# Methods
f = "print",
signature = signature(x = 'MixtureClass'),
definition = function(x)
class(x) <- 'SingleGroupClass'
f = "show",
signature = signature(object = 'MixtureClass'),
definition = function(object) {
f = "coef",
signature = 'MixtureClass',
definition = function(object, ...)
dots <- list(...)
simplify <- if(is.null(dots$simplify)) FALSE else dots$simplify
ngroups <- object@Data$ngroups
allPars <- vector('list', ngroups)
names(allPars) <- object@Data$groupNames
for(g in 1:ngroups){
tmp <- object@ParObjects$pars[[g]]
tmp@Model$lrPars <- object@ParObjects$lrPars
tmp@Data$data <- object@Data$data[1L, , drop=FALSE]
allPars[[g]] <- coef(tmp, ...)
allPars[[g]]$class_proportion <- data.frame(pi=extract.mirt(object, 'pis')[g],
row.names = '')
f = "summary",
signature = signature(object = 'MixtureClass'),
definition = function(object, rotate = 'oblimin', verbose = TRUE, ...) {
ngroups <- object@Data$ngroups
ret <- list()
for(g in 1:ngroups){
if(verbose) cat('\n----------\nGROUP:', as.character(object@Data$groupNames[g]), '\n')
ret[[g]] <- summary(object@ParObjects$pars[[g]], verbose=verbose,
rotate = rotate, ...)
ret[[g]]$class_proportion <- object@Model$pis[g]
cat("\nClass proportion: ", round(object@Model$pis[g], 3), "\n")
f = "anova",
signature = signature(object = 'MixtureClass'),
definition = function(object, object2, ...)
class(object) <- 'SingleGroupClass'
anova(object, object2, ..., frame = 2)
f = "plot",
signature = signature(x = 'MixtureClass', y = 'missing'),
definition = function(x, collapse = FALSE, ...)
ret <- plot_mixture(x, ...)
} else {
class(x) <- 'MultipleGroupClass'
ret <- plot(x, ...)
plot_mixture <- function(x, y, type = 'score', npts = 200, degrees = 45,
theta_lim = c(-6,6), which.items = 1:extract.mirt(x, 'nitems'),
MI = 0, CI = .95, rot = list(xaxis = -70, yaxis = 30, zaxis = 10),
facet_items = TRUE, main = NULL,
drape = TRUE, colorkey = TRUE, ehist.cut = 1e-10, add.ylab2 = TRUE,
par.strip.text = list(cex = 0.7),
par.settings = list(strip.background = list(col = '#9ECAE1'),
strip.border = list(col = "black")),
auto.key = list(space = 'right', points=FALSE, lines=TRUE),
profile = FALSE, ...)
dots <- list(...)
pis <- extract.mirt(x, 'pis')
if(!(type %in% c('info', 'SE', 'infoSE', 'trace', 'score', 'itemscore',
'infocontour', 'infotrace', 'scorecontour')))
stop('type supplied is not supported')
if (any(degrees > 90 | degrees < 0))
stop('Improper angle specified. Must be between 0 and 90.', call.=FALSE)
rot <- list(x = rot[[1]], y = rot[[2]], z = rot[[3]])
nfact <- x@Model$nfact
if(nfact > 3) stop("Can't plot high dimensional solutions.", call.=FALSE)
J <- x@Data$nitems
theta <- seq(theta_lim[1L],theta_lim[2L],length.out=npts/(nfact^2))
ThetaFull <- Theta <- thetaComb(theta, nfact)
prodlist <- attr(x@ParObjects$pars, 'prodlist')
if(all(x@Data$K[which.items] == 2L) && facet_items) auto.key <- FALSE
ThetaFull <- prodterms(Theta,prodlist)
if(length(degrees) == 1L) degrees <- rep(degrees, ncol(ThetaFull))
info <- numeric(nrow(ThetaFull))
if(type %in% c('info', 'infocontour', 'rxx', 'SE', 'infoSE', 'infotrace')){
info <- pis[1L] * testinfo(x@ParObjects$pars[[1L]], ThetaFull, degrees = degrees, which.items=which.items)
for(g in 2L:length(pis))
info <- pis[g] * testinfo(x@ParObjects$pars[[g]], ThetaFull, degrees = degrees, which.items=which.items)
mins <- x@Data$mins
maxs <- extract.mirt(x, 'K') + mins - 1
rotate <- if(is.null(dots$rotate)) 'none' else dots$rotate
if (x@Options$exploratory){
so <- summary(x, verbose=FALSE, digits=5, ...)
a <- rotateLambdas(so) * 1.702
for(i in 1:J)
x@ParObjects$pars[[i]]@par[1:nfact] <- a[i, ]
itemtrace <- computeItemtrace(x@ParObjects$pars, ThetaFull, x@Model$itemloc,
CUSTOM.IND=x@Internals$CUSTOM.IND, pis=pis)
score <- c()
for(i in 1:J)
score <- c(score, (0:(x@Data$K[i]-1) + mins[i]) * (i %in% which.items))
score <- matrix(score, nrow(itemtrace), ncol(itemtrace), byrow = TRUE)
plt <- data.frame(cbind(info,score=rowSums(score*itemtrace),Theta=Theta))
bundle <- length(which.items) != J
mins <- mins[which.items]
maxs <- maxs[which.items]
ybump <- (max(maxs) - min(mins))/15
ybump_full <- (sum(maxs) - sum(mins))/15
if(nfact == 3){
colnames(plt) <- c("info", "score", "Theta1", "Theta2", "Theta3")
plt$SE <- 1 / sqrt(plt$info)
if(type == 'infocontour'){
main <- paste("Test Information Contour")
if(x@Options$exploratory) main <- paste0(main, ' (rotate = \'', rotate, '\')')
return(contourplot(info ~ Theta1 * Theta2 | Theta3, data = plt,
main = main, xlab = expression(theta[1]),
ylab = expression(theta[2]),
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else if(type == 'scorecontour'){
main <- paste("Expected Score Contour")
if(x@Options$exploratory) main <- paste0(main, ' (rotate = \'', rotate, '\')')
return(contourplot(score ~ Theta1 * Theta2 | Theta3, data = plt,
ylim=c(sum(mins)-ybump_full, sum(maxs)+ybump_full),
main = main, xlab = expression(theta[1]),
ylab = expression(theta[2]), ylim=c(sum(mins)-.1, sum(maxs)+.1),
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else if(type == 'info'){
main <- "Test Information"
if(x@Options$exploratory) main <- paste0(main, ' (rotate = \'', rotate, '\')')
return(wireframe(info ~ Theta1 + Theta2 | Theta3, data = plt, main = main,
zlab=expression(I(theta)), xlab=expression(theta[1]), ylab=expression(theta[2]),
scales = list(arrows = FALSE), screen = rot, colorkey = colorkey, drape = drape,
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else if(type == 'SEcontour'){
main <- "Test Standard Errors"
if(x@Options$exploratory) main <- paste0(main, ' (rotate = \'', rotate, '\')')
return(contourplot(score ~ Theta1 * Theta2 | Theta3, data = plt,
main = main, xlab = expression(theta[1]),
ylab = expression(theta[2]),
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else if(type == 'score'){
main <- if(bundle) "Expected Bundle Score" else "Expected Total Score"
if(x@Options$exploratory) main <- paste0(main, ' (rotate = \'', rotate, '\')')
return(wireframe(score ~ Theta1 + Theta2 | Theta3, data = plt, main = main,
ylim=c(sum(mins)-ybump_full, sum(maxs)+ybump_full),
zlab=expression(Total(theta)), xlab=expression(theta[1]), ylab=expression(theta[2]),
scales = list(arrows = FALSE), screen = rot, colorkey = colorkey, drape = drape,
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings,
ylim=c(sum(mins)-.1, sum(maxs)+.1), ...))
} else if(type == 'SE'){
main <- "Test Standard Errors"
if(x@Options$exploratory) main <- paste0(main, ' (rotate = \'', rotate, '\')')
return(wireframe(SE ~ Theta1 + Theta2 | Theta3, data = plt, main = main,
zlab=expression(SE(theta)), xlab=expression(theta[1]), ylab=expression(theta[2]),
scales = list(arrows = FALSE), screen = rot, colorkey = colorkey, drape = drape,
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else {
stop('plot type not supported for three dimensional model', call.=FALSE)
} else if(nfact == 2){
colnames(plt) <- c("info", "score", "Theta1", "Theta2")
plt$SE <- 1 / sqrt(plt$info)
if(type == 'infocontour'){
main <- paste("Test Information Contour")
if(x@Options$exploratory) main <- paste0(main, ' (rotate = \'', rotate, '\')')
return(contourplot(info ~ Theta1 * Theta2, data = plt,
main = main, xlab = expression(theta[1]),
ylab = expression(theta[2]),
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else if(type == 'scorecontour'){
main <- paste("Expected Score Contour")
if(x@Options$exploratory) main <- paste0(main, ' (rotate = \'', rotate, '\')')
return(contourplot(score ~ Theta1 * Theta2, data = plt,
ylim=c(sum(mins)-ybump_full, sum(maxs)+ybump_full),
main = main, xlab = expression(theta[1]),
ylab = expression(theta[2]),
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else if(type == 'info'){
main <- "Test Information"
if(x@Options$exploratory) main <- paste0(main, ' (rotate = \'', rotate, '\')')
return(wireframe(info ~ Theta1 + Theta2, data = plt, main = main,
zlab=expression(I(theta)), xlab=expression(theta[1]), ylab=expression(theta[2]),
scales = list(arrows = FALSE), screen = rot, colorkey = colorkey, drape = drape,
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else if(type == 'SEcontour'){
main <- "Test Standard Errors"
if(x@Options$exploratory) main <- paste0(main, ' (rotate = \'', rotate, '\')')
return(contourplot(score ~ Theta1 * Theta2, data = plt,
main = main, xlab = expression(theta[1]),
ylab = expression(theta[2]),
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else if(type == 'score'){
main <- if(bundle) "Expected Bundle Score" else "Expected Total Score"
if(x@Options$exploratory) main <- paste0(main, ' (rotate = \'', rotate, '\')')
return(wireframe(score ~ Theta1 + Theta2, data = plt, main = main,
zlim=c(sum(mins)-ybump_full, sum(maxs)+ybump_full),
zlab=expression(Total(theta)), xlab=expression(theta[1]), ylab=expression(theta[2]),
scales = list(arrows = FALSE), screen = rot, colorkey = colorkey, drape = drape,
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else if(type == 'infoangle'){
main <- 'Information across different angles'
if(x@Options$exploratory) main <- paste0(main, ' (rotate = \'', rotate, '\')')
graphics::symbols(plt$Theta1, plt$Theta2, circles = sqrt(plt$info/pi), inches = .35, fg='white', bg='blue',
xlab = expression(theta[1]), ylab = expression(theta[2]),
main = main)
} else if(type == 'SE'){
main <- "Test Standard Errors"
if(x@Options$exploratory) main <- paste0(main, ' (rotate = \'', rotate, '\')')
return(wireframe(SE ~ Theta1 + Theta2, data = plt, main = main,
zlab=expression(SE(theta)), xlab=expression(theta[1]), ylab=expression(theta[2]),
scales = list(arrows = FALSE), screen = rot, colorkey = colorkey, drape = drape,
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else {
stop('plot type not supported for two dimensional model', call.=FALSE)
} else {
colnames(plt) <- c("info", "score", "Theta")
plt$SE <- 1 / sqrt(plt$info)
if(type == 'info'){
main <- 'Test Information'
if(MI > 0){
return(xyplot(info ~ Theta, data=plt,
upper=plt$CIinfoupper, lower=plt$CIinfolower,
panel = function(x, y, lower, upper, ...){
panel.polygon(c(x, rev(x)), c(upper, rev(lower)),
col="#E6E6E6", border = FALSE, ...)
panel.xyplot(x, y, type='l', lty=1,...)
main = main, ylim=c(min(plt$CIinfolower), max(plt$CIinfoupper)),
ylab = expression(I(theta)), xlab = expression(theta),
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else {
return(xyplot(info~Theta, plt, type='l', main = main,
xlab = expression(theta), ylab=expression(I(theta)),
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else if(type == 'rxx'){
main <- 'Reliability'
if(MI > 0){
return(xyplot(rxx ~ Theta, data=plt,
upper=plt$CIrxxupper, lower=plt$CIrxxlower,
panel = function(x, y, lower, upper, ...){
panel.polygon(c(x, rev(x)), c(upper, rev(lower)),
col="#E6E6E6", border = FALSE, ...)
panel.xyplot(x, y, type='l', lty=1,...)
main = main, ylim=c(-0.1, 1.1),
ylab = expression(r[xx](theta)), xlab = expression(theta),
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else {
return(xyplot(rxx~Theta, plt, type='l', main = main, ylim=c(-0.1, 1.1),
xlab = expression(theta), ylab=expression(r[xx](theta)),
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else if(type == 'SE'){
main <- 'Test Standard Errors'
if(MI > 0){
return(xyplot(SE ~ Theta, data=plt,
upper=plt$CISEupper, lower=plt$CISElower,
panel = function(x, y, lower, upper, ...){
panel.polygon(c(x, rev(x)), c(upper, rev(lower)),
col="#E6E6E6", border = FALSE, ...)
panel.xyplot(x, y, type='l', lty=1,...)
main = main, ylim=c(min(plt$CISElower), max(plt$CISEupper)),
ylab = expression(I(theta)), xlab = expression(theta),
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else {
return(xyplot(SE~Theta, plt, type='l', main = main,
xlab = expression(theta), ylab=expression(SE(theta)),
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else if(type == 'infoSE'){
main <- 'Test Information and Standard Errors'
obj1 <- xyplot(info~Theta, plt, type='l', main = main,
xlab = expression(theta), ylab=expression(I(theta)),
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings)
obj2 <- xyplot(SE~Theta, plt, type='l', ylab=expression(SE(theta)),
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings)
if(requireNamespace("latticeExtra", quietly = TRUE)){
return(latticeExtra::doubleYScale(obj1, obj2, add.ylab2 = add.ylab2, ...))
} else {
stop('latticeExtra package is not available. Please install.', call.=FALSE)
} else if(type == 'trace'){
main <- 'Item trace lines'
P <- vector('list', length(which.items))
names(P) <- colnames(x@Data$data)[which.items]
ind <- 1L
for(i in which.items){
tmp <- probtrace(extract.item(x, i), ThetaFull)
if(ncol(tmp) == 2L) tmp <- tmp[,2, drop=FALSE]
tmp2 <- data.frame(P=as.numeric(tmp), cat=gl(ncol(tmp), k=nrow(Theta),
labels=paste0('P', seq_len(ncol(tmp)))))
P[[ind]] <- tmp2
ind <- ind + 1L
nrs <- sapply(P, nrow)
Pstack <-, P)
names <- c()
for(i in seq_len(length(nrs)))
names <- c(names, rep(names(P)[i], nrs[i]))
plotobj <- data.frame(Pstack, item=names, Theta=Theta)
plotobj$item <- factor(plotobj$item, levels = colnames(x@Data$data)[which.items])
return(xyplot(P ~ Theta|item, plotobj, ylim = c(-0.1,1.1), groups = cat,
xlab = expression(theta), ylab = expression(P(theta)),
auto.key = auto.key, type = 'l', main = main,
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else {
return(xyplot(P ~ Theta, plotobj, groups=plotobj$item, ylim = c(-0.1,1.1),
xlab = expression(theta), ylab = expression(P(theta)),
auto.key = auto.key, type = 'l', main = main,
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else if(type == 'itemscore'){
main <- 'Expected item scoring function'
S <- vector('list', length(which.items))
names(S) <- colnames(x@Data$data)[which.items]
ind <- 1L
for(i in which.items){
S[[ind]] <- pis[1L] * expected.item(extract.item(x, i, group = 1), ThetaFull, mins[i])
for(g in 2L:length(pis))
S[[ind]] <- S[[ind]] + pis[g] * expected.item(extract.item(x, i, group = 1), ThetaFull, mins[i])
ind <- ind + 1L
Sstack <-, S)
names <- rep(names(S), each = nrow(ThetaFull))
plotobj <- data.frame(S=Sstack, item=names, Theta=Theta)
plotobj$item <- factor(plotobj$item, levels = colnames(x@Data$data)[which.items])
return(xyplot(S ~ Theta|item, plotobj, ylim=c(min(mins)-ybump, max(maxs)+ybump),
xlab = expression(theta), ylab = expression(S(theta)),
auto.key = auto.key, type = 'l', main = main,
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else {
return(xyplot(S ~ Theta, plotobj, groups=plotobj$item, ylim=c(min(mins)-.1, max(maxs)+.1),
xlab = expression(theta), ylab = expression(S(theta)),
auto.key = auto.key, type = 'l', main = main,
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else if(type == 'infotrace'){
main <- 'Item information trace lines'
I <- matrix(NA, nrow(Theta), J)
for(i in which.items)
I[,i] <- iteminfo(extract.item(x, i), ThetaFull)
I <- t(na.omit(t(I)))
items <- rep(colnames(x@Data$data)[which.items], each=nrow(Theta))
plotobj <- data.frame(I = as.numeric(I), Theta=Theta, item=items)
plotobj$item <- factor(plotobj$item, levels = colnames(x@Data$data)[which.items])
return(xyplot(I ~ Theta|item, plotobj,
xlab = expression(theta), ylab = expression(I(theta)),
auto.key = auto.key, type = 'l', main = main,
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else {
return(xyplot(I ~ Theta, plotobj, groups = plotobj$item,
xlab = expression(theta), ylab = expression(I(theta)),
auto.key = auto.key, type = 'l', main = main,
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else if(type == 'score'){
main <- if(bundle) "Expected Bundle Score" else "Expected Total Score"
if(MI > 0){
return(xyplot(score ~ Theta, data=plt,
ylim=c(sum(mins)-ybump_full, sum(maxs)+ybump_full),
upper=plt$CIscoreupper, lower=plt$CIscorelower,
panel = function(x, y, lower, upper, ...){
panel.polygon(c(x, rev(x)), c(upper, rev(lower)),
col="#E6E6E6", border = FALSE, ...)
panel.xyplot(x, y, type='l', lty=1,...)
main = main,
ylab = expression(T(theta)), xlab = expression(theta),
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else {
return(xyplot(score ~ Theta, plt, ylim=c(sum(mins)-ybump_full, sum(maxs)+ybump_full),
xlab = expression(theta), ylab = expression(T(theta)),
type = 'l', main = main,
par.strip.text=par.strip.text, par.settings=par.settings, ...))
} else {
stop('plot not supported for unidimensional models', call.=FALSE)
f = "residuals",
signature = signature(object = 'MixtureClass'),
definition = function(object, ...)
stop('residuals() not supported for mixture IRT models yet', call.=FALSE)
pis <- ExtractMixtures(object)
class(object) <- 'SingleGroupClass'
residuals(object, pis=pis, mixture=TRUE, ...)
# Methods
f = "vcov",
signature = signature(object = 'MixtureClass'),
definition = function(object)
class(object) <- 'SingleGroupClass'
f = "logLik",
signature = signature(object = 'MixtureClass'),
definition = function(object){
extract.mirt(object, 'logLik')
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