
Defines functions nca.check.sim

Documented in nca.check.sim

# Check simulated data
# Chayan, 02/2017
# roxygen comments
#' Check simulated data
#' \pkg{nca.check.sim} Checks simulated data for compatibility with ncappc and 
#' processes the data with various filtering criteria.
#' \pkg{nca.check.sim} Checks simulated data for compatibility with ncappc.
#' @param simData Simulated concentration-time data.
#' @param idNmSim Column name for ID in simulated data. Default is \strong{"ID"}
#' @param timeNmSim Column name for time in simulated data. Default is 
#'   \strong{"TIME"}
#' @param concNmSim Column name for concentration in simulated data. Default is 
#'   \strong{"DV"}
#' @param filterNm Column name to filter data. Default is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param filterExcl Row exclusion criteria based on the column defined by
#'   \code{filterNm}. This can be numeric value or logical condition (e.g. c(1,
#'   2, "<20", ">=100", "!=100")). Default is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param str1Nm Column name for 1st level population stratifier. Default is
#'   \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param str1 Stratification ID of the members within 1st level stratification
#'   (e.g c(1,2)). Default is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param str2Nm Column name for 2nd level population stratifier. Default is
#'   \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param str2 Stratification ID of the members within 2nd level stratification
#'   (e.g c(1,2)). Default is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param str3Nm Column name for 3rd level population stratifier. Default is
#'   \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param str3 Stratification ID of the members within 3rd level stratification
#'   (e.g c(1,2)). Default is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param adminType Route of administration. Allowed options are iv-bolus,
#'   iv-infusion or extravascular. Default is \strong{"extravascular"}
#' @param TI Infusion duration. If TI is a single numeric value, TI is the same
#'   for all individuals. If TI is the name of a column with numeric data
#'   present in the data set, TI is set to the unique value of the column for a
#'   given individual. Default is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param doseAmtNm Column name to specify dose amount. Default is
#'   \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param blqNm Name of BLQ column if used to exclude data. Default is
#'   \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param blqExcl Excluded BLQ value; either a numeric value or a logical
#'   condition (e.g. 1 or ">=1" or c(1,">3")). Used only if the \code{blqNm} is
#'   not \code{NULL}. Default is \strong{"1"}
#' @param evid If \code{TRUE} EVID is used to filter data. Default is
#'   \strong{\code{TRUE}}
#' @param evidIncl Included values in EVID. Default is \strong{"0"}
#' @param mdv If \code{TRUE} MDV is used to include data when MDV=0. Default is
#'   \strong{\code{FALSE}}
#' @return A list of objects
#' @export

nca.check.sim <- function(simData,
                          filterNm=NULL, filterExcl=NULL,
                          str1Nm=NULL, str1=NULL,
                          str2Nm=NULL, str2=NULL,
                          str3Nm=NULL, str3=NULL,
                          blqNm=NULL, blqExcl=1,
  # Remove duplicated rows and columns
  simData <- simData[!duplicated(simData),]         # Remove duplicated rows
  simData <- simData[,!duplicated(names(simData))]  # Remove duplicated columns
  if ((!idNmSim%in%colnames(simData)) | (!timeNmSim%in%colnames(simData)) | (!concNmSim%in%colnames(simData))){
    stop("Incorrect column names of ID, TIME and/or DV in simulation output.")
  # Values in filterExcl will be excluded from the analysis
  if (!is.null(filterNm)){
    if(filterNm%in%colnames(simData) & !is.null(filterExcl)){
      for (i in 1:length(filterExcl)){
        if (grepl("^[-]?[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*[eE]?[-]?[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*$", filterExcl[i])){
          # Check if the filterExcl is numeric
          simData <- simData[simData[,filterNm] != filterExcl[i],]
          # Check if the filterExcl is logical
          simData <- eval(parse(text=paste0("subset(simData, !", filterNm, filterExcl[i], ")")))
      print("Note: Incorrect filterNm or filterExcl specification. filterNm will not be used to process the simulated data.")
  srdf <- simData[simData$NSUB == 1,]  # copy 1st replicate of simulated data before processing
  # 1st level population stratification
  if (!is.null(str1Nm)){
    if (!str1Nm%in%colnames(srdf)){stop("Incorrect name for the 1st level stratification column in simulation output.")}
    if (is.null(str1)) str1 <- unique(sort(srdf[,str1Nm]))
  # 2nd level population stratification
  if (!is.null(str2Nm)){
    if (!str2Nm%in%colnames(srdf)){stop("Incorrect name for the 2nd level stratification column in simulation output.")}
    if (is.null(str2)) str2 <- unique(sort(srdf[,str2Nm]))
  # 3rd level population stratification
  if (!is.null(str3Nm)){
    if (!str3Nm%in%colnames(srdf)){stop("Incorrect name for the 3rd level stratification column in simulation output.")}
    if (is.null(str3)) str3 <- unique(sort(srdf[,str3Nm]))
  # check requirements for infusion data
  if(adminType == "iv-infusion"){
      if((!"AMT"%in%names(srdf)) | (!"RATE"%in%names(srdf))){
        stop("Duration of the infusion time is needed if AMT and RATE are absent in the simulated data.")
        stop("Incorrect TI information for simulated data. TI has to be either a single numeric value or a column name.")
  # Dose amount is extracted from doseAmtNm column
      doseAmtNm <- doseAmtNm
    }else if("AMT"%in%colnames(srdf)){
      doseAmtNm <- "AMT"
      doseAmtNm <- NULL
      print("Note: Dose amount column name provided in doseAmtNm or AMT column does not exist in the simulated data file. Dose related NCA metrics will not be estimated for the simulated data.")
    if("AMT"%in%colnames(srdf)) doseAmtNm <- "AMT"
  # ignore data with BLQ = 1 or user specified value (optional)
  if (!is.null(blqNm)){
    if(blqNm%in%colnames(srdf) & !is.null(blqExcl)){
      for (i in 1:length(blqExcl)){
        if(grepl("^[-]?[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*[eE]?[-]?[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*$", blqExcl[i])){
          # Check if the blqExcl is numeric
          simData <- simData[simData[,blqNm] != blqExcl[i],]
          # Check if the blqExcl is logical
          simData <- eval(parse(text=paste0("subset(simData, !", blqNm, blqExcl[i], ")")))
      print("Note: Incorrect BLQ column name. BLQ will not be used to process the simulated data.")
  # include data based on specific values on EVID column (optional) but keep rows with TIME == 0
  if (evid){
      # uevid == unique values in EVID column
      # evidIncl == EVID values to be included
      # ievid == EVID values to be ignored
      uevid <- unique(as.numeric(as.character(srdf$EVID))); ievid <- setdiff(uevid, as.numeric(evidIncl))
      if(length(ievid) != 0) simData <- simData[!simData$EVID%in%ievid,]
      print("Note: EVID column is not present. EVID will not be used to process the simulated data.")
  # if MDV fiter is present, exclude data for MDV == 1 but keep rows with TIME == 0
      simData <- simData[simData$MDV == 0,]
      print("Note: MDV column is not present. MDV will not be used to process the simulated data.")
  # Remove rows with NA or empty observation/time
  if(length(which(is.na(simData[,concNmSim]) | simData[,concNmSim]=="")) != 0){
    simData <- simData[-which(is.na(simData[,concNmSim]) | simData[,concNmSim]==""),]
  if(length(which(is.na(simData[,timeNmSim]) | simData[,timeNmSim]=="")) != 0){
    simData <- simData[-which(is.na(simData[,timeNmSim]) | simData[,timeNmSim]==""),]

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ncappc documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:31 p.m.