
Defines functions .as.kinship2_pedigree plot.singleton plot.linkdat

Documented in plot.linkdat plot.singleton

#' Plot pedigrees with genotypes
#' This is the main function for pedigree plotting, with many options for
#' controlling the appearance of pedigree symbols, labels and marker genotypes.
#' Most of the work is done by the plotting functionality in the 'kinship2'
#' package.
#' \code{plot.linkdat} is in essence a wrapper for \code{plot.pedigree} in the
#' \code{kinship2} package.
#' @param x a \code{\link{linkdat}} object.
#' @param marker either NULL, a vector of positive integers, a
#'   \code{\link{marker}} object, or a list of \code{marker} objects. If NULL,
#'   no genotypes are plotted.  If a \code{marker} object (or a list of such),
#'   the genotypes are written below each individual in the pedigree, in the
#'   format determined by \code{alleles}, \code{sep} and \code{missing}. If a
#'   vector of integers is given, the corresponding marker objects are extracted
#'   from \code{x$markerdata}.
#' @param alleles a character vector with allele names.
#' @param sep a character of length 1 separating alleles for diploid markers.
#' @param missing the symbol (integer or character) for missing alleles.
#' @param skip.empty.genotypes a logical. If TRUE, and \code{marker} is
#'   non-NULL, empty genotypes (which by default looks like '-/-') are not
#'   printed.
#' @param id.labels a vector with labels for each pedigree member. This defaults
#'   to \code{x$plot.labels} is this is set (see \code{\link{setPlotLabels}}),
#'   otherwise to \code{as.character(x$orig.ids)}.
#' @param title the plot title. If NULL or '', no title is added to the plot.
#' @param available either a logical, a colour name, or the word 'shaded'. If a
#'   colour name is given, the available individuals (as defined by
#'   \code{x$available}) are plotted in this colour.  If \code{available=F} no
#'   colouring is used, while (for backwards compatibility) \code{available=T}
#'   is equivalent to \code{available='red'}. The 'shaded' option results in
#'   diagonal shading.
#' @param col a vector with colour indicators for the pedigree members. Recycled
#'   if necessary. By default everyone is drawn black.
#' @param deceased a numeric containing ID's of deceased pedigree members.
#' @param starred a numeric containing ID's of pedigree members that should be
#'   marked with a star in the pedigree plot.
#' @param aff2 NULL, or a numeric with affection statuses (2=affected,
#'   1=unaffected, 0=unknown) for a second trait.
#' @param margins a numeric of length 4 indicating the plot margins. For
#'   singletons only the first element (the 'bottom' margin) is used.
#' @param \dots arguments passed on to \code{plot.pedigree} in the
#'   \code{kinship2} package. In particular \code{symbolsize} and \code{cex} can
#'   be useful.
#' @author Magnus Dehli Vigeland, Guro Doerum
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.pedigree}}, \code{\link{setPlotLabels}}
#' @examples
#' data(toyped)
#' x = linkdat(toyped)
#' plot(x, marker=1, alleles=c('a1','a2'), sep=' | ', deceased=2)
#' y = singleton(id=1)
#' m = marker(y, 1, c('A',0), alleles=c('A','B'))
#' plot(y, marker=m, id='indiv 1', title='Singleton', available=TRUE)
#' @export
plot.linkdat = function(x, marker = NULL, alleles = NULL, sep = "/", missing = "-", skip.empty.genotypes = FALSE,
    id.labels = NULL, title = NULL, available = FALSE, col = 1, deceased = numeric(0), starred = numeric(0),
    aff2 = NULL, margins = c(0.6, 1, 4.1, 1), ...) {

    # Labels
    if (is.null(id.labels))
        if (!is.null(x$plot.labels)) {
            assert_that(length(x$plot.labels) == x$nInd)
            id.labels = x$plot.labels
        } else id.labels = x$orig.ids else if (identical(id.labels, "num"))
        id.labels = x$orig.ids else if (!is.null(labs <- names(id.labels))) {
        id.labels = labs[match(x$orig.ids, id.labels)]
        id.labels[is.na(id.labels)] = ""

    if (!is.null(lb <- x$loop_breakers) && length(id.labels) == x$nInd) {
        origint = .internalID(x, lb[, 1])
        copyint = .internalID(x, lb[, 2])
        id.labels[copyint] = paste(id.labels[copyint], id.labels[origint], sep = "=")

    strid = rep(id.labels, length.out = x$nInd)

    # Add stars to labels
    starred = .internalID(x, starred)
    strid[starred] = paste0(strid[starred], "*")

    # Marker genotypes
    if (!is.null(marker)) {
        if (inherits(marker, "marker"))
            m = list(marker) else if (is.list(marker) && all(sapply(marker, inherits, what = "marker")))
            m = marker  #marker must be either a 'marker' object, a list of such, or an integer vector.
 else m = x$markerdata[marker]
        gg = .prettyMarkers(m, alleles = alleles, sep = sep, missing = missing, singleCol = TRUE,
            sex = x$pedigree[, "SEX"])
        geno = apply(gg, 1, paste, collapse = "\n")
        if (skip.empty.genotypes)
            geno[rowSums(do.call(cbind, m)) == 0] = ""
        if (is.null(strid) || !any(nzchar(strid)))
            strid = geno else strid = paste(strid, geno, sep = "\n")
    oldmar = par(mar = margins)  # without this, par() does not equal 'margins'...(why??) Needed for centered title.

    # Colours
    cols = rep(col, length = x$nInd)

    # Colouring of available indivs
    avail_int = .internalID(x, x$available)
    if (is.logical(available) && isTRUE(available))
        cols[avail_int] = 2 else if (tryCatch(length(col2rgb(available)) == 3, error = function(e) F))
        cols[avail_int] = available  # a single colour

    # Special treatment for option 'available=shaded'
    if (identical(available, "shaded")) {
        if (any(x$pedigree[, "AFF"] == 2))
            stop("The 'available=shaded' option cannot be used with disease pedigrees")
        if (any(c("angle", "density") %in% names(list(...))))
            stop("Plot parameters 'angle' and 'density' cannot be used in combination with 'available=shaded'")
        x = swapAff(x, x$available)
        pedigree = .as.kinship2_pedigree(x, deceased = deceased, aff2 = aff2)
        pdat = kinship2::plot.pedigree(pedigree, id = strid, col = cols, mar = margins, density = 25, angle = 45,
    } else {
        pedigree = .as.kinship2_pedigree(x, deceased = deceased, aff2 = aff2)
        pdat = kinship2::plot.pedigree(pedigree, id = strid, col = cols, mar = margins, ...)

    # Add title
    if (!is.null(title))

    # par(oldmar)

#' @rdname plot.linkdat
#' @export
plot.singleton = function(x, marker = NULL, alleles = NULL, sep = "/", missing = "-", skip.empty.genotypes = FALSE,
    id.labels = NULL, title = NULL, available = FALSE, col = 1, deceased = numeric(0), starred = numeric(0),
    aff2 = NULL, margins = c(8, 0, 0, 0), ...) {

    y = addParents(x, x$orig.ids, verbose = FALSE)
    p = plot.linkdat(y, marker = marker, alleles = alleles, sep = sep, missing = missing, skip.empty.genotypes = skip.empty.genotypes,
        id.labels = id.labels, title = title, available = available, col = col, deceased = numeric(0),
        starred = starred, aff2 = aff2, margins = c(margins[1], 0, 0, 0), ...)
    usr = par("usr")
    rect(usr[1] - 0.1, p$y[3], usr[2] + 0.1, usr[4], border = NA, col = "white")

    if (!is.null(title))
        title(title, line = -2.8)

.as.kinship2_pedigree = function(x, deceased = numeric(0), aff2 = NULL) {
    ped = relabel(x$pedigree, x$orig.ids)
    AFF = ped[, "AFF"]
    AFF[AFF == 0] = NA
    AFF = AFF - 1  #kinship2:::plot.pedigree uses aff codes 1=aff, 0=unaff, NA=unknown
    if (!is.null(aff2)) {
        stopifnot(is.numeric(aff2), length(aff2) == x$nInd, all(aff2 %in% 0:2))
        aff2[aff2 == 0] = NA
        aff2 = aff2 - 1
        AFF = cbind(aff1 = AFF, aff2 = aff2)

    status = ifelse(x$orig.ids %in% deceased, 1, 0)
    kinship2::pedigree(id = ped[, "ID"], dadid = ped[, "FID"], momid = ped[, "MID"], sex = ped[, "SEX"],
        affected = AFF, status = status)

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