


  mod <- function() {
      tka <- 0.45 ; label("Log Ka")
      tcl <- 1 ; label("Log Cl")
      tv <- 3.45 ; label("Log V")
      eta.ka ~ 0.6
      eta.cl ~ 0.3
      eta.v ~ 0.1
      add.sd <- 0.7
      ka <- exp(tka + eta.ka)
      cl <- exp(tcl + eta.cl)
      v <- exp(tv + eta.v)
      d / dt(depot) <- -ka * depot
      d / dt(center) <- ka * depot - cl / v * center
      ipre <- center / v
      ipre ~ add(add.sd)

  mod2 <- function() {
      tka <- 0.45 ; label("Log Ka")
      tcl <- 1 ; label("Log Cl")
      tv <- 3.45 ; label("Log V")
      eta.ka ~ 0.6
      eta.cl ~ 0.3
      eta.v ~ 0.1
      lnorm.sd <- 0.1
      ka <- exp(tka + eta.ka)
      cl <- exp(tcl + eta.cl)
      v <- exp(tv + eta.v)
      d / dt(depot) <- -ka * depot
      d / dt(center) <- ka * depot - cl / v * center
      ipre <- log(center / v)
      ipre ~ add(lnorm.sd)

  dat <- theo_sd
  dat <- dat[!(dat$TIME == 0 & dat$EVID == 0), ]

  estVal <- function(i, n = tot) {
    .cur <- unlist(ops[i, ])
    .est <- c()
    .mod <- c()
    .doIt <- FALSE
    .addProp <- 0
    .lnorm <- FALSE
    .logitNorm <- FALSE
    .probitNorm <- FALSE
    .trans <- FALSE
    .propT <- FALSE
    .powT <- FALSE
    if (.cur["add"] == "add") {
      .mod <- c(.mod, "add(add.sd)")
      .est <- c(.est, c(add.sd = 0.1))
      .doIt <- TRUE
      .addProp <- 1
    if (.cur["add"] == "lnorm") {
      .mod <- c(.mod, "lnorm(lnorm.sd)")
      .est <- c(.est, c(lnorm.sd = 0.1))
      .doIt <- TRUE
      .addProp <- 1
      .trans <- TRUE
      .lnorm <- TRUE
    if (.cur["add"] == "logitNorm") {
      .mod <- c(.mod, "logitNorm(logit.sd, -0.5, 14)")
      .est <- c(.est, c(logit.sd = 0.1))
      .trans <- TRUE
      .doIt <- TRUE
      .addProp <- 1
      .logitNorm <- TRUE
    if (.cur["add"] == "probitNorm") {
      .mod <- c(.mod, "probitNorm(probit.sd, -0.5, 14)")
      .est <- c(.est, c(probit.sd = 0.1))
      .doIt <- TRUE
      .trans <- TRUE
      .addProp <- 1
      .probitNorm <- TRUE
    if (.cur["prop"] == "prop") {
      .mod <- c(.mod, "prop(prop.sd)")
      .est <- c(.est, c(prop.sd = 0.1))
      .doIt <- TRUE
      if (.addProp == 1) .addProp <- 2
    if (.cur["prop"] == "propT") {
      .mod <- c(.mod, "propT(prop.sd)")
      .est <- c(.est, c(prop.sd = 0.1))
      .doIt <- TRUE
      .propT <- TRUE
      if (.addProp == 1) .addProp <- 2
    if (.cur["prop"] == "pow") {
      .mod <- c(.mod, "pow(pow.sd, pw)")
      .est <- c(.est, c(pow.sd = 0.1, pw = 1))
      .doIt <- TRUE
      if (.addProp == 1) .addProp <- 2
    if (.cur["prop"] == "powT") {
      .mod <- c(.mod, "powT(pow.sd, pw)")
      .est <- c(.est, c(pow.sd = 0.1, pw = 1))
      .doIt <- TRUE
      .powT <- TRUE
      if (.addProp == 1) .addProp <- 2
    if (.cur["tbs"] != "") {
      .mod <- c(.mod, paste0(.cur["tbs"], "(lambda)"))
      .est <- c(.est, c(lambda = 1))
      if (.lnorm) {
        .doIt <- FALSE
      } else if ((.logitNorm | .probitNorm) & .cur["tbs"] == "boxCox") {
        .doIt <- FALSE
      .trans <- TRUE
    if (.addProp <= 1 & .cur["addProp"] == "combined1") {
      .doIt <- FALSE
    if (.doIt && !(.trans) && (.propT || .powT)) {
      .doIt <- FALSE
    if (.doIt) {
      ctl1 <- saemControl(print=0, nEm = n, nBurn = n, logLik = TRUE, addProp = .cur["addProp"])
      mod2 <- eval(parse(text = paste0(
        "mod %>% model(ipre~", paste(.mod, collapse = "+"), ") %>% ",
        gsub("c[(]", "ini(", deparse1(.est))
      v <- nlmixr(mod2, dat, est = "saem", control = ctl1)
      assign("mod2", mod2, globalenv())
      if (!inherits(v, "nlmixr2FitCore")) {
        message(sprintf("bad model at %d", i))
      # saveRDS(v, paste0("test-saem-theo_sd-", i, "-", n, ".rds"))
      .sum <- c(objf = v$objective, v$theta)
      return(invisible(setNames(sapply(.nm, function(x) {
      }), .nm)))
    return(sapply(.nm, function(x) {

  ctl1 <- saemControl(nEm = 5, nBurn = 5, logLik = TRUE, print = 0, addProp = "combined1")
  ctl2 <- saemControl(nEm = 5, nBurn = 5, logLik = TRUE, print = 0, addProp = "combined2")

  ## tot <- 250
  tot <- 15

  ops <- expand.grid(
    add = c("", "add", "lnorm", "logitNorm", "probitNorm"), prop = c("", "prop", "pow", "powT", "propT"),
    tbs = c("", "yeoJohnson", "boxCox"), addProp = c("combined1", "combined2"),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  ops$id <- seq_along(ops$add)

  .nm <- c("objf", "tka", "tcl", "tv", "lnorm.sd", "logit.sd", "probit.sd", "add.sd", "pow.sd", "pw", "lambda")

  ## estVal(117)

  v <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(lapply(seq_along(ops$add), estVal)))

  m <- t(matrix(unlist(v), length(.nm), length(v)))
  dimnames(m) <- list(NULL, .nm)
  val <- cbind(ops, m)
  val <- val[!is.na(val$objf), ]

  for (.n in .nm) {
    val[, .n] <- round(val[[.n]], 2)

  ##qs::qsave(val, file="test-saem-theo_sd.qs")

  .test <- qs::qread("test-saem-theo_sd.qs")
  for (i in seq_along(.test$add)) {
          "add: ", add,
          " prop: ", prop,
          " tbs: ", tbs,
          " addProp: ", addProp
      ), {
        expect_equal(as.list(val[i, ]),
                     as.list(.test[i, ]),


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nlmixr2est documentation built on Oct. 8, 2023, 9:06 a.m.