
Defines functions summary.pdBlocked solve.pdBlocked pdFactor.pdBlocked Names.pdBlocked logDet.pdBlocked isInitialized.pdBlocked formula.pdBlocked coef.pdBlocked pdMatrix.pdBlocked pdConstruct.pdBlocked corMatrix.pdBlocked summary.pdCompSymm logDet.pdCompSymm Dim.pdCompSymm coef.pdCompSymm pdMatrix.pdCompSymm pdFactor.pdCompSymm pdConstruct.pdCompSymm corMatrix.pdCompSymm summary.pdIdent solve.pdIdent logDet.pdIdent Dim.pdIdent coef.pdIdent pdMatrix.pdIdent pdFactor.pdIdent pdConstruct.pdIdent corMatrix.pdIdent summary.pdDiag solve.pdDiag logDet.pdDiag Dim.pdDiag coef.pdDiag pdMatrix.pdDiag pdFactor.pdDiag pdConstruct.pdDiag corMatrix.pdDiag summary.pdNatural solve.pdNatural logDet.pdNatural Dim.pdNatural coef.pdNatural pdMatrix.pdNatural pdFactor.pdNatural pdConstruct.pdNatural summary.pdLogChol solve.pdLogChol pdFactor.pdLogChol pdConstruct.pdLogChol summary.pdSymm solve.pdSymm logDet.pdSymm Dim.pdSymm coef.pdSymm pdMatrix.pdSymm pdFactor.pdSymm pdConstruct.pdSymm summary.pdMat solve.pdMat print.summary.pdMat str.pdMat print.pdMat plot.pdMat `Names<-.pdMat` Names.pdMat `matrix<-.pdMat` logDet.pdMat isInitialized.pdMat formula.pdMat Dim.pdMat coef.pdMat as.matrix.pdMat pdMatrix.pdMat pdFactor.pdMat pdConstruct.pdMat corMatrix.pdMat pdMat pdFactor

Documented in as.matrix.pdMat coef.pdBlocked coef.pdCompSymm coef.pdDiag coef.pdIdent coef.pdMat coef.pdNatural coef.pdSymm corMatrix.pdBlocked corMatrix.pdCompSymm corMatrix.pdDiag corMatrix.pdIdent corMatrix.pdMat Dim.pdCompSymm Dim.pdDiag Dim.pdIdent Dim.pdMat Dim.pdNatural Dim.pdSymm formula.pdBlocked formula.pdMat isInitialized.pdBlocked isInitialized.pdMat logDet.pdBlocked logDet.pdCompSymm logDet.pdDiag logDet.pdIdent logDet.pdMat logDet.pdNatural logDet.pdSymm Names.pdBlocked Names.pdMat pdConstruct.pdBlocked pdConstruct.pdCompSymm pdConstruct.pdDiag pdConstruct.pdIdent pdConstruct.pdLogChol pdConstruct.pdMat pdConstruct.pdNatural pdConstruct.pdSymm pdFactor pdFactor.pdBlocked pdFactor.pdCompSymm pdFactor.pdDiag pdFactor.pdIdent pdFactor.pdLogChol pdFactor.pdMat pdFactor.pdNatural pdFactor.pdSymm pdMat pdMatrix.pdBlocked pdMatrix.pdCompSymm pdMatrix.pdDiag pdMatrix.pdIdent pdMatrix.pdMat pdMatrix.pdNatural pdMatrix.pdSymm plot.pdMat print.summary.pdMat solve.pdBlocked solve.pdDiag solve.pdIdent solve.pdLogChol solve.pdMat solve.pdNatural solve.pdSymm summary.pdBlocked summary.pdCompSymm summary.pdDiag summary.pdIdent summary.pdLogChol summary.pdMat summary.pdNatural summary.pdSymm

###              Classes of positive-definite matrices
### Copyright 2006-2022  The R Core team
### Copyright 1997-2003  Jose C. Pinheiro,
###                      Douglas M. Bates <bates@stat.wisc.edu>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

pdConstruct <-
  ## a virtual constructor for these objects
  function(object, value, form, nam, data, ...) UseMethod("pdConstruct")

pdFactor <-
  function(object) UseMethod("pdFactor")

pdMatrix <-
  ## extractor for the pd, correlation, or square-root factor matrix
  function(object, factor = FALSE) UseMethod("pdMatrix")

##*## pdMat - a virtual class of positive definite matrices

###*#  constructor for the virtual class

pdMat <-
  function(value = numeric(0), form = NULL, nam = NULL,
	   data = parent.frame(), pdClass = "pdSymm")
  if (inherits(value, "pdMat")) {	# nothing to construct
    pdClass <- class(value)
  object <- numeric(0)
  class(object) <- unique(c(pdClass, "pdMat"))
  pdConstruct(object, value, form, nam, data)

###*# Methods for local generics

corMatrix.pdMat <-
  function(object, ...)
  if (!isInitialized(object)) {
    stop("cannot access the matrix of uninitialized objects")
  Var <- pdMatrix(object)
  if (length(unlist(dimnames(Var))) == 0) {
    aux <- paste("V", 1:(Dim(Var)[2]), sep = "")
    dimnames(Var) <- list(aux, aux)
  dd <- dim(Var)
  dn <- dimnames(Var)
  stdDev <- sqrt(diag(Var))
  names(stdDev) <- colnames(Var)
  value <- array(t(Var/stdDev)/stdDev, dd, dn)
  attr(value, "stdDev") <- stdDev

pdConstruct.pdMat <-
  function(object, value = numeric(0), form = formula(object),
	   nam = Names(object), data = parent.frame(), ...)
  if (inherits(value, "pdMat")) {	# constructing from another pdMat
    if (length(form) == 0) {
      form <- formula(value)
    if (length(nam) == 0) {
      nam <- Names(value)
    if (isInitialized(value)) {
      return(pdConstruct(object, as.matrix(value), form, nam, data))
    } else {
      return(pdConstruct(object, form = form, nam = nam, data = data))
  if (length(value) > 0) {
    if (inherits(value, "formula") || is.call(value)) {
      ## constructing from a formula
      if (!is.null(form)) {
	warning("ignoring argument 'form'")
      form <- formula(value)
      if (length(form) == 3) {          #two-sided case - nlme
        form <- list(form)
    } else if (is.character(value)) {	# constructing from character array
      if (length(nam) > 0) {
	warning("ignoring argument 'nam'")
      nam <- value
    } else if (is.matrix(value)) {	# constructing from a pd matrix
      vdim <- dim(value)
      if (length(vdim) != 2 || diff(vdim) != 0) {
        stop("'value' must be a square matrix")
      if (length(unlist(vnam <- dimnames(value))) > 0) {
        vnam <- unique(unlist(vnam))
        if (length(vnam) != vdim[1]) {
          stop("dimnames of 'value' must match or be NULL")
        dimnames(value) <- list(vnam, vnam)
        if (length(nam) > 0) {          # check consistency
	  if (any(is.na(match(nam, vnam))) || any(is.na(match(vnam, nam)))) {
	    stop("names of 'value' are not consistent with 'nam' argument")
	  value <- value[nam, nam, drop = FALSE]
	} else {
	  nam <- vnam
      form <- form                      # avoid problems with lazy evaluation
      nam <- nam
      object <- chol((value + t(value))/2) # ensure it is positive-definite
      attr(object, "dimnames") <- NULL
      attr(object, "rank") <- NULL
    } else if (is.numeric(value)) {	# constructing from the parameter
      value <- as.numeric(value)
      attributes(value) <- attributes(object)
      object <- value
    } else if(is.list(value)) {
      ## constructing from a list of two-sided formulae - nlme case
      if (!is.null(form)) {
	warning("ignoring argument 'form'")
      form <- value
    } else {
        stop(gettextf("%s is not a valid object for \"pdMat\"",
                      sQuote(deparse(object))), domain = NA)

  if (!is.null(form)) {
    if (inherits(form, "formula") && length(form) == 3) {#two-sided case - nlme
      form <- list(form)
    if (is.list(form)) {   # list of formulae
      if (any(!unlist(lapply(form,
                             function(el) {
                               inherits(el, "formula") && length(el) == 3
                             })))) {
        stop("all elements of 'form' list must be two-sided formulas")
      val <- list()
      for(i in seq_along(form)) {
        if (is.name(form[[i]][[2]])) {
          val <- c(val, list(form[[i]]))
        } else {
          val <- c(val, eval(parse(text = paste("list(",
            paste(paste(all.vars(form[[i]][[2]]), deparse(form[[i]][[3]]),
                        sep = "~"), collapse=","),")"))))
      form <- val
      class(form) <- "listForm"
      namesForm <- Names(form, data)
    } else {
      if (inherits(form, "formula")) {
        namesForm <- Names(asOneSidedFormula(form), data)
##        namesForm1 <- NULL
      } else {
        stop("'form' can only be a formula or a list of formulae")
    if (length(namesForm) > 0) {
      if (length(nam) == 0) {             # getting names from formula
        nam <- namesForm
      } else {				# checking consistency with names
        if (any(noMatch <- is.na(match(nam, namesForm)))) {
          err <- TRUE
          namCopy <- nam
          indNoMatch <- seq_along(nam)[noMatch]
          if (any(wch1 <- (nchar(nam, "c") > 12))) {
            ## possibly names with .(Intercept) in value
            wch1 <- substring(nam, nchar(nam, "c")-10) == "(Intercept)"
            if (any(wch1)) {
              namCopy[indNoMatch[wch1]] <-
                substring(nam[wch1], 1, nchar(nam[wch1], "c") - 12)
              noMatch[wch1] <- FALSE
              indNoMatch <- indNoMatch[!wch1]  # possibly not matched
          if (sum(noMatch) > 0) {
            ## still no matches - try adding .(Intercept)
            namCopy[indNoMatch] <-
              paste(namCopy[indNoMatch], "(Intercept)", sep = ".")
          ## try matching modified value
          if (!any(is.na(match(namCopy, namesForm)))) {
            err <- FALSE
          if (err) stop("'form' not consistent with 'nam'")

  if (is.matrix(object)) {	# initialized as matrix, check consistency
    if (length(nam) > 0 && (length(nam) != dim(object)[2])) {
      stop("length of 'nam' not consistent with dimensions of initial value")
  attr(object, "formula") <- form
  attr(object, "Dimnames") <- list(nam, nam)

pdFactor.pdMat <-

pdMatrix.pdMat <-
  function(object, factor = FALSE)
  if (!isInitialized(object)) {
    stop("cannot access the matrix of uninitialized objects")
  if (factor) {
    stop("no default method for extracting the square root of a \"pdMat\" object")
  } else {
    crossprod(pdMatrix(object, factor = TRUE))

###*# Methods for standard generics

as.matrix.pdMat <-
  function(x, ...) pdMatrix(x)

coef.pdMat <-
  function(object, unconstrained = TRUE, ...)
  if (unconstrained || !isInitialized(object)) {
  } else {
    stop("do not know how to obtain constrained coefficients")

"coef<-.pdMat" <-
  function(object, ..., value)
  value <- as.numeric(value)
  if (isInitialized(object)) {
    if (length(value) != length(object)) {
      stop("cannot change the length of the parameter after initialization")
  } else {
    return(pdConstruct(object, value))
  class(value) <- class(object)
  attributes(value) <- attributes(object)

Dim.pdMat <- function(object, ...)
  if ((val <- length(Names(object))) > 0)
    c(val, val)
  else if (isInitialized(object))
    stop("cannot access the number of columns of uninitialized objects without names")

formula.pdMat <-
  function(x, asList, ...) eval(attr(x, "formula"))

isInitialized.pdMat <- function(object) length(object) > 0

logDet.pdMat <- function(object, ...)
  if (!isInitialized(object))
    stop("cannot extract the log of the determinant from an uninitialized object")
  sum(log(svd.d(pdMatrix(object, factor = TRUE))))

`matrix<-.pdMat` <- function(object, value)
  value <- as.matrix(value)
  ## check for consistency of dimensions when object is initialized
  if (isInitialized(object) && any(dim(value) != Dim(object))) {
    stop("cannot change dimensions on an initialized \"pdMat\" object")
  pdConstruct(object, value)

Names.pdMat <-
  function(object, ...)
  as.character(attr(object, "Dimnames")[[2]])

`Names<-.pdMat` <- function(object, ..., value)
  if (is.null(value)) {
    attr(object, "Dimnames") <- NULL
  } else {
    value <- as.character(value)
    if (length(dn <- Names(object)) == 0) {
      if (isInitialized(object)) {	# object is initialized without names
	if (length(value) != (aux <- Dim(object)[2])) {
            stop(gettextf("Length of names should be %d", aux), domain = NA)
      attr(object, "Dimnames") <- list(value, value)
    if (length(dn) != length(value)) {
        stop(gettextf("Length of names should be %d", length(dn)), domain = NA)
    err <- FALSE
    if (any(noMatch <- is.na(match(value, dn)))) {
      err <- TRUE
      ## checking nlme case
      valueCopy <- value
      indNoMatch <- seq_along(value)[noMatch]
      nam1 <- value[noMatch]            # no matching names
      if (any(wch1 <- (nchar(nam1, "c") > 12))) {
        ## possibly names with .(Intercept) in value
        wch1 <- substring(nam1, nchar(nam1, "c")-10) == "(Intercept)"
        if (any(wch1)) {
          valueCopy[indNoMatch[wch1]] <-
            substring(nam1[wch1], 1, nchar(nam1[wch1], "c") - 12)
          noMatch[wch1] <- FALSE
          indNoMatch <- indNoMatch[!wch1]  # possibly not matched
      if (sum(noMatch) > 0) {
        ## still no matches - try adding .(Intercept)
        valueCopy[indNoMatch] <-
          paste(valueCopy[indNoMatch], "(Intercept)", sep = ".")
      ## try matching modified value
      indMatch <- match(valueCopy, dn)
      if (!any(is.na(indMatch))) {      # all match
        attr(object, "Dimnames") <- list(value, value)
        if ((length(indMatch)) > 1 && any(diff(indMatch) != 1) &&
            isInitialized(object)) { # permutation
          auxMat <- as.matrix(object)[indMatch, indMatch, drop = FALSE]
          dimnames(auxMat) <- list(value, value)
          return(pdConstruct(object, auxMat))
    if (err) {
      stop("names being assigned do not correspond to a permutation of previous names")
    indMatch <- match(value, dn)
    if ((length(indMatch) == 1) || all(diff(indMatch) == 1)) {
    ## must be a permutation of names
    attr(object, "Dimnames") <- list(value, value)
    if (isInitialized(object)) {
      auxMat <- as.matrix(object)[indMatch, indMatch, drop = FALSE]
      dimnames(auxMat) <- list(value, value)
      return(pdConstruct(object, auxMat))

plot.pdMat <-
  function(x, nseg = 50, levels = 1, center = rep(0, length(stdDev)),
	   additional, ...)
  corr <- corMatrix(x)
  stdDev <- attr(corr, "stdDev")
  attr(corr, "stdDev") <- NULL
  assign(".corr", corr)
  assign(".angles", seq(-pi, pi, length = nseg + 1))
  assign(".cosines", cos(.angles))
  nlev <- length(levels)
  dataMat <- array(aperm(outer(rbind(-stdDev, stdDev), levels), c(1, 3, 2)),
		   dim = c(nlev * 2, length(stdDev)),
		   dimnames = list(NULL, names(stdDev)))
  groups <- rep(1:nlev, rep(2, nlev))
  dataMat <- t(t(dataMat) + center)
  if (!missing(additional)) {
    additional <- as.matrix(additional)
    dataMat <- rbind(dataMat, additional)
    groups <- c(groups, rep(0, nrow(additional)))
  splom(~ dataMat, panel = function(x, y, subscripts, groups, ...) {
    groups <- groups[subscripts]	# should be a no-op but
    if (any(g0 <- groups == 0)) {	# plot as points
      panel.xyplot(x[g0], y[g0], ..., type = "p")
    g1 <- groups == 1			# plot the center points
    panel.xyplot(mean(x[g1]), mean(y[g1]), ..., type = "p", pch = 3)
    p <- ncol(.corr)
    laggedCos <- cos(.angles + acos(.corr[round(mean(x[g1])*p + 0.5),
					  round(mean(y[g1])*p + 0.5)]))
    xylist <- lapply(split(data.frame(x = x[!g0], y = y[!g0]), groups[!g0]),
		     function(el, lagged) {
		       if (nrow(el) != 2) {
			 stop("x-y data to splom got botched somehow")
		       sumDif <- array(c(1,1,1,-1)/2, c(2,2)) %*% as.matrix(el)
		       list(x = sumDif[1,1] + .cosines * sumDif[2,1],
			    y = sumDif[1,2] + lagged * sumDif[2,2])
		     }, lagged = laggedCos)
    gg <- rep(seq_along(xylist), rep(length(.angles), length(xylist)))
    panel.superpose(unlist(lapply(xylist, `[[`, "x")),
		    unlist(lapply(xylist, `[[`, "y")),
		    subscripts = seq_along(gg), groups = gg, ..., type = "l")
  }, subscripts = TRUE, groups = groups)

print.pdMat <-
  function(x, ...)
  if (isInitialized(x)) {
    cat("Positive definite matrix structure of class", class(x)[1], "representing\n")
    print(as.matrix(x), ...)
  } else {
    cat("Uninitialized positive definite matrix structure of class ", class(x)[1],
	".\n", sep = "")

str.pdMat <- function(object, ...) {
  if (isInitialized(object)) {
      cat(sQuote(class(object)[1], q=FALSE), "with matrix")
      str(pdMatrix(object), ...)
  } else {
      cat('Uninitialized ',
          paste(paste(sQuote(class(object), q=FALSE), collapse=", ")),
          ": ", deparse(attr(object,"formula")), "\n", sep="")

print.summary.pdMat <-
  function(x, sigma = 1, rdig = 3, Level = NULL, resid = FALSE, ...)
  ## resid = TRUE causes an extra row to be added
  if (!is.list(x)) {
    if (!(is.null(form <- attr(x, "formula")))) {
      cat(paste(" Formula: "))
      if (inherits(form, "formula")) {
        if (!is.null(Level)) { cat( paste( " |", Level ) ) }
      } else {
        if (length(form) == 1) {
          if (!is.null(Level)) { cat( paste( " |", Level ) ) }
        } else {
                             function(el) as.name(deparse(el)))))
          cat("\n Level:", Level)
      cat( "\n" )
    if (ncol(x) == 1) {
      if (resid) {
        print(array(sigma * c(attr(x, "stdDev"), 1), c(1, 2),
                         c(names(attr(x, "stdDev")), "Residual"))), ... )
      } else {
        print(array(sigma * attr(x, "stdDev"), c(1,1),
                    list("StdDev:", names(attr(x, "stdDev")))), ... )
    } else {
      cat(paste(" Structure: ", attr(x, "structName"), "\n", sep = ""))
      if (attr(x, "noCorrelation") | (1 >= (p <- dim(x)[2]))) {
        if (resid) {
          print(array(sigma * c(attr(x, "stdDev"), 1), c(1, p + 1),
                           c(names(attr(x, "stdDev")), "Residual"))), ...)
        } else {
          print(array(sigma * attr(x, "stdDev"), c(1, p),
                      list("StdDev:", names(attr(x, "stdDev")))), ...)
      } else {                          # we essentially do print.correlation here
        ll <- lower.tri(x)
        stdDev <- attr(x, "stdDev")
        x[ll] <- format(round(x[ll], digits = rdig), ...)
        x[!ll] <- ""
        xx <- array("", dim(x),
                    list(names(attr(x, "stdDev")),
                         c("StdDev", "Corr", rep("", p - 2))))
        xx[, 1] <- format(sigma * attr(x, "stdDev"))
        xx[-1, -1] <- x[ -1, -p ]
        if (!is.null(colnames(x))) {
          xx[1, -1] <- abbreviate(colnames(x)[ -p ], minlength = rdig + 3)
        if (resid) {
          x <- array("", dim(xx) + c(1, 0),
                     list(c(rownames(xx), "Residual"), colnames(xx)))
          x[ 1:p, ] <- xx
          x[ , 1 ] <- format(sigma * c(stdDev, 1))
          xx <- x
        print( xx, ..., quote = FALSE )
  } else {				# composite structure
    cat(paste(" Composite Structure: ", attr(x, "structName"), "\n", sep =""))
    elName <- attr(x, "elementName")
    compNames <- names(x)
    for (i in seq_along(x)) {
      cat(paste("\n ", elName, " ", i, ": ", compNames[i], "\n", sep = ""))
      print.summary.pdMat(x[[i]], sigma = sigma, Level = Level,
                          resid = resid && (i == length(x)), ...)

solve.pdMat <-
  function(a, b, ...)
  if (!isInitialized(a)) {
    stop("cannot get the inverse of an uninitialized object")
  matrix(a) <- solve(as.matrix(a))

summary.pdMat <-
  function(object, structName = class(object)[1], noCorrelation = FALSE, ...)
  if (isInitialized(object)) {
    value <- corMatrix(object)
    attr(value, "structName") <- structName
    attr(value, "noCorrelation") <- noCorrelation
    attr(value, "formula") <- formula(object)
    class(value) <- "summary.pdMat"
  } else {

"[.pdMat" <-
  function(x, i, j, drop = TRUE)
  xx <- x
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  if (missing(i)) li <- 0
  else li <- length(i)
  if (missing(j)) lj <- 0
  else lj <- length(j)

  if ((li + lj == 0) ||
      (li == lj) && ((mode(i) == mode(j)) && all(i == j))) {
    drop <- FALSE			# even for a 1 by 1 submatrix,
					# you want it to be a matrix
    pdConstruct(xx, NextMethod())
  } else {

"[<-.pdMat" <-
  function(x, i, j, value)
  xx <- x
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  pdConstruct(xx, NextMethod())

##*## Classes that substitute for (i.e. inherit from) pdMat

###*# pdSymm - a class of general pd matrices

####* Constructor

pdSymm <-
  ## Constructor for the pdSymm class
  function(value = numeric(0), form = NULL, nam = NULL, data = parent.frame())
  object <- numeric(0)
  class(object) <- c("pdSymm", "pdMat")
  pdConstruct(object, value, form, nam, data)

####* Methods for local generics

pdConstruct.pdSymm <-
  function(object, value = numeric(0), form = formula(object),
	   nam = Names(object), data = parent.frame(), ...)
  val <- NextMethod()
  if (length(val) == 0) {               # uninitialized object
    class(val) <- c("pdSymm", "pdMat")

  if (is.matrix(val)) {
    vald <- svd(val, nu = 0)
    object <- vald$v %*% (log(vald$d) * t(vald$v))
    value <- object[row(object) <= col(object)]
    attributes(value) <- attributes(val)[names(attributes(val)) !=  "dim"]
    class(value) <- c("pdSymm", "pdMat")
  Ncol <- round((sqrt(8*length(val) + 1) - 1)/2)
  if (length(val) != round((Ncol * (Ncol + 1))/2)) {
      stop(gettextf("an object of length %d does not match the required parameter size",
                    length(val)), domain = NA)
  class(val) <- c("pdSymm", "pdMat")

pdFactor.pdSymm <-
  Ncol <- round((-1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * length(object))) / 2)
     Factor = double(Ncol * Ncol),

pdMatrix.pdSymm <- function(object, factor = FALSE)
  if (!isInitialized(object))
    stop("cannot extract matrix from an uninitialized object")
  if (factor) {
    Ncol <- Dim(object)[2]
    value <- array(pdFactor(object), c(Ncol, Ncol), attr(object, "Dimnames"))
    attr(value, "logDet") <- sum(log(abs(svd.d(value))))
  } else {

####* Methods for standard generics

coef.pdSymm <-
  function(object, unconstrained = TRUE, ...)
  if (unconstrained || !isInitialized(object)) NextMethod()
  else {				# upper triangular elements
    val <- as.matrix(object)
    aN <- Names(object)
    aN1 <- paste("cov(", aN, sep ="")
    aN2 <- paste(aN, ")", sep ="")
    aNmat <- t(outer(aN1, aN2, paste, sep = ","))
    aNmat[row(aNmat) == col(aNmat)] <- paste("var(",aN,")",sep="")
    val <- val[row(val) <= col(val)]
    names(val) <- aNmat[row(aNmat) <= col(aNmat)]

Dim.pdSymm <-
  function(object, ...)
  if (isInitialized(object)) {
    val <- round((sqrt(8*length(object) + 1) - 1)/2)
    c(val, val)
  } else {

logDet.pdSymm <-
  function(object, ...)
  if (!isInitialized(object)) {
    stop("cannot extract the log of the determinant from an uninitialized object")
  attr(pdMatrix(object, factor = TRUE), "logDet")

solve.pdSymm <-
  function(a, b, ...)
  if (!isInitialized(a)) {
    stop("cannot extract the inverse from an uninitialized object")
  coef(a) <- -coef(a, TRUE)

summary.pdSymm <-
	   structName = "General positive-definite", ...)
  summary.pdMat(object, structName)

### No need to implement other methods as the methods for pdMat
### are sufficient.

###*# pdLogChol - a general positive definite structure parameterized
###   by the non-zero elements of the Cholesky factor with the diagonal
###   elements given in the logarithm scale.

####* Constructor

pdLogChol <-
  ## Constructor for the pdLogChol class
  function(value = numeric(0), form = NULL, nam = NULL, data = parent.frame())
  object <- numeric(0)
  class(object) <- c("pdLogChol", "pdMat")
  pdConstruct(object, value, form, nam, data)

####* Methods for local generics

pdConstruct.pdLogChol <-
  function(object, value = numeric(0), form = formula(object),
	   nam = Names(object), data = parent.frame(), ...)
  val <- pdConstruct.pdMat(object, value, form, nam, data)
  if (length(val) == 0) {               # uninitialized object
    class(val) <- c("pdLogChol", "pdSymm", "pdMat")
  if (is.matrix(val)) {
    value <- c(log(diag(val)), val[row(val) < col(val)])
    attributes(value) <- attributes(val)[names(attributes(val)) != "dim"]
    class(value) <- c("pdLogChol", "pdSymm", "pdMat")
  Ncol <- round((sqrt(8*length(val) + 1) - 1)/2)
  if (length(val) != round((Ncol * (Ncol + 1))/2)) {
      stop(gettextf("an object of length %d does not match a Cholesky factor",
                    length(val)), domain = NA)
  class(val) <- c("pdLogChol", "pdSymm", "pdMat")

pdFactor.pdLogChol <-
  Ncol <- round((-1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * length(object))) / 2)
     Factor = double(Ncol * Ncol),

####* Methods for standard generics

solve.pdLogChol <-
  function(a, b, ...)
  if (!isInitialized(a)) {
    stop("cannot get the inverse of an uninitialized object")
#  Ncol <- (-1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * length(a))) / 2
#  val <- array(.Fortran("dbksl",
# 			as.double(pdFactor(a)),
# 			as.integer(Ncol),
# 			as.integer(Ncol),
# 			val = as.double(diag(Ncol)),
# 			as.integer(Ncol),
# 			integer(1))[["val"]], c(Ncol, Ncol))
#  val <- qr(t(val))$qr
  val <- qr(t(solve(pdMatrix(a, factor = TRUE))))$qr
  val <- sign(diag(val)) * val
  coef(a) <- c(log(diag(val)), val[c(row(val) < col(val))])

summary.pdLogChol <-
  function(object, structName =
           "General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization",
  summary.pdMat(object, structName)

### No need to implement other methods as the methods for pdMat
### are sufficient.

####*# pdChol - a general positive definite structure parameterized by
####   the non-zero elements of the Cholesky factor.

#####* Constructor

#pdChol <-
#  ## Constructor for the pdChol class
#  function(value = numeric(0), form = NULL, nam = NULL, data = parent.frame())
#  object <- numeric(0)
#  class(object) <- c("pdChol", "pdMat")
#  pdConstruct(object, value, form, nam, data)

#####* Methods for local generics

#pdConstruct.pdChol <-
#  function(object, value = numeric(0), form = formula(object),
#	   nam = Names(object), data = parent.frame())
#  val <- pdConstruct.pdMat(object, value, form, nam, data)
#  if (length(val) == 0) {               # uninitialized object
#    class(val) <- c("pdChol", "pdSymm", "pdMat")
#    return(val)
#  }
#  if (is.matrix(val)) {
#    value <- val[row(val) <= col(val)]
#    attributes(value) <- attributes(val)[names(attributes(val)) != "dim"]
#    class(value) <- c("pdChol", "pdSymm", "pdMat")
#    return(value)
#  }
#  Ncol <- round((sqrt(8*length(val) + 1) - 1)/2)
#  if (length(val) != round((Ncol * (Ncol + 1))/2)) {
#    stop(paste("An object of length", length(val),
#	       "does not match a Cholesky factor"))
#  }
#  class(val) <- c("pdChol", "pdSymm", "pdMat")
#  val

#pdFactor.pdChol <-
#  function(object)
#  round(Ncol <- (-1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * length(object))) / 2)
#  .C("Chol_pd",
#     Factor = double(Ncol * Ncol),
#     as.integer(Ncol),
#     as.double(object))$Factor

#####* Methods for standard generics

#solve.pdChol <-
#  function(a, b)
#  if (!isInitialized(a)) {
#    stop("cannot get the inverse of an uninitialized object")
#  }
#  Ncol <- (-1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * length(a))) / 2
#  val <- array(.Fortran("dbksl",
#			as.double(pdFactor(a)),
#			as.integer(Ncol),
#			as.integer(Ncol),
#			val = as.double(diag(Ncol)),
#			as.integer(Ncol),
#			integer(1))[["val"]], c(Ncol, Ncol))
#  coef(a) <-  qr(t(val))$qr[c(row(val) <= col(val))]
#  a

#summary.pdChol <-
#  function(object,
#           structName = "General positive-definite, Cholesky parametrization")
#  summary.pdMat(object, structName)

#### No need to implement other methods as the methods for pdMat
#### are sufficient.

####*# pdSpher - a general positive definite structure parameterized
####   by the non-zero elements of the Cholesky factor with each column
####   represented in spherical coordinates

#####* Constructor

#pdSpher <-
#  ## Constructor for the pdSpher class
#  function(value = numeric(0), form = NULL, nam = NULL, data = parent.frame())
#  object <- numeric(0)
#  class(object) <- c("pdSpher", "pdMat")
#  pdConstruct(object, value, form, nam, data)

#####* Methods for local generics

#pdConstruct.pdSpher <-
#  function(object, value = numeric(0), form = formula(object),
#	   nam = Names(object), data = parent.frame())
#  val <- pdConstruct.pdMat(object, value, form, nam, data)
#  if (length(val) == 0) {			# uninitiliazed object
#    class(val) <- c("pdSpher", "pdSymm", "pdMat")
#    return(val)
#  }
#  if (is.matrix(val)) {
#    Ncol <- dim(val)[2]
#    value <- log(apply(val, FUN = function(x){sqrt(sum(x^2))},2))
#    for(i in (1:Ncol)[-1]) {
#      aux <- acos(val[1:(i-1),i]/sqrt(cumsum(val[i:1,i]^2)[i:2]))
#      value <- c(value, log(aux/(pi - aux)))
#    }
#    attributes(value) <- attributes(val)[names(attributes(val)) != "dim"]
#    class(value) <- c("pdSpher", "pdSymm", "pdMat")
#    return(value)
#  }
#  Ncol <- round((sqrt(8*length(val) + 1) - 1)/2)
#  if (length(val) != round((Ncol * (Ncol + 1))/2)) {
#    stop(paste("An object of length", length(val),
#	       "does not match a Cholesky factor"))
#  }
#  class(val) <- c("pdSpher", "pdSymm", "pdMat")
#  val

#pdFactor.pdSpher <-
#  function(object)
#  round(Ncol <- (-1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * length(object))) / 2)
#  .C("spher_pd",
#     Factor = double(Ncol * Ncol),
#     as.integer(Ncol),
#     as.double(object))$Factor

#####* Methods for standar generics

#summary.pdSpher <-
#  function(object,
#           structName = "General positive-definite, Spherical parametrization")
#  summary.pdMat(object, structName)

####*# pdMatrixLog - a general positive definite structure parameterized
####   by the matrix logarithm.

#####* Constructor

#pdMatrixLog <-
#  ## Constructor for the pdMatrixLog class
#  function(value = numeric(0), form = NULL, nam = NULL, data = parent.frame())
#  object <- numeric(0)
#  class(object) <- c("pdMatrixLog", "pdMat")
#  pdConstruct(object, value, form, nam, data)

#####* Methods for local generics

#pdConstruct.pdMatrixLog <-
#  function(object, value = numeric(0), form = formula(object),
#	   nam = Names(object), data = parent.frame())
#  val <- pdConstruct.pdMat(object, value, form, nam, data)
#  if (length(val) == 0) {               # uninitialized object
#    class(val) <- c("pdMatrixLog", "pdSymm", "pdMat")
#    return(val)
#  }

#  if (is.matrix(val)) {
#    object <- eigen(crossprod(val), symmetric = TRUE)
#    object <- object$vectors %*% (log(object$values) * t(object$vectors))
#    value <- object[row(object) <= col(object)]
#    attributes(value) <- attributes(val)[names(attributes(val)) !=  "dim"]
#    class(value) <- c("pdMatrixLog", "pdSymm", "pdMat")
#    return(value)
#  }
#  Ncol <- round((sqrt(8*length(val) + 1) - 1)/2)
#  if (length(val) != round((Ncol * (Ncol + 1))/2)) {
#    stop(paste("An object of length", length(val),
#	       "does not match the required parameter size"))
#  }
#  class(val) <- c("pdMatrixLog", "pdSymm", "pdMat")
#  val

#pdFactor.pdMatrixLog <-
#  function(object)
#  round(Ncol <- (-1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * length(object))) / 2)
#  .C("matrixLog_pd",
#     Factor = double(Ncol * Ncol),
#     as.integer(Ncol),
#     as.double(object))$Factor

#####* Methods for standard generics

#solve.pdMatrixLog <-
#  function(a, b)
#  if (!isInitialized(a)) {
#    stop("cannot extract the inverse from an uninitialized object")
#  }
#  coef(a) <- -coef(a, TRUE)
#  a

#summary.pdMatrixLog <-
#  function(object,
#	   structName = "General positive-definite")
#  summary.pdMat(object, structName)

#### No need to implement other methods as the methods for pdMat
#### are sufficient.

####*# pdGivens - a general positive definite structure parameterized
####   by the eigenvalues and eigenvectors (as Givens rotations)

#####* Constructor

#pdGivens <-
#  ## Constructor for the pdGivens class
#  function(value = numeric(0), form = NULL, nam = NULL, data = parent.frame())
#  object <- numeric(0)
#  class(object) <- c("pdGivens", "pdMat")
#  pdConstruct(object, value, form, nam, data)

#####* Methods for local generics

#pdConstruct.pdGivens <-
#  function(object, value = numeric(0), form = formula(object),
#	   nam = Names(object), data = parent.frame())
#  val <- pdConstruct.pdMat(object, value, form, nam, data)
#  if (length(val) == 0) {               # uninitiliazed object
#    class(val) <- c("pdGivens", "pdSymm", "pdMat")
#    return(val)
#  }
#  if (is.matrix(val)) {
#    q <- dim(val)[1]
#    aux <-  eigen(crossprod(val), symmetric = TRUE)
#    Q <- aux$vectors
#    values <- aux$values
#    angles <- array(0,q*(q-1)/2)
#    k <- 0
#    for(i in 1:(q-1)) {
#      for(j in ((i+1):q)) {
#	k <- k + 1
#	p <- sqrt(Q[i,i]^2 + Q[j,i]^2)
#	if (p == 0) {
#	  angles[k] <- 0
#	} else {
#	  aux0 <- Q[i,i]/p
#	  aux1 <- Q[j,i]/p
#	  if (aux1 < 0) {
#	    aux0 <- -aux0
#	    aux1 <- -aux1
#	  }
#	  aux <- Q[i,]
#	  angles[k] <- log(acos(aux0)/(pi - acos(aux0)))
#	  Q[i,] <- Q[i,] * aux0 + Q[j,] * aux1
#	  Q[j,] <- Q[j,] * aux0 - aux * aux1
#	}
#      }
#    }
#    value <- c(log(c(values[q], diff(values[q:1]))), angles)
#    attributes(value) <- attributes(val)[names(attributes(val)) != "dim"]
#    class(value) <- c("pdGivens", "pdSymm", "pdMat")
#    return(value)
#  }
#  Ncol <- round((sqrt(8*length(val) + 1) - 1)/2)
#  if (length(val) != round((Ncol * (Ncol + 1))/2)) {
#    stop(paste("An object of length", length(val),
#	       "does not match the required parameter size"))
#  }
#  class(val) <- c("pdGivens", "pdSymm", "pdMat")
#  val

#pdFactor.pdGivens <-
#  function(object)
#  round(Ncol <- (-1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * length(object))) / 2)
#  .C("Givens_pd",
#     Factor = double(Ncol * Ncol),
#     as.integer(Ncol),
#     as.double(object))$Factor

#####* Methods for standard generics

#summary.pdGivens <-
#  function(object,
#	   structName = "General positive-definite, Givens parametrization")
#  summary.pdMat(object, structName)

#### No need to implement other methods as the methods for pdMat
#### are sufficient.

#pdConstruct.pdSymm <- pdConstruct.pdMatrixLog    #default parametrization

####*# pdNatural - a general positive definite structure parameterized
####   by the log of the square root of the diagonal elements and the
####   generalized logit of the correlations. This is NOT an unrestricted
####   parametrization

####* Constructor

pdNatural <-
  ## Constructor for the pdNatural class
  function(value = numeric(0), form = NULL, nam = NULL, data = parent.frame())
  object <- numeric(0)
  class(object) <- c("pdNatural", "pdMat")
  pdConstruct(object, value, form, nam, data)

####* Methods for local generics

pdConstruct.pdNatural <-
  function(object, value = numeric(0), form = formula(object),
	   nam = Names(object), data = parent.frame(), ...)
  val <- pdConstruct.pdMat(object, value, form, nam, data)
  if (length(val) == 0) {               # uninitiliazed object
    class(val) <- c("pdNatural", "pdMat")
  if (is.matrix(val)) {
    q <- ncol(val)
    if (q > 1) {
      aux <- crossprod(val)
      stdDev <- sqrt(diag(aux))
      aux <- t(aux/stdDev)/stdDev
      aux <- aux[row(aux) > col(aux)]
      value <- c(log(stdDev), log((aux + 1)/(1 - aux)))
    } else {
      value <- log(val)
    attributes(value) <- attributes(val)[names(attributes(val)) != "dim"]
    class(value) <- c("pdNatural", "pdMat")
  Ncol <- round((sqrt(8*length(val) + 1) - 1)/2)
  if (length(val) != round((Ncol * (Ncol + 1))/2)) {
      stop(gettextf("an object of length %d does not match the required parameter size",
                    length(val)), domain = NA)
  class(val) <- c("pdNatural", "pdMat")

pdFactor.pdNatural <-
  Ncol <- round((-1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * length(object))) / 2)
     Factor = double(Ncol * Ncol),

pdMatrix.pdNatural <-
  function(object, factor = FALSE)
  if (!isInitialized(object)) {
    stop("cannot extract matrix from an uninitialized object")
  if (factor) {
    Ncol <- Dim(object)[2]
    value <- array(pdFactor(object), c(Ncol, Ncol), attr(object, "Dimnames"))
    attr(value, "logDet") <- sum(log(diag(value)))
  } else {

####* Methods for standard generics

coef.pdNatural <-
  function(object, unconstrained = TRUE, ...)
  if (unconstrained || !isInitialized(object)) NextMethod()
  else {				# standard deviations and correlations
    Ncol <- round((-1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * length(object))) / 2)
    val <- exp(as.vector(object))
    aux <- val[-(1:Ncol)]
    val[-(1:Ncol)] <- (aux - 1) / (aux + 1)
    aN <- Names(object)
    aNmat <- t(outer(aN, aN, paste, sep = ","))
    names(val) <- c(paste("sd(",aN,")", sep = ""),
		    if (Ncol > 1) {
		      paste("cor(", aNmat[row(aNmat) > col(aNmat)],")",sep="")

Dim.pdNatural <-
  function(object, ...)
  if (isInitialized(object)) {
    val <- round((sqrt(8*length(object) + 1) - 1)/2)
    c(val, val)
  } else {

logDet.pdNatural <-
  function(object, ...)
  if (!isInitialized(object)) {
    stop("cannot extract the log of the determinant from an uninitialized object")
  attr(pdMatrix(object, factor = TRUE), "logDet")

solve.pdNatural <-
  function(a, b, ...)
  if (!isInitialized(a)) {
    stop("cannot get the inverse of an uninitialized object")
  Ncol <- round((-1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * length(a))) / 2)
  if (Ncol > 1) {
#     val <- array(.Fortran("dbksl",
# 			  as.double(pdFactor(a)),
# 			  as.integer(Ncol),
# 			  as.integer(Ncol),
# 			  val = as.double(diag(Ncol)),
# 			  as.integer(Ncol),
# 			  integer(1))[["val"]], c(Ncol, Ncol))
    val <- solve(pdMatrix(a, factor = TRUE))
    val <- val %*% t(val)
    stdDev <- sqrt(diag(val))
    val <- t(val/stdDev)/stdDev
    val <- val[row(val) > col(val)]
    coef(a) <- c(log(stdDev), log((val + 1)/(1 - val)))
  } else {
    coef(a) <- -coef(a)

summary.pdNatural <-
	   structName = "General positive-definite, Natural parametrization",
  summary.pdMat(object, structName)

### No need to implement other methods as the methods for pdMat
### are sufficient.

###*# pdDiag - diagonal structure parameterized by the logarithm of
###   the square root of the diagonal terms.

####* Constructor

pdDiag <-
  ## Constructor for the pdDiag class
  function(value = numeric(0), form = NULL, nam = NULL, data = parent.frame())
  object <- numeric(0)
  class(object) <- c("pdDiag", "pdMat")
  pdConstruct(object, value, form, nam, data)

####* Methods for local generics

corMatrix.pdDiag <-
  function(object, ...)
  val <- diag(length(as.vector(object)))
  attr(val, "stdDev") <- exp(as.vector(object))
  len <- length(as.vector(object))
  if (length(nm <- Names(object)) == 0) {
    nm <- paste("V", 1:len, sep = "")
    dimnames(val) <- list(nm, nm)
  names(attr(val, "stdDev")) <- nm

pdConstruct.pdDiag <-
  function(object, value = numeric(0), form = formula(object),
	   nam = Names(object), data = parent.frame(), ...)
  val <- NextMethod()
  if (length(val) == 0) {               # uninitiliazed object
  if (is.matrix(val)) {			# initialize from a positive definite
#    if (any(value[row(val) != col(val)])) {
#      warning("Initializing matrix is not diagonal")
#    }
    value <- log(diag(crossprod(val)))/2
    attributes(value) <- attributes(val)[names(attributes(val)) != "dim"]
    class(value) <- c("pdDiag", "pdMat")
  if ((aux <- length(Names(val))) > 0) {
    if (aux && (aux != length(val))) {
        stop(gettextf("an object of length %d does not match the required parameter size",
                      length(val)), domain = NA)

pdFactor.pdDiag <-
  diag(exp(as.vector(object)), length(object))

pdMatrix.pdDiag <-
  function(object, factor = FALSE)
  if (!isInitialized(object)) {
    stop("cannot extract the matrix from an uninitialized object")
  len <- length(as.vector(object))
  if (factor) {
    value <- diag(exp(as.vector(object)), len)
    attr(value, "logDet") <- sum(as.vector(object))
  } else {
    value <- diag(exp(2 * as.vector(object)), len)
  dimnames(value) <- attr(object, "Dimnames")

####* Methods for standard generics

coef.pdDiag <-
  function(object, unconstrained = TRUE, ...)
  if (unconstrained) NextMethod()
  else {
    val <- exp(as.vector(object))
    names(val) <- paste("sd(",Names(object),")", sep ="")

Dim.pdDiag <-
  function(object, ...)
  if (isInitialized(object)) {
    val <- length(object)
    c(val, val)
  } else {

logDet.pdDiag <-
  function(object, ...)
  if (!isInitialized(object)) {
    stop("cannot extract the log of the determinant from an uninitialized object")

solve.pdDiag <-
  function(a, b, ...)
  if (!isInitialized(a)) {
    stop("cannot extract the inverse from an uninitialized object")
  coef(a) <- -coef(a, TRUE)

summary.pdDiag <-
  function(object, structName = "Diagonal", ...)
  summary.pdMat(object, structName, noCorrelation = TRUE)

### No need to implement other methods as the "pdMat" methods suffice.

###*# pdIdent: multiple of the identity matrix - the parameter is
###   the log of the multiple.

####* Constructor

pdIdent <-
  ## Constructor for the pdIdent class
  function(value = numeric(0), form = NULL, nam = NULL, data = parent.frame())
  object <- numeric(0)
  class(object) <- c("pdIdent", "pdMat")
  pdConstruct(object, value, form, nam, data)

####* Methods for local generics

corMatrix.pdIdent <-
  function(object, ...)
  if (!isInitialized(object)) {
    stop("cannot extract the matrix from an uninitialized \"pdIdent\" object")
  if (is.null(Ncol <- attr(object, "ncol"))) {
    stop("cannot extract the matrix with uninitialized dimensions")
  val <- diag(nrow = Ncol)
  attr(val, "stdDev") <- rep(exp(as.vector(object)), Ncol)
  if (length(nm <- Names(object)) == 0) {
    nm <- paste("V", 1:Ncol, sep = "")
  dimnames(val) <- list(nm, nm)
  names(attr(val, "stdDev")) <- nm

pdConstruct.pdIdent <-
  function(object, value = numeric(0), form = formula(object),
	   nam = Names(object), data = parent.frame(), ...)
  val <- NextMethod()
  if (length(val) == 0) {			# uninitialized object
    if ((ncol <- length(Names(val))) > 0) {
      attr(val, "ncol") <- ncol
  if (is.matrix(val)) {
#    if (any(val[row(val) != col(val)])) {
#      warning("Initializing pdIdent object from non-diagonal matrix")
#    }
#    if (any(diag(val) != val[1,1])) {
#      warning("Diagonal of initializing matrix is not constant")
#    }
    value <- log(mean(diag(crossprod(val))))/2
    attributes(value) <- attributes(val)[names(attributes(val)) != "dim"]
    attr(value, "ncol") <- dim(val)[2]
    class(value) <- c("pdIdent", "pdMat")
  if (length(val) > 1) {
      stop(gettextf("an object of length %d does not match the required parameter size",
                    length(val)), domain = NA)
  if (((aux <- length(Names(val))) == 0) && is.null(formula(val))) {
    stop("must give names when initializing \"pdIdent\" from parameter without a formula")
  } else {
    attr(val, "ncol") <- aux

pdFactor.pdIdent <-
  exp(as.vector(object)) * diag(attr(object, "ncol"))

pdMatrix.pdIdent <-
  function(object, factor = FALSE)
  if (!isInitialized(object)) {
    stop("cannot extract the matrix from an uninitialized \"pdIdent\" object")
  if (is.null(Ncol <- attr(object, "ncol"))) {
    stop("cannot extract the matrix with uninitialized dimensions")
  value <- diag(Ncol)
  if (factor) {
    value <- exp(as.vector(object)) * value
    attr(value, "logDet") <- Ncol * as.vector(object)
  } else {
    value <- exp(2 * as.vector(object)) * value
  dimnames(value) <- attr(object, "Dimnames")

####* Methods for standard generics

coef.pdIdent <-
  function(object, unconstrained = TRUE, ...)
  if (unconstrained) NextMethod()
  else structure(exp(as.vector(object)),
           names = c(paste("sd(", deparse(formula(object)[[2]]),")",sep = "")))

Dim.pdIdent <-
  function(object, ...)
  if (!is.null(val <- attr(object, "ncol"))) {
    c(val, val)
  } else {
    stop("cannot extract the dimensions")

logDet.pdIdent <-
  function(object, ...)
  attr(object, "ncol") * as.vector(object)

solve.pdIdent <-
  function(a, b, ...)
  if (!isInitialized(a)) {
    stop("cannot extract the inverse from an uninitialized object")
  coef(a) <- -coef(a, TRUE)

summary.pdIdent <-
  function(object, structName = "Multiple of an Identity", ...)
  summary.pdMat(object, structName, noCorrelation = TRUE)

###*# pdCompSymm: Compound symmetry structure

####* Constructor

pdCompSymm <-
  ## Constructor for the pdCompSymm class
  function(value = numeric(0), form = NULL, nam = NULL, data = parent.frame())
  object <- numeric(0)
  class(object) <- c("pdCompSymm", "pdMat")
  pdConstruct(object, value, form, nam, data)

####* Methods for local generics

corMatrix.pdCompSymm <-
  function(object, ...)
  if (!isInitialized(object)) {
    stop("cannot extract the matrix from an uninitialized \"pdCompSymm\" object")
  if (is.null(Ncol <- attr(object, "ncol"))) {
    stop("cannot extract the matrix with uninitialized dimensions")
  obj <- as.vector(object)
  aux <- exp(obj[2])
  aux <- c(exp(2 * obj[1]), (aux - 1/(Ncol - 1))/(aux + 1))
  value <- array(aux[2], c(Ncol, Ncol))
  value[row(value) == col(value)] <- 1
  attr(value, "stdDev") <- rep(exp(obj[1]), Ncol)
  if (length(nm <- Names(object)) == 0) {
    nm <- paste("V", 1:Ncol, sep = "")
    dimnames(value) <- list(nm, nm)
  names(attr(value, "stdDev")) <- nm

pdConstruct.pdCompSymm <-
  function(object, value = numeric(0), form = formula(object),
	   nam = Names(object), data = parent.frame(), ...)
  val <- NextMethod()
  if (length(val) == 0) {                # uninitialized object
    if ((nc <- length(Names(val))) > 0) {
      attr(val, "ncol") <- nc
  if (is.matrix(val)) {
    value <- crossprod(val)
#    if (length(unique(value[row(value) != col(value)])) > 1) {
#      warning("Initializing pdCompSymm object from non-compound symmetry matrix")
#    }
#    if (any(diag(value) != value[1,1])) {
#      warning("Diagonal of initializing matrix is not constant")
#    }
    nc <- dim(value)[2]
    aux <- 1/sqrt(diag(value))
    aux <- aux * t(value * aux)
    if ((aux <- mean(aux[row(aux) != col(aux)])) <= -1/(nc - 1)) {
      aux <- -1/nc
      warning("initializing \"pdCompSymm\" object is not positive definite")
    value <- c(log(mean(diag(value)))/2, log((aux + 1/(nc - 1))/(1 - aux)))
    attributes(value) <- attributes(val)[names(attributes(val)) != "dim"]
    attr(value, "ncol") <- nc
    class(value) <- c("pdCompSymm", "pdMat")
  if (length(val) != 2) {
      stop(gettextf("an object of length %d does not match the required parameter size",
                    length(val)), domain = NA)
  if (((aux <- length(Names(val))) == 0) && is.null(formula(val))) {
    stop("must give names when initializing \"pdCompSymm\" from parameter without a formula")
  } else {
    attr(val, "ncol") <- aux

pdFactor.pdCompSymm <-
  Ncol <- attr(object, "ncol")
     Factor = double(Ncol * Ncol),

pdMatrix.pdCompSymm <-
  function(object, factor = FALSE)
  if (!isInitialized(object)) {
    stop("cannot extract the matrix from an uninitialized \"pdCompSymm\" object")
  if (is.null(Ncol <- attr(object, "ncol"))) {
    stop("cannot extract the matrix with uninitialized dimensions")

  obj <- as.vector(object)
  aux <- exp(obj[2])
  aux <- c(exp(2 * obj[1]), (aux - 1/(Ncol - 1))/(aux + 1))
  if (factor) {
    value <- array(pdFactor(object), c(Ncol, Ncol))
    attr(value, "logDet") <-  Ncol * obj[1] +
      ((Ncol - 1) * log(1 - aux[2]) + log(1 + (Ncol - 1) * aux[2]))/2
  } else {
    value <- array(aux[2], c(Ncol, Ncol))
    value[row(value) == col(value)] <- 1
    value <- aux[1] * value
  dimnames(value) <- attr(object, "Dimnames")

####* Methods for standard generics

coef.pdCompSymm <-
  function(object, unconstrained = TRUE, ...)
  if (unconstrained || !isInitialized(object)) NextMethod()
  else {
    if (is.null(Ncol <- attr(object, "ncol"))) {
      stop("cannot obtain constrained coefficients with uninitialized dimensions")
    val <- as.vector(object)
    aux <- exp(val[2])
    val <- c(exp(val[1]), (aux - 1 / (Ncol - 1)) / (aux + 1))
    names(val) <- c("std. dev", "corr.")

Dim.pdCompSymm <-
  function(object, ...)
  if (!is.null(val <- attr(object, "ncol"))) {
    c(val, val)
  } else {
    stop("cannot extract the dimensions")

logDet.pdCompSymm <-
  function(object, ...)
  attr(pdMatrix(object, factor = TRUE), "logDet")

summary.pdCompSymm <-
  function(object, structName = "Compound Symmetry", ...)
  summary.pdMat(object, structName)

####*# pdBlocked: A blocked variance structure

#####* Constructor

pdBlocked <-
  ## Constructor for the pdBlocked class
  function(value = numeric(0), form = NULL, nam = NULL, data = parent.frame(),
	   pdClass = "pdSymm")
  object <- numeric(0)
  class(object) <- c("pdBlocked", "pdMat")
  pdConstruct(object, value, form, nam, data, pdClass)

####* Methods for local generics

corMatrix.pdBlocked <-
  function(object, ...)
  if (!isInitialized(object)) {
    stop("cannot access the matrix of uninitialized objects")
  if (length(Names(object)) == 0) {
    stop("cannot access the matrix of object without names")
  namesList <- Names(object, TRUE)
  Ncol <- Dim(object)[2]
  value <- array(0, c(Ncol, Ncol), attr(object, "Dimnames"))
  stdDev <- double(Ncol)
  names(stdDev) <- colnames(value)
  for (i in seq_along(object)) {
    aux <- corMatrix(object[[i]])
    value[namesList[[i]], namesList[[i]]] <- as.vector(aux)
    stdDev[namesList[[i]]] <- attr(aux, "stdDev")
  attr(value, "stdDev") <- stdDev

pdConstruct.pdBlocked <-
  function(object, value = numeric(0), form = formula(object, TRUE),
	   nam = Names(object, TRUE), data = parent.frame(),
	   pdClass = "pdSymm", ...)
  if (inherits(value, "pdMat")) {	# constructing from another pdMat
    if (inherits(value, "pdBlocked")) {
      if (length(form) == 0) form <- formula(value, TRUE)
      if (length(nam) == 0) nam <- Names(value, TRUE)
      if (missing(pdClass)) ## somewhat dubious (why keep all? / order?):
          pdClass <- unlist(lapply(value, data.class))
    if (isInitialized(value)) {
      return(pdConstruct(object, as.matrix(value), form, nam, data, pdClass))
    } else {
      return(pdConstruct(object, form = form, nam = nam, data = data,
                         pdClass = pdClass))
  ## checking validity and consistency of form, nam, and pdClass
  if (!is.null(form)) {
    if(!is.list(form)) stop("'form' must be a list")
    nF <- length(form)
  } else {
    nF <- 0

  if (!is.null(nam)) {
    if(!is.list(nam)) stop("'nam' must be a list")
    nN <- length(nam)
    if ((nF > 0) && (nN != nF)) {
      stop("'form' and 'nam' have incompatible lengths")
  } else {
    nN <- 0

  if (!missing(pdClass)) {
    if (!is.character(pdClass)) {
      stop("'pdClass' must be a character vector")
    nP <- length(pdClass)
    if ((nP > 1)) {
      if ((nF > 0) && (nF != nP)) {
	stop("'form' and 'pdClass' have incompatible lengths")
      if ((nN > 0) && (nN != nP)) {
	stop("'nam' and 'pdClass' have incompatible lengths")
  } else {
    nP <- 1

  nB <- max(c(nF, nN, nP))

  oVal <- value
  if (length(value) == 0 || is.matrix(value) || is.numeric(value)) {
    if (nB == 1) {
      stop("LNone of the arguments specify more than one block")
    ## will first do a null initialization when value is a matrix or numeric
    value <- lapply(vector("list", nB), function(el) numeric(0))
  } else {
    if (!is.list(value))
      stop("'object' must be a list when not missing, not a matrix, and not numeric")
    nO <- length(value)
    if ((nB > 1) && (nB != nO)) {
      stop("arguments imply different number of blocks")
    nB <- nO
  if (nP == 1) {
    pdClass <- rep(pdClass, nB)

  object <- vector("list", nB)
  namInterc <- rep(FALSE, nB)
  namCoef <- vector("list", nB)
  for(i in 1:nB) {
    if (is.null(nm <- nam[[i]])) {
      if (is.null(frm <- form[[i]])) {
        if (inherits(value[[i]], "formula")) {
          nm <- Names(getCovariateFormula(value[[i]]))
          if ((length(nm) == 1) && (nm == "(Intercept)") &&
              length(value[[i]]) == 3) {
            ## nlme case with single intercept terms
            nm <-  sapply(splitFormula(getResponseFormula(value[[i]])[[2]],
                                       sep = "+"),
                          function(el) deparse(el[[2]]))
          if (length(value[[i]]) == 3) { # nlme case
            namCoef[[i]] <-
                                  sep = "+"),
                     function(el) deparse(el[[2]]))
      } else {
        if (inherits(frm, "formula")) {
          nm <- Names(getCovariateFormula(frm))
          if ((length(nm) == 1) && (nm == "(Intercept)") &&
              length(frm) == 3) {
            ## nlme case with single intercept terms
            nm <-  sapply(splitFormula(getResponseFormula(frm)[[2]],
                                       sep = "+"),
                          function(el) deparse(el[[2]]))
          if (length(value[[i]]) == 3) { # nlme case
            namCoef[[i]] <-
                                  sep = "+"),
                     function(el) deparse(el[[2]]))
        } else {                        # listForm
          nm <- unique(unlist(lapply(frm,
                                     function(el) {
          if ((length(nm) == 1) && (nm == "(Intercept)") &&
              length(frm[[1]]) == 3) {
            ## nlme case with single intercept terms
            nm <-  sapply(frm, function(el) {
                                  sep = "+"), function(el1) deparse(el1[[2]]))
          namCoef[[i]] <- sapply(frm, function(el) {
                                  sep = "+"), function(el1) deparse(el1[[2]]))
    if (!is.null(nm)) {
      namInterc[i] <- (length(nm) == 1) && (nm == "(Intercept)")
    object[[i]] <- pdMat(value[[i]], form[[i]], nam[[i]], data, pdClass[i])
  if (!all(unlist(lapply(object, inherits, "pdMat")))) {
    stop("all elements in the argument must generate \"pdMat\" objects")
  namesList <- lapply(object, Names)
  lNam <- lengths(namesList)
#  namInterc <- unlist(lapply(namesList,
#                             function(el) {
#                               (length(el) == 1) && (el == "(Intercept)")
#                             }))
  if (!is.null(namCoef[[1]])) {         # nlme case
    namCoef <- unlist(namCoef)
    duplCoef <- unique(namCoef[duplicated(namCoef)])
    if (length(duplCoef) > 0) {
      for(i in 1:nB) {
        wchDupl <- !is.na(match(namesList[[i]], duplCoef))
        if (any(wchDupl)) {
          namesList[[i]][wchDupl] <-
            paste(namesList[[i]][wchDupl], "(Intercept)", sep = ".")
          Names(object[[i]]) <- namesList[[i]]
  if (sum(namInterc) > 1 && (length(unique(lNam[namInterc])) == 1)) {
    stop("cannot have duplicated column names in a \"pdMat\" object")
  if ((sum(namInterc) == length(lNam)) ||
      !any(lNam[!namInterc])) {			# no names
    class(object) <- c("pdBlocked", "pdMat")
    if (is.null(formula(object))) {
      stop("must have formula when no names are given")
    if (length(oVal) && (is.matrix(oVal) || is.numeric(oVal))) {
      stop("must give names when initializing from matrix or parameter")
  } else {
    if (!all(lNam)) {
      stop("all elements must have names when any has names")
    attr(object, "namesList") <- namesList
    allNames <- unlist(namesList)
    if (any(duplicated(allNames))) {
      stop("cannot have duplicated column names in a \"pdMat\" object")
    plen <- unlist(lapply(object, function(el)
			    if (isInitialized(el)) {
			      length(coef(el, TRUE))
			    } else {
			      matrix(el) <- diag(length(Names(el)))
			      length(coef(el, TRUE))
    if (!all(plen)) {
      stop("all elements must have a non-zero size")
    attr(object, "plen") <- plen
    attr(object, "Dimnames") <- list(allNames, allNames)
    class(object) <- c("pdBlocked", "pdMat")

    if (length(oVal) > 0) {
      if (is.matrix(oVal)) {		# initializing from matrix
	matrix(object) <- oVal
      } else if (is.numeric(oVal)){		# initializing from a vector
	coef(object) <- oVal

pdMatrix.pdBlocked <-
  function(object, factor = FALSE)
  if (!isInitialized(object)) {
    stop("cannot access the matrix of uninitialized objects")
  if (length(Names(object)) == 0) {
    stop("cannot access the matrix of object without names")
  namesList <- Names(object, TRUE)
  Ncol <- Dim(object)[2]
  value <- array(0, c(Ncol, Ncol), attr(object, "Dimnames"))
  if (factor) {
    lD <- 0
  for (i in seq_along(object)) {
    aux <- pdMatrix(object[[i]], factor)
    value[namesList[[i]], namesList[[i]]] <- as.vector(aux)
    if (factor) lD <- lD + attr(aux, "logDet")
  if (factor) attr(value, "logDet") <- lD

####* Methods for standard generics

coef.pdBlocked <-
  function(object, unconstrained = TRUE, ...)
  unlist(lapply(object, coef, unconstrained))

"coef<-.pdBlocked" <-
  function(object, ..., value)
  if (is.null(plen <- attr(object, "plen"))) {
    stop("cannot change the parameter when length of parameters is undefined")
  if (length(value) != sum(plen)) {
    stop("cannot change parameter length of initialized \"pdMat\" object")
  ends <- cumsum(plen)
  starts <- 1 + c(0, ends[-length(ends)])
  for (i in seq_along(object)) {
    coef(object[[i]]) <- value[(starts[i]):(ends[i])]

formula.pdBlocked <-
  function(x, asList = TRUE, ...)
  val <- lapply(x, formula)
  isNULL <- unlist(lapply(val, is.null))
  if (all(isNULL)) return(NULL)
  if (any(isNULL)) {
    stop("all elements must have formulas when any has a formula")
  if (asList) return(val)
  isTwoSided <- unlist(lapply(val,
                              function(el) {
                                inherits(el, "listForm")
  if (all(isTwoSided)) {
    ## list of two-sided formulas
    val <- do.call("c", val)
#    for(i in seq(along = object)) {
#      val <- if (inherits(object[[i]], "formula")) list(object[[i]])
#               else object[[i]]
#    }
    class(val) <- "listForm"
  if (any(isTwoSided)) {
    stop("all elements of formula must be list of two-sided formulae or two-sided formulae")
  val <- lapply(val, terms)
  aux <- paste(unlist(lapply(val, function(el) attr(el, "term.labels"))),
	       collapse = "+")
  if (!any(unlist(lapply(val, function(el) attr(el, "intercept"))))) {
    ## no intercept
    aux <- paste(aux, " - 1")
  eval(parse(text = paste("~", aux)))

isInitialized.pdBlocked <-
  all(unlist(lapply(object, isInitialized)))

logDet.pdBlocked <-
  function(object, ...)
  sum(unlist(lapply(object, logDet)))

"matrix<-.pdBlocked" <-
  function(object, value)
  value <- as.matrix(value)
  namesList <- Names(object, TRUE)
  Ncol <- Dim(object)[2]
  dims <- dim(value)
  if (!((dims[1] == dims[2]) && (dims[1] == Ncol))) {
    stop("cannot change the number of columns on an initialized object")
  if (is.null(vNames <- rownames(value))) {
    vNames <- unlist(namesList)
    dimnames(value) <- list(vNames, vNames)
  } else {
    if (!(all(match(unlist(namesList), vNames, nomatch = 0)))) {
      stop("names of object and value must match")
    attr(object, "Dimnames") <- list(vNames, vNames)
  for (i in seq_along(object)) {
    matrix(object[[i]]) <- value[namesList[[i]], namesList[[i]]]

Names.pdBlocked <-
  function(object, asList = FALSE, ...)
  if (asList) attr(object, "namesList")
  else attr(object, "Dimnames")[[2]]

"Names<-.pdBlocked" <-
  function(object, ..., value)
  if (!is.null(Names(object))) NextMethod()
  else {
    ## cannot do anything before initialization of names

pdFactor.pdBlocked <-
  pdMatrix(object, factor = TRUE)

solve.pdBlocked <-
  function(a, b, ...)
  if (!isInitialized(a)) {
    stop("cannot get the inverse of an uninitialized object")
  coef(a) <- unlist(lapply(a, function(el) coef(solve(el), TRUE)))

summary.pdBlocked <-
  function(object, structName = "Blocked", ...)
  value <- lapply(object, summary)
  names(value) <- unlist(lapply(object, function(el) paste(Names(el),
							   collapse = ", ")))
  attr(value, "structName") <- structName
  attr(value, "elementName") <- "Block"
  class(value) <- "summary.pdMat"

"[.pdBlocked" <-
  function(x, i, j, drop = TRUE)
  xx <- x
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  mCall <- match.call()
  mCall[[1]] <- get("[")
  mCall[["x"]] <- x
  mCall[["drop"]] <- drop
  if (length(i) == length(j) && mode(i) == mode(j) && all(i == j)) {
    mCall[["drop"]] <- FALSE		# even for a 1 by 1 submatrix,
					# you want it to be a matrix
    val <- eval(mCall)
    vNames <- colnames(val)
    auxNames <- lapply(Names(xx, TRUE),
		       function(el) {
			 aux <- match(vNames, el)
			 if(any(ok <- !is.na(aux))) el[aux[ok]] # else NULL
    auxWhich <- !vapply(auxNames, is.null, NA)
    if (sum(auxWhich) == 1) {
	pdConstruct(as.list(xx)[auxWhich][[1]], val)
    } else {
	auxNames <- auxNames[auxWhich]
	auxClass <- vapply(xx, function(el) class(el)[1L], "")[auxWhich]
	pdConstruct(xx, val, nam = auxNames, form = NULL, pdClass = auxClass)
  } else {

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