
Defines functions panelLayout panelSelect panelScale panelOutline panelLengthen panelInbounds panelGrid panelFill

# Release Version 130602 build - V1.0 (micromapST)
# Release Version 141107 build - V1.1 (micromapSEER)
# Release Version 150127 build - V1.1 (micromapST (super version))
#     Adjustments for dynamic panel setup.
#     Updated logic to enforce min and max panel sizes.
#     Allow legal paper sideways.
# Release Version 220417 build - V1.1.2 - replace emails and minor fix.
# Release Version 220829 build - V2.0 and V2.0.1 (micromapST) - correct layout to handle 1 group/row.
# Release Version 240416 build - V2.1 - correct "ID" column width calculation.

panelFill <- function(col="#D0D0D0",border=NA,...)

   # fill a panel specified by "usr" with fill color of "col" and and outline color of "border="
    xy <- par("usr")               # get usr data with polygon points.  Fil with "col"
    graphics::polygon(xy[c(1, 2, 2, 1)], xy[c(3, 3, 4, 4)],col=col,border=border,xpd=TRUE,...)

panelGrid <- function(x = NULL, y = NULL, col = 2, lwd = 1, lty = 1)
  # place grids in panel.  If x present = vertical grids
  #                        if y present = horizontal grids  
  #                        if x and y present = both grids
		graphics::abline(v = x, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, col = col)
		graphics::abline(h = y, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, col = col)

panelInbounds <- function(bnds) {
   #  bnds = min and max of panel boundaries.
   #  times potential pretty to panel limits.
      grid = pretty(bnds)    # range + defaults of n=5  (number of intervals) 
                             #                     min.n = n %/% 3, minimal number of intervals. (multiple of 3) 
                             #                     shrink.sml = 0.75,  
                             #                     high.u.bias = 1.5, (>1) interval units
                             #                     u5.bias = .5 + 1.5*high.u.bias,   multipler favoring 5 over 2.
                             #                     eps.correct = 0   (0,1,2) 
   return(grid[bnds[1] < grid & grid < bnds[2]])  # grid values must be internal to the range 

panelLengthen <- function(x, n=1) {

#   x = original vector to lengthen 
#   n = number of entries in new vector. 
#  expand number of columns or rows to "n", but replicated data may not be right..  WATCH!.
#    data in original vector is to be replicated to new elements. 
#  If no original data, zeroes are provided.
   if(n<1) {
      StopFnd <- TRUE
      xmsg <- "***0450 PANEL panelLengthen - invalid vector length. < 1"
      stop(xmsg, call.=FALSE)      
   if(length(x)==0) return(rep(0,n))    # original vector length = 0,  return vector with "n" zeros.
   newx = rep(x,ceiling(n/length(x)))   # repeat x into new space. (multiple length of original)
   length(newx) = n                     # set results to length of n  (trim to "n" length)

panelOutline <- function(col = "black", lwd = 1, lty = 1) {


   # Outline panel in "col". Current panel = "usr"
	xy <- par("usr")            # get window size (save to reuse)
	graphics::polygon(xy[c(1, 2, 2, 1)], xy[c(3, 3, 4, 4)], density=0, col=col, xpd=TRUE)

panelScale <-  function(rx = c(0, 1), ry = c(0, 1), inches = FALSE)  {
   #  Set scale of panel.
   #  If inches - set rx and ry to current inches values and return.
   #  Do "new=TRUE" plot to set the scale.  (could use plot.window?)
   #  firstp does not appear to be used.
   #  rx = X coordinates for lower left and upper right corners of the space.
   #  ry = Y coordinates for lower left and upper right corners of the space.
	if(inches) {
	   pin = par("pin")   # if inches, set corners to the par(pin) values.
	   rx = c(0, pin[1])
	   ry = c(0, pin[2])
	warn = unlist(options('warn'))
        options(warn=-1)   # turn off warnings
        options(warn=warn) # turn back on warnings
        #cat("pS-rx:",rx," ry:",ry," inches:",inches,"\n")
	plot(rx, ry, type = "n", axes = FALSE, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", 
		xlab = "", ylab = "", main = "")  # set up the plot box.
	return(list(rx = rx, ry = ry))

panelSelect <- function(layout, i = 1, j = 1, margin = NULL) {
   # Panel Select
   #      Layout = panel structure
   #      dim = dimensions of panel = c(i,j).  If i or j > respective dimension - fatal.
   #      If no margin specified---
   #       datfig = par(fig <- data)
   #       pad = par(mai = layout$lpad[c(4,1,3,2)] # reorder
   #      if margin specified---
   #       labfig = par(fig = layout$labfig[ind,]) # based on margin 
   #       brd = par(mai = layout$brd[c(4,1,3,2)] # reorder 
   #         par(fig = c(a,b,c,d)...  NDC coordinates of figure region in the display.  
   #                                  new plot, unless new=TRUE?
   #         par(mai = c(b,l,t,r)...  numerical vector margin size (bot, left, top, right) in inches.
   #    i =     row index
   #    j =     column index
   #    margin = left, right, top, bottom, bot,...
   #    returned values = none
	dim = layout$dim
	if(i > dim[1] || j > dim[2])    # is i and j within range.
	    stop("***0451 PANEL panelSelect - Dimension error. Program error - index 'i' or 'j' is out of bounds.", call.=FALSE)
	if(is.null(margin)) {               # "margin" is missing. (normal call for panelGroup or panels)
            k = dim[2] * (i - 1) + j
	    graphics::par(fig = layout$datfig[k,  ], 
	        mai = layout$lpad[c(4, 1, 3, 2)] )
	} else {
	    # panelOne call.
	    vec = 1:4
	    nam = c("left", "right", "top", "bottom", "bot")
	    ind = match(margin, nam)
		stop("***0452 PANEL panelSelect - Bad label region name.  Must be left, right, top or bottom.", call.=FALSE)
	    if(ind == 5)   ind = 4      # "bot" -> "bottom"
	    graphics::par(fig = layout$labfig[ind,  ], 
	        mai = layout$brd[c(4, 1, 3, 2)] )
	#cat("pSel-fig:",par("fig"),"  mai:",par("mai"),"\n")
#	"done"

panelLayout <-
function(vnrow = 1, 
         vncol = 1, 
         leftMargin   = 0,                     # inches
         rightMargin  = 0,                     # inches
         topMargin    = 1,                     # inches, leave room for page titles. 
         bottomMargin = 0,                     # inches
         borders      = rep(.5, 4),            # inches 
         # The figure borders are left(1), right, top, bottom(4)
         colSize      = 1, 
         rowSize      = 1,            # vector of units (one per group/row)
         colSep       = 0, 
         rowSep       = 0,	      # inches
         rSizeMx      = 2,            # inches
         rSizeMn      = 0.5,          # inches
         rSizeMaj     = 7,            # units    rSizeMin is the minimum units 1.65
         rMapCol      = NULL,
         lpad         = NULL,
         disErr       = FALSE,                 # TRUE disable error message on internal metrics.  But still see it. 
         rDebug       = NULL
        )                                      # All of these call parameters should match up with the 
                                               # Global Variables - This will be done by the caller.
  if (is.null(rDebug)) { rDebug = 256 } 
  #  Function to Generate a panel layout structure based on column and row parameters
  #    Margins
  #    borders
  #    colSize  = vector - one entry per column   (inches)
  #    rowSize  = vector - one entry per panel/row (group) (units, either 1.65 or 7)
  #    colSep   = vector or single - spacing between columns (inches)
  #    rowSep   = vector - spacing between panel/rows (groups) (? inches)
  #    rSizeMx  = Maximum Size of panel/row - inches
  #    rSizeMn  = Minimum Size of panel/row - inches
  #    rSizeMaj = Size of major panel/rows - units
  #    rSizeMin = Minimum size of median panel/row (singular) - units = 1.65
  #    rMapCol  = vector of column numbers containing "maps" or "id"
  #    lpad     = padding
  #    disErr   = T/F  - disable error checking and messages.
  #    rDebug   = debug flag
  if (bitwAnd(rDebug,256) != 0 ) {
     cat("panelLayout parameters:\n")
     cat("  vnrow     :",vnrow,"  rowSize :",rowSize,"  rowSep  :",rowSep,"\n")
     cat("  vncol     :",vncol,"  colSize :",colSize,"  colSep  :",colSep,"\n")
     cat("  rSizeMn   :",rSizeMn,"  rSizeMx :",rSizeMx,"  rSizeMaj:",rSizeMaj,"\n")
     cat("  rMapCol   :",rMapCol,"\n")
     cat("  lpad      :",lpad,"\n")    # not defined.
     cat("  rDebug    :",rDebug,"\n\n")
     cat(" borders    :",borders,"\n")
     cat("leftMargin  :",leftMargin,"\n")
     cat("rightMargin :",rightMargin,"\n")
     cat("topMargin   :",topMargin,"\n")
  #  Used for panels, panelGroup, panelOne
  #   panels have multiple columns and panel/rows for each glyphic.  the individual panels are single glyphics
  #   panelGroups have two or three panels per column representing the above median areas, the 
  #     below median areas, and the single area at the median (if odd number of areas).
  #   panelOne has one column covering all columns, and one row, covering all rows.
  #  Modified 2022/8/29 to handle only one group/row in all cases.
  enableErr <- !disErr    # default is disErr=FALSE, so enableErr = TRUE
  # Note fig matrices rounded to 6 places in an effort of avoid a R problem with fig when
  #  values appear in exponential notation.

    	oldpar = graphics::par()                       # save original par values.
	din    = oldpar$din                     # get device dimensions (inches)
	din.x  = din[1]                       #  x = width
	din.y  = din[2]                       #  y = height
	#cat("pL din:",din,"\n")

        # page >>  b[1] | leftM | plotX | rightM | b[2] = din.x
	plotX  = din.x - borders[1] - borders[2] - leftMargin - rightMargin  # usable width inches
        #cat("pL plotX:",plotX,"\n")

        # page >>  b[4] | topM  | plotY | bottomM | b[3] = din.y
	plotY = din.y - borders[3] - borders[4] - bottomMargin - topMargin  # usable height inches
        #cat("pL plotY:",plotY,"\n")	

	# bounds (x1, x2, y1, y2)
	#   plotY and plotX is the plotting sapce after margins and borders are removed.

        #  inches of box within "borders"  (include margins)	
	#   bounds (edge left, margin left, margin right, edge right) shifted right by "borders[1]"
	xbnds = c(0, leftMargin, leftMargin + plotX, leftMargin + plotX + 
		rightMargin) + borders[1]         # shift all by the left borders
	#  [1] >>   |
	#  [2] >>   |   LM    |
	#  [3] >>   |   LM    |   plotX   |
	#  [4] >>   |   LM    |   plotX   |   RM   |
	#   All adjusted border[1] +
	#      0--------LM---------------------RM         + borders[1]
	#           1         2           3         4
	#  [1] >>   | b[1]  |
	#  [2] >>   | b[1]  |   LM    |
	#  [3] >>   | b[1]  |   LM    |   plotX   |
	#  [4] >>   | b[1]  |   LM    |   plotX   |   RM   |
	#           | b[1]  |   LM    |   plotX   |   RM   |  b[2]  ???
	#           A       B         C           D        E
	# xbnds=c( B, C, D, E )
	#   bounds (edge bottom, margin bottom, margin top, edge top) shifted up by "borders[4]"

	ybnds = c(0, bottomMargin, bottomMargin + plotY, bottomMargin + 
		plotY   + topMargin) + borders[4] # shift all by bottom border
	#   Note: on y axis, 0 is bottom of area.
	#      0--------BM----------------------------TM---------Tpt  + borders[4]
	#           |  0  |  BM    |  ploty        |    TM           |   
        #           | b(4)| BM+b(4)| BM+Ploty+b(4) | BM+Ploty+TM+b(4)|
        #           U     V        W               X                 Y        
	#      values are 0 at bottom upward.
	# the right and top borders are handled in the first calculation.
	#  fig.scale = inches coordinates of device space.
	fig.scale = c(din.x, din.x, din.y, din.y)    # inches of current device/space	
        #  for entire page including borders and margins
        # left figure is in the left margin space of the plot area from top to bottom
	#   from left edge (0) to leftmargin + borders, 
	#   from bottom edge to top edge 
	#   So, outlines the left margin space (left to plot and bottom to top) with 
	#   borders around the area.
	leftfig <- c(xbnds[1] - borders[1], xbnds[2] + borders[2], 
	             ybnds[1] - borders[4], ybnds[4] + borders[3])   
		    # x   >>  left edge to B1+LM+B2 from left edge, 
		    # y   >>  bot edge              to   top edge 
	# right figure is in the right margin space of the plot area from top to bottom
	rightfig <- c(xbnds[3] - borders[1], xbnds[4] + borders[2], 
	              ybnds[1] - borders[4], ybnds[4] + borders[3])   
		    # x   >>  B1+RM+B2 from right   to   right edge
		    # y   >>  bot edge              to   top edge
	# top figure is in the top margin space from from left to right
	topfig <- c(xbnds[1] - borders[1], xbnds[4] + borders[2], 
	            ybnds[3] - borders[4], ybnds[4] + borders[3])
		    # x   >>  left edge             to   right edge, 
	            # y   >>  B3+TM+B4 from top edge to  top edge  
	# bottom figure is in the bottom margin space from left to right
	botfig <- c(xbnds[1] - borders[1], xbnds[4] + borders[2], 
	            ybnds[1] - borders[4], ybnds[2] + borders[3])
		    # x   >>  left edge             to   right edge, 
		    # y   >>  bot edge              to   B3+BM+B4 from bot edge  

        if (bitwAnd(rDebug,256) != 0 ) {	
           cat("leftfig :",leftfig,"\n")
           cat("topfig  :",topfig,"\n")
           cat("botfig  :",botfig,"\n")
        #  xxxfigs are boxes on the sides and top/bottom representing the borders around the 
        #  space and the appropriate margin.
	#  All of the above are in inches..
	# these figure areas are from the devices left to right and top to bottom limits.
	# both vectors should be +1 the column or row count
	#   if "n" columns, there are "n+1" separator (includes one on left and right of
	#   columns.  Same with panel/rows
	rowSep <- panelLengthen(rowSep, vnrow + 1)      # nrow elements.  Number of rows -> now number of rows+1 (T,m,x,x,m,B) seps
	colSep <- panelLengthen(colSep, vncol + 1)      # initially 1 element of zero - now "ncol" elements (inches)
	if (bitwAnd(rDebug,256) != 0 ) {
	   cat("Num of Rows   -vnrow:",vnrow,"  adj rowSep:",rowSep,"\n")
	   cat("Num of Columns-vncol:",vncol,"  adj colSep:",colSep,"\n")
	#  lpads values are the distance from the edges inward for the sides (1,2)
	#  and the top, bot (3, 4)
	if (is.null(lpad)) {    # now sure this is used.
	     # no lpad, initialize - lpad is space round columns and rows.
	     #   includes borders, margins and left and right separators
	     lpad = c(borders[1] + leftMargin + colSep[1],            # left
		      colSep[vncol + 1] + rightMargin + borders[2],   # right
		      borders[3] + topMargin + rowSep[1],             # top
		      rowSep[vnrow + 1] + bottomMargin + borders[4])  # bottom	
	#  lpad[1] = borders[1] + leftmargin + colSep[1] = left edge
	#  lpad[2] = borders[2] + rightmargin + (farright colSep) = right edge
	#  lpad[3] = borders[3] + topmargin + rowsep[1]  = top edge
	#  lpad[4] = borders[4] + bottommargin + (lowest rowsep (at bottom)) + bottom edge
	#  lpad values are width of border, margin and one sep on each side.
	#  everyone assumea col or rowsep around the entire graphic.
	# The borders should align around the edge.
	# accumulative offset from left    - last value = total.
	#  Check to see if Header and Trailer of page is accounted for and subtracted.
	rowCumSep <- cumsum(rowSep)    # inches.
	colCumSep <- cumsum(colSep)    # columns - inches -convert individual spaces to cumulative sums.           
	wPlotXAvail <- round(plotX - colCumSep[vncol + 1], digits=3)    # subtract total separate gaps. inches  
	                                               # (space available for columns in inches)
	wPlotYAvail <- round(plotY - rowCumSep[vnrow + 1], digits=3)    # inches remaining.                     
	                                               # (space available for rows in inches)
	         # Plot.Avail is the space available minus borders, margins, separators in inches.
	if (bitwAnd(rDebug,256) != 0 ) {
	   cat("Code: 399 pf \n")
	   cat("Width -wPlotXAvail:",wPlotXAvail," inches\n")
	   cat("Height-wPlotYAvail:",wPlotYAvail," inches\n")
        # the colSize and rowSize values are relative to a projected sum of units.
	#      colSize = vector in inches
	#      rowSize = vector in user units, sums of 7 and 1.65 per group/row.
	# sum(rowSize) = 71.65 as coded for 10 full groups and the median group  (10 * 7 + 1.65)
	# sum(colSize) =  inches needed minus separators.  
	#  Assumption is we use all of the space?  But need to account for 
	#  aspect ratios and min and max sizes.
	# max row space available    = plotY     # inches
	#       now convert to units --->>>  rowMax = din.y*7 (7 units per inch)  ****
	#       maxHeightUnits = din.y inches * 7 units
	# max column space available = plotX inches
	#####  Row size scaling.
	#cat("Row Size Scaling--rSizeMn-416:", rSizeMn,"   rSizeMx:", rSizeMx,"\n")  # def 0.5 and 2 inches
	if (rDebug == 2 || rDebug == 256) {
	   print(paste0("plotX Avail=",wPlotXAvail,"  plotY Avail=",wPlotYAvail))
	#   Calculate and verify the row sizing first.  May need to adjust.
	# Number of "units" in row size vector - number of units required for all of the areas.
	# Grouped in group/rows of up to 5 areas each.  Each group/row is 7 units height.
	# For 5 areas, the is 4 units between graphics and 1.5 units on top and bottom.
	# The single area median group/row represents 1 area, and is .825 units above and below the
	# graphic.
	sumRowSize <- sum(rowSize)    # units needed for all rows.  rowsize is a vector of sizes.
	# gaps are not included.
	# Check size of group/row (inches) (min -> max)
	rInPerUnit <- wPlotYAvail / sumRowSize     #   inches / total row units where group/row = 7 units
	#        row separaters not include in wPlotYAvail
	#  Max Units per row (7 or 8) times inches per unit.
	curGRowInch <- rInPerUnit * rSizeMaj    # inches for 7 units (Max units)  -> a group/row.
	# curGRowInch is the current group/row size in inches based on plotYavail space
	# and number row units required.  plotYavail excludes borders, margins and one seperation
	# space on each side of the plot area.
	#cat(" Current Calculations-454: rInPerUnit:",rInPerUnit,"in.   curGRowInch:",curGRowInch,"in. for g/r  \n",
	#    " Min Height In. rSizeMn:",rSizeMn,"   Max Height In. rSizeMx:",rSizeMx,"  Sum of Row Sizes in. sumRowSize:",sumRowSize,"\n",
	#    " rowSize vector in. :",paste0(rowSize,collapse=", "),"\n")
        #  check min and max range
	if ((curGRowInch * 1.4) < rSizeMn) {   # needed space < rSizeMn...  Why the 1.4 multiplier?
	   if (enableErr) {   # only if enableErr set = def = TRUE
	      xmsg     <- paste0("***0432 PANEL panelLayout - Info:The calculated GrpRow Height is: ",curGRowInch," inches. The mininum size limit is:",rSizeMn,"\n")
	   if (curGRowInch < (rSizeMn/2)) {
	      #cat("panelLayout:  curGRowInch:",curGRowInch,"  rSizeMn/2:", ( rSizeMn/2 ),"\n")
	      xmsg     <- paste0("***0431 PANEL panelLayout - Info:The calculated GrpRow Height may be too small to be used.\n")
	} else {
	   if (curGRowInch > rSizeMx) { curGRowInch <- rSizeMx }
	   #cat("Current GR Size > Max, setting to fixed max of: ", rSizeMx,"\n")
	# recalculate Inches per unit (recalibrated.)
	rInPerUnit   <- curGRowInch / rSizeMaj               # get inches per unit for full convert
	# convert rowSize from units into inches.
	rowSizeIn    <- rowSize * rInPerUnit                  # convert rowSize to inches
	sumrowSizeIn <- sum(rowSizeIn)
	#cat(" Inch/Unit-447:",rInPerUnit,"  sumrowSizeIn:",sumrowSizeIn,"  rowSizeIn:",paste0(rowSizeIn,collapse=", "),"\n")
	#  why???  - not used.
	#rowSizeTotMaxInches = plotY
	#rowSizeTotMaxUnits  = plotY * yUnitsPerInch       # 7 units per 2 inches -> max height we could use in units, so units / inch * space = units.
	#rowSizeTotMaxUnits  = round(rowSizeTotMaxUnits, digits = 3)   # in UNITS.
	#cat("rowSizeTotMax - Inches:",rowSizeTotMaxInches,"  Units:",rowSizeTotMaxUnits,"\n")
	# size colSize and rowSize if not long enough - we have space to fill.
	relyIn      <- panelLengthen(rowSizeIn, vnrow)       # size inches - required == "n" * 7 + 1.65 (opt)   (expand to the number of needed rows.  
	relyInSum   <- round(sum(relyIn),digits=3)           # total row size in units
        ######    column sizes
        #cat("Calculating Column sizes\n")
	relxIn      <- panelLengthen(colSize, vncol)         # size (inches) required == 3 * 1    relx is 3 elements of 1
	relxInSum   <- round(sum(relxIn),digits=3)   
	xRatio      <- 1      # ratio to fit columns on page - 1 means no change to estimates
	#cat("Check need vs available 504  - relxInSum:",relxInSum,"  to wPlotXAvail:", wPlotXAvail,"\n")
	if (relxInSum > (wPlotXAvail+0.0001)) {
	   if (enableErr) {
              errCntMsg(paste0("***0430 PANEL panelLayout - The calculated width of ",relxInSum,
                               " is too large for the available space of ",wPlotXAvail,"\n"))
	   xRatio    <- wPlotXAvail/relxInSum    # modify xRatio to what is needed to make it fit.

	   #cat("xRatio required:",xRatio,"\n")
        if (rDebug == 2 || rDebug == 256) { 
	   cat("relxInSum:",relxInSum,"  relxIn:",paste0(relxIn,collapse=", "),"\n")
	   cat("colSize  :",paste0(colSize,collapse=", "),"\n")
	   cat("xRatio   :",xRatio,"\n")
	yRatio    <- 1    # yRatio indicating no adjustment needed to fit on page.
	#cat("Check needed vs. available for Yaxis - relyInSum:",relyInSum,"  to wPlotYAvail:", wPlotYAvail,"\n")
	if (relyInSum > (wPlotYAvail + 0.0001)) {
           #  If requirements to large, find the ratio to cut them all back.
           yRatio = wPlotYAvail / relyInSum   #  Have / Needed  ---  inches/units = inches per unit.
	   # adjusted yRatio to make fit.
        comRatio <- min(xRatio, yRatio)

        if (rDebug == 2 || rDebug == 256) { 
           cat("rowSize array - in inches:",relyInSum,"\n")
           print(paste0("   rowSize in inches reduced by ", (yRatio*100)," percent."))
	   cat("relyInSum:",relyInSum,"  relyIn:",paste0(relyIn,collapse=", "),"\n")
	   cat("rowSize  :",paste0(rowSize,collapse=", "),"\n")
	   cat("yRatio   :",yRatio,"\n")
	   cat("comRatio :", comRatio,"\n")

	if (comRatio < 0.999) {
	   # reduce scaling.   To keep symetric -use the smallest. Can't be > 1.
	   #rowSizeTotMaxUnits =  relySum
	   cat("reduction enforced - map columns - REALLY, comRatio:",comRatio,"\n")
	   colSize   <- colSize  * xRatio   #  adjust column width (but doesn's work right - to small)
	   cat("reduced colSize:",paste0(colSize,collapse=", "),"\n")
	   rowSizeIn <- rowSizeIn * yRatio
	   cat("reduced rowSizeIn:", paste0(rowSizeIn,collapse=", "),"\n")
	   #stop()  # don't want this logic to be working yet.
	if (rDebug == 2) {
	   cat("xRatio   :", xRatio,"  yRatio:",yRatio, "  map cols=",paste0(rMapCol,collapse=" "),"\n")
	   cat("colSize  :", paste0(colSize,collapse=" "),"\n")
	   cat("rowSizeIn:", rowSizeIn,"\n")
	relxPerc <- relxIn/wPlotXAvail     # percentage of "inches" allowed (setup of colSize totals width)
	relyPerc <- relyIn/wPlotYAvail     # percentage of "inches" allowed (for Setup)
	relxP    <- cumsum(c(0,relxPerc))
	relyP    <- cumsum(c(0,relyPerc))
	# increment table from left and bottom.
	xinc    <- wPlotXAvail * relxP     # ignoring fixed fields  (positions from 0 to n 
	yinc    <- wPlotYAvail * relyP     # all floating (may not need all of this room.) from 0 to n
	if (rDebug == 2) {
           cat(" relxPerc    :", paste0(relxPerc,collapse=", "),"\n")
           cat(" relyPerc    :", paste0(relyPerc,collapse=", "),"\n")
           cat(" cumsum relxP:", paste0(relxP,collapse=", "),"\n")
           cat(" cumsum relyP:", paste0(relyP,collapse=", "),"\n")
           cat(" xinc:",xinc,"  yinc:",yinc,"\n")
	#   inc is the space for each element - y is fairly fixed, x is partially fixed, some vary
	#        based on glyph widths.
	#  init fig matrix to all zeros
	fig = matrix(0, nrow = vnrow * vncol, ncol = 4)  # for values for each panel (empty)
	k = 0   # index to zero
	#  pads are equal to left separators, borders and margins on top, bot, left, right.
	#  The inc vectors are offsets from left and bottom..
	#  All this in inches.
	#  We step through the i rows and j columns, and fill in one row in fig for each. 
	#  one row per panel (i,j),   1 = left x, 2 = right x, 3 = bottom y, 4 = top y
	#                                 x1      x2           y1            y2
	#  Layout each panel in this group.  panels=each graphic panel (g/row and column)
	#                                    panelGroup = each logical g/row set (top, middle, bottom)
	#                                    panelOne = each logical group - one column.
	for (i in 1:vnrow) {   # y rows
           for (j in 1:vncol) {  # x columns
               k    <- k + 1
               #  x axis
               #            left     + left x  + left sep - lpad(1)       (Start of x in i,j panel)
	       fig[k, 1] <- xbnds[2] + xinc[j] + colCumSep[j] - lpad[1]       # x.pos k<=1:- start (x left)
	       #            left     + right x + left sep - lpad(2)       (End of x in i.j panel)
	       fig[k, 2] <- xbnds[2] + xinc[j + 1] + colCumSep[j] + lpad[2]   # x pos      - end   (x right)
	       #            top      - top y   - top sep  + lpad(3)       (Top of y in i,j panel)
	       fig[k, 4] <- ybnds[3] - yinc[i] - rowCumSep[i] + lpad[3]       # y pos - start      (y top)
	       #            top      - bottom y - top sep + lpad(4)       (end of y in i.y panel)
	       fig[k, 3] <- ybnds[3] - yinc[i + 1] - rowCumSep[i] - lpad[4]   # y pos - end        (y bottom) 
	#cat("Initial build of fig:\n"," row x col\n", " each row is Srt X, End X, Srt Y, End Y for panel row.col\n\n")
	#  fig structure is one long vector.
	#    k incremented each new column with row.
	#    so 4 column micromap = 1r,1c = 1(k),  1r,2c = 2(k), 2r,1c = 5(k)
	#    each k contains 4 values: x1(left), x2(right), y1(bot), y2(top) - The opposite points in a rectangle
	#    built from xbnds[2]
	#               xinc[j]
	#               colCumSep[j]
	#               lpad[1], lpad[2]
	#               ybnds[3]
	#               yinc[i]
	#               rowCumSep[i]
	#               lpad[4], lpad[3]
	# fig now has the x1, x2, y1, y2 physical position of each panel on the page.

        #  Scale the "inch" coordinates to coordinates 0 to 1 (relative) in fig space.
	fig      <- abs(t(t(fig)/fig.scale))  # change to device 0 to 1 NDC
	#cat("Modified fig:\n")
	labfig = rbind(leftfig, rightfig, topfig, botfig)
	# lab figure has four rows - one for each margin/border space around the plot area. 
	#  Scale the "inch" coordinates to coordinates 0 to 1 (relative) in fig space
	labfig   <- t(t(labfig)/fig.scale)  # change to device 0 to 1 NDC

        #cat("leftMargin:",leftMargin,"  rightMargin:",rightMargin,"\n")

	# coltabs are in inches and start inside the left border
	#     elements= left, points (CumSep+XInc+leftmar)(nCol), leftMar+CumSep + xinc + rightMarf
	coltabs  <- cbind(c(0, colCumSep + xinc + leftMargin), 
	                    leftMargin + c(0,colCumSep) + c(xinc, xinc[length(xinc)] + rightMargin
	            # 0, LM+XInc+CumSep, LM+
	# rowtabs are in inches and start below the lower border
        # yinc is padded with a leading 0.  
	rowtabs  <- cbind(c(ybnds[3], ybnds[3] - rowCumSep - c(yinc[-1], yinc[vnrow + 1] + bottomMargin)), 
	                  c(ybnds[4], ybnds[3] - rowCumSep - yinc)
	                 ) - borders[4]
	# The tabs provide the physical points for each panel.
	if (rDebug == 2) {
           print(paste0("coltabs=",paste0(coltabs,collapse=" ")))
           print(paste0("rowtabs=",paste0(rowtabs,collapse=" ")))

	list(dim     = c(vnrow, vncol), 
	     datfig  = round(fig,6),      # points of corners of panel
	     labfig  = round(labfig,6),   # points of corners of l, r, t, b panels 
	     brd     = borders,
             lpad    = lpad,              # 
             coltabs = coltabs, 
             rowtabs = rowtabs, 
	     figsize = c(din.x, din.y)

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micromapST documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:11 a.m.