
Defines functions check_column_na fill_tran_na check_data_set_na valid_data_set.matrix valid_idata_set valid_data_set signal_drop convert_character_cmt numerics_only numeric_data_matrix cmtname timename idcol is.valid_idata_set is.valid_data_set

Documented in numerics_only valid_data_set valid_data_set.matrix valid_idata_set

# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2023  Metrum Research Group
# This file is part of mrgsolve.
# mrgsolve is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# mrgsolve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with mrgsolve.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

is.valid_data_set <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "valid_data_set")

is.valid_idata_set <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "valid_idata_set")

idcol <- function(x) {
  match("ID", colnames(x)) 

timename <- function(x) {
  y <- c("time", "TIME")
  y[y %in% .colnames(x)][1]

cmtname <- function(x) {
  y <- c("cmt", "CMT")
  y[y %in% .colnames(x)][1]

numeric_data_matrix <- function(x, quiet = FALSE) {
  x <- do.call(cbind, numerics_only(x, quiet)) 
  if(ncol(x)==0) stop("invalid data set.", call.=FALSE)

##' Prepare data.frame for input to mrgsim
##' @param x a input data set
##' @param quiet logical indicating whether or not warnings 
##' should be printed
##' @param convert_lgl if \code{TRUE}, convert logical 
##' columns with \code{\link{as.integer}}
##' @export
numerics_only <- function(x, quiet = FALSE, convert_lgl = FALSE) {
  if(convert_lgl) {
    if(any(vapply(x,is.logical,TRUE))) {
      x <- mutate_if(x, is.logical, as.integer)
  nu <- vapply(x, bare_numeric, TRUE)
  if(!all(nu)) {
    if(!quiet) {
        "Dropping non-numeric columns: \n  ",
        paste(names(x)[!nu], collapse = " ")
    x <- x[, which(nu), drop = FALSE]

convert_character_cmt <- function(data, mod) {
  cmtcol <- cmtname(data)
  for(cm in cmtcol) {
    if(is.character(data[[cm]])) {
      data[[cm]] <- match(data[[cm]], Cmt(mod), 0L)  

signal_drop <- function(dm, x, to_signal, context) {
  drop <- setdiff(names(x), dimnames(dm)[[2]])
  drop <- intersect(drop, to_signal)
  for(d in drop) {
    type <- paste0(class(x[[d]]), collapse = ",")
    msg <- c(context, " dropped column: ", d, " (", type, ")")

##' Validate and prepare a data sets for simulation
##' This function is called by mrgsim.  Users may also call this function
##' to pre-validate data when the same data set is used for repeated 
##' simulation.
##' @param x data.frame or matrix
##' @param m a model object
##' @param verbose logical
##' @param quiet if \code{TRUE}, messages will be suppressed
##' @return A matrix with non-numeric columns dropped; if x is a 
##' data.frame with character \code{cmt} column comprised of valid 
##' compartment names and \code{m} is a model object,
##' the \code{cmt} column will be converted to the corresponding 
##' compartment number.
##' @seealso \code{\link{valid_idata_set}}, \code{\link{idata_set}}, 
##' \code{\link{data_set}}
##' @examples
##' mod <- mrgsolve::house()
##' data(exTheoph)
##' d <- valid_data_set(exTheoph,mod)
##' @export
valid_data_set <- function(x, m = NULL, verbose = FALSE, quiet = FALSE) {
  if(is.valid_data_set(x)) return(x)
  if(verbose) quiet <- FALSE
  if(!is.mrgmod(m)) {
    stop("a valid model object is required to validate the data set.", 
         call. = FALSE)
  x <- as.data.frame(x)
  if(nrow(x)==0) {
    stop("input data event object has zero rows", call. = FALSE)  
  # check for ID column
  if(!has_ID(x)) {
    stop("could not find ID column in data set", call. = FALSE)
  # special case
  if(ncol(x)==1) {
    x <- numeric_data_matrix(x,quiet=TRUE)
    class(x) <- c("valid_data_set", "matrix")
  # First, check for compartment
  cmtcol <- cmtname(x)
  if(!is.na(cmtcol)) {
    if(any(is.na(x[,cmtcol]))) {
      stop("Found missing value in cmt/CMT column")
    if(is.character(x[[cmtcol]])) {
      if(verbose) message("Converting cmt to integer")
      x[[cmtcol]] <- match(x[[cmtcol]], Cmt(m), 0)
  tcol <- timename(x)
  if(is.na(tcol)) {
    if(neq(m) > 0) {
        "A time or TIME column is required in the data set item with this model.",
        call. = FALSE
  # Drop character columns
  dm <- numeric_data_matrix(x,quiet=TRUE)
  if((ncol(dm) != ncol(x)) && !quiet) {
    to_signal <- c(Pars(m), GLOBALS$CARRY_TRAN)
    signal_drop(dm, x, to_signal, context = "[data-set]")
  has_na <- check_data_set_na(dm,m)
  if(has_na) {
    dm <- fill_tran_na(dm)  
  dm <- cbind(dm, matrix(0,
                         dimnames=list(NULL, "..zeros..")))
  # Look for both upper and lower case column names
  uc <- any(dimnames(dm)[[2]] %in% GLOBALS[["TRAN_UPPER"]])
  lc <- any(dimnames(dm)[[2]] %in% GLOBALS[["TRAN_LOWER"]])
  if(uc & lc) {
    warning("Both lower- & upper-case names found in the data set.\n",
            "Please use either:\n",
            "  time,amt,cmt,evid,ii,addl,ss,rate\n",
            "  TIME,AMT,CMT,EVID,II,ADDL,SS,RATE\n", call.=FALSE)
  class(dm) <- c("valid_data_set", "matrix")

##' Validate and prepare idata data sets for simulation
##' @return A numeric matrix with class \code{valid_idata_set}.
##' @inheritParams valid_data_set
##' @seealso \code{\link{valid_data_set}}, \code{\link{idata_set}}, 
##' \code{\link{data_set}}
##' @export
valid_idata_set <- function(x, m, verbose = FALSE, quiet = FALSE) {
  if(verbose) quiet <- FALSE
  if(is.valid_idata_set(x)) return(x) 
  x <- as.data.frame(x)
  if(!has_ID(x)) {
    stop("ID is a required column for idata_set.",call.=FALSE)
  if(anyDuplicated(x[["ID"]])) {
    stop("Duplicate IDs not allowed in idata_set.",call.=FALSE) 
  dm <- numeric_data_matrix(x, quiet = TRUE)
  if((ncol(dm) != ncol(x)) && !quiet) {
    to_signal <- Pars(m)
    signal_drop(dm, x, to_signal, context = "[idata-set]")
  check_data_set_na(dm, m)
  class(dm) <- c("valid_idata_set", "matrix")

#' @rdname valid_data_set
#' @export
valid_data_set.matrix <- function(x,verbose=FALSE) {
  if(is.valid_data_set(x)) return(x)
  if(is.numeric(x)) {
  stop("Input data matrix is not numeric.",call.=FALSE)

check_data_set_na <- function(data,m) {
  if(!anyNA(data)) return(invisible(FALSE))
  err <- FALSE
  flagged <- check_column_na(data, Pars(m))
  for(col in flagged) {
      "Parameter column ", col, " must not contain missing values.", 
      call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE
  flagged <- check_column_na(data, c("ID", "TIME", "time"))
  for(col in flagged) {
      " column must not contain missing values.", 
      call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE
    err <- TRUE
  if(err) stop("Found missing values in input data.", call.=FALSE)

#' Look for TRAN columns replace NA with 0
#' Columns to scan are found in `GLOBALS$TRAN_FILL_NA`
#' @noRd
fill_tran_na <- function(data) {
  cols_to_zero <- check_column_na(data, GLOBALS[["TRAN_FILL_NA"]])
  data[, cols_to_zero][is.na(data[, cols_to_zero])] <- 0

check_column_na <- function(data, cols) {
  to_check <- unique(cols[cols %in% dimnames(data)[[2L]]])
  if(length(to_check)==0L) return(character(0))
  if(!anyNA(data[,to_check])) return(character(0))
  flagged <- character(0)
  for(col in to_check) {
    if(anyNA(data[,col])) {
      flagged <- c(flagged, col)

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mrgsolve documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:37 a.m.