#' Truncated response model
#' Estimation of models for which the response is truncated, either on
#' censored or truncated samples using OLS, NLS, maximum
#' likelihood, two-steps estimators or trimmed estimators
#' @name tobit1
#' @param formula a symbolic description of the model; if two right
#' hand sides are provided, the second one described the set of
#' instruments if `scedas` is `NULL`, which is the
#' default. Otherwise, the second part indicates the set of
#' covariates for the variance function
#' @param data,subset,weights see `lm`
#' @param start an optional vector of starting values
#' @param left,right left and right truncation points for the response
#' The default is respectively 0 and +Inf which corresponds to the
#' most classic (left-zero truncated) tobit model
#' @param scedas the functional form used to specify the conditional
#' variance, either `"exp"` or `"pnorm"`
#' @param sample either `"censored"` (the default) to estimate the
#' censored (tobit) regression model or `"truncated"` to estimated
#' the truncated regression model
#' @param method one of `"ml"` for maximum likelihood, `"lm"` for
#' (biased) least squares estimators, `"twosteps"` for two-steps
#' consistent estimators, `"trimmed"` for symetrically censored
#' estimator, `"minchisq"` and `"test"`. The last two are only
#' relevant for instrumental variable estimation (when the formula
#' is a two-parts formula and `scedas` is `NULL`)
#' @param trace a boolean (the default if `FALSE`) if `TRUE` some
#' information about the optimization process is printed
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom stats binomial coef dnorm glm lm model.matrix
#' model.response pnorm sigma df.residual fitted logLik
#' model.frame printCoefmat residuals terms vcov nobs
#' model.weights .getXlevels predict delete.response predict
#' update
#' @keywords models
#' @return An object of class `c("tobit1", "micsr")`, see
#' `micsr::micsr` for further details.
#' @author Yves Croissant
#' @references \insertRef{POWE:86}{micsr}
#' @examples
#' charitable$logdon <- with(charitable, log(donation) - log(25))
#' ml <- tobit1(logdon ~ log(donparents) + log(income) + education +
#' religion + married + south, data = charitable)
#' scls <- update(ml, method = "trimmed")
#' tr <- update(ml, sample = "truncated")
#' nls <- update(tr, method = "nls")
#' @export
tobit1 <- function(formula, data, subset = NULL, weights = NULL,
start = NULL, left = 0, right = Inf,
scedas = NULL,
sample = c("censored", "truncated"),
method = c("ml", "lm", "twosteps", "trimmed",
"nls", "minchisq", "test"),
trace = FALSE,
.call <-
.method <- match.arg(method)
.sample <- match.arg(sample)
.scedas <- scedas
if (! is.null(scedas)){
if (! scedas %in% c("exp", "pnorm"))
stop("scedas should be either equal to exp or to pnorm")
.scedas <- .scedas
mf <- cl <- = FALSE)
.formula <- Formula(formula)
if (length(.formula)[2] == 2 & is.null(.scedas)){
mf$model <- "tobit"
if (! .method %in% c("twosteps", "minchisq", "ml", "test"))
stop("method should be one of twosteps, minchisq, ml and test")
mf$method <- .method
mf[[1L]] <-"ivldv")#quote(micsr::ivldv())
result <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
result$call <- .call
} else {
if (! .method %in% c("twosteps", "ml", "nls", "lm", "trimmed"))
stop("method should be one of twosteps, ml, nls and lm")
.formula <- mf$formula <- Formula(formula)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights"),
names(mf), 0L)
zerotrunc <- ifelse(left == 0 & is.infinite(right) & (right > 0), TRUE, FALSE)
# construct the model frame and components
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf[[1L]] <-"model.frame")
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
if (length(.formula)[2] > 1){
X <- model.matrix(.formula, mf, rhs = 1)
formh <- formula(.formula, rhs = 2)
if (attr(terms(formh), "intercept") == 1L) formh <- update(formh, . ~ . - 1)
Z <- model.matrix(formh, mf)
X <- model.matrix(.formula, mf)
K <- ncol(X)
y <- model.response(mf)
N <- length(y)
wt <- model.weights(mf)
if (is.null(wt)) wt <- rep(1, N)
else wt <- wt / mean(wt)
# identify the untruncated observations
P <- as.numeric(y > left & y < right)
Plog <- as.logical(P)
share_untr <- mean(Plog)
# check whether the sample is censored or truncated
is_cens_smpl <- any(P == 0)
if (.sample == "censored" & ! is_cens_smpl)
stop("the tobit model requires a censored sample")
if (.method != "twosteps" & is_cens_smpl & .sample == "truncated"){
X <- X[Plog, ]
y <- y[Plog]
wt <- wt[Plog]
# compute the starting values if they are not provided
if (is.null(start)){
init_lm <- cl
init_lm <- cl[c(1L, m)]
init_lm[[1L]] <-"lm")
if (length(.formula)[2] > 1)
init_lm$formula <- formula(.formula, rhs = 1)
init_lm <- eval(init_lm, parent.frame())
coefs_init <- c(coef(init_lm), sigma = sigma(init_lm))
# lm estimator, biased
if (.method == "lm"){
if (.sample == "truncated") result <- lm(y ~ X - 1, subset = Plog)
else result <- lm(y ~ X - 1)
coefs <- coef(result)
names(coefs) <- colnames(X)
result <- list(coefficients = coefs,
linear.predictor = as.numeric(X %*% coefs),
fitted.values = fitted(result),
residuals = residuals(result),
df.residual = df.residual(result),
vcov = vcov(result),
logLik = NA,
fomula = .formula,
model = model.frame(result),
terms = terms(model.frame(result)),
call = .call,
est_method = "lm")
# Two-steps estimator a la Heckman
if (.method == "twosteps"){
if (! is_cens_smpl)
stop("2 steps estimator requires a censored sample")
pbt <- glm(P ~ X - 1, family = binomial(link = 'probit'))
Xbs <- pbt$linear.predictor
mls <- mills(Xbs)
if (.sample == "truncated"){
Z <- cbind(X, sigma = mls)
result <- lm(y ~ Z - 1, subset = Plog)
coefs <- coef(result)
names(coefs) <- colnames(Z)
Z <- cbind(X * pnorm(Xbs), sigma = dnorm(Xbs))
result <- lm(y ~ Z - 1)
coefs <- coef(result)
names(coefs) <- colnames(Z)
# consistent estimate of the covariance matrix
sigma <- coefs["sigma"]
ZZM1 <- solve(crossprod(Z))
MRP <- mills(Xbs) * Xbs + mills(Xbs) ^ 2
SIGMA <- (1 - MRP)
A <- crossprod(Z * sqrt(SIGMA))
DX <- X * MRP
DXZ <- crossprod(DX, Z)
Q <- t(DXZ) %*% vcov(pbt) %*% DXZ
V <- sigma ^ 2 * ZZM1 %*% (A + Q) %*% ZZM1
result <- list(coefficients = coefs,
linear.predictor = as.numeric(Z %*% coefs),
fitted.values = fitted(result),
residuals = residuals(result),
df.residual = df.residual(result),
formula = .formula,
vcov = V,
logLik = NA,
model = model.frame(result),
terms = terms(model.frame(result)),
call = .call,
est_method = "twosteps")
# trimmed estimator
if (.method == "trimmed"){
if (! zerotrunc) stop("trimmed estimator only implemented for simple tobit")
trim_trunc <- function(param, X, y, sum = TRUE, gradient = FALSE, hessian = TRUE){
bX <- as.numeric(X %*% param)
f <- (y - pmax(1 / 2 * y, bX)) ^ 2
if (sum) f <- sum(f)
if (gradient | hessian) ymin <- pmin(y, 2 * bX)
if (gradient){
grad <- - 2 * (y < (2 * bX)) * (y - bX) * X
if (sum) grad <- apply(grad, 2, sum)
attr(f, "gradient") <- grad
if (hessian) attr(f, "hessian") <- 2 * crossprod( (y < (2 * bX)) * X, X)
trim_cens <- function(param, X, y, sum = TRUE, gradient = FALSE, hessian = FALSE){
sgn <- function(x) ifelse(x > 0, 1, -1)
bX <- as.numeric(X %*% param)
f <- (bX < 0) * (y ^ 2 / 2) +
(bX > 0 & y < (2 * bX)) * ((y - bX) ^ 2)+
(bX > 0 & y > (2 * bX)) * (y ^ 2 / 2 - bX ^ 2)
if (sum) f <- sum(f)
if (gradient | hessian) ymin <- pmin(y, 2 * bX)
if (gradient){
grad <- - 2 * (bX > 0)* (ymin - bX) * X
if (sum) grad <- apply(grad, 2, sum)
attr(f, "gradient") <- grad
if (hessian) attr(f, "hessian") <- 2 * crossprod( (bX > 0) * sgn(2 * bX - y) * X, X)
coefs <- coefs_init[1:(length(coefs_init) - 1)]
if (.sample == "truncated") coefs <- newton(trim_trunc, coefs, trace = trace, X = X, y = y)
else coefs <- newton(trim_cens, coefs, trace = trace, X = X, y = y)
vcov_trim <- function(coefs){
# only relevant for censored samples
bX <- as.numeric(X %*% coefs)
N <- sum(y > 0 & y < (2 * bX))
N <- length(y)
C_mat <- crossprod( (y > 0 & y < (2 * bX)) * X, X) / N
D_mat <- crossprod( (bX > 0) * (pmin(y, 2 * bX) - bX) ^ 2 * X, X) / N
solve(C_mat) %*% D_mat %*% solve(C_mat) / N
bX <- as.numeric(X %*% coefs)
status <- rep(NA, nrow(X))
status[y == 0] <- "left-cens"
status[y > 2 * bX & bX > 0] <- "right-trimmed"
status[bX < 0 & y > 0] <- "neg-linpred"
.df.residual <- nrow(X) - length(coefs)
result <- list(coefficients = coefs,
linear.predictor = bX,
fitted.values = bX,
residuals = y - bX,
df.residual = .df.residual,
formula = .formula,
vcov = vcov_trim(coefs),
logLik = NA,
model = mf,
terms = NA,
status = status,
call = .call,
est_method = "trimmed")
# non-linear least-squares
if (.method == "nls"){
if (! zerotrunc | .sample != "truncated") stop("nls estimator only implemented for simple truncated model")
if (.sample == "truncated"){
fun_nls <- function(x, gradient = FALSE, hessian = FALSE){
beta <- x[1:ncol(X)]
sigma <- x[ncol(X) + 1]
e <- as.numeric(y - X %*% beta - sigma * mills(X %*% beta / sigma))
bXs <- as.numeric(X %*% beta) / sigma
if (gradient | hessian){
e_beta <- - (1 + dmills(bXs))
e_sigma <- dmills(bXs) * bXs - mills(bXs)
e_beta_beta <- - d2mills(bXs) / sigma
e_beta_sigma <- d2mills(bXs) * bXs / sigma
e_sigma_sigma <- - d2mills(bXs) * bXs ^ 2 / sigma
grad_beta <- (- 2 * e * e_beta) * X
grad_sigma <- - 2 * e * e_sigma
if (hessian){
hess_beta_beta <- crossprod(- 2 * (e * e_beta_beta + e_beta ^ 2) * X, X)
hess_beta_sigma <- apply( - 2 * (e * e_beta_sigma + e_beta * e_sigma) * X, 2, sum)
hess_sigma_sigma <- sum( - 2 * (e * e_sigma_sigma + e_sigma ^ 2))
f <- sum(e ^ 2)
if (gradient){
g <- - cbind(grad_beta, grad_sigma)
attr(f, "gradient") <- g
if (hessian){
h <- - rbind(cbind(hess_beta_beta, hess_beta_sigma),
c(hess_beta_sigma, hess_sigma_sigma))
attr(f, "hessian") <- h
coefs <- coefs_init
coefs <- newton(fun_nls, coefs, trace = trace)
f <- fun_nls(coefs, gradient = TRUE, hessian = TRUE)
h <- attr(f, "hessian")
g_n <- attr(f, "gradient")
B <- crossprod(g_n)
A <- h
.vcov <- solve(A) %*% B %*% solve(A)# / length(y)
.terms <- terms(mf)
attr(.terms, ".Environment") <- NULL
bX <- as.numeric(X %*% coefs[1:ncol(X)])
result <- list(coefficients = coefs,
linear.predictor = bX,
fitted.values = bX,
residuals = y - bX,
formula = .formula,
df.residual = length(y) - length(coefs),
vcov = .vcov,
logLik = NA,
model = mf,
terms = .terms,
call = .call,
est_method = "nls")
# Maximum likelihood estimator
if (.method == "ml"){
coefs_init[1:K] <- coefs_init[1:K] / coefs_init[K + 1]
coefs_init[K + 1] <- 1 / coefs_init[K + 1]
coefs <- newton(lnl_tp_olsen, coefs_init, trace = trace, X = X, y = y, wt = wt,
sum = FALSE, left = left, right = right, direction = "max", sample = .sample)
coefs[1:K] <- coefs[1:K] / coefs[K + 1]
coefs[K + 1] <- 1 / coefs[K + 1]
if (is.null(Z)){
lnl_conv <- lnl_tp(coefs, X = X, y = y, wt = wt,
sum = FALSE, gradient = TRUE, hessian = TRUE,
left = left, right = right, sample = .sample)
npar <- structure(c(covariates = ncol(X), vcov = 1), default = c("covariates", "vcov"))
sup_coef <- rep(0, ncol(Z))
names(sup_coef) <- paste("sig_", colnames(Z), sep = "")
coefs <- c(coefs, sup_coef)
coefs <- newton(lnl_tp, coefs, trace = TRUE, X = X, y = y, wt = wt,
Z = Z, scedas = .scedas,
left = left, right = right, direction = "max", sample = .sample)
lnl_conv <- lnl_tp(coefs, X = X, y = y, wt = wt,
scedas = .scedas, Z = Z,
sum = FALSE, gradient = TRUE, hessian = TRUE,
left = left, right = right, sample = .sample)
npar <- structure(c(covariates = ncol(X), scedas = ncol(Z) + 1), default = c("covariates"))
.hessian <- attr(lnl_conv, "hessian")
.info <- attr(lnl_conv, "info")
.gradient <- attr(lnl_conv, "gradient")
.logLik <- sum(as.numeric(lnl_conv))
beta <- coefs[1:K]
sigma <- coefs[K + 1]
linear.predictor <- as.numeric(X %*% beta)
h <- linear.predictor / sigma
Ppos <- pnorm(h)
Epos <- linear.predictor + sigma * mills(h)
.fitted <- tibble::tibble(y = y, Ppos = Ppos, Epos = Epos, lp = linear.predictor)
.vcov <- solve(- .hessian)
dimnames(.vcov) <- list(names(coefs), names(coefs))
.terms <- terms(mf)
attr(.terms, ".Environment") <- NULL
# tobit without covariates (mu and sigma), only for the standard tobit
if (left == 0 & is.infinite(right) & .sample == "censored"){
coef0 <- function(x){
mu2 <- mean(x[x > 0] ^ 2)
yb <- mean(x[x > 0])
pr <- mean(x > 0)
alpha <- qnorm(pr)
h <- (alpha + dnorm(alpha) / pnorm(alpha)) / yb
za <- function(h){
alpha <- (h * mu2 - 1 / h) / yb
pr * alpha - pr * h * yb + (1 - pr) * mills(- alpha)
.sig <- 1 / h
h_min <- 1 / (.sig * 10)
h_max <- 1 / (.sig / 2)
h_conv <- uniroot(za, c(0, h_max), tol = 1E-10)$root
alpha_conv <- (h_conv * mu2 - 1 / h_conv) / yb
.sig <- 1 / h_conv
.mu <- .sig * alpha_conv
.lnL <- (1 - pr) * pnorm(- alpha_conv, log.p = TRUE) - pr * log(2 * pi) / 2 +
pr * log(h_conv) - pr / 2 * h_conv ^ 2 * mu2 - pr / 2 * alpha_conv ^ 2 +
pr * alpha_conv * h_conv * yb
c(mu = .mu, sigma = .sig, lnl = .lnL)
logLik_null <- coef0(y)[["lnl"]] * N
N0 <- sum(y == 0)
logLik_saturated <- - (N - N0) / 2 * log(2 * pi)
.logLik <- c(model = sum(as.numeric(lnl_conv)),
saturated = logLik_saturated,
null = logLik_null)
} else .logLik <- c(model = sum(as.numeric(lnl_conv)))
result <- list(coefficients = coefs,
linear.predictor = linear.predictor,
fitted.values = .fitted,
residuals = y - .fitted$Epos,
df.residual = length(y) - length(coefs),
formula = .formula,
hessian = .hessian,
info = .info,
vcov = .vcov,
npar = npar,
gradient = .gradient,
value = as.numeric(lnl_conv),
logLik = .logLik,
model = mf,
terms = .terms,
call = .call,
xlevels = .getXlevels(mt, mf),
na.action = attr(mf, "na.action"),
est_method = "ml"
structure(result, class = c("tobit1", "micsr"))
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