aalenfrailty | Aalen frailty model |
aalenMets | Fast additive hazards model with robust standard errors |
back2timereg | Convert to timereg object |
base1cumhaz | rate of CRBSI for HPN patients of Copenhagen |
base44cumhaz | rate of Occlusion/Thrombosis complication for catheter of HPN... |
base4cumhaz | rate of Mechanical (hole/defect) complication for catheter of... |
basehazplot.phreg | Plotting the baslines of stratified Cox |
bicomprisk | Estimation of concordance in bivariate competing risks data |
BinAugmentCifstrata | Augmentation for Binomial regression based on stratified... |
binomial.twostage | Fits Clayton-Oakes or bivariate Plackett (OR) models for... |
binreg | Binomial Regression for censored competing risks data |
binregATE | Average Treatment effect for censored competing risks data... |
binregCasewise | Estimates the casewise concordance based on Concordance and... |
binregG | G-estimator for binomial regression model (Standardized... |
binregTSR | 2 Stage Randomization for Survival Data or competing Risks... |
biprobit | Bivariate Probit model |
blocksample | Block sampling |
bmt | The Bone Marrow Transplant Data |
Bootphreg | Wild bootstrap for Cox PH regression |
bptwin | Liability model for twin data |
casewise | Estimates the casewise concordance based on Concordance and... |
casewise.test | Estimates the casewise concordance based on Concordance and... |
cif | Cumulative incidence with robust standard errors |
cifreg | CIF regression |
ClaytonOakes | Clayton-Oakes model with piece-wise constant hazards |
cluster.index | Finds subjects related to same cluster |
concordanceCor | Concordance Computes concordance and casewise concordance |
cor.cif | Cross-odds-ratio, OR or RR risk regression for competing... |
count.history | Counts the number of previous events of two types for... |
covarianceRecurrent | Estimation of covariance for bivariate recurrent events with... |
daggregate | aggregating for for data frames |
Dbvn | Derivatives of the bivariate normal cumulative distribution... |
dby | Calculate summary statistics grouped by |
dcor | summary, tables, and correlations for data frames |
dcut | Cutting, sorting, rm (removing), rename for data frames |
dermalridges | Dermal ridges data (families) |
dermalridgesMZ | Dermal ridges data (monozygotic twins) |
diabetes | The Diabetic Retinopathy Data |
divide.conquer | Split a data set and run function |
divide.conquer.timereg | Split a data set and run function from timereg and aggregate |
dlag | Lag operator |
doubleFGR | Double CIF Fine-Gray model with two causes |
dprint | list, head, print, tail |
drcumhaz | Rate for leaving HPN program for patients of Copenhagen |
dreg | Regression for data frames with dutility call |
drelevel | relev levels for data frames |
dsort | Sort data frame |
dspline | Simple linear spline |
dtable | tables for data frames |
dtransform | Transform that allows condition |
easy.binomial.twostage | Fits two-stage binomial for describing depdendence in... |
Effbinreg | Efficient IPCW for binary data |
EVaddGam | Relative risk for additive gamma model |
eventpois | Extract survival estimates from lifetable analysis |
EventSplit | Event split with two time-scales, time and gaptime |
familycluster.index | Finds all pairs within a cluster (family) |
familyclusterWithProbands.index | Finds all pairs within a cluster (famly) with the proband... |
fast.approx | Fast approximation |
fast.pattern | Fast pattern |
fast.reshape | Fast reshape |
FG_AugmentCifstrata | Augmentation for Fine-Gray model based on stratified NPMLE... |
ghaplos | ghaplos haplo-types for subjects of haploX data |
glm_IPTW | IPTW GLM, Inverse Probaibilty of Treatment Weighted GLM |
gofG.phreg | Stratified baseline graphical GOF test for Cox covariates in... |
gofM.phreg | GOF for Cox covariates in PH regression |
gof.phreg | GOF for Cox PH regression |
gofZ.phreg | GOF for Cox covariates in PH regression |
Grandom.cif | Additive Random effects model for competing risks data for... |
hapfreqs | hapfreqs data set |
haplo.surv.discrete | Discrete time to event haplo type analysis |
haploX | haploX covariates and response for haplo survival discrete... |
internal | For internal use |
interval.logitsurv.discrete | Discrete time to event interval censored data |
ipw | Inverse Probability of Censoring Weights |
ipw2 | Inverse Probability of Censoring Weights |
km | Kaplan-Meier with robust standard errors |
lifecourse | Life-course plot |
lifetable.matrix | Life table |
LinSpline | Simple linear spline |
logitSurv | Proportional odds survival model |
mediatorSurv | Mediation analysis in survival context |
medweight | Computes mediation weights |
melanoma | The Melanoma Survival Data |
mena | Menarche data set |
mets.options | Set global options for 'mets' |
mets-package | Analysis of Multivariate Events |
migr | Migraine data |
mlogit | Multinomial regression based on phreg regression |
multcif | Multivariate Cumulative Incidence Function example data set |
np | np data set |
phreg | Fast Cox PH regression |
phreg_IPTW | IPTW Cox, Inverse Probaibilty of Treatment Weighted Cox... |
phregR | Fast Cox PH regression and calculations done in R to make... |
phreg_rct | Lu-Tsiatis More Efficient Log-Rank for Randomized studies... |
plack.cif | plack Computes concordance for or.cif based model, that is... |
pmvn | Multivariate normal distribution function |
predict.phreg | Predictions from proportional hazards model |
print.casewise | prints Concordance test |
prob.exceed.recurrent | Estimation of probability of more that k events for recurrent... |
prt | Prostate data set |
random.cif | Random effects model for competing risks data |
rchaz | Simulation of Piecewise constant hazard model (Cox). |
rchazC | Piecewise constant hazard distribution |
rcrisk | Simulation of Piecewise constant hazard models with two... |
recreg | Recurrent events regression with terminal event |
recurrentMarginal | Fast recurrent marginal mean when death is possible |
reexports | Objects exported from other packages |
resmeanATE | Average Treatment effect for Restricted Mean for censored... |
resmeanIPCW | Restricted IPCW mean for censored survival data |
resmean.phreg | Restricted mean for stratified Kaplan-Meier or Cox model with... |
rpch | Piecewise constant hazard distribution |
simAalenFrailty | Simulate from the Aalen Frailty model |
sim.cause.cox | Simulation of cause specific from Cox models. |
sim.cif | Simulation of output from Cumulative incidence regression... |
simClaytonOakes | Simulate from the Clayton-Oakes frailty model |
simClaytonOakesWei | Simulate from the Clayton-Oakes frailty model |
sim.cox | Simulation of output from Cox model. |
simMultistate | Simulation of illness-death model |
simRecurrentII | Simulation of recurrent events data based on cumulative... |
simRecurrentTS | Simulation of recurrent events data based on cumulative... |
summary.cor | Summary for dependence models for competing risks |
summaryGLM | Reporting OR (exp(coef)) from glm with binomial link and glm... |
survivalG | G-estimator for Cox and Fine-Gray model |
survival.twostage | Twostage survival model for multivariate survival data |
test.conc | Concordance test Compares two concordance estimates |
tetrachoric | Estimate parameters from odds-ratio |
TRACE | The TRACE study group of myocardial infarction |
ttpd | ttpd discrete survival data on interval form |
twinbmi | BMI data set |
twin.clustertrunc | Estimation of twostage model with cluster truncation in... |
twinlm | Classic twin model for quantitative traits |
twinsim | Simulate twin data |
twinstut | Stutter data set |
twostageMLE | Twostage survival model fitted by pseudo MLE |
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