
Defines functions fitHMM

Documented in fitHMM

#' Fit an HMM to the data
#' Fit an hidden Markov model to the data provided, using numerical optimization of the log-likelihood
#' function.
#' @param data An object \code{moveData}.
#' @param nbStates Number of states of the HMM.
#' @param stepPar0 Vector of initial state-dependent step length distribution parameters.
#' The parameters should be in the order expected by the pdf of \code{stepDist}, and the zero-mass
#' parameter should be the last. Note that zero-mass parameters are mandatory if there are steps of
#' length zero in the data.
#' For example, for a 2-state model using the gamma distribution and
#' including zero-inflation, the vector of initial parameters would be something like:
#' \code{c(mu1,mu2,sigma1,sigma2,zeromass1,zeromass2)}.
#' @param anglePar0 Vector of initial state-dependent turning angle distribution parameters.
#' The parameters should be in the order expected by the pdf of \code{angleDist}. For example, for a 2-state
#' model using the Von Mises (vm) distribution, the vector of initial parameters would be something like:
#' \code{c(mu1,mu2,kappa1,kappa2)}.
#' @param beta0 Initial matrix of regression coefficients for the transition probabilities (more
#' information in "Details").
#' Default: \code{NULL}. If not specified, \code{beta0} is initialized such that the diagonal elements
#' of the transition probability matrix are dominant.
#' @param delta0 Initial value for the initial distribution of the HMM. Default: \code{rep(1/nbStates,nbStates)}.
#' @param formula Regression formula for the covariates. Default: \code{~1} (no covariate effect).
#' @param stepDist Name of the distribution of the step lengths (as a character string).
#' Supported distributions are: gamma, weibull, lnorm, exp. Default: gamma.
#' @param angleDist Name of the distribution of the turning angles (as a character string).
#' Supported distributions are: vm, wrpcauchy. Set to \code{"none"} if the angle distribution should
#' not be estimated. Default: vm.
#' @param angleMean Vector of means of turning angles if not estimated (one for each state).
#' Default: \code{NULL} (the angle mean is estimated).
#' @param stationary \code{FALSE} if there are covariates. If \code{TRUE}, the initial distribution is considered
#' equal to the stationary distribution. Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param knownStates Vector of values of the state process which are known prior to fitting the
#' model (if any). Default: NULL (states are not known). This should be a vector with length the number
#' of rows of 'data'; each element should either be an integer (the value of the known states) or NA if
#' the state is not known.
#' @param verbose Determines the print level of the optimizer. The default value of 0 means that no
#' printing occurs, a value of 1 means that the first and last iterations of the optimization are
#' detailed, and a value of 2 means that each iteration of the optimization is detailed.
#' @param nlmPar List of parameters to pass to the optimization function \code{nlm} (which should be either
#' '\code{gradtol}', '\code{stepmax}', '\code{steptol}', or '\code{iterlim}' -- see \code{nlm}'s documentation
#' for more detail)
#' @param fit \code{TRUE} if an HMM should be fitted to the data, \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' If fit=\code{FALSE}, a model is returned with the MLE replaced by the initial parameters given in
#' input. This option can be used to assess the initial parameters. Default: \code{TRUE}.
#' @return A \code{moveHMM} object, i.e. a list of:
#' \item{mle}{The maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of the model
#' (if the numerical algorithm has indeed identified the global maximum of the
#' likelihood function), which is a list of: \code{stepPar} (step distribution
#' parameters), \code{anglePar} (angle distribution parameters), \code{beta}
#' (transition probabilities regression coefficients - more information in
#' "Details"), and \code{delta} (initial distribution).}
#' \item{data}{The movement data}
#' \item{mod}{The object returned by the numerical optimizer \code{nlm}}
#' \item{conditions}{A few conditions used to fit the model (\code{stepDist},
#' \code{angleDist}, \code{zeroInflation}, \code{estAngleMean},
#' \code{stationary}, and \code{formula})}
#' \item{rawCovs}{Raw covariate values, as found in the data (if any). Used in
#' \code{\link{plot.moveHMM}}.}
#' \item{knownStates}{Vector of states known a priori, as provided in input (if
#' any, \code{NULL} otherwise).
#' Used in \code{\link{viterbi}},\code{\link{logAlpha}}, and
#' \code{\link{logBeta}}}
#' \item{nlmTime}{Computing time for optimisation, obtained with \link{system.time}}
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#' \item The matrix \code{beta} of regression coefficients for the transition probabilities has
#' one row for the intercept, plus one row for each covariate, and one column for
#' each non-diagonal element of the transition probability matrix. For example, in a 3-state
#' HMM with 2 covariates, the matrix \code{beta} has three rows (intercept + two covariates)
#' and six columns (six non-diagonal elements in the 3x3 transition probability matrix -
#' filled in row-wise).
#' In a covariate-free model (default), \code{beta} has one row, for the intercept.
#' \item The choice of initial parameters is crucial to fit a model. The algorithm might not find
#' the global optimum of the likelihood function if the initial parameters are poorly chosen.
#' }
#' @examples
#' ### 1. simulate data
#' # define all the arguments of simData
#' nbAnimals <- 2
#' nbStates <- 2
#' nbCovs <- 2
#' mu<-c(15,50)
#' sigma<-c(10,20)
#' angleMean <- c(pi,0)
#' kappa <- c(0.7,1.5)
#' stepPar <- c(mu,sigma)
#' anglePar <- c(angleMean,kappa)
#' stepDist <- "gamma"
#' angleDist <- "vm"
#' zeroInflation <- FALSE
#' obsPerAnimal <- c(50,100)
#' data <- simData(nbAnimals=nbAnimals,nbStates=nbStates,stepDist=stepDist,angleDist=angleDist,
#'                  stepPar=stepPar,anglePar=anglePar,nbCovs=nbCovs,zeroInflation=zeroInflation,
#'                  obsPerAnimal=obsPerAnimal)
#' ### 2. fit the model to the simulated data
#' # define initial values for the parameters
#' mu0 <- c(20,70)
#' sigma0 <- c(10,30)
#' kappa0 <- c(1,1)
#' stepPar0 <- c(mu0,sigma0) # no zero-inflation, so no zero-mass included
#' anglePar0 <- kappa0 # the angle mean is not estimated, so only the concentration parameter is needed
#' formula <- ~cov1+cos(cov2)
#' m <- fitHMM(data=data,nbStates=nbStates,stepPar0=stepPar0,anglePar0=anglePar0,formula=formula,
#'               stepDist=stepDist,angleDist=angleDist,angleMean=angleMean)
#' print(m)
#' @references
#' Patterson T.A., Basson M., Bravington M.V., Gunn J.S. 2009.
#' Classifying movement behaviour in relation to environmental conditions using hidden Markov models.
#' Journal of Animal Ecology, 78 (6), 1113-1123.
#' Langrock R., King R., Matthiopoulos J., Thomas L., Fortin D., Morales J.M. 2012.
#' Flexible and practical modeling of animal telemetry data: hidden Markov models and extensions.
#' Ecology, 93 (11), 2336-2342.
#' @export
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importFrom stats get_all_vars model.matrix nlm terms
#' @import CircStats
#' @useDynLib moveHMM

fitHMM <- function(data,nbStates,stepPar0,anglePar0=NULL,beta0=NULL,delta0=NULL,formula=~1,
    # check that the data is a moveData object
        stop("'data' must be a moveData object (as output by prepData or simData)")

    # check that the formula is a formula
    is.formula <- function(x)
        tryCatch(inherits(x,"formula"),error= function(e) {FALSE})

        stop("Check the argument 'formula'.")

    # check that there is no response varibale in the formula
        stop("The response variable should not be specified in the formula.")

    # matrix of covariates
    rawCovs <- get_all_vars(formula,data)
    if(!all(names(rawCovs) %in% names(data))) { # deal with 'pi' in formula
        rawCovs <- rawCovs[,names(rawCovs) %in% names(data),drop=FALSE]

    # design matrix
    covs <- model.matrix(formula,data)

    covsCol <- which(!names(data)%in%c("ID","x","y","step","angle"))
        data <- cbind(data[-covsCol],covs)
        data <- cbind(data,covs)

    nbCovs <- ncol(covs)-1 # substract intercept column

    # determine whether zero-inflation should be included
        zeroInflation <- TRUE
        zeroInflation <- FALSE

    # check that zero-mass is in the open interval (0,1)
    if(zeroInflation) {
        zm0 <- stepPar0[(length(stepPar0)-nbStates+1):length(stepPar0)]
        zm0[which(zm0==0)] <- 1e-8
        zm0[which(zm0==1)] <- 1-1e-8
        stepPar0[(length(stepPar0)-nbStates+1):length(stepPar0)] <- zm0

    ## Check arguments ##
    stepDist <- match.arg(stepDist)
    angleDist <- match.arg(angleDist)
        stop("nbStates should be at least 1.")
        stop("The data input is empty.")
        stop("Missing field in data: step.")

    if(is.null(anglePar0) & angleDist!="none")
        stop("Either set angleDist to 'none', or define anglePar0 in the arguments.")

    par0 <- c(stepPar0,anglePar0)
    p <- parDef(stepDist,angleDist,nbStates,is.null(angleMean),zeroInflation)
    bounds <- p$bounds
    parSize <- p$parSize
    if(sum(parSize)*nbStates!=length(par0)) {
        error <- "Wrong number of initial parameters"
        if(parSize[1]*nbStates!=length(stepPar0)) {
            error <- paste(error,"-- there should be",parSize[1]*nbStates,"initial step parameters")
                error <- paste(error,"-- zero-mass parameters should be included")

        if(angleDist!="none" & parSize[2]*nbStates!=length(anglePar0))
            error <- paste(error,"-- there should be",parSize[2]*nbStates,"initial angle parameters.")
        if(angleDist=="none" & length(anglePar0)>0)
            error <- paste(error,"-- 'anglePar0' should be NULL.")

    if(!is.null(beta0)) {
        if(ncol(beta0)!=nbStates*(nbStates-1) | nrow(beta0)!=nbCovs+1) {
            error <- paste("beta0 has wrong dimensions: it should have",nbCovs+1,"rows and",

            stop(paste("delta0 has the wrong length: it should have",nbStates,"elements."))

    stepBounds <- bounds[1:(parSize[1]*nbStates),]
    if(!is.matrix(stepBounds)) # if collapsed
        stepBounds <- matrix(stepBounds,ncol=2)
    if(length(which(stepPar0<=stepBounds[,1] | stepPar0>=stepBounds[,2]))>0)
        stop(paste("Check the step parameters bounds (the initial parameters should be",
                   "strictly between the bounds of their parameter space)."))

    if(angleDist!="none") {
        # We can't really write distribution-agnostic code here, because the bounds
        # defined in parDef are not the actual bounds of the parameter space.
        if(is.null(angleMean)) {
            m <- anglePar0[1:nbStates] # angle mean
            k <- anglePar0[(nbStates+1):length(anglePar0)] # angle concentration
            if(length(which(m<=(-pi) | m>pi))>0)
                stop("Check the angle parameters bounds. The angle mean should be in (-pi,pi].")
        } else {
            k <- anglePar0 # angle concentration
            if(length(which(angleMean<=-pi | angleMean>pi))>0)
                stop("The 'angleMean' should be in (-pi,pi].")
                stop("The argument 'angleMean' should be of length nbStates.")
            stop("Check the angle parameters bounds. The concentration should be strictly positive.")
        if(angleDist=="wrpcauchy" & length(which(k>=1))>0)
            stop("Check the angle parameters bounds. The concentration should be in (0,1).")
    else if(!is.null(angleMean))
        stop("'angleMean' shouldn't be specified if 'angleDist' is \"none\"")

    # check that verbose is in {0,1,2}
    if(!(verbose %in% c(0,1,2)))
        stop("verbose must be in {0,1,2}")

    # check that observations are within expected bounds
        stop("The step lengths should be positive.")
    if(length(which(data$angle < -pi | data$angle > pi))>0)
        stop("The turning angles should be between -pi and pi.")

    # check that stationary==FALSE if there are covariates
    if(nbCovs>0 & stationary==TRUE)
        stop("stationary can't be set to TRUE if there are covariates.")

    # check that knownStates is defined properly
    if(length(knownStates)>0) {
            stop("'states' should be of same length as the data, i.e.",nrow(data))

        if(max(knownStates,na.rm=TRUE)>nbStates | min(knownStates,na.rm=TRUE)<1)
            stop("'states' should only contain integers between 1 and",nbStates,", and NAs.")

    # check elements of nlmPar
    lsPars <- c("gradtol","stepmax","steptol","iterlim")
    if(length(which(!(names(nlmPar) %in% lsPars)))>0)
        stop("Check the names of the element of 'nlmPar'; they should be in

    ## Prepare initial values for nlm ##
    if(is.null(beta0) & nbStates>1) {
        beta0 <- matrix(c(rep(-1.5,nbStates*(nbStates-1)),rep(0,nbStates*(nbStates-1)*nbCovs)),

        delta0 <- rep(1,nbStates)/nbStates
        delta0 <- NULL

    estAngleMean <- (is.null(angleMean) & angleDist!="none")

    # build the vector of initial working parameters
    wpar <- n2w(par0,bounds,beta0,delta0,nbStates,estAngleMean)

    ## Optimization ##
    # this function is used to muffle the warning "NA/Inf replaced by maximum positive value" in nlm
    # and "value out of range in 'lgamma'" in nLogLike_rcpp
    h <- function(w) {
        if(any(grepl("NA/Inf replaced by maximum positive value",w)) |
           any(grepl("value out of range in 'lgamma'",w)))

    if(fit) {
        # check additional parameters for nlm
        gradtol <- ifelse(is.null(nlmPar$gradtol),1e-6,nlmPar$gradtol)
        typsize = rep(1, length(wpar))
        defStepmax <- max(1000 * sqrt(sum((wpar/typsize)^2)),1000)
        stepmax <- ifelse(is.null(nlmPar$stepmax),defStepmax,nlmPar$stepmax)
        steptol <- ifelse(is.null(nlmPar$steptol),1e-6,nlmPar$steptol)
        iterlim <- ifelse(is.null(nlmPar$iterlim),1000,nlmPar$iterlim)

        # call to optimizer nlm
        systime <- system.time(
                mod <- nlm(nLogLike,wpar,nbStates,bounds,parSize,data,stepDist,
                warning=h)) # filter warnings using function h

        # convert the parameters back to their natural scale
        mle <- w2n(mod$estimate,bounds,parSize,nbStates,nbCovs,estAngleMean,stationary)
    else {
        systime <- 0
        mod <- NA
        mle <- w2n(wpar,bounds,parSize,nbStates,nbCovs,estAngleMean,stationary)

    ## Prepare output ##
    # include angle mean if it wasn't estimated
    if(!is.null(angleMean) & angleDist!="none")
        mle$anglePar <- rbind(angleMean,mle$anglePar)

    # name columns and rows of MLEs
    rownames(mle$stepPar) <- p$parNames[1:nrow(mle$stepPar)]
    columns <- NULL
    for(i in 1:nbStates)
        columns[i] <- paste("state",i)
    colnames(mle$stepPar) <- columns

    if(angleDist!="none") {
        rownames(mle$anglePar) <- c("mean","concentration")
        colnames(mle$anglePar) <- columns

    if(!is.null(mle$beta)) {
        rownames(mle$beta) <- c("intercept",attr(terms(formula),"term.labels"))
        columns <- NULL
        for(i in 1:nbStates)
            for(j in 1:nbStates) {
                    columns[(i-1)*nbStates+j-i] <- paste(i,"->",j)
                    columns[(i-1)*(nbStates-1)+j] <- paste(i,"->",j)
        colnames(mle$beta) <- columns

    # compute stationary distribution
    if(stationary) {
        gamma <- trMatrix_rcpp(nbStates,mle$beta,covs)[,,1]

        # error if singular system
            mle$delta <- solve(t(diag(nbStates)-gamma+1),rep(1,nbStates)),
            error = function(e) {
                stop(paste("A problem occurred in the calculation of the stationary",
                           "distribution. You may want to try different initial values",
                           "and/or the option stationary=FALSE."))

        mle$delta <- 1

    # compute t.p.m. if no covariates
    if(nbCovs==0 & nbStates>1) {
        trMat <- trMatrix_rcpp(nbStates,mle$beta,covs)
        mle$gamma <- trMat[,,1]

    # conditions of the fit
    conditions <- list(stepDist=stepDist,angleDist=angleDist,zeroInflation=zeroInflation,

    mh <- list(data = data, mle = mle, mod = mod, conditions = conditions,
               rawCovs = rawCovs, knownStates = knownStates,
               nlmTime = systime)

# Roxygen documentation for the data files in ./data/

#' Elk data set from Morales et al. (2004, Ecology)
#' It is a data frame with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{ID} Track identifier
#' \item \code{Easting} Easting coordinate of locations
#' \item \code{Northing} Northing coordinate of locations
#' \item \code{dist_water} Distance of elk to water (in metres)
#' }
#' @name elk_data
#' @usage elk_data
#' @docType data

#' Wild haggis data set from Michelot et al. (2016, Methods Eco Evol)
#' Data frame of the first three tracks from Michelot et al. (2016),
#'  with columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{ID} Track identifier
#' \item \code{x} Easting coordinate of locations
#' \item \code{y} Northing coordinate of locations
#' \item \code{slope} Terrain slope (in degrees)
#' \item \code{temp} Air temperature (in degrees Celsius)
#' }
#' @name haggis_data
#' @usage haggis_data
#' @docType data

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moveHMM documentation built on May 31, 2023, 6:13 p.m.