#' Marginal Effects
#' S3 generic method for estimation of marginal effects
#' of an Ordered Forest objects of class \code{orf}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{margins.orf}}, \code{\link{summary.margins.orf}} and \code{\link{print.margins.orf}}
#' @param forest estimated Ordered Forest object of class \code{orf}
#' @param eval string, defining evaluation point for marginal effects. These can be one of "mean", "atmean", or "atmedian". (Default is "mean")
#' @param inference logical, if TRUE inference on marginal effects will be conducted (default is inherited from the \code{orf} object)
#' @param window numeric, share of standard deviation of X to be used for evaluation of the marginal effect (default is 0.1)
#' @param newdata numeric matrix X containing the new observations for which the marginal effects should be estimated
#' @author Gabriel Okasa
#' @examples
#' ## Ordered Forest
#' require(orf)
#' # load example data
#' data(odata)
#' # specify response and covariates
#' Y <- as.numeric(odata[, 1])
#' X <- as.matrix(odata[, -1])
#' # estimate Ordered Forest
#' orf_fit <- orf(X, Y)
#' \donttest{
#' # estimate default marginal effects of the orf
#' orf_margins <- margins(orf_fit)
#' }
#' @export
margins <- function(forest, eval = NULL, inference = NULL, window = NULL, newdata = NULL) UseMethod("margins")
#' @export
margins.default <- function(forest, eval = NULL, inference = NULL, window = NULL, newdata = NULL) {
warning(paste("margins does not know how to handle object of class ",
". The supported classes are one of the following: orf."))
#' Marginal Effects for the Ordered Forest
#' S3 method for estimation of marginal effects
#' of an Ordered Forest objects of class \code{orf}.
#' \code{margins.orf} estimates marginal effects at the mean, at the median, or
#' the mean marginal effects, depending on the \code{eval} argument. It is advised
#' to increase the number of subsampling replications in the supplied \code{orf}
#' object as the estimation of the marginal effects is a more demanding exercise
#' than a simple Ordered Forest estimation/prediction. Additionally to the estimation
#' of the marginal effects, the weight-based inference for the effects is supported
#' as well. Note, that the inference procedure is much more computationally exhausting
#' exercise due to the computation of the forest weights. Additionally, the evaluation
#' window for the marginal effects can be regulated through the \code{window} argument.
#' Furthermore, new data for which marginal effects should be computed can be supplied
#' as well as long as it lies within the support of \code{X}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{summary.margins.orf}}, \code{\link{print.margins.orf}}
#' @param forest estimated Ordered Forest object of class \code{orf}
#' @param eval string, defining evaluation point for marginal effects. These can be one of "mean", "atmean", or "atmedian". (Default is "mean")
#' @param inference logical, if TRUE inference on marginal effects will be conducted (default is inherited from the \code{orf} object)
#' @param window numeric, share of standard deviation of X to be used for evaluation of the marginal effect (default is 0.1)
#' @param newdata numeric matrix X containing the new observations for which the marginal effects should be estimated
#' @importFrom stats predict median pnorm sd
#' @import ranger
#' @return object of type \code{margins.orf} with following elements
#' \item{info}{info containing forest inputs and data used}
#' \item{effects}{marginal effects}
#' \item{variances}{variances of marginal effects}
#' \item{errors}{standard errors of marginal effects}
#' \item{tvalues}{t-values of marginal effects}
#' \item{pvalues}{p-values of marginal effects}
#' @author Gabriel Okasa
#' @examples
#' ## Ordered Forest
#' require(orf)
#' # load example data
#' data(odata)
#' # specify response and covariates
#' Y <- as.numeric(odata[, 1])
#' X <- as.matrix(odata[, -1])
#' # estimate Ordered Forest
#' orf_fit <- orf(X, Y)
#' \donttest{
#' # estimate marginal effects of the orf (default)
#' orf_margins <- margins(orf_fit)
#' # estimate marginal effects evaluated at the mean
#' orf_margins <- margins(orf_fit, eval = "atmean")
#' # estimate marginal effects with inference
#' # (orf object has to be estimated with honesty and subsampling)
#' orf_margins <- margins(orf_fit, inference = TRUE)
#' # estimate marginal effects with custom window size
#' orf_margins <- margins(orf_fit, window = 0.5)
#' # estimate marginal effects for some new data (within support of X)
#' orf_margins <- margins(orf_fit, newdata = X[1:10, ])
#' # estimate marginal effects with all custom settings
#' orf_margins <- margins(orf_fit, eval = "atmedian", inference = TRUE,
#' window = 0.5, newdata = X[1:10, ])
#' }
#' @export
margins.orf <- function(forest, eval = NULL, inference = NULL, window = NULL, newdata = NULL) {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
## save forest inputs
inputs <- forest$info$inputs
forest_replace <- inputs$replace
forest_honesty <- inputs$honesty
forest_inference <- inputs$inference
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# check eval input
eval <- check_eval(eval)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
## check inference possibilities according to previous estimation
# if inference not specified, take inference argument as it was in the estimation
if (is.null(inference)) {
inference <- forest_inference
# check if inference is logical
inference <- check_inference(inference)
# if inference TRUE, but orf was NOT estimated with subsampling AND honesty, no inference possible
if (inference == TRUE & (forest_replace != FALSE | forest_honesty != TRUE)) {
warning("Inference is not possible if the orf object was not estimated with both subsampling and honesty.
For marginal effects with inference, reestimate orf setting replace = FALSE and honesty = TRUE.")
inference <- FALSE
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# decide if prediction or in sample marginal effects should be evaluated
if (is.null(newdata)) {
# if no newdata supplied, estimate in sample marginal effects
if (forest_honesty == FALSE) {
data <- forest$info$trainData # take in-sample data
X_eval <- as.matrix(data[, -1])
} else if (forest_honesty == TRUE) {
data <- forest$info$honestData # take honest data
X_eval <- as.matrix(data[, -1])
} else {
# check if X has name
if (is.null(colnames(newdata))) { colnames(newdata) <- paste0("X", rep(1:ncol(newdata))) }
# check if newdata is compatible with train data
if (all(colnames(forest$info$trainData)[-1] != colnames(newdata)) | ncol(newdata) != (ncol(forest$info$trainData) - 1)) {
stop("newdata is not compatible with training data. Programme terminated.")
} else {
# check X data
# newdata which will be used for evaluating marginal effects
X_eval <- as.matrix(newdata)
# get data which will be used for predicting the marginal effect
if (forest_honesty == FALSE) {
data <- forest$info$trainData # take in-sample data
} else if (forest_honesty == TRUE) {
data <- forest$info$honestData # take honest data
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
## data preparation and checks
# check the window size
window <- check_window(window)
# get number of observations
n_data <- as.numeric(nrow(data))
# get categories
categories <- forest$info$categories
# get X as matrix
X <- as.matrix(data[, -1])
# get Y as matrix
Y <- as.matrix(data[, 1])
# create indicator variables (outcomes)
Y_ind <- lapply(categories[1:length(categories)-1], function(x) ifelse((Y <= x), 1, 0))
# create datasets with indicator outcomes
data_ind <- lapply(Y_ind, function(x), X)))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
## marginal effects preparation
# share of SD to be used
h_std <- window
# check if X is continuous or dummy or categorical
X_type <- apply(X, 2, function(x) length(unique(x)))
# now determine the type of X
X_continuous <- which(X_type > 10) # define IDs of continuous Xs
X_dummy <- which(X_type == 2) # define IDs of dummies
X_categorical <- which(X_type > 2 & X_type <= 10)
# additional check for constant variables which are nonsensical
if (any(X_type == 1) | any(X_type == 0)) {
stop("Some of the covariates are constant. This makes no sense for evaluation of marginal effects. Programme terminated.")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# check the evaluation point
if (eval == "atmean") {
# variable of interest: X_1 to X_last, ME at mean
X_mean <- lapply(1:ncol(X_eval), function(x) t(as.matrix(colMeans(X_eval)))) # set all Xs to their mean values (so many times as we have Xs)
} else if (eval == "atmedian") {
# variable of interest: X_1 to X_last, ME at median
X_mean <- lapply(1:ncol(X_eval), function(x) t(as.matrix(apply(X_eval, 2, median)))) # set all Xs to their median values (so many times as we have Xs)
} else if (eval == "mean") {
# variable of interest: X_1 to X_last, mean ME
X_mean <- lapply(1:ncol(X_eval), function(x) X_eval) # set all Xs to their exact values (so many times as we have Xs)
} else {
stop("Incorrect evaluation point. This must be one of be one of mean, atmean, or atmedian. Programme terminated.")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
## get data needed for evaluation of ME
# get number of evaluation points
X_rows <- nrow(X_mean[[1]])
# get number of Xs
X_cols <- ncol(X_mean[[1]])
# get SD of Xs
X_sd <- matrix(rep(apply(X, 2, sd), times = 1, each = X_rows), nrow = X_rows)
# create X_up (X_mean + 0.1 * X_sd)
X_up <- X_mean[[1]] + h_std*X_sd
# create X_down (X_mean - 0.1 * X_sd)
X_down <- X_mean[[1]] - h_std*X_sd
## now check for the support of X
# check X_max
X_max <- matrix(rep(apply(X, 2, max), times = 1, each = X_rows), nrow = X_rows)
# check X_min
X_min <- matrix(rep(apply(X, 2, min), times = 1, each = X_rows), nrow = X_rows)
# check if X_up is within the range X_min and X_max
X_up <- (X_up < X_max) * X_up + (X_up >= X_max) * X_max
X_up <- (X_up > X_min) * X_up + (X_up <= X_min) * (X_min + h_std * X_sd)
# check if X_down is within the range X_min and X_max
X_down <- (X_down > X_min) * X_down + (X_down <= X_min) * X_min
X_down <- (X_down < X_max) * X_down + (X_down >= X_max) * (X_max - h_std * X_sd)
# check if X_up and X_down are same
if (any(X_up == X_down)) {
# adjust to higher share of SD
X_up <- (X_up > X_down) * X_up + (X_up == X_down) * (X_up + 0.5 * h_std * X_sd)
X_down <- (X_up > X_down) * X_down + (X_up == X_down) * (X_down - 0.5 * h_std * X_sd)
# check the min max range again
X_up <- (X_up < X_max) * X_up + (X_up >= X_max) * X_max
X_down <- (X_down > X_min) * X_down + (X_down <= X_min) * X_min
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
## now we need 2 datasets: one with X_up and second with X_down
# X_mean_up all (continous)
X_mean_up <- X_mean
X_mean_down <- X_mean
# replace values accordingly
for (i in 1:X_cols) {
X_mean_up[[i]][, i] <- X_up[, i]
X_mean_down[[i]][, i] <- X_down[, i]
# adjust for categorical X (works also for zero categorical) (adjustment such that the difference is always 1)
for (i in X_categorical) {
X_mean_up[[i]][, i] <- ceiling(X_mean_up[[i]][, i])
X_mean_down[[i]][, i] <- ifelse(ceiling(X_mean_down[[i]][, i]) == ceiling(X_mean_up[[i]][, i]),
floor(X_mean_down[[i]][, i]),
ceiling(X_mean_down[[i]][, i])
# adjust for dummies (works also for zero dummies)
for (i in X_dummy) {
X_mean_up[[i]][, i] <- max(X[, i])
X_mean_down[[i]][, i] <- min(X[, i])
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
## check honesty and inference
if (forest_honesty == FALSE & inference == FALSE) {
## now we do not need weights if we do not need inference (based on out of bag predictions)
# forest prediction for X_mean_up (mean doesnt matter for atmean or atmedian)
forest_pred_up <- lapply(forest$forests, function(x) lapply(X_mean_up, function(y) mean(predict(x, data = y)$predictions)))
# forest prediction for X_mean_down (mean doesnt matter for atmean or atmedian)
forest_pred_down <- lapply(forest$forests, function(x) lapply(X_mean_down, function(y) mean(predict(x, data = y)$predictions)))
} else if (forest_honesty == TRUE & inference == FALSE) {
## do honest predictions
# forest prediction for X_mean_up
forest_pred_up <- predict_forest_preds_for_ME(forest$forests, data_ind, X_mean_up)
# forest prediction for X_mean_down
forest_pred_down <- predict_forest_preds_for_ME(forest$forests, data_ind, X_mean_down)
} else if (forest_honesty == TRUE & inference == TRUE) {
## do honest predictions with weight based inference
# extract weights for desired Xs up: get weights from honest sample and predict weights for evaluation points from HONEST sample
forest_weights_up <- predict_forest_weights_for_ME(forest$forests, X, X_mean_up)
# extract weights for desired Xs down
forest_weights_down <- predict_forest_weights_for_ME(forest$forests, X, X_mean_down)
## compute predictions based on weights
# forest prediction for X_mean_up
forest_pred_up <- mapply(function(x,y) lapply(x, function(x) as.numeric(x%*%y)), forest_weights_up, Y_ind, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
# forest prediction for X_mean_down
forest_pred_down <- mapply(function(x,y) lapply(x, function(x) as.numeric(x%*%y)), forest_weights_down, Y_ind, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
## form ORF predictions
# prepare up
forest_pred_up_1 <- append(forest_pred_up, list(rep(list(rep(1, 1)), X_cols))) # append 1
forest_pred_up_0 <- append(list(rep(list(rep(0, 1)), X_cols)), forest_pred_up) # prepend 0
# isolate predictions
forest_pred_up <- mapply(function(x,y) mapply(function(x,y) x-y, x, y, SIMPLIFY = F), forest_pred_up_1, forest_pred_up_0, SIMPLIFY = F)
# avoid negative predictions
forest_pred_up <- lapply(forest_pred_up, function(x) lapply(x, function(x) ifelse((x < 0), 0, x)))
# normalize predictions
forest_pred_up_rowsum <- lapply(seq_along(forest_pred_up[[1]]), function(i) rowSums(matrix(sapply(forest_pred_up, "[[", i), ncol = length(categories), nrow = 1))) # build rowsums with respect to categories
forest_pred_up <- lapply(forest_pred_up, function(x) mapply(function(x,y) x/y, x, forest_pred_up_rowsum, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)) # normalize to sum up to 1 (very rare but just to be sure)
# prepare down
forest_pred_down_1 <- append(forest_pred_down, list(rep(list(rep(1, 1)), X_cols))) # append 1
forest_pred_down_0 <- append(list(rep(list(rep(0, 1)), X_cols)), forest_pred_down) # prepend 0
# isolate predictions
forest_pred_down <- mapply(function(x,y) mapply(function(x,y) x-y, x, y, SIMPLIFY = F), forest_pred_down_1, forest_pred_down_0, SIMPLIFY = F)
# avoid negative predictions
forest_pred_down <- lapply(forest_pred_down, function(x) lapply(x, function(x) ifelse((x < 0), 0, x)))
# normalize predictions
forest_pred_down_rowsum <- lapply(seq_along(forest_pred_down[[1]]), function(i) rowSums(matrix(sapply(forest_pred_down, "[[", i), ncol = length(categories), nrow = 1))) # build rowsums with respect to categories
forest_pred_down <- lapply(forest_pred_down, function(x) mapply(function(x,y) x/y, x, forest_pred_down_rowsum, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)) # normalize to sum up to 1 (very rare but just to be sure)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
## now subtract the predictions according to the ME formula
forest_pred_diff_up_down <- mapply(function(x,y) mapply(function(x,y) x-y, x, y, SIMPLIFY = F), forest_pred_up, forest_pred_down, SIMPLIFY = F)
# compute the scaling factor: X_up-X_down=2*X_sd
scaling_factor <- lapply(1:X_cols, function(i) mean(as.numeric((X_up - X_down)[, i]))) # save it as separate list vectors (mean doesnt change anything for "atmean" option)
# set scaling factor to zero for categorical and dummy variables
for (i in (union(X_categorical, X_dummy))) {
scaling_factor[[i]] <- 1
# scale the differences to get marginal effects
marginal_effects_scaled <- lapply(forest_pred_diff_up_down, function(x) mapply(function(x,y) x/y, x, scaling_factor, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) )
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# coerce to a matrix
marginal_effects <- sapply(marginal_effects_scaled, function(x) sapply(x, function(x) as.matrix(x)))
# add names
colnames(marginal_effects) <- sapply(categories, function(x) paste("Category", x, sep = " "))
rownames(marginal_effects) <- colnames(X)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
if (inference == TRUE) {
## variance for the marginal effects
# compute prerequisities for variance of honest marginal effects
# mean of scaling factor and squared afterwards (for atmean and atmedian the averaging doesnt change anything)
scaling_factor_squared <- lapply(scaling_factor, function(x) (mean(x))^2)
# now subtract the weights according to the ME formula
forest_weights_diff_up_down <- mapply(function(x,y) mapply(function(x,y) x-y, x, y, SIMPLIFY = F), forest_weights_up, forest_weights_down, SIMPLIFY = F)
# compute the conditional means: 1/N(weights%*%y) (predictions are based on honest sample)
forest_cond_means <- mapply(function(x,y) lapply(x, function(x) (x%*%y)/nrow(Y_ind[[1]])), forest_weights_diff_up_down, Y_ind, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
# compute standard multiplication
forest_multi <- mapply(function(x,y) lapply(x, function(x) t(x)*y), forest_weights_diff_up_down, Y_ind, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
# subtract the mean from each obs i
forest_multi_demeaned <- mapply(function(x,y) mapply(function(x,y) x-matrix(y, nrow = nrow(x)), x, y, SIMPLIFY = FALSE), forest_multi, forest_cond_means, SIMPLIFY = F)
## now do the single variances for each category m
# square the demeaned and sum it and normalize
forest_multi_demeaned_sq_sum_norm <- lapply(forest_multi_demeaned, function(x) lapply(x, function(x) (sum(x^2))*(nrow(Y_ind[[1]])/(nrow(Y_ind[[1]])-1))))
## now compute the prerequisites for covariances
# multiply forest_multi_demeaned according to formula for covariance (shifted categories needed for computational convenience)
forest_multi_demeaned_0_last <- append(forest_multi_demeaned, list(rep(list(matrix(0, ncol = ncol(forest_multi_demeaned[[1]][[1]]), nrow = nrow(forest_multi_demeaned[[1]][[1]]))), ncol(X_eval)))) # append zero matrix list
forest_multi_demeaned_0_first <- append(list(rep(list(matrix(0, ncol = ncol(forest_multi_demeaned[[1]][[1]]), nrow = nrow(forest_multi_demeaned[[1]][[1]]))), ncol(X_eval))), forest_multi_demeaned) # prepend zero matrix list
# compute the multiplication of category m with m-1 according to the covariance formula (sum, normalize and multiply by 2)
forest_multi_demeaned_cov_sum_norm_mult2 <- mapply(function(x,y) mapply(function(x,y) (sum(x*y))*(nrow(Y_ind[[1]])/(nrow(Y_ind[[1]])-1))*2, x, y, SIMPLIFY = FALSE), forest_multi_demeaned_0_first, forest_multi_demeaned_0_last, SIMPLIFY = F)
# divide by scaling factor to get the variance
variance <- lapply(forest_multi_demeaned_sq_sum_norm, function(x) mapply(function(x,y) x/y, x, scaling_factor_squared, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) )
## single variances done
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# divide by scaling factor
covariance <- lapply(forest_multi_demeaned_cov_sum_norm_mult2, function(x) mapply(function(x,y) x/y, x, scaling_factor_squared, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) )
## covariances done
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
## put everything together according to the whole variance formula
# shift variances accordingly for ease of next computations (covariance already has the desired format)
variance_last <- append(variance, list(rep(list(rep(0, length(variance[[1]][[1]]))), X_cols))) # append zero element list
variance_first <- append(list(rep(list(rep(0, length(variance[[1]][[1]]))), X_cols)), variance) # prepend zero element list
# put everything together according to formula: var_last + var_first - cov
variance_me <- mapply(function(x,y,z) mapply(function(x,y,z) (x+y-z), x, y, z, SIMPLIFY = FALSE), variance_last, variance_first, covariance, SIMPLIFY = F)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
## output for final variances of marginal effects
# coerce to a matrix
variance_me <- sapply(variance_me, function(x) sapply(x, function(x) as.matrix(x)))
# add names
colnames(variance_me) <- sapply(categories, function(x) paste("Category", x, sep = " "))
rownames(variance_me) <- colnames(X)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
## standard deviations
# take square root of variance
sd_me <- sqrt(variance_me)
# t values and p values
t_value <- (marginal_effects)/(sd_me)
# control for dividing zero by zero
t_value[is.nan(t_value)] = 0
# p values
p_values <- 2*pnorm(-abs(t_value))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
} else {
# no values for the other parameters if inference is not desired
variance_me <- NULL
sd_me <- NULL
t_value <- NULL
p_values <- NULL
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# save forest information
forest_info <- list(inputs, categories, eval, window, newdata, inference)
names(forest_info) <- c("inputs", "categories", "eval", "window", "newData", "marginsInference")
# put everything into a list of results
results <- list(forest_info, marginal_effects, variance_me, sd_me, t_value, p_values)
names(results) <- c("info", "effects", "variances", "errors", "tvalues", "pvalues")
class(results) <- "margins.orf"
# return results
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' Summary of the Ordered Forest Marginal Effects
#' summary of estimated marginal effects of the Ordered Forest of class \code{margins.orf}
#' \code{summary.margins.orf} provides estimation results of the Ordered Forest
#' marginal effects. The summary contains the results for the marginal effects
#' for each covariate and each outcome class, optionally with inference as well.
#' Furthermore, summary output as a LaTeX table is supported in order to directly
#' extract the results for the documentation.
#' @param object estimated Ordered Forest Marginal Effect object of type \code{margins.orf}
#' @param latex logical, if TRUE latex coded summary will be generated (default is FALSE)
#' @param ... further arguments (currently ignored)
#' @author Gabriel Okasa
#' @examples
#' ## Ordered Forest
#' require(orf)
#' # load example data
#' data(odata)
#' # specify response and covariates
#' Y <- as.numeric(odata[, 1])
#' X <- as.matrix(odata[, -1])
#' # estimate Ordered Forest
#' orf_fit <- orf(X, Y)
#' \donttest{
#' # estimate marginal effects of the orf
#' orf_margins <- margins(orf_fit)
#' # summary of marginal effects
#' summary(orf_margins)
#' # summary of marginal effects coded in LaTeX
#' summary(orf_margins, latex = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
summary.margins.orf <- function(object, latex = FALSE, ...) {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
## check user inputs
latex <- check_latex(latex)
# get object as orf_margins
orf_margins <- object
## save forest margins inputs
main_class <- class(orf_margins)[1]
inputs <- orf_margins$info$inputs
honesty <- inputs$honesty
honesty.fraction <- inputs$honesty.fraction
mtry <- inputs$mtry
num.trees <- inputs$num.trees
min.node.size <- inputs$min.node.size
replace <- inputs$replace
sample.fraction <- inputs$sample.fraction
inference <- inputs$inference
pred_data <- ifelse(is.null(orf_margins$info$newData), FALSE, TRUE)
eval_type <- orf_margins$info$eval
eval_window <- orf_margins$info$window
margins_inference <- orf_margins$info$marginsInference
categories <- length(orf_margins$info$categories)
build <- ifelse(replace == TRUE, "Bootstrap", "Subsampling")
type <- "Ordered Forest Margins"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# general output
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# structure summary into a list
output <- list(type, eval_type, eval_window, pred_data, categories, build, num.trees, mtry, min.node.size, replace, sample.fraction, honesty, honesty.fraction, margins_inference)
names(output) <- c("type", "evaluation.type", "evaluation.window", "", "categories", "build", "num.trees", "mtry", "min.node.size", "replace", "sample.fraction", "honesty", "honesty.fraction", "inference")
# output matrix
output_matrix <- matrix(NA, ncol = 1, nrow = length(output))
# populate output matrix
rownames(output_matrix) <- names(output) # rownames are names
colnames(output_matrix) <- "" # no visible colname
output_matrix[, 1] <- unlist(output) # column 1 are values
# generate latex output if selected
if (latex == TRUE) { colnames(output_matrix) <- "Ordered Forest Margins Summary"
output_matrix <- xtable(output_matrix, caption = "Summary of the Ordered Forest Margins", align = "ll")
# pack it into output
output <- output_matrix
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
cat("Summary of the", type, "\n\n")
# return output
print(noquote(output), comment = FALSE)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# coefficients output
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# chekc if inference has been done
if (!is.null(orf_margins$variances) & latex == FALSE) {
# print inference output table
} else if (!is.null(orf_margins$variances) & latex == TRUE) {
# print inference output table latex
} else if (is.null(orf_margins$variances) & latex == TRUE) {
# put caption an latex environment
xoutput <- xtable(orf_margins$effects, digits = 4, caption = "ORF Marginal Effects")
# put hline after each variable
print.xtable(xoutput, type = "latex", include.rownames = TRUE, comment = FALSE)
} else {
# print marginal effects title
cat("ORF Marginal Effects: \n\n")
# print just the marginal effects
print(round(orf_margins$effects, 4))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' Print of the Ordered Forest Marginal Effects
#' print of estimated marginal effects of the Ordered Forest of class \code{margins.orf}
#' \code{print.margins.orf} provides a first glimpse of the Ordered Forest
#' marginal effects, printed directly to the \code{R} console. The printed information
#' contains the results for the marginal effects for each covariate and each outcome class.
#' @param x estimated Ordered Forest Marginal Effect object of type \code{margins.orf}
#' @param ... further arguments (currently ignored)
#' @author Gabriel Okasa
#' @examples
#' ## Ordered Forest
#' require(orf)
#' # load example data
#' data(odata)
#' # specify response and covariates
#' Y <- as.numeric(odata[, 1])
#' X <- as.matrix(odata[, -1])
#' # estimate Ordered Forest
#' orf_fit <- orf(X, Y)
#' \donttest{
#' # estimate marginal effects of the orf
#' orf_margins <- margins(orf_fit)
#' # print marginal effects
#' print(orf_margins)
#' }
#' @export
print.margins.orf <- function(x, ...) {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# save x as orf_margins
orf_margins <- x
## save forest prediction inputs
main_class <- class(orf_margins)[1]
inputs <- orf_margins$info$inputs
honesty <- inputs$honesty
mtry <- inputs$mtry
num.trees <- inputs$num.trees
min.node.size <- inputs$min.node.size
replace <- inputs$replace
inference <- inputs$inference
pred_data <- orf_margins$info$newData
eval_type <- orf_margins$info$eval
eval_window <- orf_margins$info$window
margins_inference <- orf_margins$info$marginsInference
categories <- length(orf_margins$info$categories)
build <- ifelse(replace == TRUE, "Bootstrap", "Subsampling")
type <- "Ordered Forest Margins"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
cat(type, "object of class", main_class, "\n\n")
cat("Evaluation Type: ", eval_type, "\n")
cat("Evaluation Window: ", eval_window, "\n")
cat("Number of Categories: ", categories, "\n")
cat("New Data: ", ifelse(is.null(pred_data), FALSE, TRUE), "\n")
cat("Number of Trees: ", num.trees, "\n")
cat("Build: ", build, "\n")
cat("Mtry: ", mtry, "\n")
cat("Minimum Node Size: ", min.node.size, "\n")
cat("Honest Forest: ", honesty, "\n")
cat("Weight-Based Inference: ", margins_inference, "\n\n")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# print marginal effects title
cat("ORF Marginal Effects: \n\n")
# print just the marginal effects
print(round(x$effects, 4))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' Formatted output for marginal effects with inference
#' function for creating inference table output for estimated effects which
#' can be passed into \code{print.margins.orf}
#' @param x object of type \code{margins.orf}
#' @keywords internal
margins_output <- function(x) {
output_matrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 4)
cat("ORF Marginal Effects: \n\n")
cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------", "\n")
for (var_idx in 1:nrow(x$effects)) {
cat(rownames(x$effects)[var_idx], "\n")
cat(" Class", " Effect", " StdErr", " tValue ", " pValue", " ", "\n")
for (cat_idx in 1:ncol(x$effects)) {
# generate stars (inspired by and thanks to:
stars <- ifelse(x$pvalues[var_idx, cat_idx] < .01, "***",
ifelse(x$pvalues[var_idx, cat_idx] < .05, "** ",
ifelse(x$pvalues[var_idx, cat_idx] < .1, "* ", " ")))
# print estimates for each category iteratively
output_matrix[1, 1] <- x$effects[var_idx, cat_idx]
output_matrix[1, 2] <- x$errors[var_idx, cat_idx]
output_matrix[1, 3] <- x$tvalues[var_idx, cat_idx]
output_matrix[1, 4] <- x$pvalues[var_idx, cat_idx]
cat(" ", cat_idx, " ") # prit out the categories
cat(format(sprintf("%8.4f", round(output_matrix, 4)), width = 10), stars, " ") # print out the estimates
cat("\n") # break the line
cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------", "\n")
cat("Significance levels correspond to: *** .< 0.01, ** .< 0.05, * .< 0.1 \n")
cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------", "\n")
#' Formatted latex output for marginal effects with inference
#' function for creating latex inference table output for estimated effects which
#' can be passed into \code{print.margins.orf}
#' @param x object of type \code{margins.orf}
#' @importFrom xtable xtable print.xtable
#' @keywords internal
margins_output_latex <- function(x) {
# get number of categories
ncat <- ncol(x$effects)
# get number of variables
nvar <- nrow(x$effects)
# get variable names
varnames <- rownames(x$effects)
# create empty output matrix
output_matrix <- matrix("", nrow = (nvar*ncat), ncol = 7)
rownames(output_matrix) <- rep("default", (nvar*ncat)) # generate unique identifier
for (var_idx in 0:(nvar-1)) {
for (cat_idx in 1:ncat) {
# generate stars (inspired by and thanks to:
stars <- ifelse(x$pvalues[var_idx+1, cat_idx] < .01, "***",
ifelse(x$pvalues[var_idx+1, cat_idx] < .05, "** ",
ifelse(x$pvalues[var_idx+1, cat_idx] < .1, "* ", " ")))
# print estimates for each category iteratively
rownames(output_matrix)[(var_idx*ncat)+cat_idx] <- paste0(varnames[var_idx+1], cat_idx)
output_matrix[1+(var_idx*ncat), 1] <- varnames[var_idx+1] # fit in variable name
output_matrix[(var_idx*ncat)+cat_idx, 2] <- cat_idx # fit in category
output_matrix[(var_idx*ncat)+cat_idx, 3] <- x$effects[var_idx+1, cat_idx]
output_matrix[(var_idx*ncat)+cat_idx, 4] <- x$errors[var_idx+1, cat_idx]
output_matrix[(var_idx*ncat)+cat_idx, 5] <- x$tvalues[var_idx+1, cat_idx]
output_matrix[(var_idx*ncat)+cat_idx, 6] <- x$pvalues[var_idx+1, cat_idx]
output_matrix[(var_idx*ncat)+cat_idx, 7] <- stars
# add colnames
colnames(output_matrix) <- c("Variable", "Class", "Effect", "Std.Error", "t-Value", "p-Value", " ")
# define as data.frame
output_matrix <-
# format the output matrix
for (i in 3:6) {
output_matrix[, i] <- as.character(output_matrix[, i])
output_matrix[, i] <- round(as.numeric(output_matrix[, i]), 4)
# put caption an latex environment
xoutput <- xtable(output_matrix, digits = 4, caption = "ORF Marginal Effects")
# put hline after each variable
print.xtable(xoutput, hline.after = c(0, seq(ncat, ncat*nvar, ncat)), type = "latex", include.rownames = FALSE, comment = FALSE)
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