## ----setup, include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
data(MatWgt_Sim, package = "optimall")
## ----example, echo = FALSE, results = 'hide'----------------------------------
## Generate data
n <- c(rmultinom(1, 1000, c(1/3, 1/3, 1/3)))
col1 <- c(rep("setosa", times = n[1]),
rep("versicolor", times = n[2]),
rep("virginica", times = n[3]))
pl <- c(rnorm(n[1], 1.462, 0.432),
rnorm(n[2], 4.260, 0.470),
rnorm(n[3], 5.552, 0.552))
sl <- c(rnorm(n[1], pl[1:n[1]] * 3.35, 0.341),
rnorm(n[2], pl[(n[1]+1):(n[1]+n[2])] * 1.32, 0.366),
rnorm(n[3], pl[(n[2]+1):1000] * 1.14, 0.302))
full_data <- data.frame("id" = 1:1000,
"Species" = as.factor(col1),
"Sepal.Length" = sl,
"Petal.Length" = pl)
phase1_data <- full_data[,-4]
## Multiwave object setup
Survey <- multiwave(phases = 2, waves = c(1, 3),
phase1 = phase1_data)
set_mw(Survey, phase = 2, slot = "metadata") <- list(id = "id",
strata = "Species",
design_strata = "strata",
include_probs = TRUE)
## Wave 1
### Allocation: X-allocate with Phase 1 sepal length
Survey <- apply_multiwave(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 1,
fun = "optimum_allocation",
y = "Sepal.Length",
nsample = 50, method = "Neyman")
# get_mw(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 1, slot ="design")
### Select samples
Survey <- apply_multiwave(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 1,
fun = "sample_strata",
n_allocated = "stratum_size",
probs = ~stratum_size/npop)
### "Collect" data
set_mw(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 1, slot = "sampled_data") <-
full_data[full_data$id %in% get_mw(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 1,
slot = "samples")$ids,
c("id", "Petal.Length")]
Survey <- merge_samples(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 1)
## Wave 2
### Allocation: Neyman allocation with already-collected phase 2 data.
Survey <- apply_multiwave(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 2,
fun = "allocate_wave",
y = "Petal.Length",
nsample = 50, allocation_method = "Neyman",
already_sampled = "sampled_phase2")
# get_mw(phase = 2, wave = 2, slot = "design")
### Select samples
Survey <- apply_multiwave(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 2,
fun = "sample_strata",
n_allocated = "n_to_sample",
probs = ~n_to_sample/(npop - nsample_prior),
already_sampled = "sampled_phase2")
### "Collect" data
set_mw(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 2, slot = "sampled_data") <-
full_data[full_data$id %in% get_mw(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 2,
slot = "samples")$ids,
c("id", "Petal.Length")]
Survey <- merge_samples(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 2)
## Wave 3
### Allocation: Neyman allocation with already-collected phase 2 data.
Survey <- apply_multiwave(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 3,
fun = "allocate_wave",
y = "Petal.Length",
nsample = 50, allocation_method = "Neyman",
already_sampled = "sampled_phase2")
# get_mw(phase = 2, wave = 3, slot = "design")
### Select samples
Survey <- apply_multiwave(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 3,
fun = "sample_strata",
n_allocated = "n_to_sample",
probs = ~n_to_sample/(npop - nsample_prior),
already_sampled = "sampled_phase2")
### "Collect" data
set_mw(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 3, slot = "sampled_data") <-
full_data[full_data$id %in% get_mw(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 3,
slot = "samples")$ids,
c("id", "Petal.Length")]
Survey <- merge_samples(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 3)
### Final dataset for analysis
survey_data <- get_mw(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 3, slot = "data")
### Clean up for printing
survey_data <- survey_data[,c("id", "Species", "Sepal.Length",
"Petal.Length", "sampled_phase2",
"sampled_wave2.1", "sampled_wave2.2",
"sampled_wave2.3", "sampling_prob")]
survey_data <- survey_data[order(-survey_data$sampled_phase2,
survey_data$id), , drop = FALSE] %>%
dplyr::mutate(wave = case_when(sampled_wave2.1 == 1 ~ 1,
sampled_wave2.2 == 1 ~ 2,
sampled_wave2.3 == 1 ~ 3))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
pst_design <- twophase(id = list(~id, ~id), strata = list(NULL, ~Species),
subset = ~as.logical(sampled_phase2),
data = survey_data, method = "simple")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
pst_est <- svymean(~Petal.Length, design = pst_design)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
pst_design_rake <- calibrate(pst_design, ~Sepal.Length + Species,
phase = 2, calfun = "raking")
pst_est_rake <- svymean(~Petal.Length, design = pst_design_rake)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Find denominator from eq. 6 for each wave, species
denom_data <- survey_data %>%
dplyr::select(Species, wave, sampling_prob) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::filter(! %>%
arrange(Species, wave) %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
dplyr::mutate(denom = ifelse(wave == 1, sampling_prob,
sampling_prob * cumprod(1 - lag(sampling_prob, default = 0))))%>%
## Merge back with original dataframe, attaching the denominator to each obs.
survey_data <- survey_data %>%
dplyr::left_join(dplyr::select(denom_data, Species, wave, denom),
by = c("Species","wave"))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
cp_design <- twophase(id = list(~id, ~id), strata = list(NULL, ~Species),
subset = ~as.logical(sampled_phase2),
data = survey_data, probs = list(NULL, ~denom))
cp_est <- svymean(~Petal.Length, design = cp_design)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
phase2_data <- survey_data[survey_data$sampled_phase2 == 1,]
# Weight observations by denominator from equation 6
phase2_data$weighted_obs <- phase2_data$Petal.Length/phase2_data$denom
# Determine number of waves each stratum was sampled in
sampled_waves <- denom_data[denom_data$sampling_prob > 0,]
n_waves_sampled <- table(sampled_waves$Species)
# Compute estimate for total in equation 6
total_est <- (sum(phase2_data[phase2_data$Species == "setosa",
"weighted_obs"])/ n_waves_sampled["setosa"] +
sum(phase2_data[phase2_data$Species == "virginica",
sum(phase2_data[phase2_data$Species == "versicolor",
names(total_est) <- "Petal.Length"
# Finally, compute the mean
cp_est <- total_est/nrow(survey_data)
cp_est # this matches svymean() output above if all strata sampled in all waves
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
### Combine design dataframes for waves 1-3.
design_all_waves <- dplyr::bind_rows(cbind(phase2_wave = 1,
get_mw(Survey, 2, 1, "design")),
cbind(phase2_wave = 2,
get_mw(Survey, 2, 2, "design")),
cbind(phase2_wave = 3,
get_mw(Survey, 2, 3, "design"))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(n_to_sample = dplyr::coalesce(n_to_sample, stratum_size),
nsample_prior = ifelse(,
0 , nsample_prior))
### Now add three columns to design: prob of two obs being sampled in a given
### wave, prob of neither being sampled in given wave, or prob of only (specific)
### one being sampled in given wave
design_all_waves <- design_all_waves |>
dplyr::mutate(both_pp = n_to_sample/(npop - nsample_prior)*
(n_to_sample-1)/(npop - nsample_prior - 1), #n/N*(n-1)/(N-1)
onlyone_pp = n_to_sample/(npop - nsample_prior)*
(npop- nsample_prior- n_to_sample)/(npop - nsample_prior - 1),
neither_pp =
(npop- nsample_prior- n_to_sample)/(npop - nsample_prior)*
(npop- nsample_prior- n_to_sample-1)/(npop - nsample_prior - 1),
single_prob = n_to_sample/(npop - nsample_prior))
### One row for each stratum
design_all_waves_wide <- design_all_waves %>%
dplyr::select(phase2_wave, strata, both_pp, onlyone_pp, neither_pp, single_prob) %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = phase2_wave, values_from = c(both_pp, onlyone_pp,
neither_pp, single_prob))
### Compute pairwise probability of inclusion and variance contribution
### for each pair of Phase 2 samples
phase2_ids <- dplyr::filter(survey_data, sampled_phase2 == 1)$id
pairwise_df <- expand.grid("id1" = phase2_ids, "id2" = phase2_ids) %>%
dplyr::left_join(dplyr::select(survey_data, id, "Species1" = Species,
"wave1" = wave,
"denom1" = denom,
"Petal.Length1" = Petal.Length),
by = c("id1" = "id")) %>%
dplyr::left_join(dplyr::select(survey_data, id, "Species2" = Species,
"wave2" = wave,
"denom2" = denom,
"Petal.Length2" = Petal.Length),
by = c("id2" = "id")) %>%
dplyr::left_join(design_all_waves_wide, by = c("Species1" = "strata")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(pairwise_prob =
case_when(id1 == id2 ~ denom1,
Species1 != Species2 ~ denom1*denom2,
wave1 == 1 & wave2 == 1 ~ both_pp_1,
wave1 == 2 & wave2 == 2 ~ neither_pp_1*both_pp_2,
wave1 == 3 & wave2 == 3 ~ neither_pp_1*neither_pp_2*both_pp_3,
TRUE ~ denom1*denom2),
phase2_variance_contribution = (1-denom1*denom2/pairwise_prob)*
phase2_variance_est <- sum(pairwise_df$phase2_variance_contribution)/nrow(phase1_data)^2/3^2
## Final variance estimator combines the phase 2 variance that we just calculated with
## phase 1 variance (which was already calculated in post-stratified estimator)
### Extract phase 1 variance estimate from pst_est
phase1_variance_est <- attr(SE(pst_est), "phases")$phase1[1]
### Estimate variance with two-phase()
cp_est_ase <- sqrt(phase2_variance_est + phase1_variance_est)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
pairwise_probs <- matrix(pairwise_df$pairwise_prob,
ncol = length(phase2_ids), byrow = TRUE)
phase2_data <- survey_data[survey_data$sampled_phase2 == 1,]
cp_design_phase2 <- svydesign(id = ~id,
data = phase2_data, probs = ~denom,
pps = ppsmat(pairwise_probs))
phase2_variance_est <- (SE(svytotal(~Petal.Length, design = cp_design_phase2))/nrow(phase1_data)/3)^2
cp_est_ase <- sqrt(phase2_variance_est + phase1_variance_est)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
phase2_data <- survey_data[survey_data$sampled_phase2 == 1,]
phase2_data$strata_int <- paste0(phase2_data$Species, ".", phase2_data$wave)
svydesign_phase2 <- svydesign(data = phase2_data,
ids = ~id,
strata = ~strata_int,
probs = ~denom)
estimate_approx <- svytotal(~Petal.Length, svydesign_phase2)/nrow(phase1_data)/3
variance_approx <- sqrt(phase1_variance_est + (SE(estimate_approx)/nrow(phase1_data)/3)^2)
## ----appendix, ref.label = "example", echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE-------------------
# #####
# ## Generate data
# #####
# set.seed(1)
# n <- c(rmultinom(1, 1000, c(1/3, 1/3, 1/3)))
# col1 <- c(rep("setosa", times = n[1]),
# rep("versicolor", times = n[2]),
# rep("virginica", times = n[3]))
# pl <- c(rnorm(n[1], 1.462, 0.432),
# rnorm(n[2], 4.260, 0.470),
# rnorm(n[3], 5.552, 0.552))
# sl <- c(rnorm(n[1], pl[1:n[1]] * 3.35, 0.341),
# rnorm(n[2], pl[(n[1]+1):(n[1]+n[2])] * 1.32, 0.366),
# rnorm(n[3], pl[(n[2]+1):1000] * 1.14, 0.302))
# full_data <- data.frame("id" = 1:1000,
# "Species" = as.factor(col1),
# "Sepal.Length" = sl,
# "Petal.Length" = pl)
# phase1_data <- full_data[,-4]
# ####
# ## Multiwave object setup
# ####
# Survey <- multiwave(phases = 2, waves = c(1, 3),
# phase1 = phase1_data)
# set_mw(Survey, phase = 2, slot = "metadata") <- list(id = "id",
# strata = "Species",
# design_strata = "strata",
# include_probs = TRUE)
# ####
# ## Wave 1
# ####
# ### Allocation: X-allocate with Phase 1 sepal length
# Survey <- apply_multiwave(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 1,
# fun = "optimum_allocation",
# y = "Sepal.Length",
# nsample = 50, method = "Neyman")
# # get_mw(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 1, slot ="design")
# ### Select samples
# Survey <- apply_multiwave(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 1,
# fun = "sample_strata",
# n_allocated = "stratum_size",
# probs = ~stratum_size/npop)
# ### "Collect" data
# set_mw(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 1, slot = "sampled_data") <-
# full_data[full_data$id %in% get_mw(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 1,
# slot = "samples")$ids,
# c("id", "Petal.Length")]
# Survey <- merge_samples(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 1)
# ####
# ## Wave 2
# ####
# ### Allocation: Neyman allocation with already-collected phase 2 data.
# Survey <- apply_multiwave(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 2,
# fun = "allocate_wave",
# y = "Petal.Length",
# nsample = 50, allocation_method = "Neyman",
# already_sampled = "sampled_phase2")
# # get_mw(phase = 2, wave = 2, slot = "design")
# ### Select samples
# Survey <- apply_multiwave(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 2,
# fun = "sample_strata",
# n_allocated = "n_to_sample",
# probs = ~n_to_sample/(npop - nsample_prior),
# already_sampled = "sampled_phase2")
# ### "Collect" data
# set_mw(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 2, slot = "sampled_data") <-
# full_data[full_data$id %in% get_mw(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 2,
# slot = "samples")$ids,
# c("id", "Petal.Length")]
# Survey <- merge_samples(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 2)
# ####
# ## Wave 3
# ####
# ### Allocation: Neyman allocation with already-collected phase 2 data.
# Survey <- apply_multiwave(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 3,
# fun = "allocate_wave",
# y = "Petal.Length",
# nsample = 50, allocation_method = "Neyman",
# already_sampled = "sampled_phase2")
# # get_mw(phase = 2, wave = 3, slot = "design")
# ### Select samples
# Survey <- apply_multiwave(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 3,
# fun = "sample_strata",
# n_allocated = "n_to_sample",
# probs = ~n_to_sample/(npop - nsample_prior),
# already_sampled = "sampled_phase2")
# ### "Collect" data
# set_mw(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 3, slot = "sampled_data") <-
# full_data[full_data$id %in% get_mw(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 3,
# slot = "samples")$ids,
# c("id", "Petal.Length")]
# Survey <- merge_samples(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 3)
# ### Final dataset for analysis
# survey_data <- get_mw(Survey, phase = 2, wave = 3, slot = "data")
# ### Clean up for printing
# survey_data <- survey_data[,c("id", "Species", "Sepal.Length",
# "Petal.Length", "sampled_phase2",
# "sampled_wave2.1", "sampled_wave2.2",
# "sampled_wave2.3", "sampling_prob")]
# survey_data <- survey_data[order(-survey_data$sampled_phase2,
# survey_data$id), , drop = FALSE] %>%
# dplyr::mutate(wave = case_when(sampled_wave2.1 == 1 ~ 1,
# sampled_wave2.2 == 1 ~ 2,
# sampled_wave2.3 == 1 ~ 3))
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