
Defines functions print.tpsPower tpsPower

Documented in tpsPower

tpsPower <- function(B=1000,
	## Checks
	problem <- coreChecks(betaTruth=betaTruth, X=X, N=N, etaTerms=etaTerms, expandX=expandX, betaNames=betaNames)
	if(problem != "")

	if(length(strata) == 1 & strata == 0)
  	return("ERROR: tpsPower() only accommodates a single phase I stratification within given call. Multiple stratifications can be investigated using tpsSim().")

	problem <- tpsChecks(X=X, strata=strata, nII=nII, cohort=cohort, NI=NI)
	if(problem != "")
  	colnames(X) <- c("Int", paste("V", 1:(ncol(X) - 1), sep = ""))
		monitor <- B + 1

	## Phase I stratification variable (prior to any restriction based on 'betaNames')
	strataNames <- names(X)[strata]
	strata      <- stratify(X, strata)
	K           <- length(unique(strata))

	## Restrict design matrix to columns indicated in 'etaTerms'
		X <- X[, is.element(colnames(X), etaTerms)]

	## Expanded design matrix
  Xexp <- X
  if(expandX[1] != "none")
		Xexp <- as.data.frame(expandCatX(X, expandX=expandX))
		betaNames <- names(Xexp)

	## Outcome probabilities
  piY <- expit(as.vector(as.matrix(Xexp) %*% betaTruth))
  ## Formulae for glm() and tps() calls
	formCD  <- as.formula(paste("cbind(N1, N0) ~", paste(colnames(Xexp)[-1], collapse=" + ", sep="")))
	formTPS <- as.formula(paste("cbind(n1, n0) ~", paste(colnames(Xexp)[-1], collapse=" + ", sep="")))

	## Add phase I stratification back in (may be needed if the stratification variable is not in the linear predictor)
	Xexp$S <- strata

	## Run simulation
	lenII    <- length(nII)
  nDesigns <- 1 + (4*lenII)                                      ## CD plus (CC, WL, PL, ML) for each value of NII
  p        <- length(betaTruth)
	waldTest <- array(NA, dim=c(B, nDesigns, p))
	for(b in 1:B)
    if((b %% monitor) == 0)
      cat("Repetition", b, "of", B, "complete\n")
		## Complete data study design
		Xexp$N1 <- rbinom(nrow(Xexp), N, piY)
		Xexp$N0 <- N - Xexp$N1
		fitCD   <- summary(glm(formCD, data=Xexp, family=binomial()))$coef
		waldTest[b,1,] <- (fitCD[,4] < alpha)
   	#op <- options()
		for(i in 1:lenII)
			## Case-control study design
  		n0 <- round(nII[i] * 0.5)
  		n1 <- round(nII[i] * 0.5)
			Xexp$n0 <- rmvhyper(Xexp$N0, n0)
			Xexp$n1 <- rmvhyper(Xexp$N1, n1)
	    XexpCC  <- Xexp[(Xexp$n0 > 0 | Xexp$n1 > 0),]
			index <- 1 + i + (0*lenII)
			fitCC <- try(glm(formTPS, data=XexpCC, family=binomial()), silent=TRUE)
			if(class(fitCC)[1] == "glm")
				fitCC <- summary(fitCC)$coef
				if(nrow(fitCC) == p)
					waldTest[b,index,] <- c(FALSE, (fitCC[-1,4] < alpha))

			## Two-phase study design
	    ## Phase I counts
    	if(cohort == FALSE)
				Xexp$N0 <- rmvhyper(Xexp$N0, NI[1])
				Xexp$N1 <- rmvhyper(Xexp$N1, NI[2])
   	 	nn0 <- tapply(Xexp$N0, Xexp$S, FUN=sum)
   		nn1 <- tapply(Xexp$N1, Xexp$S, FUN=sum)
  		n0 <- round(nII[i] * 0.5 / K)
  		n1 <- round(nII[i] * 0.5 / K)
	    Xexp$n0 <- Xexp$N0
	    Xexp$n1 <- Xexp$N1
	    for(k in 1:K)
  	    Xexp$n0[Xexp$S == k] <- rmvhyper(Xexp$N0[Xexp$S == k], n0)
  	    Xexp$n1[Xexp$S == k] <- rmvhyper(Xexp$N1[Xexp$S == k], n1)
	    XexpII <- Xexp[(Xexp$n0 > 0 | Xexp$n1 > 0),]

			index <- 1 + i + (1*lenII)
    	suppressWarnings(fitWL <- try(tps(formTPS, XexpII, nn0=nn0, nn1=nn1, XexpII$S, method="WL", cohort=cohort), silent=TRUE))
			if(class(fitWL)[1] == "tps")
				waldTest[b,index,] <- abs(fitWL$coef/sqrt(diag(fitWL$cove))) > abs(qnorm(alpha/2))

			index <- 1 + i + (2*lenII)
    	fitPL <- try(tps(formTPS, XexpII, nn0=nn0, nn1=nn1, XexpII$S, method="PL", cohort=cohort), silent=TRUE)
			if(class(fitPL)[1] == "tps")
				waldTest[b,index,] <- abs(fitPL$coef/sqrt(diag(fitPL$covm))) > abs(qnorm(alpha/2))

			index <- 1 + i + (3*lenII)
    	fitML <- try(tps(formTPS, XexpII, nn0=nn0, nn1=nn1, XexpII$S, method="ML", cohort=cohort), silent=TRUE)
			if(class(fitML)[1] == "tps")
				## only retain results if "fail == FALSE" (i.e., the phase I and phase II constraints were satisfied)
				if(fitML$fail == FALSE) waldTest[b,index,] <- abs(fitML$coef/sqrt(diag(fitML$covm))) > abs(qnorm(alpha/2))
	## Error checks for output and evaluate power
	if(lenII == 1)
		colNames <- c("CD  ", "CC  ", "TPS-WL  ", "TPS-PL  ", "TPS-ML  ")
	if(lenII > 1)
		colNames <- "CD"
		colNames <- c(colNames, paste("CC     nII =", nII[1], " "))
		for(i in 2:lenII) colNames <- c(colNames, paste("       nII =", nII[i], " "))
		colNames <- c(colNames, paste("TPS-WL nII =", nII[1], " "))
		for(i in 2:lenII) colNames <- c(colNames, paste("       nII =", nII[i], " "))
		colNames <- c(colNames, paste("TPS-PL nII =", nII[1], " "))
		for(i in 2:lenII) colNames <- c(colNames, paste("       nII =", nII[i], " "))
		colNames <- c(colNames, paste("TPS-ML nII =", nII[1], " "))
		for(i in 2:lenII) colNames <- c(colNames, paste("       nII =", nII[i], " "))
	keep    <- apply(is.na(waldTest), c(1,2), sum) == 0
	results <- evalPower(waldTest, keep, resNames=list(colNames, betaNames))
	results[results[,1] == 0, 1] <- NA
	failed <- B - matrix(apply(keep, 2, sum), ncol=1, dimnames=list(rownames(results), ""))
	## Return object of class 'tpsPower'
  value             <- NULL
  value$B           <- B
  value$betaTruth   <- betaTruth
  value$X           <- X
  value$N           <- N
  value$strata      <- strata
  value$strataNames <- strataNames
  value$nII         <- nII
  value$alpha       <- alpha
	value$digits 	    <- digits
	value$cohort      <- cohort
	value$NI          <- NI
  value$failed      <- failed
  value$betaPower   <- results
  class(value) <- "tpsPower"

print.tpsPower <- function(x, ...)
  cat("Number of simulations, B:",x$B,"\n")
  cat("Phase I stratification variable(s):", x$strataNames, "\n")
    cat("Sample size at Phase I:", sum(x$N), "\n")
    cat("Sample size at Phase I for controls:", x$NI[1], "\n")
    cat("Sample size at Phase I for casess:", x$NI[2], "\n")
  cat("\n'True' regession coefficients, betaTruth:")
  temp <- matrix(x$betaTruth, ncol=1)
	rownames(temp) <- paste("  ", colnames(x$betaPower))
	colnames(temp) <- ""
	print(round(x$betaPower, digits=x$digits))
	if(max(x$failed) > 0)
	  cat("\nNumber of failed repititions")

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