
Defines functions clus2norMix llnorMix logLiknorMix par2norMix .par2nM .nM2par nM2par r.norMix lines.norMix plot.norMix qnorMix sub_seq dpnorMix pnorMix rnorMix dnorMixL dnorMix as.function.norMix as.expression.norMix norMix2call sort.norMix print.norMix var.norMix mean.norMix m.norMix is.norMix norMix paste0

Documented in as.expression.norMix as.function.norMix clus2norMix dnorMix dnorMixL dpnorMix is.norMix lines.norMix llnorMix mean.norMix m.norMix nM2par norMix norMix2call par2norMix plot.norMix pnorMix print.norMix qnorMix rnorMix r.norMix sort.norMix var.norMix

##  Copyright (C) 1997-2023 Martin Maechler
##  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
##  (at your option) any later version.
##  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
##  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

####---- Normal Mixtures  "norMix" -------
####---- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ######  -------
#### Object-oriented  S/R - functions for dealing with 1D normal mixtures.
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#### Author: Martin Maechler, 20 Mar 1997
#### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

if(getRversion() < "2.15") paste0 <- function(...) paste(..., sep = '')

norMix <- function(mu, sig2 = rep(1, m), sigma = rep(1, m), w = NULL,
		   name = NULL, long.name = FALSE)
    ## Purpose: Constructor for 'norMix' (normal mixture) objects
    ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Arguments: mu: vector of means;	sig2: vector of	 variances  sigma^2
    ##		w : vector of weights (adding to 1) -- default: equal
    ##		name : name attribute; constructed from (mu,sig2) by default
    ##		long.name : logical used for default \code{name} construction
    ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 20 Mar 97, 14:58

    if(!is.numeric(mu)) stop("'mu' must be numeric!")
    m <- length(mu)
    if(!missing(sig2)) {
            stop("you must not specify both 'sig2' and 'sigma'; the latter is preferred now")
        sigma <- sqrt(sig2)
        .Deprecated(msg =
	 "The use of 'sig2' is deprecated; do specify 'sigma' (= sqrt(sig2)) instead")
    if(length(sigma) == 1) sigma <- rep.int(sigma, m)
    if(length(sigma) != m || !is.numeric(sigma)|| any(sigma <=0))
	stop("'sigma' must be > 0 with same length as 'mu'")
	w <- rep.int(1/m, m)
    else {
	if(length(w) != m || !is.numeric(w) || any(w<0))
	    stop("'w' must be >= 0  with same length as 'mu'")
	s <- sum(w)
	if(abs(s-1) > 10*.Machine$double.eps) w <- w / s
    if(is.null(name)) {
	sformat <- function(v) sapply(v, format, digits=1)
	pPar <- function(pp) {
	    pp <- if(m >= 10) c(sformat(pp[1:9]), "....") else sformat(pp)
		paste0("(", paste(pp,  collapse=","), ")")
		paste(pp, collapse="")
	name <- paste0("NM",format(m),".", pPar(mu), "_", pPar(sigma))
    structure(name = name, class = "norMix",
	      .Data = cbind(mu = mu, sigma = sigma, w = w))

`[.norMix` <- function (x, i, j, drop = TRUE) {
    if(!missing(j) && "sig2" %in% j) { ## back-compatibility hack
        .Deprecated(msg =
	 "The use of 'sig2' is deprecated; do specify 'sigma' (= sqrt(sig2)) instead")
	if(length(j) == 1L) ## return sig2 = sigma^2:
	    if(missing(i)) x[,"sigma", drop=drop]^2 else x[i, "sigma", drop=drop]^2
	    stop("subsetting with 'sig2' together with other columns is no longer allowed; use 'sigma'")
    else if(missing(j) && (nargs() == 3 || !drop)) { ## a ("subset mixture") norMix object:
	r <- NextMethod("[")
	if(!is.matrix(r)) ## e.g. for  x[1, ]
	else {
	    r[,"w"] <- r[,"w"] / sum(r[,"w"]) # renormalize
	    structure(r, class = class(x), name =
		      paste0(attr(x,"name"), "[", deparse(substitute(i), 20)[1L], ",]"))
    else NextMethod("[")

is.norMix <- function(obj)
  ## Purpose: is 'obj' a "norMix", i.e.	 Normal Mixture object ?
  ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 20 Mar 97, 10:38
  inherits(obj, "norMix") &&
  (!is.null(w <- obj[,"w"])) &&
  is.numeric(w) && all(w >= 0) && abs(sum(w)-1) < 1000*.Machine$double.eps

m.norMix <- function(obj) nrow(obj) ##	Number of components of	 normal mixture

mean.norMix <- function(x, ...)
  ## Purpose: Return "true mean", i.e., the expectation of  a normal mixture.
  if(!is.norMix(x)) stop("'x' must be a 'Normal Mixture' object!")
  x <- unclass(x)
  drop(x[,"w"] %*% x[,"mu"])

var.norMix <- function(x, ...)
  ## Purpose: 'true' Variance, i.e. E[(X- E[X])^2]  for X ~ normal mixture.
  if(!is.norMix(x)) stop("'x' must be a 'Normal Mixture' object!")
  x <- unclass(x)
  w <- x[,"w"]
  mj <- x[,"mu"]
  mu <- drop(w %*% mj)
  drop(w %*% (x[,"sigma"]^2 + (mj - mu)^2))

print.norMix <- function(x, ...)
    ## Purpose: print method for  "norMix" objects (normal mixtures)
    ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 20 Mar 97, 10:02
    ox <- x
    has.nam <- !is.null(nam <- attr(x,"name"))
    cat("'Normal Mixture' object",
	if(has.nam) paste("\t ``", nam, "''", sep=''), "\n")
    if(has.nam) attr(x, "name") <- NULL
    cl <- class(x);  cl <- cl[ cl != "norMix"] #- the remaining classes
    class(x) <- if(length(cl) > 0) cl ## else NULL
    NextMethod("print", ...)

sort.norMix <- function(x, decreasing = FALSE, ...) {
    ## sort according to 'mu' (and ensure attributes as "name" are not changed):
    x[] <- x[sort.list(x[,"mu"], decreasing = decreasing, ...) , ]

##' Return a call, e.g., something deriv() can use
norMix2call <- function(obj, oneArg = TRUE) {
  w <- obj[,"w"]; mu <- obj[,"mu"]; sd <- obj[,"sigma"]
  m <- length(w) #-- number of components
  if(oneArg) {
      ex <- substitute(W * dnorm((x - M)/S),
                       list(W = unname(w[1]), M = unname(mu[1]), S = unname(sd[1])))
      for(j in seq_len(m)[-1L]) # j in 2:m,  but empty if(m == 1)
          ex <- substitute(EX + W * dnorm((x - M)/S),
                           list(EX = ex, W = w[j], M = mu[j], S = sd[j]))
  } else {
      ## the first term
      ex <- substitute(W * dnorm(x, mean = M, sd = S),
                       list(W = unname(w[1]), M = unname(mu[1]), S = unname(sd[1])))
      for(j in seq_len(m)[-1L]) # j in 2:m,  but empty if(m == 1)
          ex <- substitute(EX + W * dnorm(x, mean = M, sd = S),
                           list(EX = ex, W = w[j], M = mu[j], S = sd[j]))
  ## return

as.expression.norMix <- function(x, oneArg = TRUE, ...) as.expression(norMix2call(x, oneArg), ...)

as.function.norMix <- function(x, oneArg = TRUE, envir = parent.frame(), ...)
    `body<-`(function(x) {}, envir=envir, value = norMix2call(x, oneArg))

dnorMix <- function(x, obj, log = FALSE)
  ## Purpose: density evaluation for "norMix" objects (normal mixtures)
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: x: numeric; obj: Normal Mixture object
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 20 Mar 97, 10:14
  if(!is.norMix(obj)) {
      ## Old version had (obj, x, ..):
      if(is.norMix(x)) { ## swap the first two arguments
          tmp <- x ; x <- obj; obj <- tmp
          .Deprecated(msg = "Deprecated use of dnorMix(obj, x, ..);
  Either use dnorMixL(), or the new argument order (x, obj, ...) and
  note that dnorMix() returns a numeric vector (not a list).")
      else stop("'obj' must be a 'Normal Mixture' object!")
  w <- obj[,"w"]; mu <- obj[,"mu"]; sd <- obj[,"sigma"]
  m <- length(w) #-- number of components
  if(m == 1)
      return(dnorm(x, mean = mu[1], sd = sd[1], log = log))
  ## else
  y <- numeric(length(x))
  for(j in 1:m)
    y <- y + w[j] * dnorm(x, mean = mu[j], sd = sd[j])
  if(log) log(y) else y

dnorMixL <- function(obj, x = NULL, log = FALSE, xlim = NULL, n = 511)
  ## Purpose: density evaluation for "norMix" objects (normal mixtures)
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: obj: Normal Mixture object;  x:
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 20 Mar 97, 10:14
    stop("'obj' must be a 'Normal Mixture' object!")
  if(is.null(x)) {
    if(is.null(xlim)) ##-- construct "reasonable" abscissa values
      xlim <- mean.norMix(obj) + c(-3,3)*sqrt(var.norMix(obj))
    x <- seq.int(xlim[1], xlim[2], length.out = n)
  list(x = x, y = dnorMix(x, obj, log=log))

rnorMix <- function(n, obj)
    ## Purpose: Generate random numbers according to "norMix" object `obj'
    ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 27 Jun 2002, 16:03
    mu <- obj[,"mu"]
    sd <- obj[,"sigma"]
    if(n == 1) {
	j <- sample(length(mu), size = 1, prob = obj[,"w"])
	rnorm(1, mean = mu[j], sd = sd[j])
    } else {
	nj <- as.vector(rmultinom(n=1, size = n, prob = obj[,"w"]))
	sample(unlist(lapply(seq_along(nj), function(j)
			     rnorm(nj[j], mean = mu[j], sd = sd[j]))))

## From: Erik Jørgensen <Erik.Jorgensen@agrsci.dk>
## Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 02:06:27 +0100
## ....... Please, feel free to use them.
## Erik Jørgensen
## Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences

pnorMix <- function(q, obj, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
    if (!is.norMix(obj)) {
        ## Old version had (obj, q):
        if(is.norMix(q)) { ## swap the first two arguments
            tmp <- q ; q <- obj; obj <- tmp
            .Deprecated(msg =
	    "Deprecated use of pnorMix(obj, q, ..); NEW argument order is (q, obj, ...)")
        else stop("'obj' must be a 'Normal Mixture' object!")
    sd <- obj[,"sigma"]
    ## if log.p just log(.) at the end [to be more accurate, need much more..]
    cc <- if(log.p) function(m) log(c(m)) else c
    ## q can be a vector: -> outer
    cc(pnorm(sweep(outer(q, obj[,"mu"], "-"), 2, sd, "/"),
             lower.tail= lower.tail) %*% obj[, "w"])

dpnorMix <- function(x, obj, lower.tail = TRUE)
    ## Purpose: compute dnorMix() and pnorMix() simultaneously
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Arguments: x: numeric; obj: 'norMix' object
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 3 Jan 2008
    stopifnot (is.norMix(obj))
    obj <- unclass(obj)
    w <- obj[,"w"]; mu <- obj[,"mu"]; sd <- obj[,"sigma"]
    ## This looks smarter, but really is slower :
    ##     z <- sweep(outer(x, obj[,"mu"], "-"), 2, obj[,"sigma"], "/")
    ##     list(d = c(dnorm(z) %*% w),
    ##          p = c(pnorm(z, lower.tail= lower.tail) %*% w))
    m <- length(w) #-- number of components
    d <- p <- numeric(length(x))
    for(j in 1:m) {
        d <- d + w[j] * dnorm(x, mean= mu[j], sd= sd[j])
        p <- p + w[j] * pnorm(x, mean= mu[j], sd= sd[j], lower.tail=lower.tail)
    list(d = d, p = p)

##' <description>
##' <details>
##' @title Sub Sequence, regularly from 1:m
##' @param m integer >= 0 (typically >= M)
##' @param M integer >= 2
##' @return an approximately arithmetic sub-sequence of  1:m   of length <= M
##' @author Martin Maechler
sub_seq <- function(m, M) {
    stopifnot((M1 <- as.integer(M-1L)) >= 1L, length(m <- as.integer(m)) == 1L)
    if(m <= 2) seq_len(m)
    else pmax(1L, pmin(m, unique(as.integer(

qnorMix <-
    function(p, obj, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE,
	     tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, maxiter = 1000, traceRootsearch = 0,
	     method = c("interpQspline", "interpspline", "eachRoot", "root2"),
	     l.interp = pmax(1, pmin(20, 1000 / m)), n.mu.interp = 100)
    ## NOTE: keep defaults consistent with 'uniroot':
  if (!is.norMix(obj)) {
    ## Old version had (obj, p):
    if(is.norMix(p)) { ## swap the first two arguments
      tmp <- p ; p <- obj; obj <- tmp
      .Deprecated(msg =
	"Deprecated use of qnorMix(obj, p, ..); NEW argument order is (p, obj, ...)")
    else stop("'obj' must be a 'Normal Mixture' object!")
  mu <- obj[, "mu"]
  sd <- obj[, "sigma"]
  m <- m.norMix(obj)
  if(m == 1) # one component
      return(qnorm(p, mu, sd, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p))

  ## else

  S <- if(lower.tail) 1 else -1
  ## vectorize in 'p'
  r <- p
  ## Solve the left/right extremes p \in {0 , 1}
  left <- if(log.p) rep(FALSE, length(p)) else p <= 0
  right <- p >= if(log.p) 0 else 1
  r[left] <- -Inf*S ; r[right] <- Inf*S
  imid <- which(mid <- !left & !right) # 0 < p < 1
  if(length(imid)) {
      f.make <- function(p.i) {
	  if(traceRootsearch >= 3)
	      function(l) {
		  p <- pnorMix(l, obj, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)
		  cat(sprintf("p(%-19.16g) = %-19.16g\n", l, p))
		  p - p.i
	      function(l) pnorMix(l, obj, lower.tail=lower.tail,
				  log.p=log.p) - p.i
      outRange <- function(p.i)
	  range(qnorm(p.i, mu, sd, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p))

      ## sort p[] increasingly for easier root finding start:
      p <- sort(p[mid], index.return = TRUE)
      ip <- imid[p$ix]
      pp <- p$x

      hasDup <- any(iDup <- duplicated(pp))
      if(hasDup) {
	  isUniq <- !iDup
	  ## want *strictly* increasing sometimes; save CPU anyway
	  pp <- pp[isUniq]
	  i.pp <- cumsum(isUniq) ## pp[i.pp]  |-->  original pp[]

      np <- length(pp)
      rr <- pp # rr will contain = q..mix(pp, *)

      missMeth <- missing(method)
      method <- {
          if(np <= 2) "eachRoot" ## in any case
          else if(missMeth && m >= 100) "root2" else match.arg(method)
      if(method == "eachRoot") { ## root finding from left to right ...
	  for(i in seq_along(pp)) {
	      ff <- f.make(pp[i])
	      rq <- outRange(pp[i])
	      ## since pp[] is increasing, we can start from last 'root':
	      if(i > 1 && rq[1] < root)
		  rq[1] <- root
	      root <- safeUroot(ff, Sig = S, interval = rq, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter,
                                trace = traceRootsearch)$root
	      rr[i] <- root
      else { ## other 'method's  => np > 2
          rr[1] <- safeUroot(f.make(pp[1]), Sig = S, interval = outRange(pp[1]),
                             tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter,
                             trace = traceRootsearch)$root
          rr[np] <- safeUroot(f.make(pp[np]), Sig = S, interval = outRange(pp[np]),
                              tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter,
                              trace = traceRootsearch)$root
          ni <- length(iDone <- as.integer(c(1,np)))
          if(any(method == c("interpQspline", "interpspline"))) {
              ## reverse interpolate, using relatively fast pnorMix()!
              pp. <- pp[-iDone]
              ## those mu's that are inside our range:
              rXtr <- rr[if(lower.tail) c(1L,np) else c(np,1L)]
              mu. <- unique(sort(mu[rXtr[1] < mu & mu < rXtr[2]]))
              ## l.interp values between each mu
              stopifnot(l.interp >= 1, n.mu.interp > 1)
              ## large m (== length(mu)) would give large k,  and below,
              ## pnorMix() uses outer() --> a matrix of size  m * k * l.interp
              k <- length(qs <- c(rXtr[1L],
                                  mu.[sub_seq(length(mu.), n.mu.interp)],
              qs. <- qs[-k]
              dq <- qs[-1] - qs.    # == delta(qs)
              qi <- c(t(dq %*% t(seq_len(l.interp)/l.interp) + qs.))
              stopifnot(!is.unsorted(qi)) ## << FIXME remove if never triggering
              ppi <- pnorMix(qi, obj, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)

              ## in an extreme case, pnorMix() is horizontal; hence
              ## qnorMix() has practically a discontinuity there.
              ## In that case, splinefun() completely "fails";
              ## we do need  *monotone* (spline) interpolation:
              mySfun <- function(x, y) # {specifying 'ties' also avoids warning}
                  splinefun(x,y, ties=mean.default, method="monoH.FC")
              if(method == "interpspline")
                  qpp <- mySfun(ppi, qi)(pp.) ## is very fast
              else { ## "interpQspline"
                  ## logit() transform the P's --> interpolation is more linear
                  muT <- drop(obj[, "w"] %*% mu)
                  qp. <- qlogis(pp., muT, log.p=log.p)
                  qpp <- mySfun(qlogis(ppi, muT, log.p=log.p), qi)(qp.)

                  warning("Newton steps for 'log.p = TRUE' not yet implemented") ## TODO!
              else {
                  ## now end with a few Newton steps
                  for(k in 1:maxiter) {
                      dp <- dpnorMix(qpp, obj, lower.tail=lower.tail)
                      del.p <- dp$p - pp.
                      ## FIXME?: del.p  may suffer from considerable cancellation
                      relE.f <- abs(del.p)
                      n0 <- relE.f > 0 & pp. > 0
                      relE.f[n0] <- (relE.f/pp.)[n0]
                      ii. <- dp$d > 0 ## & relE.f > tol
                      if(!any(ii.)) {
                          relErr <- mean(relE.f)
                          break         # not converged though
                      ## del.q := Delta(q) =  F(q) / f(q)   or 0 if f(q)=0
                      del.q <- numeric(length(pp.))
                      del.q[ii.] <- S*(del.p/dp$d)[ii.]
                      ## only modify qpp[] where Newton step is ok:
                      ## e.g. resulting qpp must remain increasing
                      while(length(iF <- which(S*diff(qNew <- qpp - del.q) <= 0))) {
                          iF <- c(iF,iF+1L)
                          del.q[iF] <- del.q[iF] / 2
                          if(traceRootsearch) cat(",")
                      qpp[ii.] <- qNew[ii.]
                      relErr <- sum(abs(del.q[ii.])) / sum(abs(qpp[ii.]))
                      if(traceRootsearch) {
                          cat(k,": relE =", formatC(relErr), sep='')
                          if(traceRootsearch >= 2) {
                              cat(" |\n")
                              if(traceRootsearch == 2 || length(qpp) <= 10)
                                  print(summary(del.q / abs(qpp)))
                              else print(del.q / abs(qpp))
                          else cat("\n")
                      if(relErr < tol) break
                  if(relErr >= tol)
                      warning("Newton iterations have not converged")
              rr[-iDone] <- qpp
          else ## method == "root2"
              while(ni < np) {
                  ## not "done";  ni == length(iDone)
                  oi <- iDone
                  i.1 <- oi[-ni]
                  i.2 <- oi[-1]
                  l.new <- i.2 > i.1 + 1L # those "need new"
                  ii <- which(l.new)
                  iN <- (i.1 + i.2 + 1L) %/% 2
                  stopifnot( (i.1 < iN)[ii], (iN < i.2)[ii])
                  if(traceRootsearch) cat("ni new intervals, ni=",ni,"\n")
                  for(j in ii) {
                      ## look in between i.1[j] .. i.2[j]
                      ## NB: we can prove that  i.1[j] < iN[j] < i.2[j]
                      rr[iN[j]] <- safeUroot(f.make(pp[iN [j]]), Sig = S,
                                             lower= rr[i.1[j]],
                                             upper= rr[i.2[j]],
                                             tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter,
                                             trace = traceRootsearch)$root
                  ## update iDone[]:
                  seq_old <- seq_len(ni)
                  ni <- ni + length(ii)
                  iDone <- integer(ni)
                  iDone[seq_old	  + c(0L, cumsum(l.new))] <- oi
                  iDone[seq_along(ii) + ii		] <- iN[ii]
      } ## else { method ..}

      r[ip] <- if(hasDup) rr[i.pp] else rr
  } ## end if(np)
}## end{qnorMix}

plot.norMix <-
    function(x, type = "l", n = 511, xout = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim,
	     xlab = "x", ylab = "f(x)", main = attr(x,"name"), lwd = 1.4,
	     p.norm = !p.comp, p.h0 = TRUE, p.comp = FALSE,
	     parNorm = list(col= 2, lty = 2, lwd = 0.4),
	     parH0   = list(col= 3, lty = 3, lwd = 0.4),
	     parComp = list(col= "blue3", lty = 3, lwd = 0.4),
    ## Purpose: plot method for	 "norMix" objects (normal mixtures)
    ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 20 Mar 1997
    if(!is.null(xlim) && is.null(xout)) ## determine xout
	xout <- seq.int(xlim[1], xlim[2], length.out = n)
    d.o <- dnorMixL(x, x = xout, n = n)
	dn <- dnorm(d.o$x, mean = mean.norMix(x), sd = sqrt(var.norMix(x)))
    if(!is.null(ll <- list(...)[["log"]]) && "y" %in% strsplit(ll,"")[[1]])
	y0 <- max(1e-50, min(d.o$y, if(p.norm) dn))
    else y0 <- 0
    if(missing(ylim) || anyNA(ylim))
	ylim <- c(y0, max(d.o$y, if(p.norm) dn))
    plot(d.o, type = type, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
	 main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, lwd = lwd, ...)
    if(p.norm)	do.call(lines,  c(list(x = d.o$x, y = dn), parNorm))
    if(p.h0)	do.call(abline, c(list(h = 0), parH0))
    if(p.comp) {
        m <- m.norMix(x) #-- number of components
        w <- x[,"w"]; mu <- x[,"mu"]; sd <- x[,"sigma"]
        for(j in 1:m)
                    c(list(x = d.o$x,
                           y = w[j] * dnorm(d.o$x, mean = mu[j], sd = sd[j])),

lines.norMix <-
    function(x, type = "l", n = 511, xout = NULL, lwd = 1.4,
	     p.norm = FALSE, parNorm = list(col = 2, lty = 2, lwd = 0.4), ...)
    ## Purpose: lines method for "norMix" objects (normal mixtures)
    ## -------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 27 Jun 2002, 16:10
    xlim <- if(is.null(xout)) par("usr")[1:2] # else NULL
    d.o <- dnorMixL(x, x = xout, n = n, xlim = xlim)
    lines(d.o, type = type, lwd = lwd, ...)
    if(p.norm) {
	dn <- dnorm(d.o$x, mean = mean.norMix(x), sd = sqrt(var.norMix(x)))
	do.call(lines, c(list(x = d.o$x, y = dn), parNorm))

r.norMix <- function(obj, x = NULL, xlim = NULL, n = 511, xy.return = TRUE)
  ## Purpose: Compute r := f / f0; f = normal mixture; f0 = "best" normal approx
  ## Author : Martin Maechler, Date: 20 Mar 97, 10:14
  if(!is.norMix(obj)) stop("'obj' must be a 'Normal Mixture' object!")
  d.o <- dnorMixL(obj, x, xlim = xlim, n = n)
  dn  <- dnorm(d.o$x, mean = mean.norMix(obj), sd = sqrt(var.norMix(obj)))
  if(xy.return) list(x = d.o$x, y = d.o$y / dn, f0 = dn) else d.o$y / dn

## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
## --> ../man/llnorMix.Rd  for more documentation
##            ~~~~~~~~~~~

nM2par <- function(obj, trafo = c("clr1", "logit"))
    ## Purpose: translate norMix object into our parametrization par.vector
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 17 Dec 2007; "clr1": June 2019
    trafo <- match.arg(trafo)
    w <- switch(trafo,
                "logit" = qlogis(obj[-1L, "w"]),
                ## clr := centered log ratio, by Aitchison (1986), see compositions :: clr
                ## clr1 : *omitting* the first entry
                "clr1"  = { ln <- log(obj[,"w"]); ln[-1L] - mean(ln) },
                stop("invalid 'trafo': ", trafo))
    ## log(sqrt(.)) = log(.)/2
    c(w, obj[,"mu"], log(obj[,"sigma"]))

.nM2par <- function(mu, sigma, trafo, w, check=TRUE)
    ## Purpose: Fast version of nM2par()
    ## -------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 18 Dec 2007
    if(check) stopifnot(length(w) == (p <- length(mu)), length(sigma) == p)
             "logit" = qlogis(w[-1L]),
             "clr1"  =  { ln <- log(w); ln[-1L] - mean(ln) },
             stop("invalid 'trafo': ", trafo)),
      mu, log(sigma))

.par2nM <- function(p, trafo)
    ## Purpose: get (mu, sd, w)  from our parametrization par.vector
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    lp <- length(p)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(p), lp %% 3 == 2)
    m <- (lp + 1L) %/% 3
    m1 <- m - 1L
    names(p) <- NULL # so they are not transferred to mu,...
    mu  <- p[m:(m+m1)]
    sd <- exp(p[(m+m):(m+m+m1)]) ## sigma = exp(tau)
    if(m == 1)
        list(mu=mu, sd=sd, w=1)
    else { ## -- m >= 2
        w <- switch(trafo,
                    "logit" = {
                        pi. <- plogis(p[1:m1]) ## \pi_j = inv_logit(\lambda_j)
                        if((sp <- sum(pi.)) > 1)
                            stop(sprintf("weights sum up to %.3g > 1 !", sp))
                        c(1 - sp, pi.)
                    "clr1"  = {
                        ## clr := centered log ratio, by Aitchison (1986), see compositions :: clr
                        ## clr1 : *omitting* the first entry
                        ## ln <- log(obj[,"w"]); ln[-1L] - mean(ln)
                        pM <- log(2) * .Machine$double.max.exp # = 709.7827 = log(.Machine$double.xmax)
                        p <- p[1:m1]
                        p <- c(-sum(p), p) # = (p_1,..., p_m)
                        if((mp <- max(p)) < pM) { ## normal case
                            sp <- sum(pi. <- exp(p)) # {TODO: exponential sum stable formula}
                        } else { ## extreme case, where exp(.) would overflow
                            kM <- which(p == mp)
                            p <- numeric(m) # all 0, apart from the max. value(s)
                            p[kM] <- 1/length(kM)
                    stop("invalid 'trafo': ", trafo))

        list(mu=mu, sd=sd, w=w)

par2norMix <- function(p, trafo = c("clr1", "logit"),
		       name = sprintf("%s {from %s}",
				      trafo, deparse(substitute(p))[1]))
    ## Purpose: build norMix object from our parametrization par.vector
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 17 Dec 2007
    trafo <- match.arg(trafo)
    force(name) # substitute(..)
    nm <- .par2nM(p, trafo)
	 norMix(mu=mu, sigma = sd, w=w, name = name))

if(FALSE) ## this is not needed and mentioned in help(llnorMix) -- kept here as reminder
logLiknorMix <- function(obj, x) {
    ## Purpose: log-likelihood for 'norMix'
    sum(dnorMix(x, obj, log=TRUE))

llnorMix <- function(p, x, m = (length(p)+1)/3, trafo = c("clr1", "logit"))
    ## Purpose: log-likelihood
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Arguments: p : parameter vector, see below
    ##            x : data vector
    ##            m : number of mixture components
    ##  'p' is particularly parametrized,
    ##	  p = c( lambda_j, mu_j, tau_j)	 where
    ##        depending on 'trafo' (before 2019: only "logit")
    ##        trafo = "clr1" :
    ##		\lambda_j = log(\pi_j) - mean_j'(log(\pi_j')), j=2,..,m
    ##        trafo = "logit" [*the* only option before 2019-06]:
    ##		\lambda_j = logit(\pi_j), j=2,..,m; and \pi_1 := 1- sum_j\pi_j
    ##	    and \tau_j = log(\sigma_j)	such that parameters are unconstrained
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 17 Dec 2007 (for hardwired "logit"); 2019-06
    stopifnot(is.numeric(x), is.numeric(p), !is.matrix(p), 3*m == length(p)+1,
              m == (m. <- as.integer(m)), (m <- m.) >= 1)
    m1 <- m - 1L
    mu	<- p[m:(m+m1)]
    sigma <- exp(p[(m+m):(m+m+m1)]) ## sigma = exp(tau)
    if(m == 1)
	return( sum(dnorm(x, mean = mu[1], sd = sigma[1], log = TRUE)) )

    ## else -- m >= 2
    trafo <- match.arg(trafo)
    w <- switch(trafo,
                "logit" = {
                    pi. <- plogis(p[1:m1]) ## \pi_j = inv_logit(\lambda_j)
                    if((sp <- sum(pi.)) > 1) ## sum{1..K-1} pi[j] > 1
                        return(-Inf) # worst possible value
                    ## as  \pi_1 := 1 - sum_{j=2}^{m} \pi_j :
                    c(1 - sp, pi.)
                "clr1"  = {
                ## clr := centered log ratio, by Aitchison (1986), see compositions :: clr
                ## clr1 : *omitting* the first entry
                    ## ln <- log(obj[,"w"]); ln[-1L] - mean(ln)
                    pM <- log(2) * .Machine$double.max.exp # = 709.7827, exp(pM) = double.xmax
                    p <- p[1:m1]
                    p <- c(-sum(p), p) # = (p_1,..., p_m)
                    pi. <- exp(if((mp <- max(p)) < pM)  ## normal case
                               else ## extreme case, where exp(.) would overflow
                                   p - mp)
                    pi. / sum(pi.)
                stop("invalid 'trafo': ", trafo))

    y <- 0
    for(j in 1:m)
	y <- y + w[j] * dnorm(x, mean = mu[j], sd = sigma[j])
    ## return

clus2norMix <- function(gr, x, name = deparse(sys.call()))
    ## Purpose: "Clustering to normal Mixture"
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Arguments: gr: grouping/clustering vector (in {1,..,K}); possibly factor
    ##		  x : (original) data vector
    ##		name : name for norMix() object; by default constructed
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 31 Dec 2007, 10:24

    if(length(gr) != (n <- length(x)))
	stop("'gr' and 'x' are not of the same length")
    r <- lapply(unname(split(x,gr)), ## << simple version of tapply(x, gr, *)
		function(u){ nk <- length(u); m <- mean(u)
			     list(m, sum((u - m)^2)/(nk-1), nk) })
    n. <- numeric(1)
    norMix(mu	=      vapply(r, `[[`, n., 1L),
	   sigma= sqrt(vapply(r, `[[`, n., 2L)),
	   w	=      vapply(r, `[[`, n., 3L)/n,
	   name = name)

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