <- Reduce('+', re.xb)
N <- nrow(newdata)
if (include.resid.var==TRUE){
for(i in 1:length(re.xb)){
re.xb[[i]] <- abind::abind(lapply(1:n.sims, function(x) rnorm(N, re.xb[[i]][, x], sigmahat[x])), along=2)
pi.comps <- re.xb
N <- nrow(newdata)
outs <- data.frame("fit" = rep(NA, N),
"upr" = rep(NA, N),
"lwr" = rep(NA, N))
upCI <- 1 - ((1-level)/2)
loCI <- ((1-level)/2)
if (include.resid.var==TRUE){
yhat <- abind::abind(lapply(1:n.sims,
function(x) rnorm(N, yhat[,x], sigmahat[x])),
along = 2)
# Output prediction intervals
if (stat.type == "median") {
outs[, 1:3] <- t(apply(yhat, 1, quantile, prob = c(0.5, upCI, loCI),
if (stat.type == "mean") {
outs$fit <- apply(yhat, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
outs[, 2:3] <- t(apply(yhat, 1, quantile, prob = c(upCI, loCI),
if (predict.type == "probability") {
if(nrow(outs) == 1) {
outs <- t(apply(outs, 2, merMod@resp$family$linkinv))
} else {
outs <- apply(outs, 2, merMod@resp$family$linkinv)
# Construct observation predictors for each component of the model
if(which.eff == "all"){
if(returnSims == TRUE){
allSims <- pi.comps
for(i in 1:length(pi.comps)){
if( stat.type == "median"){
pi.comps[[i]] <- t(apply(pi.comps[[i]], 1, quantile,
prob = c(0.5, upCI, loCI), na.rm=TRUE))
pi.comps[[i]] <-[[i]])
names(pi.comps[[i]]) <- c("fit", "upr", "lwr")
if(stat.type == "mean"){
tmp <- pi.comps[[i]]
pi.comps[[i]] <- data.frame("fit" = rep(NA, N), "upr" =NA,
"lwr" = NA)
pi.comps[[i]]$fit <- apply(tmp, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
pi.comps[[i]][, 2:3] <- t(apply(tmp, 1, quantile, prob = c(upCI, loCI), na.rm=TRUE))
if (predict.type == "probability") {
pi.comps[[i]] <- apply(pi.comps[[i]], 2, merMod@resp$family$linkinv)
pi.comps[[i]] <-[[i]])
names(pi.comps[[i]]) <- c("fit", "upr", "lwr")
componentOut <- dplyr::bind_rows(pi.comps, .id="effect")
outs <- cbind(data.frame("effect" = "combined"), outs)
outs <- suppressWarnings(bind_rows(outs, componentOut))
outs$obs <- rep(1:N, nrow(outs) %/% N)
#Close it out
if(returnSims == FALSE){
} else if(returnSims == TRUE){
outs <-
if(which.eff == "all"){
attr(outs, "sim.results") <- allSims
} else{
attr(outs, "sim.results") <- yhat
## TODO: Finish exporting so that all returns the individual predictions for
# each random effect separately
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