#' Non-degenerate Vuong test
#' An unhanced version of the Vuong test with a small-sample bias
#' correction
#' @aliases ndvuong
#' @param x a first fitted model
#' @param y a second fitted model
#' @param size the size of the test
#' @param pval should the p-value be computed ?
#' @param nested a boolean, `TRUE` for nested models
#' @param vartest a boolean, if `TRUE`, the variance test is computed
#' @param ndraws the number of draws for the simulations
#' @param diffnorm a creuser
#' @param seed the seed
#' @param numbers a user provided matrix of random numbers
#' @param nd a boolean, if `TRUE` (the default) the non-degenarate Vuong test is computed
#' @param print.level the level of details to be printed
#' @return an object of class `"htest"`.
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @seealso the classical Vuong test is implemented in `pscl::vuong` and `nonnest2::vuongtest`.
#' @references
#' \insertRef{VUON:89}{micsr}
#' \insertRef{SHI:15}{micsr}
#' @importFrom stats ecdf logLik optimize qnorm quantile rnorm uniroot
#' @keywords htest
## #' @examples
## #' ll <- lm(dist ~ log(speed), cars)
## #' loglin <- loglm(dist ~ log(speed), cars)
## #' ndvuong(ll, loglin)
#' @export
ndvuong <- function(x, y, size = 0.05, pval = TRUE,
nested = FALSE, vartest = FALSE,
ndraws = 1E04, diffnorm = 0.1, seed = 1,
numbers = NULL, nd = TRUE,
print.level = 0){
# if pval is TRUE, size is adjusted, otherwise it is fixed <- c(
) <- paste(, collapse = "-")
# the two models are renamed f and g like in Vuong paper, the
# generics llobs, estfun and bread are used to extract the
# relevant features of the log-likelihood
f <- x ; g <- y
N <- length(llobs(f))
K <- ncol(estfun(f)) + ncol(estfun(g))
# Compute the LR statistic as an average and its variance
LR <- as.numeric(logLik(f) - logLik(g)) / N
w2 <- sum((llobs(f)- llobs(g)) ^ 2) / N - LR ^ 2#(LR / N) ^ 2
# solveA is a block-diagonal matrix containing (H_f / N) ^ -1 and
# - (H_g / N) ^ - 1. The bread function returns - (H / N) ^ - 1 =
# - N x H ^ -1 = - N x vcov
solveA <- bdiag(- bread(f), bread(g))
# B binds the column of G_f and - G_g
B <- cbind(estfun(f), - estfun(g))
# substract the mean of the gradient (usefull if the gradient is
# not null at the optimum)
B <- t(t(B) - apply(B, 2, mean))
# B is the estimation of the variance of the gradient
B <- crossprod(B) / N
eigen_B <- eigen(B)
sqrtB <- eigen_B$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(abs(eigen_B$values))) %*% t(eigen_B$vectors)
V <- sqrtB %*% solveA %*% sqrtB
V <- eigen(V, symmetric = TRUE)$values
# Compute the 4 matrices that are used to compute empirically the
# distribution of the Vuong statistic
if (! nested){
# rho is a K vector containing 0 except at the position of the
# higher eigen value of V (in absolute value), where a 1 is
# inserted
rho <- as.numeric((abs(V) - max(abs(V))) == 0)
rho <- rho / sqrt(sum(rho))
# rho is irrelevant for nested models (a vector of K 0)
rho <- rep(0, length(V))
# Sigma is the covariance matrix of the K + 1 normal random normal
# draws
Sigma <- rbind(c(1, rho),
cbind(rho, diag(K)))
# To get the square root of Sigma, just insert a line of 0 at the
# position of the highest eigen value
Sigma[c(FALSE, as.logical(rho)), ] <- 0
# if numbers is not null, it is a user provided matrix of random
# draws. Otherwise rnorm is used.
if (is.null(numbers)) Z <- matrix(rnorm(ndraws * (K + 1)), ndraws)
else Z <- numbers
# then transform the random numbers according to the relevant
# covariance matrix
Z <- Z %*% Sigma
ZL <- Z[, 1]
ZP <- Z[, - 1]
# the scaled sum of the eigen values
trVsq <- sum(V ^ 2)
Vnmlzd <- V / sqrt(trVsq)
# the 4 scalars used to compute random draws from the same
# distribution as the one of the modified Vuong statistic
A1 <- ZL
A2 <- as.numeric(apply(ZP, 1, function(x) sum(Vnmlzd * x ^ 2) / 2) -
sum(Vnmlzd) / 2)
A3 <- as.numeric(apply(ZP, 1, function(x) sum(Vnmlzd * rho * x)))
A4 <- as.numeric(apply(ZP, 1, function(x) sum(x ^ 2 * Vnmlzd ^ 2)))
Tmod <- function(sigma, cst){
# R draws in the distribution of the Vuong statistic
num <- sigma * A1 - A2
denom <- sigma ^ 2 - 2 * sigma * A3 + A4 + cst
num / sqrt(denom)
quant <- function(sigma, cst, size)
# compute the empirical quantile of level 1 - size in the
# distribution of the Vuong statistic
as.numeric(quantile(abs(Tmod(sigma, cst)), 1 - size))
sigstar <- function(cst, size)
# compute the value of sigma which maximize the empirical
# quantile of level 1 - size of the distribution of the Vuong
# statistic
optimize(function(x) quant(x, cst, size), c(0, 5), maximum = TRUE)$maximum
seekpval <- function(size){
# for a given size, compute the constant so that the critical
# value equals the target
c.value <- 0
cv.value <- quant(sigstar(0, size), 0, size)
# what is the interest of that equation
cv.normal <- max(qnorm(1 - size / 2), quantile(abs(ZL), 1 - size))
cv.normal <- qnorm(size / 2, lower.tail = FALSE) <- cv.normal + diffnorm
if (cv.value <{
cv.value <- max(cv.value, cv.normal)
else {
froot <- function(cst) quant(sigstar(cst, size), cst, size) -
zo <- uniroot(froot, c(0, 10))
c.value <- zo$root
cv.value <- quant(sigstar(c.value, size), c.value, size)
LRmod <- LR + sum(V) / (2 * N)
w2mod <- w2 + c.value * sum(V ^ 2) / N
Tnd <- sqrt(N) * LRmod / sqrt(w2mod)
pvalue <- 1 - ecdf(abs(Tmod(sigstar(c.value, size), c.value)))(abs(Tnd))
list(pvalue = pvalue, stat = Tnd,
constant = c.value, cv = cv.value)
if (vartest){
# compute the variance test and quit"
W <- eigen(crossprod(B, - solveA), only.values = TRUE)$values
stat <- N * w2
pvalue <- mydavies(stat, W ^ 2)$Qq
results <- list(statistic = c(w2 = w2),
p.value = pvalue, =,
alternative = "positive variance",
method = "variance test")
if (nested){
# for the nested model, the statistic is the classical
# log-likelihood ratio and the distribution is a weighted
# chi^2
Tvuong <- 2 * LR * N
W <- eigen(crossprod(B, - solveA), only.values = TRUE)$values
pval_vuong <- mydavies(Tvuong, W)$Qq
if (nd){
# for the non-degenarate version, just modify the
# numerator, and compute the one sided p-value
LRmod <- LR + sum(V) / (2 * N)
Tnd <- sqrt(N) * (LRmod) / sqrt(w2)
if (Tnd < 0) pvalue <- ecdf(Tmod(0, 0))(Tnd)
else pvalue <- 1 - ecdf(Tmod(0, 0))(Tnd)
results <- list(statistic = c(z = Tnd),
method = "Non-degenerate Vuong test for nested models",
p.value = pvalue, =,
alternative = "different models",
parameters = c(
vuong_stat = Tvuong,
vuong_p.value = pval_vuong))
results <- list(statistic = c(wchisq = Tvuong),
method = "Vuong test for nested models",
p.value = pval_vuong, =,
alternative = "different models")
Tvuong <-sqrt(N) * LR / sqrt(w2)
pval_vuong <- pnorm(abs(Tvuong), lower.tail = FALSE)# * 2 unilaterale
if (nd){
if (! pval){
results <- seekpval(size)
results <- list(statistic = c(z = as.numeric(results$stat)),
method = "Non-degenerate Vuong test for non-nested models", =,
alternative = "different models",
parameters = c(
size = size,
vuong_stat = Tvuong,
constant = results$constant,
'crit-value' = results$cv,
'sum e.v.' = sum(V),
'vuong_p.value' = pval_vuong))
froot <- function(alpha) seekpval(alpha)$pvalue - alpha
if (froot(1E-100) < 0) results <- list(pvalue = 0, stat = Inf, constant = 0, cv = 0)
pvalue <- uniroot(froot, c(1E-100, 1-1E-100))
results <- seekpval(pvalue$root)
results <- list(statistic = c(z = as.numeric(results$stat)),
method = "Non-degenerate Vuong test for non-nested models",
p.value = results$pvalue, =,
alternative = "different models",
parameters = c(
vuong_stat = Tvuong,
constant = results$constant,
'sum e.v.' = sum(V),
'vuong_p.value' = pval_vuong))
results <- list(statistic = c(z = Tvuong),
method = "Vuong test for non-nested models",
p.value = pval_vuong, =,
alternative = "different models")
structure(results, class = "htest")
# a function to construct block-diagonal matrix (can't remember from
# which package it is borrowed)
bdiag <- function(...){
if (nargs() == 1)
x <- as.list(...)
x <- list(...)
n <- length(x)
if(n == 0) return(NULL)
x <- lapply(x, function(y) if(length(y)) as.matrix(y) else
stop("Zero-length component in x"))
d <- array(unlist(lapply(x, dim)), c(2, n))
rr <- d[1,]
cc <- d[2,]
rsum <- sum(rr)
csum <- sum(cc)
out <- array(0, c(rsum, csum))
ind <- array(0, c(4, n))
rcum <- cumsum(rr)
ccum <- cumsum(cc)
ind[1,-1] <- rcum[-n]
ind[2,] <- rcum
ind[3,-1] <- ccum[-n]
ind[4,] <- ccum
imat <- array(1:(rsum * csum), c(rsum, csum))
iuse <- apply(ind, 2, function(y, imat) imat[(y[1]+1):y[2],
(y[3]+1):y[4]], imat=imat)
iuse <- as.vector(unlist(iuse))
out[iuse] <- unlist(x)
#' @importFrom sandwich estfun
#' @export
#' @importFrom sandwich bread
#' @export
#' @importFrom sandwich meat
#' @export
#' Simulated pdfs for the Vuong statistics using linear models
#' This function can be used to reproduce the examples given by Shi
#' (2015) which illustrate the fact that the distribution of the Vuong
#' statistic may be very different from a standard normal
#' @aliases vuong_sim
#' @param N sample size
#' @param R the number of replications
#' @param Kf the number of covariates for the first model
#' @param Kg the number of covariates for the second model
#' @param a the share of the variance of `y` explained by the two
#' competing models
#' @return a numeric of length `N` containing the values of the Vuong statistic
#' @importFrom stats
#' @references
#' \insertRef{SHI:15}{micsr}
#' @examples
#' vuong_sim(N = 100, R = 10, Kf = 10, Kg = 2, a = 0.5)
#' @export
vuong_sim <- function(N = 1E03, R = 1E03, Kf = 15, Kg = 1, a = 0.125){
Zf <- array(rnorm(R * Kf * N, sd = a / sqrt(Kf)), dim = c(N, Kf, R))
Zg <- array(rnorm(R * Kg * N, sd = a / sqrt(Kg)), dim = c(N, Kg, R))
eps <- matrix(rnorm(R * N, sd = sqrt(1 - a ^ 2)), N, R)
y <- apply(Zf, c(1, 3), sum) + apply(Zg, c(1, 3), sum) + eps
get_lnl <- function(x){
res <- x$residuals
N <- length(res)
s2 <- sum(res ^ 2) / N
- 1 / 2 * log(2 * pi) - 1 / 2 * log(s2) - 1 / 2 * res ^ 2 / s2
res_f <- sapply(1:R, function(i) get_lnl([,, i], y[, i])))
res_g <- sapply(1:R, function(i) get_lnl([,, i, drop = FALSE], y[, i])))
LR <- apply(res_f - res_g, 2, mean)
w2 <- apply( (res_f - res_g) ^ 2, 2, mean) - LR ^ 2
Vuong <- sqrt(N) * LR / sqrt(w2)
#' Turnout
#' Turnout in Texas liquor referenda
#' @name turnout
#' @docType data
#' @keywords dataset
#' @format a list of three fitted models:
#' - group: the group-rule-utilitarian model
#' - intens: the intensity model
#' - sur: the reduced form SUR model
#' @description these three models are replication in R of stata's
#' code available on the web site of the American Economic
#' Association. The estimation is complicated by the fact that
#' some linear constraints are imposed.
#' @source
#' [American Economic Association data archive](
#' @references
#' \insertRef{COAT:CONL:04}{micsr}
#' @examples
#' ndvuong(turnout$group, turnout$intens)
#' ndvuong(turnout$group, turnout$sur)
#' ndvuong(turnout$intens, turnout$sur)
## #' @rdname ndvuong
## #' @method bread maxLik2
## #' @export
## bread.maxLik2 <- function(x, ...) - solve(x$hessian) * length(x$lnl)
## #' @rdname ndvuong
## #' @method estfun maxLik2
## #' @export
## estfun.maxLik2 <- function(x, ...) x$gradient
## #' @rdname ndvtest
## #' @method logLik maxLik2
## #' @export
## logLik.maxLik2 <- function(object, ...) sum(object$lnl)
# @importFrom CompQuadForm davies
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