Man pages for onemap
Construction of Genetic Maps in Experimental Crosses

acumPerform gaussian sum
add_markerCreates a new sequence by adding markers.
add_redundantsAdd the redundant markers removed by create_data_bins...
Bonferroni_alphaCalculates individual significance level to be used to...
check_dataOnemap object sanity check
check_twoptsTwopts object sanity check
combine_onemapCombine OneMap datasets
compareCompare all possible orders (exhaustive search) for a given...
create_data_binsNew dataset based on bins
create_dataframe_for_plot_outcrossCreate a dataframe suitable for a ggplot2 graphic
create_depths_profileCreate database and ggplot graphic of allele reads depths
create_probsBuild genotype probabilities matrix for hmm
draw_mapDraw a genetic map
draw_map2Draw a linkage map
drop_markerCreates a new sequence by dropping markers.
empty_onemap_objProduce empty object to avoid code break. Function for...
est_map_hmm_outC++ routine for multipoint analysis in outcrossing...
extract_depthExtract allele counts of progeny and parents of vcf file
filter_2pts_gapsFilter markers based on 2pts distance
filter_missingFilter markers according with a missing data threshold
filter_probFunction filter genotypes by genotype probability
find_binsAllocate markers into bins
generate_overlapping_batchesFunction to divide the sequence in batches with user defined...
groupAssign markers to linkage groups
group_seqAssign markers to preexisting linkage groups
group_upgmaAssign markers to linkage groups
haldaneApply Haldane mapping function
keep_only_selected_mksKeep in the onemap and twopts object only markers in the...
kosambiApply Kosambi mapping function
make_seqCreate a sequence of markers based on other OneMap object...
mapConstruct the linkage map for a sequence of markers
map_avoid_unlinkedRepeat HMM if map find unlinked marker
mapmaker_example_f2Simulated data from a F2 population
map_overlapping_batchesMapping overlapping batches
map_save_ramPerform map using background objects with only selected...
marker_typeInforms the segregation patterns of markers
mds_onemapOneMap interface with MDSMap package with option for...
onemap_example_bcSimulated data from a backcross population
onemap_example_f2Simulated data from a F2 population
onemap_example_outData from a full-sib family derived from two outbred parents
onemap_example_riselfSimulated data from a RIL population produced by selfing.
onemap_read_vcfRConvert vcf file to onemap object
order_seqSearch for the best order of markers combining compare and...
parents_haplotypesGenerates data.frame with parents estimated haplotypes
pick_batch_sizesPicking optimal batch size values
plot_by_segreg_typeDraw a graphic showing the number of markers of each... the results of grouping procedure
plot.onemapDraw a graphic of raw data for any OneMap population
plot.onemap_progeny_haplotypesPlots progeny haplotypes
plot.onemap_progeny_haplotypes_countsPlot recombination breakpoints counts for each individual
plot.onemap_segreg_testPlot p-values for chi-square tests of expected segregation
print.compareprint method for object class 'compare'
print.groupShow the results of grouping procedure
print.group_seqShow the results of grouping markers to preexisting sequence the results of grouping procedure
print.onemapPrint method for object class 'onemap'
print.onemap_binprint method for object class 'onemap_bin'
print.onemap_segreg_testShow the results of segregation tests
print.orderPrint order_seq object
print.rf_2ptsPrint method for object class 'rf_2pts'
print.sequencePrint method for object class 'sequence'
print.tryPrint method for object class 'try'
progeny_haplotypesGenerate data.frame with genotypes estimated by HMM and its...
progeny_haplotypes_countsPlot number of breakpoints by individuals
rcdRapid Chain Delineation
read_mapmakerRead data from a Mapmaker raw file
read_onemapRead data from all types of progenies supported by OneMap
recordRecombination Counting and Ordering
remove_indsRemove individuals from the onemap object
rf_2ptsTwo-point analysis between genetic markers
rf_graph_tablePlots pairwise recombination fractions and LOD Scores in a...
rf_snp_filter_onemapFilter markers according with a two-points recombination...
ripple_seqCompares and displays plausible alternative orders for a...
rm_dupli_mksRemove duplicated markers keeping the one with less missing...
seeded_mapConstruct the linkage map for a sequence of markers after...
select_segregShow markers with/without segregation distortion
seq_by_typeExtract marker number by name
set_map_funDefines the default mapping function
sort_by_posSort markers in onemap object by their position in reference...
split_2ptsSplit rf_2pts object by markers
split_onemapSplit onemap data sets
suggest_lodSuggests a LOD Score for two point tests
try_seqTry to map a marker into every possible position between...
try_seq_by_seqRun try_seq considering previous sequence
ugUnidirectional Growth
vcf2rawThese functions are defunct and no longer available.
vcf_example_bcData generated from VCF file with biallelic markers from a f2...
vcf_example_f2Data generated from VCF file with biallelic markers from a f2...
vcf_example_outData generated from VCF file with biallelic markers from a...
vcf_example_riselfData generated from VCF file with biallelic markers from a...
write_mapWrite a genetic map to a file
write_onemap_rawConvert onemap object to onemap raw file
onemap documentation built on Nov. 26, 2022, 9:05 a.m.