## F234.R (2018-11-17)
## F-Statistics From Patterson et al. (2012)
## Copyright 2018 Emmanuel Paradis
## This file is part of the R-package `pegas'.
## See the file ../DESCRIPTION for licensing issues.
## quick function for unphased SNPs
.bySNP <- function(data) {
LOCI <- attr(data, "locicol")
p <- length(LOCI)
INDICES <- factor(data$population)
lv <- levels(INDICES)
nlv <- length(lv)
gr <- as.integer(INDICES)
tmp <- vector("list", nlv)
FUN <- function(x) {
foo <- function(x) {
tab <- tabulate(x, 3L)
cbind(2 * tab[1] + tab[2], tab[2] + 2 * tab[3])
lapply(x, foo)
for (i in 1:nlv) tmp[[i]] <- FUN(data[gr == i, ])
names(tmp) <- lv
res <- vector("list", p)
alls <- getAlleles(data)
for (i in 1:p) {
z <-, lapply(tmp, "[[", i))
dimnames(z) <- list(lv, alls[[i]])
res[[i]] <- z
names(res) <- names(data)[LOCI]
F2 <- function(x, allele.freq = NULL, population = NULL, = TRUE,
pops = NULL, jackknife.block.size = 10, B = 1e4)
if (!is.null(pops)) {
if (length(pops) != 2)
stop("'pops' should give two population names")
s <- allele.freq
if (is.null(s)) {
if (!is.null(population)) {
if (nrow(x) != length(population))
stop("length of 'population' not equal to number of rows in 'x'")
} else {
if (is.null(x$population)) stop("no 'population' column in 'x'")
population <- x$population
population <- factor(population)
npop <- nlevels(population)
if (npop < 2) stop("less than 2 populations")
if (npop > 2) {
if (is.null(pops))
stop("more than 2 populations but none specified in 'pops'")
sel <- population %in% pops
x <- x[sel, ]
population <- population[sel]
## drop the other variables if any:
p <- ncol(x)
LOCI <- attr(x, "locicol")
if (length(LOCI) < p) {
x <- x[, LOCI]
p <- ncol(x)
if ( {
snpx <- is.snp(x)
if (!all(snpx)) {
if (all(!snpx)) stop("no SNP loci in x")
x <- x[, snpx]
warning(paste(p - ncol(x), "non-SNP loci were dropped"))
p <- ncol(x)
## append the population column:
x$population <- population
s <- if (any(is.phased(x))) by(x) else .bySNP(x)
} else {
p <- length(s)
if ( {
nall <- unlist(lapply(s, ncol)) # number of alleles in each locus
snpx <- nall == 2
if (!all(snpx)) {
if (all(!snpx)) stop("no SNP loci")
s <- s[snpx]
warning(paste(p - length(s), "non-SNP loci were dropped"))
p <- length(s)
npop <- nrow(s[[1]])
if (npop < 2) stop("less than 2 populations")
if (npop > 2) {
if (is.null(pops))
stop("more than 2 populations but none specified in 'pops'")
s <- lapply(s, function(x) x[pops, ])
s <- unlist(s, use.names = FALSE)
ii <- seq(1, by = 4, length.out = p)
na <- s[ii]
nb <- s[ii + 1L]
nap <- s[ii + 2L]
nbp <- s[ii + 3L]
sa <- na + nap
sb <- nb + nbp
ha <- na * nap / (sa * (sa - 1))
hb <- nb * nbp / (sb * (sb - 1))
a <- na/sa
b <- nb/sb
## adjust if there are pops without some alleles
if (any(tmp <- a[tmp] <- 0
if (any(tmp <- b[tmp] <- 0
if (any(tmp <- sa[tmp] <- 0
if (any(tmp <- sb[tmp] <- 0
if (any(tmp <- ha[tmp] <- 0
if (any(tmp <- hb[tmp] <- 0
F2 <- sum((a - b)^2 - ha/sa - hb/sb, na.rm = TRUE)
if (jackknife.block.size) { # blocked jackknife
one2p <- 1:p
one2bs <- 1:jackknife.block.size
Nblock <- p %/% jackknife.block.size
rest <- p %% jackknife.block.size
BLOCK <- lapply(0:(Nblock - 1),
function(i) one2p[one2bs + i * jackknife.block.size])
if (rest) BLOCK <- c(BLOCK, list((p - rest + 1):p))
f2_j <- sapply(BLOCK, function(i) sum((a[-i] - b[-i])^2 - ha[-i]/sa[-i] - hb[-i]/sb[-i]))
f2jack <- sum(p * F2 - (p - 1) * f2_j)/p # jackknife estimate of F2
varf2jack <- (Nblock - 1) * sum((f2_j - f2jack)^2)/Nblock
Zvalue <- f2jack * sqrt(Nblock/varf2jack)
if (B) { # simple bootstrap
fs <- numeric(B)
for (i in 1:B) {
is <- sample(p, size = p, replace = TRUE)
fs[i] <- sum((a[is] - b[is])^2 - ha[is]/sa[is] - hb[is]/sb[is], na.rm = TRUE)
Pboot <- 2 * pnorm(abs(F2), sd = sd(fs), lower.tail = FALSE) # P-value
res <- c(F2 = F2)
if (jackknife.block.size) res <- c(res, Z.value = Zvalue)
if (B) res <- c(res, P.boot = Pboot)
F3 <- function(x, allele.freq = NULL, population = NULL, = TRUE,
pops = NULL, jackknife.block.size = 10, B = 1e4)
if (!is.null(pops)) {
if (length(pops) != 3)
stop("'pops' should give three population names")
s <- allele.freq
if (is.null(s)) {
if (!is.null(population)) {
if (nrow(x) != length(population))
stop("length of 'population' not equal to number of rows in 'x'")
} else {
if (is.null(x$population)) stop("no 'population' column in 'x'")
population <- x$population
population <- factor(population)
npop <- nlevels(population)
if (npop < 3) stop("less than 3 populations")
if (npop > 3) {
if (is.null(pops))
stop("more than 3 populations but none specified in 'pops'")
sel <- population %in% pops
x <- x[sel, ]
population <- population[sel]
## drop the other variables if any:
p <- ncol(x)
LOCI <- attr(x, "locicol")
if (length(LOCI) < p) {
x <- x[, LOCI]
p <- ncol(x)
if ( {
snpx <- is.snp(x)
if (!all(snpx)) {
if (all(!snpx)) stop("no SNP loci in x")
x <- x[, snpx]
warning(paste(p - ncol(x), "non-SNP loci were dropped"))
p <- ncol(x)
## append the population column:
x$population <- population
s <- if (any(is.phased(x))) by(x) else .bySNP(x)
} else {
p <- length(s)
if ( {
nall <- unlist(lapply(s, ncol)) # number of alleles in each locus
snpx <- nall == 2
if (!all(snpx)) {
if (all(!snpx)) stop("no SNP loci")
s <- s[snpx]
warning(paste(p - length(s), "non-SNP loci were dropped"))
p <- length(s)
npop <- nrow(s[[1]])
if (npop < 3) stop("less than 3 populations")
if (npop > 3) {
if (is.null(pops))
stop("more than 3 populations but none specified in 'pops'")
s <- lapply(s, function(x) x[pops, ])
s <- unlist(s, use.names = FALSE)
ii <- seq(1, by = 6, length.out = p)
na <- s[ii]
nb <- s[ii + 1L]
nc <- s[ii + 2L]
nap <- s[ii + 3L]
nbp <- s[ii + 4L]
ncp <- s[ii + 5L]
sa <- na + nap
sb <- nb + nbp
sc <- nc + ncp
hc <- nc * ncp / (sc * (sc - 1))
a <- na/sa
b <- nb/sb
c <- nc/sc
## adjust if there are pops without some alleles
if (any(tmp <- a[tmp] <- 0
if (any(tmp <- b[tmp] <- 0
if (any(tmp <- c[tmp] <- 0
if (any(tmp <- sc[tmp] <- 0
if (any(tmp <- hc[tmp] <- 0
F3 <- (c - a)*(c - b) - hc/sc
if (any(tmp <- F3[tmp] <- 0
f3star <- sum(F3)/(2*sum(hc))
if (jackknife.block.size) { # blocked jackknife
one2p <- 1:p
one2bs <- 1:jackknife.block.size
Nblock <- p %/% jackknife.block.size
rest <- p %% jackknife.block.size
BLOCK <- lapply(0:(Nblock - 1),
function(i) one2p[one2bs + i * jackknife.block.size])
if (rest) BLOCK <- c(BLOCK, list((p - rest + 1):p))
f3_j <- sapply(BLOCK, function(i) sum(F3[-i])/(2*sum(hc[-i])))
f3jack <- sum(p * f3star - (p - 1) * f3_j)/p # jackknife estimate of f3star
varf3jack <- (Nblock - 1) * sum((f3_j - f3jack)^2)/Nblock
Zvalue <- f3jack * sqrt(Nblock/varf3jack)
if (B) { # simple bootstrap
fs <- numeric(B)
for (i in 1:B) {
is <- sample(p, size = p, replace = TRUE)
fs[i] <- sum(F3[is])/(2*sum(hc[is]))
Pboot <- 2 * pnorm(abs(f3star), sd = sd(fs), lower.tail = FALSE) # P-value
res <- c(F3 = f3star)
if (jackknife.block.size) res <- c(res, Z.value = Zvalue)
if (B) res <- c(res, P.boot = Pboot)
F4 <- function(x, allele.freq = NULL, population = NULL, = TRUE,
pops = NULL, jackknife.block.size = 10, B = 1e4)
if (!is.null(pops)) {
if (length(pops) != 4)
stop("'pops' should give four population names")
s <- allele.freq
if (is.null(s)) {
if (!is.null(population)) {
if (nrow(x) != length(population))
stop("length of 'population' not equal to number of rows in 'x'")
} else {
if (is.null(x$population)) stop("no 'population' column in 'x'")
population <- x$population
population <- factor(population)
npop <- nlevels(population)
if (npop < 4) stop("less than 4 populations")
if (npop > 4) {
if (is.null(pops))
stop("more than 4 populations but none specified in 'pops'")
sel <- population %in% pops
x <- x[sel, ]
population <- population[sel]
## drop the other variables if any:
p <- ncol(x)
LOCI <- attr(x, "locicol")
if (length(LOCI) < p) {
x <- x[, LOCI]
p <- ncol(x)
if ( {
snpx <- is.snp(x)
if (!all(snpx)) {
if (all(!snpx)) stop("no SNP loci in x")
x <- x[, snpx]
warning(paste(p - ncol(x), "non-SNP loci were dropped"))
p <- ncol(x)
## append the population column:
x$population <- population
s <- if (any(is.phased(x))) by(x) else .bySNP(x)
} else {
p <- length(s)
if ( {
nall <- unlist(lapply(s, ncol)) # number of alleles in each locus
snpx <- nall == 2
if (!all(snpx)) {
if (all(!snpx)) stop("no SNP loci")
s <- s[snpx]
warning(paste(p - length(s), "non-SNP loci were dropped"))
p <- length(s)
npop <- nrow(s[[1]])
if (npop < 4) stop("less than 4 populations")
if (npop > 4) {
if (is.null(pops))
stop("more than 4 populations but none specified in 'pops'")
s <- lapply(s, function(x) x[pops, ])
s <- unlist(s, use.names = FALSE)
ii <- seq(1, by = 8, length.out = p)
na <- s[ii]
nb <- s[ii + 1L]
nc <- s[ii + 2L]
nd <- s[ii + 3L]
nap <- s[ii + 4L]
nbp <- s[ii + 5L]
ncp <- s[ii + 6L]
ndp <- s[ii + 7L]
sa <- na + nap
sb <- nb + nbp
sc <- nc + ncp
sd <- nd + ndp
##ha <- na * nap / (sa * (sa - 1))
##hb <- nb * nbp / (sb * (sb - 1))
##hc <- nc * ncp / (sc * (sc - 1))
##hd <- nd * ndp / (sd * (sd - 1))
a <- na/sa
b <- nb/sb
c <- nc/sc
d <- nd/sd
## adjust if there are pops without some alleles
if (any(tmp <- a[tmp] <- 0
if (any(tmp <- b[tmp] <- 0
if (any(tmp <- c[tmp] <- 0
if (any(tmp <- d[tmp] <- 0
F4 <- (a - b) * (c - d)
sumF4 <- sum(F4)
Den <- (a + b - 2*a*b) * (c + d - 2*c*d)
D <- sum(F4)/sum(Den)
if (jackknife.block.size) { # blocked jackknife
one2p <- 1:p
one2bs <- 1:jackknife.block.size
Nblock <- p %/% jackknife.block.size
rest <- p %% jackknife.block.size
BLOCK <- lapply(0:(Nblock - 1),
function(i) one2p[one2bs + i * jackknife.block.size])
if (rest) BLOCK <- c(BLOCK, list((p - rest + 1):p))
D_j <- sapply(BLOCK, function(i) sum(F4[-i])/sum(Den[-i]))
Dstar <- sum(p * D - (p - 1) * D_j)/p # jackknife estimate of D
varDstar <- (Nblock - 1) * sum((D_j - Dstar)^2)/Nblock
Zvalue <- Dstar * sqrt(Nblock/varDstar)
if (B) { # simple bootstrap
Ds <- numeric(B)
for (i in 1:B) {
is <- sample(p, size = p, replace = TRUE)
Ds[i] <- sum(F4[is])/sum(Den[is])
Pboot <- 2 * pnorm(abs(D), sd = sd(Ds), lower.tail = FALSE) # P-value
res <- c(D = D, F4 = sumF4)
if (jackknife.block.size) res <- c(res, Z.value = Zvalue)
if (B) res <- c(res, P.boot = Pboot)
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