#' Constructing Hierarchical Voronoi Tessellations
#' Main function to construct hierarchical voronoi tessellations.
#' This is the main function to construct hierarchical voronoi tessellations.
#' The \code{hvq} function is called from this function. The output of the
#' \code{hvq} function is hierarchical clustered data which will be the input
#' for constructing tessellations. The data is then represented in 2d
#' coordinates and the tessellations are plotted using these coordinates as
#' centroids. For subsequent levels, transformation is performed on the 2d
#' coordinates to get all the points within its parent tile. Tessellations are
#' plotted using these transformed points as centroids. The lines in the
#' tessellations are chopped in places so that they do not protrude outside the
#' parent polygon. This is done for all the subsequent levels.
#' @param dataset Data frame. A data frame with different columns is given as
#' input.
#' @param min_compression_perc Numeric. An integer indicating the minimum percent compression rate to
#' be achieved for the dataset
#' @param n_cells Numeric. An integer indicating the number of cells per
#' hierarchy (level)
#' @param depth Numeric. An integer indicating the number of levels. (1 = No
#' hierarchy, 2 = 2 levels, etc ...)
#' @param quant.err Numeric. A number indicating the quantization error
#' treshold.
#' @param projection.scale Numeric. A number indicating the scale factor for
#' the tesselations so as to visualize the sub-tesselations well enough.
#' @param normalize Logical. A logical value indicating if the columns in your
#' dataset should be normalized. Default value is TRUE.
#' @param scale_summary List. A list with mean and standard deviation values for all the features in the dataset.
#' Pass the scale summary when the input dataset is already scaled or normalize is set to False.
#' @param distance_metric character. The distance metric can be "L1_Norm" or "Manhattan". L1_Norm is selected by default.
#' @param error_metric character. The error metric can be "mean" or "max". mean is selected by default
#' @param quant_method character. The quant_method can be "kmeans" or "kmedoids". kmeans is selected by default
#' @param diagnose Logical. A logical value indicating if the diagnose is required. Default value is TRUE.
#' @param hvt_validation Logical. A logical value indicating if the MAD values are to tested for validation set. Default value is FALSE.
#' @param train_validation_split_ratio Numeric. A numeric value indicating the train and validation split ratio.
#' @return A list that contains the hierarchical tesselation information. This
#' list has to be given as input argument to plot the tessellations.
#' \item{[[1]] }{List. Information about the tesselation co-ordinates - level
#' wise} \item{[[2]] }{List. Information about the polygon co-ordinates - level
#' wise}
#' \item{[[3]] }{List. Information about the hierarchical vector quantized data - level wise}
#' \item{[[4]] }{List. Information about the model diagnosis- selected level}
#' \item{[[5]] }{List. Information about the MAD values and percentage anomalies for validation dataset}
#' @author Shubhra Prakash <>, Sangeet Moy Das <>, Shantanu Vaidya <>
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotHVT}} \cr \code{\link{hvtHmap}}
#' @keywords hplot
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#' data(USArrests)
#' hvt.results <- list()
#' hvt.results <- HVT(USArrests, min_compression_perc = 70, quant.err = 0.2,
#' distance_metric = "L1_Norm", error_metric = "mean",
#' projection.scale = 10, normalize = TRUE,
#' quant_method="kmeans")
#' plotHVT(hvt.results, line.width = c(0.8), color.vec = c('#141B41'),
#' maxDepth = 1)
#' hvt.results <- list()
#' hvt.results <- HVT(USArrests, n_cells = 15, depth = 3, quant.err = 0.2,
#' distance_metric = "L1_Norm", error_metric = "mean",
#' projection.scale = 10, normalize = TRUE,
#' quant_method="kmeans")
#' plotHVT(hvt.results, line.width = c(1.2,0.8,0.4), color.vec = c('#141B41','#0582CA','#8BA0B4'),
#' maxDepth = 3)
#' @export HVT
HVT <-
min_compression_perc = NA,
n_cells = NA,
depth = 1,
quant.err = 0.2,
projection.scale = 10,
normalize = FALSE,
distance_metric = c("L1_Norm", "L2_Norm"),
error_metric = c("mean", "max"),
scale_summary = NA,
) {
requireNamespace("deldir") #deldir function
requireNamespace("Hmisc") #ceil function
requireNamespace("grDevices") #chull function
requireNamespace("splancs") #csr function
requireNamespace("sp") function
requireNamespace("") #factorize functionScreenshot from 2022-10-26 16-15-44
if(quant_method=="kmedoids"){message(' K-Medoids: Run time for vector quantization using K-Medoids is very high for large number of clusters.')}
# browser()
dataset <-
# dataset <-[,1:length(dataset[1,])], as.numeric))
lapply(dataset, as.numeric),
check.names = F,
row.names = rownames(dataset)
## Diagnose Function
if(train_validation_split_ratio >1 | train_validation_split_ratio <0){stop("The train_validation_split_ratio should be in range 0-1 ")}
message(paste0("Check MAD parameter has been set to TRUE, the train data will be randomly split by the ratio of ",train_validation_split_ratio*100,":",(1-train_validation_split_ratio)*100))
smp_size <- floor(train_validation_split_ratio * nrow(dataset))
train_ind <- sample(seq_len(nrow(dataset)), size = smp_size)
validation_data <- dataset[-train_ind, ]
dataset <- dataset[train_ind, ]
if (normalize) {
scaledata <- scale(dataset, scale = T, center = T)
rownames(scaledata) <- rownames(dataset)
mean_data <- attr(scaledata, "scaled:center")
std_data <- attr(scaledata, "scaled:scale")
scale_summary <- list(mean_data = mean_data, std_data = std_data)
#"scaling is done")
} else {
scaledata <- as.matrix(dataset)
rownames(scaledata) <- rownames(dataset)
#"The data is not scaled as per the user requirement")
scale_summary = scale_summary
scale_summary = NA
# stop("Please pass scale_summary to the function or set normalize parameter to TRUE")
polinfo <- hvqdata <- list()
# browser()
hvq_k <-
min_compression_perc = min_compression_perc,
n_cells = n_cells,
depth = depth,
quant.err = quant.err,
distance_metric = distance_metric,
error_metric = error_metric,
n_cells <- hvq_k$compression_summary$noOfCells
depth <- 1
#"HVQ output is ready")
hvqoutput <- hvq_k$summary
gdata <- hvqoutput #assign the output of hvq file to gdata
#cleaning the data by deleting the rows containing NA's
#gdata <- gdata[-which([, 5])), ]
gdata <- hvqoutput[stats::complete.cases(hvqoutput), ]
hvqdata <- gdata
#"NA's are removed from the HVQ output")
#to store hvqdata according to each level
tessdata <- input.tessdata <- list()
#stores sammon co-ordinates and segregated according to each level
points2d <- list()
#sammon datapoints to be stored in hierarchy
rawdeldata <- list()
#rawdeldata is transformed to be within its parent tile and stored in new_rawdeldata
new_rawdeldata <- list()
#contains the vertices of the parent polygon
pol_info <- polygon_info <- list()
#number of levels
nlevel <- length(unique(gdata[, "Segment.Level"]))
#verify if the transformed points are correct
transpoints <- list()
# New columns added to the dataset by the hvq function
newcols <- ncol(hvqoutput) - ncol(dataset)
# Variable to store information on mapping
par_map <- list()
for (i in 1:nlevel) {
#hvqdata segregated according to different levels
tessdata[[i]] <- gdata[which(gdata[, "Segment.Level"]==i),]
# tessdata[[i]] <- tessdata[[i]] %>% mutate(across(where(is.double), round, 8))
# tessdata[[i]] <- tessdata[[i]] %>% mutate_if(is.double, round, 8)
# data to be used as input to sammon function
# input.tessdata[[i]] <- tessdata[[i]][, (newcols+1): ncol(hvqoutput)]
# d<-cmdscale()
# }
# }
# # tessdata[[i]] <- round(tessdata[[i]], digits = 8)
counter <- c(1:nlevel)
sammon_par <-
function(x) {
10 * (MASS::sammon(
# dist() function computes and returns the distance matrix computed by using the specified distance measure
#to compute the distances between the rows of a data matrix.
d = stats::dist(unique(tessdata[[x]][, (newcols + 1):ncol(hvqoutput)])),
# d = stats::dist(unique(round(tessdata[[x]], 8)[, (newcols + 1):ncol(hvqoutput)])),
niter = 10 ^ 5,
trace = FALSE
# sammon_par<-function(x){10 * (MASS::sammon(d=stats::dist(unique(tessdata[[x]][, (newcols+1): ncol(hvqoutput)])), y =jitter(cmdscale(dist(unique(tessdata[[x]][, (newcols+1): ncol(hvqoutput)])),2)), niter = 10^5,trace=FALSE)$points)}
points2d <- lapply(counter, sammon_par)
for (i in 1:nlevel) {
# #hvqdata segregated according to different levels
# tessdata[[i]] <- gdata[which(gdata[, "Segment.Level"] == i), ]
# #data to be used as input to sammon function
# input.tessdata[[i]] <- tessdata[[i]][, (newcols+1): ncol(hvqoutput)]
# #sammon function output is 2d coordinates which are saved level-wise
# points2d[[i]] <- projection.scale * (MASS::sammon(stats::dist(unique(input.tessdata[[i]])),niter = 10^5,trace=FALSE)$points)
# #sammon datapoints grouped according to the hierarchy
intermediate.rawdata <- list()
rn = row.names(points2d[[i]])
vec = as.integer(rn) - sum(n_cells ^ (0:(i - 1))) + 1
# for(j in 1: length(unique(tessdata[[i]][, "Segment.Parent"]))) {
index = 1
for (j in unique(tessdata[[i]][, "Segment.Parent"])) {
# print(((n_cells * (j - 1)) + 1): (j * n_cells))
# intermediate.rawdata[[j]] <- cbind(points2d[[i]][((n_cells * (j - 1)) + 1): (j * n_cells), 1],
# points2d[[i]][((n_cells * (j - 1)) + 1): (j * n_cells), 2])
if (any(dplyr::between(j - vec / n_cells, 0, 0.9999))) {
intermediate.rawdata[[index]] <-
cbind(points2d[[i]][rn[dplyr::between(j - vec / n_cells, 0, 0.9999)], 1],
points2d[[i]][rn[dplyr::between(j - vec /
n_cells, 0, 0.9999)], 2])
index = index + 1
rawdeldata[[i]] <- intermediate.rawdata
#"Sammon points for all the levels have been calculated")
#new_rawdeldata contains the transformed points of rawdeldata
new_rawdeldata[[1]] <- rawdeldata[[1]]
#deldat1 is the output of the deldir::deldir function and contains the tessellation information
deldat1 <- deldat2 <- list()
#deldir function of deldir package gives the tessellations output
deldat2[[1]] <- deldir::deldir(new_rawdeldata[[1]][[1]][, 1],
new_rawdeldata[[1]][[1]][, 2])
deldat1[[1]] <- deldat2
#"Tessellations are calculated for the first level")
#plotting the tessellation
#plot(deldat1[[1]][[1]], wlines = "tess", lty = 1, lwd = 4)
#polygon_info stores parent tile vertices information
#polygon_info is the modified tile.list output except for first level.
pol_info[[1]] <- deldir::tile.list(deldat1[[1]][[1]])
#loop throught the polygon and add the row name as id variable
# row names of info in rawdeldata is preserved from the hvqoutput and this row name ties the rawdeldata back to the hierarchy
# in the hvqoutput dataset
pol_info[[1]] <- mapply(function(info, id) {
info$id = as.numeric(id)
info <-
append(info, as.list(gdata[row.names(gdata) == id, c('Segment.Level', 'Segment.Parent', 'Segment.Child')]))
}, pol_info[[1]], as.list(row.names(new_rawdeldata[[1]][[1]])), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
polygon_info[[1]] <- pol_info
par_tile_indices <- n_par_tile <- list()
par_tile_indices[[1]] <-
unique(tessdata[[1]][, "Segment.Parent"])
n_par_tile[[1]] <-
length(unique(tessdata[[1]][, "Segment.Parent"]))
if (nlevel < 2) {
polinfo <- polygon_info
fin_out <- list()
fin_out[[1]] <- deldat1
fin_out[[2]] <- polinfo
fin_out[[3]] <- hvq_k
fin_out[[3]][['scale_summary']] <- scale_summary
level = 1
level_names <- list()
level_names[[level]] <- fin_out[[2]][[level]] %>% purrr::map(~ {
this <- .
element <- this[[1]]
}) %>% unlist()
names(fin_out[[2]][[level]]) <- level_names[[level]]
####### Adding Code for Diagnosis Plot
fin_out[[4]] = NA
fin_out[[5]] <- NA
# fin_out[[4]] = NA
diag_list = diagPlot(hvt.results = fin_out,
data = dataset,
level = depth,
quant.err = quant.err,
diag_Suggestion = diagSuggestion(hvt.results = fin_out,
data = dataset,
level = depth,
quant.err = quant.err,
fin_out[[4]] = diag_list
####### Adding Code for MAD Plot
# browser()
####### MAD Plot ################
predictions_validation = list()
predictions_validation <- predictHVT(
data = validation_data,
child.level = depth,
line.width = c(0.6, 0.4, 0.2),
color.vec = c("#141B41", "#6369D1", "#D8D2E1"),
mad.threshold = quant.err,
distance_metric = distance_metric,
error_metric = error_metric
fin_out[[5]] <- list()
fin_out[[5]][["mad_plot"]] <- mad_plot
### Model Info
input_parameters = list(
n_cells = n_cells,
depth = depth,
quant.err = quant.err,
projection.scale = projection.scale,
normalize = normalize,
distance_metric = distance_metric[1],
error_metric = error_metric[1],
quant_method = quant_method[1],
diagnose = diagnose,
hvt_validation = hvt_validation,
train_validation_split_ratio = train_validation_split_ratio
# generating cell ID using get_cell_id
fin_out[[3]]$summary <- get_cell_id(hvt.results=fin_out)
fin_out[[3]]$summary <- fin_out[[3]]$summary %>% select(Segment.Level, Segment.Parent, Segment.Child, n, Cell.ID, Quant.Error, colnames(dataset))
} else {
for (i in 2:nlevel) {
new_rawdeldata[[i]] <- list()
par_tile_indices[[i]] <-
unique(tessdata[[i]][, "Segment.Parent"])
n_par_tile[[i]] <-
length(unique(tessdata[[i]][, "Segment.Parent"]))
par_map[[i - 1]] <- list()
for (tileIndex in 1:n_par_tile[[(i - 1)]]) {
# print(tileIndex)
#a chunk of hvqdata which contains the rows corresponding to a particular parent tile
gi_par_tiles <-
par_tile_indices[[i]][intersect(which((par_tile_indices[[i]] / n_cells) <= par_tile_indices[[(i - 1)]][tileIndex]),
which((par_tile_indices[[(i - 1)]][tileIndex] - 1) < (par_tile_indices[[i]] / n_cells)))]
gidata <-
tessdata[[i]][which(tessdata[[i]][, "Segment.Parent"] %in% gi_par_tiles),]
par_map[[i - 1]][[par_tile_indices[[(i - 1)]][tileIndex]]] <-
#datapoints corresponding to a particular parent tile
rawdeldati <-
rawdeldata[[i]][intersect(which((par_tile_indices[[i]] / n_cells) <= par_tile_indices[[(i - 1)]][tileIndex]),
which((par_tile_indices[[(i - 1)]][tileIndex] - 1) < (par_tile_indices[[i]] / n_cells)))]
if (nrow(gidata) != 0) {
#transformation of rawdeldata such that they are inside the parent tile and output is stored in new_rawdeldata
transpoints <-
DelaunayInfo(gidata, polygon_info[[(i - 1)]][[tileIndex]], rawdeldati, n_cells)
if (all(transpoints != "-1")) {
new_rawdeldata[[i]] <- append(new_rawdeldata[[i]], transpoints)
} else{
deldat1[i] <- 0
polinfo <<- polygon_info
#flog.warn("Projection is not scaled enough and the polygon is very small to perform transformation")
#return("Projection is not scaled enough and the polygon is very small to perform transformation")
#"Sammon points of level %s are transformed", i)
deldat2 <- list()
par_tile_polygon <- list()
for (tileNo in 1:n_par_tile[[i]]) {
# print(tileNo)
#modulus operation for the last index in polygon_info
if (((par_tile_indices[[i]][tileNo]) %% n_cells)) {
last_index <- (par_tile_indices[[i]][tileNo] %% n_cells)
} else{
last_index <- n_cells
#divide to get the parent tile
sec_index <-
Hmisc::ceil(par_tile_indices[[i]][tileNo] / n_cells)
deldat2[[tileNo]] <-
deldir::deldir(new_rawdeldata[[i]][[tileNo]][, 1],
new_rawdeldata[[i]][[tileNo]][, 2],
rw = c(
range(polygon_info[[(i - 1)]][[which(par_tile_indices[[(i - 1)]] == sec_index)]][[last_index]]$x) - c(0.5,-0.5),
range(polygon_info[[(i - 1)]][[which(par_tile_indices[[(i - 1)]] == sec_index)]][[last_index]]$y) - c(0.5,-0.5)
deldat2[[tileNo]]$rownames.orig <-
#constructing parent polygons
par_tile_polygon[[tileNo]] <-
c(polygon_info[[(i - 1)]][[which(par_tile_indices[[(i - 1)]] == sec_index)]][[last_index]]$x,
polygon_info[[(i - 1)]][[which(par_tile_indices[[(i - 1)]] == sec_index)]][[last_index]]$y),
ncol = 2,
byrow = FALSE
#correct the tessellations
cur_dirsgs <- deldat2[[tileNo]]$dirsgs
cur_tile <-
polygon_info[[(i - 1)]][[which(par_tile_indices[[(i - 1)]] == sec_index)]][[last_index]]
cur_polygon <- par_tile_polygon[[tileNo]]
verify_dirsgs <- Corrected_Tessellations(cur_dirsgs,
#polygon is sufficient to calculate next level tessellations inside this
if (all(verify_dirsgs[, 1:8] != "-1")) {
deldat2[[tileNo]]$dirsgs <- verify_dirsgs
#"Tessellations for level %s is calculated", i)
} else{
deldat1[[i]] <- 0
#flog.warn("Projection is not scaled enough and the polygon is very small to perform transformation")
polinfo <<- polygon_info
#return("Projection is not scaled enough to perform tessellations for the next level")
#delete lines with both the points identical
new_dirsgs <- deldat2[[tileNo]]$dirsgs
del_rows <- 0
for (j in 1:nrow(new_dirsgs)) {
if (round(new_dirsgs[j, "x1"], 6) == round(new_dirsgs[j, "x2"], 6) &&
round(new_dirsgs[j, "y1"], 6) == round(new_dirsgs[j, "y2"], 6)) {
del_rows <- c(del_rows, j)
if (length(del_rows) > 1) {
new_dirsgs <- new_dirsgs[-del_rows, ]
deldat2[[tileNo]]$dirsgs <- new_dirsgs
#"Line with same endpoints are deleted")
deldat1[[i]] <- deldat2
polygon_info[[i]] <- list()
#polygon information to correct the polygons
for (parentIndex in 1:n_par_tile[[i]]) {
polygon_info[[i]][[parentIndex]] <-
# Add id corresponding to each segment from rownames.orig information
polygon_info[[i]][[parentIndex]] <-
mapply(function(info, id) {
info$id = as.numeric(id)
info <-
append(info, as.list(gdata[row.names(gdata) == id, c('Segment.Level', 'Segment.Parent', 'Segment.Child')]))
#to delete the points which are outside the parent tile
for (parentIndex in 1:length(polygon_info[[i]])) {
for (tileIndex in 1:length(polygon_info[[i]][[parentIndex]])) {
tile <- polygon_info[[i]][[parentIndex]][[tileIndex]]
check_dirsgs <- deldat1[[i]][[parentIndex]]$dirsgs
if (nrow(check_dirsgs) != 0 && length(tile$x) != 0) {
polygon_info[[i]][[parentIndex]][[tileIndex]] <-
Delete_Outpoints (tile, check_dirsgs)
#"Endpoints of tessellation lines which are outside parent polygon are deleted")
for (parentIndex in 1:n_par_tile[[i]]) {
#modulo operation to obtain the last index
if (((par_tile_indices[[i]][parentIndex]) %% n_cells)) {
last_index <- (par_tile_indices[[i]][parentIndex] %% n_cells)
} else{
last_index <- n_cells
#divide to get second index
sec_index <-
Hmisc::ceil(par_tile_indices[[i]] / n_cells)[parentIndex]
polygon_info[[i]][[parentIndex]] <-
polygon_info[[(i - 1)]][[which(par_tile_indices[[(i - 1)]] == sec_index)]][[last_index]],
#"Vertices of parent tile are added to appropriate child tile")
polinfo <- polygon_info
# par_map <- reshape2::melt(par_map)
# colnames(par_map) <- c('Child','Parent','Level')
# par_map <- par_map %>% mutate(ChildNo = (Parent-1)*n_cells+Child)
fin_out <- list()
fin_out[[1]] <- deldat1
fin_out[[2]] <- polinfo
fin_out[[3]] <- hvq_k
fin_out[[3]][['scale_summary']] <- scale_summary
# fin_out[[4]] <- par_map
level_names <- list()
for (level in 1:nlevel) {
level_names[[level]] <- fin_out[[2]][[level]] %>% purrr::map(~ {
this <- .
element <- this[[1]]
}) %>% unlist()
names(fin_out[[2]][[level]]) <- level_names[[level]]
# fin_out <- correctedBoundaries(fin_out,nlevel)
emptyParents <- depth - length(fin_out[[2]])
for (i in 1:emptyParents) {
fin_out[[2]][[length(fin_out[[2]]) + 1]] <- list()
###### Adding Code for Diagnosis Plot
diag_Suggestion =NA
fin_out[[4]] = NA
fin_out[[5]] <- NA
fin_out[[4]] = NA
diag_list = diagPlot(hvt.results = fin_out,
data = dataset,
level = depth,
quant.err = quant.err,
diag_Suggestion = diagSuggestion(hvt.results = fin_out,
data = dataset,
level = depth,
quant.err = quant.err,
fin_out[[4]] = diag_list
# fin_out[[5]] <- NA
####### Adding Code for MAD Plot
# browser()
####### MAD Plot ################
predictions_validation = list()
predictions_validation <- predictHVT(
data = validation_data,
child.level = depth,
line.width = c(0.6, 0.4, 0.2),
color.vec = c("#141B41", "#6369D1", "#D8D2E1"),
mad.threshold = quant.err,
distance_metric = distance_metric,
error_metric = error_metric
fin_out[[5]] <- list()
fin_out[[5]][["mad_plot"]] <- mad_plot
#### Model info
### Model Info
input_parameters = list(
n_cells = n_cells,
depth = depth,
quant.err = quant.err,
projection.scale = projection.scale,
normalize = normalize,
distance_metric = distance_metric[1],
error_metric = error_metric[1],
quant_method = quant_method[1],
diagnose = diagnose,
hvt_validation = hvt_validation,
train_validation_split_ratio = train_validation_split_ratio
# generating cell ID using get_cell_id
fin_out[[3]]$summary <- get_cell_id(hvt.results=fin_out)
fin_out[[3]]$summary <- fin_out[[3]]$summary %>% select(Segment.Level, Segment.Parent, Segment.Child, n, Cell.ID, Quant.Error, colnames(dataset))
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