
Defines functions write.datlist

Documented in write.datlist

## File Name: write.datlist.R
## File Version: 0.122

write.datlist <- function( datlist, name, include.varnames=TRUE,
        type="csv2", separate=TRUE, Mplus=FALSE, round=NULL,
        Rdata=TRUE, subdir=TRUE, ... )

    mplus <- Mplus

    # convert into datlist
    datlist <- mids2datlist(datlist)
    if ( inherits(datlist,"imputationList") ){
        datlist <- datlist$imputations
    col.names <- include.varnames
    if (mplus){
        col.names <- FALSE
        type <- "table"

    # create subdirectory
    if ( subdir){
        pf.subf <- file.path( getwd(), paste( name, sep=""))
        dir.create(pf.subf)                 # define subdirectory
    } else {
        pf.subf <- getwd()
    # write legend of variables
    vars <- colnames(datlist[[1]])
    V <- length(vars)
    M <- length(datlist)
    dfr <- data.frame("index"=1:V, "variable"=vars)

    utils::write.table( dfr,
                file.path( pf.subf, paste( name, "__LEGEND.txt", sep="") ),
                row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE )

    # declare types here!!
    type2 <- type
    if ( type=="csv2"){ type2 <- "csv"}
    if ( type=="table"){ type2 <- "dat"}

    l1 <- paste( name, "__IMPDATA", 1:M, ".", type2, sep="")
    utils::write.table( l1, file.path( pf.subf, paste( name, "__IMP_LIST.txt", sep="") ),
                col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

    # save list of imputed datasets in Rdata format if requested
    if ( Rdata ){
        save( datlist, file=file.path( pf.subf,
                paste( name, "__DATLIST.Rdata", sep="") ) )
    # write datlist in separate files
    if (separate){
        for (ii in 1:M){
            file_ii <- paste( name, "__IMPDATA", ii, sep="")
            dat_ii <-  datlist[[ii]]
            if ( ! is.null(round) ){
                dat_ii <- round( dat_ii, round)
            args <- list( data=dat_ii, file=file_ii, path=pf.subf,
                            type=type, row.names=FALSE,
                            col.names=col.names, ... )
            if ( type %in% c("csv", "csv2") ){
                args$col.names <- NULL
            do.call( save.data, args )
            cat("Saved dataset", ii,"\n")

    # Mplus body
    if ( mplus ){
        vars2 <- VariableNames2String( vars, breaks=60)
        l1 <- c("TITLE: xxxx ;", "", "DATA: ", "",
                    paste( "FILE IS ", name, "__IMP_LIST.txt;", sep=""),
                        "TYPE=IMPUTATION;", "",
                        "VARIABLE:", "", "NAMES ARE",
                        vars2, ";", "", "! edit usevariables are;", "!usevar are",
                        "   ", "", "MISSING=. ;", "", "!.........................",
                        "! Mplus statements" )
        writeLines( l1, file.path( pf.subf, paste( name, "__MPLUS-INPUT-BODY.inp",
                            sep="") ))

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