#' Ordered regression
#' Maximum-likelihood estimation of a model for which the response is
#' ordinal
#' @name ordreg
#' @param formula a symbolic description of the model
#' @param data a data frame
#' @param subset,weights,na.action,offset see `lm`
#' @param link one of `probit` and `logit`
#' @param start a vector of starting values, in this case, no
#' estimation
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @return an object of class `micsr`, see `micsr::micsr` for further
#' details.
#' @importFrom stats glm plogis
#' @importFrom Formula Formula
#' @keywords models
#' @examples
#' mod1 <- ordreg(factor(dindx) ~ rhs1 + catchup, fin_reform, link = "logit")
#' @export
ordreg <- function(formula, data, weights, subset, na.action, offset,
link = c("probit", "logit"), start = NULL, ...){
.call <-
.link <- match.arg(link)
cl <- = FALSE)
.formula <- cl$formula <- Formula(formula)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights"),
names(cl), 0L)
# construct the model frame and components
cl <- cl[c(1L, m)]
mf <- cl
mf[[1L]] <-"model.frame")
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
y <- model.response(mf)
X <- model.matrix(mt, mf)
X <- X[, - 1, drop = FALSE]
if (compute_rank(X) < ncol(X)){
.rank <- compute_rank(X)
.ncol <- ncol(X)
stop(paste("the rank of X = ", .rank, " < the number of columns = ", .ncol, sep = ""))
J <- length(unique(y))
nms_y <- levels(y)
nms_thr <- paste(nms_y[- J], nms_y[ - 1], sep = "|")
y <- as.integer(y)
Y <- model.matrix(~ factor(y) - 1)
K <- ncol(X)
N <- length(y)
.df.residual <- N - K
if (.link == "probit"){
F_link <- pnorm
f_link <- dnorm
q_link <- qnorm
e_link <- function(x) - x * f_link(x)
if (.link == "logit"){
F_link <- function(x) exp(x) / (1 + exp(x))
f_link <- function(x) exp(x) / (1 + exp(x)) ^ 2
e_link <- function(x) (exp(x) - exp(3 * x)) / (1 + exp(x)) ^ 4
q_link <- function(x) log(x / (1 - x))
lnl <- function(param, gradient = FALSE, hessian = FALSE, sum = TRUE, information = FALSE, X = X, y = y){
beta <- param[1L:K]
mu <- c(-100, param[(K + 1L):(K + J - 1L)], 100)
bX <- as.numeric(crossprod(t(X), beta))
z1 <- mu[y + 1] - bX ; z2 <- mu[y] - bX
F1 <- F_link(z1) ; F2 <- F_link(z2)
Li <- F1 - F2
lnL <- log(Li)
if (sum) lnL <- sum(lnL)
if (gradient){
W <- matrix(0, nrow(X), J)
# The first two cols are not estimated coefficients (-infty and 0)
# so remove them
W1 <- (col(W) == (y + 1))[, - 1, drop = FALSE] ; W2 <- (col(W) == y)[, - 1, drop = FALSE]
f1 <- f_link(mu[y + 1] - bX) ; f2 <- f_link(mu[y] - bX)
gmu <- (W1 * f1 - W2 * f2)
gb <- - (f1 - f2) * X
gradi <- cbind(gb, gmu) / Li
.gradient <- gradi
if (sum) .gradient <- apply(gradi, 2, sum)
attr(lnL, "gradient") <- .gradient
if (hessian){
e1 <- e_link(mu[y + 1] - bX) ; e2 <- e_link(mu[y] - bX)
M1 <- cbind(- X, W1)
M2 <- cbind(- X, W2)
H <- crossprod(M1 * e1 / Li, M1) - crossprod(M2 * e2 / Li, M2) - crossprod(gradi)
attr(lnL, "hessian") <- H
if (information){
attr(lnL, "info") <- - H
sup.coef <- q_link(cumsum(prop.table(table(y))))[1: (J - 1)]
.start <- c(rep(0, K), sup.coef)
names(.start) <- c(colnames(X), nms_thr)
.coefs <- newton(lnl, coefs = .start, direction = "max", X = X, y = y, ...)
.lp <- drop(X %*% .coefs[1:K])
.lnl_conv <- lnl(.coefs, gradient = TRUE, hessian = TRUE, sum = FALSE, X = X, y = y, information = TRUE)
.null_intercept <- sup.coef
fy <- prop.table(table(y))
logLik_null <- N * sum(fy * log(fy))
logLik_saturated <- 0
logLik_model <- sum(.lnl_conv)
.fitted.values <- cbind(0, F_link(outer(- .lp, .coefs[K + (1L:(J - 1))], "+")), 1)
.fitted.values <- .fitted.values[, - 1, drop = FALSE] - .fitted.values[, - (J + 1L), drop = FALSE]
.probabilities <- .fitted.values
.fitted.values <- as.numeric(apply(Y * .fitted.values, 1, sum))
.df.residual <- N - K - J - 1L
colnames(.probabilities) <- nms_y
.npar <- c(covariates = K, threshold = J - 1L)
attr(.npar, "default") <- "covariates"
# Null model
.logLik <- c(model = logLik_model, null = logLik_null, saturated = logLik_saturated)
null_coefs <- c(rep(0, ncol(X)), .null_intercept)
lnl_null <- lnl(null_coefs, gradient = TRUE, hessian = TRUE, information = TRUE, X = X, y = y)
.null_gradient <- attr(lnl_null, "gradient")
.null_info <- attr(lnl_null, "info")
.lm <- drop(crossprod(.null_gradient, solve(.null_info, .null_gradient)))
.model_info <- attr(.lnl_conv, "info")
# .w <- drop(crossprod(.coefs[- 1], t(crossprod(.coefs[-1], .model_info[- 1, - 1]))))
.vcov <- solve(.model_info)
.w <- drop(crossprod(.coefs[1:K], t(crossprod(.coefs[1:K], solve(.vcov[1:K, 1:K, drop = FALSE])))))
.lr <- 2 * unname(.logLik["model"] - .logLik["null"])
tests <- c(w = .w, lm = .lm, lr = .lr)
result <- list(coefficients = .coefs,
model = mf,
gradient = attr(.lnl_conv, "gradient"),
hessian = attr(.lnl_conv, "hessian"),
linear.predictors = .lp,
logLik = .logLik,
probabilities = .probabilities,
fitted.values = .fitted.values,
df.residual = .df.residual,
est_method = "ml",
formula = formula,
npar = .npar,
tests = tests,
value = as.numeric(.lnl_conv),
call = .call
structure(result, class = c("ordreg", "binomreg", "micsr"))
fitted.ordreg <- function(object, ..., type = c("outcome", "probabilities")){
.type <- match.arg(type)
ifelse(.type == "outcome",
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