
## Constructor for \link{peakPantheRAnnotation-class}, see function peakPantheRAnnotation() for the initialisation checks
setMethod("initialize", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(.Object, ...) {
            ## load ... arguments
            .Object <- methods::callNextMethod(.Object, ...)

            # Check the validity of results


## show method for \link{peakPantheRAnnotation-class}
          signature = "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          definition = function(object) {
            cat("An object of class ", class(object), "\n", sep="")
            cat(" ", length(object@cpdName), " compounds in ", length(object@filepath), " samples. \n", sep="")
            if(object@uROIExist) {
              cat("  updated ROI exist (uROI)\n", sep="")
            } else {
              cat("  updated ROI do not exist (uROI)\n", sep="")
            if(object@useUROI) {
              cat("  uses updated ROI (uROI)\n", sep="")
            } else {
              cat("  does not use updated ROI (uROI)\n", sep="")
            if(object@useFIR) {
              cat("  uses fallback integration regions (FIR)\n", sep="")
            } else {
              cat("  does not use fallback integration regions (FIR)\n", sep="")
            if(object@isAnnotated) {
              cat("  is annotated\n", sep="")
            } else {
              cat("  is not annotated\n", sep="")

## validObject method for \link{peakPantheRAnnotation-class}. Number of compounds based on @cpdID length, number of samples based on @filepath length. Slot type is not checked as \code{setClass} enforces it. peakTables, dataPoints and peakFit type are checked on first list element.
setValidity("peakPantheRAnnotation", function(object) valid_peakPantheRAnnotation(object))

## Accessors

# cpdID
setGeneric("cpdID", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("cpdID"))
#' cpdID accessor
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @aliases cpdID
#' @export
setMethod("cpdID", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object) {

# cpdName
setGeneric("cpdName", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("cpdName"))
#' cpdName accessor
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases cpdName
#' @export
setMethod("cpdName", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object) {

# targetFeatTable with ROI
setGeneric("ROI", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("ROI"))
#' ROI accessor returns targetFeatTable with cpdID, cpdName added
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases ROI
#' @export
setMethod("ROI", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object) {
            out         <- object@ROI
            out$cpdID   <- object@cpdID
            out$cpdName <- object@cpdName

# uROI
# targetFeatTable with uROI
setGeneric("uROI", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("uROI"))
#' uROI accessor returns targetFeatTable with cpdID, cpdName added
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases uROI
#' @export
setMethod("uROI", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object) {
            out         <- object@uROI
            out$cpdID   <- object@cpdID
            out$cpdName <- object@cpdName

# similar to targetFeatTable with FIR
setGeneric("FIR", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("FIR"))
#' FIR accessor returns targetFeatTable with cpdID, cpdName added
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases FIR
#' @export
setMethod("FIR", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object) {
            out         <- object@FIR
            out$cpdID   <- object@cpdID
            out$cpdName <- object@cpdName

# filepath
setGeneric("filepath", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("filepath"))
#' filepath accessor
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases filepath
#' @export
setMethod("filepath", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object) {

# cpdMetadata
setGeneric("cpdMetadata", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("cpdMetadata"))
#' cpdMetadata accessor
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases cpdMetadata
#' @export
setMethod("cpdMetadata", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object) {

# spectraMetadata
setGeneric("spectraMetadata", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("spectraMetadata"))
#' spectraMetadata accessor
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases spectraMetadata
#' @export
setMethod("spectraMetadata", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object) {

# acquisitionTime
# return converted to POSIXct
setGeneric("acquisitionTime", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("acquisitionTime"))
#' acquisitionTime accessor returns value as.POSIXct
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases acquisitionTime
#' @export
setMethod("acquisitionTime", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object) {

# uROIExist
setGeneric("uROIExist", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("uROIExist"))
#' uROIExist accessor
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases uROIExist
#' @export
setMethod("uROIExist", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object) {

# useUROI
setGeneric("useUROI", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("useUROI"))
#' useUROI accessor
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases useUROI
#' @export
setMethod("useUROI", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object) {

# useFIR
setGeneric("useFIR", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("useFIR"))
#' useFIR accessor
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases useFIR
#' @export
setMethod("useFIR", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object) {

setGeneric("TIC", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("TIC"))
#' TIC accessor
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases TIC
#' @export
setMethod("TIC", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object) {

# peakTables
setGeneric("peakTables", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("peakTables"))
#' peakTables accessor with cpdID and cpdName added back
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases peakTables
#' @export
setMethod("peakTables", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object) {
            tmpPeakTables <- lapply(object@peakTables, function(x) {cbind.data.frame(x, cpdID=object@cpdID, cpdName=object@cpdName, stringsAsFactors=F)})

# dataPoints
setGeneric("dataPoints", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("dataPoints"))
#' dataPoints accessor
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases dataPoints
#' @export
setMethod("dataPoints", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object) {

# peakFit
setGeneric("peakFit", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("peakFit"))
#' peakFit accessor
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases peakFit
#' @export
setMethod("peakFit", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object) {

# isAnnotated
setGeneric("isAnnotated", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("isAnnotated"))
#' isAnnotated accessor
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases isAnnotated
#' @export
setMethod("isAnnotated", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object) {

# nbSamples
setGeneric("nbSamples", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("nbSamples"))
#' nbSamples accessor established on filepath
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases nbSamples
#' @export
setMethod("nbSamples", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object) {

# nbCompounds
setGeneric("nbCompounds", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("nbCompounds"))
#' nbCompounds accessor established on cpdID
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases nbCompounds
#' @export
setMethod("nbCompounds", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object) {

# annotationTable
setGeneric("annotationTable", function(object, column) standardGeneric("annotationTable"))
#' annotationTable accessor
#' annotationTable returns a dataframe (row samples, col compounds) filled with a specific peakTable column
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @param column a peakTable columns
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases annotationTable
#' @export
setMethod("annotationTable", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object, column) {

            ## Expect the object to be valid, therefore peakTables is a list of NULL or data.frame
            nbCpd     <- length(object@cpdID)
            nbSample  <- length(object@filepath)

            ## Exit with empty data.frame if no samples or only NULL
            if (nbSample < 1) {
              # an empty data.frame
              tmpAnnotation           <- data.frame(matrix(vector(), nbSample, nbCpd), stringsAsFactors=F)
              rownames(tmpAnnotation) <- object@filepath
              colnames(tmpAnnotation) <- object@cpdID
            if (is.null(object@peakTables[[1]])) {
              # an empty data.frame
              tmpAnnotation           <- data.frame(matrix(vector(), nbSample, nbCpd), stringsAsFactors=F)
              rownames(tmpAnnotation) <- object@filepath
              colnames(tmpAnnotation) <- object@cpdID

            ## Check the column exist
            if (!(column %in% colnames(object@peakTables[[1]]))) {
              stop("input column is not a column of peakTables")

            ## Concatenate all the results in a single data.frame
            if(nbCpd == 1) {
              # if only 1 compounds, sapply simplify to vector and not matrix
              tmpAnnotation         <- data.frame(matrix(sapply(object@peakTables, function(x, y){x[,y]}, y=column)), stringsAsFactors=F)
            } else {
              tmpAnnotation         <- data.frame(t(sapply(object@peakTables, function(x, y){x[,y]}, y=column)), stringsAsFactors=F)
            rownames(tmpAnnotation) <- object@filepath
            colnames(tmpAnnotation) <- object@cpdID

# EICs
setGeneric("EICs", function(object, aggregationFunction='sum', ...) standardGeneric("EICs"))
#' EICs accessor
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @param aggregationFunction (str) Function to use in order to aggregate intensities across mz in each scan. One of \code{sum}, \code{max}, \code{min}, \code{mean}
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases EICs
#' @export
setMethod("EICs", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object, aggregationFunction) {
            tmpEICs <- lapply(object@dataPoints, function(ROIsDataPoint){lapply(ROIsDataPoint, function(x){generateIonChromatogram(x, aggregationFunction=aggregationFunction)}) })

# filename
setGeneric("filename", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("filename"))
#' filename accessor by spliting filepath
#' @param object peakPantheRAnnotation
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases filename
#' @export
setMethod("filename", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object) {

## Sub-setting object
#' extract parts of peakPantheRAnnotation class
#' @param x object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).
#' @param i (sample) indices specifying elements to extract or replace
#' @param j (compound) indices specifying elements to extract or replace
#' @param drop not applicable
#' @aliases [,peakPantheRAnnotation-method
#' @docType methods
setMethod("[", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(x,i,j,drop="missing") {
            ## i is row, samples
            ## j is col, compounds

            # check inputs and fallback
            if (missing(i) & missing(j)) {
            if (missing(i)) {
              i <- seq_len(nbSamples(x))
            if (missing(j)) {
              j <- seq_len(nbCompounds(x))

            # check dim size
            if (max(i) > nbSamples(x)) {
              stop(paste("i index out of bound: maximum", nbSamples(x)))
            if (max(j) > nbCompounds(x)) {
              stop(paste("j index out of bound: maximum", nbCompounds(x)))

            ## sub-setting
            .cpdID            <- x@cpdID[j]
            .cpdName          <- x@cpdName[j]
            .ROI              <- x@ROI[j, ,drop=FALSE]
            .FIR              <- x@FIR[j, ,drop=FALSE]
            .uROI             <- x@uROI[j, ,drop=FALSE]
            .filepath         <- x@filepath[i]
            .cpdMetadata      <- x@cpdMetadata[j, ,drop=FALSE]
            .spectraMetadata  <- x@spectraMetadata[i, ,drop=FALSE]
            .acquisitionTime  <- x@acquisitionTime[i]
            .uROIExist        <- x@uROIExist
            .useUROI          <- x@useUROI
            .useFIR           <- x@useFIR
            .TIC              <- x@TIC[i]
            .isAnnotated      <- x@isAnnotated

            ## peakTables, filter samples first, then compounds in each table
            tmp_peakTables  <- x@peakTables[i]
            if (all(sapply(tmp_peakTables, is.null))) {
              # no cpd filter if all NULL
              .peakTables   <- tmp_peakTables
            } else {
              # cpd filter in each table
              .peakTables   <- lapply(tmp_peakTables, function(x, y) {x[y,]}, y=j)
            ## dataPoints, filter samples first, then compounds in each ROIsDataPoint
            tmp_dataPoints  <- x@dataPoints[i]
            if (all(sapply(tmp_dataPoints, is.null))) {
              # no cpd filter if all NULL
              .dataPoints   <- tmp_dataPoints
            } else {
              # cpd filter in each ROIsDataPoint
              .dataPoints   <- lapply(tmp_dataPoints, function(x, y) {x[y]}, y=j)
            ## peakFit, filter samples first, then compounds in each curveFit list
            tmp_peakFit     <- x@peakFit[i]
            if (all(sapply(tmp_peakFit, is.null))) {
              # no cpd filter if all NULL
              .peakFit      <- tmp_peakFit
            } else {
              # cpd filter in each curveFit list
              .peakFit      <- lapply(tmp_peakFit, function(x, y) {x[y]}, y=j)
            ## load value in new object that will need to pass validObject()
            peakPantheRAnnotation(cpdID = .cpdID,
                                  cpdName = .cpdName,
                                  ROI = .ROI,
                                  FIR = .FIR,
                                  uROI = .uROI,
                                  filepath = .filepath,
                                  cpdMetadata = .cpdMetadata,
                                  spectraMetadata = .spectraMetadata,
                                  acquisitionTime = .acquisitionTime,
                                  uROIExist = .uROIExist,
                                  useUROI = .useUROI,
                                  useFIR = .useFIR,
                                  TIC = .TIC,
                                  peakTables = .peakTables,
                                  dataPoints = .dataPoints,
                                  peakFit = .peakFit,
                                  isAnnotated = .isAnnotated)

## Fit diagnosis

## Set uROI and FIR based on annotation results
setGeneric("annotationParamsDiagnostic", function(object, verbose=TRUE, ...) standardGeneric("annotationParamsDiagnostic"))
#' Set uROI and FIR based on annotation results
#' Set updated ROI (uROI) and Fallback Integration Regions (FIR) based on the annotation results. If the object is not annotated, it is returned untouched. ROI is not modified. If uROI exist they are left untouched, otherwise they are set as the minimum and maximum found peaks limits (+/-5\% of ROI in retention time). If FIR are used they are left untouched, otherwise they are set as the median of the found limits (rtMin, rtMax, mzMin, mzMax).
#' @param object (peakPantheRAnnotation) Annotated peakPantheRAnnotation object
#' @param verbose (bool) If TRUE message progress of uROI and FIR calculation
#' @return (peakPantheRAnnotation) object with updated ROI and FIR set from annotation results
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases annotationParamsDiagnostic
#' @export
setMethod("annotationParamsDiagnostic", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object, verbose) {
            ## init
            outAnnotation <- object
            ## not annotated, pass
            if (!outAnnotation@isAnnotated) {
              if (verbose) {message('Warning: the object has not been annotated, return the object untouched')}
            ## uROI
            # uROI doesn't exist, set uROI with min/max of found peaks (if NA, use ROI value)
            if (!outAnnotation@uROIExist) {
              if (verbose) {message('uROI will be set as mimimum/maximum of found peaks (+/-5% of ROI in retention time)')}
              # rt ROI 5% (no NA in ROI rtMin/rtMax)
              rtMargin    <- (ROI(outAnnotation)$rtMax - ROI(outAnnotation)$rtMin) * 0.05
              # rtMin (min found peak -5% of ROI)
              rtMinUROI   <- unname(sapply(annotationTable(outAnnotation, 'rtMin'), min, na.rm=T))
              rtMinUROI   <- rtMinUROI - rtMargin
              if (sum(is.infinite(rtMinUROI)) != 0) {
                if (verbose) {message('uROI min rtMin which are NA are replaced with ROI rtMin')}
                rtMinUROI[is.infinite(rtMinUROI)]   <- outAnnotation@ROI[is.infinite(rtMinUROI), 'rtMin']
              # rtMax (max found peak +5% of ROI)
              rtMaxUROI   <- unname(sapply(annotationTable(outAnnotation, 'rtMax'), max, na.rm=T))
              rtMaxUROI   <- rtMaxUROI + rtMargin
              if (sum(is.infinite(rtMaxUROI)) != 0) {
                if (verbose) {message('uROI max rtMax which are NA are replaced with ROI rtMax')}
                rtMaxUROI[is.infinite(rtMaxUROI)]   <- outAnnotation@ROI[is.infinite(rtMaxUROI), 'rtMax']
              # mzMin
              mzMinUROI   <- unname(sapply(annotationTable(outAnnotation, 'mzMin'), min, na.rm=T))
              if (sum(is.infinite(mzMinUROI)) != 0) {
                if (verbose) {message('uROI min mzMin which are NA are replaced ROI mzMin')}
                mzMinUROI[is.infinite(mzMinUROI)]   <- outAnnotation@ROI[is.infinite(mzMinUROI), 'mzMin']
              # mzMax
              mzMaxUROI   <- unname(sapply(annotationTable(outAnnotation, 'mzMax'), max, na.rm=T))
              if (sum(is.infinite(mzMaxUROI)) != 0) {
                if (verbose) {message('uROI max mzMax which are NA are replaced ROI mzMax')}
                mzMaxUROI[is.infinite(mzMaxUROI)]   <- outAnnotation@ROI[is.infinite(mzMaxUROI), 'mzMax']
              # store new uROI values
              outAnnotation@uROI[,'rtMin'] <- rtMinUROI
              outAnnotation@uROI[,'rtMax'] <- rtMaxUROI
              outAnnotation@uROI[,'mzMin'] <- mzMinUROI
              outAnnotation@uROI[,'mzMax'] <- mzMaxUROI
              outAnnotation@uROI[,c('rt','mz')] <- outAnnotation@ROI[,c('rt','mz')]
              # set uROIExist
              outAnnotation@uROIExist <- TRUE
            # uROI exist (even not used), no replacement
            } else {
              if (verbose) {message('uROI already exist, will not be changed')}
            ## FIR
            # FIR not used, recalculate (if NA, use uROI value that was set previously)
            if (!outAnnotation@useFIR) {
              if (verbose) {message('FIR will be calculated as the median of found "rtMin","rtMax","mzMin","mzMax"')}
              # rtMin
              rtMinFIR   <- unname(sapply(annotationTable(outAnnotation, 'rtMin'), stats::median, na.rm=T))
              if (sum(is.na(rtMinFIR)) != 0) {
                if (verbose) {message('FIR median rtMin which are NA are replaced with uROI rtMin')}
                rtMinFIR[is.na(rtMinFIR)]   <- outAnnotation@uROI[is.na(rtMinFIR), 'rtMin']
              # rtMax
              rtMaxFIR   <- unname(sapply(annotationTable(outAnnotation, 'rtMax'), stats::median, na.rm=T))
              if (sum(is.na(rtMaxFIR)) != 0) {
                if (verbose) {message('FIR median rtMax which are NA are replaced with uROI rtMax')}
                rtMaxFIR[is.na(rtMaxFIR)]   <- outAnnotation@uROI[is.na(rtMaxFIR), 'rtMax']
              # mzMin
              mzMinFIR   <- unname(sapply(annotationTable(outAnnotation, 'mzMin'), stats::median, na.rm=T))
              if (sum(is.na(mzMinFIR)) != 0) {
                if (verbose) {message('FIR median mzMin which are NA are replaced uROI mzMin')}
                mzMinFIR[is.na(mzMinFIR)]   <- outAnnotation@uROI[is.na(mzMinFIR), 'mzMin']
              # mzMax
              mzMaxFIR   <- unname(sapply(annotationTable(outAnnotation, 'mzMax'), stats::median, na.rm=T))
              if (sum(is.na(mzMaxFIR)) != 0) {
                if (verbose) {message('FIR median mzMax which are NA are replaced uROI mzMax')}
                mzMaxFIR[is.na(mzMaxFIR)]   <- outAnnotation@uROI[is.na(mzMaxFIR), 'mzMax']
              # store new FIR values
              outAnnotation@FIR[,'rtMin'] <- rtMinFIR
              outAnnotation@FIR[,'rtMax'] <- rtMaxFIR
              outAnnotation@FIR[,'mzMin'] <- mzMinFIR
              outAnnotation@FIR[,'mzMax'] <- mzMaxFIR
              # FIR used, do not recalculate
            } else {
              if (verbose) {message('FIR in use, will not be changed')}

## Save annotation parameters as CSV
setGeneric("outputAnnotationParamsCSV", function(object, saveFolder, verbose=TRUE, ...) standardGeneric("outputAnnotationParamsCSV"))
#' Save annotation parameters as CSV
#' Save annotation parameters (ROI, uROI and FIR) to disk as a CSV file for editing
#' @param object (peakPantheRAnnotation) Annotated peakPantheRAnnotation object
#' @param verbose (bool) If TRUE message progress
#' @param saveFolder (str) Path of folder where annotationParameters_summary.csv will be saved
#' @return None
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases outputAnnotationParamsCSV
setMethod("outputAnnotationParamsCSV", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object, saveFolder, verbose) {
            # create table  
            outTable          <- data.frame(matrix(,nrow=nbCompounds(object),ncol=0))
            outTable          <- cbind(outTable, cpdID=cpdID(object), cpdName=cpdName(object))
            # ROI
            tmp_ROI           <- ROI(object)[,c('rt', 'mz', 'rtMin', 'rtMax', 'mzMin', 'mzMax')]
            colnames(tmp_ROI) <- c('ROI_rt', 'ROI_mz', 'ROI_rtMin', 'ROI_rtMax', 'ROI_mzMin', 'ROI_mzMax')
            outTable          <- cbind(outTable, X=rep('|',nbCompounds(object)), tmp_ROI)
            # uROI
            tmp_uROI            <- uROI(object)[,c('rtMin', 'rtMax', 'mzMin', 'mzMax', 'rt', 'mz')]
            colnames(tmp_uROI)  <- c('uROI_rtMin', 'uROI_rtMax', 'uROI_mzMin', 'uROI_mzMax', 'uROI_rt', 'uROI_mz')
            outTable            <- cbind(outTable, X=rep('|',nbCompounds(object)), tmp_uROI)
            # FIR
            tmp_FIR           <- FIR(object)[,c('rtMin', 'rtMax', 'mzMin', 'mzMax')]
            colnames(tmp_FIR) <- c('FIR_rtMin', 'FIR_rtMax', 'FIR_mzMin', 'FIR_mzMax')
            outTable          <- cbind(outTable, X=rep('|',nbCompounds(object)), tmp_FIR)
            # save table
            dir.create(saveFolder, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
            targetFile  <- paste(saveFolder,'/annotationParameters_summary.csv',sep='')
            if (verbose) {
              message('Annotation parameters saved at ',targetFile)
            utils::write.csv(outTable, file = targetFile, row.names=FALSE)

## Generate fit diagnostic plots
setGeneric("annotationDiagnosticPlots", function(object, sampleColour=NULL, sampling=250, verbose=TRUE, ...) standardGeneric("annotationDiagnosticPlots"))
#' Generate fit diagnostic plots
#' Generate fit diagnostic plots for each ROI: \code{EICFit} the raw data and detected feature fit, \code{rtPeakwidthVert} detected peaks retention time apex and peakwidth (vertical and no run order), \code{rtPeakwidthHorzRunOrder} detected peaks retention time apex and peakwidth by run order, \code{mzPeakwidthHorzRunOrder} detected peaks m/z apex and peakwidth by run order, \code{areaRunOrder} detected peaks area by run order, \code{rtHistogram} histogram of detected peaks retention time, \code{mzHistogram} histogram of detected peaks m/z, \code{areaHistogram} histogram of detected peaks area.
#' @param object (peakPantheRAnnotation) Annotated peakPantheRAnnotation object
#' @param sampleColour (str) NULL or vector colour for each sample
#' @param sampling (int) Number of points to employ when plotting fittedCurve
#' @param verbose (bool) if TRUE message the plot generation progress
#' @return A list (one list per compound) of diagnostic plots: \code{result[[i]]$EICFit}, \code{result[[i]]$rtPeakwidthVert}, \code{result[[i]]$rtPeakwidthHorzRunOrder}, \code{result[[i]]$mzPeakwidthHorzRunOrder}, \code{result[[i]]$areaRunOrder}, \code{result[[i]]$rtHistogram}, \code{result[[i]]$mzHistogram}, \code{result[[i]]$areaHistogram}, \code{result[[i]]$title}
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases annotationDiagnosticPlots
setMethod("annotationDiagnosticPlots", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object, sampleColour, sampling, verbose) {
            # Init
            nbCpd   <- nbCompounds(object)
            outList <- vector("list", nbCpd)
            ## Check object was annotated
            if (!object@isAnnotated) {
              message('Warning: the object has not been annotated, return an empty diagnostic plot list')
            # Iterate over compounds
            for (cpd in 1:nbCpd) {
              tmp_annotation      <- object[,cpd]
              tmp_plotList        <- vector("list", 9)
              names(tmp_plotList) <- c('EICFit', 'rtPeakwidthVert', 'rtPeakwidthHorzRunOrder', 'mzPeakwidthHorzRunOrder', 'areaRunOrder', 'rtHistogram', 'mzHistogram', 'areaHistogram', 'title')
              # title
              tmp_plotList$title                    <- paste(cpdID(tmp_annotation), '-', cpdName(tmp_annotation))
              # plotEICFit
              tmp_plotList$EICFit                   <- plotEICFit(ROIDataPointSampleList = unlist(dataPoints(tmp_annotation), recursive=FALSE),
                                                                  curveFitSampleList = unlist(peakFit(tmp_annotation), recursive=FALSE),
                                                                  rtMin = annotationTable(tmp_annotation, "rtMin")[,1],
                                                                  rtMax = annotationTable(tmp_annotation, "rtMax")[,1],
                                                                  sampling = sampling,
                                                                  sampleColour = sampleColour,
                                                                  verbose = verbose)
              # RT plotPeakwidth vertical
              tmp_plotList$rtPeakwidthVert          <- plotPeakwidth(apexValue = annotationTable(tmp_annotation, "rt")[,1],
                                                                     widthMin = annotationTable(tmp_annotation, "rtMin")[,1],
                                                                     widthMax = annotationTable(tmp_annotation, "rtMax")[,1],
                                                                     acquTime = NULL,
                                                                     sampleColour = sampleColour,
                                                                     varName = 'Retention Time (sec)',
                                                                     rotateAxis = TRUE,
                                                                     verbose = verbose)
              # RT plotPeakwidth horizontal run order
              tmp_plotList$rtPeakwidthHorzRunOrder  <- plotPeakwidth(apexValue = annotationTable(tmp_annotation, "rt")[,1],
                                                                     widthMin = annotationTable(tmp_annotation, "rtMin")[,1],
                                                                     widthMax = annotationTable(tmp_annotation, "rtMax")[,1],
                                                                     acquTime = acquisitionTime(tmp_annotation),
                                                                     sampleColour = sampleColour,
                                                                     varName = 'Retention Time (sec)',
                                                                     rotateAxis = FALSE,
                                                                     verbose = verbose)
              # mz plotPeakwidth horizontal run order
              tmp_plotList$mzPeakwidthHorzRunOrder  <- plotPeakwidth(apexValue = annotationTable(tmp_annotation, "mz")[,1],
                                                                     widthMin = annotationTable(tmp_annotation, "mzMin")[,1],
                                                                     widthMax = annotationTable(tmp_annotation, "mzMax")[,1],
                                                                     acquTime = acquisitionTime(tmp_annotation),
                                                                     sampleColour = sampleColour,
                                                                     varName = 'm/z',
                                                                     rotateAxis = FALSE,
                                                                     verbose = verbose)
              # peakarea horizontal run order
              tmp_plotList$areaRunOrder             <- plotPeakwidth(apexValue = annotationTable(tmp_annotation, "peakArea")[,1],
                                                                     widthMin = NULL,
                                                                     widthMax = NULL,
                                                                     acquTime = acquisitionTime(tmp_annotation),
                                                                     sampleColour = sampleColour,
                                                                     varName = 'Peak Area',
                                                                     rotateAxis = FALSE,
                                                                     verbose = verbose)
              # RT plotHistogram
              tmp_plotList$rtHistogram              <- plotHistogram(var = annotationTable(tmp_annotation, 'rt')[,1], 
                                                                     varName='Retention Time (sec)',
              # mz plotHistogram
              tmp_plotList$mzHistogram              <- plotHistogram(var = annotationTable(tmp_annotation, 'mz')[,1],
              # peak area plotHistogram
              tmp_plotList$areaHistogram            <- plotHistogram(var = annotationTable(tmp_annotation, 'peakArea')[,1],
                                                                     varName='Peak Area', 
              # store results
              outList[[cpd]]  <- tmp_plotList
              if (verbose) {message('Compound ', cpd, '/', nbCpd,' done')}

## Save to disk the annotation parameters as CSV and a diagnostic plot per fitted compound
setGeneric("outputAnnotationDiagnostic", function(object, saveFolder, savePlots=TRUE, sampleColour=NULL, verbose=TRUE, ...) standardGeneric("outputAnnotationDiagnostic"))
#' Save to disk the annotation parameters as CSV and a diagnostic plot per fitted compound
#' Save to disk the annotation parameters as CSV (as generated by \code{outputAnnotationParamsCSV()}) and a diagnostic plot per fitted compound (as generated by \code{annotationDiagnosticMultiplot()}) if \code{savePlots} is TRUE
#' @param object (peakPantheRAnnotation) Annotated peakPantheRAnnotation object
#' @param saveFolder (str) Path of folder where annotationParameters_summary.csv and plots will be saved
#' @param savePlots (bool) If TRUE save a diagnostic plot for each compound
#' @param sampleColour (str) NULL or vector colour for each sample
#' @param verbose (bool) If TRUE message progress
#' @param ... Additional parameters for plotting i.e. \code{sampling} for the number of points to employ when plotting fittedCurve
#' @return None
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases outputAnnotationDiagnostic
#' @export
setMethod("outputAnnotationDiagnostic", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object, saveFolder, savePlots, sampleColour, verbose, ...) {
            ## Save standardised csv
            outputAnnotationParamsCSV(object, saveFolder=saveFolder, verbose=verbose)
            ## Save all fit diagnostic
            if (savePlots) {
              nbCpd <- nbCompounds(object)
              if (verbose) { message('Saving diagnostic plots:') }
              # iterate over compound (more progressive plot generation and save than generating all plots at once)
              for (cpd in 1:nbCpd) {
                tmp_annotation    <- object[,cpd]
                # diagnostic plots
                tmp_diagPlotList  <- annotationDiagnosticPlots(tmp_annotation, sampleColour=sampleColour, verbose=FALSE, ...)
                # multiplot
                  tmp_multiPlot   <- annotationDiagnosticMultiplot(tmp_diagPlotList)
                # save
                if (length(tmp_multiPlot)!=0) {
                  tmp_targetFile  <- paste('cpd_',cpd,'.png',sep='')
                  ggplot2::ggsave(file=tmp_targetFile, plot=tmp_multiPlot[[1]], device='png', path=saveFolder, dpi=100, width=21, height=29.7, units='cm', limitsize=FALSE) # A4 page size
                  if (verbose) { message('  Compound ', cpd, '/', nbCpd, ' diagnostic plot saved at ', paste(saveFolder,'/',tmp_targetFile,sep='')) }
                } else {
                  if (verbose) { message('  No plot to save for compound ', cpd, '/', nbCpd) }

## Save to disk all annotation results
setGeneric("outputAnnotationResult", function(object, saveFolder, annotationName='annotationResult', verbose=TRUE) standardGeneric("outputAnnotationResult"))
#' Save to disk all annotation results as csv files
#' Save to disk all annotation results as \code{annotationName_ ... .csv} files: compound metadata (\code{cpdMetadata}, \code{cpdID}, \code{cpdName}) and spectra metadata (\code{spectraMetadata}, \code{acquisitionTime}, \code{TIC}), summary of fit (ratio of peaks found: \code{ratio_peaks_found}, ratio of peaks filled: \code{ratio_peaks_filled}, mean ppm_error: \code{ppm_error}, mean rt_dev_sec: \code{rt_dev_sec}), and a file for each column of \code{peakTables} (with samples as rows and compounds as columns)
#' @param object (peakPantheRAnnotation) Annotated peakPantheRAnnotation object
#' @param saveFolder (str) Path of folder where the annotation result csv will be saved
#' @param annotationName (str) name of annotation to use in the saved csv
#' @param verbose (bool) If TRUE message progress
#' @return None
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases outputAnnotationResult
#' @export
setMethod("outputAnnotationResult", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(object, saveFolder, annotationName, verbose) {
            ## Check object was annotated
            if (!object@isAnnotated) {
              stop('Object has not been annotated, no annotation results to save')
            ## Init folder
            dir.create(saveFolder, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
            ## Save compound metadata
            tmp_cpdID       <- cpdID(object)
            tmp_cpdName     <- cpdName(object)
            tmp_cpdMetadata <- cpdMetadata(object)
            tmp_outCpdMeta  <- data.frame(cpdID=tmp_cpdID, cpdName=tmp_cpdName)
            tmp_outCpdMeta  <- cbind( tmp_outCpdMeta, tmp_cpdMetadata )
            path_cpdMeta    <- paste(saveFolder, '/', annotationName, '_cpdMetadata.csv', sep='')
            utils::write.csv(tmp_outCpdMeta, file = path_cpdMeta, row.names=FALSE)
            if (verbose) { message('Compound metadata saved at ',path_cpdMeta) }
            ## Save spectra metadata
            tmp_filepath        <- filepath(object)
            tmp_acqTime         <- acquisitionTime(object)
            tmp_TIC             <- TIC(object)
            tmp_spectraMetadata <- spectraMetadata(object)
            tmp_outSpecMeta     <- data.frame(filepath=tmp_filepath, acquisitionTime=tmp_acqTime, TIC=tmp_TIC)
            tmp_outSpecMeta     <- cbind( tmp_outSpecMeta, tmp_spectraMetadata )
            path_specMeta       <- paste(saveFolder, '/', annotationName, '_spectraMetadata.csv', sep='')
            utils::write.csv(tmp_outSpecMeta, file = path_specMeta, row.names=FALSE)
            if (verbose) { message('Spectra metadata saved at ',path_specMeta) }
            ## Save peakTables columns
            for (i in colnames(object@peakTables[[1]])) {
              tmp_var   <- annotationTable(object=object, column=i)
              path_var  <- paste(saveFolder, '/', annotationName, '_', i, '.csv', sep='')
              utils::write.csv(tmp_var, file = path_var, row.names=TRUE)
              if (verbose) { message('Peak measurement "', i, '" saved at ',path_var) }
            ## Save summary table
            tmp_summary               <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=0, nrow=nbCompounds(object)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
            rownames(tmp_summary)     <- paste(cpdName(object), '-', cpdID(object))
            # used FIR (found = not filled, filled from is_filled)
              tmp_summary$ratio_peaks_found   <- 1 - (colSums(annotationTable(object, column = 'is_filled')) / nbSamples(object))
              tmp_summary$ratio_peaks_filled  <- (colSums(annotationTable(object, column = 'is_filled')) / nbSamples(object))
              # didn't use FIR (found from found, None are filled)
            } else {
              tmp_summary$ratio_peaks_found   <- colSums(annotationTable(object, column = 'found')) / nbSamples(object)
              tmp_summary$ratio_peaks_filled  <- 0
            tmp_summary$ppm_error     <- colMeans(annotationTable(object, column = 'ppm_error'), na.rm = TRUE)
            tmp_summary$rt_dev_sec    <- colMeans(annotationTable(object, column = 'rt_dev_sec'), na.rm = TRUE)
            path_summary              <- paste(saveFolder, '/', annotationName, '_summary.csv', sep='')
            utils::write.csv(tmp_summary, file=path_summary, row.names=TRUE)
            if (verbose) { message('Summary saved at ',path_specMeta) }

# Reset a peakPantheRAnnotation and alter samples or compounds information

setGeneric("resetAnnotation", function(previousAnnotation, spectraPaths = NULL, targetFeatTable = NULL, uROI = NULL, FIR = NULL, cpdMetadata = NULL, spectraMetadata = NULL, uROIExist = NULL, useUROI = NULL, useFIR = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...) standardGeneric("resetAnnotation"))
#' Reset a peakPantheRAnnotation and alter samples and compounds information
#' Reset a peakPantheRAnnotation (remove results and set \code{isAnnotated=FALSE}). If a different number of samples (\code{spectraPaths}) or compounds (\code{targetFeatTable}) are passed, the object will be initialised to the new size. For input values left as NULL, the slots (\code{filepath} (from \code{spectraPaths}), \code{ROI}, \code{cpdID}, \code{cpdName} (from \code{targetFeatTable}), \code{uROI}, \code{FIR}, \code{cpdMetadata}, \code{spectraMetadata}, \code{uROIExist}, \code{useUROI} and \code{useFIR}) will be filled with values from \code{previousAnnotation}.
#' @param previousAnnotation (peakPantheRAnnotation) object to reset
#' @param spectraPaths NULL or a character vector of spectra file paths, to set samples to process
#' @param targetFeatTable NULL or a \code{\link{data.frame}} of compounds to target as rows and parameters as columns: \code{cpdID} (str), \code{cpdName} (str), \code{rtMin} (float in seconds), \code{rt} (float in seconds, or \emph{NA}), \code{rtMax} (float in seconds), \code{mzMin} (float), \code{mz} (float or \emph{NA}), \code{mzMax} (float). Set compounds to target.
#' @param uROI NULL or a data.frame of updated Regions Of Interest (uROI) with compounds as row and uROI parameters as columns: \code{rtMin} (float in seconds), \code{rt} (float in seconds, or \emph{NA}), \code{rtMax} (float in seconds), \code{mzMin} (float), \code{mz} (float or \emph{NA}), \code{mzMax} (float).
#' @param FIR NULL or a data.frame of Fallback Integration Regions (FIR) with compounds as row and FIR parameters as columns: \code{rtMin} (float in seconds), \code{rtMax} (float in seconds), \code{mzMin} (float), \code{mzMax} (float).
#' @param cpdMetadata NULL or a data.frame of compound metadata, with compounds as row and metadata as columns
#' @param spectraMetadata NULL or a data.frame of sample metadata, with samples as row and metadata as columns
#' @param uROIExist NULL or a logical stating if uROI have been set
#' @param useUROI NULL or a logical stating if uROI are to be used
#' @param useFIR NULL or a logical stating if FIR are to be used
#' @param verbose (bool) If TRUE message progress
#' @param ... Additional slots and values to set when resetting the object (\code{cpdID}, \code{cpdName}, \code{ROI}, \code{filepath}, \code{TIC}, \code{acquisitionTime}, \code{peakTables}, \code{dataPoints}, \code{peakFit})
#' @return (peakPantheRAnnotation) object reset with previous results removed and slots updated
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases resetAnnotation
#' @export
setMethod("resetAnnotation", "peakPantheRAnnotation",
          function(previousAnnotation,  spectraPaths, targetFeatTable, uROI, FIR, cpdMetadata, spectraMetadata, uROIExist, useUROI, useFIR, verbose, ...) {
            # If input is NULL, use previousAnnotation value, else use the passed value
            # If number of compounds or spectra is changed, the previous values (metadata, uROI, FIR) cannot be reused (risk a mismatch of the metadata)
            if (verbose) { message('peakPantheRAnnotation object being reset:') }
            ## targetFeatTable (cpdID, cpdName, ROI), uROI, FIR, cpdMetadata
            if (all(is.null(targetFeatTable))) {
              # previous values
              .targetFeatTable  <- ROI(previousAnnotation)
              if (verbose) { message('  Previous "ROI", "cpdID" and "cpdName" value kept') }
              # uROI
              if (all(is.null(uROI))) {
                # previous values
                .uROI   <- uROI(previousAnnotation)[,c('rtMin', 'rt', 'rtMax', 'mzMin', 'mz', 'mzMax')]
                if (verbose) { message('  Previous "uROI" value kept') }
              } else {
                # new value
                .uROI   <- uROI
                if (verbose) { message('  New "uROI" value set') }
              # FIR
              if (all(is.null(FIR))) {
                # previous values
                .FIR    <- FIR(previousAnnotation)[,c('rtMin', 'rtMax', 'mzMin', 'mzMax')]
                if (verbose) { message('  Previous "FIR" value kept') }
              } else {
                # new value
                .FIR    <- FIR
                if (verbose) { message('  New "FIR" value set') }
              # cpdMetadata
              if (all(is.null(cpdMetadata))) {
                # previous values
                .cpdMetadata  <- cpdMetadata(previousAnnotation)
                if (verbose) { message('  Previous "cpdMetadata" value kept') }
              } else {
                # new value
                .cpdMetadata  <- cpdMetadata
                if (verbose) { message('  New "cpdMetadata" value set') }
              # new values
            } else {
              .targetFeatTable  <- targetFeatTable
              if (verbose) { message('  New "targetFeatTable" value set ("ROI", "cpdID", "cpdName"') }
              # uROI
              if (all(is.null(uROI))) {
                # Do not reuse old values if we change the compounds targeted
                .uROI   <- data.frame(rtMin=numeric(), rt=numeric(), rtMax=numeric(), mzMin=numeric(), mz=numeric(), mzMax=numeric(), stringsAsFactors=F)
                if (verbose) { message('  Targeted compounds changed, previous "uROI" cannot be kept and set to default') }
              } else {
                # new value
                .uROI   <- uROI
                if (verbose) { message('  New "uROI" value set') }
              # FIR
              if (all(is.null(FIR))) {
                # Do not reuse old values if we change the compounds targeted
                .FIR    <- data.frame(rtMin=numeric(), rtMax=numeric(), mzMin=numeric(), mzMax=numeric(), stringsAsFactors=F)
                if (verbose) { message('  Targeted compounds changed, previous "FIR" cannot be kept and set to default') }
              } else {
                # new value
                .FIR    <- FIR
                if (verbose) { message('  New "FIR" value set') }
              # cpdMetadata
              if (all(is.null(cpdMetadata))) {
                # Do not reuse old values if we change the compounds targeted
                .cpdMetadata  <- data.frame()
                if (verbose) { message('  Targeted compounds changed, previous "cpdMetadata" cannot be kept and set to default') }
              } else {
                # new value
                .cpdMetadata  <- cpdMetadata
                if (verbose) { message('  New "cpdMetadata" value set') }
            ## spectraPaths (filepath), spectraMetadata
            if (all(is.null(spectraPaths))) {
              # previous values
              .spectraPaths       <- filepath(previousAnnotation)
              if (verbose) { message('  Previous "filepath" value kept') }
              # spectraMetadata
              if (all(is.null(spectraMetadata))) {
                # previous values
                .spectraMetadata  <- spectraMetadata(previousAnnotation)
                if (verbose) { message('  Previous "spectraMetadata" value kept') }
              } else {
                # new value
                .spectraMetadata  <- spectraMetadata
                if (verbose) { message('  New "spectraMetadata" value set') }
              # new values
            } else {
              .spectraPaths       <- spectraPaths
              if (verbose) { message('  New "spectraPaths" value set') }
              # spectraMetadata
              if (all(is.null(spectraMetadata))) {
                # Do not reuse old values if we change the spectra
                .spectraMetadata  <- data.frame()
                if (verbose) { message('  Targeted spectra changed, previous "spectraMetadata" cannot be kept and set to default') }
              } else {
                # new value
                .spectraMetadata  <- spectraMetadata
                if (verbose) { message('  New "spectraMetadata" value set') }
            ## uROIExist
            if (all(is.null(uROIExist))) {
              # previous values cannot be used if targetFeatTable is changed
              if (all(is.null(targetFeatTable))) {
                # previous values
                .uROIExist    <- uROIExist(previousAnnotation)
                if (verbose) { message('  Previous "uROIExist" value kept') }
              } else {
                # Do not reuse old values if we change the compounds
                .uROIExist    <- FALSE
                if (verbose) { message('  Targeted compounds changed, previous "uROIExist" cannot be kept and set to default') }
            } else {
              # new value
              .uROIExist      <- uROIExist
              if (verbose) { message('  New "uROIExist" value set') }
            ## useUROI
            if (all(is.null(useUROI))) {
              # previous values cannot be used if targetFeatTable is changed
              if (all(is.null(targetFeatTable))) {
                # previous values
                .useUROI    <- useUROI(previousAnnotation)
                if (verbose) { message('  Previous "useUROI" value kept') }
              } else {
                # Do not reuse old values if we change the compound
                .useUROI    <- FALSE
                if (verbose) { message('  Targeted compounds changed, previous "useUROI" cannot be kept and set to default') }
            } else {
              # new value
              .useUROI      <- useUROI
              if (verbose) { message('  New "useUROI" value set') }
            ## useFIR
            if (all(is.null(useFIR))) {
              # previous values cannot be used if targetFeatTable is changed
              if (all(is.null(targetFeatTable))) {
                # previous values
                .useFIR     <- useFIR(previousAnnotation)
                if (verbose) { message('  Previous "useFIR" value kept') }
              } else {
                # Do not reuse old values if we change the compound
                .useFIR     <- FALSE
                if (verbose) { message('  Targeted compounds changed, previous "useFIR" cannot be kept and set to default') }
            } else {
              # new value
              .useFIR       <- useFIR
              if (verbose) { message('  New "useFIR" value set') }
            ## is annotated
            .isAnnotated  <- FALSE
            ## Create new object
            #   In all case (old or new value) spectraPaths and targetFeatTable will trigger the resetting of all results
            peakPantheRAnnotation(spectraPaths = .spectraPaths,
                                  targetFeatTable = .targetFeatTable,
                                  uROI = .uROI,
                                  FIR = .FIR,
                                  cpdMetadata = .cpdMetadata,
                                  spectraMetadata = .spectraMetadata,
                                  uROIExist = .uROIExist,
                                  useUROI = .useUROI,
                                  useFIR = .useFIR,
                                  isAnnotated = .isAnnotated,

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peakPantheR documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:53 p.m.