
Defines functions npplot.sibandwidth npplot.condbandwidth npplot.conbandwidth npplot.dbandwidth npplot.bandwidth npplot.plbandwidth npplot.scbandwidth npplot.rbandwidth npplot trim.quantiles uocquantile compute.bootstrap.errors.sibandwidth compute.bootstrap.errors.condbandwidth compute.bootstrap.errors.conbandwidth compute.bootstrap.errors.dbandwidth compute.bootstrap.errors.bandwidth compute.bootstrap.errors.plbandwidth compute.bootstrap.errors.scbandwidth compute.bootstrap.errors.rbandwidth compute.bootstrap.errors plotFactor draw.errors draw.error.bars draw.error.bands gen.tflabel gen.label

Documented in npplot npplot.bandwidth npplot.conbandwidth npplot.plbandwidth npplot.rbandwidth npplot.scbandwidth npplot.sibandwidth uocquantile

## the idea is that you have done bandwidth selection
## you just need to supply training data and the bandwidth
## this tool will help you visualize the result

gen.label = function(label, altlabel){
  paste(ifelse(is.null(label), altlabel, label))

gen.tflabel = function(condition, tlabel, flabel){

draw.error.bands = function(ex, ely, ehy, lty = 2){

draw.error.bars = function(ex, ely, ehy, hbar = TRUE, hbarscale = 0.3, lty = 2){
  yy = double(3*length(ex))
  jj = 1:length(ex)*3

  yy[jj-2] = ely
  yy[jj-1] = ehy
  yy[jj] = NA
  xx = double(3*length(ex))
  xx[jj-2] = ex
  xx[jj-1] = ex
  xx[jj] = NA


  if (hbar){
    ## hbars look silly if they are too wide in relation to their height
    ## this only matters in the limit of few points, since that is when
    ## hbardist may get relatively large

    golden = (1+sqrt(5))/2
    hbardist = abs(max(ex) - min(ex))/length(ex)*hbarscale

    yg = abs(yy[jj-2]-yy[jj-1])/golden
    htest = (hbardist >= yg)
    xx[jj-2] = ex - ifelse(htest, yg/2, hbardist/2) 
    xx[jj-1] = ex + ifelse(htest, yg/2, hbardist/2) 
    ty = yy[jj-1]
    yy[jj-1] = yy[jj-2]


    yy[jj-2] = ty
    yy[jj-1] = ty


draw.errors =
  function(ex, ely, ehy,
    if (plot.errors.style == "bar"){
      ei = seq(1,length(ex),length.out = min(length(ex),plot.errors.bar.num))
      draw.error.bars(ex = ex[ei],
                      ely = ely[ei],
                      ehy = ehy[ei],
                      hbar = (plot.errors.bar == "I"),
                      lty = lty)
    } else if (plot.errors.style == "band") {
      draw.error.bands(ex = ex,
                       ely = ely,
                       ehy = ehy,
                       lty = lty)

plotFactor <- function(f, y, ...){
  plot(x = f, y = y, lty = "blank", ...)

  l.f = rep(f, each=3)
  l.f[3*(1:length(f))] = NA

  l.y = unlist(lapply(y, function (p) { c(0,p,NA) }))

  lines(x = l.f, y = l.y, lty = 2)
  points(x = f, y = y)

compute.bootstrap.errors = function(...,bws){

compute.bootstrap.errors.rbandwidth =
  function(xdat, ydat,
    boot.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = dim(exdat)[1], ncol = 3)

    is.inid = plot.errors.boot.method=="inid"

    strf = ifelse(is.inid, "function(data,indices){", "function(tsb){")
    strtx = ifelse(is.inid, "txdat = xdat[indices,],",
      "txdat = tsb[,1:(ncol(tsb)-1),drop=FALSE],")
    strty = ifelse(is.inid, "tydat = ydat[indices],",
      "tydat = tsb[,ncol(tsb)],")
    boofun = eval(parse(text=paste(strf, "npreg(", strtx, strty,
                          "exdat = exdat, bws = bws,",
                          "gradients = gradients)$",
                          ifelse(gradients, "grad[,slice.index]", "mean"), "}", sep="")))

    if (is.inid){
      boot.out = boot(data = data.frame(xdat,ydat), statistic = boofun,
        R = plot.errors.boot.num)
    } else {
      boot.out = tsboot(tseries = data.frame(xdat,ydat), statistic = boofun,
        R = plot.errors.boot.num,
        l = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
        sim = plot.errors.boot.method)

    all.bp <- list()

    if (slice.index > 0 && (bws$xdati$iord | bws$xdati$iuno)[slice.index]){
      boot.frame <- as.data.frame(boot.out$t)
      u.lev <- bws$xdati$all.ulev[[slice.index]]

      ## if we are bootstrapping a factor, there should be one
      ## set of replications for each level
      all.bp$stats <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 5, ncol = length(u.lev))
      all.bp$conf <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 2, ncol = length(u.lev))

      for (i in 1:length(u.lev)){
        t.bp <- boxplot.stats(boot.frame[,i])
        all.bp$stats[,i] <- t.bp$stats
        all.bp$conf[,i] <- t.bp$conf
        all.bp$out <- c(all.bp$out,t.bp$out)
        all.bp$group <- c(all.bp$group, rep.int(i,length(t.bp$out)))
      all.bp$n <- rep.int(plot.errors.boot.num, length(u.lev))
      all.bp$names <- bws$xdati$all.lev[[slice.index]]
    if (plot.errors.type == "standard") {
      boot.err[,1:2] = 2.0*sqrt(diag(cov(boot.out$t)))
    else if (plot.errors.type == "quantiles") {
      boot.err[,1:2] = t(sapply(as.data.frame(boot.out$t),
                function (y) {
                  quantile(y,probs = plot.errors.quantiles)
      boot.err[,1] = boot.out$t0 - boot.err[,1]
      boot.err[,2] = boot.err[,2] - boot.out$t0
    if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")
      boot.err[,3] <- 2*boot.out$t0-colMeans(boot.out$t)
    list(boot.err = boot.err, bxp = all.bp)

compute.bootstrap.errors.scbandwidth =
  function(xdat, ydat, zdat,
           exdat, ezdat,
    miss.z <- missing(zdat)
    boot.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = dim(exdat)[1], ncol = 3)

    is.inid = plot.errors.boot.method=="inid"

    xi <- 1:ncol(xdat)
    yi <- ncol(xdat)+1
    if (!miss.z)
      zi <- yi+1:ncol(zdat)

    strf = ifelse(is.inid, "function(data,indices){", "function(tsb){")
    strtx = ifelse(is.inid, "txdat = xdat[indices,, drop = FALSE],",
      "txdat = tsb[,xi,drop=FALSE],")
    strty = ifelse(is.inid, "tydat = ydat[indices],",
      "tydat = tsb[,yi],")
    strtz <-
      ifelse(miss.z, '',
             ifelse(is.inid, 'tzdat = zdat[indices,, drop = FALSE],',
                    'tzdat = tsb[,zi, drop = FALSE],'))
    boofun = eval(parse(text=paste(strf, "npscoef(", strtx, strty, strtz,
                          "exdat = exdat,", ifelse(miss.z,"", "ezdat = ezdat,"),
                          "bws = bws, iterate = FALSE)$",
                          "mean", "}", sep="")))

    boot.out <-
      eval(parse(text = paste(ifelse(is.inid, 'boot(data = ',
                   'tsboot(tseries ='), 'data.frame(xdat,ydat',
                   ifelse(miss.z,'', ',zdat'),
                   '), statistic = boofun, R = plot.errors.boot.num',
                   ifelse(is.inid,'','l = plot.errors.boot.blocklen, sim = plot.errors.boot.method'),')')))

    all.bp <- list()

    if ((slice.index > 0) && (((slice.index <= ncol(xdat)) && (bws$xdati$iord | bws$xdati$iuno)[slice.index]) ||
                              ((slice.index > ncol(xdat)) && (bws$zdati$iord | bws$zdati$iuno)[slice.index-ncol(xdat)]))) {
      boot.frame <- as.data.frame(boot.out$t)

      if(slice.index <= ncol(xdat))
          u.lev <- bws$xdati$all.ulev[[slice.index]]
          u.lev <- bws$zdati$all.ulev[[slice.index-ncol(xdat)]]

      ## if we are bootstrapping a factor, there should be one
      ## set of replications for each level
      all.bp$stats <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 5, ncol = length(u.lev))
      all.bp$conf <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 2, ncol = length(u.lev))

      for (i in 1:length(u.lev)){
        t.bp <- boxplot.stats(boot.frame[,i])
        all.bp$stats[,i] <- t.bp$stats
        all.bp$conf[,i] <- t.bp$conf
        all.bp$out <- c(all.bp$out,t.bp$out)
        all.bp$group <- c(all.bp$group, rep.int(i,length(t.bp$out)))
      all.bp$n <- rep.int(plot.errors.boot.num, length(u.lev))

      if(slice.index <= ncol(xdat))
          all.bp$names <- bws$xdati$all.lev[[slice.index]]
          all.bp$names <- bws$zdati$all.lev[[slice.index-ncol(xdat)]]
    if (plot.errors.type == "standard") {
      boot.err[,1:2] = 2.0*sqrt(diag(cov(boot.out$t)))
    else if (plot.errors.type == "quantiles") {
      boot.err[,1:2] = t(sapply(as.data.frame(boot.out$t),
                function (y) {
                  quantile(y,probs = plot.errors.quantiles)
      boot.err[,1] = boot.out$t0 - boot.err[,1]
      boot.err[,2] = boot.err[,2] - boot.out$t0
    if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")
      boot.err[,3] <- 2*boot.out$t0-colMeans(boot.out$t)
    list(boot.err = boot.err, bxp = all.bp)

compute.bootstrap.errors.plbandwidth =
  function(xdat, ydat, zdat,
           exdat, ezdat,
    boot.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = dim(exdat)[1], ncol = 3)

    is.inid = plot.errors.boot.method=="inid"

    strf = ifelse(is.inid, "function(data,indices){", "function(tsb){")
    strtx = ifelse(is.inid, "txdat = xdat[indices,],",
      "txdat = tsb[,1:ncol(xdat),drop=FALSE],")
    strty = ifelse(is.inid, "tydat = ydat[indices],",
      "tydat = tsb[,ncol(xdat)+1],")
    strtz = ifelse(is.inid, "tzdat = zdat[indices,],",
      "tzdat = tsb[,(ncol(xdat)+2):ncol(tsb), drop=FALSE],")

    boofun = eval(parse(text=paste(strf, "npplreg(", strtx, strty, strtz,
                          "exdat = exdat, ezdat = ezdat, bws = bws)$mean}", sep="")))

    if (is.inid){
      boot.out = boot(data = data.frame(xdat,ydat,zdat), statistic = boofun,
        R = plot.errors.boot.num)
    } else {
      boot.out = tsboot(tseries = data.frame(xdat,ydat,zdat), statistic = boofun,
        R = plot.errors.boot.num,
        l = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
        sim = plot.errors.boot.method)

    all.bp <- list()

    if (slice.index <= bws$xndim){
      tdati <- bws$xdati
      ti <- slice.index
    } else {
      tdati <- bws$zdati
      ti <- slice.index - bws$xndim
    if (slice.index > 0 && (tdati$iord | tdati$iuno)[ti]){
      boot.frame <- as.data.frame(boot.out$t)
      u.lev <- tdati$all.ulev[[ti]]

      ## if we are bootstrapping a factor, there should be one
      ## set of replications for each level
      all.bp$stats <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 5, ncol = length(u.lev))
      all.bp$conf <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 2, ncol = length(u.lev))

      for (i in 1:length(u.lev)){
        t.bp <- boxplot.stats(boot.frame[,i])
        all.bp$stats[,i] <- t.bp$stats
        all.bp$conf[,i] <- t.bp$conf
        all.bp$out <- c(all.bp$out,t.bp$out)
        all.bp$group <- c(all.bp$group, rep.int(i,length(t.bp$out)))
      all.bp$n <- rep.int(plot.errors.boot.num, length(u.lev))
      all.bp$names <- tdati$all.lev[[ti]]

    if (plot.errors.type == "standard") {
      boot.err[,1:2] = 2.0*sqrt(diag(cov(boot.out$t)))
    else if (plot.errors.type == "quantiles") {
      boot.err[,1:2] = t(sapply(as.data.frame(boot.out$t),
                function (y) {
                  quantile(y,probs = plot.errors.quantiles)
      boot.err[,1] = boot.out$t0 - boot.err[,1]
      boot.err[,2] = boot.err[,2] - boot.out$t0
    if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")
      boot.err[,3] <- 2*boot.out$t0-colMeans(boot.out$t)
    list(boot.err = boot.err, bxp = all.bp)

compute.bootstrap.errors.bandwidth =
    boot.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = dim(exdat)[1], ncol = 3)

    is.inid = plot.errors.boot.method=="inid"

    strf = ifelse(is.inid, "function(data,indices){", "function(tsb){")
    strt = ifelse(is.inid, "tdat = xdat[indices,],",
      "tdat = tsb,")

    boofun = eval(parse(text=paste(strf,
                          ifelse(cdf, "npudist(", "npudens("),
                          "edat = exdat, bws = bws)$",
                          ifelse(cdf, "dist", "dens"),
                          "}", sep="")))

    if (is.inid) {
      boot.out = boot(data = data.frame(xdat), statistic = boofun,
        R = plot.errors.boot.num)
    } else {
      boot.out = tsboot(tseries = data.frame(xdat), statistic = boofun,
        R = plot.errors.boot.num,
        l = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
        sim = plot.errors.boot.method)

    all.bp <- list()

    if (slice.index > 0 && (bws$xdati$iord | bws$xdati$iuno)[slice.index]){
      boot.frame <- as.data.frame(boot.out$t)
      u.lev <- bws$xdati$all.ulev[[slice.index]]

      ## if we are bootstrapping a factor, there should be one
      ## set of replications for each level
      all.bp$stats <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 5, ncol = length(u.lev))
      all.bp$conf <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 2, ncol = length(u.lev))

      for (i in 1:length(u.lev)){
        t.bp <- boxplot.stats(boot.frame[,i])
        all.bp$stats[,i] <- t.bp$stats
        all.bp$conf[,i] <- t.bp$conf
        all.bp$out <- c(all.bp$out,t.bp$out)
        all.bp$group <- c(all.bp$group, rep.int(i,length(t.bp$out)))
      all.bp$n <- rep.int(plot.errors.boot.num, length(u.lev))
      all.bp$names <- bws$xdati$all.lev[[slice.index]]

    if (plot.errors.type == "standard") {
      boot.err[,1:2] = 2.0*sqrt(diag(cov(boot.out$t)))
    else if (plot.errors.type == "quantiles") {
      boot.err[,1:2] = t(sapply(as.data.frame(boot.out$t),
                function (y) {
                  quantile(y,probs = plot.errors.quantiles)
      boot.err[,1] = boot.out$t0 - boot.err[,1]
      boot.err[,2] = boot.err[,2] - boot.out$t0
    if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")
      boot.err[,3] <- 2*boot.out$t0-colMeans(boot.out$t)
    list(boot.err = boot.err, bxp = all.bp)

compute.bootstrap.errors.dbandwidth =
    boot.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = dim(exdat)[1], ncol = 3)

    is.inid = plot.errors.boot.method=="inid"

    strf = ifelse(is.inid, "function(data,indices){", "function(tsb){")
    strt = ifelse(is.inid, "tdat = xdat[indices,],",
      "tdat = tsb,")

    boofun = eval(parse(text=paste(strf, "npudist(",
                          strt, "edat = exdat, bws = bws)$dist}", sep="")))

    if (is.inid) {
      boot.out = boot(data = data.frame(xdat), statistic = boofun,
        R = plot.errors.boot.num)
    } else {
      boot.out = tsboot(tseries = data.frame(xdat), statistic = boofun,
        R = plot.errors.boot.num,
        l = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
        sim = plot.errors.boot.method)

    all.bp <- list()

    if (slice.index > 0 && (bws$xdati$iord | bws$xdati$iuno)[slice.index]){
      boot.frame <- as.data.frame(boot.out$t)
      u.lev <- bws$xdati$all.ulev[[slice.index]]

      ## if we are bootstrapping a factor, there should be one
      ## set of replications for each level
      all.bp$stats <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 5, ncol = length(u.lev))
      all.bp$conf <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 2, ncol = length(u.lev))

      for (i in 1:length(u.lev)){
        t.bp <- boxplot.stats(boot.frame[,i])
        all.bp$stats[,i] <- t.bp$stats
        all.bp$conf[,i] <- t.bp$conf
        all.bp$out <- c(all.bp$out,t.bp$out)
        all.bp$group <- c(all.bp$group, rep.int(i,length(t.bp$out)))
      all.bp$n <- rep.int(plot.errors.boot.num, length(u.lev))
      all.bp$names <- bws$xdati$all.lev[[slice.index]]

    if (plot.errors.type == "standard") {
      boot.err[,1:2] = 2.0*sqrt(diag(cov(boot.out$t)))
    else if (plot.errors.type == "quantiles") {
      boot.err[,1:2] = t(sapply(as.data.frame(boot.out$t),
                function (y) {
                  quantile(y,probs = plot.errors.quantiles)
      boot.err[,1] = boot.out$t0 - boot.err[,1]
      boot.err[,2] = boot.err[,2] - boot.out$t0
    if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")
      boot.err[,3] <- 2*boot.out$t0-colMeans(boot.out$t)
    list(boot.err = boot.err, bxp = all.bp)

compute.bootstrap.errors.conbandwidth =
  function(xdat, ydat,
           exdat, eydat,
    exdat = toFrame(exdat)
    boot.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = dim(exdat)[1], ncol = 3)

    tboo =
      if(quantreg) "quant"
      else if (cdf) "dist"
      else "dens"

    is.inid = plot.errors.boot.method=="inid"

    strf = ifelse(is.inid, "function(data,indices){", "function(tsb){")
    strtx = ifelse(is.inid, "txdat = xdat[indices,],",
      "txdat = tsb[,1:ncol(xdat),drop=FALSE],")
    strty = ifelse(is.inid, "tydat = ydat[indices,],",
      "tydat = tsb[,(ncol(xdat)+1):ncol(tsb), drop=FALSE],")
    boofun = eval(parse(text=paste(strf, 
                                 "quant" = "npqreg(",
                                 "dist" = "npcdist(",
                                 "dens" = "npcdens("),
                          strtx, strty,
                          "exdat = exdat,",
                          ifelse(quantreg, "tau = tau", "eydat = eydat"),
                          ", bws = bws, gradients = gradients)$",
                                 "quant" = ifelse(gradients, "yqgrad[,gradient.index]", "quantile"),
                                 "dist" = ifelse(gradients, "congrad[,gradient.index]", "condist"),
                                 "dens" = ifelse(gradients, "congrad[,gradient.index]", "condens")),
                          "}", sep="")))
    if (is.inid){
      boot.out = boot(data = data.frame(xdat,ydat), statistic = boofun,
        R = plot.errors.boot.num)
    } else {
      boot.out = tsboot(tseries = data.frame(xdat,ydat), statistic = boofun,
        R = plot.errors.boot.num,
        l = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
        sim = plot.errors.boot.method)

    all.bp <- list()

    if (slice.index <= bws$xndim){
      tdati <- bws$xdati
      ti <- slice.index
    } else {
      tdati <- bws$ydati
      ti <- slice.index - bws$xndim
    if (slice.index > 0 && (tdati$iord | tdati$iuno)[ti]){
      boot.frame <- as.data.frame(boot.out$t)
      u.lev <- tdati$all.ulev[[ti]]

      ## if we are bootstrapping a factor, there should be one
      ## set of replications for each level
      all.bp$stats <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 5, ncol = length(u.lev))
      all.bp$conf <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 2, ncol = length(u.lev))

      for (i in 1:length(u.lev)){
        t.bp <- boxplot.stats(boot.frame[,i])
        all.bp$stats[,i] <- t.bp$stats
        all.bp$conf[,i] <- t.bp$conf
        all.bp$out <- c(all.bp$out,t.bp$out)
        all.bp$group <- c(all.bp$group, rep.int(i,length(t.bp$out)))
      all.bp$n <- rep.int(plot.errors.boot.num, length(u.lev))
      all.bp$names <- tdati$all.lev[[ti]]

    if (plot.errors.type == "standard") {
      boot.err[,1:2] = 2.0*sqrt(diag(cov(boot.out$t)))
    else if (plot.errors.type == "quantiles") {
      boot.err[,1:2] = t(sapply(as.data.frame(boot.out$t),
                function (y) {
                  quantile(y,probs = plot.errors.quantiles)
      boot.err[,1] = boot.out$t0 - boot.err[,1]
      boot.err[,2] = boot.err[,2] - boot.out$t0
    if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")
      boot.err[,3] <- 2*boot.out$t0-colMeans(boot.out$t)
    list(boot.err = boot.err, bxp = all.bp)

compute.bootstrap.errors.condbandwidth =
  function(xdat, ydat,
           exdat, eydat,
    exdat = toFrame(exdat)
    boot.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = dim(exdat)[1], ncol = 3)

    tboo =
      if(quantreg) "quant"
      else if (cdf) "dist"
      else "dens"

    is.inid = plot.errors.boot.method=="inid"

    strf = ifelse(is.inid, "function(data,indices){", "function(tsb){")
    strtx = ifelse(is.inid, "txdat = xdat[indices,],",
      "txdat = tsb[,1:ncol(xdat),drop=FALSE],")
    strty = ifelse(is.inid, "tydat = ydat[indices,],",
      "tydat = tsb[,(ncol(xdat)+1):ncol(tsb), drop=FALSE],")
    boofun = eval(parse(text=paste(strf, 
                                 "quant" = "npqreg(",
                                 "dist" = "npcdist(",
                                 "dens" = "npcdens("),
                          strtx, strty,
                          "exdat = exdat,",
                          ifelse(quantreg, "tau = tau", "eydat = eydat"),
                          ", bws = bws, gradients = gradients)$",
                                 "quant" = ifelse(gradients, "yqgrad[,gradient.index]", "quantile"),
                                 "dist" = ifelse(gradients, "congrad[,gradient.index]", "condist"),
                                 "dens" = ifelse(gradients, "congrad[,gradient.index]", "condens")),
                          "}", sep="")))
    if (is.inid){
      boot.out = boot(data = data.frame(xdat,ydat), statistic = boofun,
        R = plot.errors.boot.num)
    } else {
      boot.out = tsboot(tseries = data.frame(xdat,ydat), statistic = boofun,
        R = plot.errors.boot.num,
        l = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
        sim = plot.errors.boot.method)

    all.bp <- list()

    if (slice.index <= bws$xndim){
      tdati <- bws$xdati
      ti <- slice.index
    } else {
      tdati <- bws$ydati
      ti <- slice.index - bws$xndim
    if (slice.index > 0 && (tdati$iord | tdati$iuno)[ti]){
      boot.frame <- as.data.frame(boot.out$t)
      u.lev <- tdati$all.ulev[[ti]]

      ## if we are bootstrapping a factor, there should be one
      ## set of replications for each level
      all.bp$stats <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 5, ncol = length(u.lev))
      all.bp$conf <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 2, ncol = length(u.lev))

      for (i in 1:length(u.lev)){
        t.bp <- boxplot.stats(boot.frame[,i])
        all.bp$stats[,i] <- t.bp$stats
        all.bp$conf[,i] <- t.bp$conf
        all.bp$out <- c(all.bp$out,t.bp$out)
        all.bp$group <- c(all.bp$group, rep.int(i,length(t.bp$out)))
      all.bp$n <- rep.int(plot.errors.boot.num, length(u.lev))
      all.bp$names <- tdati$all.lev[[ti]]

    if (plot.errors.type == "standard") {
      boot.err[,1:2] = 2.0*sqrt(diag(cov(boot.out$t)))
    else if (plot.errors.type == "quantiles") {
      boot.err[,1:2] = t(sapply(as.data.frame(boot.out$t),
                function (y) {
                  quantile(y,probs = plot.errors.quantiles)
      boot.err[,1] = boot.out$t0 - boot.err[,1]
      boot.err[,2] = boot.err[,2] - boot.out$t0
    if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")
      boot.err[,3] <- 2*boot.out$t0-colMeans(boot.out$t)
    list(boot.err = boot.err, bxp = all.bp)

compute.bootstrap.errors.sibandwidth =
  function(xdat, ydat,

    boot.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = nrow(xdat), ncol = 3)

    is.inid = plot.errors.boot.method=="inid"

    strf = ifelse(is.inid, "function(data,indices){", "function(tsb){")
    strtx = ifelse(is.inid, "txdat = xdat[indices,],",
      "txdat = tsb[,1:(ncol(tsb)-1),drop=FALSE],")
    strty = ifelse(is.inid, "tydat = ydat[indices],",
      "tydat = tsb[,ncol(tsb)],")
    ## beta[1] is always 1.0, so use first column of gradients matrix ... 
    boofun = eval(parse(text=paste(strf, "npindex(", strtx, strty,
                          "exdat = xdat, bws = bws,",
                          "gradients = gradients)$",
                          ifelse(gradients, "grad[,1]", "mean"), "}", sep="")))

    if (is.inid){
      boot.out = boot(data = data.frame(xdat,ydat), statistic = boofun,
        R = plot.errors.boot.num)
    } else {
      boot.out = tsboot(tseries = data.frame(xdat,ydat), statistic = boofun,
        R = plot.errors.boot.num,
        l = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
        sim = plot.errors.boot.method)
    if (plot.errors.type == "standard") {
      boot.err[,1:2] = 2.0*sqrt(diag(cov(boot.out$t)))
    else if (plot.errors.type == "quantiles") {
      boot.err[,1:2] = t(sapply(as.data.frame(boot.out$t),
                function (y) {
                  quantile(y,probs = plot.errors.quantiles)
      boot.err[,1] = boot.out$t0 - boot.err[,1]
      boot.err[,2] = boot.err[,2] - boot.out$t0
    if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")
      boot.err[,3] <- 2*boot.out$t0-colMeans(boot.out$t)

uocquantile <- function(x, prob) {
  if(any(prob < 0 | prob > 1)) stop("'prob' outside [0,1]")
  if(any(is.na(x) | is.nan(x))) stop("missing values and NaN's not allowed")
  if (is.ordered(x)){
    tq = unclass(table(x))
    tq = tq / sum(tq)
    tq[length(tq)] <- 1.0
    bscape <- sort(unique(x))
    tq <- sapply(1:length(tq), function(y){ sum(tq[1:y]) })
    j <- sapply(prob, function(p){ which(tq >= p)[1] })
  } else if (is.factor(x)) {
    ## just returns mode
    tq = unclass(table(x))
    j = which(tq == max(tq))[1]
  } else {
    quantile(x, probs = prob)

trim.quantiles <- function(dat, trim){
  if (sign(trim) == sign(-1)){
    trim <- abs(trim)
    tq <- quantile(dat, probs = c(0.0, 0.0+trim, 1.0-trim,1.0))
    tq <- c(2.0*tq[1]-tq[2], 2.0*tq[4]-tq[3])
  else {
    tq <- quantile(dat, probs = c(0.0+trim, 1.0-trim))

npplot <- function(bws = stop("'bws' has not been set"), ..., random.seed = 42){
  ## Save seed prior to setting
  if(exists(".Random.seed", .GlobalEnv)) {
    save.seed <- get(".Random.seed", .GlobalEnv)
    exists.seed = TRUE
  } else {
    exists.seed = FALSE


  ## Restore seed
  on.exit(if(exists.seed) assign(".Random.seed", save.seed, .GlobalEnv))


npplot.rbandwidth <-
           data = NULL,
           xq = 0.5,
           xtrim = 0.0,
           neval = 50,
           common.scale = TRUE,
           perspective = TRUE,
           gradients = FALSE,
           main = NULL,
           type = NULL,
           border = NULL,
           cex.axis = NULL,
           cex.lab = NULL,
           cex.main = NULL,
           cex.sub = NULL,
           col = NULL,
           ylab = NULL,
           xlab = NULL,
           zlab = NULL,
           sub = NULL,
           ylim = NULL,
           xlim = NULL,
           zlim = NULL,
           lty = NULL,
           lwd = NULL,
           theta = 0.0,
           phi = 10.0,
           view = c("rotate","fixed"),
           plot.behavior = c("plot","plot-data","data"),
           plot.errors.method = c("none","bootstrap","asymptotic"),
           plot.errors.boot.num = 399,
           plot.errors.boot.method = c("inid", "fixed", "geom"),
           plot.errors.boot.blocklen = NULL,
           plot.errors.center = c("estimate","bias-corrected"),
           plot.errors.type = c("standard","quantiles"),
           plot.errors.quantiles = c(0.025,0.975),
           plot.errors.style = c("band","bar"),
           plot.errors.bar = c("|","I"),
           plot.errors.bar.num = min(neval,25),
           plot.bxp = FALSE,
           plot.bxp.out = TRUE,
           plot.par.mfrow = TRUE,

        plot.par.mfrow <- options('plot.par.mfrow')$plot.par.mfrow
    miss.xy = c(missing(xdat),missing(ydat))
    if (any(miss.xy) && !all(miss.xy))
      stop("one of, but not both, xdat and ydat was specified")
    else if(all(miss.xy) && !is.null(bws$formula)){
      tt <- terms(bws)
    m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"),
               names(bws$call), nomatch = 0)
    tmf <- bws$call[c(1,m)]
    tmf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    tmf[["formula"]] <- tt
    umf <- tmf <- eval(tmf, envir = environment(tt))

      ydat <- model.response(tmf)
      xdat <- tmf[, attr(attr(tmf, "terms"),"term.labels"), drop = FALSE]
    } else {
      if(all(miss.xy) && !is.null(bws$call)){
        xdat <- data.frame(eval(bws$call[["xdat"]], environment(bws$call)))
        ydat = eval(bws$call[["ydat"]], environment(bws$call))
      ## catch and destroy NA's
      xdat = toFrame(xdat)
      goodrows = 1:dim(xdat)[1]
      rows.omit = attr(na.omit(data.frame(xdat,ydat)), "na.action")
      goodrows[rows.omit] = 0

      if (all(goodrows==0))
        stop("Data has no rows without NAs")

      xdat = xdat[goodrows,,drop = FALSE]
      ydat = ydat[goodrows]

    ## ydat = as.double(ydat)

    xq = double(bws$ndim)+xq
    xtrim = double(bws$ndim)+xtrim

    if (missing(plot.errors.method) &
        any(!missing(plot.errors.boot.num), !missing(plot.errors.boot.method),
      warning(paste("plot.errors.method must be set to 'bootstrap' to use bootstrapping.",
                    "\nProceeding without bootstrapping."))

    plot.behavior = match.arg(plot.behavior)
    plot.errors.method = match.arg(plot.errors.method)
    plot.errors.boot.method = match.arg(plot.errors.boot.method)
    plot.errors.center = match.arg(plot.errors.center)
    plot.errors.type = match.arg(plot.errors.type)
    plot.errors.style = match.arg(plot.errors.style)
    plot.errors.bar = match.arg(plot.errors.bar)

    common.scale = common.scale | (!is.null(ylim))

    if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic") {
      if (plot.errors.type == "quantiles"){
        warning("quantiles cannot be calculated with asymptotics, calculating standard errors")
        plot.errors.type = "standard"

      if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected") {
        warning("no bias corrections can be calculated with asymptotics, centering on estimate")
        plot.errors.center = "estimate"

    if (is.element(plot.errors.boot.method, c("fixed", "geom")) &&
      plot.errors.boot.blocklen = b.star(xdat,round=TRUE)[1,1]    

    plot.errors = (plot.errors.method != "none")

    if ((bws$ncon + bws$nord == 2) & (bws$nuno == 0) & perspective & !gradients &
        !any(xor(bws$xdati$iord, bws$xdati$inumord))){

      view = match.arg(view)
      rotate = (view == "rotate")

      if (is.ordered(xdat[,1])){
        x1.eval = bws$xdati$all.ulev[[1]]
        x1.neval = length(x1.eval)
      } else {
        x1.neval = neval
        qi = trim.quantiles(xdat[,1], xtrim[1])
        x1.eval = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = x1.neval)

      if (is.ordered(xdat[,2])){
        x2.eval = bws$xdati$all.ulev[[2]]
        x2.neval = length(x2.eval)
      } else {
        x2.neval = neval
        qi = trim.quantiles(xdat[,2], xtrim[2])
        x2.eval = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = x2.neval)

      x.eval <- expand.grid(x1.eval, x2.eval)
      if (is.ordered(xdat[,1]))
        x1.eval <- (bws$xdati$all.dlev[[1]])[as.integer(x1.eval)]
      if (is.ordered(xdat[,2]))
        x2.eval <- (bws$xdati$all.dlev[[2]])[as.integer(x2.eval)]

      tobj = npreg(txdat = xdat, tydat = ydat,
        exdat = x.eval, bws = bws)

      terr = matrix(data = tobj$merr, nrow = dim(x.eval)[1], ncol = 3)
      terr[,3] = NA
      treg = matrix(data = tobj$mean,
        nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

      if (plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"){
        terr <- compute.bootstrap.errors(xdat = xdat, ydat = ydat,
          exdat = x.eval,
          gradients = FALSE,
          slice.index = 0,
          plot.errors.boot.method = plot.errors.boot.method,
          plot.errors.boot.blocklen = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
          plot.errors.boot.num = plot.errors.boot.num,
          plot.errors.center = plot.errors.center,
          plot.errors.type = plot.errors.type,
          plot.errors.quantiles = plot.errors.quantiles,
          bws = bws)[["boot.err"]]

        pc = (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")

        lerr = matrix(data = if(pc) {terr[,3]} else {tobj$mean}
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

        herr = matrix(data = if(pc) {terr[,3]} else {tobj$mean}
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

      } else if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic") {
        lerr = matrix(data = tobj$mean - 2.0*tobj$merr,
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

        herr = matrix(data = tobj$mean + 2.0*tobj$merr,
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)


      if(is.null(zlim)) {
          zlim =
              if (plot.errors)
      if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
        r1 = npregression(bws = bws,
          eval = x.eval,
          mean = as.double(treg),
          merr = terr[,1:2],
          ntrain = dim(xdat)[1])
          r1$bias = NA

        if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")
          r1$bias = terr[,3] - treg

        if (plot.behavior == "data")
          return ( list(r1 = r1) )


      dtheta = 5.0
      dphi = 10.0

      persp.col = ifelse(plot.errors, FALSE, ifelse(!is.null(col),col,"lightblue"))
      for (i in 0:((360 %/% dtheta - 1)*rotate)*dtheta+theta){
          if (plot.errors){
                  zlim = zlim,
                  cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                  cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                  cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                  cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                  col = persp.col,
                  border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"grey"),
                  ticktype = "detailed",
                  xlab = "",
                  ylab = "",
                  zlab = "",
                  theta = i,
                  phi = phi,
                  lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd))
            par(new = TRUE)

                zlim = zlim,
                col = persp.col,
                border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"black"),
                ticktype = "detailed",
                cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                cex.lab =  ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                xlab = ifelse(!is.null(xlab),xlab,gen.label(bws$xnames[1], "X1")),
                ylab = ifelse(!is.null(ylab),ylab,gen.label(bws$xnames[2], "X2")),
                zlab = ifelse(!is.null(zlab),zlab,gen.label(bws$ynames,"Conditional Mean")),
                theta = i,
                phi = phi,
                main = gen.tflabel(!is.null(main), main, paste("[theta= ", i,", phi= ", phi,"]", sep="")))

          if (plot.errors){
            par(new = TRUE)
                  zlim = zlim,
                  cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                  cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                  cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                  cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                  col = persp.col,
                  border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"grey"),
                  ticktype = "detailed",
                  xlab = "",
                  ylab = "",
                  zlab = "",
                  theta = i,
                  phi = phi,
                  lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd))


      if (plot.behavior == "plot-data")
        return ( list(r1 = r1) )

    } else {

      if (plot.behavior != "data" && plot.par.mfrow)

      ev = xdat[1,,drop = FALSE]

      for (i in 1:bws$ndim)
        ev[1,i] = uocquantile(xdat[,i], prob=xq[i])

      maxneval = max(c(sapply(xdat,nlevels),neval))

      exdat = as.data.frame(matrix(data = 0, nrow = maxneval, ncol = bws$ndim))

      for (i in 1:bws$ndim)
        exdat[,i] = ev[1,i]
      if (common.scale){
        data.eval = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval, ncol = bws$ndim)
        data.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval, ncol = 3*bws$ndim)
        allei = as.data.frame(matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval, ncol = bws$ndim))
        all.bxp = list()

      plot.out = list()

      temp.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval, ncol = 3)
      temp.mean = replicate(maxneval, NA)

      ## plotting expressions
      plot.bootstrap = plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"
      pfunE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor,
          ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp,"bxp","plotFactor"), "plot"))
      pxE = expression(ifelse(common.scale,
                 ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "z = all.bxp[[i]],", "f = allei[,i],"),
                 "x = allei[,i],"),
                 ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "z = temp.boot,", "f = ei,"), "x = ei,")))

      pyE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "",
          ifelse(common.scale,"y = data.eval[,i],", "y = temp.mean,")))

      pylimE = ifelse(common.scale, "ylim = c(y.min,y.max),",
        ifelse(plot.errors, "ylim = c(min(na.omit(c(temp.mean - temp.err[,1], temp.err[,3] - temp.err[,1]))),
              max(na.omit(c(temp.mean + temp.err[,2], temp.err[,3] + temp.err[,2])))),", ""))

      pxlabE = "xlab = ifelse(!is.null(xlab),xlab,gen.label(bws$xnames[i], paste('X', i, sep = ''))),"
      pylabE = "ylab = ifelse(!is.null(ylab),ylab,paste(ifelse(gradients,
          paste('Gradient Component ', i, ' of', sep=''), ''),
          gen.label(bws$ynames, 'Conditional Mean'))),"

      prestE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor,"", "type = ifelse(!is.null(type),type,'l'), lty = ifelse(!is.null(lty),lty,par()$lty), col = ifelse(!is.null(col),col,par()$col), lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd), cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis), cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab), cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main), cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),"))

      pmainE = "main = ifelse(!is.null(main),main,''), sub = ifelse(!is.null(sub),sub,''),"

      ## error plotting expressions
      plotOnEstimate = (plot.errors.center == "estimate")

      efunE = "draw.errors"
      eexE = expression(ifelse(common.scale, "ex = as.numeric(na.omit(allei[,i])),",
          "ex = as.numeric(na.omit(ei)),"))
      eelyE = expression(ifelse(common.scale,
          ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ely = na.omit(data.eval[,i] - data.err[,3*i-2]),",
                 "ely = na.omit(data.err[,3*i] - data.err[,3*i-2]),"),
          ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ely = na.omit(temp.mean - temp.err[,1]),",
                 "ely = na.omit(temp.err[,3] - temp.err[,1]),")))
      eehyE = expression(ifelse(common.scale,
          ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ehy = na.omit(data.eval[,i] + data.err[,3*i-1]),",
                 "ehy = na.omit(data.err[,3*i] + data.err[,3*i-1]),"),
          ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ehy = na.omit(temp.mean + temp.err[,2]),",
                 "ehy = na.omit(temp.err[,3] + temp.err[,2]),")))

      erestE = "plot.errors.style = ifelse(xi.factor,'bar',plot.errors.style),
                plot.errors.bar = ifelse(xi.factor,'I',plot.errors.bar),
                plot.errors.bar.num = plot.errors.bar.num,
                lty = ifelse(xi.factor,1,2)"

      for (i in 1:bws$ndim){
        temp.err[,] = NA
        temp.mean[] =  NA
        temp.boot = list()

        xi.factor = is.factor(xdat[,i])

        if (xi.factor){
          ei = bws$xdati$all.ulev[[i]]
          xi.neval = length(ei)
        } else {
          xi.neval = neval
          qi = trim.quantiles(xdat[,i], xtrim[i])
          ei = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = neval)

        if (xi.neval < maxneval){
          ei[(xi.neval+1):maxneval] = NA
        tr = npreg(txdat = xdat, tydat = ydat,
          exdat = subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE], bws = bws,
          gradients = gradients)

        temp.mean[1:xi.neval] = if(gradients) tr$grad[,i] else tr$mean

        if (plot.errors){
          if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic")
            temp.err[1:xi.neval,1:2] = replicate(2,2.0*(if(gradients) tr$gerr[,i] else tr$merr))
          else if (plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"){
            temp.boot <- compute.bootstrap.errors(
                      xdat = xdat, ydat = ydat,
                      exdat = subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                      gradients = gradients,
                      slice.index = i,
                      plot.errors.boot.method = plot.errors.boot.method,
                      plot.errors.boot.blocklen = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
                      plot.errors.boot.num = plot.errors.boot.num,
                      plot.errors.center = plot.errors.center,
                      plot.errors.type = plot.errors.type,
                      plot.errors.quantiles = plot.errors.quantiles,
                      bws = bws)
            temp.err[1:xi.neval,] = temp.boot[["boot.err"]]
            temp.boot <- temp.boot[["bxp"]]
            if (!plot.bxp.out){
              temp.boot$out <- numeric()
              temp.boot$group <- integer()
        if (common.scale){
          allei[,i] = ei
          data.eval[,i] = temp.mean
          if (plot.errors){
            all.bxp[i] = NA
            all.bxp[[i]] = temp.boot

            data.err[,c(3*i-2,3*i-1,3*i)] = temp.err
        } else if (plot.behavior != "data") {
          ## plot evaluation
          eval(parse(text = paste(eval(pfunE), "(", eval(pxE), eval(pyE),
                       eval(pylimE), eval(pxlabE), eval(pylabE), eval(prestE),
                       eval(pmainE), ")")))

          ## error plotting evaluation
          if (plot.errors && !(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp)){
            if (!xi.factor && !plotOnEstimate)
              lines(na.omit(ei), na.omit(temp.err[,3]), lty = 3)

            eval(parse(text = paste(eval(efunE), "(", eval(eexE), eval(eelyE),
                         eval(eehyE), eval(erestE), ")")))
        if (plot.behavior != "plot") {
          plot.out[i] = NA
          if (gradients){
            plot.out[[i]] =
              npregression(bws = bws,
                           eval = as.data.frame(subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,]),
                           mean = tr$mean,
                           merr = tr$merr,
                           grad = na.omit(temp.mean),
                           gerr = na.omit(cbind(-temp.err[,1],
                           ntrain = dim(xdat)[1])
            plot.out[[i]]$gbias = na.omit(temp.mean - temp.err[,3])
          } else {
            plot.out[[i]] =
              npregression(bws = bws,
                           eval = as.data.frame(subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,]),
                           mean = na.omit(temp.mean),
                           merr = na.omit(cbind(-temp.err[,1],
                           ntrain = dim(xdat)[1])
            plot.out[[i]]$bias = na.omit(temp.mean - temp.err[,3])
          plot.out[[i]]$bxp = temp.boot
      if (common.scale & (plot.behavior != "data")){
        jj = 1:bws$ndim*3

        if (plot.errors.center == "estimate" | !plot.errors) {
          y.max = max(na.omit(as.double(data.eval)) +
            if (plot.errors) na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj-1]))
            else 0
          y.min = min(na.omit(as.double(data.eval)) -
            if (plot.errors) na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj-2]))
            else 0
        } else if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected") {
          y.max = max(na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj] + data.err[,jj-1])))
          y.min = min(na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj] - data.err[,jj-2])))

          y.min = ylim[1]
          y.max = ylim[2]
        for (i in 1:bws$ndim){
          xi.factor = is.factor(xdat[,i])

          ## plot evaluation
          eval(parse(text = paste(eval(pfunE), "(", eval(pxE), eval(pyE),
                       eval(pylimE), eval(pxlabE), eval(pylabE), eval(prestE),
                       eval(pmainE), ")")))

          ## error plotting evaluation
          if (plot.errors && !(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp)){
            if (!xi.factor && !plotOnEstimate)
              lines(na.omit(allei[,i]), na.omit(data.err[,3*i]), lty = 3)
            eval(parse(text = paste(eval(efunE), "(", eval(eexE), eval(eelyE),
                         eval(eehyE), eval(erestE), ")")))

      if (plot.behavior != "data" && plot.par.mfrow)
      if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
        names(plot.out) =
          if (gradients)
        return (plot.out)


npplot.scbandwidth <-
           zdat = NULL,
           data = NULL,
           xq = 0.5,
           zq = 0.5,
           xtrim = 0.0,
           ztrim = 0.0,
           neval = 50,
           common.scale = TRUE,
           perspective = TRUE,
           gradients = FALSE,
           main = NULL,
           type = NULL,
           border = NULL,
           cex.axis = NULL,
           cex.lab = NULL,
           cex.main = NULL,
           cex.sub = NULL,
           col = NULL,
           ylab = NULL,
           xlab = NULL,
           zlab = NULL,
           sub = NULL,
           ylim = NULL,
           xlim = NULL,
           zlim = NULL,
           lty = NULL,
           lwd = NULL,
           theta = 0.0,
           phi = 10.0,
           view = c("rotate","fixed"),
           plot.behavior = c("plot","plot-data","data"),
           plot.errors.method = c("none","bootstrap","asymptotic"),
           plot.errors.boot.num = 399,
           plot.errors.boot.method = c("inid", "fixed", "geom"),
           plot.errors.boot.blocklen = NULL,
           plot.errors.center = c("estimate","bias-corrected"),
           plot.errors.type = c("standard","quantiles"),
           plot.errors.quantiles = c(0.025,0.975),
           plot.errors.style = c("band","bar"),
           plot.errors.bar = c("|","I"),
           plot.errors.bar.num = min(neval,25),
           plot.bxp = FALSE,
           plot.bxp.out = TRUE,
           plot.par.mfrow = TRUE,

        plot.par.mfrow <- options('plot.par.mfrow')$plot.par.mfrow      

      stop("gradients not supported with smooth coefficient models.")

    miss.xy = c(missing(xdat),missing(ydat))
    miss.z = missing(zdat) & is.null(bws$zdati)
    if (any(miss.xy) && !all(miss.xy))
      stop("one of, but not both, xdat and ydat was specified")
    else if(all(miss.xy) && !is.null(bws$formula)){
      tt <- terms(bws)
      m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"),
                 names(bws$call), nomatch = 0)
      tmf <- bws$call[c(1,m)]
      tmf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
      tmf[["formula"]] <- tt
      umf <- tmf <- eval(tmf, envir = environment(tt))
      ydat <- model.response(tmf)
      xdat <- tmf[, bws$chromoly[[2]], drop = FALSE]
      if (!miss.z)
        zdat <- tmf[, bws$chromoly[[3]], drop = FALSE]
    } else {
      if(all(miss.xy) && !is.null(bws$call)){
        xdat <- data.frame(eval(bws$call[["xdat"]], environment(bws$call)))
        ydat <- eval(bws$call[["ydat"]], environment(bws$call))
        if (!miss.z)
          zdat <- data.frame(eval(bws$call[["zdat"]], environment(bws$call)))
      ## catch and destroy NA's
      xdat = toFrame(xdat)
        zdat <- toFrame(zdat)

      goodrows = 1:dim(xdat)[1]
      rows.omit =
        eval(parse(text = paste("attr(na.omit(data.frame(xdat, ydat",
                     ifelse(miss.z,'',',zdat'),')), "na.action")')))
      attr(na.omit(data.frame(xdat,ydat,zdat)), "na.action")
      goodrows[rows.omit] = 0

      if (all(goodrows==0))
        stop("Data has no rows without NAs")

      xdat = xdat[goodrows,,drop = FALSE]

        zdat <- zdat[goodrows,,drop = FALSE]
      ydat = ydat[goodrows]

    ## ydat = as.double(ydat)

    xq = double(ncol(xdat))+xq
    xtrim = double(ncol(xdat))+xtrim

    if (!miss.z){
      zq = double(ncol(zdat))+zq
      ztrim = double(ncol(zdat))+ztrim

    if (missing(plot.errors.method) &
        any(!missing(plot.errors.boot.num), !missing(plot.errors.boot.method),
      warning(paste("plot.errors.method must be set to 'bootstrap' to use bootstrapping.",
                    "\nProceeding without bootstrapping."))

    plot.behavior = match.arg(plot.behavior)
    plot.errors.method = match.arg(plot.errors.method)
    plot.errors.boot.method = match.arg(plot.errors.boot.method)
    plot.errors.center = match.arg(plot.errors.center)
    plot.errors.type = match.arg(plot.errors.type)
    plot.errors.style = match.arg(plot.errors.style)
    plot.errors.bar = match.arg(plot.errors.bar)

    common.scale = common.scale | (!is.null(ylim))

    if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic") {
      if (plot.errors.type == "quantiles"){
        warning("quantiles cannot be calculated with asymptotics, calculating standard errors")
        plot.errors.type = "standard"

      if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected") {
        warning("no bias corrections can be calculated with asymptotics, centering on estimate")
        plot.errors.center = "estimate"

    if (is.element(plot.errors.boot.method, c("fixed", "geom")) &&
      plot.errors.boot.blocklen = b.star(xdat,round=TRUE)[1,1]

    plot.errors = (plot.errors.method != "none")

    if ((sum(c(bws$xdati$icon, bws$xdati$iord, bws$zdati$icon, bws$zdati$iord))== 2) & (sum(c(bws$xdati$iuno, bws$zdati$iuno)) == 0) & perspective & !gradients &
        !any(xor(c(bws$xdati$iord, bws$zdati$iord), c(bws$xdati$inumord, bws$zdati$inumord)))){

      view = match.arg(view)
      rotate = (view == "rotate")

      if (is.ordered(xdat[,1])){
        x1.eval = bws$xdati$all.ulev[[1]]
        x1.neval = length(x1.eval)
      } else {
        x1.neval = neval
        qi = trim.quantiles(xdat[,1], xtrim[1])
        x1.eval = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = x1.neval)

        tdat <- zdat[,1]
        ti <- 1
        tdati <-  bws$zdati
        ttrim <- ztrim
        x2.names <- bws$znames
      } else {
        tdat <- xdat[,2]
        ti <- 2
        tdati <- bws$xdati
        ttrim <- xtrim
        x2.names <- bws$xnames
      if (is.ordered(tdat)){
        x2.eval = tdati$all.ulev[[ti]]
        x2.neval = length(x2.eval)
      } else {
        x2.neval = neval
        qi = trim.quantiles(tdat, ttrim[ti])
        x2.eval = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = x2.neval)

      x.eval <- expand.grid(x1.eval, x2.eval)
      if (is.ordered(xdat[,1]))
        x1.eval <- (bws$xdati$all.dlev[[1]])[as.integer(x1.eval)]
      if (is.ordered(tdat))
        x2.eval <- (tdati$all.dlev[[ti]])[as.integer(x2.eval)]

      tobj <- eval(parse(text = paste('npscoef(txdat = xdat, tydat = ydat,',
                           ifelse(miss.z,'','tzdat = zdat,'),
                           ifelse(miss.z,'exdat = x.eval,','exdat = x.eval[,1, drop = FALSE], ezdat = x.eval[,2, drop = FALSE],'),
                           'bws = bws, iterate = FALSE, errors = plot.errors)')))

      terr = matrix(data = tobj$merr, nrow = dim(x.eval)[1], ncol = 3)
      terr[,3] = NA
      treg = matrix(data = tobj$mean,
        nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

      if (plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"){
        terr <-
          eval(parse(text = paste(
                       'compute.bootstrap.errors(xdat = xdat, ydat = ydat,',
                       ifelse(miss.z,'','zdat = zdat,'),
                       ifelse(miss.z, 'exdat = x.eval,',
                              'exdat = x.eval[,1, drop = FALSE], ezdat = x.eval[,1, drop = FALSE],'),
                       ' gradients = FALSE, slice.index = 0,',
                       'plot.errors.boot.method = plot.errors.boot.method,',
                       'plot.errors.boot.blocklen = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,',
                       'plot.errors.boot.num = plot.errors.boot.num,',
                       'plot.errors.center = plot.errors.center,',
                       'plot.errors.type = plot.errors.type,',
                       'plot.errors.quantiles = plot.errors.quantiles,',
                       'bws = bws)[["boot.err"]]')))

        pc = (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")

        lerr = matrix(data = if(pc) {terr[,3]} else {tobj$mean}
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

        herr = matrix(data = if(pc) {terr[,3]} else {tobj$mean}
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

      } else if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic") {
        lerr = matrix(data = tobj$mean - 2.0*tobj$merr,
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

        herr = matrix(data = tobj$mean + 2.0*tobj$merr,
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)


      if(is.null(zlim)) {
          zlim =
              if (plot.errors)
      if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
        r1 <-
          eval(parse(text = paste("smoothcoefficient(bws = bws,",
                       ifelse(miss.z, "eval = x.eval,", "eval = list(exdat = x.eval[,1, drop = FALSE], ezdat = x.eval[,2, drop = FALSE])"),
                       "mean = as.double(treg),",
                       "merr = terr[,1:2],",
                       "ntrain = dim(xdat)[1])")))
        r1$bias = NA

        if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")
          r1$bias = terr[,3] - treg

        if (plot.behavior == "data")
          return ( list(r1 = r1) )


      dtheta = 5.0
      dphi = 10.0

      persp.col = ifelse(plot.errors, FALSE, ifelse(!is.null(col),col,"lightblue"))
      ##for (j in 0:((50 %/% dphi - 1)*rotate)*dphi+phi){
        for (i in 0:((360 %/% dtheta - 1)*rotate)*dtheta+theta){
          if (plot.errors){
                  zlim = zlim,
                  cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                  cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                  cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                  cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                  col = persp.col,
                  border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"grey"),
                  ticktype = "detailed",
                  xlab = "",
                  ylab = "",
                  zlab = "",
                  theta = i,
                  phi = phi,
                  lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd))
            par(new = TRUE)

                zlim = zlim,
                col = persp.col,
                border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"black"),
                ticktype = "detailed",
                cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                cex.lab =  ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                xlab = ifelse(!is.null(xlab),xlab,gen.label(bws$xnames[1], "X1")),
                ylab = ifelse(!is.null(ylab),ylab,gen.label(x2.names[1], "X2")),
                zlab = ifelse(!is.null(zlab),zlab,gen.label(bws$ynames,"Conditional Mean")),
                theta = i,
                phi = phi,
                main = gen.tflabel(!is.null(main), main, paste("[theta= ", i,", phi= ", phi,"]", sep="")))

          if (plot.errors){
            par(new = TRUE)
                  zlim = zlim,
                  cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                  cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                  cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                  cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                  col = persp.col,
                  border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"grey"),
                  ticktype = "detailed",
                  xlab = "",
                  ylab = "",
                  zlab = "",
                  theta = i,
                  phi = phi,
                  lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd))


      if (plot.behavior == "plot-data")
        return ( list(r1 = r1) )

    } else {

      tot.dim <- (bws$xndim <- length(bws$xdati$icon)) + (bws$zndim <- length(bws$zdati$icon))

      if (plot.behavior != "data" && plot.par.mfrow)

      maxneval = max(c(sapply(xdat,nlevels), unlist(sapply(zdat,nlevels)), neval))
      all.isFactor = c(sapply(xdat, is.factor), unlist(sapply(zdat, is.factor)))
      x.ev = xdat[1,,drop = FALSE]

      for (i in 1:bws$xndim)
        x.ev[1,i] = uocquantile(xdat[,i], prob=xq[i])

      exdat = as.data.frame(matrix(data = 0, nrow = maxneval, ncol = bws$xndim))

      for (i in 1:bws$xndim)
        exdat[,i] = x.ev[1,i]

      if (!miss.z){
        z.ev = zdat[1,,drop = FALSE]
        for (i in 1:bws$zndim)
          z.ev[1,i] = uocquantile(zdat[,i], prob=zq[i])

        ezdat = as.data.frame(matrix(data = 0, nrow = maxneval, ncol = bws$zndim))

        for (i in 1:bws$zndim)
          ezdat[,i] = z.ev[1,i]


      if (common.scale){
        data.eval = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval,
          ncol = tot.dim)
        data.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval,
          ncol = 3*tot.dim)

        allei = as.data.frame(matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval,
          ncol = tot.dim))

        all.bxp = list()

      plot.out = list()

      temp.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval, ncol = 3)
      temp.mean = replicate(maxneval, NA)

      ## plotting expressions
      plot.bootstrap = plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"
      pfunE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor,
          ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp,"bxp","plotFactor"), "plot"))
      pxE = expression(ifelse(common.scale,
                 ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "all.bxp[[plot.index]],",
                        "f = allei[,plot.index],"),
                 "x = allei[,plot.index],"),
                 ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "z = temp.boot,", "f = ei,"),
                 "x = ei,")))

      pyE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "",
          ifelse(common.scale,"y = data.eval[,plot.index],", "y = temp.mean,")))

      pylimE = ifelse(common.scale, "ylim = c(y.min,y.max),",
        ifelse(plot.errors, "ylim = c(min(na.omit(c(temp.mean - temp.err[,1], temp.err[,3] - temp.err[,1]))),
              max(na.omit(c(temp.mean + temp.err[,2], temp.err[,3] + temp.err[,2])))),", ""))

      pxlabE = expression(paste("xlab = gen.label(bws$",
          xOrZ, "names[i], paste('", toupper(xOrZ),"', i, sep = '')),",sep=''))

      pylabE = "ylab = paste(ifelse(gradients,
          paste('Gradient Component ', i, ' of', sep=''), ''),
          gen.label(bws$ynames, 'Conditional Mean')),"

      prestE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor,"", "type = ifelse(!is.null(type),type,'l'), lty = ifelse(!is.null(lty),lty,par()$lty), col = ifelse(!is.null(col),col,par()$col), lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd), cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis), cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab), cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main), cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),"))

      pmainE = "main = ifelse(!is.null(main),main,''), sub = ifelse(!is.null(sub),sub,''),"

      txobjE <-
        parse(text = paste("npscoef(txdat = xdat, tydat = ydat,",
                ifelse(miss.z,"","tzdat = zdat,"),
                "exdat = subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],",
                ifelse(miss.z,"","ezdat = ezdat[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],"),
                "bws = bws, errors = plot.errors)"))

      ## error plotting expressions
      plotOnEstimate = (plot.errors.center == "estimate")

      efunE = "draw.errors"
      eexE = expression(ifelse(common.scale, "ex = as.numeric(na.omit(allei[,plot.index])),",
          "ex = as.numeric(na.omit(ei)),"))
      eelyE = expression(ifelse(common.scale,
          ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ely = na.omit(data.eval[,plot.index] - data.err[,3*plot.index-2]),",
                 "ely = na.omit(data.err[,3*plot.index] - data.err[,3*plot.index-2]),"),
          ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ely = na.omit(temp.mean - temp.err[,1]),",
                 "ely = na.omit(temp.err[,3] - temp.err[,1]),")))
      eehyE = expression(ifelse(common.scale,
          ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ehy = na.omit(data.eval[,plot.index] + data.err[,3*plot.index-1]),",
                 "ehy = na.omit(data.err[,3*plot.index] + data.err[,3*plot.index-1]),"),
          ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ehy = na.omit(temp.mean + temp.err[,2]),",
                 "ehy = na.omit(temp.err[,3] + temp.err[,2]),")))

      erestE = "plot.errors.style = ifelse(xi.factor,'bar',plot.errors.style),
                plot.errors.bar = ifelse(xi.factor,'I',plot.errors.bar),
                plot.errors.bar.num = plot.errors.bar.num,
                lty = ifelse(xi.factor,1,2)"

      plot.index = 0
      xOrZ = "x"

      for (i in 1:bws$xndim){
        plot.index = plot.index + 1
        temp.err[,] = NA
        temp.mean[] =  NA
        temp.boot = list()

        xi.factor = all.isFactor[plot.index]
        if (xi.factor){
          ei = bws$xdati$all.ulev[[i]]
          xi.neval = length(ei)
        } else {
          xi.neval = neval
          qi = trim.quantiles(xdat[,i], xtrim[i])
          ei = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = neval)

        if (xi.neval < maxneval){
          ei[(xi.neval+1):maxneval] = NA

        tobj <- eval(txobjE)

        temp.mean[1:xi.neval] = tobj$mean

        if (plot.errors){
          if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic")
            temp.err[1:xi.neval,1:2] = 2.0*tobj$merr
          else if (plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"){
            temp.boot <- eval(parse(text = paste("compute.bootstrap.errors(",
                                      "xdat = xdat, ydat = ydat,",
                                      ifelse(miss.z, "", "zdat = zdat,"),
                                      "exdat = subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],",
                                      ifelse(miss.z,"","ezdat = ezdat[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],"),
                                      "gradients = gradients,",
                                      "slice.index = plot.index,",
                                      "plot.errors.boot.method = plot.errors.boot.method,",
                                      "plot.errors.boot.blocklen = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,",
                                      "plot.errors.boot.num = plot.errors.boot.num,",
                                      "plot.errors.center = plot.errors.center,",
                                      "plot.errors.type = plot.errors.type,",
                                      "plot.errors.quantiles = plot.errors.quantiles,",
                                      "bws = bws)")))
            temp.err[1:xi.neval,] <- temp.boot[["boot.err"]]
            temp.boot <- temp.boot[["bxp"]]
            if (!plot.bxp.out){
              temp.boot$out <- numeric()
              temp.boot$group <- integer()

        if (common.scale){
          allei[,plot.index] = ei
          data.eval[, plot.index] = temp.mean
          if (plot.errors){
            all.bxp[plot.index] = NA
            all.bxp[[plot.index]] = temp.boot

            data.err[, c(3*plot.index-2,3*plot.index-1,3*plot.index)] = temp.err
        } else if (plot.behavior != "data") {
          ## plot evaluation
          eval(parse(text = paste(eval(pfunE), "(", eval(pxE), eval(pyE),
                       eval(pylimE), eval(pxlabE), eval(pylabE), eval(prestE),
                       eval(pmainE), ")")))

          ## error plotting evaluation
          if (plot.errors && !(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp)){
            if (!xi.factor && !plotOnEstimate)
              lines(na.omit(ei), na.omit(temp.err[,3]), lty = 3)

            eval(parse(text = paste(eval(efunE), "(", eval(eexE), eval(eelyE),
                         eval(eehyE), eval(erestE), ")")))


        if (plot.behavior != "plot") {
          plot.out[plot.index] = NA
          if (gradients){
          } else {
            plot.out[[plot.index]] =
              eval(parse(text = paste("smoothcoefficient(bws = bws,",
                           "eval = ", ifelse(miss.z, "subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],",
                                             "list(exdat = subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE], ezdat = ezdat[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE]),"),
                           "mean = na.omit(temp.mean),",
                           "ntrain = dim(xdat)[1],",
                           "trainiseval = FALSE,",
                           "xtra = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))")))
            plot.out[[plot.index]]$merr = NA
            plot.out[[plot.index]]$bias = NA

            if (plot.errors)
              plot.out[[plot.index]]$merr = temp.err[,1:2]

            if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")
              plot.out[[plot.index]]$bias = temp.err[,3] - temp.mean
            plot.out[[plot.index]]$bxp = temp.boot

      if (!miss.z){
        xOrZ = "z"
        for (i in 1:bws$zndim){
          plot.index = plot.index + 1
          temp.err[,] = NA
          temp.mean[] =  NA
          temp.boot = list()

          xi.factor = all.isFactor[plot.index]
          if (xi.factor){
            ei = bws$zdati$all.ulev[[i]]
            xi.neval = length(ei)
          } else {
            xi.neval = neval
            qi = trim.quantiles(zdat[,i], ztrim[i])
            ei = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = neval)

          if (xi.neval < maxneval){
            ei[(xi.neval+1):maxneval] = NA

          tobj <- npscoef(txdat = xdat, tydat = ydat, tzdat = zdat,
                          exdat = exdat[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                          ezdat = subcol(ezdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                          bws = bws)

          temp.mean[1:xi.neval] = tobj$mean

          if (plot.errors){
            if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic")
              temp.err[1:xi.neval,1:2] = 2.0*tobj$merr
          else if (plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"){
              temp.boot <- compute.bootstrap.errors(
                                                    xdat = xdat,
                                                    ydat = ydat,
                                                    zdat = zdat,
                                                    exdat = exdat[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                                                    ezdat = subcol(ezdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                                                    gradients = gradients,
                                                    slice.index = plot.index,
                                                    plot.errors.boot.method = plot.errors.boot.method,
                                                    plot.errors.boot.blocklen = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
                                                    plot.errors.boot.num = plot.errors.boot.num,
                                                    plot.errors.center = plot.errors.center,
                                                    plot.errors.type = plot.errors.type,
                                                    plot.errors.quantiles = plot.errors.quantiles,
                                                    bws = bws)
              temp.err[1:xi.neval,] <- temp.boot[["boot.err"]]
              temp.boot <- temp.boot[["bxp"]]
              if (!plot.bxp.out){
                temp.boot$out <- numeric()
                temp.boot$group <- integer()

          if (common.scale){
            allei[,plot.index] = ei
            data.eval[, plot.index] = temp.mean
            if (plot.errors){
              all.bxp[plot.index] = NA
              all.bxp[[plot.index]] = temp.boot

              data.err[, c(3*plot.index-2,3*plot.index-1,3*plot.index)] = temp.err
          } else if (plot.behavior != "data") {
            ## plot evaluation
            eval(parse(text = paste(eval(pfunE), "(", eval(pxE), eval(pyE),
                         eval(pylimE), eval(pxlabE), eval(pylabE), eval(prestE),
                         eval(pmainE), ")")))

            ## error plotting evaluation
            if (plot.errors && !(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp)){
              if (!xi.factor && !plotOnEstimate)
                lines(na.omit(ei), na.omit(temp.err[,3]), lty = 3)

              eval(parse(text = paste(eval(efunE), "(", eval(eexE), eval(eelyE),
                           eval(eehyE), eval(erestE), ")")))


          if (plot.behavior != "plot") {
            plot.out[plot.index] = NA
            if (gradients){
            } else {
              plot.out[[plot.index]] =
                smoothcoefficient(bws = bws, 
                                  eval = list(exdat = exdat[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                                    ezdat = subcol(ezdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE]),
                                  mean = na.omit(temp.mean),
                                  ntrain = dim(zdat)[1],
                                  trainiseval = FALSE)

              plot.out[[plot.index]]$merr = NA
              plot.out[[plot.index]]$bias = NA

              if (plot.errors)
                plot.out[[plot.index]]$merr = temp.err[,1:2]

              if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")
                plot.out[[plot.index]]$bias = temp.err[,3] - temp.mean
              plot.out[[plot.index]]$bxp = temp.boot
      if (common.scale & (plot.behavior != "data")){
        jj = 1:(bws$xndim + bws$zndim)*3
        if (plot.errors.center == "estimate" | !plot.errors) {
          y.max = max(na.omit(as.double(data.eval)) +
            if (plot.errors) na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj-1]))
            else 0)
          y.min = min(na.omit(as.double(data.eval)) -
            if (plot.errors) na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj-2]))
            else 0)
        } else if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected") {
          y.max = max(na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj] + data.err[,jj-1])))
          y.min = min(na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj] - data.err[,jj-2])))

          y.min = ylim[1]
          y.max = ylim[2]
        xOrZ = "x"
        for (plot.index in 1:(bws$xndim + bws$zndim)){
          i = ifelse(plot.index <= bws$xndim, plot.index, plot.index - bws$xndim)

          if (plot.index > bws$xndim)
            xOrZ <- "z"
          xi.factor = all.isFactor[plot.index]

          ## plot evaluation
          eval(parse(text = paste(eval(pfunE), "(", eval(pxE), eval(pyE),
                       eval(pylimE), eval(pxlabE), eval(pylabE), eval(prestE),
                       eval(pmainE), ")")))

          ## error plotting evaluation
          if (plot.errors && !(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp)){
            if (!xi.factor && !plotOnEstimate)
              lines(na.omit(ei), na.omit(temp.err[,3]), lty = 3)

            eval(parse(text = paste(eval(efunE), "(", eval(eexE), eval(eelyE),
                         eval(eehyE), eval(erestE), ")")))


      if (plot.behavior != "data" && plot.par.mfrow)
      if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
        names(plot.out) =
          if (gradients){ }
        return (plot.out)


npplot.plbandwidth <-
           data = NULL,
           xq = 0.5,
           zq = 0.5,
           xtrim = 0.0,
           ztrim = 0.0,
           neval = 50,
           common.scale = TRUE,
           perspective = TRUE,
           gradients = FALSE,
           main = NULL,
           type = NULL,
           border = NULL,
           cex.axis = NULL,
           cex.lab = NULL,
           cex.main = NULL,
           cex.sub = NULL,
           col = NULL,
           ylab = NULL,
           xlab = NULL,
           zlab = NULL,
           sub = NULL,
           ylim = NULL,
           xlim = NULL,
           zlim = NULL,
           lty = NULL,
           lwd = NULL,
           theta = 0.0,
           phi = 10.0,
           view = c("rotate","fixed"),
           plot.behavior = c("plot","plot-data","data"),
           plot.errors.method = c("none","bootstrap","asymptotic"),
           plot.errors.boot.method = c("inid", "fixed", "geom"),
           plot.errors.boot.blocklen = NULL,
           plot.errors.boot.num = 399,
           plot.errors.center = c("estimate","bias-corrected"),
           plot.errors.type = c("standard","quantiles"),
           plot.errors.quantiles = c(0.025,0.975),
           plot.errors.style = c("band","bar"),
           plot.errors.bar = c("|","I"),
           plot.errors.bar.num = min(neval,25),
           plot.bxp = FALSE,
           plot.bxp.out = TRUE,
           plot.par.mfrow = TRUE,

        plot.par.mfrow <- options('plot.par.mfrow')$plot.par.mfrow
      stop("gradients not supported with partially linear models. Coefficients may be extracted with coef()")

    miss.xyz = c(missing(xdat), missing(ydat), missing(zdat))
    if (any(miss.xyz) && !all(miss.xyz))
      stop("one of, but not both, xdat and ydat was specified")
    else if(all(miss.xyz) && !is.null(bws$formula)){
      tt <- terms(bws)
      m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"),
               names(bws$call), nomatch = 0)

      tmf.xf <- tmf.x <- tmf <- bws$call[c(1,m)]
      tmf.x[[1]] <- as.name("model.matrix")
      tmf.xf[[1]] <- tmf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
      tmf[["formula"]] <- tt
      umf <- tmf <- eval(tmf, envir = environment(tt))

      bronze <- lapply(bws$chromoly, paste, collapse = " + ")

      tmf.x[["object"]] <- as.formula(paste(" ~ ", bronze[[2]]),
                                      env = environment(formula))
      tmf.x <- eval(tmf.x,parent.frame())

      tmf.xf[["formula"]] <- as.formula(paste(" ~ ", bronze[[2]]),
                                      env = environment(formula))
      tmf.xf <- eval(tmf.xf,parent.frame())
      ydat <- model.response(tmf)
      xdat <- as.data.frame(tmf.x[,-1, drop = FALSE])
      cc <- attr(tmf.x,'assign')[-1]
      for(i in 1:length(cc))
        xdat[,i] <- cast(xdat[,i], tmf.xf[,cc[i]], same.levels = FALSE)

      zdat <- tmf[, bws$chromoly[[3]], drop = FALSE]
    } else {
      if(all(miss.xyz) && !is.null(bws$call)){
        xdat <- data.frame(eval(bws$call[["xdat"]], environment(bws$call)))
        ydat = eval(bws$call[["ydat"]], environment(bws$call))
        zdat <- data.frame(eval(bws$call[["zdat"]], environment(bws$call)))
      xdat = toFrame(xdat)
      zdat = toFrame(zdat)
      ## catch and destroy NA's
      goodrows = 1:dim(xdat)[1]
      rows.omit = attr(na.omit(data.frame(xdat,ydat,zdat)), "na.action")
      goodrows[rows.omit] = 0

      if (all(goodrows==0))
        stop("Training data has no rows without NAs")

      xdat = xdat[goodrows,,drop = FALSE]
      ydat = ydat[goodrows]
      zdat = zdat[goodrows,,drop = FALSE]

    nxcon = sum(bws$xdati$icon)
    nxuno = sum(bws$xdati$iuno)
    nxord = sum(bws$xdati$iord)

    nzcon = sum(bws$zdati$icon)
    nzuno = sum(bws$zdati$iuno)
    nzord = sum(bws$zdati$iord)

    xq = double(bws$xndim)+xq
    zq = double(bws$zndim)+zq
    xtrim = double(bws$xndim)+xtrim
    ztrim = double(bws$zndim)+ztrim

    if (missing(plot.errors.method) &
        any(!missing(plot.errors.boot.num), !missing(plot.errors.boot.method),
      warning(paste("plot.errors.method must be set to 'bootstrap' to use bootstrapping.",
                    "\nProceeding without bootstrapping."))
    plot.behavior = match.arg(plot.behavior)
    plot.errors.method = match.arg(plot.errors.method)
    plot.errors.boot.method = match.arg(plot.errors.boot.method)
    plot.errors.center = match.arg(plot.errors.center)
    plot.errors.type = match.arg(plot.errors.type)
    plot.errors.style = match.arg(plot.errors.style)
    plot.errors.bar = match.arg(plot.errors.bar)

    common.scale = common.scale | (!is.null(ylim))

    if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic") {
      warning(paste("asymptotic errors are not supported with partially linear regression.\n",
                    "Proceeding without calculating errors"))
      plot.errors.method = "none"

    if (is.element(plot.errors.boot.method, c("fixed", "geom")) &&
      plot.errors.boot.blocklen = b.star(xdat,round=TRUE)[1,1]

    plot.errors = (plot.errors.method != "none")

    if ((nxcon + nxord == 1) & (nzcon + nzord == 1) & (nxuno + nzuno == 0) &
        perspective & !gradients & !any(xor(bws$xdati$iord, bws$xdati$inumord)) &
        !any(xor(bws$zdati$iord, bws$zdati$inumord))){

      view = match.arg(view)
      rotate = (view == "rotate")
      if (is.ordered(xdat[,1])){
        x1.eval = bws$xdati$all.ulev[[1]]
        x1.neval = length(x1.eval)
      } else {
        x1.neval = neval
        qi = trim.quantiles(xdat[,1], xtrim[1])
        x1.eval = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = x1.neval)

      if (is.ordered(zdat[,1])){
        z1.eval = bws$zdati$all.ulev[[1]]
        z1.neval = length(z1.eval)
      } else {
        z1.neval = neval
        qi = trim.quantiles(zdat[,1], ztrim[1])
        z1.eval = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = z1.neval)

      x.eval <- expand.grid(x1.eval, z1.eval)

      if (bws$xdati$iord[1])
        x1.eval <- (bws$xdati$all.dlev[[1]])[as.integer(x1.eval)]
      if (bws$zdati$iord[1])
        z1.eval <- (bws$zdati$all.dlev[[1]])[as.integer(z1.eval)]

      tobj = npplreg(txdat = xdat, tydat = ydat, tzdat = zdat,
        exdat = x.eval[,1], ezdat = x.eval[,2], bws = bws)

      terr = matrix(data = NA, nrow = nrow(x.eval), ncol = 3)
      treg = matrix(data = tobj$mean,
        nrow = x1.neval, ncol = z1.neval, byrow = FALSE)

      if (plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"){
        terr <- compute.bootstrap.errors(
          xdat = xdat, ydat = ydat, zdat = zdat,
          exdat = x.eval[,1], ezdat = x.eval[,2],
          gradients = FALSE,
          slice.index = 0,
          plot.errors.boot.method = plot.errors.boot.method,
          plot.errors.boot.blocklen = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
          plot.errors.boot.num = plot.errors.boot.num,
          plot.errors.center = plot.errors.center,
          plot.errors.type = plot.errors.type,
          plot.errors.quantiles = plot.errors.quantiles,
          bws = bws)[["boot.err"]]

        pc = (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")

        lerr = matrix(data = if(pc) {terr[,3]} else {tobj$mean}
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = z1.neval, byrow = FALSE)

        herr = matrix(data = if(pc) {terr[,3]} else {tobj$mean}
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = z1.neval, byrow = FALSE)

      if(is.null(zlim)) {
          zlim =
              if (plot.errors)
      if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
        r1 = plregression(bws = bws, xcoef = tobj$xcoef,
          xcoefvcov = vcov(tobj),
          xcoeferr = tobj$xcoeferr,
          evalx =  x.eval[,1],
          evalz =  x.eval[,2],
          mean = tobj$mean,
          ntrain = dim(xdat)[1],
          trainiseval = FALSE,

        r1$merr = NA
        r1$bias = NA

        if (plot.errors)
          r1$merr = terr[,1:2]
        if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")
          r1$bias = terr[,3] - treg

        if (plot.behavior == "data")
          return ( list(r1 = r1) )


      dtheta = 5.0
      dphi = 10.0

      persp.col = ifelse(plot.errors, FALSE, ifelse(!is.null(col),col,"lightblue"))
      ##for (j in 0:((50 %/% dphi - 1)*rotate)*dphi+phi){
        for (i in 0:((360 %/% dtheta - 1)*rotate)*dtheta+theta){
          if (plot.errors){
                  zlim = zlim,
                  cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                  cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                  cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                  cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                  col = persp.col,
                  border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"grey"),
                  ticktype = "detailed",
                  xlab = "",
                  ylab = "",
                  zlab = "",
                  theta = i,
                  phi = phi,
                  lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd))
            par(new = TRUE)

                zlim = zlim,
                col = persp.col,
                border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"black"),
                ticktype = "detailed",
                cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                cex.lab =  ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                xlab = ifelse(!is.null(xlab),xlab,gen.label(names(xdat)[1], "X1")),
                ylab = ifelse(!is.null(ylab),ylab,gen.label(names(xdat)[2], "Z1")),
                zlab = ifelse(!is.null(zlab),zlab,gen.label(names(ydat),"Conditional Mean")),
                theta = i,
                phi = phi,
                main = gen.tflabel(!is.null(main), main, paste("[theta= ", i,", phi= ", phi,"]", sep="")))

          if (plot.errors){
            par(new = TRUE)
                  zlim = zlim,
                  cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                  cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                  cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                  cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                  col = persp.col,
                  border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"grey"),
                  ticktype = "detailed",
                  xlab = "",
                  ylab = "",
                  zlab = "",
                  theta = i,
                  phi = phi,
                  lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd))


      if (plot.behavior == "plot-data")
        return ( list(r1 = r1) )

    } else {
##      stop("not yet supported!")
      if (plot.behavior != "data" && plot.par.mfrow)
        par(mfrow=n2mfrow(bws$xndim + bws$zndim),cex=par()$cex)

      x.ev = xdat[1,,drop = FALSE]
      z.ev = zdat[1,,drop = FALSE]

      for (i in 1:bws$xndim)
        x.ev[1,i] = uocquantile(xdat[,i], prob=xq[i])

      for (i in 1:bws$zndim)
        z.ev[1,i] = uocquantile(zdat[,i], prob=zq[i])

      maxneval = max(c(sapply(xdat,nlevels), sapply(zdat,nlevels), neval))

      exdat = as.data.frame(matrix(data = 0, nrow = maxneval, ncol = bws$xndim))
      ezdat = as.data.frame(matrix(data = 0, nrow = maxneval, ncol = bws$zndim))

      for (i in 1:bws$xndim)
        exdat[,i] = x.ev[1,i]

      for (i in 1:bws$zndim)
        ezdat[,i] = z.ev[1,i]

      if (common.scale){
        data.eval = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval,
          ncol = (bws$xndim + bws$zndim))
        data.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval,
          ncol = 3*(bws$xndim + bws$zndim))

        allei = as.data.frame(matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval,
          ncol = bws$xndim + bws$zndim))

        all.bxp = list()

      all.isFactor = c(sapply(xdat, is.factor), sapply(zdat, is.factor))

      plot.out = list()

      temp.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval, ncol = 3)
      temp.mean = replicate(maxneval, NA)

      ## plotting expressions
      plot.bootstrap = plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"
      pfunE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor,
          ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp,"bxp","plotFactor"), "plot"))
      pxE = expression(ifelse(common.scale,
                 ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "all.bxp[[plot.index]],",
                        "f = allei[,plot.index],"),
                 "x = allei[,plot.index],"),
                 ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "z = temp.boot,", "f = ei,"),
                 "x = ei,")))

      pyE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "",
          ifelse(common.scale,"y = data.eval[,plot.index],", "y = temp.mean,")))

      pylimE = ifelse(common.scale, "ylim = c(y.min,y.max),",
        ifelse(plot.errors, "ylim = c(min(na.omit(c(temp.mean - temp.err[,1], temp.err[,3] - temp.err[,1]))),
              max(na.omit(c(temp.mean + temp.err[,2], temp.err[,3] + temp.err[,2])))),", ""))

      pxlabE = expression(paste("xlab = gen.label(bws$",
          xOrZ, "names[i], paste('", toupper(xOrZ),"', i, sep = '')),",sep=''))

      pylabE = "ylab = paste(ifelse(gradients,
          paste('Gradient Component ', i, ' of', sep=''), ''),
          gen.label(bws$ynames, 'Conditional Mean')),"

      prestE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor,"", "type = ifelse(!is.null(type),type,'l'), lty = ifelse(!is.null(lty),lty,par()$lty), col = ifelse(!is.null(col),col,par()$col), lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd), cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis), cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab), cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main), cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),"))

      pmainE = "main = ifelse(!is.null(main),main,''), sub = ifelse(!is.null(sub),sub,''),"

      ## error plotting expressions
      plotOnEstimate = (plot.errors.center == "estimate")

      efunE = "draw.errors"
      eexE = expression(ifelse(common.scale, "ex = as.numeric(na.omit(allei[,plot.index])),",
          "ex = as.numeric(na.omit(ei)),"))
      eelyE = expression(ifelse(common.scale,
          ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ely = na.omit(data.eval[,plot.index] - data.err[,3*plot.index-2]),",
                 "ely = na.omit(data.err[,3*plot.index] - data.err[,3*plot.index-2]),"),
          ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ely = na.omit(temp.mean - temp.err[,1]),",
                 "ely = na.omit(temp.err[,3] - temp.err[,1]),")))
      eehyE = expression(ifelse(common.scale,
          ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ehy = na.omit(data.eval[,plot.index] + data.err[,3*plot.index-1]),",
                 "ehy = na.omit(data.err[,3*plot.index] + data.err[,3*plot.index-1]),"),
          ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ehy = na.omit(temp.mean + temp.err[,2]),",
                 "ehy = na.omit(temp.err[,3] + temp.err[,2]),")))

      erestE = "plot.errors.style = ifelse(xi.factor,'bar',plot.errors.style),
                plot.errors.bar = ifelse(xi.factor,'I',plot.errors.bar),
                plot.errors.bar.num = plot.errors.bar.num,
                lty = ifelse(xi.factor,1,2)"

      plot.index = 0
      xOrZ = "x"

      for (i in 1:bws$xndim){
        plot.index = plot.index + 1
        temp.err[,] = NA
        temp.mean[] =  NA
        temp.boot = list()

        xi.factor = all.isFactor[plot.index]
        if (xi.factor){
          ei = bws$xdati$all.ulev[[i]]
          xi.neval = length(ei)
        } else {
          xi.neval = neval
          qi = trim.quantiles(xdat[,i], xtrim[i])
          ei = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = neval)

        if (xi.neval < maxneval){
          ei[(xi.neval+1):maxneval] = NA

        tobj <- npplreg(txdat = xdat, tydat = ydat, tzdat = zdat,
          exdat = subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
          ezdat = ezdat[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
          bws = bws)

        temp.mean[1:xi.neval] = tobj$mean

        if (plot.errors){
          if (plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"){
            temp.boot <- compute.bootstrap.errors(
                      xdat = xdat,
                      ydat = ydat,
                      zdat = zdat,
                      exdat = subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                      ezdat = ezdat[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                      gradients = gradients,
                      slice.index = plot.index,
                      plot.errors.boot.method = plot.errors.boot.method,
                      plot.errors.boot.blocklen = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
                      plot.errors.boot.num = plot.errors.boot.num,
                      plot.errors.center = plot.errors.center,
                      plot.errors.type = plot.errors.type,
                      plot.errors.quantiles = plot.errors.quantiles,
                      bws = bws)
            temp.err[1:xi.neval,] <- temp.boot[["boot.err"]]
            temp.boot <- temp.boot[["bxp"]]
            if (!plot.bxp.out){
              temp.boot$out <- numeric()
              temp.boot$group <- integer()

        if (common.scale){
          allei[,plot.index] = ei
          data.eval[, plot.index] = temp.mean
          if (plot.errors){
            all.bxp[plot.index] = NA
            all.bxp[[plot.index]] = temp.boot

            data.err[, c(3*plot.index-2,3*plot.index-1,3*plot.index)] = temp.err
        } else if (plot.behavior != "data") {
          ## plot evaluation
          eval(parse(text = paste(eval(pfunE), "(", eval(pxE), eval(pyE),
                       eval(pylimE), eval(pxlabE), eval(pylabE), eval(prestE),
                       eval(pmainE), ")")))

          ## error plotting evaluation
          if (plot.errors && !(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp)){
            if (!xi.factor && !plotOnEstimate)
              lines(na.omit(ei), na.omit(temp.err[,3]), lty = 3)

            eval(parse(text = paste(eval(efunE), "(", eval(eexE), eval(eelyE),
                         eval(eehyE), eval(erestE), ")")))


        if (plot.behavior != "plot") {
          plot.out[plot.index] = NA
          if (gradients){
          } else {
            plot.out[[plot.index]] =
              plregression(bws = bws, xcoef = tobj$xcoef, xcoefvcov = vcov(tobj),
                           xcoeferr = tobj$xcoeferr,
                           evalx = subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                           evalz = ezdat[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                           mean = na.omit(temp.mean),
                           ntrain = dim(xdat)[1],
                           trainiseval = FALSE,
                           xtra = c(tobj$RSQ, tobj$MSE, 0, 0, 0, 0))
            plot.out[[plot.index]]$merr = NA
            plot.out[[plot.index]]$bias = NA

            if (plot.errors)
              plot.out[[plot.index]]$merr = temp.err[,1:2]

            if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")
              plot.out[[plot.index]]$bias = temp.err[,3] - temp.mean
            plot.out[[plot.index]]$bxp = temp.boot

      xOrZ = "z"
      for (i in 1:bws$zndim){
        plot.index = plot.index + 1
        temp.err[,] = NA
        temp.mean[] =  NA
        temp.boot = list()

        xi.factor = all.isFactor[plot.index]
        if (xi.factor){
          ei = bws$zdati$all.ulev[[i]]
          xi.neval = length(ei)
        } else {
          xi.neval = neval
          qi = trim.quantiles(zdat[,i], ztrim[i])
          ei = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = neval)

        if (xi.neval < maxneval){
          ei[(xi.neval+1):maxneval] = NA

        tobj <- npplreg(txdat = xdat, tydat = ydat, tzdat = zdat,
          exdat = exdat[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
          ezdat = subcol(ezdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
          bws = bws)

        temp.mean[1:xi.neval] = tobj$mean

        if (plot.errors){
          if (plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"){
            temp.boot <- compute.bootstrap.errors(
                      xdat = xdat,
                      ydat = ydat,
                      zdat = zdat,
                      exdat = exdat[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                      ezdat = subcol(ezdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                      gradients = gradients,
                      slice.index = plot.index,
                      plot.errors.boot.method = plot.errors.boot.method,
                      plot.errors.boot.blocklen = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
                      plot.errors.boot.num = plot.errors.boot.num,
                      plot.errors.center = plot.errors.center,
                      plot.errors.type = plot.errors.type,
                      plot.errors.quantiles = plot.errors.quantiles,
                      bws = bws)
            temp.err[1:xi.neval,] <- temp.boot[["boot.err"]]
            temp.boot <- temp.boot[["bxp"]]
            if (!plot.bxp.out){
              temp.boot$out <- numeric()
              temp.boot$group <- integer()

        if (common.scale){
          allei[,plot.index] = ei
          data.eval[, plot.index] = temp.mean
          if (plot.errors){
            all.bxp[plot.index] = NA
            all.bxp[[plot.index]] = temp.boot

            data.err[, c(3*plot.index-2,3*plot.index-1,3*plot.index)] = temp.err
        } else if (plot.behavior != "data") {
          ## plot evaluation
          eval(parse(text = paste(eval(pfunE), "(", eval(pxE), eval(pyE),
                       eval(pylimE), eval(pxlabE), eval(pylabE), eval(prestE),
                       eval(pmainE), ")")))

          ## error plotting evaluation
          if (plot.errors && !(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp)){
            if (!xi.factor && !plotOnEstimate)
              lines(na.omit(ei), na.omit(temp.err[,3]), lty = 3)

            eval(parse(text = paste(eval(efunE), "(", eval(eexE), eval(eelyE),
                         eval(eehyE), eval(erestE), ")")))


        if (plot.behavior != "plot") {
          plot.out[plot.index] = NA
          if (gradients){
          } else {
            plot.out[[plot.index]] =
              plregression(bws = bws, xcoef = tobj$xcoef,
                           xcoeferr = tobj$xcoeferr,
                           xcoefvcov = vcov(tobj),
                           evalx = exdat[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                           evalz = subcol(ezdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                           mean = na.omit(temp.mean),
                           ntrain = dim(zdat)[1],
                           trainiseval = FALSE,
                           xtra = c(tobj$RSQ, tobj$MSE, 0, 0, 0, 0))
            plot.out[[plot.index]]$merr = NA
            plot.out[[plot.index]]$bias = NA

            if (plot.errors)
              plot.out[[plot.index]]$merr = temp.err[,1:2]

            if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")
              plot.out[[plot.index]]$bias = temp.err[,3] - temp.mean
            plot.out[[plot.index]]$bxp = temp.boot

      if (common.scale & (plot.behavior != "data")){
        jj = 1:(bws$xndim + bws$zndim)*3
        if (plot.errors.center == "estimate" | !plot.errors) {
          y.max = max(na.omit(as.double(data.eval)) +
            if (plot.errors) na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj-1]))
            else 0)
          y.min = min(na.omit(as.double(data.eval)) -
            if (plot.errors) na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj-2]))
            else 0)
        } else if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected") {
          y.max = max(na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj] + data.err[,jj-1])))
          y.min = min(na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj] - data.err[,jj-2])))

          y.min = ylim[1]
          y.max = ylim[2]
        xOrZ = "x"
        for (plot.index in 1:(bws$xndim + bws$zndim)){
          i = ifelse(plot.index <= bws$xndim, plot.index, plot.index - bws$xndim)

          if (plot.index > bws$xndim)
            xOrZ <- "z"
          xi.factor = all.isFactor[plot.index]

          ## plot evaluation
          eval(parse(text = paste(eval(pfunE), "(", eval(pxE), eval(pyE),
                       eval(pylimE), eval(pxlabE), eval(pylabE), eval(prestE),
                       eval(pmainE), ")")))

          ## error plotting evaluation
          if (plot.errors && !(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp)){
            if (!xi.factor && !plotOnEstimate)
              lines(na.omit(ei), na.omit(temp.err[,3]), lty = 3)

            eval(parse(text = paste(eval(efunE), "(", eval(eexE), eval(eelyE),
                         eval(eehyE), eval(erestE), ")")))


      if (plot.behavior != "data" && plot.par.mfrow)
      if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
        names(plot.out) =
          if (gradients){ }
        return (plot.out)

npplot.bandwidth <-
           data = NULL,
           xq = 0.5,
           xtrim = 0.0,
           neval = 50,
           common.scale = TRUE,
           perspective = TRUE,
           main = NULL,
           type = NULL,
           border = NULL,
           cex.axis = NULL,
           cex.lab = NULL,
           cex.main = NULL,
           cex.sub = NULL,
           col = NULL,
           ylab = NULL,
           xlab = NULL,
           zlab = NULL,
           sub = NULL,
           ylim = NULL,
           xlim = NULL,
           zlim = NULL,
           lty = NULL,
           lwd = NULL,
           theta = 0.0,
           phi = 10.0,
           view = c("rotate","fixed"),
           plot.behavior = c("plot","plot-data","data"),
           plot.errors.method = c("none","bootstrap","asymptotic"),
           plot.errors.boot.method = c("inid", "fixed", "geom"),
           plot.errors.boot.blocklen = NULL,
           plot.errors.boot.num = 399,
           plot.errors.center = c("estimate","bias-corrected"),
           plot.errors.type = c("standard","quantiles"),
           plot.errors.quantiles = c(0.025,0.975),
           plot.errors.style = c("band","bar"),
           plot.errors.bar = c("|","I"),
           plot.errors.bar.num = min(neval,25),
           plot.bxp = FALSE,
           plot.bxp.out = TRUE,
           plot.par.mfrow = TRUE,

        plot.par.mfrow <- options('plot.par.mfrow')$plot.par.mfrow
    miss.x <- missing(xdat)

    if(miss.x && !is.null(bws$formula)){
      tt <- terms(bws)
    m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"),
               names(bws$call), nomatch = 0)
    tmf <- bws$call[c(1,m)]
    tmf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    tmf[["formula"]] <- tt
    umf <- tmf <- eval(tmf, envir = environment(tt))

      xdat <- tmf[, attr(attr(tmf, "terms"),"term.labels"), drop = FALSE]
    } else {
      if(miss.x && !is.null(bws$call)){
        xdat <- data.frame(eval(bws$call[["dat"]], environment(bws$call)))
      xdat = toFrame(xdat)
      xdat = na.omit(xdat)

    xq = double(bws$ndim)+xq
    xtrim = double(bws$ndim)+xtrim

    if (missing(plot.errors.method) &
        any(!missing(plot.errors.boot.num), !missing(plot.errors.boot.method),
      warning(paste("plot.errors.method must be set to 'bootstrap' to use bootstrapping.",
                    "\nProceeding without bootstrapping."))

    plot.behavior = match.arg(plot.behavior)
    plot.errors.method = match.arg(plot.errors.method)
    plot.errors.boot.method = match.arg(plot.errors.boot.method)
    plot.errors.center = match.arg(plot.errors.center)
    plot.errors.type = match.arg(plot.errors.type)
    plot.errors.style = match.arg(plot.errors.style)
    plot.errors.bar = match.arg(plot.errors.bar)

    common.scale = common.scale | (!is.null(ylim))

    if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic") {
      if (plot.errors.type == "quantiles"){
        warning("quantiles cannot be calculated with asymptotics, calculating standard errors")
        plot.errors.type = "standard"

      if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected") {
        warning("no bias corrections can be calculated with asymptotics, centering on estimate")
        plot.errors.center = "estimate"

    if (is.element(plot.errors.boot.method, c("fixed", "geom")) &&
      plot.errors.boot.blocklen = b.star(xdat,round=TRUE)[1,1]

    plot.errors = (plot.errors.method != "none")

    if ((bws$ncon + bws$nord == 2) & (bws$nuno == 0) & perspective &
        !any(xor(bws$xdati$iord, bws$xdati$inumord))){
      view = match.arg(view)
      rotate = (view == "rotate")

      if (is.ordered(xdat[,1])){
        x1.eval = bws$xdati$all.ulev[[1]]
        x1.neval = length(x1.eval)
      } else {
        x1.neval = neval
        qi = trim.quantiles(xdat[,1], xtrim[1])
        x1.eval = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = x1.neval)

      if (is.ordered(xdat[,2])){
        x2.eval = bws$xdati$all.ulev[[2]]
        x2.neval = length(x2.eval)
      } else {
        x2.neval = neval
        qi = trim.quantiles(xdat[,2], xtrim[2])
        x2.eval = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = x2.neval)

      x.eval <- expand.grid(x1.eval, x2.eval)

      ##x.eval = as.data.frame(matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = x1.neval*x2.neval))
      ##x.eval[,1] = rep(x1.eval, times = x2.neval)
      ##x.eval[,2] = rep(x2.eval, each = x1.neval)

      if (is.ordered(xdat[,1]))
        x1.eval <- (bws$xdati$all.dlev[[1]])[as.integer(x1.eval)]

      if (is.ordered(xdat[,2]))
        x2.eval <- (bws$xdati$all.dlev[[2]])[as.integer(x2.eval)]

      tobj =  npudens(tdat = xdat, edat = x.eval, bws = bws)

      tcomp = parse(text="tobj$dens")

      tdens = matrix(data = eval(tcomp),
        nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

      terr = matrix(data = tobj$derr, nrow = nrow(x.eval), ncol = 3)
      terr[,3] = NA
      if (plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"){
        terr <- compute.bootstrap.errors(xdat = xdat, 
          exdat = x.eval,
          cdf = FALSE,
          slice.index = 0,
          plot.errors.boot.method = plot.errors.boot.method,
          plot.errors.boot.blocklen = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
          plot.errors.boot.num = plot.errors.boot.num,
          plot.errors.center = plot.errors.center,
          plot.errors.type = plot.errors.type,
          plot.errors.quantiles = plot.errors.quantiles,
          bws = bws)[["boot.err"]]

        pc = (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")

        lerr = matrix(data = if(pc) {terr[,3]} else {eval(tcomp)}
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

        herr = matrix(data = if(pc) {terr[,3]} else {eval(tcomp)}
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

      } else if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic") {
        lerr = matrix(data = eval(tcomp) - 2.0*tobj$derr,
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

        herr = matrix(data = eval(tcomp) + 2.0*tobj$derr,
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)


      if(is.null(zlim)) {
          zlim =
              if (plot.errors)
      tret = parse(text=paste(
                     "(bws = bws, eval = x.eval,",
                     " = eval(tcomp), derr = terr[,1:2], ntrain = nrow(xdat))", sep=""))

      if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
        d1 = eval(tret)
        d1$bias = NA

        if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")
          d1$bias = terr[,3] - eval(tcomp)
        if (plot.behavior == "data")
          return ( list(d1 = d1) )
      # rows = constant x2
      # cols = constant x1

      dtheta = 5.0
      dphi = 10.0

      persp.col = ifelse(plot.errors, FALSE, ifelse(!is.null(col),col,"lightblue"))
      for (i in 0:((360 %/% dtheta - 1)*rotate)*dtheta+theta){
          if (plot.errors){
                  zlim = zlim,
                  cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                  cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                  cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                  cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                  col = persp.col,
                  border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"grey"),
                  ticktype = "detailed",
                  xlab = "",
                  ylab = "",
                  zlab = "",
                  theta = i,
                  phi = phi,
                  lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd))
            par(new = TRUE)
                zlim = zlim,
                col = persp.col,
                border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"black"),
                ticktype = "detailed",
                cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                cex.lab =  ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                xlab = ifelse(!is.null(xlab),xlab,gen.label(names(xdat)[1], "X1")),
                ylab = ifelse(!is.null(ylab),ylab,gen.label(names(xdat)[2], "X2")),
                zlab = ifelse(!is.null(zlab),zlab,"Joint Density"),
                theta = i,
                phi = phi,
                main = gen.tflabel(!is.null(main), main, paste("[theta= ", i,", phi= ", phi,"]", sep="")))

          if (plot.errors){
            par(new = TRUE)
                  zlim = zlim,
                  cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                  cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                  cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                  cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                  col = persp.col,
                  border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"grey"),
                  ticktype = "detailed",
                  xlab = "",
                  ylab = "",
                  zlab = "",
                  theta = i,
                  phi = phi,
                  lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd))


      if (plot.behavior == "plot-data")
        return ( list(d1 = d1) )        

    } else {

      if (plot.behavior != "data" && plot.par.mfrow)

      ev = xdat[1,,drop = FALSE]

      for (i in 1:bws$ndim)
        ev[1,i] = uocquantile(xdat[,i], prob=xq[i])

      maxneval = max(c(sapply(xdat,nlevels),neval))

      exdat = as.data.frame(matrix(data = 0, nrow = maxneval, ncol = bws$ndim))

      for (i in 1:bws$ndim)
        exdat[,i] = ev[1,i]
      if (common.scale){
        data.eval = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval, ncol = bws$ndim)
        data.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval, ncol = 3*bws$ndim)
        allei = as.data.frame(matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval, ncol = bws$ndim))
        all.bxp = list()

      plot.out = list()

      temp.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval, ncol = 3)
      temp.dens = replicate(maxneval, NA)

      ## plotting expressions
      plot.bootstrap = plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"

      pfunE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor,
          ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp,"bxp","plotFactor"), "plot"))

      pxE = expression(ifelse(common.scale,
                 ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "z = all.bxp[[i]],", "f = allei[,i],"),
                 "x = allei[,i],"),
                 ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "z = temp.boot,", "f = ei,"), "x = ei,")))

      pyE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "",
          ifelse(common.scale,"y = data.eval[,i],", "y = temp.dens,")))

      pylimE = ifelse(common.scale, "ylim = c(y.min,y.max),",
        ifelse(plot.errors, "ylim = c(min(na.omit(c(temp.dens - temp.err[,1], temp.err[,3] - temp.err[,1]))),
              max(na.omit(c(temp.dens + temp.err[,2], temp.err[,3] + temp.err[,2])))),", ""))

      pxlabE = "xlab = ifelse(!is.null(xlab),xlab,gen.label(bws$xnames[i], paste('X', i, sep = ''))),"

      pylabE = paste("ylab = ", "ifelse(!is.null(ylab),ylab,'Density')", ",")

      prestE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor,"", "type = ifelse(!is.null(type),type,'l'), lty = ifelse(!is.null(lty),lty,par()$lty), col = ifelse(!is.null(col),col,par()$col), lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd), cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis), cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab), cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main), cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),"))

      pmainE = "main = ifelse(!is.null(main),main,''), sub = ifelse(!is.null(sub),sub,''),"

      ## error plotting expressions
      plotOnEstimate = (plot.errors.center == "estimate")

      efunE = "draw.errors"
      eexE = ifelse(common.scale, "ex = as.numeric(na.omit(allei[,i])),",
          "ex = as.numeric(na.omit(ei)),")
      eelyE = ifelse(common.scale,
        ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ely = na.omit(data.eval[,i] - data.err[,3*i-2]),",
               "ely = na.omit(data.err[,3*i] - data.err[,3*i-2]),"),
        ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ely = na.omit(temp.dens - temp.err[,1]),",
               "ely = na.omit(temp.err[,3] - temp.err[,1]),"))
      eehyE = ifelse(common.scale,
        ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ehy = na.omit(data.eval[,i] + data.err[,3*i-1]),",
               "ehy = na.omit(data.err[,3*i] + data.err[,3*i-1]),"),
        ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ehy = na.omit(temp.dens + temp.err[,2]),",
               "ehy = na.omit(temp.err[,3] + temp.err[,2]),"))

      erestE = "plot.errors.style = ifelse(xi.factor,'bar',plot.errors.style),
                plot.errors.bar = ifelse(xi.factor,'I',plot.errors.bar),
                plot.errors.bar.num = plot.errors.bar.num,
                lty = ifelse(!is.null(lty),lty,ifelse(xi.factor,1,2))"

      ## density / distribution expressions

      devalE = parse(text=paste("npudens",
                       "(tdat = xdat, edat = subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE], bws = bws)",
      dcompE = parse(text="tobj$dens")

      doutE = parse(text=paste("npdensity",
                      "(bws = bws, eval = subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],",
                      "= na.omit(temp.dens), derr = na.omit(cbind(-temp.err[,1], temp.err[,2])), ntrain = bws$nobs)",

      for (i in 1:bws$ndim){
        temp.err[,] = NA
        temp.dens[] =  NA
        temp.boot = list()

        xi.factor = is.factor(xdat[,i])

        if (xi.factor){
          ei = bws$xdati$all.ulev[[i]]
          xi.neval = length(ei)
        } else {
          xi.neval = neval
          qi = trim.quantiles(xdat[,i], xtrim[i])
          ei = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = neval)

        if (xi.neval < maxneval){
          ei[(xi.neval+1):maxneval] = NA

        tobj = eval(devalE)

        temp.dens[1:xi.neval] = eval(dcompE)

        if (plot.errors){
          if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic")
            temp.err[1:xi.neval,1:2] = replicate(2,2.0*tobj$derr)
          else if (plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"){
            temp.boot <- compute.bootstrap.errors(
                      xdat = xdat,
                      exdat = subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                      cdf = FALSE,
                      slice.index = i,
                      plot.errors.boot.method = plot.errors.boot.method,
                      plot.errors.boot.blocklen = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
                      plot.errors.boot.num = plot.errors.boot.num,
                      plot.errors.center = plot.errors.center,
                      plot.errors.type = plot.errors.type,
                      plot.errors.quantiles = plot.errors.quantiles,
                      bws = bws)
            temp.err[1:xi.neval,] = temp.boot[["boot.err"]]
            temp.boot <- temp.boot[["bxp"]]
            if (!plot.bxp.out){
              temp.boot$out <- numeric()
              temp.boot$group <- integer()
        if (common.scale){
          allei[,i] = ei
          data.eval[,i] = temp.dens
          if (plot.errors){
            all.bxp[i] = NA
            all.bxp[[i]] = temp.boot

            data.err[,c(3*i-2,3*i-1,3*i)] = temp.err
        } else if (plot.behavior != "data") {
          ## plot evaluation
          eval(parse(text = paste(eval(pfunE), "(", eval(pxE), eval(pyE),
                       eval(pylimE), eval(pxlabE), eval(pylabE), eval(prestE),
                       eval(pmainE), ")")))

          ## error plotting evaluation
          if (plot.errors && !(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp)){
            if (!xi.factor && !plotOnEstimate)
              lines(na.omit(ei), na.omit(temp.err[,3]), lty = 3)

            eval(parse(text = paste(eval(efunE), "(", eval(eexE), eval(eelyE),
                         eval(eehyE), eval(erestE), ")")))

        if (plot.behavior != "plot") {
          plot.out[i] = NA
          plot.out[[i]] = eval(doutE)
          plot.out[[i]]$bias = na.omit(temp.dens - temp.err[,3])
          plot.out[[i]]$bxp = temp.boot
      if (common.scale & (plot.behavior != "data")){
        jj = 1:bws$ndim*3

        if (plot.errors.center == "estimate" | !plot.errors) {
          y.max = max(na.omit(as.double(data.eval)) +
            if (plot.errors) na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj-1]))
            else 0
          y.min = min(na.omit(as.double(data.eval)) -
            if (plot.errors) na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj-2]))
            else 0
        } else if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected") {
          y.max = max(na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj] + data.err[,jj-1])))
          y.min = min(na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj] - data.err[,jj-2])))

          y.min = ylim[1]
          y.max = ylim[2]
        for (i in 1:bws$ndim){
          xi.factor = is.factor(xdat[,i])

          ## plot evaluation
          eval(parse(text = paste(eval(pfunE), "(", eval(pxE), eval(pyE),
                       eval(pylimE), eval(pxlabE), eval(pylabE), eval(prestE),
                       eval(pmainE), ")")))

          ## error plotting evaluation
          if (plot.errors && !(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp)){
            if (!xi.factor && !plotOnEstimate)
              lines(na.omit(ei), na.omit(temp.err[,3]), lty = 3)

            eval(parse(text = paste(eval(efunE), "(", eval(eexE), eval(eelyE),
                         eval(eehyE), eval(erestE), ")")))

      if (plot.behavior != "data" && plot.par.mfrow)

      if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
        names(plot.out) = paste("d",1:bws$ndim,sep="")
        return (plot.out)

npplot.dbandwidth <-
           data = NULL,
           xq = 0.5,
           xtrim = 0.0,
           neval = 50,
           common.scale = TRUE,
           perspective = TRUE,
           main = NULL,
           type = NULL,
           border = NULL,
           cex.axis = NULL,
           cex.lab = NULL,
           cex.main = NULL,
           cex.sub = NULL,
           col = NULL,
           ylab = NULL,
           xlab = NULL,
           zlab = NULL,
           sub = NULL,
           ylim = NULL,
           xlim = NULL,
           zlim = NULL,
           lty = NULL,
           lwd = NULL,
           theta = 0.0,
           phi = 10.0,
           view = c("rotate","fixed"),
           plot.behavior = c("plot","plot-data","data"),
           plot.errors.method = c("none","bootstrap","asymptotic"),
           plot.errors.boot.method = c("inid", "fixed", "geom"),
           plot.errors.boot.blocklen = NULL,
           plot.errors.boot.num = 399,
           plot.errors.center = c("estimate","bias-corrected"),
           plot.errors.type = c("standard","quantiles"),
           plot.errors.quantiles = c(0.025,0.975),
           plot.errors.style = c("band","bar"),
           plot.errors.bar = c("|","I"),
           plot.errors.bar.num = min(neval,25),
           plot.bxp = FALSE,
           plot.bxp.out = TRUE,
           plot.par.mfrow = TRUE,

        plot.par.mfrow <- options('plot.par.mfrow')$plot.par.mfrow      

    miss.x <- missing(xdat)

    if(miss.x && !is.null(bws$formula)){
      tt <- terms(bws)
    m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"),
               names(bws$call), nomatch = 0)
    tmf <- bws$call[c(1,m)]
    tmf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    tmf[["formula"]] <- tt
    umf <- tmf <- eval(tmf, envir = environment(tt))

      xdat <- tmf[, attr(attr(tmf, "terms"),"term.labels"), drop = FALSE]
    } else {
      if(miss.x && !is.null(bws$call)){
        xdat <- data.frame(eval(bws$call[["dat"]], environment(bws$call)))
      xdat = toFrame(xdat)
      xdat = na.omit(xdat)

    xq = double(bws$ndim)+xq
    xtrim = double(bws$ndim)+xtrim

    if (missing(plot.errors.method) &
        any(!missing(plot.errors.boot.num), !missing(plot.errors.boot.method),
      warning(paste("plot.errors.method must be set to 'bootstrap' to use bootstrapping.",
                    "\nProceeding without bootstrapping."))

    plot.behavior = match.arg(plot.behavior)
    plot.errors.method = match.arg(plot.errors.method)
    plot.errors.boot.method = match.arg(plot.errors.boot.method)
    plot.errors.center = match.arg(plot.errors.center)
    plot.errors.type = match.arg(plot.errors.type)
    plot.errors.style = match.arg(plot.errors.style)
    plot.errors.bar = match.arg(plot.errors.bar)

    common.scale = common.scale | (!is.null(ylim))

    if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic") {
      if (plot.errors.type == "quantiles"){
        warning("quantiles cannot be calculated with asymptotics, calculating standard errors")
        plot.errors.type = "standard"

      if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected") {
        warning("no bias corrections can be calculated with asymptotics, centering on estimate")
        plot.errors.center = "estimate"

    if (is.element(plot.errors.boot.method, c("fixed", "geom")) &&
      plot.errors.boot.blocklen = b.star(xdat,round=TRUE)[1,1]

    plot.errors = (plot.errors.method != "none")

    if ((bws$ncon + bws$nord == 2) & (bws$nuno == 0) & perspective &
        !any(xor(bws$xdati$iord, bws$xdati$inumord))){
      view = match.arg(view)
      rotate = (view == "rotate")

      if (is.ordered(xdat[,1])){
        x1.eval = bws$xdati$all.ulev[[1]]
        x1.neval = length(x1.eval)
      } else {
        x1.neval = neval
        qi = trim.quantiles(xdat[,1], xtrim[1])
        x1.eval = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = x1.neval)

      if (is.ordered(xdat[,2])){
        x2.eval = bws$xdati$all.ulev[[2]]
        x2.neval = length(x2.eval)
      } else {
        x2.neval = neval
        qi = trim.quantiles(xdat[,2], xtrim[2])
        x2.eval = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = x2.neval)

      x.eval <- expand.grid(x1.eval, x2.eval)

      ##x.eval = as.data.frame(matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = x1.neval*x2.neval))
      ##x.eval[,1] = rep(x1.eval, times = x2.neval)
      ##x.eval[,2] = rep(x2.eval, each = x1.neval)

      if (is.ordered(xdat[,1]))
        x1.eval <- (bws$xdati$all.dlev[[1]])[as.integer(x1.eval)]

      if (is.ordered(xdat[,2]))
        x2.eval <- (bws$xdati$all.dlev[[2]])[as.integer(x2.eval)]

      tobj =  npudist(tdat = xdat, edat = x.eval, bws = bws)

      tdens = matrix(data = tobj$dist,
        nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

      terr = matrix(data = tobj$derr, nrow = nrow(x.eval), ncol = 3)
      terr[,3] = NA
      if (plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"){
        terr <- compute.bootstrap.errors(xdat = xdat, 
          exdat = x.eval,
          slice.index = 0,
          plot.errors.boot.method = plot.errors.boot.method,
          plot.errors.boot.blocklen = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
          plot.errors.boot.num = plot.errors.boot.num,
          plot.errors.center = plot.errors.center,
          plot.errors.type = plot.errors.type,
          plot.errors.quantiles = plot.errors.quantiles,
          bws = bws)[["boot.err"]]

        pc = (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")

        lerr = matrix(data = if(pc) {terr[,3]} else {tobj$dist}
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

        herr = matrix(data = if(pc) {terr[,3]} else {tobj$dist}
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

      } else if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic") {
        lerr = matrix(data = tobj$dist - 2.0*tobj$derr,
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

        herr = matrix(data = tobj$dist + 2.0*tobj$derr,
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)


      if(is.null(zlim)) {
          zlim =
              if (plot.errors)

      if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
        d1 <- npdistribution(bws = bws, eval = x.eval,
                             dist = tobj$dist, derr = terr[,1:2], ntrain = nrow(xdat))
        d1$bias = NA

        if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")
          d1$bias = terr[,3] - tobj$dist
        if (plot.behavior == "data")
          return ( list(d1 = d1) )
      # rows = constant x2
      # cols = constant x1

      dtheta = 5.0
      dphi = 10.0

      persp.col = ifelse(plot.errors, FALSE, ifelse(!is.null(col),col,"lightblue"))
      for (i in 0:((360 %/% dtheta - 1)*rotate)*dtheta+theta){
          if (plot.errors){
                  zlim = zlim,
                  cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                  cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                  cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                  cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                  col = persp.col,
                  border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"grey"),
                  ticktype = "detailed",
                  xlab = "",
                  ylab = "",
                  zlab = "",
                  theta = i,
                  phi = phi,
                  lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd))
            par(new = TRUE)
                zlim = zlim,
                col = persp.col,
                border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"black"),
                ticktype = "detailed",
                cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                cex.lab =  ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                xlab = ifelse(!is.null(xlab),xlab,gen.label(names(xdat)[1], "X1")),
                ylab = ifelse(!is.null(ylab),ylab,gen.label(names(xdat)[2], "X2")),
                zlab = ifelse(!is.null(zlab),zlab,"Joint Distribution"),
                theta = i,
                phi = phi,
                main = gen.tflabel(!is.null(main), main, paste("[theta= ", i,", phi= ", phi,"]", sep="")))

          if (plot.errors){
            par(new = TRUE)
                  zlim = zlim,
                  cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                  cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                  cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                  cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                  col = persp.col,
                  border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"grey"),
                  ticktype = "detailed",
                  xlab = "",
                  ylab = "",
                  zlab = "",
                  theta = i,
                  phi = phi,
                  lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd))


      if (plot.behavior == "plot-data")
        return ( list(d1 = d1) )        

    } else {

      if (plot.behavior != "data" && plot.par.mfrow)

      ev = xdat[1,,drop = FALSE]

      for (i in 1:bws$ndim)
        ev[1,i] = uocquantile(xdat[,i], prob=xq[i])

      maxneval = max(c(sapply(xdat,nlevels),neval))

      exdat = as.data.frame(matrix(data = 0, nrow = maxneval, ncol = bws$ndim))

      for (i in 1:bws$ndim)
        exdat[,i] = ev[1,i]
      if (common.scale){
        data.eval = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval, ncol = bws$ndim)
        data.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval, ncol = 3*bws$ndim)
        allei = as.data.frame(matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval, ncol = bws$ndim))
        all.bxp = list()

      plot.out = list()

      temp.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval, ncol = 3)
      temp.dens = replicate(maxneval, NA)

      ## plotting expressions
      plot.bootstrap = plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"

      pfunE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor,
          ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp,"bxp","plotFactor"), "plot"))

      pxE = expression(ifelse(common.scale,
                 ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "z = all.bxp[[i]],", "f = allei[,i],"),
                 "x = allei[,i],"),
                 ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "z = temp.boot,", "f = ei,"), "x = ei,")))

      pyE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "",
          ifelse(common.scale,"y = data.eval[,i],", "y = temp.dens,")))

      pylimE = ifelse(common.scale, "ylim = c(y.min,y.max),",
        ifelse(plot.errors, "ylim = c(min(na.omit(c(temp.dens - temp.err[,1], temp.err[,3] - temp.err[,1]))),
              max(na.omit(c(temp.dens + temp.err[,2], temp.err[,3] + temp.err[,2])))),", ""))

      pxlabE = "xlab = ifelse(!is.null(xlab),xlab,gen.label(bws$xnames[i], paste('X', i, sep = ''))),"

      pylabE = "ylab = ifelse(!is.null(ylab),ylab,'Distribution'),"

      prestE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor,"", "type = ifelse(!is.null(type),type,'l'), lty = ifelse(!is.null(lty),lty,par()$lty), col = ifelse(!is.null(col),col,par()$col), lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd), cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis), cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab), cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main), cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),"))

      pmainE = "main = ifelse(!is.null(main),main,''), sub = ifelse(!is.null(sub),sub,''),"

      ## error plotting expressions
      plotOnEstimate = (plot.errors.center == "estimate")

      efunE = "draw.errors"
      eexE = ifelse(common.scale, "ex = as.numeric(na.omit(allei[,i])),",
          "ex = as.numeric(na.omit(ei)),")
      eelyE = ifelse(common.scale,
        ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ely = na.omit(data.eval[,i] - data.err[,3*i-2]),",
               "ely = na.omit(data.err[,3*i] - data.err[,3*i-2]),"),
        ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ely = na.omit(temp.dens - temp.err[,1]),",
               "ely = na.omit(temp.err[,3] - temp.err[,1]),"))
      eehyE = ifelse(common.scale,
        ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ehy = na.omit(data.eval[,i] + data.err[,3*i-1]),",
               "ehy = na.omit(data.err[,3*i] + data.err[,3*i-1]),"),
        ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ehy = na.omit(temp.dens + temp.err[,2]),",
               "ehy = na.omit(temp.err[,3] + temp.err[,2]),"))

      erestE = "plot.errors.style = ifelse(xi.factor,'bar',plot.errors.style),
                plot.errors.bar = ifelse(xi.factor,'I',plot.errors.bar),
                plot.errors.bar.num = plot.errors.bar.num,
                lty = ifelse(xi.factor,1,2)"

      ## density / distribution expressions

      devalE = parse(text="npudist(tdat = xdat, edat = subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE], bws = bws)")
      dcompE = parse(text="tobj$dist")

      doutE = parse(text="npdistribution(bws = bws, eval = subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE], dist = na.omit(temp.dens), derr = na.omit(cbind(-temp.err[,1], temp.err[,2])), ntrain = bws$nobs)")

      for (i in 1:bws$ndim){
        temp.err[,] = NA
        temp.dens[] =  NA
        temp.boot = list()

        xi.factor = is.factor(xdat[,i])

        if (xi.factor){
          ei = bws$xdati$all.ulev[[i]]
          xi.neval = length(ei)
        } else {
          xi.neval = neval
          qi = trim.quantiles(xdat[,i], xtrim[i])
          ei = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = neval)

        if (xi.neval < maxneval){
          ei[(xi.neval+1):maxneval] = NA

        tobj = eval(devalE)

        temp.dens[1:xi.neval] = eval(dcompE)

        if (plot.errors){
          if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic")
            temp.err[1:xi.neval,1:2] = replicate(2,2.0*tobj$derr)
          else if (plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"){
            temp.boot <- compute.bootstrap.errors(
                      xdat = xdat,
                      exdat = subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                      slice.index = i,
                      plot.errors.boot.method = plot.errors.boot.method,
                      plot.errors.boot.blocklen = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
                      plot.errors.boot.num = plot.errors.boot.num,
                      plot.errors.center = plot.errors.center,
                      plot.errors.type = plot.errors.type,
                      plot.errors.quantiles = plot.errors.quantiles,
                      bws = bws)
            temp.err[1:xi.neval,] = temp.boot[["boot.err"]]
            temp.boot <- temp.boot[["bxp"]]
            if (!plot.bxp.out){
              temp.boot$out <- numeric()
              temp.boot$group <- integer()
        if (common.scale){
          allei[,i] = ei
          data.eval[,i] = temp.dens
          if (plot.errors){
            all.bxp[i] = NA
            all.bxp[[i]] = temp.boot

            data.err[,c(3*i-2,3*i-1,3*i)] = temp.err
        } else if (plot.behavior != "data") {
          ## plot evaluation
          eval(parse(text = paste(eval(pfunE), "(", eval(pxE), eval(pyE),
                       eval(pylimE), eval(pxlabE), eval(pylabE), eval(prestE),
                       eval(pmainE), ")")))

          ## error plotting evaluation
          if (plot.errors && !(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp)){
            if (!xi.factor && !plotOnEstimate)
              lines(na.omit(ei), na.omit(temp.err[,3]), lty = 3)

            eval(parse(text = paste(eval(efunE), "(", eval(eexE), eval(eelyE),
                         eval(eehyE), eval(erestE), ")")))

        if (plot.behavior != "plot") {
          plot.out[i] = NA
          plot.out[[i]] = eval(doutE)
          plot.out[[i]]$bias = na.omit(temp.dens - temp.err[,3])
          plot.out[[i]]$bxp = temp.boot
      if (common.scale & (plot.behavior != "data")){
        jj = 1:bws$ndim*3

        if (plot.errors.center == "estimate" | !plot.errors) {
          y.max = max(na.omit(as.double(data.eval)) +
            if (plot.errors) na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj-1]))
            else 0
          y.min = min(na.omit(as.double(data.eval)) -
            if (plot.errors) na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj-2]))
            else 0
        } else if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected") {
          y.max = max(na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj] + data.err[,jj-1])))
          y.min = min(na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj] - data.err[,jj-2])))

          y.min = ylim[1]
          y.max = ylim[2]
        for (i in 1:bws$ndim){
          xi.factor = is.factor(xdat[,i])

          ## plot evaluation
          eval(parse(text = paste(eval(pfunE), "(", eval(pxE), eval(pyE),
                       eval(pylimE), eval(pxlabE), eval(pylabE), eval(prestE),
                       eval(pmainE), ")")))

          ## error plotting evaluation
          if (plot.errors && !(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp)){
            if (!xi.factor && !plotOnEstimate)
              lines(na.omit(ei), na.omit(temp.err[,3]), lty = 3)

            eval(parse(text = paste(eval(efunE), "(", eval(eexE), eval(eelyE),
                         eval(eehyE), eval(erestE), ")")))

      if (plot.behavior != "data" && plot.par.mfrow)

      if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
        names(plot.out) = paste("d",1:bws$ndim,sep="")
        return (plot.out)

npplot.conbandwidth <-
           data = NULL,
           xq = 0.5,
           yq = 0.5,
           xtrim = 0.0,
           ytrim = 0.0,
           neval = 50,
           gradients = FALSE,
           common.scale = TRUE,
           perspective = TRUE,
           main = NULL,
           type = NULL,
           border = NULL,
           cex.axis = NULL,
           cex.lab = NULL,
           cex.main = NULL,
           cex.sub = NULL,
           col = NULL,
           ylab = NULL,
           xlab = NULL,
           zlab = NULL,
           sub = NULL,
           ylim = NULL,
           xlim = NULL,
           zlim = NULL,
           lty = NULL,
           lwd = NULL,
           theta = 0.0,
           phi = 10.0,
           tau = 0.5,
           view = c("rotate","fixed"),
           plot.behavior = c("plot","plot-data","data"),
           plot.errors.method = c("none","bootstrap","asymptotic"),
           plot.errors.boot.method = c("inid", "fixed", "geom"),
           plot.errors.boot.blocklen = NULL,
           plot.errors.boot.num = 399,
           plot.errors.center = c("estimate","bias-corrected"),
           plot.errors.type = c("standard","quantiles"),
           plot.errors.quantiles = c(0.025,0.975),
           plot.errors.style = c("band","bar"),
           plot.errors.bar = c("|","I"),
           plot.errors.bar.num = min(neval,25),
           plot.bxp = FALSE,
           plot.bxp.out = TRUE,
           plot.par.mfrow = TRUE,

        plot.par.mfrow <- options('plot.par.mfrow')$plot.par.mfrow      

    cdf <- FALSE
    quantreg <- FALSE
    miss.xy = c(missing(xdat),missing(ydat))
    if (any(miss.xy) && !all(miss.xy))
      stop("one of, but not both, xdat and ydat was specified")
    else if(all(miss.xy) && !is.null(bws$formula)){
      tt <- terms(bws)
    m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"),
               names(bws$call), nomatch = 0)
    tmf <- bws$call[c(1,m)]
    tmf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    tmf[["formula"]] <- tt
    umf <- tmf <- eval(tmf, envir = environment(tt))

      ydat <- tmf[, bws$variableNames[["response"]], drop = FALSE]
      xdat <- tmf[, bws$variableNames[["terms"]], drop = FALSE]
    } else {
      if(all(miss.xy) && !is.null(bws$call)){
        xdat <- data.frame(eval(bws$call[["xdat"]], environment(bws$call)))
        ydat <- data.frame(eval(bws$call[["ydat"]], environment(bws$call)))

      ## catch and destroy NA's
      xdat = toFrame(xdat)
      ydat = toFrame(ydat)
      goodrows = 1:dim(xdat)[1]
      rows.omit = attr(na.omit(data.frame(xdat,ydat)), "na.action")
      goodrows[rows.omit] = 0

      if (all(goodrows==0))
        stop("Data has no rows without NAs")

      xdat = xdat[goodrows,,drop = FALSE]
      ydat = ydat[goodrows,,drop = FALSE]


    if (quantreg & dim(ydat)[2] != 1)
      stop("'ydat' must have one column for quantile regression")
    xq = double(bws$xndim)+xq
    yq = double(bws$yndim)+yq
    xtrim = double(bws$xndim)+xtrim
    ytrim = double(bws$yndim)+ytrim

    if (missing(plot.errors.method) &
        any(!missing(plot.errors.boot.num), !missing(plot.errors.boot.method),
      warning(paste("plot.errors.method must be set to 'bootstrap' to use bootstrapping.",
                    "\nProceeding without bootstrapping."))
    plot.behavior = match.arg(plot.behavior)
    plot.errors.method = match.arg(plot.errors.method)
    plot.errors.boot.method = match.arg(plot.errors.boot.method)
    plot.errors.center = match.arg(plot.errors.center)
    plot.errors.type = match.arg(plot.errors.type)
    plot.errors.style = match.arg(plot.errors.style)
    plot.errors.bar = match.arg(plot.errors.bar)

    common.scale = common.scale | (!is.null(ylim))

    if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic") {
      if (plot.errors.type == "quantiles"){
        warning("quantiles cannot be calculated with asymptotics, calculating standard errors")
        plot.errors.type = "standard"

      if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected") {
        warning("no bias corrections can be calculated with asymptotics, centering on estimate")
        plot.errors.center = "estimate"

      if (quantreg & gradients){
        warning(paste("no asymptotic errors available for quantile regression gradients.",
                      "\nOne must instead use bootstrapping."))
        plot.errors.method = "none"

    if (is.element(plot.errors.boot.method, c("fixed", "geom")) &&
      plot.errors.boot.blocklen = b.star(xdat,round=TRUE)[1,1]

    plot.errors = (plot.errors.method != "none")

    if ((bws$xncon + bws$xnord + bws$yncon + bws$ynord - quantreg == 2) &
        (bws$xnuno + bws$ynuno == 0) & perspective & !gradients &
        !any(xor(bws$xdati$iord, bws$xdati$inumord))){
      view = match.arg(view)
      rotate = (view == "rotate")
      if (is.ordered(xdat[,1])){
        x1.eval = bws$xdati$all.ulev[[1]]
        x1.neval = length(x1.eval)
      } else {
        x1.neval = neval
        qi = trim.quantiles(xdat[,1], xtrim[1])
        x1.eval = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = x1.neval)

      ## if we are doing quantile regression then we are dealing
      ## with 2 x variables ...

      if (quantreg){
        tx2 <- xdat[,2]
        txi <- 2
        txdati <- bws$xdati
        txtrim <- xtrim
        tx2 <- ydat[,1]
        txi <- 1
        txdati <- bws$ydati
        txtrim <- ytrim
      if (txdati$iord[txi]){
        x2.eval = txdati$all.ulev[[txi]]
        x2.neval = length(x2.eval)
      } else {
        x2.neval = neval
        qi = trim.quantiles(tx2, txtrim[txi])
        x2.eval = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = x2.neval)

      x.eval <- expand.grid(x1.eval, x2.eval)

      if (bws$xdati$iord[1])
        x1.eval <- (bws$xdati$all.dlev[[1]])[as.integer(x1.eval)]
      if (txdati$iord[txi])
        x2.eval <- (txdati$all.dlev[[txi]])[as.integer(x2.eval)]

      tboo =
        if(quantreg) "quant"
        else if (cdf) "dist"
        else "dens"

      tobj = eval(parse(text = paste(
                                 "quant" = "npqreg",
                                 "dist" = "npcdist",
                                 "dens" = "npcdens"),
                          "(txdat = xdat, tydat = ydat, exdat =",
                          ifelse(quantreg, "x.eval, tau = tau",
                                 "x.eval[,1], eydat = x.eval[,2]"),
                          ", bws = bws)", sep="")))

      tcomp = parse(text=paste("tobj$",
                             "quant" = "quantile",
                             "dist" = "condist",
                             "dens" = "condens"), sep=""))

      tcerr = parse(text=paste(ifelse(quantreg, "tobj$quanterr", "tobj$conderr")))

      tex = parse(text=paste(ifelse(quantreg, "x.eval", "x.eval[,1]")))
      tey = parse(text=paste(ifelse(quantreg, "NA", "x.eval[,2]")))

      tdens = matrix(data = eval(tcomp),
        nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

      terr = matrix(data = eval(tcerr), nrow = length(eval(tcomp)), ncol = 3)
      terr[,3] = NA
      if (plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"){
        terr <- compute.bootstrap.errors(xdat = xdat, ydat = ydat,
          exdat = eval(tex), eydat = eval(tey),
          cdf = cdf,
          quantreg = quantreg,
          tau = tau,
          gradients = FALSE,
          gradient.index = 0,
          slice.index = 0,
          plot.errors.boot.method = plot.errors.boot.method,
          plot.errors.boot.blocklen = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
          plot.errors.boot.num = plot.errors.boot.num,
          plot.errors.center = plot.errors.center,
          plot.errors.type = plot.errors.type,
          plot.errors.quantiles = plot.errors.quantiles,
          bws = bws)[["boot.err"]]

        pc = (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")

        lerr = matrix(data = if(pc) {terr[,3]} else {eval(tcomp)}
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

        herr = matrix(data = if(pc) {terr[,3]} else {eval(tcomp)}
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

      } else if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic") {
        lerr = matrix(data = eval(tcomp) - 2.0*eval(tcerr),
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

        herr = matrix(data = eval(tcomp) + 2.0*eval(tcerr),
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)


      if(is.null(zlim)) {
          zlim =
              if (plot.errors)

      ## I am sorry it had to come to this ...
      tret = parse(text=paste(
                            "quant" = "qregression",
                            "dist" = "condistribution",
                            "dens" = "condensity"),
                     "(bws = bws, xeval = eval(tex),",
                     ifelse(quantreg, "tau = tau, quantile = eval(tcomp), quanterr = terr[,1:2]",
                            paste("yeval = eval(tey),", ifelse(cdf, "condist = ", "condens = "),
                                  "eval(tcomp), conderr = terr[,1:2]")),
                     ", ntrain = dim(xdat)[1])", sep=""))

      if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
        cd1 = eval(tret)
        cd1$bias = NA

        if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")
          cd1$bias = terr[,3] - eval(tcomp)
        if (plot.behavior == "data")
          return ( list(cd1 = cd1) )

      # rows = constant x2
      # cols = constant x1

      dtheta = 5.0
      dphi = 10.0

      persp.col = ifelse(plot.errors, FALSE, ifelse(!is.null(col),col,"lightblue"))
      for (i in 0:((360 %/% dtheta - 1)*rotate)*dtheta+theta){
          if (plot.errors){
                  zlim = zlim,
                  cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                  cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                  cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                  cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                  col = persp.col,
                  border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"grey"),
                  ticktype = "detailed",
                  xlab = "",
                  ylab = "",
                  zlab = "",
                  theta = i,
                  phi = phi,
                  lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd))
            par(new = TRUE)

                zlim = zlim,
                col = persp.col,
                border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"black"),
                ticktype = "detailed",
                cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                cex.lab =  ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                xlab = ifelse(!is.null(xlab),xlab,gen.label(names(xdat)[1], "X")),
                ylab = ifelse(!is.null(ylab),ylab,gen.label(names(ydat)[1], "Y")),
                zlab = ifelse(!is.null(zlab),zlab,paste("Conditional", ifelse(cdf,"Distribution", "Density"))),
                theta = i,
                phi = phi,
                main = gen.tflabel(!is.null(main), main, paste("[theta= ", i,", phi= ", phi,"]", sep="")))

          if (plot.errors){
            par(new = TRUE)
                  zlim = zlim,
                  cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                  cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                  cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                  cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                  col = persp.col,
                  border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"grey"),
                  ticktype = "detailed",
                  xlab = "",
                  ylab = "",
                  zlab = "",
                  theta = i,
                  phi = phi,
                  lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd))

    } else {

      dsf = ifelse(gradients,bws$xndim,1)
      tot.dim = bws$xndim + bws$yndim - quantreg

      if (plot.behavior != "data" && plot.par.mfrow)

      x.ev = xdat[1,,drop = FALSE]
      y.ev = ydat[1,,drop = FALSE]

      for (i in 1:bws$xndim)
        x.ev[1,i] = uocquantile(xdat[,i], prob=xq[i])

      for (i in 1:bws$yndim)
        y.ev[1,i] = uocquantile(ydat[,i], prob=yq[i])

      maxneval = max(c(sapply(xdat,nlevels), sapply(ydat,nlevels), neval))

      exdat = as.data.frame(matrix(data = 0, nrow = maxneval, ncol = bws$xndim))
      eydat = as.data.frame(matrix(data = 0, nrow = maxneval, ncol = bws$yndim))

      for (i in 1:bws$xndim)
        exdat[,i] = x.ev[1,i]

      for (i in 1:bws$yndim)
        eydat[,i] = y.ev[1,i]

      if (common.scale){
        data.eval = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval,
          ncol = tot.dim*dsf)
        data.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval,
          ncol = 3*tot.dim*dsf)

        allei = as.data.frame(matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval,
          ncol = tot.dim))

        all.bxp = list()

      all.isFactor = c(sapply(xdat, is.factor), sapply(ydat, is.factor))

      plot.out = list()

      temp.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval, ncol = 3)
      temp.dens = replicate(maxneval, NA)

      ## plotting expressions
      plot.bootstrap = plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"
      pfunE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor,
          ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp,"bxp","plotFactor"), "plot"))
      pxE = expression(ifelse(common.scale,
                 ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "all.bxp[[plot.index]],",
                        "f = allei[,plot.index],"),
                 "x = allei[,plot.index],"),
                 ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "z = temp.boot,", "f = ei,"),
                 "x = ei,")))

      pyE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "",
          ifelse(common.scale,"y = data.eval[,plot.index],", "y = temp.dens,")))

      pylimE = ifelse(common.scale, "ylim = c(y.min,y.max),",
        ifelse(plot.errors, "ylim = c(min(na.omit(c(temp.dens - temp.err[,1], temp.err[,3] - temp.err[,1]))),
              max(na.omit(c(temp.dens + temp.err[,2], temp.err[,3] + temp.err[,2])))),", ""))

      pxlabE = expression(paste("xlab = ifelse(!is.null(xlab),xlab,gen.label(bws$",
          xOrY, "names[i], paste('", toupper(xOrY),"', i, sep = ''))),",sep=''))

      tylabE = ifelse(quantreg, paste(tau, 'quantile'),
        paste('Conditional', ifelse(cdf,'Distribution', 'Density')))

      pylabE = paste("ylab =", "ifelse(!is.null(ylab),ylab,paste(", ifelse(gradients,"'GC',j,'of',",''), "tylabE)),")

      prestE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor,"", "type = ifelse(!is.null(type),type,'l'), lty = ifelse(!is.null(lty),lty,par()$lty), col = ifelse(!is.null(col),col,par()$col), lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd), cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis), cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab), cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main), cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),"))

      pmainE = "main = ifelse(!is.null(main),main,''), sub = ifelse(!is.null(sub),sub,''),"

      ## error plotting expressions
      plotOnEstimate = (plot.errors.center == "estimate")

      efunE = "draw.errors"
      eexE = expression(ifelse(common.scale, "ex = as.numeric(na.omit(allei[,plot.index])),",
          "ex = as.numeric(na.omit(ei)),"))
      eelyE = expression(ifelse(common.scale,
          ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ely = na.omit(data.eval[,plot.index] - data.err[,3*plot.index-2]),",
                 "ely = na.omit(data.err[,3*plot.index] - data.err[,3*plot.index-2]),"),
          ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ely = na.omit(temp.dens - temp.err[,1]),",
                 "ely = na.omit(temp.err[,3] - temp.err[,1]),")))
      eehyE = expression(ifelse(common.scale,
          ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ehy = na.omit(data.eval[,plot.index] + data.err[,3*plot.index-1]),",
                 "ehy = na.omit(data.err[,3*plot.index] + data.err[,3*plot.index-1]),"),
          ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ehy = na.omit(temp.dens + temp.err[,2]),",
                 "ehy = na.omit(temp.err[,3] + temp.err[,2]),")))

      erestE = "plot.errors.style = ifelse(xi.factor,'bar',plot.errors.style),
                plot.errors.bar = ifelse(xi.factor,'I',plot.errors.bar),
                plot.errors.bar.num = plot.errors.bar.num,
                lty = ifelse(xi.factor,1,2)"

      plot.index = 0
      xOrY = "x"

      for (i in 1:bws$xndim){
        plot.index = plot.index + 1
        temp.err[,] = NA
        temp.dens[] =  NA
        temp.boot = list()

        xi.factor = all.isFactor[plot.index]
        if (xi.factor){
          ei = bws$xdati$all.ulev[[i]]
          xi.neval = length(ei)
        } else {
          xi.neval = neval
          qi = trim.quantiles(xdat[,i], xtrim[i])
          ei = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = neval)

        if (xi.neval < maxneval){
          ei[(xi.neval+1):maxneval] = NA

        tobj = eval(parse(text=paste(ifelse(cdf, "npcdist",
                          ifelse(quantreg, "npqreg", "npcdens")),
                          "(txdat = xdat, tydat = ydat,",
                          "exdat = subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],",
                          ifelse(quantreg, "tau = tau,",
                                 "eydat = eydat[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],"),
                          "gradients = gradients, bws = bws)",sep="")))

        ## if there are gradients then we need to repeat the process for each component

        tevalexpr = parse(text=paste("tobj$",ifelse(gradients,
                            ifelse(quantreg, "quantgrad[,j]","congrad[,j]"),
                            ifelse(cdf, "condist", ifelse(quantreg, "quantile",
                                                          "condens"))), sep=""))
        terrexpr = parse(text=paste("tobj$",ifelse(gradients,
                           "congerr[,j]", ifelse(quantreg,"quanterr",
                                                 "conderr")), sep=""))

        if (gradients & quantreg)
          terrexpr = parse(text="NA")

        if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
          plot.out[plot.index] = NA
          plot.out[[plot.index]] = tobj

        for (j in 1:dsf){
          temp.boot = list()  
          temp.dens[1:xi.neval] = eval(tevalexpr) 
          if (plot.errors){
            if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic")
              temp.err[1:xi.neval,1:2] = replicate(2,2.0*eval(terrexpr))
            else if (plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"){
              temp.boot <- compute.bootstrap.errors(
                        xdat = xdat,
                        ydat = ydat,
                        exdat = subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                        eydat = eydat[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                        cdf = cdf,
                        quantreg = quantreg,
                        tau = tau,
                        gradients = gradients,
                        gradient.index = j,
                        slice.index = plot.index,
                        plot.errors.boot.method = plot.errors.boot.method,
                        plot.errors.boot.blocklen = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
                        plot.errors.boot.num = plot.errors.boot.num,
                        plot.errors.center = plot.errors.center,
                        plot.errors.type = plot.errors.type,
                        plot.errors.quantiles = plot.errors.quantiles,
                        bws = bws)
              temp.err[1:xi.neval,] <- temp.boot[["boot.err"]]
              temp.boot <- temp.boot[["bxp"]]
              if (!plot.bxp.out){
                temp.boot$out <- numeric()
                temp.boot$group <- integer()
          if (common.scale){
            allei[,plot.index] = ei
            data.eval[,(plot.index-1)*dsf+j] = temp.dens
            if (plot.errors){
              all.bxp[plot.index] = NA
              all.bxp[[plot.index]] = temp.boot

              data.err[,seq(3*((plot.index-1)*dsf+j)-2,length=3)] = temp.err
          } else if (plot.behavior != "data") {
            ## plot evaluation
            eval(parse(text = paste(eval(pfunE), "(", eval(pxE), eval(pyE),
                         eval(pylimE), eval(pxlabE), eval(pylabE), eval(prestE),
                         eval(pmainE), ")")))

            ## error plotting evaluation
            if (plot.errors && !(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp)){
              if (!xi.factor && !plotOnEstimate)
                lines(na.omit(ei), na.omit(temp.err[,3]), lty = 3)

              eval(parse(text = paste(eval(efunE), "(", eval(eexE), eval(eelyE),
                           eval(eehyE), eval(erestE), ")")))

          if (plot.behavior != "plot" & plot.errors) {
                         ifelse(quantreg, "quanterr", "conderr")),
                         "= na.omit(cbind(-temp.err[,1], temp.err[,2]))", sep="")))
                         ifelse(gradients, paste("gc",j,"bias",sep=""), "bias"),
                         "= na.omit(temp.dens - temp.err[,3])", sep="")))
            plot.out[[plot.index]]$bxp = temp.boot

      if (!quantreg){
        xOrY = "y"
        for (i in 1:bws$yndim){
          plot.index = plot.index + 1
          temp.err[,] = NA
          temp.dens[] =  NA
          temp.boot = list()

          xi.factor = all.isFactor[plot.index]
          if (xi.factor){
            ei = bws$ydati$all.ulev[[i]]
            xi.neval = length(ei)
          } else {
            xi.neval = neval
            qi = trim.quantiles(ydat[,i], ytrim[i])
            ei = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = neval)

          if (xi.neval < maxneval){
            ei[(xi.neval+1):maxneval] = NA

          tobj = eval(parse(text=paste(ifelse(cdf, "npcdist",
                              ifelse(quantreg, "npqreg", "npcdens")),
                              "(txdat = xdat, tydat = ydat,",
                              ifelse(quantreg, "tau = tau,",
                                     "exdat = exdat[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],"),
                              "eydat = subcol(eydat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],",
                              "gradients = gradients, bws = bws)",sep="")))

          ## if there are gradients then we need to repeat the process for each component

          tevalexpr = parse(text=paste("tobj$",ifelse(gradients,
                              ifelse(quantreg, "quantgrad[,j]","congrad[,j]"),
                              ifelse(cdf, "condist", ifelse(quantreg, "quantile",
                                                            "condens"))), sep=""))
          terrexpr = parse(text=paste("tobj$",ifelse(gradients,
                             "congerr[,j]", ifelse(quantreg,"quanterr",
                                                   "conderr")), sep=""))

          if (gradients & quantreg)
            terrexpr = parse(text="NA")

          if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
            plot.out[plot.index] = NA
            plot.out[[plot.index]] = tobj

          for (j in 1:dsf){
            temp.boot = list()  
            temp.dens[1:xi.neval] = eval(tevalexpr) 
            if (plot.errors){
              if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic")
                temp.err[1:xi.neval,1:2] = replicate(2,2.0*eval(terrexpr))
              else if (plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"){
                temp.boot <- compute.bootstrap.errors(
                          xdat = xdat,
                          ydat = ydat,
                          exdat = exdat[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                          eydat = subcol(eydat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                          cdf = cdf,
                          quantreg = quantreg,
                          tau = tau,
                          gradients = gradients,
                          gradient.index = j,
                          slice.index = plot.index,
                          plot.errors.boot.method = plot.errors.boot.method,
                          plot.errors.boot.blocklen = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
                          plot.errors.boot.num = plot.errors.boot.num,
                          plot.errors.center = plot.errors.center,
                          plot.errors.type = plot.errors.type,
                          plot.errors.quantiles = plot.errors.quantiles,
                          bws = bws)
                temp.err[1:xi.neval,] <- temp.boot[["boot.err"]]
                temp.boot <- temp.boot[["bxp"]]
                if (!plot.bxp.out){
                  temp.boot$out <- numeric()
                  temp.boot$group <- integer()
            if (common.scale){
              allei[,plot.index] = ei
              data.eval[,(plot.index-1)*dsf+j] = temp.dens
              if (plot.errors){
                all.bxp[plot.index] = NA
                all.bxp[[plot.index]] = temp.boot

                data.err[,seq(3*((plot.index-1)*dsf+j)-2,length=3)] = temp.err
            } else if (plot.behavior != "data") {
              ## plot evaluation
              eval(parse(text = paste(eval(pfunE), "(", eval(pxE), eval(pyE),
                           eval(pylimE), eval(pxlabE), eval(pylabE), eval(prestE),
                           eval(pmainE), ")")))

              ## error plotting evaluation
              if (plot.errors && !(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp)){
                if (!xi.factor && !plotOnEstimate)
                  lines(na.omit(ei), na.omit(temp.err[,3]), lty = 3)

                eval(parse(text = paste(eval(efunE), "(", eval(eexE), eval(eelyE),
                             eval(eehyE), eval(erestE), ")")))

            if (plot.behavior != "plot" & plot.errors) {
                           ifelse(quantreg, "quanterr", "conderr")),
                           "= na.omit(cbind(-temp.err[,1], temp.err[,2]))", sep="")))
                           ifelse(gradients, paste("gc",j,"bias",sep=""), "bias"),
                           "= na.omit(temp.dens - temp.err[,3])", sep="")))
              plot.out[[plot.index]]$bxp = temp.boot
      if (common.scale & (plot.behavior != "data")){
        jj = 1:(dsf*tot.dim)*3
        if (plot.errors.center == "estimate" | !plot.errors) {
          y.max = max(na.omit(as.double(data.eval)) +
            if (plot.errors) na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj-1]))
            else 0)
          y.min = min(na.omit(as.double(data.eval)) -
            if (plot.errors) na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj-2]))
            else 0)
        } else if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected") {
          y.max = max(na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj] + data.err[,jj-1])))
          y.min = min(na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj] - data.err[,jj-2])))

          y.min = ylim[1]
          y.max = ylim[2]
        xOrY = "x"
        for (plot.index in 1:tot.dim){
          i = ifelse(plot.index <= bws$xndim, plot.index, plot.index - bws$xndim)

          if (plot.index > bws$xndim)
            xOrY <- "y"
          xi.factor = all.isFactor[plot.index]

          for (j in 1:dsf){
            ## plot evaluation
            eval(parse(text = paste(eval(pfunE), "(", eval(pxE), eval(pyE),
                         eval(pylimE), eval(pxlabE), eval(pylabE), eval(prestE),
                         eval(pmainE), ")")))

            ## error plotting evaluation
            if (plot.errors && !(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp)){
              if (!xi.factor && !plotOnEstimate)
                lines(na.omit(ei), na.omit(temp.err[,3]), lty = 3)

              eval(parse(text = paste(eval(efunE), "(", eval(eexE), eval(eelyE),
                           eval(eehyE), eval(erestE), ")")))

      if (plot.behavior != "data" && plot.par.mfrow)

      if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
        names(plot.out) = paste("cd", 1:tot.dim, sep="")
        return (plot.out)

npplot.condbandwidth <-
           data = NULL,
           xq = 0.5,
           yq = 0.5,
           xtrim = 0.0,
           ytrim = 0.0,
           neval = 50,
           quantreg = FALSE,
           gradients = FALSE,
           common.scale = TRUE,
           perspective = TRUE,
           main = NULL,
           type = NULL,
           border = NULL,
           cex.axis = NULL,
           cex.lab = NULL,
           cex.main = NULL,
           cex.sub = NULL,
           col = NULL,
           ylab = NULL,
           xlab = NULL,
           zlab = NULL,
           sub = NULL,
           ylim = NULL,
           xlim = NULL,
           zlim = NULL,
           lty = NULL,
           lwd = NULL,
           theta = 0.0,
           phi = 10.0,
           tau = 0.5,
           view = c("rotate","fixed"),
           plot.behavior = c("plot","plot-data","data"),
           plot.errors.method = c("none","bootstrap","asymptotic"),
           plot.errors.boot.method = c("inid", "fixed", "geom"),
           plot.errors.boot.blocklen = NULL,
           plot.errors.boot.num = 399,
           plot.errors.center = c("estimate","bias-corrected"),
           plot.errors.type = c("standard","quantiles"),
           plot.errors.quantiles = c(0.025,0.975),
           plot.errors.style = c("band","bar"),
           plot.errors.bar = c("|","I"),
           plot.errors.bar.num = min(neval,25),
           plot.bxp = FALSE,
           plot.bxp.out = TRUE,
           plot.par.mfrow = TRUE,

        plot.par.mfrow <- options('plot.par.mfrow')$plot.par.mfrow
    cdf <- TRUE
    miss.xy = c(missing(xdat),missing(ydat))
    if (any(miss.xy) && !all(miss.xy))
      stop("one of, but not both, xdat and ydat was specified")
    else if(all(miss.xy) && !is.null(bws$formula)){
      tt <- terms(bws)
    m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"),
               names(bws$call), nomatch = 0)
    tmf <- bws$call[c(1,m)]
    tmf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    tmf[["formula"]] <- tt
    umf <- tmf <- eval(tmf, envir = environment(tt))

      ydat <- tmf[, bws$variableNames[["response"]], drop = FALSE]
      xdat <- tmf[, bws$variableNames[["terms"]], drop = FALSE]
    } else {
      if(all(miss.xy) && !is.null(bws$call)){
        xdat <- data.frame(eval(bws$call[["xdat"]], environment(bws$call)))
        ydat <- data.frame(eval(bws$call[["ydat"]], environment(bws$call)))

      ## catch and destroy NA's
      xdat = toFrame(xdat)
      ydat = toFrame(ydat)
      goodrows = 1:dim(xdat)[1]
      rows.omit = attr(na.omit(data.frame(xdat,ydat)), "na.action")
      goodrows[rows.omit] = 0

      if (all(goodrows==0))
        stop("Data has no rows without NAs")

      xdat = xdat[goodrows,,drop = FALSE]
      ydat = ydat[goodrows,,drop = FALSE]


    if (quantreg & dim(ydat)[2] != 1)
      stop("'ydat' must have one column for quantile regression")
    xq = double(bws$xndim)+xq
    yq = double(bws$yndim)+yq
    xtrim = double(bws$xndim)+xtrim
    ytrim = double(bws$yndim)+ytrim

    if (missing(plot.errors.method) &
        any(!missing(plot.errors.boot.num), !missing(plot.errors.boot.method),
      warning(paste("plot.errors.method must be set to 'bootstrap' to use bootstrapping.",
                    "\nProceeding without bootstrapping."))
    plot.behavior = match.arg(plot.behavior)
    plot.errors.method = match.arg(plot.errors.method)
    plot.errors.boot.method = match.arg(plot.errors.boot.method)
    plot.errors.center = match.arg(plot.errors.center)
    plot.errors.type = match.arg(plot.errors.type)
    plot.errors.style = match.arg(plot.errors.style)
    plot.errors.bar = match.arg(plot.errors.bar)

    common.scale = common.scale | (!is.null(ylim))

    if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic") {
      if (plot.errors.type == "quantiles"){
        warning("quantiles cannot be calculated with asymptotics, calculating standard errors")
        plot.errors.type = "standard"

      if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected") {
        warning("no bias corrections can be calculated with asymptotics, centering on estimate")
        plot.errors.center = "estimate"

      if (quantreg & gradients){
        warning(paste("no asymptotic errors available for quantile regression gradients.",
                      "\nOne must instead use bootstrapping."))
        plot.errors.method = "none"

    if (is.element(plot.errors.boot.method, c("fixed", "geom")) &&
      plot.errors.boot.blocklen = b.star(xdat,round=TRUE)[1,1]

    plot.errors = (plot.errors.method != "none")

    if ((bws$xncon + bws$xnord + bws$yncon + bws$ynord - quantreg == 2) &
        (bws$xnuno + bws$ynuno == 0) & perspective & !gradients &
        !any(xor(bws$xdati$iord, bws$xdati$inumord))){
      view = match.arg(view)
      rotate = (view == "rotate")
      if (is.ordered(xdat[,1])){
        x1.eval = bws$xdati$all.ulev[[1]]
        x1.neval = length(x1.eval)
      } else {
        x1.neval = neval
        qi = trim.quantiles(xdat[,1], xtrim[1])
        x1.eval = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = x1.neval)

      ## if we are doing quantile regression then we are dealing
      ## with 2 x variables ...

      if (quantreg){
        tx2 <- xdat[,2]
        txi <- 2
        txdati <- bws$xdati
        txtrim <- xtrim
        tx2 <- ydat[,1]
        txi <- 1
        txdati <- bws$ydati
        txtrim <- ytrim
      if (txdati$iord[txi]){
        x2.eval = txdati$all.ulev[[txi]]
        x2.neval = length(x2.eval)
      } else {
        x2.neval = neval
        qi = trim.quantiles(tx2, txtrim[txi])
        x2.eval = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = x2.neval)

      x.eval <- expand.grid(x1.eval, x2.eval)

      if (bws$xdati$iord[1])
        x1.eval <- (bws$xdati$all.dlev[[1]])[as.integer(x1.eval)]
      if (txdati$iord[txi])
        x2.eval <- (txdati$all.dlev[[txi]])[as.integer(x2.eval)]

      tboo =
        if(quantreg) "quant"
        else if (cdf) "dist"
        else "dens"

      tobj = eval(parse(text = paste(
                                 "quant" = "npqreg",
                                 "dist" = "npcdist",
                                 "dens" = "npcdens"),
                          "(txdat = xdat, tydat = ydat, exdat =",
                          ifelse(quantreg, "x.eval, tau = tau",
                                 "x.eval[,1], eydat = x.eval[,2]"),
                          ", bws = bws)", sep="")))

      tcomp = parse(text=paste("tobj$",
                             "quant" = "quantile",
                             "dist" = "condist",
                             "dens" = "condens"), sep=""))

      tcerr = parse(text=paste(ifelse(quantreg, "tobj$quanterr", "tobj$conderr")))

      tex = parse(text=paste(ifelse(quantreg, "x.eval", "x.eval[,1]")))
      tey = parse(text=paste(ifelse(quantreg, "NA", "x.eval[,2]")))

      tdens = matrix(data = eval(tcomp),
        nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

      terr = matrix(data = eval(tcerr), nrow = length(eval(tcomp)), ncol = 3)
      terr[,3] = NA
      if (plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"){
        terr <- compute.bootstrap.errors(xdat = xdat, ydat = ydat,
          exdat = eval(tex), eydat = eval(tey),
          cdf = cdf,
          quantreg = quantreg,
          tau = tau,
          gradients = FALSE,
          gradient.index = 0,
          slice.index = 0,
          plot.errors.boot.method = plot.errors.boot.method,
          plot.errors.boot.blocklen = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
          plot.errors.boot.num = plot.errors.boot.num,
          plot.errors.center = plot.errors.center,
          plot.errors.type = plot.errors.type,
          plot.errors.quantiles = plot.errors.quantiles,
          bws = bws)[["boot.err"]]

        pc = (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")

        lerr = matrix(data = if(pc) {terr[,3]} else {eval(tcomp)}
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

        herr = matrix(data = if(pc) {terr[,3]} else {eval(tcomp)}
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

      } else if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic") {
        lerr = matrix(data = eval(tcomp) - 2.0*eval(tcerr),
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)

        herr = matrix(data = eval(tcomp) + 2.0*eval(tcerr),
          nrow = x1.neval, ncol = x2.neval, byrow = FALSE)


      zlim =
        if (plot.errors)

      ## I am sorry it had to come to this ...
      tret = parse(text=paste(
                            "quant" = "qregression",
                            "dist" = "condistribution",
                            "dens" = "condensity"),
                     "(bws = bws, xeval = eval(tex),",
                     ifelse(quantreg, "tau = tau, quantile = eval(tcomp), quanterr = terr[,1:2]",
                            paste("yeval = eval(tey),", ifelse(cdf, "condist = ", "condens = "),
                                  "eval(tcomp), conderr = terr[,1:2]")),
                     ", ntrain = dim(xdat)[1])", sep=""))

      if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
        cd1 = eval(tret)
        cd1$bias = NA

        if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected")
          cd1$bias = terr[,3] - eval(tcomp)
        if (plot.behavior == "data")
          return ( list(cd1 = cd1) )

      # rows = constant x2
      # cols = constant x1

      dtheta = 5.0
      dphi = 10.0

      persp.col = ifelse(plot.errors, FALSE, ifelse(!is.null(col),col,"lightblue"))
      for (i in 0:((360 %/% dtheta - 1)*rotate)*dtheta+theta){
          if (plot.errors){
                  zlim = zlim,
                  cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                  cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                  cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                  cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                  col = persp.col,
                  border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"grey"),
                  ticktype = "detailed",
                  xlab = "",
                  ylab = "",
                  zlab = "",
                  theta = i,
                  phi = phi,
                  lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd))
            par(new = TRUE)

                zlim = zlim,
                col = persp.col,
                border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"black"),
                ticktype = "detailed",
                cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                cex.lab =  ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                xlab = ifelse(!is.null(xlab),xlab,gen.label(names(xdat)[1], "X")),
                ylab = ifelse(!is.null(ylab),ylab,gen.label(names(ydat)[1], "Y")),
                zlab = ifelse(!is.null(zlab),zlab,paste("Conditional", ifelse(cdf,"Distribution", "Density"))),
                theta = i,
                phi = phi,
                main = gen.tflabel(!is.null(main), main, paste("[theta= ", i,", phi= ", phi,"]", sep="")))

          if (plot.errors){
            par(new = TRUE)
                  zlim = zlim,
                  cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                  cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                  cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                  cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                  col = persp.col,
                  border = ifelse(!is.null(border),border,"grey"),
                  ticktype = "detailed",
                  xlab = "",
                  ylab = "",
                  zlab = "",
                  theta = i,
                  phi = phi,
                  lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd))

    } else {

      dsf = ifelse(gradients,bws$xndim,1)
      tot.dim = bws$xndim + bws$yndim - quantreg

      if (plot.behavior != "data" && plot.par.mfrow)

      x.ev = xdat[1,,drop = FALSE]
      y.ev = ydat[1,,drop = FALSE]

      for (i in 1:bws$xndim)
        x.ev[1,i] = uocquantile(xdat[,i], prob=xq[i])

      for (i in 1:bws$yndim)
        y.ev[1,i] = uocquantile(ydat[,i], prob=yq[i])

      maxneval = max(c(sapply(xdat,nlevels), sapply(ydat,nlevels), neval))

      exdat = as.data.frame(matrix(data = 0, nrow = maxneval, ncol = bws$xndim))
      eydat = as.data.frame(matrix(data = 0, nrow = maxneval, ncol = bws$yndim))

      for (i in 1:bws$xndim)
        exdat[,i] = x.ev[1,i]

      for (i in 1:bws$yndim)
        eydat[,i] = y.ev[1,i]

      if (common.scale){
        data.eval = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval,
          ncol = tot.dim*dsf)
        data.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval,
          ncol = 3*tot.dim*dsf)

        allei = as.data.frame(matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval,
          ncol = tot.dim))

        all.bxp = list()

      all.isFactor = c(sapply(xdat, is.factor), sapply(ydat, is.factor))

      plot.out = list()

      temp.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval, ncol = 3)
      temp.dens = replicate(maxneval, NA)

      ## plotting expressions
      plot.bootstrap = plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"
      pfunE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor,
          ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp,"bxp","plotFactor"), "plot"))
      pxE = expression(ifelse(common.scale,
                 ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "all.bxp[[plot.index]],",
                        "f = allei[,plot.index],"),
                 "x = allei[,plot.index],"),
                 ifelse(plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "z = temp.boot,", "f = ei,"),
                 "x = ei,")))

      pyE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp, "",
          ifelse(common.scale,"y = data.eval[,plot.index],", "y = temp.dens,")))

      pylimE = ifelse(common.scale, "ylim = c(y.min,y.max),",
        ifelse(plot.errors, "ylim = c(min(na.omit(c(temp.dens - temp.err[,1], temp.err[,3] - temp.err[,1]))),
              max(na.omit(c(temp.dens + temp.err[,2], temp.err[,3] + temp.err[,2])))),", ""))

      pxlabE = expression(paste("xlab = ifelse(!is.null(xlab),xlab,gen.label(bws$",
          xOrY, "names[i], paste('", toupper(xOrY),"', i, sep = ''))),",sep=''))

      tylabE = ifelse(quantreg, paste(tau, 'quantile'),
        paste('Conditional', ifelse(cdf,'Distribution', 'Density')))

      pylabE = paste("ylab =", "paste(", ifelse(gradients,"'GC',j,'of',",''), "tylabE),")

      prestE = expression(ifelse(xi.factor,"", "type = ifelse(!is.null(type),type,'l'), lty = ifelse(!is.null(lty),lty,par()$lty), col = ifelse(!is.null(col),col,par()$col), lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd), cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis), cex.lab = ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab), cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main), cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),"))

      pmainE = "main = ifelse(!is.null(main),main,''), sub = ifelse(!is.null(sub),sub,''),"

      ## error plotting expressions
      plotOnEstimate = (plot.errors.center == "estimate")

      efunE = "draw.errors"
      eexE = expression(ifelse(common.scale, "ex = as.numeric(na.omit(allei[,plot.index])),",
          "ex = as.numeric(na.omit(ei)),"))
      eelyE = expression(ifelse(common.scale,
          ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ely = na.omit(data.eval[,plot.index] - data.err[,3*plot.index-2]),",
                 "ely = na.omit(data.err[,3*plot.index] - data.err[,3*plot.index-2]),"),
          ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ely = na.omit(temp.dens - temp.err[,1]),",
                 "ely = na.omit(temp.err[,3] - temp.err[,1]),")))
      eehyE = expression(ifelse(common.scale,
          ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ehy = na.omit(data.eval[,plot.index] + data.err[,3*plot.index-1]),",
                 "ehy = na.omit(data.err[,3*plot.index] + data.err[,3*plot.index-1]),"),
          ifelse(plotOnEstimate, "ehy = na.omit(temp.dens + temp.err[,2]),",
                 "ehy = na.omit(temp.err[,3] + temp.err[,2]),")))

      erestE = "plot.errors.style = ifelse(xi.factor,'bar',plot.errors.style),
                plot.errors.bar = ifelse(xi.factor,'I',plot.errors.bar),
                plot.errors.bar.num = plot.errors.bar.num,
                lty = ifelse(xi.factor,1,2)"

      plot.index = 0
      xOrY = "x"

      for (i in 1:bws$xndim){
        plot.index = plot.index + 1
        temp.err[,] = NA
        temp.dens[] =  NA
        temp.boot = list()

        xi.factor = all.isFactor[plot.index]
        if (xi.factor){
          ei = bws$xdati$all.ulev[[i]]
          xi.neval = length(ei)
        } else {
          xi.neval = neval
          qi = trim.quantiles(xdat[,i], xtrim[i])
          ei = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = neval)

        if (xi.neval < maxneval){
          ei[(xi.neval+1):maxneval] = NA

        tobj = eval(parse(text=paste(ifelse(cdf, "npcdist",
                          ifelse(quantreg, "npqreg", "npcdens")),
                          "(txdat = xdat, tydat = ydat,",
                          "exdat = subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],",
                          ifelse(quantreg, "tau = tau,",
                                 "eydat = eydat[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],"),
                          "gradients = gradients, bws = bws)",sep="")))

        ## if there are gradients then we need to repeat the process for each component

        tevalexpr = parse(text=paste("tobj$",ifelse(gradients,
                            ifelse(quantreg, "quantgrad[,j]","congrad[,j]"),
                            ifelse(cdf, "condist", ifelse(quantreg, "quantile",
                                                          "condens"))), sep=""))
        terrexpr = parse(text=paste("tobj$",ifelse(gradients,
                           "congerr[,j]", ifelse(quantreg,"quanterr",
                                                 "conderr")), sep=""))

        if (gradients & quantreg)
          terrexpr = parse(text="NA")

        if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
          plot.out[plot.index] = NA
          plot.out[[plot.index]] = tobj

        for (j in 1:dsf){
          temp.boot = list()  
          temp.dens[1:xi.neval] = eval(tevalexpr) 
          if (plot.errors){
            if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic")
              temp.err[1:xi.neval,1:2] = replicate(2,2.0*eval(terrexpr))
            else if (plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"){
              temp.boot <- compute.bootstrap.errors(
                        xdat = xdat,
                        ydat = ydat,
                        exdat = subcol(exdat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                        eydat = eydat[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                        cdf = cdf,
                        quantreg = quantreg,
                        tau = tau,
                        gradients = gradients,
                        gradient.index = j,
                        slice.index = plot.index,
                        plot.errors.boot.method = plot.errors.boot.method,
                        plot.errors.boot.blocklen = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
                        plot.errors.boot.num = plot.errors.boot.num,
                        plot.errors.center = plot.errors.center,
                        plot.errors.type = plot.errors.type,
                        plot.errors.quantiles = plot.errors.quantiles,
                        bws = bws)
              temp.err[1:xi.neval,] <- temp.boot[["boot.err"]]
              temp.boot <- temp.boot[["bxp"]]
              if (!plot.bxp.out){
                temp.boot$out <- numeric()
                temp.boot$group <- integer()
          if (common.scale){
            allei[,plot.index] = ei
            data.eval[,(plot.index-1)*dsf+j] = temp.dens
            if (plot.errors){
              all.bxp[plot.index] = NA
              all.bxp[[plot.index]] = temp.boot

              data.err[,seq(3*((plot.index-1)*dsf+j)-2,length=3)] = temp.err
          } else if (plot.behavior != "data") {
            ## plot evaluation
            eval(parse(text = paste(eval(pfunE), "(", eval(pxE), eval(pyE),
                         eval(pylimE), eval(pxlabE), eval(pylabE), eval(prestE),
                         eval(pmainE), ")")))

            ## error plotting evaluation
            if (plot.errors && !(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp)){
              if (!xi.factor && !plotOnEstimate)
                lines(na.omit(ei), na.omit(temp.err[,3]), lty = 3)

              eval(parse(text = paste(eval(efunE), "(", eval(eexE), eval(eelyE),
                           eval(eehyE), eval(erestE), ")")))

          if (plot.behavior != "plot" & plot.errors) {
                         ifelse(quantreg, "quanterr", "conderr")),
                         "= na.omit(cbind(-temp.err[,1], temp.err[,2]))", sep="")))
                         ifelse(gradients, paste("gc",j,"bias",sep=""), "bias"),
                         "= na.omit(temp.dens - temp.err[,3])", sep="")))
            plot.out[[plot.index]]$bxp = temp.boot

      if (!quantreg){
        xOrY = "y"
        for (i in 1:bws$yndim){
          plot.index = plot.index + 1
          temp.err[,] = NA
          temp.dens[] =  NA
          temp.boot = list()

          xi.factor = all.isFactor[plot.index]
          if (xi.factor){
            ei = bws$ydati$all.ulev[[i]]
            xi.neval = length(ei)
          } else {
            xi.neval = neval
            qi = trim.quantiles(ydat[,i], ytrim[i])
            ei = seq(qi[1], qi[2], length.out = neval)

          if (xi.neval < maxneval){
            ei[(xi.neval+1):maxneval] = NA

          tobj = eval(parse(text=paste(ifelse(cdf, "npcdist",
                              ifelse(quantreg, "npqreg", "npcdens")),
                              "(txdat = xdat, tydat = ydat,",
                              ifelse(quantreg, "tau = tau,",
                                     "exdat = exdat[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],"),
                              "eydat = subcol(eydat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],",
                              "gradients = gradients, bws = bws)",sep="")))

          ## if there are gradients then we need to repeat the process for each component

          tevalexpr = parse(text=paste("tobj$",ifelse(gradients,
                              ifelse(quantreg, "quantgrad[,j]","congrad[,j]"),
                              ifelse(cdf, "condist", ifelse(quantreg, "quantile",
                                                            "condens"))), sep=""))
          terrexpr = parse(text=paste("tobj$",ifelse(gradients,
                             "congerr[,j]", ifelse(quantreg,"quanterr",
                                                   "conderr")), sep=""))

          if (gradients & quantreg)
            terrexpr = parse(text="NA")

          if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
            plot.out[plot.index] = NA
            plot.out[[plot.index]] = tobj

          for (j in 1:dsf){
            temp.boot = list()  
            temp.dens[1:xi.neval] = eval(tevalexpr) 
            if (plot.errors){
              if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic")
                temp.err[1:xi.neval,1:2] = replicate(2,2.0*eval(terrexpr))
              else if (plot.errors.method == "bootstrap"){
                temp.boot <- compute.bootstrap.errors(
                          xdat = xdat,
                          ydat = ydat,
                          exdat = exdat[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                          eydat = subcol(eydat,ei,i)[1:xi.neval,, drop = FALSE],
                          cdf = cdf,
                          quantreg = quantreg,
                          tau = tau,
                          gradients = gradients,
                          gradient.index = j,
                          slice.index = plot.index,
                          plot.errors.boot.method = plot.errors.boot.method,
                          plot.errors.boot.blocklen = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
                          plot.errors.boot.num = plot.errors.boot.num,
                          plot.errors.center = plot.errors.center,
                          plot.errors.type = plot.errors.type,
                          plot.errors.quantiles = plot.errors.quantiles,
                          bws = bws)
                temp.err[1:xi.neval,] <- temp.boot[["boot.err"]]
                temp.boot <- temp.boot[["bxp"]]
                if (!plot.bxp.out){
                  temp.boot$out <- numeric()
                  temp.boot$group <- integer()
            if (common.scale){
              allei[,plot.index] = ei
              data.eval[,(plot.index-1)*dsf+j] = temp.dens
              if (plot.errors){
                all.bxp[plot.index] = NA
                all.bxp[[plot.index]] = temp.boot

                data.err[,seq(3*((plot.index-1)*dsf+j)-2,length=3)] = temp.err
            } else if (plot.behavior != "data") {
              ## plot evaluation
              eval(parse(text = paste(eval(pfunE), "(", eval(pxE), eval(pyE),
                           eval(pylimE), eval(pxlabE), eval(pylabE), eval(prestE),
                           eval(pmainE), ")")))

              ## error plotting evaluation
              if (plot.errors && !(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp)){
                if (!xi.factor && !plotOnEstimate)
                  lines(na.omit(ei), na.omit(temp.err[,3]), lty = 3)

                eval(parse(text = paste(eval(efunE), "(", eval(eexE), eval(eelyE),
                             eval(eehyE), eval(erestE), ")")))

            if (plot.behavior != "plot" & plot.errors) {
                           ifelse(quantreg, "quanterr", "conderr")),
                           "= na.omit(cbind(-temp.err[,1], temp.err[,2]))", sep="")))
                           ifelse(gradients, paste("gc",j,"bias",sep=""), "bias"),
                           "= na.omit(temp.dens - temp.err[,3])", sep="")))
              plot.out[[plot.index]]$bxp = temp.boot
      if (common.scale & (plot.behavior != "data")){
        jj = 1:(dsf*tot.dim)*3
        if (plot.errors.center == "estimate" | !plot.errors) {
          y.max = max(na.omit(as.double(data.eval)) +
            if (plot.errors) na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj-1]))
            else 0)
          y.min = min(na.omit(as.double(data.eval)) -
            if (plot.errors) na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj-2]))
            else 0)
        } else if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected") {
          y.max = max(na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj] + data.err[,jj-1])))
          y.min = min(na.omit(as.double(data.err[,jj] - data.err[,jj-2])))

          y.min = ylim[1]
          y.max = ylim[2]
        xOrY = "x"
        for (plot.index in 1:tot.dim){
          i = ifelse(plot.index <= bws$xndim, plot.index, plot.index - bws$xndim)

          if (plot.index > bws$xndim)
            xOrY <- "y"
          xi.factor = all.isFactor[plot.index]

          for (j in 1:dsf){
            ## plot evaluation
            eval(parse(text = paste(eval(pfunE), "(", eval(pxE), eval(pyE),
                         eval(pylimE), eval(pxlabE), eval(pylabE), eval(prestE),
                         eval(pmainE), ")")))

            ## error plotting evaluation
            if (plot.errors && !(xi.factor & plot.bootstrap & plot.bxp)){
              if (!xi.factor && !plotOnEstimate)
                lines(na.omit(ei), na.omit(temp.err[,3]), lty = 3)

              eval(parse(text = paste(eval(efunE), "(", eval(eexE), eval(eelyE),
                           eval(eehyE), eval(erestE), ")")))

      if (plot.behavior != "data" && plot.par.mfrow)

      if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
        names(plot.out) = paste("cd", 1:tot.dim, sep="")
        return (plot.out)

npplot.sibandwidth <-
           data = NULL,
           common.scale = TRUE,
           gradients = FALSE,
           main = NULL,
           type = NULL,
           cex.axis = NULL,
           cex.lab = NULL,
           cex.main = NULL,
           cex.sub = NULL,
           col = NULL,
           ylab = NULL,
           xlab = NULL,
           sub = NULL,
           ylim = NULL,
           xlim = NULL,
           lty = NULL,
           lwd = NULL,
           plot.behavior = c("plot","plot-data","data"),
           plot.errors.method = c("none","bootstrap","asymptotic"),
           plot.errors.boot.num = 399,
           plot.errors.boot.method = c("inid", "fixed", "geom"),
           plot.errors.boot.blocklen = NULL,
           plot.errors.center = c("estimate","bias-corrected"),
           plot.errors.type = c("standard","quantiles"),
           plot.errors.quantiles = c(0.025,0.975),
           plot.errors.style = c("band","bar"),
           plot.errors.bar = c("|","I"),
           plot.errors.bar.num = NULL,
           plot.par.mfrow = TRUE,

    miss.xy = c(missing(xdat),missing(ydat))
    if (any(miss.xy) && !all(miss.xy))
      stop("one of, but not both, xdat and ydat was specified")
    else if(all(miss.xy) && !is.null(bws$formula)){
      tt <- terms(bws)
    m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"),
               names(bws$call), nomatch = 0)
    tmf <- bws$call[c(1,m)]
    tmf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    tmf[["formula"]] <- tt
    umf <- tmf <- eval(tmf, envir = environment(tt))

      ydat <- model.response(tmf)
      xdat <- tmf[, attr(attr(tmf, "terms"),"term.labels"), drop = FALSE]
    } else {
      if(all(miss.xy) && !is.null(bws$call)){
        xdat <- data.frame(eval(bws$call[["xdat"]], environment(bws$call)))
        ydat = eval(bws$call[["ydat"]], environment(bws$call))
      ## catch and destroy NA's
      xdat = toFrame(xdat)
      goodrows = 1:dim(xdat)[1]
      rows.omit = attr(na.omit(data.frame(xdat,ydat)), "na.action")
      goodrows[rows.omit] = 0

      if (all(goodrows==0))
        stop("Data has no rows without NAs")

      xdat = xdat[goodrows,,drop = FALSE]
      ydat = ydat[goodrows]

    if (is.null(plot.errors.bar.num))
      plot.errors.bar.num = min(length(ydat),25)

    if (missing(plot.errors.method) &
        any(!missing(plot.errors.boot.num), !missing(plot.errors.boot.method),
      warning(paste("plot.errors.method must be set to 'bootstrap' to use bootstrapping.",
                    "\nProceeding without bootstrapping."))

    plot.behavior = match.arg(plot.behavior)
    plot.errors.method = match.arg(plot.errors.method)
    plot.errors.boot.method = match.arg(plot.errors.boot.method)
    plot.errors.center = match.arg(plot.errors.center)
    plot.errors.type = match.arg(plot.errors.type)
    plot.errors.style = match.arg(plot.errors.style)
    plot.errors.bar = match.arg(plot.errors.bar)

    common.scale = common.scale | (!is.null(ylim))

    if (plot.errors.method == "asymptotic") {
      warning(paste("asymptotic errors are not supported with single index regression.\n",
                    "Proceeding without calculating errors"))
      plot.errors.method = "none"
    if (is.element(plot.errors.boot.method, c("fixed", "geom")) &&
      plot.errors.boot.blocklen = b.star(xdat,round=TRUE)[1,1]

    plot.errors = (plot.errors.method != "none")

    if (plot.behavior != "data" && plot.par.mfrow)
      par(mfrow=if(gradients) n2mfrow(bws$ndim) else c(1,1),cex=par()$cex)

    plot.out = list()

    neval = maxneval = length(ydat)
    tobj = npindex(txdat = xdat, tydat = ydat,
      bws = bws, gradients = gradients)
    temp.err = matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxneval, ncol = 3)
    temp.mean = replicate(maxneval, NA)

    temp.mean[] = if(gradients) tobj$grad[,1] else tobj$mean

    if (plot.errors){
      if (plot.errors.method == "bootstrap")
        temp.err[,] = compute.bootstrap.errors(
                  xdat = xdat, ydat = ydat,
                  gradients = gradients,
                  plot.errors.boot.method = plot.errors.boot.method,
                  plot.errors.boot.blocklen = plot.errors.boot.blocklen,
                  plot.errors.boot.num = plot.errors.boot.num,
                  plot.errors.center = plot.errors.center,
                  plot.errors.type = plot.errors.type,
                  plot.errors.quantiles = plot.errors.quantiles,
                  bws = bws)

    i.sort = sort(tobj$index, index.return=TRUE)$ix

    if (!gradients){
        ymin = ylim[1]
        ymax = ylim[2]
      } else {
        ymin <- eval(parse(text=paste("min(",
                             ifelse(plot.errors,"- temp.err[,1]",""),
                             ", temp.err[,3]",
                             ifelse(plot.errors,"- temp.err[,1]",""),
        ymax <- eval(parse(text=paste("max(",
                             ifelse(plot.errors,"+ temp.err[,2]",""),
                             ", temp.err[,3]",
                             ifelse(plot.errors,"+ temp.err[,2]",""),

      if (plot.behavior != "data"){      
        if (plot.errors){
          plot(tobj$index[i.sort], temp.mean[i.sort],
               ylim = ifelse(!is.null(ylim),ylim,c(ymin,ymax)),
               xlim = xlim,
               cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
               cex.lab =  ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
               cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
               cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
               xlab = ifelse(!is.null(xlab),xlab,"index"),
               ylab = ifelse(!is.null(ylab),ylab,gen.label(bws$ynames, 'Conditional Mean')),
               type = ifelse(!is.null(type),type,'l'),
               lty = ifelse(!is.null(lty),lty,par()$lty),
               col = ifelse(!is.null(col),col,par()$col),
               main = main,
               sub = sub,
               lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd))
          if (plot.errors.center == "estimate") {
            draw.errors(ex = na.omit(tobj$index[i.sort]),
                        ely = na.omit(temp.mean[i.sort] - temp.err[i.sort,1]),
                        ehy = na.omit(temp.mean[i.sort] + temp.err[i.sort,2]),
                        plot.errors.style = plot.errors.style,
                        plot.errors.bar = plot.errors.bar,
                        plot.errors.bar.num = plot.errors.bar.num,
                        lty = 2)
          } else if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected") {
            lines(na.omit(tobj$index[i.sort]), na.omit(temp.err[i.sort,3]), lty = 3)
            draw.errors(ex = na.omit(tobj$index[i.sort]),
                        ely = na.omit(temp.err[i.sort,3] - temp.err[i.sort,1]),
                        ehy = na.omit(temp.err[i.sort,3] + temp.err[i.sort,2]),
                        plot.errors.style  = plot.errors.style,
                        plot.errors.bar = plot.errors.bar,
                        plot.errors.bar.num = plot.errors.bar.num,
                        lty = 2)
        } else {
          plot(tobj$index[i.sort], temp.mean[i.sort],
               cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
               cex.lab =  ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
               cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
               cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
               xlab = ifelse(!is.null(xlab),xlab,"Index"),
               ylab = ifelse(!is.null(ylab),ylab,gen.label(bws$ynames, 'Conditional Mean')),
               type = ifelse(!is.null(type),type,'l'),
               lty = ifelse(!is.null(lty),lty,par()$lty),
               col = ifelse(!is.null(col),col,par()$col),
               main = main,
               sub = sub,
               xlim = xlim,
               ylim = ylim,
               lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd))

      if (plot.behavior != "plot") {
        plot.out[1] = NA
        plot.out[[1]] = tobj

    } else {

        bmax = max(bws$beta)
        bmin = min(bws$beta)

        if (plot.errors){
          ymax = max(temp.mean + temp.err[,2])
          ymin = min(temp.mean - temp.err[,1])
        } else {
          ymax = max(temp.mean)
          ymin = min(temp.mean)

        ylim = c(min(bmin*ymax,bmax*ymin),max(bmax*ymax,bmin*ymin))

          ymin = ylim[1]
          ymax = ylim[2]

        if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
          plot.out[1] = NA
          plot.out[[1]] = tobj

          plot.out[[1]]$index = tobj$index[i.sort]
          plot.out[[1]]$mean = tobj$mean[i.sort]
          plot.out[[1]]$grad = matrix(data=0,nrow = nrow(xdat), ncol = ncol(xdat))
          plot.out[[1]]$glerr = matrix(data=0,nrow = nrow(xdat), ncol = ncol(xdat))
          plot.out[[1]]$gherr = matrix(data=0,nrow = nrow(xdat), ncol = ncol(xdat))

        for (i in 1:ncol(xdat)){
          if (plot.behavior != "data"){

              ylim = c(min(temp.mean*bws$beta[i]), max(temp.mean*bws$beta[i]))
            plot(tobj$index[i.sort], temp.mean[i.sort]*bws$beta[i],
                 ylim = ylim,
                 cex.axis = ifelse(!is.null(cex.axis),cex.axis,par()$cex.axis),
                 cex.lab =  ifelse(!is.null(cex.lab),cex.lab,par()$cex.lab),
                 cex.main = ifelse(!is.null(cex.main),cex.main,par()$cex.main),
                 cex.sub = ifelse(!is.null(cex.sub),cex.sub,par()$cex.sub),
                 xlab = ifelse(!is.null(xlab),xlab,"index"),
                 ylab = paste("Gradient Component",i, "of", gen.label(bws$ynames, 'Conditional Mean')),
                 lty = ifelse(!is.null(lty),lty,par()$lty),
                 col = ifelse(!is.null(col),col,par()$col),
                 type = ifelse(!is.null(type),type,'l'),
                 main = main,
                 sub = sub,
                 lwd = ifelse(!is.null(lwd),lwd,par()$lwd))
            if (plot.errors){
              if (plot.errors.center == "estimate") {
                draw.errors(ex = na.omit(tobj$index[i.sort]),
                            ely = na.omit(bws$beta[i]*(temp.mean[i.sort] - temp.err[i.sort,1])),
                            ehy = na.omit(bws$beta[i]*(temp.mean[i.sort] + temp.err[i.sort,2])),
                            plot.errors.style = plot.errors.style,
                            plot.errors.bar = plot.errors.bar,
                            plot.errors.bar.num = plot.errors.bar.num,
                            lty = 2)
              } else if (plot.errors.center == "bias-corrected") {
                lines(na.omit(tobj$index[i.sort]), na.omit(temp.err[i.sort,3]), lty = 3)
                draw.errors(ex = na.omit(tobj$index[i.sort]),
                            ely = na.omit(temp.err[i.sort,3] - temp.err[i.sort,1]),
                            ehy = na.omit(temp.err[i.sort,3] + temp.err[i.sort,2]),
                            plot.errors.style  = plot.errors.style,
                            plot.errors.bar = plot.errors.bar,
                            plot.errors.bar.num = plot.errors.bar.num,
                            lty = 2)

          if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
            plot.out[[1]]$grad[,i] = bws$beta[i]*temp.mean[i.sort]
            plot.out[[1]]$glerr[,i] = bws$beta[i]*temp.err[i.sort,ifelse(bws$beta >= 0.0,1,2)]
            plot.out[[1]]$gherr[,i] = bws$beta[i]*temp.err[i.sort,ifelse(bws$beta < 0.0,1,2)]
            plot.out[[1]]$gbias[,i] = bws$beta[i]*temp.err[i.sort,3]

    if (plot.behavior != "data" && plot.par.mfrow)
    if (plot.behavior != "plot"){
      names(plot.out) = paste(ifelse(gradients, "si.grad", "si"),1:ncol(xdat),sep="")
      return (plot.out)


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