# Tests of Laplace approximation
source(system.file(file.path('tests', 'testthat', 'test_utils.R'), package = 'nimble'))
source(system.file(file.path('tests', 'testthat', 'AD_test_utils.R'), package = 'nimble'))
EDopt <- nimbleOptions("enableDerivs")
BMDopt <- nimbleOptions("buildModelDerivs")
nimbleOptions(enableDerivs = TRUE)
nimbleOptions(buildModelDerivs = TRUE)
nimbleOptions(allowDynamicIndexing = FALSE)
# check internal consistency of optim method variants
check_laplace_alternative_methods <- function(cL, # compiled laplace algorithm
cm, # compiled model
m, # original model (or list with values)
opt, # possibly already-run LaplaceMLE result,
methods = 1:3, # methods to check
summ_orig, # summarized Laplace MLE result (original)
summ_trans, # summarized Laplace MLE result (transformed)
expected_warning = NULL,
expected_no_re = FALSE
) {
expect_wrapper <- ifelse(is.null(expected_warning), expect_silent,
expect_output(eval(expr), expected_warning))
vars <- cm$getVarNames()
reset <- function() {
for(v in vars) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
if(missing(opt)) {
expect_wrapper(opt <- cL$findMLE())
#cL$setInnerCache(FALSE) ## Recalculate inner optim to check starting values. Will ensure errors are printed on summary.
expect_wrapper(summ_orig <- cL$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = TRUE))
expect_wrapper(summ_trans <- cL$summary(opt, originalScale = FALSE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = TRUE))
ref_method <- cL$computeMethod_ #cL$getMethod()
for(method in methods) {
if(method != ref_method) {
## if(expected_no_re)
## expect_output(cL$setMethod(method), "no random effects") else cL$setMethod(method)
expect_wrapper(opt_alt <- cL$findMLE())
expect_equal(opt$par, opt_alt$par, tolerance = 0.01)
expect_equal(opt$value, opt_alt$value, tolerance = 1e-4)
tryResult <- try({
expect_wrapper(summ_orig_alt <- cL$summary(opt_alt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = TRUE))
expect_wrapper(summ_trans_alt <- cL$summary(opt_alt, originalScale = FALSE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = TRUE))
if(inherits(tryResult, 'try-error')) {
print("cL$summary failing.")
} else {
expect_equal(summ_orig$params$estimates, summ_orig_alt$params$estimates, tol = 1e-4)
expect_equal(summ_orig$randomEffects$estimates, summ_orig_alt$randomEffects$estimates, tol = 1e-4)
expect_equal(summ_orig$params$stdErrors, summ_orig_alt$params$stdErrors, tol = 1e-4)
expect_equal(summ_orig$randomEffects$stdErrors, summ_orig_alt$randomEffects$stdErrors, tol = 1e-4)
expect_equal(summ_orig$vcov, summ_orig_alt$vcov, tol = 1e-4)
expect_equal(summ_trans$params$estimates, summ_trans_alt$params$estimates, tol = 1e-4)
expect_equal(summ_trans$randomEffects$estimates, summ_trans_alt$randomEffects$estimates, tol = 1e-4)
expect_equal(summ_trans$params$stdErrors, summ_trans_alt$params$stdErrors, tol = 1e-4)
expect_equal(summ_trans$randomEffects$stdErrors, summ_trans_alt$randomEffects$stdErrors, tol = 1e-4)
expect_equal(summ_trans$vcov, summ_trans_alt$vcov, tol = 1e-4)
test_that("Laplace simplest 1D works", {
m <- nimbleModel(
y ~ dnorm(a, sd = 2)
a ~ dnorm(mu, sd = 3)
mu ~ dnorm(0, sd = 5)
}), data = list(y = 4), inits = list(a = -1, mu = 0),
buildDerivs = TRUE
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)
mLaplaceNoSplit <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(split = FALSE))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, mLaplaceNoSplit, project = m)
cmLaplace <- cL$mLaplace
cmLaplaceNoSplit <- cL$mLaplaceNoSplit
opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
expect_equal(opt$par, 4, tol = 1e-6) # tolerance was reduced in this test when we switched to nlminb
# V[a] = 9
# V[y] = 9 + 4 = 13
# Cov[a, y] = V[a] = 9 (not needed)
# y ~ N(mu, 13)
expect_equal(opt$value, dnorm(4, 4, sd = sqrt(13), log = TRUE))
# muhat = y = 4
# ahat = (9*y+4*mu)/(9+4) = y = 4
# Jacobian of ahat wrt mu is 4/13
# Hessian of joint loglik wrt a: -(1/4 + 1/9)
# Hessian of marginal loglik wrt mu is -1/13
summ <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = TRUE)
expect_equal(summ$randomEffects$estimates, 4, tol = 1e-5)
# check behavior of summaryLaplace
summ2 <- summaryLaplace(cmLaplace, opt, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = TRUE)
expect_equal(nrow(summ2$randomEffects), 1)
expect_equal(nrow(summ2$params), 1)
expect_equal(row.names(summ2$randomEffects), "a")
expect_equal(row.names(summ2$params), "mu")
# Covariance matrix
vcov <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, c(1/(1/4+1/9))), nrow = 2) + matrix(c(1, 4/13), ncol = 1) %*% (13) %*% t(matrix(c(1, 4/13), ncol = 1))
expect_equal(vcov, summ$vcov, tol = 1e-6)
# Check covariance matrix for params only
summ3 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE)
expect_equal(summ3$vcov, vcov[1,1,drop=FALSE], tol=1e-6)
for(v in cm$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
optNoSplit <- cmLaplaceNoSplit$findMLE()
expect_equal(opt$par, optNoSplit$par, tol = 1e-2)
expect_equal(opt$value, optNoSplit$value, tol = 1e-7)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplace, cm, m, opt)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplaceNoSplit, cm, m, optNoSplit)
test_that("Laplace simplest 1D with a constrained parameter works", {
m <- nimbleModel(
y ~ dnorm(a, sd = 2)
a ~ dnorm(mu, sd = 3)
mu ~ dexp(1.0)
}), data = list(y = 4), inits = list(a = -1, mu = 0),
buildDerivs = TRUE
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)
mLaplaceNoSplit <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(split = FALSE))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, mLaplaceNoSplit, project = m)
cmLaplace <- cL$mLaplace
cmLaplaceNoSplit <- cL$mLaplaceNoSplit
opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
# V[a] = 9
# V[y] = 9 + 4 = 13
# Cov[a, y] = V[a] = 9 (not needed)
# y ~ N(mu, 13)
# muhat = y = 4
# ahat = (9*y+4*mu)/(9+4) = y = 4
# Jacobian of ahat wrt transformed param log(mu) is 4/13*mu = 4*mu/13 = 16/13
# Hessian of joint loglik wrt a: -(1/4 + 1/9)
# Hessian of marginal loglik wrt transformed param log(mu) is (y*mu - 2*mu*mu)/13 = -4^2/13
# Variance of transformed param is 13/16
expect_equal(opt$par, 4, tol = 1e-4)
expect_equal(opt$value, dnorm(4, 4, sd = sqrt(13), log = TRUE))
expect_equal(opt$hessian[1,1], -4^2/13, tol = 1e-4)
summ <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = FALSE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = TRUE)
expect_equal(summ$randomEffects$estimates, 4, tol = 1e-4)
expect_equal(summ$params$estimates, log(4), tol = 1e-4)
# check summaryLaplace
summL <- summaryLaplace(cmLaplace, opt, originalScale = FALSE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = TRUE)
expect_equal(summL$params['mu','estimate'], log(4), tol = 1e-4)
# Covariance matrix on transformed scale
vcov_transform <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 1/(1/4+1/9)), nrow = 2) + matrix(c(1, 16/13), ncol = 1) %*% (13/16) %*% t(matrix(c(1, 16/13), ncol = 1))
expect_equal(vcov_transform, summ$vcov, tol = 1e-4)
summ2 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = TRUE)
# Covariance matrix on original scale
vcov <- diag(c(4, 1)) %*% vcov_transform %*% diag(c(4, 1))
expect_equal(vcov, summ2$vcov, tol = 1e-4)
# Check covariance matrix for params only
tryResult <- try({
summ3 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE);
expect_equal(summ3$vcov, vcov[1,1,drop=FALSE], tol=1e-5)
summ4 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = FALSE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE)
expect_equal(summ4$vcov, vcov_transform[1,1,drop=FALSE], tol=5e-5)
if(inherits(tryResult, "try-error")) {
for(v in cm$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
optNoSplit <- cmLaplaceNoSplit$findMLE()
expect_equal(opt$par, optNoSplit$par, tol = 1e-2)
expect_equal(opt$value, optNoSplit$value, tol = 1e-7)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplace, cm, m, opt)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplaceNoSplit, cm, m, optNoSplit)
test_that("Laplace simplest 1D (constrained) with multiple data works", {
m <- nimbleModel(
mu ~ dnorm(0, sd = 5)
a ~ dexp(rate = exp(mu))
for (i in 1:5){
y[i] ~ dnorm(a, sd = 2)
}), data = list(y = rnorm(5, 1, 2)), inits = list(mu = 2, a = 1),
buildDerivs = TRUE
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)
mLaplaceNoSplit <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(split = FALSE))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, mLaplaceNoSplit, project = m)
cmLaplace <- cL$mLaplace
cmLaplaceNoSplit <- cL$mLaplaceNoSplit
opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
summ <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = FALSE, jointCovariance = TRUE)
# Results are checked using those from TMB
# TMB cpp code:
#include <TMB.hpp>
#template<class Type>
#Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
# {
# PARAMETER(log_a);
# int n = y.size();
# Type a = exp(log_a); // Invserse transformation
# // Negative log-likelihood
# Type ans = -dexp(a, exp(mu), true);
# ans -= log_a; // logdet Jacobian of inverse transformation: exp
# for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
# ans -= dnorm(y[i], a, Type(2), true);
# }
# return ans;
# }
# TMB R code:
# library(TMB)
# compile("test.cpp")
# dyn.load(dynlib("test"))
# data <- list(y = m$y)
# parameters <- list(mu = 2, log_a = 0)
# ## Fit model
# obj <- MakeADFun(data, parameters, random="log_a", DLL="test")
# tmbres <- nlminb(obj$par, obj$fn, obj$gr)
# tmbrep <- sdreport(obj, getJointPrecision = TRUE)
# tmbvcov <- inverse(tmbrep$jointPrecision)
expect_equal(opt$par, 0.2895238, tol = 1e-3)
expect_equal(opt$value, -10.47905, tol = 1e-7)
expect_equal(summ$randomEffects$estimates, -0.005608619, tol = 1e-3)
vcov <- matrix(c(2.741033, -1.628299, -1.628299, 1.414499), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
expect_equal(summ$vcov, vcov, 2e-3)
# Check covariance matrix for params only
summ2 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE)
expect_equal(summ2$vcov, vcov[1,1,drop=FALSE], tol=1e-3)
for(v in cm$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
optNoSplit <- cmLaplaceNoSplit$findMLE()
expect_equal(opt$par, optNoSplit$par, tol = 1e-2)
expect_equal(opt$value, optNoSplit$value, tol = 1e-7)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplace, cm, m, opt)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplaceNoSplit, cm, m, optNoSplit)
test_that("Laplace simplest 1D (constrained) with deterministic intermediates and multiple data works", {
m <- nimbleModel(
mu ~ dnorm(0, sd = 5)
a ~ dexp(rate = exp(0.5 * mu))
for (i in 1:5){
y[i] ~ dnorm(0.2 * a, sd = 2)
}), data = list(y = rnorm(5, 1, 2)), inits = list(mu = 2, a = 1),
buildDerivs = TRUE
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)
mLaplaceNoSplit <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(split = FALSE))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, mLaplaceNoSplit, project = m)
cmLaplace <- cL$mLaplace
cmLaplaceNoSplit <- cL$mLaplaceNoSplit
opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
summ <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = FALSE, jointCovariance = TRUE)
# Results are checked using those from TMB
# TMB cpp code:
# #include <TMB.hpp>
# template<class Type>
# Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
# {
# PARAMETER(log_a);
# int n = y.size();
# Type a = exp(log_a); // Invserse transformation
# // Negative log-likelihood
# Type ans = -dexp(a, exp(0.5 * mu), true);
# ans -= log_a; // logdet Jacobian of inverse transformation: exp
# for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
# ans -= dnorm(y[i], 0.2 * a, Type(2), true);
# }
# return ans;
# }
## R code:
# library(TMB)
# compile("test.cpp")
# dyn.load(dynlib("test"))
# data <- list(y = m$y)
# parameters <- list(mu = 2, log_a = 0)
# ## Fit model
# obj <- MakeADFun(data, parameters, random="log_a", DLL="test")
# tmbres <- nlminb(obj$par, obj$fn, obj$gr)
# tmbrep <- sdreport(obj, getJointPrecision = TRUE)
# tmbvcov <- inverse(tmbrep$jointPrecision)
expect_equal(opt$par, -2.639534, 1e-4)
expect_equal(opt$value, -10.47905, tol = 1e-5)
expect_equal(summ$randomEffects$estimates, 1.603742, tol = 1e-4)
vcov <- matrix(c(10.967784, -3.258191, -3.258191, 1.415167), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
expect_equal(summ$vcov, vcov, 2e-3)
# Check covariance matrix for params only
summ2 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE)
expect_equal(summ2$vcov, vcov[1,1,drop=FALSE], tol=2e-3)
for(v in cm$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
optNoSplit <- cmLaplaceNoSplit$findMLE()
expect_equal(opt$par, optNoSplit$par, tol = 1e-2)
expect_equal(opt$value, optNoSplit$value, tol = 1e-4)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplace, cm, m, opt)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplaceNoSplit, cm, m, optNoSplit)
test_that("Laplace 1D with deterministic intermediates works", {
# Note this test has some slop. In old versions there were inner optimization
# warnings issued for this case. So we turned on warnings and checked for them.
# Now the warnings aren't issued. As a result, we really need a new test to
# check that warnings are correctly emitted.
m <- nimbleModel(
y ~ dnorm(0.2 * a, sd = 2)
a ~ dnorm(0.5 * mu, sd = 3)
mu ~ dnorm(0, sd = 5)
}), data = list(y = 4), inits = list(a = -1, mu = 0),
buildDerivs = TRUE
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)
mLaplaceNoSplit <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(split = FALSE))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, mLaplaceNoSplit, project = m)
cmLaplace <- cL$mLaplace
cmLaplaceNoSplit <- cL$mLaplaceNoSplit
opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
#, "Warning: inner optimzation had a non-zero convergence code\\. Use checkInnerConvergence\\(TRUE\\) to see details\\.")
expect_equal(opt$par, 40, tol = 1e-4) # 40 = 4 * (1/.2) * (1/.5)
# V[a] = 9
# V[y] = 0.2^2 * 9 + 4 = 4.36
expect_equal(opt$value, dnorm(0.1*40, 0.1*40, sd = sqrt(4.36), log = TRUE))
# y ~ N(0.2*0.5*mu, 4.36)
# muhat = y/(0.2*0.5) = 40
# ahat = (9*0.2*y + 4*0.5*mu)/(4+9*0.2^2) = 20
# Jacobian of ahat wrt mu is 4*0.5/(4+9*0.2^2) = 0.4587156
# Hessian of joint loglik wrt a: -(0.2^2/4 + 1/9)
# Hessian of marginal loglik wrt param mu is -(0.2*0.5)^2/4.36 = -0.002293578
summ <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE,
jointCovariance = TRUE)
#, "optim did not converge for the inner optimization")
expect_equal(summ$randomEffects$estimates, 20, tol = 1e-4)
# Covariance matrix
vcov <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 1/(0.2^2/4+1/9)), nrow = 2) + matrix(c(1, 0.4587156), ncol = 1) %*% (1/0.002293578) %*% t(matrix(c(1, 0.4587156), ncol = 1))
expect_equal(vcov, summ$vcov, tol = 1e-4)
# Check covariance matrix for params only
summ2 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE)
#, "does not converge")
expect_equal(summ2$vcov, vcov[1,1,drop=FALSE], tol=1e-4)
for(v in cm$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
optNoSplit <- cmLaplaceNoSplit$findMLE()
#, "Warning: inner optimzation had a non-zero convergence code\\. Use checkInnerConvergence\\(TRUE\\) to see details\\.")
expect_equal(opt$par, optNoSplit$par, tol = 1e-2)
expect_equal(opt$value, optNoSplit$value, tol = 1e-7)
cmLaplace$updateSettings(innerOptimWarning=TRUE) ## Turn warnings on for test.
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplace, cm, m, opt)#, expected_warning = "optim did not converge for the inner optimization")
cmLaplaceNoSplit$updateSettings(innerOptimWarning=TRUE) ## Turn warnings on for test.
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplaceNoSplit, cm, m, optNoSplit)#, expected_warning = "optim did not converge for the inner optimization")
test_that("Laplace 1D with a constrained parameter and deterministic intermediates works", {
## Again (see above), the innerOptimWarning and expect_output are
## defunct portions of this test.
m <- nimbleModel(
y ~ dnorm(0.2 * a, sd = 2)
a ~ dnorm(0.5 * mu, sd = 3)
mu ~ dexp(1.0)
}), data = list(y = 4), inits = list(a = -1, mu = 0),
buildDerivs = TRUE
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)
mLaplaceNoSplit <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(split = FALSE))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, mLaplaceNoSplit, project = m)
cmLaplace <- cL$mLaplace
cmLaplaceNoSplit <- cL$mLaplaceNoSplit
opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
#, "Warning: inner optimzation had a non-zero convergence code\\. Use checkInnerConvergence\\(TRUE\\) to see details\\.")
# V[a] = 9
# V[y] = 0.2^2 * 9 + 4 = 4.36
# y ~ N(0.2*0.5*mu, 4.36)
# muhat = y/(0.2*0.5) = 40
# ahat = (9*0.2*y + 4*0.5*mu)/(4+9*0.2^2) = 20
# Jacobian of ahat wrt transformed param log(mu) is 4*0.5*mu/(4+9*0.2^2) = 18.34862
# Hessian of joint loglik wrt a: -(0.2^2/4 + 1/9)
# Hessian of marginal loglik wrt param mu is -(0.2*0.5)^2/4.36
# Hessian of marginal loglik wrt transformed param log(mu) is (0.2*0.5*y*mu - 2*0.1^2*mu*mu)/4.36 = -3.669725
expect_equal(opt$par, 40, tol = 1e-4)
expect_equal(opt$hessian[1,1], -3.669725, tol = 1e-3)
expect_equal(opt$value, dnorm(0.1*40, 0.1*40, sd = sqrt(4.36), log = TRUE))
cmLaplace$updateSettings(innerOptimWarning=TRUE, useInnerCache=FALSE)
summ <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = FALSE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE,
jointCovariance = TRUE)
#, "optim did not converge for the inner optimization")
expect_equal(summ$randomEffects$estimates, 20, tol = 1e-4)
# Covariance matrix on transformed scale
vcov_transform <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 1/(0.2^2/4+1/9)), nrow = 2) + matrix(c(1, 18.34862), ncol = 1) %*% (1/3.669725) %*% t(matrix(c(1, 18.34862), ncol = 1))
expect_equal(vcov_transform, summ$vcov, tol = 1e-3)
summ2 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE,
jointCovariance = TRUE)
#, "optim did not converge for the inner optimization")
# Covariance matrix on original scale
vcov <- diag(c(40,1)) %*% vcov_transform %*% diag(c(40,1))
expect_equal(vcov, summ2$vcov, tol = 1e-3)
# Check summary based on not recomputing random effects and hessian.
summ.orig <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE)
# Check covariance matrix for params only
summ3 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE)
#, "optim did not converge for the inner optimization")
# Make sure that the recompute didn't change the values of the random effects or standard errors.
expect_equal(summ.orig$randomEffects[["estimates"]], summ3$randomEffects[["estimates"]], tol = 1e-12)
expect_equal(summ.orig$randomEffects[["stdErrors"]], summ3$randomEffects[["stdErrors"]], tol = 1e-12)
expect_equal(summ3$vcov, vcov[1,1,drop=FALSE], tol=1e-3)
summ4 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = FALSE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE)
#, "optim did not converge for the inner optimization")
expect_equal(summ4$vcov, vcov_transform[1,1,drop=FALSE], tol=1e-4)
for(v in cm$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
# cmLaplaceNoSplit$setInnerOptimWarning(TRUE)
optNoSplit <- cmLaplaceNoSplit$findMLE()
#, "optim did not converge for the inner optimization")
expect_equal(opt$par, optNoSplit$par, tol = 1e-2)
expect_equal(opt$value, optNoSplit$value, tol = 1e-7)
#cmLaplace$setInnerOptimWarning(TRUE) ## Turn warnings on for test.
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplace, cm, m, opt)#, expected_warning = "optim did not converge for the inner optimization")
#cmLaplaceNoSplit$setInnerOptimWarning(TRUE) ## Turn warnings on for test.
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplaceNoSplit, cm, m, optNoSplit)#, expected_warning = "optim did not converge for the inner optimization")
test_that("Laplace 1D with deterministic intermediates and multiple data works", {
m <- nimbleModel(
for(i in 1:n)
y[i] ~ dnorm(mu_y, sd = 2) # larger multiplier to amplify cov terms in result below
mu_y <- 0.8*a
a ~ dnorm(mu_a, sd = 3)
mu_a <- 0.5 * mu
mu ~ dnorm(0, sd = 5)
data = list(y = c(4, 5, 6)),
constants = list(n = 3),
inits = list(a = -1, mu = 0),
buildDerivs = TRUE
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)
mLaplaceNoSplit <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(split = FALSE))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, mLaplaceNoSplit, project = m)
cmLaplace <- cL$mLaplace
cmLaplaceNoSplit <- cL$mLaplaceNoSplit
opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
expect_equal(opt$par, 12.5, tol = 1e-4) # 12.5 = mean(y) * (1/.8) * (1/.5) where mean(y) = 5
# V[a] = 9
# V[y[i]] = 0.8^2 * 9 + 4 = 9.76
# Cov[a, y[i]] = 0.8 * 9 = 7.2
# Cov[y[i], y[j]] = 0.8^2 * 9 = 5.76
Cov_ay1y2y3 <- matrix(nrow = 4, ncol = 4)
Cov_ay1y2y3[1, 1:4] <- c(9, 7.2, 7.2, 7.2)
Cov_ay1y2y3[2, 1:4] <- c(7.2, 9.76, 5.76, 5.76)
Cov_ay1y2y3[3, 1:4] <- c(7.2, 5.76, 9.76, 5.76)
Cov_ay1y2y3[4, 1:4] <- c(7.2, 5.76, 5.76, 9.76)
Cov_y1y2y3 <- Cov_ay1y2y3[2:4, 2:4]
chol_cov <- chol(Cov_y1y2y3)
res <- dmnorm_chol(c(4, 5, 6), 0.8*0.5*12.5, cholesky = chol_cov, prec_param=FALSE, log = TRUE)
expect_equal(opt$value, res)
# y[i] ~ N(0.4*mu, 9.76)
# mean(y) = 5
# muhat = mean(y)/(0.8*0.5) = 12.5
# ahat = (9*0.8*sum(y) + 4*0.5*mu)/(4+9*0.8^2*3) = 6.25
# Jacobian of ahat wrt mu is 4*0.5/(4+9*0.8^2*3) = 0.09398496
# Hessian of joint loglik wrt a: -(3*0.8^2/4 + 1/9)
# Hessian of marginal loglik wrt mu: -0.02255639 (numerical, have not got AD work)
summ <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = FALSE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = TRUE)
expect_equal(summ$randomEffects$estimates, 6.25, tol = 1e-6)
# Covariance matrix
vcov <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 1/(0.8^2*3/4+1/9)), nrow = 2) + matrix(c(1, 0.09398496), ncol = 1) %*% (1/0.02255639) %*% t(matrix(c(1, 0.09398496), ncol = 1))
expect_equal(vcov, summ$vcov, tol = 1e-7)
# Check covariance matrix for params only
summ2 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE)
expect_equal(summ2$vcov, vcov[1,1,drop=FALSE], tol=1e-6)
# check that
mLaplaceCheck <- buildLaplace(model = m, paramNodes = 'mu', randomEffectsNodes = 'a')
nim1D <- mLaplace$AGHQuad_nfl[[1]]
expect_identical(nim1D$paramNodes, "mu")
expect_identical(nim1D$paramDeps, "mu_a")
expect_identical(nim1D$randomEffectsNodes, "a")
expect_identical(nim1D$innerCalcNodes, c("a", "mu_y", "y[1]", "y[2]", "y[3]"))
expect_identical(nim1D$calcNodes, c("mu_a", nim1D$innerCalcNodes))
expect_identical(nim1D$inner_updateNodes, "mu_a")
expect_identical(nim1D$inner_constantNodes, c("y[1]", "y[2]", "y[3]"))
expect_identical(nim1D$joint_updateNodes, character())
expect_identical(nim1D$joint_constantNodes, c("y[1]", "y[2]", "y[3]"))
for(v in cm$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
optNoSplit <- cmLaplaceNoSplit$findMLE() # some warnings are ok here
expect_equal(opt$par, optNoSplit$par, tol = 1e-2)
expect_equal(opt$value, optNoSplit$value, tol = 1e-7)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplace, cm, m, opt)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplaceNoSplit, cm, m, optNoSplit)
test_that("Laplace 1D with a constrained parameter and deterministic intermediates and multiple data works", {
m <- nimbleModel(
for(i in 1:n)
y[i] ~ dnorm(mu_y, sd = 2)
mu_y <- 0.8*a
a ~ dnorm(mu_a, sd = 3)
mu_a <- 0.5 * mu
mu ~ dexp(1.0)
data = list(y = c(4, 5, 6)),
constants = list(n = 3),
inits = list(a = -1, mu = 0),
buildDerivs = TRUE
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)
mLaplaceNoSplit <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(split = FALSE))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, mLaplaceNoSplit, project = m)
cmLaplace <- cL$mLaplace
cmLaplaceNoSplit <- cL$mLaplaceNoSplit
opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
expect_equal(opt$par, 12.5, tol = 1e-4)
# V[a] = 9
# V[y[i]] = 0.8^2 * 9 + 4 = 9.76
# Cov[a, y[i]] = 0.8 * 9 = 7.2
# Cov[y[i], y[j]] = 0.8^2 * 9 = 5.76
# y[i] ~ N(0.4*mu, 9.76)
# mean(y) = 5
# muhat = mean(y)/(0.8*0.5) = 12.5
# ahat = (9*0.8*sum(y) + 4*0.5*mu)/(4+9*0.8^2*3) = 6.25
# Jacobian of ahat wrt transformed param log(mu) is 4*0.5*mu/(4+9*0.8^2*3) = 1.174812
# Hessian of joint loglik wrt a: -(3*0.8^2/4 + 1/9)
# Hessian of marginal loglik wrt transformed param: -3.524436 (numerical, have not got AD work)
Cov_ay1y2y3 <- matrix(nrow = 4, ncol = 4)
Cov_ay1y2y3[1, 1:4] <- c(9, 7.2, 7.2, 7.2)
Cov_ay1y2y3[2, 1:4] <- c(7.2, 9.76, 5.76, 5.76)
Cov_ay1y2y3[3, 1:4] <- c(7.2, 5.76, 9.76, 5.76)
Cov_ay1y2y3[4, 1:4] <- c(7.2, 5.76, 5.76, 9.76)
Cov_y1y2y3 <- Cov_ay1y2y3[2:4, 2:4]
chol_cov <- chol(Cov_y1y2y3)
res <- dmnorm_chol(c(4, 5, 6), 0.8*0.5*12.5, cholesky = chol_cov, prec_param=FALSE, log = TRUE)
expect_equal(opt$value, res)
# Check covariance matrix
summ <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = FALSE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = TRUE)
expect_equal(summ$randomEffects$estimates, 6.25, tol = 1e-6)
# Covariance matrix on transformed scale
vcov_transform <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 1/(0.8^2*3/4+1/9)), nrow = 2) + matrix(c(1, 1.174812), ncol = 1) %*% (1/3.524436) %*% t(matrix(c(1, 1.174812), ncol = 1))
expect_equal(vcov_transform, summ$vcov, tol = 1e-6)
summ2 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = TRUE)
# Covariance matrix on original scale
vcov <- diag(c(12.5, 1)) %*% vcov_transform %*% diag(c(12.5, 1))
expect_equal(vcov, summ2$vcov, tol = 1e-5)
# Check covariance matrix for params only
summ3 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE)
expect_equal(summ3$vcov, vcov[1,1,drop=FALSE], tol=1e-5)
summ4 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = FALSE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE)
expect_equal(summ4$vcov, vcov_transform[1,1,drop=FALSE], tol=1e-6)
# check that
mLaplaceCheck <- buildLaplace(model = m, paramNodes = 'mu', randomEffectsNodes = 'a')
nim1D <- mLaplace$AGHQuad_nfl[[1]]
expect_identical(nim1D$paramNodes, "mu")
expect_identical(nim1D$paramDeps, "mu_a")
expect_identical(nim1D$randomEffectsNodes, "a")
expect_identical(nim1D$innerCalcNodes, c("a", "mu_y", "y[1]", "y[2]", "y[3]"))
expect_identical(nim1D$calcNodes, c("mu_a", nim1D$innerCalcNodes))
expect_identical(nim1D$inner_updateNodes, "mu_a")
expect_identical(nim1D$inner_constantNodes, c("y[1]", "y[2]", "y[3]"))
expect_identical(nim1D$joint_updateNodes, character())
expect_identical(nim1D$joint_constantNodes, c("y[1]", "y[2]", "y[3]"))
for(v in cm$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
optNoSplit <- cmLaplaceNoSplit$findMLE() # some warnings are ok here
expect_equal(opt$par, optNoSplit$par, tol = 1e-2)
expect_equal(opt$value, optNoSplit$value, tol = 1e-7)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplace, cm, m, opt)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplaceNoSplit, cm, m, optNoSplit)
test_that("Laplace simplest 2x1D works, with multiple data for each", {
y <- matrix(rnorm(6, 4, 5), nrow = 2)
m <- nimbleModel(
for(i in 1:2) {
mu_y[i] <- 0.8*a[i]
for(j in 1:3)
y[i, j] ~ dnorm(mu_y[i], sd = 2)
a[i] ~ dnorm(mu_a, sd = 3)
mu_a <- 0.5 * mu
mu ~ dnorm(0, sd = 5)
}), data = list(y = y), inits = list(a = c(-2, -1), mu = 0),
buildDerivs = TRUE
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)
mLaplaceNoSplit <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(split = FALSE))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, mLaplaceNoSplit, project = m)
cmLaplace <- cL$mLaplace
cmLaplaceNoSplit <- cL$mLaplaceNoSplit
opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
expect_equal(opt$par, mean(y)/(0.8*0.5), tol = 1e-4) # optim's reltol is about 1e-8 but that is for the value, not param.
# V[a] = 9
# V[y[i]] = 0.8^2 * 9 + 4 = 9.76
# Cov[a, y[i]] = 0.8 * 9 = 7.2
# Cov[y[i], y[j]] = 0.8^2 * 9 = 5.76, within a group
Cov_A_Y <- matrix(nrow = 8, ncol = 8)
Cov_A_Y[1, 1:8] <- c( 9, 0, 7.2, 7.2, 7.2, 0, 0, 0)
Cov_A_Y[2, 1:8] <- c( 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 7.2, 7.2, 7.2)
Cov_A_Y[3, 1:8] <- c(7.2, 0, 9.76, 5.76, 5.76, 0, 0, 0)
Cov_A_Y[4, 1:8] <- c(7.2, 0, 5.76, 9.76, 5.76, 0, 0, 0)
Cov_A_Y[5, 1:8] <- c(7.2, 0, 5.76, 5.76, 9.76, 0, 0, 0)
Cov_A_Y[6, 1:8] <- c( 0, 7.2, 0, 0, 0, 9.76, 5.76, 5.76)
Cov_A_Y[7, 1:8] <- c( 0, 7.2, 0, 0, 0, 5.76, 9.76, 5.76)
Cov_A_Y[8, 1:8] <- c( 0, 7.2, 0, 0, 0, 5.76, 5.76, 9.76)
Cov_Y <- Cov_A_Y[3:8, 3:8]
chol_cov <- chol(Cov_Y)
res <- dmnorm_chol(as.numeric(t(y)), mean(y), cholesky = chol_cov, prec_param=FALSE, log = TRUE)
expect_equal(opt$value, res)
# muhat = mean(y)/(0.8*0.5)
# ahat[1] = (9*0.8*sum(y[1,]) + 4*0.5*mu)/(4+9*0.8^2*3)
# ahat[2] = (9*0.8*sum(y[2,]) + 4*0.5*mu)/(4+9*0.8^2*3)
# Jacobian of ahat[i] wrt mu is 4*0.5/(4+9*0.8^2*3) = 0.09398496
# Hessian of joint loglik wrt a[i]a[i]: -(3*0.8^2/4 + 1/9); wrt a[i]a[j]: 0
# Hessian of marginal loglik wrt mu: -0.04511278 (numerical, have not got AD work)
muhat <- mean(y)/(0.8*0.5)
ahat <- c((9*0.8*sum(y[1,]) + 4*0.5*muhat)/(4+9*0.8^2*3), (9*0.8*sum(y[2,]) + 4*0.5*muhat)/(4+9*0.8^2*3))
summ <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = TRUE)
expect_equal(summ$randomEffects$estimates, ahat, tol = 1e-6)
# Covariance matrix
vcov <- diag(c(0, rep(1/(3*0.8^2/4 + 1/9), 2))) + matrix(c(1, rep(0.09398496, 2)), ncol = 1) %*% (1/0.04511278) %*% t(matrix(c(1, rep(0.09398496, 2)), ncol = 1))
expect_equal(vcov, summ$vcov, tol = 1e-7)
## Check covariance matrix for params only
tryResult <- try({
summ2 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE)
expect_equal(summ2$vcov, vcov[1,1,drop=FALSE], tol=1e-6)
if(inherits(tryResult, 'try-error')) {
for(v in cm$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
optNoSplit <- cmLaplaceNoSplit$findMLE() # some warnings are ok here
expect_equal(opt$par, optNoSplit$par, tol = 1e-2)
expect_equal(opt$value, optNoSplit$value, tol = 1e-7)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplace, cm, m, opt)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplaceNoSplit, cm, m, optNoSplit)
test_that("Laplace with 2x1D random effects needing joint integration works, without intermediate nodes", {
y <- matrix(rnorm(6, 4, 5), nrow = 2)
m <- nimbleModel(
for(i in 1:2) {
a[i] ~ dnorm(mu_a, sd = 3)
for(j in 1:3) # Note this is different than above.
# These are 3 observations each of 2D
y[1:2, j] ~ dmnorm(a[1:2], cov = cov_y[1:2, 1:2])
mu_a <- 0.5 * mu
mu ~ dnorm(0, sd = 5)
data = list(y = y),
inits = list(a = c(-2, -1), mu = 0),
constants = list(cov_y = matrix(c(2, 1.5, 1.5, 2), nrow = 2)),
buildDerivs = TRUE
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)
mLaplaceNoSplit <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(split = FALSE))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, mLaplaceNoSplit, project = m)
cmLaplace <- cL$mLaplace
cmLaplaceNoSplit <- cL$mLaplaceNoSplit
opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
expect_equal(opt$par, mean(y)/(0.5), tol = 1e-4) # optim's reltol is about 1e-8 but that is for the value, not param.
# V[a] = 9
# V[y[1:2, i]] = diag(2)*9 + cov_y = [ (9 + 2), 0 + 1.5; 0+1.5, (9+2)]
# Cov[a[1], y[1,j]] = 9
# Cov[a[1], y[2,j]] = 0
# Cov[a[2], y[1,j]] = 0
# Cov]a[2], y[2,j]] = 9
# Cov[y[1,i], y[1,j]] = 9
# Cov[y[2,i], y[2,j]] = 9
Cov_A_Y <- matrix(nrow = 8, ncol = 8)
Cov_A_Y[1, 1:8] <- c( 9, 0, 9, 0, 9, 0, 9, 0)
Cov_A_Y[2, 1:8] <- c( 0, 9, 0, 9, 0, 9, 0, 9)
Cov_A_Y[3, 1:8] <- c( 9, 0, 11, 1.5, 9, 0, 9, 0)
Cov_A_Y[4, 1:8] <- c( 0, 9, 1.5, 11, 0, 9, 0, 9)
Cov_A_Y[5, 1:8] <- c( 9, 0, 9, 0, 11, 1.5, 9, 0)
Cov_A_Y[6, 1:8] <- c( 0, 9, 0, 9, 1.5, 11, 0, 9)
Cov_A_Y[7, 1:8] <- c( 9, 0, 9, 0, 9, 0, 11, 1.5)
Cov_A_Y[8, 1:8] <- c( 0, 9, 0, 9, 0, 9, 1.5, 11)
Cov_Y <- Cov_A_Y[3:8, 3:8]
chol_cov <- chol(Cov_Y)
res <- dmnorm_chol(as.numeric(y), mean(y), cholesky = chol_cov, prec_param=FALSE, log = TRUE)
expect_equal(opt$value, res)
# Check covariance matrix
summ <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, jointCovariance = TRUE)
# Covariance matrix from TMB:
# TMB cpp code (test.cpp) below:
# include <TMB.hpp>
# template<class Type>
# Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
# {
# int i;
# Type ans = 0.0;
# // Negative log-likelihood
# for(i = 0; i < 2; i++){
# ans -= dnorm(a[i], 0.5*mu, Type(3.0), true);
# }
# vector<Type> residual(2);
# using namespace density;
# MVNORM_t<Type> neg_log_dmvnorm(Sigma);
# for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
# {
# residual = vector<Type>(y.col(i)) - a;
# ans += neg_log_dmvnorm(residual);
# }
# return ans;
# }
# TMB R code:
# library(TMB)
# compile("test.cpp")
# dyn.load(dynlib("test"))
# data <- list(y = m$y, Sigma = m$cov_y)
# parameters <- list(mu = 0, a = c(-2, -1))
# ## Fit model
# obj <- MakeADFun(data, parameters, random="a", DLL="test")
# tmbopt <- nlminb(obj$par, obj$fn, obj$gr)
# tmbrep <- sdreport(obj, getJointPrecision = TRUE)
# tmbvcov <- inverse(tmbrep$jointPrecision)
tmbvcov <- matrix(nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
tmbvcov[1,] <- c(20.333333, 1.1666667, 1.1666667)
tmbvcov[2,] <- c(1.166667, 0.6651515, 0.5015152)
tmbvcov[3,] <- c(1.166667, 0.5015152, 0.6651515)
expect_equal(summ$vcov, tmbvcov, tol = 1e-4)
# Check covariance matrix for params only
summ2 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE)
expect_equal(summ2$vcov, tmbvcov[1,1,drop=FALSE], tol=1e-4)
summ2_recomp <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE)
expect_equal(summ2$vcov, summ2_recomp$vcov, tol=1e-10)
summL <- summaryLaplace(cmLaplace, opt, jointCovariance = TRUE)
expect_equal(nrow(summL$randomEffects), 2)
for(v in cm$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
optNoSplit <- cmLaplaceNoSplit$findMLE() # some warnings are ok here
expect_equal(opt$par, optNoSplit$par, tol = 1e-2)
expect_equal(opt$value, optNoSplit$value, tol = 1e-7)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplace, cm, m, opt)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplaceNoSplit, cm, m, optNoSplit)
test_that("Laplace with 2x1D random effects needing joint integration works, with intermediate nodes", {
y <- matrix(rnorm(6, 4, 5), nrow = 2)
m <- nimbleModel(
for(i in 1:2) {
mu_y[i] <- 0.8*a[i]
a[i] ~ dnorm(mu_a, sd = 3)
for(j in 1:3)
y[1:2, j] ~ dmnorm(mu_y[1:2], cov = cov_y[1:2, 1:2])
mu_a <- 0.5 * mu
mu ~ dnorm(0, sd = 5)
data = list(y = y),
inits = list(a = c(-2, -1), mu = 0),
constants = list(cov_y = matrix(c(2, 1.5, 1.5, 2), nrow = 2)),
buildDerivs = TRUE
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)
mLaplaceNoSplit <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(split = FALSE))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, mLaplaceNoSplit, project = m)
cmLaplace <- cL$mLaplace
cmLaplaceNoSplit <- cL$mLaplaceNoSplit
opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
expect_equal(opt$par, mean(y)/(0.8*0.5), tol = 1e-4) # optim's reltol is about 1e-8 but that is for the value, not param.
# V[a] = 9
# V[y[1:2, i]] = diag(2)*0.8^2 * 9 + cov_y = [ (5.76 + 2), 0 + 1.5; 0+1.5, (5.76+2)]
# Cov[a[1], y[1,j]] = 0.8*9 = 7.2
# Cov[a[1], y[2,j]] = 0
# Cov[a[2], y[1,j]] = 0
# Cov]a[2], y[2,j]] = 0.8*9
# Cov[y[1,i], y[1,j]] = 0.8^2*9 = 5.76
# Cov[y[2,i], y[2,j]] = 9
Cov_A_Y <- matrix(nrow = 8, ncol = 8)
Cov_A_Y[1, 1:8] <- c( 9, 0, 7.2, 0, 7.2, 0, 7.2, 0)
Cov_A_Y[2, 1:8] <- c( 0, 9, 0, 7.2, 0, 7.2, 0, 7.2)
Cov_A_Y[3, 1:8] <- c(7.2, 0, 7.76, 1.5, 5.76, 0, 5.76, 0)
Cov_A_Y[4, 1:8] <- c( 0, 7.2, 1.5, 7.76, 0, 5.76, 0, 5.76)
Cov_A_Y[5, 1:8] <- c(7.2, 0, 5.76, 0, 7.76, 1.5, 5.76, 0)
Cov_A_Y[6, 1:8] <- c( 0, 7.2, 0, 5.76, 1.5, 7.76, 0, 5.76)
Cov_A_Y[7, 1:8] <- c(7.2, 0, 5.76, 0, 5.76, 0, 7.76, 1.5)
Cov_A_Y[8, 1:8] <- c( 0, 7.2, 0, 5.76, 0, 5.76, 1.5, 7.76)
Cov_Y <- Cov_A_Y[3:8, 3:8]
chol_cov <- chol(Cov_Y)
res <- dmnorm_chol(as.numeric(y), mean(y), cholesky = chol_cov, prec_param=FALSE, log = TRUE)
expect_equal(opt$value, res)
# Check covariance matrix
summ <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, jointCovariance = TRUE)
# Covariance matrix from TMB:
# TMB cpp code (test.cpp) below:
# include <TMB.hpp>
# template<class Type>
# Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
# {
# int i;
# Type ans = 0.0;
# // Negative log-likelihood
# for(i = 0; i < 2; i++){
# ans -= dnorm(a[i], 0.5*mu, Type(3.0), true);
# }
# vector<Type> residual(2);
# using namespace density;
# MVNORM_t<Type> neg_log_dmvnorm(Sigma);
# for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
# {
# residual = vector<Type>(y.col(i)) - 0.8 * a;
# ans += neg_log_dmvnorm(residual);
# }
# return ans;
# }
# TMB R code:
# library(TMB)
# compile("test.cpp")
# dyn.load(dynlib("test"))
# data <- list(y = m$y, Sigma = m$cov_y)
# parameters <- list(mu = 0, a = c(-2, -1))
# ## Fit model
# obj <- MakeADFun(data, parameters, random="a", DLL="test")
# tmbopt <- nlminb(obj$par, obj$fn, obj$gr)
# tmbrep <- sdreport(obj, getJointPrecision = TRUE)
# tmbvcov <- inverse(tmbrep$jointPrecision)
tmbvcov <- matrix(nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
tmbvcov[1,] <- c(21.645833, 1.8229167, 1.8229167)
tmbvcov[2,] <- c(1.822917, 1.0380050, 0.7849117)
tmbvcov[3,] <- c(1.822917, 0.7849117, 1.0380050)
expect_equal(summ$vcov, tmbvcov, tol = 1e-4)
# Check covariance matrix for params only
summ2 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE)
expect_equal(summ2$vcov, tmbvcov[1,1,drop=FALSE], tol=1e-4)
for(v in cm$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
optNoSplit <- cmLaplaceNoSplit$findMLE() # some warnings are ok here
expect_equal(opt$par, optNoSplit$par, tol = 1e-2)
expect_equal(opt$value, optNoSplit$value, tol = 1e-7)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplace, cm, m, opt)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplaceNoSplit, cm, m, optNoSplit)
test_that("Laplace with 2x2D random effects for 1D data that are separable works, with intermediate nodes", {
# y[i, j] is jth datum from ith group
y <- array(rnorm(8, 6, 5), dim = c(2, 2, 2))
cov_a <- matrix(c(2, 1.5, 1.5, 2), nrow = 2)
m <- nimbleModel(
for(i in 1:2) mu[i] ~ dnorm(0, sd = 10)
mu_a[1] <- 0.8 * mu[1]
mu_a[2] <- 0.2 * mu[2]
for(i in 1:2) a[i, 1:2] ~ dmnorm(mu_a[1:2], cov = cov_a[1:2, 1:2])
for(i in 1:2) {
for(j in 1:2) {
y[1, j, i] ~ dnorm( 0.5 * a[i, 1], sd = 1.8) # this ordering makes it easier below
y[2, j, i] ~ dnorm( 0.1 * a[i, 2], sd = 1.2)
data = list(y = y),
inits = list(a = matrix(c(-2, -3, 0, -1), nrow = 2), mu = c(0, .5)),
constants = list(cov_a = cov_a),
buildDerivs = TRUE
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)
mLaplaceNoSplit <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(split = FALSE))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, mLaplaceNoSplit, project = m)
cmLaplace <- cL$mLaplace
cmLaplaceNoSplit <- cL$mLaplaceNoSplit
opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
## Wei: I tested this using TMB instead of the code below
# TMB cpp code:
# #include <TMB.hpp>
# template<class Type>
# Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
# {
# int i, j;
# Type ans = 0.0;
# vector<Type> mu_a(2);
# mu_a(0) = 0.8 * mu(0);
# mu_a(1) = 0.2 * mu(1);
# // Negative log-likelihood
# vector<Type> residual(2);
# using namespace density;
# MVNORM_t<Type> neg_log_dmvnorm(Sigma);
# for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
# {
# residual = vector<Type>(a.row(i)) - mu_a;
# ans += neg_log_dmvnorm(residual);
# }
# for(i = 0; i < 2; i++){
# for(j = 0; j < 2; j++){
# ans -= dnorm(y(0, j, i), 0.5*a(i, 0), Type(1.8), true);
# ans -= dnorm(y(1, j, i), 0.1*a(i, 1), Type(1.2), true);
# }
# }
# return ans;
# }
# TMB R code:
# library(TMB)
# compile("test.cpp")
# dyn.load(dynlib("test"))
# data <- list(y = m$y, Sigma = m$cov_a)
# parameters <- list(mu = m$mu, a = m$a)
# ## Fit model
# obj <- MakeADFun(data, parameters, random="a", DLL="test")
# tmbopt <- nlminb(obj$par, obj$fn, obj$gr)
# tmbrep <- sdreport(obj, getJointPrecision = TRUE)
# tmbvcov <- inverse(tmbrep$jointPrecision)
expect_equal(opt$par, c(12.98392, 406.04878), tol = 1e-4)
expect_equal(opt$value, -41.86976, tol = 1e-6)
# Check covariance matrix
summ <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, jointCovariance = TRUE)
tmbvcov <- matrix(nrow = 6, ncol = 6)
tmbvcov[1,] <- c(6.625000e+00, 4.687500e+00, 4.050000e+00, 4.050000e+00, -2.693817e-11, -2.695275e-11)
tmbvcov[2,] <- c(4.687500e+00, 9.250000e+02, 2.965628e-11, 2.967848e-11, 1.800000e+02, 1.800000e+02)
tmbvcov[3,] <- c(4.050000e+00, 2.951367e-11, 3.995242e+00, 2.484758e+00, 5.596302e-01, -5.596302e-01)
tmbvcov[4,] <- c(4.050000e+00, 2.951367e-11, 2.484758e+00, 3.995242e+00, -5.596302e-01, 5.596302e-01)
tmbvcov[5,] <- c(-2.691772e-11, 1.800000e+02, 5.596302e-01, -5.596302e-01, 3.684693e+01, 3.515307e+01)
tmbvcov[6,] <- c(-2.691772e-11, 1.800000e+02, -5.596302e-01, 5.596302e-01, 3.515307e+01, 3.684693e+01)
# The ordering of a[1, 1:2] and a[2, 1:2] is flipped between nimble and TMB:
expect_equal(summ$vcov[c(1:3, 5, 4, 6), c(1:3, 5, 4, 6)], tmbvcov, tol = 1e-4)
# Check covariance matrix for params only
summ2 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE)
expect_equal(summ2$vcov, tmbvcov[1:2,1:2], tol=1e-4)
summL <- summaryLaplace(cmLaplace, opt, jointCovariance = TRUE)
expect_identical(summL$randomEffects$estimate, summ$randomEffects$estimates)
# For this case, we build up the correct answer more formulaically
# Define A as the vector a[1, 1], a[1, 2], a[2, 1], a[2, 2]
# cov_A <- matrix(0, nrow = 4, ncol = 4)
# cov_A[1:2, 1:2] <- cov_a
# cov_A[3:4, 3:4] <- cov_a
# # Define Y as the vector y[1,1,1],y[2,1,1],y[1,2,1],y[2,2,1], then same with last index 2
# # Define E[Y] as IA %*% A, where:
# IA <- matrix(0, nrow = 8, ncol = 4)
# IA[c(1, 3), 1] <- 0.5
# IA[c(2, 4), 2] <- 0.1
# IA[c(5, 7), 3] <- 0.5
# IA[c(6, 8), 4] <- 0.1
# # define cov_y_given_a as the Cov[Y | A]
# cov_y_given_a <- matrix(0, nrow = 8, ncol = 8)
# diag(cov_y_given_a) <- rep(c(1.8^2, 1.2^2), 4)
# # And finally get cov_Y, the marginal (over A) covariance of Y
# cov_Y <- IA %*% cov_A %*% t(IA) + cov_y_given_a
# chol_cov <- chol(cov_Y)
# # make a log likelihood function
# nlogL <- function(mu) {
# mean_Y <- rep(c(0.8*0.5*mu[1], 0.2*0.1*mu[2]), 4)
# -dmnorm_chol(as.numeric(y), mean_Y, cholesky = chol_cov, prec_param=FALSE, log = TRUE)
# }
# # maximize it
# opt_manual <- optim(c(20, 100), nlogL, method = "BFGS")
# expect_equal(opt$par, opt_manual$par, tol = 1e-4)
# expect_equal(opt$value, -opt_manual$value, tol = 1e-5)
for(v in cm$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
optNoSplit <- cmLaplaceNoSplit$findMLE() # some warnings are ok here
expect_equal(opt$par, optNoSplit$par, tol = 1e-4)
expect_equal(opt$value, optNoSplit$value, tol = 1e-7)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplace, cm, m, opt)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplaceNoSplit, cm, m, optNoSplit)
test_that("Laplace with 2x2D random effects for 2D data that need joint integration works, with intermediate nodes", {
cov_a <- matrix(c(2, 1.5, 1.5, 2), nrow = 2)
cov_y <- matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1), nrow = 2)
y <- rmnorm_chol(1, c(1, 1), chol(cov_y), prec_param = FALSE)
y <- rbind(y, rmnorm_chol(1, c(1, 1), chol(cov_y), prec_param = FALSE))
m <- nimbleModel(
for(i in 1:2) mu[i] ~ dnorm(0, sd = 10)
mu_a[1] <- 0.8 * mu[1]
mu_a[2] <- 0.2 * mu[2]
for(i in 1:2) a[i, 1:2] ~ dmnorm(mu_a[1:2], cov = cov_a[1:2, 1:2])
mu_y[1:2] <- 0.5*a[1, 1:2] + 0.1*a[2, 1:2]
for(i in 1:2) {
y[i, 1:2] ~ dmnorm(mu_y[1:2], cov = cov_y[1:2, 1:2])
data = list(y = y),
inits = list(a = matrix(c(-2, -3, 0, -1), nrow = 2), mu = c(0, 0.5)),
constants = list(cov_a = cov_a, cov_y = cov_y),
buildDerivs = TRUE
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)
mLaplaceNoSplit <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(split = FALSE))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, mLaplaceNoSplit, project = m)
cmLaplace <- cL$mLaplace
cmLaplaceNoSplit <- cL$mLaplaceNoSplit
opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
## Check using TMB results
expect_equal(opt$par, c(0.5603309, 11.7064674 ), tol = 1e-4)
expect_equal(opt$value, -4.503796, tol = 1e-7)
# Check covariance matrix
summ <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, jointCovariance = TRUE)
tmbvcov <- matrix(nrow = 6, ncol = 6)
tmbvcov[1,] <- c(4.4270833, 11.111111, 1.4583333, 3.1250000, 0.6597222, 1.9097222)
tmbvcov[2,] <- c(11.1111111, 70.833333, 2.6388889, 7.6388889, 5.8333333, 12.5000000)
tmbvcov[3,] <- c(1.4583333, 2.638889, 1.5000000, 0.8333333, 0.7777778, 0.2777778)
tmbvcov[4,] <- c(3.1250000, 7.638889, 0.8333333, 4.1666667, 0.2777778, 2.7777778)
tmbvcov[5,] <- c(0.6597222, 5.833333, 0.7777778, 0.2777778, 1.5000000, 0.8333333)
tmbvcov[6,] <- c(1.9097222, 12.500000, 0.2777778, 2.7777778, 0.8333333, 4.1666667)
# The ordering of a[1, 1:2] and a[2, 1:2] is flipped between nimble and TMB:
expect_equal(summ$vcov[c(1:3, 5, 4, 6), c(1:3, 5, 4, 6)], tmbvcov, tol = 1e-4)
# Check covariance matrix for params only
summ2 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE)
expect_equal(summ2$vcov, tmbvcov[1:2,1:2], tol=1e-4)
for(v in cm$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
optNoSplit <- cmLaplaceNoSplit$findMLE() # some warnings are ok here
expect_equal(opt$par, optNoSplit$par, tol = 1e-4)
expect_equal(opt$value, optNoSplit$value, tol = 1e-7)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplace, cm, m, opt)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplaceNoSplit, cm, m, optNoSplit)
## TMB cpp code:
#include <TMB.hpp>
#template<class Type>
#Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
# {
# DATA_MATRIX(cov_a);
# DATA_MATRIX(cov_y);
# int i;
# Type ans = 0.0;
# using namespace density;
# // Negative log-likelihood of mv normal
# vector<Type> mu_a(2);
# mu_a(0) = 0.8 * mu(0);
# mu_a(1) = 0.2 * mu(1);
# vector<Type> residual_a(2);
# MVNORM_t<Type> dmvnorm_a(cov_a);
# for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
# {
# residual_a = vector<Type>(a.row(i)) - mu_a;
# ans += dmvnorm_a(residual_a);
# }
# vector<Type> mu_y(2);
# mu_y(0) = 0.5*a(0, 0) + 0.1*a(1, 0);
# mu_y(1) = 0.5*a(0, 1) + 0.1*a(1, 1);
# vector<Type> residual_y(2);
# MVNORM_t<Type> dmvnorm_y(cov_y);
# for(i = 0; i < 2; i++){
# residual_y = vector<Type>(y.row(i)) - mu_y;
# ans += dmvnorm_y(residual_y);
# }
# return ans;
# }
# library(TMB)
# compile("test.cpp")
# dyn.load(dynlib("test"))
# data <- list(y = m$y, cov_a = m$cov_a, cov_y = m$cov_y)
# parameters <- list(mu = m$mu, a = m$a)
# ## Fit model
# obj <- MakeADFun(data, parameters, random="a", DLL="test")
# tmbopt <- nlminb(obj$par, obj$fn, obj$gr)
# tmbrep <- sdreport(obj, getJointPrecision = TRUE)
# tmbvcov <- inverse(tmbrep$jointPrecision)
test_that("simple LME case works", {
# This test uses BFGS for inner and outer optimization method.
# nlminb results in an outer Hessian that is not negative definite.
g <- rep(1:10, each = 5)
n <- length(g)
x <- runif(n)
m <- nimbleModel(
for(i in 1:n) {
y[i] ~ dnorm((fixed_int + random_int[g[i]]) + (fixed_slope + random_slope[g[i]])*x[i], sd = sigma_res)
for(i in 1:ng) {
random_int[i] ~ dnorm(0, sd = sigma_int)
random_slope[i] ~ dnorm(0, sd = sigma_slope)
sigma_int ~ dunif(0, 10)
sigma_slope ~ dunif(0, 10)
sigma_res ~ dunif(0, 10)
fixed_int ~ dnorm(0, sd = 100)
fixed_slope ~ dnorm(0, sd = 100)
constants = list(g = g, ng = max(g), n = n, x = x),
buildDerivs = TRUE
params <- c("fixed_int", "fixed_slope", "sigma_int", "sigma_slope", "sigma_res")
values(m, params) <- c(10, 0.5, 3, .25, 0.2)
m$simulate(m$getDependencies(params, self = FALSE))
y <- m$y
manual_fit <- lmer(y ~ x + (1 + x || g), REML = FALSE)
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m, control=list(innerOptimMethod="BFGS"))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cmLaplace <- compileNimble(mLaplace, project = m)
opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE(method="BFGS")
nimres <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE)
lme4res <- summary(manual_fit)
expect_equal(nimres$params$estimates[4:5], as.vector(lme4res$coefficients[,"Estimate"]), tol=1e-5)
expect_equal(nimres$params$estimates[1:3],[,"sdcor"], tol = 1e-5)
expect_equal(nimres$params$stdErrors[4:5], as.vector(lme4res$coefficients[,"Std. Error"]), tol=0.03)
expect_equal(nimres$randomEffects$estimates, as.vector(t(ranef(manual_fit)$g)), tol = 1e-4)
test_that("simple LME with correlated intercept and slope works (and check with nQuad=3)", {
g <- rep(1:10, each = 10)
n <- length(g)
x <- runif(n)
m <- nimbleModel(
for(i in 1:n) {
y[i] ~ dnorm((fixed_int + random_int_slope[g[i], 1]) + (fixed_slope + random_int_slope[g[i], 2])*x[i], sd = sigma_res)
cov[1, 1] <- sigma_int^2
cov[2, 2] <- sigma_slope^2
cov[1, 2] <- rho * sigma_int * sigma_slope
cov[2, 1] <- rho * sigma_int * sigma_slope
for(i in 1:ng) {
random_int_slope[i, 1:2] ~ dmnorm(zeros[1:2], cov = cov[1:2, 1:2])
sigma_int ~ dunif(0, 10)
sigma_slope ~ dunif(0, 10)
sigma_res ~ dunif(0, 10)
fixed_int ~ dnorm(0, sd = 100)
fixed_slope ~ dnorm(0, sd = 100)
rho ~ dunif(-1, 1)
constants = list(g = g, ng = max(g), n = n, x = x, zeros = rep(0, 2)),
buildDerivs = TRUE
params <- c("fixed_int", "fixed_slope", "sigma_int", "sigma_slope", "sigma_res", "rho")
values(m, params) <- c(10, 0.5, 3, 0.25, 0.2, 0.45)
m$simulate(m$getDependencies(params, self = FALSE))
y <- m$y
manual_fit <- lmer(y ~ x + (1 + x | g), REML = FALSE)
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)#, control=list(innerOptimStart=""))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cmLaplace <- compileNimble(mLaplace, project = m)
params_in_order <- setupMargNodes(m)$paramNodes
pStart <- values(m, params_in_order)
init_llh <- cmLaplace$calcLogLik(pStart)
init_gr_llh <- cmLaplace$gr_logLik(pStart)
opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
nimres <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE)
nimsumm <- summaryLaplace(cmLaplace, opt, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE)
lme4res <- summary(manual_fit)
expect_equal(nimres$params$estimates[4:5], as.vector(lme4res$coefficients[,"Estimate"]), tol=1e-4)
sdparams <- nimres$params$estimates[-c(4,5)]
expect_equal(sdparams[c(1,2,4,3)],[,"sdcor"], tol = 1e-3)
expect_equal(nimres$params$stdErrors[4:5], as.vector(lme4res$coefficients[,"Std. Error"]), tol=.03)
expect_equal(nimres$randomEffects$estimates, as.vector(t(ranef(manual_fit)$g)), tol = 5e-3)
cmLaplace$updateSettings(nQuad = 3)
init_llh_3 <- cmLaplace$calcLogLik(pStart)
max_llh_3 <- cmLaplace$calcLogLik(opt$par )
expect_equal(init_llh, init_llh_3, tolerance = 1e-7)
expect_equal(opt$value, max_llh_3, tolerance = 1e-4)
for(v in m$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
cmLaplace$updateSettings(nQuad = 1)
CrunLaplaceRes <- runLaplace(cmLaplace, pStart = pStart)
expect_equal(opt$par, CrunLaplaceRes$MLE$par, tolerance = 1e-4)
expect_equal(opt$hessian, CrunLaplaceRes$MLE$hessian, tolerance = 1e-4)
CrunLaplaceRes$summary$randomEffects$estimate, tolerance = 1e-4)
CrunLaplaceRes$summary$randomEffects$se, tolerance = 1e-4)
for(v in m$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
CrunLaplaceRes <- runLaplace(cmLaplace, pStart = pStart)
expect_equal(opt$par, CrunLaplaceRes$MLE$par, tolerance = 1e-4)
expect_equal(opt$hessian, CrunLaplaceRes$MLE$hessian, tolerance = 1e-4)
CrunLaplaceRes$summary$randomEffects$estimate, tolerance = 1e-4)
CrunLaplaceRes$summary$randomEffects$se, tolerance = 1e-4)
test_that("simple LME with correlated intercept and slope works through runLaplace", {
g <- rep(1:10, each = 10)
n <- length(g)
x <- runif(n)
m <- nimbleModel(
for(i in 1:n) {
y[i] ~ dnorm((fixed_int + random_int_slope[g[i], 1]) + (fixed_slope + random_int_slope[g[i], 2])*x[i], sd = sigma_res)
cov[1, 1] <- sigma_int^2
cov[2, 2] <- sigma_slope^2
cov[1, 2] <- rho * sigma_int * sigma_slope
cov[2, 1] <- rho * sigma_int * sigma_slope
for(i in 1:ng) {
random_int_slope[i, 1:2] ~ dmnorm(zeros[1:2], cov = cov[1:2, 1:2])
sigma_int ~ dunif(0, 10)
sigma_slope ~ dunif(0, 10)
sigma_res ~ dunif(0, 10)
fixed_int ~ dnorm(0, sd = 100)
fixed_slope ~ dnorm(0, sd = 100)
rho ~ dunif(-1, 1)
constants = list(g = g, ng = max(g), n = n, x = x, zeros = rep(0, 2)),
buildDerivs = TRUE
params <- c("fixed_int", "fixed_slope", "sigma_int", "sigma_slope", "sigma_res", "rho")
values(m, params) <- c(10, 0.5, 3, 0.25, 0.2, 0.45)
m$simulate(m$getDependencies(params, self = FALSE))
y <- m$y
manual_fit <- lmer(y ~ x + (1 + x | g), REML = FALSE)
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)#, control=list(innerOptimStart=""))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cmLaplace <- compileNimble(mLaplace, project = m)
pStart <- values(m, params)
res <- runLaplace(cmLaplace)
opt <- res$MLE
nimsumm <- res$summary
#opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
#nimres <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE)
#nimsumm <- summaryLaplace(cmLaplace, opt, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE)
lme4res <- summary(manual_fit)
expect_equal(nimsumm$params$estimate[4:5], as.vector(lme4res$coefficients[,"Estimate"]), tol=1e-4)
sdparams <- nimsumm$params$estimate[-c(4,5)]
expect_equal(sdparams[c(1,2,4,3)],[,"sdcor"], tol = 1e-3)
expect_equal(nimsumm$params$se[4:5], as.vector(lme4res$coefficients[,"Std. Error"]), tol=.03)
expect_equal(nimsumm$randomEffects$estimate, as.vector(t(ranef(manual_fit)$g)), tol = 5e-3)
test_that("Laplace with non-empty calcNodesOther works", {
m <- nimbleModel(
for(i in 1:3) {
mu[i] ~ dnorm(0, sd = 10)
mu_a[1] <- mu[1] + mu[2]
mu_a[2] <- mu[2] + mu[3]
a[1] ~ dnorm(mu_a[1], sd = 2)
y[1] ~ dnorm(a[1], sd = 3)
a[2] ~ dnorm(mu_a[2], sd = 2)
y[2] ~ dnorm(a[2], sd =3)
y[3] ~ dnorm(mu[3], sd = 3)
data = list(y = c(2, 3, 5)),
inits = list(a = c(1, 2), mu = c(1, 2, 3)),
buildDerivs = TRUE
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)
mLaplaceNoSplit <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(split = FALSE))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, mLaplaceNoSplit, project = m)
cmLaplace <- cL$mLaplace
cmLaplaceNoSplit <- cL$mLaplaceNoSplit
opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
expect_equal(opt$par, c(4, -2, 5), tol = 1e-3)
expect_equal(opt$value, -6.420377, tol = 1e-6)
## Check covariance matrix
summ <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, jointCovariance = TRUE)
## TMB cpp code:
#include <TMB.hpp>
#template<class Type>
#Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
# {
# int i;
# // Negative log-likelihood
# Type ans = -dnorm(a[0], mu[0]+mu[1], Type(2.0), true);
# ans -= dnorm(a[1], mu[1]+mu[2], Type(2.0), true);
# for(i = 0; i < 2; i++){
# ans -= dnorm(y[i], a[i], Type(3.0), true);
# }
# ans -= dnorm(y[2], mu[2], Type(3.0), true);
# return ans;
# }
## TMB R code:
# library(TMB)
# compile("test.cpp")
# dyn.load(dynlib("test"))
# data <- list(y = m$y)
# parameters <- list(mu = c(1, 2, 3), a = c(1, 2))
# ## Fit model
# obj <- MakeADFun(data, parameters, random="a", DLL="test")
# tmbres <- nlminb(obj$par, obj$fn, obj$gr)
# tmbrep <- sdreport(obj, getJointPrecision = TRUE)
# tmbvcov <- inverse(tmbrep$jointPrecision)
## Covariance matrix from TMB
tmbvcov <- matrix(nrow = 5, ncol = 5)
tmbvcov[1,] <- c( 35, -2.20000e+01, 9.000000e+00, 9.000000e+00, -9.000000e+00)
tmbvcov[2,] <- c(-22, 2.20000e+01, -9.000000e+00, 8.463230e-13, 9.000000e+00)
tmbvcov[3,] <- c( 9, -9.00000e+00, 9.000000e+00, -3.462231e-13, 3.462231e-13)
tmbvcov[4,] <- c( 9, 8.46323e-13, -3.462231e-13, 9.000000e+00, 3.462231e-13)
tmbvcov[5,] <- c(-9, 9.00000e+00, 3.462231e-13, 3.462231e-13, 9.000000e+00)
expect_equal(summ$vcov, tmbvcov, tol=1e-5)
## Check covariance matrix for params only
tryResult <- try({
summ2 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE)
expect_equal(summ2$vcov, tmbvcov[1:3,1:3], tol=1e-5)
if(inherits(tryResult, 'try-error')) {
for(v in cm$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
optNoSplit <- cmLaplaceNoSplit$findMLE()
expect_equal(opt$par, optNoSplit$par, tol = 1e-2)
expect_equal(opt$value, optNoSplit$value, tol = 1e-7)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplace, cm, m, opt)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplaceNoSplit, cm, m, optNoSplit)
test_that("Laplace with 2x1D parameters (one needs transformation) and non-normal data works", {
m <- nimbleModel(
mu ~ dnorm(0, sd = 10.0)
sigma ~ dunif(0, 100)
for (i in 1:5){
theta[i] ~ dnorm(mu, sd = sigma)
logit(p[i]) <- theta[i]
y[i] ~ dbinom(10, prob = p[i])
data = list(y = c(8, 6, 5, 3, 7)),
inits = list(mu = 1, sigma = 1, theta = rep(0, 5)),
buildDerivs = TRUE
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)
mLaplaceNoSplit <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(split = FALSE))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, mLaplaceNoSplit, project = m)
cmLaplace <- cL$mLaplace
cmLaplaceNoSplit <- cL$mLaplaceNoSplit
opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
## Compare with results from TMB
expect_equal(opt$par, c(0.330241, 0.3059177), tol = 1e-4)
expect_equal(opt$value, -9.703857, tol = 1e-6)
## Check covariance matrix on the transformed scale
summ <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = FALSE, jointCovariance = TRUE)
tmbvcov <- matrix(nrow = 7, ncol = 7)
tmbvcov[1,] <- c(0.10337427, 0.04574391, 0.09719623, 0.08526807, 0.07943536, 0.06797944, 0.09118502)
tmbvcov[2,] <- c(0.04574391, 3.21994672, 0.91522073, 0.10980129, -0.28810783, -1.07845809, 0.51064309)
tmbvcov[3,] <- c(0.09719623, 0.91522073, 0.40584816, 0.09981763, -0.01342937, -0.23826114, 0.21393310)
tmbvcov[4,] <- c(0.08526807, 0.10980129, 0.09981763, 0.14821768, 0.05824110, 0.03110420, 0.08580658)
tmbvcov[5,] <- c(0.07943536, -0.28810783, -0.01342937, 0.05824110, 0.16979550, 0.16423022, 0.02255625)
tmbvcov[6,] <- c(0.06797944, -1.07845809, -0.23826114, 0.03110420, 0.16423022, 0.50464751, -0.10296956)
tmbvcov[7,] <- c(0.09118502, 0.51064309, 0.21393310, 0.08580658, 0.02255625, -0.10296956, 0.22602059)
expect_equal(summ$vcov, tmbvcov, tol=1e-3)
## Stand error for sigma (original parameter)
summ2 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE)
expect_equal(summ2$params$stdErrors[2], 0.5472659, tol=1e-4)
# Check covariance matrix for transformed params only
summ3 <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = FALSE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE)
expect_equal(summ3$vcov, tmbvcov[1:2,1:2], tol=1e-3)
for(v in cm$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
optNoSplit <- cmLaplaceNoSplit$findMLE()
expect_equal(opt$par, optNoSplit$par, tol = 1e-2)
expect_equal(opt$value, optNoSplit$value, tol = 1e-7)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplace, cm, m, opt)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplaceNoSplit, cm, m, optNoSplit)
## TMB cpp code:
#include <TMB.hpp>
#template<class Type>
#Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
# {
# PARAMETER(sigmaTrans);
# // Transformation for sigma
# Type sigma = 100 * exp(sigmaTrans) / (1 + exp(sigmaTrans));
# // Negative log-likelihood
# Type ans = 0;
# vector<Type> p(5);
# for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
# p[i] = exp(theta[i]) / (1 + exp(theta[i]));
# ans -= dnorm(theta[i], mu, sigma, true) + dbinom(y[i], Type(10), p[i], true);
# }
# ADREPORT(sigma);
# return ans;
# }
## TMB R code:
# library(TMB)
# compile("test.cpp")
# dyn.load(dynlib("test"))
# data <- list(y = m$y)
# parameters <- list(mu = m$mu, sigmaTrans = logit(m$sigma/100), theta = m$theta)
# ## Fit model
# obj <- MakeADFun(data, parameters, random="theta", DLL="test")
# tmbopt <- nlminb(obj$par, obj$fn, obj$gr)
# tmbrep <- sdreport(obj, getJointPrecision = TRUE)
# tmbvcov <- inverse(tmbrep$jointPrecision)
test_that("Laplace with no random effects (simple linear regression) works", {
x <- rnorm(5)
y <- sapply(-1 + x, rnorm, n = 1, sd = 1)
m <- nimbleModel(
a ~ dnorm(0, sd = 10.0)
b ~ dnorm(0, sd = 10.0)
sigma ~ dunif(0, 100)
for(i in 1:5){
mu_y[i] <- a + b*x[i]
y[i] ~ dnorm(mu_y[i], sd = sigma)
constants = list(x = x),
data = list(y = y),
inits = list(a = -1, b = 1, sigma = 1),
buildDerivs = TRUE
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)
mLaplaceNoSplit <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(split = FALSE))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, mLaplaceNoSplit, project = m)
cmLaplace <- cL$mLaplace
cmLaplaceNoSplit <- cL$mLaplaceNoSplit
opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
summ <- cmLaplace$summary(opt)
## Compare results with those from TMB
expect_equal(opt$par, c(-0.8899436, 1.1940911, 0.5744841), tol = 1e-4)
expect_equal(opt$value, -4.323288, tol = 1e-7)
expect_equal(summ$params$stdErrors, c(0.2598061, 0.2988869, 0.1816661), tol = 1e-5)
for(v in cm$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
optNoSplit <- cmLaplaceNoSplit$findMLE()
expect_equal(opt$par, optNoSplit$par, tol = 1e-4)
expect_equal(opt$value, optNoSplit$value, tol = 1e-7)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplace, cm, m, opt, expected_no_re = TRUE)
check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplaceNoSplit, cm, m, expected_no_re = TRUE)
summL <- summaryLaplace(cmLaplace, opt, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = TRUE)
expect_equal(nrow(summL$randomEffects), 0)
expect_equal(nrow(summL$vcov), 3)
## TMB cpp code
#include <TMB.hpp>
#template<class Type>
# Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
# {
# PARAMETER(sigma);
# Type nll = -sum(dnorm(y, a+b*x, sigma, true));
# return nll;
# }
## R code
# compile("lm.cpp")
# dyn.load(dynlib("lm"))
# set.seed(1)
# x <- rnorm(5)
# y <- sapply(-1 + x, rnorm, n = 1, sd = 1)
# data <- list(y=y, x=x)
# parameters <- list(a=-1, b=1, sigma=1)
# obj <- MakeADFun(data, parameters, DLL="lm")
# obj$hessian <- TRUE
# tmbres <-"optim", obj)
# tmbsumm <- summary(sdreport(obj))
## Possible future feature (was drafted, not completed):
## test_that("Laplace with no priors for unconstrained parameters works", {
## ## Here we re-use some of tests above and remove priors for parameters
## ## Test 1
## m <- nimbleModel(
## nimbleCode({
## y ~ dnorm(a, sd = 2)
## a ~ dnorm(mu, sd = 3)
## # mu ~ dnorm(0, sd = 5)
## }), data = list(y = 4), inits = list(a = -1),
## buildDerivs = TRUE
## )
## mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(allowNonPriors = TRUE))
## mLaplaceNoSplit <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(split = FALSE, allowNonPriors = TRUE))
## cm <- compileNimble(m)
## cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, mLaplaceNoSplit, project = m)
## cmLaplace <- cL$mLaplace
## cmLaplaceNoSplit <- cL$mLaplaceNoSplit
## opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
## expect_equal(opt$par, 4, tol = 1e-4)
## expect_equal(opt$value, dnorm(4, 4, sd = sqrt(13), log = TRUE))
## summ <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = TRUE)
## expect_equal(summ$randomEffects$estimates, 4, tol = 1e-5)
## # Covariance matrix
## vcov <- matrix(c(1/(1/4+1/9), 0, 0, 0), nrow = 2) + matrix(c(4/13, 1), ncol = 1) %*% (13) %*% t(matrix(c(4/13, 1), ncol = 1))
## expect_equal(vcov, summ$vcov, tol = 1e-6)
## for(v in cm$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
## optNoSplit <- cmLaplaceNoSplit$findMLE()
## expect_equal(opt$par, optNoSplit$par, tol = 1e-2)
## expect_equal(opt$value, optNoSplit$value, tol = 1e-7)
## check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplace, cm, m, opt)
## check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplaceNoSplit, cm, m, optNoSplit)
## ## Test 2
## set.seed(1)
## x <- rnorm(5)
## y <- sapply(-1 + x, rnorm, n = 1, sd = 1)
## m <- nimbleModel(
## nimbleCode({
## sigma ~ dunif(0, 100)
## for(i in 1:5){
## mu_y[i] <- a + b*x[i]
## y[i] ~ dnorm(mu_y[i], sd = sigma)
## }
## }),
## constants = list(x = x),
## data = list(y = y),
## buildDerivs = TRUE
## )
## mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(allowNonPriors = TRUE))
## mLaplaceNoSplit <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(split = FALSE, allowNonPriors = TRUE))
## cm <- compileNimble(m)
## cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, mLaplaceNoSplit, project = m)
## cmLaplace <- cL$mLaplace
## cmLaplaceNoSplit <- cL$mLaplaceNoSplit
## opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
## summ <- cmLaplace$summary(opt)
## ## Compare results with those from TMB
## expect_equal(opt$par, c(0.5744841, -0.8899436, 1.1940911), tol = 1e-5)
## expect_equal(opt$value, -4.323288, tol = 1e-7)
## expect_equal(summ$params$stdErrors, c(0.1816661, 0.2598061, 0.2988869), tol = 1e-5)
## for(v in cm$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
## optNoSplit <- cmLaplaceNoSplit$findMLE()
## expect_equal(opt$par, optNoSplit$par, tol = 1e-2)
## expect_equal(opt$value, optNoSplit$value, tol = 1e-7)
## check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplace, cm, m, opt)
## check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplaceNoSplit, cm, m, optNoSplit)
## ## Test 3
## set.seed(1)
## y <- array(rnorm(8, 6, 5), dim = c(2, 2, 2))
## cov_a <- matrix(c(2, 1.5, 1.5, 2), nrow = 2)
## m <- nimbleModel(
## nimbleCode({
## # for(i in 1:2) mu[i] ~ dnorm(0, sd = 10)
## mu_a[1] <- 0.8 * mu[1]
## mu_a[2] <- 0.2 * mu[2]
## for(i in 1:2) a[i, 1:2] ~ dmnorm(mu_a[1:2], cov = cov_a[1:2, 1:2])
## for(i in 1:2) {
## for(j in 1:2) {
## y[1, j, i] ~ dnorm( 0.5 * a[i, 1], sd = 1.8)
## y[2, j, i] ~ dnorm( 0.1 * a[i, 2], sd = 1.2)
## }
## }
## }),
## data = list(y = y),
## inits = list(a = matrix(c(-2, -3, 0, -1), nrow = 2)),
## constants = list(cov_a = cov_a),
## buildDerivs = TRUE
## )
## mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(allowNonPriors = TRUE))
## mLaplaceNoSplit <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(split = FALSE, allowNonPriors = TRUE))
## cm <- compileNimble(m)
## cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, mLaplaceNoSplit, project = m)
## cmLaplace <- cL$mLaplace
## cmLaplaceNoSplit <- cL$mLaplaceNoSplit
## opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
## expect_equal(opt$par, c(12.98392, 406.04878), tol = 1e-4)
## expect_equal(opt$value, -41.86976, tol = 1e-6)
## # Check covariance matrix
## summ <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, jointCovariance = TRUE)
## tmbvcov <- matrix(nrow = 6, ncol = 6)
## tmbvcov[1,] <- c(6.625000e+00, 4.687500e+00, 4.050000e+00, 4.050000e+00, -2.693817e-11, -2.695275e-11)
## tmbvcov[2,] <- c(4.687500e+00, 9.250000e+02, 2.965628e-11, 2.967848e-11, 1.800000e+02, 1.800000e+02)
## tmbvcov[3,] <- c(4.050000e+00, 2.951367e-11, 3.995242e+00, 2.484758e+00, 5.596302e-01, -5.596302e-01)
## tmbvcov[4,] <- c(4.050000e+00, 2.951367e-11, 2.484758e+00, 3.995242e+00, -5.596302e-01, 5.596302e-01)
## tmbvcov[5,] <- c(-2.691772e-11, 1.800000e+02, 5.596302e-01, -5.596302e-01, 3.684693e+01, 3.515307e+01)
## tmbvcov[6,] <- c(-2.691772e-11, 1.800000e+02, -5.596302e-01, 5.596302e-01, 3.515307e+01, 3.684693e+01)
## expect_equal(summ$vcov[c(5,6,1,3,2,4), c(5,6,1,3,2,4)], tmbvcov, tol = 1e-4)
## for(v in cm$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
## optNoSplit <- cmLaplaceNoSplit$findMLE()
## expect_equal(opt$par, optNoSplit$par, tol = 1e-4)
## expect_equal(opt$value, optNoSplit$value, tol = 1e-7)
## check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplace, cm, m, opt)
## check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplaceNoSplit, cm, m, optNoSplit)
## ## Test 4
## m <- nimbleModel(
## nimbleCode({
## # for(i in 1:3) {
## # mu[i] ~ dnorm(0, sd = 10)
## # }
## mu_a[1] <- mu[1] + mu[2]
## mu_a[2] <- mu[2] + mu[3]
## a[1] ~ dnorm(mu_a[1], sd = 2)
## y[1] ~ dnorm(a[1], sd = 3)
## a[2] ~ dnorm(mu_a[2], sd = 2)
## y[2] ~ dnorm(a[2], sd =3)
## y[3] ~ dnorm(mu[3], sd = 3)
## }),
## data = list(y = c(2, 3, 5)),
## inits = list(a = c(1, 2)),
## buildDerivs = TRUE
## )
## mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(allowNonPriors = TRUE))
## mLaplaceNoSplit <- buildLaplace(model = m, control = list(split = FALSE, allowNonPriors = TRUE))
## cm <- compileNimble(m)
## cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, mLaplaceNoSplit, project = m)
## cmLaplace <- cL$mLaplace
## cmLaplaceNoSplit <- cL$mLaplaceNoSplit
## opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
## expect_equal(opt$par, c(4, -2, 5), tol = 1e-3)
## expect_equal(opt$value, -6.420377, tol = 1e-6)
## ## Check covariance matrix
## summ <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, jointCovariance = TRUE)
## ## Covariance matrix from TMB
## tmbvcov <- matrix(nrow = 5, ncol = 5)
## tmbvcov[1,] <- c( 35, -2.20000e+01, 9.000000e+00, 9.000000e+00, -9.000000e+00)
## tmbvcov[2,] <- c(-22, 2.20000e+01, -9.000000e+00, 8.463230e-13, 9.000000e+00)
## tmbvcov[3,] <- c( 9, -9.00000e+00, 9.000000e+00, -3.462231e-13, 3.462231e-13)
## tmbvcov[4,] <- c( 9, 8.46323e-13, -3.462231e-13, 9.000000e+00, 3.462231e-13)
## tmbvcov[5,] <- c(-9, 9.00000e+00, 3.462231e-13, 3.462231e-13, 9.000000e+00)
## expect_equal(summ$vcov[c(3:5, 1:2), c(3:5, 1:2)], tmbvcov, tol=1e-5)
## for(v in cm$getVarNames()) cm[[v]] <- m[[v]]
## optNoSplit <- cmLaplaceNoSplit$findMLE()
## expect_equal(opt$par, optNoSplit$par, tol = 1e-2)
## expect_equal(opt$value, optNoSplit$value, tol = 1e-7)
## check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplace, cm, m, opt)
## check_laplace_alternative_methods(cmLaplaceNoSplit, cm, m, optNoSplit)
## })
test_that("Laplace with crossed random effects works", {
N <- nrow(Penicillin)
plate <- rep(1:24, each = 6)
np <- 24
sample <- rep(1:6, 24)
ns <- 6
m <- nimbleModel(
## Intercept
beta ~ dnorm(0, sd = 100)
## Standard deviations
sigma ~ dgamma(1.0, 1.0)
sigma_p ~ dgamma(1.0, 1.0)
sigma_s ~ dgamma(1.0, 1.0)
## Random effects for plate
for(i in 1:np){
mup[i] ~ dnorm(0, sd = sigma_p)
## Random effects for sample
for(i in 1:ns){
mus[i] ~ dnorm(0, sd = sigma_s)
## Observations
for(i in 1:N){
mu_y[i] <- beta + mus[sample[i]] + mup[plate[i]]
y[i] ~ dnorm(mu_y[i], sd = sigma)
constants = list(N = N, np = np, ns = ns, plate = plate, sample = sample),
data = list(y = Penicillin$diameter),
inits = list(beta = 20, sigma = 1, sigma_p = 1, sigma_s = 1, mus = rep(0, ns), mup = rep(0, np)),
buildDerivs = TRUE
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)#, control=list(innerOptimStart = ""))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cmLaplace <- compileNimble(mLaplace, project = m)
cmLaplace$updateSettings(innerOptimMethod = "BFGS")
opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE()
nimres <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE)
lme4_fit <- lmer(diameter ~ 1 + (1|plate) + (1|sample), data = Penicillin, REML = FALSE)
lme4res <- summary(lme4_fit)
expect_equal(nimres$params$estimates[1], lme4res$coefficients[,"Estimate"], tol=1e-3)
expect_equal(nimres$params$estimates[c(3,4,2)],[,"sdcor"], tol = 5e-4)
# Note that with innerOptimMethod "nlminb", the next check is far off, within only about 0.2
# on Mac, and getting a NaN on ubuntu CI tests. (Also I don't know why those differ.)
expect_equal(nimres$params$stdErrors[1], lme4res$coefficients[,"Std. Error"], tol=2e-3)
expect_equal(nimres$randomEffects$estimates[25:30], as.vector(t(ranef(lme4_fit)$sample)), tol = 1e-3)
expect_equal(nimres$randomEffects$estimates[1:24], as.vector(t(ranef(lme4_fit)$plate)), tol = 1e-4)
test_that("Laplace with nested random effects works", {
lme4_fit <- lmer(strength ~ 1 + (1|batch) + (1|batch:cask), data = Pastes, REML = FALSE)
lme4res <- summary(lme4_fit)
m <- nimbleModel(
## Intercept
beta ~ dnorm(0, sd = 100)
## Standard deviations
sigma ~ dgamma(1.0, 1.0)
sigma1 ~ dgamma(1.0, 1.0)
sigma2 ~ dgamma(1.0, 1.0)
## Random effects for batch
for(i in 1:10){
mub[i] ~ dnorm(0, sd = sigma1)
## Random effects for batch:cask
for(i in 1:30){
mubc[i] ~ dnorm(0, sd = sigma2)
## Observations
for(i in 1:60){
mu_y[i] <- beta + mub[batch[i]] + mubc[cask[i]]
y[i] ~ dnorm(mu_y[i], sd = sigma)
constants = list(batch = rep(1:10, each = 6), cask = rep(1:30, each = 2)),
data = list(y = Pastes$strength),
buildDerivs = TRUE
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cmLaplace <- compileNimble(mLaplace, project = m)
## It seems that default start values (0, 1, 1, 1) for this example do not work well
## for optimisation; use c(2, 2, 2, 2) instead
opt <- cmLaplace$findMLE(pStart = c(2,2,2,2))
#, "optim does not converge for the inner optimization")
nimres <- cmLaplace$summary(opt, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE)
expect_equal(nimres$params$estimates[1], lme4res$coefficients[,"Estimate"], tol = 1e-5)
expect_equal(nimres$params$estimates[c(4, 3, 2)],[,"sdcor"], tol = 5e-5)
expect_equal(nimres$params$stdErrors[1], lme4res$coefficients[,"Std. Error"], tol = 5e-5)
expect_equal(nimres$randomEffects$estimates[seq(1, 40, by = 4)], as.vector(t(ranef(lme4_fit)$batch)), tol = 5e-4)
expect_equal(nimres$randomEffects$estimates[-seq(1, 40, by = 4)], as.vector(t(ranef(lme4_fit)$`batch:cask`)), tol = 5e-4)
test_that("Laplace error trapping of wrong-length parameters works", {
m <- nimbleModel(
d[1:3] ~ ddirch(alpha[1:3]) # params
for(i in 1:3) x[i] ~ dnorm(d[i], 1) # randomEffects
for(i in 1:3) y[i] ~ dnorm(x[i], 1) # data
data = list(y = rnorm(3), alpha = rep(1.1, 3)),
inits = list(x = rnorm(3), d = c(.2, .3, .5)),
buildDerivs = TRUE
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cmLaplace <- compileNimble(mLaplace, project = m)
## cat("Eight messages beginning with [Warning] are expected:\n")
# should work
expect_no_error(cmLaplace$calcLogLik(c(.4, .5, .1)))
expect_no_error(cmLaplace$calcLaplace(c(.4, .5, .1)))
expect_no_error(cmLaplace$gr_logLik(c(.4, .5, .1)))
expect_no_error(cmLaplace$gr_Laplace(c(.4, .5, .1)))
# should throw errors
expect_output(expect_error(cmLaplace$calcLogLik(c(.4, .5))), "should be length")
expect_output(expect_error(cmLaplace$calcLaplace(c(.4, .5))), "should be length")
expect_output(expect_error(cmLaplace$gr_logLik(c(.4, .5))), "should be length")
expect_output(expect_error(cmLaplace$gr_Laplace(c(.4, .5))), "should be length")
# should work
expect_no_error(cmLaplace$calcLogLik(c(.4, .5), trans = TRUE))
expect_no_error(cmLaplace$calcLaplace(c(.4, .5), trans = TRUE))
expect_no_error(cmLaplace$gr_logLik(c(.4, .5), trans = TRUE))
expect_no_error(cmLaplace$gr_Laplace(c(.4, .5), trans = TRUE))
# should throw errors
expect_output(expect_error(cmLaplace$calcLogLik(c(.4, .5, .1), trans = TRUE)), "should be length")
expect_output(expect_error(cmLaplace$calcLaplace(c(.4, .5, .1), trans = TRUE)), "should be length")
expect_output(expect_error(cmLaplace$gr_logLik(c(.4, .5, .1), trans = TRUE)), "should be length")
expect_output(expect_error(cmLaplace$gr_Laplace(c(.4, .5, .1), trans = TRUE)), "should be length")
output <- cmLaplace$findMLE(c(.4, .5, .1))
expect_true(all(output$counts > 0))
# We couldn't throw an error from a nimbleList-returning method
# so we emit a message containing "[Warning]".
expect_output(output <- cmLaplace$findMLE(c(.4, .5)), "should be length")
expect_identical(output$counts, integer())
test_that("Laplace works with different numbers of REs in different cond. ind. sets", {
# This checks on Issue #1312, which was really a bug with nimOptim
# that arose from having multiple nimOptim calls share the same
# control list.
# This test does not check correctness of result, only that it runs.
code <- nimbleCode({
for(i in 1:2) {
param[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
for(j in 1:num_re[i]) {
re[i,j] ~ dnorm(param[i], 1)
y[i] ~ dnorm(sum(re[i,1:num_re[i]]), 1)
num_re <- c(3,7) ## different numbers of REs in two conditionally independent sets
constants <- list(num_re = num_re)
data <- list(y = c(0,0))
Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, buildDerivs = TRUE)
Rlaplace <- buildLaplace(Rmodel, 'param', 're')
Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel)
Claplace <- compileNimble(Rlaplace, project = Rmodel)
test_that("Laplace with N(0,1) random effects works", {
# This test also uses dflat and dhalfflat
code <- nimbleCode({
beta0 ~ dflat()
beta1 ~ dflat()
sigma ~ dhalfflat()
for(i in 1:5) eps[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
for(i in 1:5) sigma_eps[i] <- eps[i] * sigma
for(i in 1:25) {
y[i] ~ dpois(exp(beta0 + beta1*X[i] + sigma_eps[group[i]]))
for(i in 1:10) z[i] ~ dnorm(2*beta0, 1) #calcNodesOther
foo <- step(beta0)
X <- rnorm(25)
group <- rep(1:5, each = 5)
eps <- rnorm(5, 0, sd = 2)
y <- rpois(25, exp(3 + .2*X + rep(eps, each=5)))
z <- rnorm(10, 2*3, sd = 1)
m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = y, z = z),
constants = list(X = X, group=group), buildDerivs=TRUE)
# Defaults not expected to be useful
SMN <- setupMargNodes(m)
expect_identical(SMN$randomEffectsNodes, character())
SMN <- setupMargNodes(m, #paramNodes = c("beta0", "beta1", "sigma"),
randomEffectsNodes = 'eps[1:5]')
m$expandNodeNames(c('lifted_d2_times_beta0', 'z[1:10]')))
c("beta0", "beta1", "sigma"))
mLaplace <- buildLaplace(m, SMN)
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cmLaplace <- compileNimble(mLaplace, project = m)
cmLaplace$updateSettings(innerOptimMethod="nlminb") # findMLE will hang using BFGS
res <- cmLaplace$findMLE(c(0,0,1))
# TMB code in test_N01.cpp
## #include <TMB.hpp>
## template<class Type>
## Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
## {
## DATA_IVECTOR(group);
## PARAMETER(sigma);
## int i;
## // Negative log-likelihood
## Type ans = Type(0.);
## for(i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
## ans -= dnorm(eps[i], Type(0.), Type(1.), true);
## for(i = 0; i < 25; ++i)
## ans -= dpois(y[i], exp(beta[0] + beta[1] * X[i] + sigma*eps[group[i]]), true);
## for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
## ans -= dnorm(z[i], Type(2.)*beta[0], Type(1.), true);
## return ans;
## }
## library(TMB)
## compile("test_N01.cpp")
## dyn.load(dynlib("test_N01"))
## data <- list(y = y, X = X, group = group-1, z = z)
## parameters <- list(beta = c(0, 0), sigma = 1, eps = rep(0, 5))
## obj <- MakeADFun(data = data, parameters = parameters, random = "eps", DLL = "test_N01")
## tmbres <- nlminb(obj$par, obj$fn, obj$gr)
## tmbrep <- sdreport(obj, getJointPrecision = TRUE)
## tmbvcov <- solve(tmbrep$jointPrecision)
##write.table(tmbvcov, file = "", sep=",",col.names = FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
expect_equal(res$par, c(3.1276930, 0.1645356, 1.5657498), tolerance = 1e-4 )
summ <- cmLaplace$summary(res, randomEffectsStdError=TRUE, jointCovariance=TRUE)
## From the write.table call just above
## (which is symmetric anyway, so byrow =TRUE doesn't really matter)
TMB_vcov <- matrix(byrow = TRUE, nrow = 8, data =
expect_equal(summ$vcov, TMB_vcov[c(6:8, 1:5), c(6:8, 1:5)], tol = 1e-4)
# Check covariance matrix for params only
summ2 <- cmLaplace$summary(res, originalScale = TRUE, randomEffectsStdError = TRUE, jointCovariance = FALSE)
expect_equal(summ2$vcov, TMB_vcov[6:8,6:8], tol=1e-4)
## Now that innerOptim inits has controls for method and values,
## we need to check over these tests and functionality.
## test_that("Setting Different Initial Values for Inner Optim", {
## m <- nimbleModel(
## nimbleCode({
## y ~ dnorm(0.2 * a, sd = 2)
## a ~ dnorm(0.5 * mu, sd = 3)
## mu ~ dnorm(0, sd = 5)
## }), data = list(y = 4), inits = list(a = -1, mu = 0),
## buildDerivs = TRUE
## )
## mLaplace <- buildLaplace(model = m)
## cm <- compileNimble(m)
## cL <- compileNimble(mLaplace, project = m)
## cL$setInnerOptimWarning(TRUE) ## Print Errors.
## cL$setInnerCache(FALSE) ## Recalculate inner optim to check starting values.
## ## Test different starting values:
## cL$setInnerOptimInits("zero")
## expect_output(cL$calcLogLik(37), "Warning: optim did not converge for the inner optimization of AGHQuad or Laplace approximation")
## cL$setInnerOptimInits("")
## expect_output(cL$calcLogLik(37), NA) # Small change to actually recalculate. No warning.
## set.seed(21)
## cL$setInnerOptimInits("random")
## expect_output(cL$calcLogLik(37), NA) # Shouldn't warn.
## values(cm, "a") <- 0 ## Bad init.
## cL$setInnerOptimInits("model")
## expect_output(cL$calcLogLik(37), "Warning: optim did not converge for the inner optimization of AGHQuad or Laplace approximation")
## values(cm, "a") <- 18
## cL$setInnerOptimInits("model")
## expect_output(cL$calcLogLik(37), NA) ## Good init.
## cL$setInnerOptimInits("last") ## Last isn't great for this new value.
## expect_output(cL$calcLogLik(15), "Warning: optim did not converge for the inner optimization of AGHQuad or Laplace approximation")
## ## Inspect model to see if values are updated properly after running:
## cL$setInnerCache(FALSE)
## cL$setInnerOptimInits("random")
## cL$calcLogLik(15)
## old.val <- cm$a
## cL$setModelValues(15)
## new.val <- cm$a
## expect_false(old.val == new.val)
## })
nimbleOptions(enableDerivs = EDopt)
nimbleOptions(buildModelDerivs = BMDopt)
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