
Defines functions add_detail_values complete_details cobble_details store_annot details parse_annot_line parse_annot render_annot

Documented in details

# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2021  Metrum Research Group
# This file is part of mrgsolve.
# mrgsolve is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# mrgsolve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with mrgsolve.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#nocov start
render_annot <- function(x,block,...) {
  x <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(x,tibble::as_tibble))
  x <- dplyr::mutate(x,block=block) 
  x <- x[,unique(c("block", names(x))),drop=FALSE]

parse_annot <- function(x,noname=FALSE,novalue=FALSE,block='.',name_value=TRUE,
                        context="not given",...) {
  ## x is a list
  if(is.null(x)) return(NULL)
  x <- x[nchar(x)>0]
  x <- lapply(x,parse_annot_line,novalue=novalue,noname=noname,context=context)
  nm <- s_pick(x,"name")
  v <-  s_pick(x,"value")
  if(name_value) {
    v <- setNames(tolist(paste(v,collapse=","),...),nm)
  } else {
    v <- as.numeric(tovec(v)) 
  an <- lapply(x,"[", c("name","descr", "unit","options"))
  an <-  render_annot(an,block)

parse_annot_line <- function(x, novalue=FALSE, noname=FALSE,context="not given") {
  x <- mytriml(x)
  if(nchar(x)==0) return(NULL)
  col <- charcount(x,":")[1]
  nsep <- 2-noname-novalue
  if(col < nsep) {
      "improper annotation format\n",
      " input: ", x, "\n",
      " context: ", context, 
  ## Fix up line if not name : value : other
  if(noname) x <- paste0(". :",x)
  if(novalue) x <- gsub(":",": 0 :",x,fixed=TRUE)
  a <- my_str_split(string = x, pattern = ":", n = 3)[[1]]
  a <- mytrim(a)
  b <- a[3]
  ## grep out units and options
  units <- regmatches(b,gregexpr("\\s*\\(.*?\\)",b))[[1]]
  options <- regmatches(b,gregexpr("\\s*\\[.*?\\]",b))[[1]]
  if(length(units)   > 1) units   <- units[length(units)]
  if(length(options) > 1) options <- options[length(options)]
  ## Drop matches
  for(what in c(units,options)) b <- sub(what,"",b,fixed=TRUE)  
  ## Clean up matches
  units <-   gsub("\\s*\\(\\s*|\\s*\\)", "", units,   perl=TRUE)
  options <- gsub("\\s*\\[\\s*|\\s*\\]", "", options, perl=TRUE)
  ## This is the "description"
  b <- mytrim(b)
  if(length(units)==0) units <- '.'
  if(length(options)==0) options <- '.'

##' Extract model details
##' @param x a model object
##' @param complete logical; if \code{TRUE}, un-annotated parameters and 
##' compartments will be added to the output
##' @param values logical; if \code{TRUE}, a values column will be added to 
##' the output
##' @param ... not used
##' @details
##' This function is not exported.  You will have to call it 
##' with \code{mrgsolve:::details()}. 
##' @examples
##' mod <- mrgsolve::house()
##' mrgsolve:::details(mod)
details <- function(x, complete = FALSE, values = TRUE,...) {
  ans <- x@annot[["data"]]
  if(nrow(ans)==0) {
    ans <- cobble_details(x)
  } else {
    if(complete) ans <- complete_details(ans,x)
  if(values) {
    ans <- add_detail_values(ans,x) 

store_annot <- function(x,what,loc=soloc(x),...) {
  x@annot <- list(data=what,embedded=TRUE)

cobble_details <- function(x) {
  ans <- list()
  par <- as.numeric(param(x))
  if(length(par) > 0) {
    ans[[1]] <- tibble(block="PARAM",name=names(par))  
  fx <- as.numeric(x@fixed)
  if(length(fx)>0) {
    ans[[2]] <- tibble(block="FIXED", name=names(fx)) 
  cmt <- as.numeric(init(x))
  if(length(cmt)>0) {
    ans[[3]] <- tibble(block="CMT", name=names(cmt)) 
  om <- as.list(omat(x))
  if(length(om) > 0) {
    lab <- labels(omat(x))
    mat <- as.list(omat(x))
    for(i in seq_along(mat)) {
      this_mat <- make_matrix_labels(mat[[i]],lab[[i]])
      ans[[3+i]] <- tibble(block="OMEGA", name = names(this_mat), 
                           value = unname(this_mat))
  ans <- dplyr::bind_rows(ans)
  ans <- dplyr::mutate(ans,descr='.', units='.', options='.')
  ans <- ans[,c("block","name","descr","units","options"),drop=FALSE]

complete_details <- function(annot,x) {
  par <- as.numeric(param(x))
  cmt <- as.numeric(init(x))
  fx <- as.numeric(x@fixed)
  name <- unique(annot[annot$block %in% c("PARAM", "CMT", "FIXED"),"name"])
  dum <- annot[0,]
  if(length(par) > 0) {
    miss <- setdiff(names(par),name)
    if(length(miss) > 0) {
      par <- tibble(block="PARAM",name=miss,descr='.',unit='.',options='.')
    } else {
      par <- dum 
    annot <- dplyr::bind_rows(annot,par)
  if(length(cmt) > 0) {
    miss <- setdiff(names(cmt),name)
    if(length(miss) > 0) {
      cmt <- tibble(block="CMT",name=miss,descr='.',unit='.',options='.')
    } else {
      cmt <- dum 
    annot <- dplyr::bind_rows(annot,cmt)
  if(length(fx) > 0) {
    miss <- setdiff(names(fx),name)
    if(length(miss) > 0) {
      fx <- tibble(block="FIXED",name=miss,descr='.',unit='.',options='.')
    }  else {
      annot <- dplyr::bind_rows(annot,fx) 

add_detail_values <- function(annot,x) {
  x <- c(as.numeric(allparam(x)),as.numeric(init(x)))
  if(length(x)==0) {
    annot <- mutate(annot, value = NA_real_)
  x <- tibble(name=names(x),value=x)
  annot <- dplyr::left_join(annot,x,by="name")

#nocov end

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mrgsolve documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:38 a.m.