
Defines functions plotPedList

Documented in plotPedList

#' Plot a list of pedigrees.
#' This function creates a row of pedigree plots, each created by
#' \code{\link{plot.linkdat}}.  Each parameter accepted by
#' \code{\link{plot.linkdat}} can be applied here.  Some effort is made to guess
#' a reasonable window size and margins, but in general the user must be
#' prepared to do manual resizing of the plot window.
#' See various examples in the Examples section below.
#' Note that for tweaking dev.height and dev.width the function
#' \code{\link{dev.size}} is useful to determine the size of the active device.
#' @param plot.arg.list A list of lists. Each element of \code{plot.arg.list} is
#'   a list, where the first element is the \code{\link{linkdat}} object to be
#'   plotted, and the remaining elements are passed on to \code{plot.linkdat}.
#'   These elements must be correctly named. See examples below.
#' @param widths A numeric vector of relative widths of the subplots. Recycled
#'   to \code{length(plot.arg.list)} if necessary, before passed on to
#'   \code{\link{layout}}. Note that the vector does not need to sum to 1.
#' @param frames Either a single logical (FALSE = no frames; TRUE = automatic
#'   framing) or a list of numeric vectors: Each vector must consist of
#'   consecutive integers, indicating subplots to be framed together. By default
#'   the framing follows the list structure of \code{plot.arg.list}.
#' @param frametitles A character vector of titles for each frame. If this is
#'   non-NULL, titles for individuals subplots are ignored.
#' @param fmar A single number in the interval [0,0.5) controlling the position
#'   of the frames.
#' @param newdev A logical, indicating if a new plot window should be opened.
#' @param dev.height,dev.width The dimensions of the new device (only relevant
#'   if newdev is TRUE). If these are NA suitable values are guessed from the
#'   pedigree sizes.
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed on to each call to
#'   \code{\link{plot.linkdat}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.linkdat}}
#' @examples
#' # Simplest use: Just give a list of linkdat objects.
#' # To guess suitable plot window dimensions, use 'newdev=T'
#' peds = list(nuclearPed(3),cousinPed(2), singleton(12), halfCousinsPed(0))
#' plotPedList(peds) # try with newdev=TRUE
#' \dontrun{
#' # Modify the relative widths (which are not guessed)
#' widths = c(2, 3, 1, 2)
#' plotPedList(peds, widths=widths)
#' # In most cases the guessed dimensions are not perfect.
#' # Resize plot window manually, and then plot again with newdev=F (default)
#' # plotPedList(peds, widths=widths)
#' ## Remove frames
#' plotPedList(peds, widths=widths, frames=F)
#' # Non-default frames
#' frames = list(1, 2:3)
#' plotPedList(peds, widths=widths, frames=frames, frametitles=c('First', 'Second'))
#' # To give *the same* parameter to all plots, it can just be added at the end:
#' margins=c(2,4,2,4)
#' title='Same title'
#' id.labels=''
#' symbolsize=1.5 # note: doesn't work as expected for singletons
#' plotPedList(peds, widths=widths, frames=frames, margins=margins, title=title,
#'             id.labels=id.labels, symbolsize=symbolsize)
#' # For more control of individual plots, each plot and all its parameters
#' # can be specified in its own list:
#' x1 = nuclearPed(3)
#' x1$available = 3:5
#' m1 = marker(x1, 3, 1:2)
#' marg1 = c(5,4,5,4)
#' plot1 = list(x1, marker=m1, margins=marg1, title='Plot 1', deceased=1:2)
#' x2 = cousinsPed(2)
#' x2$available = leaves(x2)
#' m2 = marker(x2, leaves(x2), 'A')
#' marg2 = c(3,4,2,4)
#' plot2 = list(x2, marker=m2, margins=marg2, title='Plot 2', symbolsize=1.2,
#'              skip.empty.genotypes=T)
#' x3 = singleton(12)
#' x3 = setAvailable(x3, 12)
#' marg3 = c(10,0,0,0)
#' plot3 = list(x3, margins=marg3, title='Plot 3', available='shaded', symbolsize=2)
#' x4 = halfCousinsPed(0)
#' names4 = c(Father=1, Brother=3, Sister=5)
#' marg4 = marg1
#' plot4 = list(x4, margins=marg4, title='Plot 4', id.labels=names4)
#' plotPedList(list(plot1, plot2, plot3, plot4), widths=c(2,3,1,2),
#'             frames=list(1,2:3,4), available=T, newdev=T)
#' # Different example:
#' plotPedList(list(halfCousinPed(4), cousinsPed(7)), title='Many generations',
#'     new=T, dev.height=9, dev.width=9)
#' }
#' @export
plotPedList = function(plot.arg.list, widths = NA, frames = TRUE, frametitles = NULL, fmar = NA,
    newdev = FALSE, dev.height = NA, dev.width = NA, ...) {

    plot.list.flattened = list()
    if (deduceFrames <- isTRUE(frames)) {
        frames = list()
        k = 0
    for (p in plot.arg.list) {
        if (is.linkdat(p))
            p = list(p)  # will now be included in next line
        if (is.linkdat.list(p))
            plot.list.flattened = c(plot.list.flattened, lapply(p, list)) else {
            # if list of linkdat with plot arguments
            if (!is.linkdat(p[[1]])) {
                stop("First element is not a linkdat object.")
            p = list(p)
            plot.list.flattened = append(plot.list.flattened, p)
        if (deduceFrames) {
            group = (k + 1):(k <- k + length(p))
            frames = append(frames, list(group))
    plot.arg.list = plot.list.flattened
    N = length(plot.arg.list)
    if (identical(widths, NA))
        widths = vapply(plot.arg.list, function(p) ifelse(is.singleton(p[[1]]), 1, 2.5), 1) else widths = rep_len(widths, N)
    maxGen = max(vapply(plot.arg.list, function(arglist) .generations(arglist[[1]]), 1))

    if (hasframetitles <- !is.null(frametitles))
        assert_that(length(frametitles) == length(frames))

    extra.args = list(...)
    if (!"title" %in% names(extra.args))
        extra.args$title = ""

    defaultmargins = if (N > 2)
        c(0, 4, 0, 4) else c(0, 2, 0, 2)

    plot.arg.list = lapply(plot.arg.list, function(arglist) {
        names(arglist)[1] = "x"
        g = .generations(arglist$x)
        addMargin = 2 * (maxGen - g + 1)
        if (!"margins" %in% c(names(arglist), names(extra.args)))
            arglist$margins = defaultmargins + c(addMargin, 0, addMargin, 0)

        # additional arguments given in (...)
        for (parname in setdiff(names(extra.args), names(arglist))) arglist[[parname]] = extra.args[[parname]]

    # title: this must be treated specially (in outer margins)
    titles = sapply(plot.arg.list, "[[", "title")
    plot.arg.list = lapply(plot.arg.list, function(arglist) {
        arglist$title = ""
    hastitles = hasframetitles || any(titles != "")

    # frames: if list, check that each vector consists of consecutive integers, and no
    # duplicates.
    if (is.list(frames)) {
        for (v in frames) if (!identical(TRUE, all.equal(v, v[1]:v[length(v)])))
            stop(sprintf("Each element of 'frames' must consist of consecutive integers: %s",
                paste(v, collapse = ",")))
        dup = anyDuplicated(unlist(frames))
        if (dup > 0)
            stop(sprintf("Plot %d occurs twice in 'frames' list", dup))

    # create layout of plot regions and plot!
    if (newdev) {
        if (is.na(dev.height))
            dev.height = max(3, 1 * maxGen) + 0.3 * as.numeric(hastitles)
        if (is.na(dev.width))
            dev.width = 3 * N
        dev.new(height = dev.height, width = dev.width, noRStudioGD = TRUE)
    if (hastitles)
      opar = par(oma = c(0, 0, 3, 0), xpd = NA)
      opar = par(oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0), xpd = NA)

    layout(rbind(1:N), widths = widths)
    for (arglist in plot.arg.list)
      do.call(plot, arglist)

    # leftmost coordinate of each plot region (converted to value in [0,1]).
    ratios = c(0, cumsum(widths)/sum(widths))

    # add frames
    if (is.list(frames)) {
        midpoints = numeric()
        fstart_index = sapply(frames, function(v) v[1])
        fstop_index = sapply(frames, function(v) v[length(v)])
        ratio_start = ratios[fstart_index]
        ratio_stop = ratios[fstop_index + 1]  # fordi 0 foerst
        midpoints = (ratio_start + ratio_stop)/2

        # margin (fmar): if NA, set to 5% of vertical height, but at most 0.25 inches.
        if (is.na(fmar))
            fmar = min(0.05, 0.25/dev.size()[2])
        margPix = grconvertY(0, from = "ndc", to = "device") * fmar
        margXnorm = grconvertX(margPix, from = "device", to = "ndc")
        frame_start = grconvertX(ratio_start + margXnorm, from = "ndc")
        frame_stop = grconvertX(ratio_stop - margXnorm, from = "ndc")
        rect(xleft = frame_start, ybottom = grconvertY(1 - fmar, from = "ndc"), xright = frame_stop,
            ytop = grconvertY(fmar, from = "ndc"))

    cex.title = if ("cex.main" %in% names(extra.args))
        extra.args$cex.main else NA

    if (hasframetitles)
        for (i in 1:length(frames)) mtext(frametitles[i], outer = TRUE, at = midpoints[i],
            cex = cex.title) else if (hastitles)
        for (i in 1:N) mtext(titles[i], outer = TRUE, at = (ratios[i] + ratios[i + 1])/2, cex = cex.title)


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