## Classes for a cppProject
cppCodeFileClass <- setRefClass('cppCodeFileClass',
fields = list(
filename = 'ANY', #character
includes = 'ANY', #character
usings = 'ANY', #character
cppDefs = 'ANY' #list()
methods = list(
initialize = function(...){filename <<- character(); includes <<- character(); usings <<- character(); cppDefs <<- list(); callSuper(...)},
writeIncludes = function(con = stdout()) {
writeLines(c('#ifndef R_NO_REMAP', '#define R_NO_REMAP', '#endif'), con)
if(length(includes) > 0) writeLines(paste0('#include ', includes), con)
writeUsings = function(con = stdout()) {
if(length(usings) > 0) writeLines(paste0('using ', usings,';'), con)
writeDecs = function(con = stdout()) {
lapply(cppDefs, function(x) {writeLines("", con); writeCode(x$generate(declaration = TRUE), con)})
writeDefs = function(con = stdout()) {
lapply(cppDefs, function(x) {writeLines("", con); writeCode(x$generate(declaration = FALSE), con)})
cppHfileClass <- setRefClass('cppHfileClass',
contains = 'cppCodeFileClass',
fields = list(
ifndefName = 'ANY' #'character'
methods = list(
initialize = function(...){ifndefName <<- character(); callSuper(...)},
writeFile = function(con = filename, dir = character()) {
if(is.character(con)) {
con <- normalizePath(file.path(dir, paste0(con, '.h')), winslash = "\\", mustWork=FALSE)
zz <- file(con, open = 'w')
} else
zz <- con
writeIfndef = function(con = stdout()) {
writeLines(paste0('#ifndef ',ifndefName,
'\n#define ',ifndefName),
closeIfndef = function(con = stdout()) {
writeLines('#endif', con)
cppCPPfileClass <- setRefClass('cppCPPfileClass',
contains = 'cppCodeFileClass',
fields = list(
ifndefName = 'ANY'
methods = list(
initialize = function(...){ifndefName <<- character(); callSuper(...)},
writeFile = function(con = filename, dir = character()) {
if(is.character(con)) {
con <- normalizePath(file.path(dir, paste0(con,'.cpp')), winslash = "\\", mustWork=FALSE)
zz <- file(con, open = 'w')
} else
zz <- con
writeIfndef = function(con = stdout()) {
if(length(ifndefName) > 0)
writeLines(paste0('#ifndef ',ifndefName,
'\n#define ',ifndefName),
closeIfndef = function(con = stdout()) {
if(length(ifndefName) > 0) writeLines('#endif', con)
cppProjectClass <- setRefClass('cppProjectClass',
fields = list(
dirName = 'ANY', #'character',
cppDefs = 'ANY', #'list',
dll = 'ANY', #"DLLInfoOrNULL",
outputSOfile = 'ANY',# "character"
Oincludes = 'ANY'
methods = list(
initialize = function(...){dirName <<- character(); cppDefs <<- list(); dll <<- NULL; outputSOfile <<- character();callSuper(...)},
addFunction = function(funDef, name, filename) {
if(missing(name)) name <- funDef$name
cppDefs[[name]] <<- funDef
if(!missing(filename)) {
filename <- Rname2CppName(filename); funDef$filename <- filename
} else {
if(length(funDef$filename)==0) {
filename <- Rname2CppName(name); funDef$filename <- filename
addClass = function(classDef, name, filename, includeNeededTypeDefs = TRUE) {
if(missing(name)) name <- classDef$name
if(!missing(filename)) {
filename <- Rname2CppName(filename)
} else {
if(length(classDef$filename)==0) {
filename <- Rname2CppName(name)
} else {
stop("Error in addClass: Can't determine filename")
if(includeNeededTypeDefs) {
for(iNTD in classDef$neededTypeDefs) addClass(iNTD, filename = filename)
classDef$filename <- filename
cppDefs[[name]] <<- classDef
writeFiles = function(filename, con = filename) {
filename <- Rname2CppName(filename)
whichDefs <- which(unlist(lapply(cppDefs, `[[`, 'filename')) == filename)
defs <- cppDefs[whichDefs]
Hincludes <- unlist(lapply(defs, function(x) lapply(x$getHincludes(), function(xx) if(is.character(xx)) xx else paste0('\"',xx$filename,'.h\"'))))
Hincludes <- unique(Hincludes)
CPPincludes <- unlist(lapply(defs, function(x) lapply(x$getCPPincludes(), function(xx) if(is.character(xx)) xx else paste0('\"', xx$filename,'.cpp\"'))))
CPPincludes <- unique(CPPincludes)
selfCPP <- if(is.character(con)) paste0('"', con, '.cpp"') else '"[FILENAME].cpp"'
CPPincludes <- CPPincludes[ CPPincludes != selfCPP ]
## TODO Simplify Eigen include logic now that Nimble defines `R_NO_REMAP`.
## similar for cppad
iEigenInclude <- grep("EigenTypedefs", CPPincludes)
if(length(iEigenInclude) > 0) {
CPPincludes <- c(CPPincludes[iEigenInclude], CPPincludes[-iEigenInclude])
iCppInclude <- grep("cppad", CPPincludes)
if(length(iCppInclude) > 0) {
CPPincludes <- c(CPPincludes[iCppInclude], CPPincludes[-iCppInclude])
## at this point strip out CPPincludes other than EigenTypedefs that have .cpp and gsub .cpp to .o
boolConvertCppIncludeToOinclude <- grepl("\\.cpp", CPPincludes)
Oincludes <<- gsub("\\.cpp", ".o", CPPincludes[boolConvertCppIncludeToOinclude])
CPPincludes <- CPPincludes[!boolConvertCppIncludeToOinclude]
CPPusings <- unlist(lapply(defs, function(x) x$getCPPusings()))
CPPusings <- unique(CPPusings)
ifndefName <- if(is.character(con)) toupper(paste0('__', con)) else '"__IFNDEFNAME"'
cppPieces <-'c', lapply(defs, function(x) x$getDefs()))
hFile <- cppHfileClass(filename = filename,
includes = Hincludes,
cppDefs = cppPieces,
ifndefName = ifndefName)
selfInclude <- if(is.character(con)) paste0('"', con, '.h', '"') else '"[FILENAME].h"'
CPPincludes <- c(CPPincludes, selfInclude) ## selfInclude has to come last because Rinternals.h makes a name conflict with Eigen (this may be moot, 7/17)
## RHEL reports:
## /usr/include/R/Rmath.h:210:15: error: 'std::Rf_beta' has not been declared
## if math.h/Rmath.h are included later.
math <- which(CPPincludes == "<math.h>")
Rmath <- which(CPPincludes == "<Rmath.h>")
if(length(math) || length(Rmath))
CPPincludes <- c(CPPincludes[math], CPPincludes[Rmath], CPPincludes[-c(math,Rmath)])
cppIfndefName <- paste0(ifndefName,'_CPP')
cppFile <- cppCPPfileClass(filename = filename,
includes = CPPincludes,
usings = CPPusings,
cppDefs= cppPieces,
ifndefName = cppIfndefName
if(is.character(con)) createDir()
hFile$writeFile(con = con, dir = dirName)
cppFile$writeFile(con = con, dir = dirName)
writeDynamicRegistrationsDotCpp = function(dynamicRegistrationsCppName, dllName) {
## this writes dynamicRegistrations.cpp to include <nimble/dynamicRegistrations.h> and
## then add an R_init function, which must have the name R_init_[outputSOfile]
## At the moment this step is called immediately before doing R CMD SHLIB
## And it is only at that stage that the outputSOfile is known, since the SOname includes a time stamp
## for uniqueness that is created right before R CMD SHLIB.
## However this content for this file could be integrated into the cppDefs
## and then automatically written as part of writeFiles. Doing so would require
## that the SOname be generated earlier, which would probably be fine.
contentLines <- c(
"#include <nimble/dynamicRegistrations.h>",
"extern \"C\"",
paste0("void R_init_", dllName, "(DllInfo *dll) {"),
" R_registerRoutines(dll, NULL, CallEntries, NULL, NULL);",
writeLines(contentLines, con = dynamicRegistrationsCppName)
compileStaticCode = function(dllName, cppName, showCompilerOutput) {
ssDllName <- normalizePath(file.path(dirName, paste0(dllName, .Platform$dynlib.ext)), winslash = "\\", mustWork=FALSE)
ssdSHLIBcmd <- normalizePath(file.path(R.home('bin'), 'R'),
winslash = "\\", mustWork=FALSE)
ssdSHLIBargs <- paste('CMD SHLIB',
ifelse(getNimbleOption('precleanCompilation'), '--preclean', ''),
cppName, '-o', basename(ssDllName))
logFile <- paste0(dllName, ".log")
errorFile <- paste0(dllName, ".err")
status = system2(ssdSHLIBcmd, ssdSHLIBargs, stdout = logFile, stderr = errorFile)
if(status == 0 && showCompilerOutput) {
output <- c(readLines(logFile), readLines(errorFile))
cat(output, sep = '\n')
if(status != 0) {
if(showCompilerOutput) {
warnLength <- options()$warning.length
options(warning.length = 8000)
on.exit(options(warning.length = warnLength))
output <- c(readLines(logFile), readLines(errorFile))
stop(structure(simpleError(paste0("Failed to create the shared library.\n", paste0(output, collapse = "\n"))),
class = c("SHLIBCreationError", "ShellError", "simpleError", "error", "condition")))
} else {
nimbleUserNamespace$errorFile <- normalizePath(file.path(dirName, errorFile), winslash = "\\", mustWork=FALSE)
stop(structure(simpleError(paste0("Failed to create the shared library. Run 'printErrors()' to see the compilation errors.\n")),
class = c("SHLIBCreationError", "ShellError", "simpleError", "error", "condition")))
return(dyn.load(basename(ssDllName), local = TRUE))
compileDynamicRegistrations = function(showCompilerOutput = getNimbleOption('showCompilerOutput')) {
timeStamp <- format(Sys.time(), "%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
dllName <- paste0("dynamicRegistrations_", timeStamp)
cppName <- paste0(dllName, ".cpp")
writeDynamicRegistrationsDotCpp(cppName, dllName)
nimbleUserNamespace$sessionSpecificDll <- compileStaticCode(dllName, cppName, showCompilerOutput)
compile_nimbleCppADbaseClass = function(showCompilerOutput = getNimbleOption('showCompilerOutput')) {
timeStamp <- format(Sys.time(), "%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
dllName <- paste0("nimbleCppADbaseClass_", timeStamp)
cppName <- "nimbleCppADbaseClass.cpp"
origFile <- system.file(file.path("include","nimble", cppName), package = "nimble")
if(nchar(origFile) == 0) {
warning("Could not compile nimbleCppADbaseClass. Subsequent steps will likely generate errors.")
file.copy(origFile, cppName)
# We don't need this DLL, but we might as well hold onto it since it exists.
nimbleUserNamespace$nimbleCppADbaseClassDll <- compileStaticCode(dllName, cppName, showCompilerOutput)
compileFile = function(names, showCompilerOutput = getNimbleOption('showCompilerOutput'),
.useLib = UseLibraryMakevars) {
names <- Rname2CppName(names)
isWindows = (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
includes <- character()
timeStamp <- format(Sys.time(), "%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
mainfiles <- paste(basename(
normalizePath(file.path(dirName, paste0(names,'.cpp')), winslash = "\\", mustWork=FALSE)
collapse = ' ')
if(!file.exists(normalizePath(file.path(dirName, sprintf("Makevars%s", if(isWindows) ".win" else "")), winslash = "\\", mustWork=FALSE)) && NeedMakevarsFile) # should reverse the order here in the long term.
createMakevars(.useLib = .useLib, dir = dirName)
dllName <- paste0(names[1], "_", timeStamp)
outputSOfile <<- normalizePath(file.path(dirName, paste0(dllName, .Platform$dynlib.ext)), winslash = "\\", mustWork=FALSE)
if(!inherits(Oincludes, 'uninitializedField')) { ## will only be uninitialized if writeFiles was skipped due to specialHandling (developer backdoor)
includes <- c(includes, Oincludes) ## normal operation will have Oincludes.
SHLIBcmd <- normalizePath(file.path(R.home('bin'), 'R'), winslash = "\\", mustWork=FALSE)
SHLIBargs <- paste('CMD SHLIB',
ifelse(getNimbleOption('precleanCompilation'), '--preclean', ''),
paste(c(mainfiles, includes), collapse = ' '), '-o', basename(outputSOfile))
cur = getwd()
if(is.null(nimbleUserNamespace$sessionSpecificDll)) {
compileDynamicRegistrations(showCompilerOutput = showCompilerOutput)
if(isTRUE(getNimbleOption("enableDerivs"))) {
if(any(grepl("^nimbleCppADbaseClass.o$", Oincludes))) {
if(is.null(nimbleUserNamespace$nimbleCppADbaseClassDll)) {
compile_nimbleCppADbaseClass(showCompilerOutput = showCompilerOutput)
origSHLIBcmd <- SHLIBcmd
if(isTRUE(getNimbleOption('stopCompilationBeforeLinking'))) {## used only for testing, when we want to go quickly and skip linking and bail out
## get the dry run commands, run only those that contain -c for compile-only (don't link)
## this has only been tested with single .cpp files, not multiple .cpp files
stop("Option 'stopCompilationBeforeLinking' has been disabled.")
dryRunCmd <- paste0(SHLIBcmd, " -n")
dryRunResult <- system(dryRunCmd, intern = TRUE)
compileOnlyLines <- dryRunResult[ grepl("-c", dryRunResult) ]
SHLIBcmd <- paste0(compileOnlyLines, collapse = ";" )
if(isTRUE(getNimbleOption('forceO1'))) { ## replace -On flags with -O1 to reduce compiler time due to higher optimization levels
## If forceO1 is TRUE and we did not already strip out -c flags, do so now
stop("Option 'forceO1' has been disabled.")
if(!isTRUE(getNimbleOption('stopCompilationBeforeLinking'))) {
dryRunCmd <- paste0(SHLIBcmd, " -n")
dryRunResult <- system(dryRunCmd, intern = TRUE)
compileOnlyLines <- dryRunResult[ grepl("-c", dryRunResult) ]
SHLIBcmd <- paste0(compileOnlyLines, collapse = ";" )
SHLIBcmd <- gsub("-O[1-9]", "-O1", SHLIBcmd)
SHLIBcmd <- paste0(SHLIBcmd, "; ", origSHLIBcmd)
logFile <- paste0(names[1], "_", format(Sys.time(), "%m_%d_%H_%M_%S"), ".log")
errorFile <- paste0(names[1], "_", format(Sys.time(), "%m_%d_%H_%M_%S"), ".err")
if(getNimbleOption('pauseAfterWritingFiles')) browser()
## We formerly used ignore.stdout = !showCompilerOutput, ignore.stderr = !showCompilerOutput
## but when ignore.stdout and ignore.stderr are TRUE nothing gets printed to stdout and stderr so
## .log and .err files are empty.
status = system2(SHLIBcmd, SHLIBargs, stdout = logFile, stderr = errorFile)
if(status == 0 && showCompilerOutput) {
output <- c(readLines(logFile), readLines(errorFile))
cat(output, sep = '\n')
if(status != 0) {
if(showCompilerOutput) {
warnLength <- options()$warning.length
options(warning.length = 8000)
on.exit(options(warning.length = warnLength))
output <- c(readLines(logFile), readLines(errorFile))
stop(structure(simpleError(paste0("Failed to create the shared library.\n", paste0(output, collapse = "\n"))),
class = c("SHLIBCreationError", "ShellError", "simpleError", "error", "condition")))
} else {
nimbleUserNamespace$errorFile <- normalizePath(file.path(dirName, errorFile), winslash = "\\", mustWork=FALSE)
stop(structure(simpleError(paste0("Failed to create the shared library. Run 'printErrors()' to see the compilation errors.\n")),
class = c("SHLIBCreationError", "ShellError", "simpleError", "error", "condition")))
if(isTRUE(getNimbleOption('stopCompilationBeforeLinking'))) stop("safely stopping before linking", call.=FALSE)
loadSO = function(name) {
dll <<- dyn.load(getSOName(), local = TRUE)
unloadSO = function(check = TRUE, force = FALSE) { ## The book-keeping on different names isn't quite connected to here yet. Instead we just unload dll.
if(!is.null(dll)) {
objectNames <- eval(call('.Call', nimbleUserNamespace$sessionSpecificDll$RNimble_Ptr_CheckAndRunAllDllFinalizers, dll[['handle']], force))
if(length(objectNames) > 0 & check) {
warning(paste0("A DLL to be unloaded has non-zero (", paste(objectNames, collapse = ", "), ") objects that need to be finalized first. ", if(force) "It's objects were cleared and it was unloaded anyway." else "It was not unloaded." ))
if(!force) return(NULL)
status = dyn.unload(dll[["path"]])
dll <<- NULL
} else
getSOName = function() {
createDir = function() {
if(!file.exists(dirName)) dir.create(dirName)
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