
Defines functions nullAlleles2NA na.omit.loci loci2alleles alleles2loci as.loci.matrix as.loci.character as.loci.factor as.loci.data.frame .check.order.alleles .sort.alleles genind2loci as.loci.genind as.loci loci2genind loci2SnpMatrix

Documented in alleles2loci as.loci as.loci.character as.loci.data.frame as.loci.factor as.loci.genind as.loci.matrix genind2loci loci2alleles loci2genind loci2SnpMatrix na.omit.loci nullAlleles2NA

## conversion.R (2023-02-13)

##   Conversion Among Allelic Data Classes

## Copyright 2009-2023 Emmanuel Paradis

## This file is part of the R-package `pegas'.
## See the file ../DESCRIPTION for licensing issues.

loci2SnpMatrix <- function(x, checkSNP = TRUE)
    LOCI <- attr(x, "locicol")
    p <- length(LOCI)
    n <- nrow(x)
    if (checkSNP) {
        SNP <- is.snp(x)
        nonSNP <- !SNP
        NnonSNP <- sum(nonSNP)
        if (NnonSNP == p) {
            warning("no SNP found: returning NULL")
        if (NnonSNP) {
            msg <- ifelse(NnonSNP == 1, "locus is not SNP: it was dropped",
                          "loci are not SNPs: they were dropped")
            warning(paste(NnonSNP, msg))
            LOCI <- LOCI[SNP]
            p <- length(LOCI)

    res <- matrix(as.raw(0), n, p)
    rownames(res) <- row.names(x)
    colnames(res) <- names(x)[LOCI]
    class(x) <- NULL
    for (j in 1:p) {
        y <- x[[LOCI[j]]]
        geno <- levels(y)
        ngeno <- length(geno)
        map <- integer(ngeno)
        ## take arbitrarily the first allele as the REF allele:
        REF <- charToRaw(geno[1])[1]
        for (i in 1:ngeno) {
            tmp <- charToRaw(geno[i])
            a1 <- tmp[1]
            a2 <- tmp[3]
            if (a1 != a2) {
                map[i] <- 2L
            } else {
                map[i] <- if (a1 == REF) 1L else 3L
        res[, j] <- as.raw(map[y])
    new("SnpMatrix", res)

loci2genind <- function(x, ploidy = 2, na.alleles = c("0", "."), unphase = TRUE)
    ipop <- which(names(x) == "population")
    pop <- if (length(ipop)) x[[ipop]] else NULL

    if (unphase) x <- unphase(x)

    if (any(isDot <- na.alleles == ".")) na.alleles[isDot] <- "\\."
    pat <- c(paste0("^", na.alleles, "/"), paste0("/", na.alleles, "$"), paste0("/", na.alleles, "/"))
    pat <- paste(pat, collapse = "|")

    for (i in attr(x, "locicol")) {
        z <- x[[i]]
        if (length(na <- grep(pat, z))) {
            z[na] <- NA_integer_
            z <- factor(z)
        x[[i]] <- z

    adegenet::df2genind(as.matrix(x[, attr(x, "locicol"), drop = FALSE]),
                        sep = "/", pop = pop, ploidy = ploidy)

as.loci <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("as.loci")

as.loci.genind <- function(x, ...)
    obj <- adegenet::genind2df(x, sep = "/")
    icol <- 1:ncol(obj)
    pop <- which(names(obj) == "pop")
    if (length(pop)) {
        names(obj)[pop] <- "population"
        icol <- icol[-pop]
    for (i in icol) obj[, i] <- factor(obj[, i] )
    class(obj) <- c("loci", "data.frame")
    attr(obj, "locicol") <- icol

genind2loci <- function(x) as.loci.genind(x)

## to be sure that alleles are sorted in their ASCII code
## (not in lexicographical order) whatever the locale
.sort.alleles <- function(x, index.only = FALSE)
    locale <- Sys.getlocale("LC_COLLATE")
    if (!identical(locale, "C")) {
        Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", "C")
        on.exit(Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", locale))
    o <- sort.list(x) # faster than order(x)
    if (index.only) o else x[o] # faster than sort()

.check.order.alleles <- function(x)
    locale <- Sys.getlocale("LC_COLLATE")
    if (!identical(locale, "C")) {
        Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", "C")
        on.exit(Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", locale))

    reorder.alleles <- function(x) {
        ALLOK <- TRUE
        for (i in seq_along(x)) {
            y <- x[i]
            if (!length(grep("/", y))) next # phased genotype (mixed with unphased ones)
            y <- strsplit(y, "/")[[1L]]
            z <- paste0(y[sort.list(y)], collapse = "/")
            if (!identical(y, z)) {
                ALLOK <- FALSE
                x[i] <- z
        if (ALLOK) return(ALLOK)

    LOCI <- attr(x, "locicol")
    if (is.null(LOCI)) return(x)
    oc <- oldClass(x)
    class(x) <- NULL

    for (k in LOCI) {
        y <- x[[k]]
        if (is.numeric(y)) { # haploid with alleles coded with numerics
            x[[k]] <- factor(y)
        lv <- levels(y) # get the genotypes of the k-th genotype
        if (!length(grep("/", lv))) next # if haploid or phased genotype
        a <- reorder.alleles(lv) # works with all levels of ploidy > 1
        if (!is.logical(a)) x[[k]] <- factor(a[as.numeric(y)])
    class(x) <- oc

as.loci.data.frame <-
    function(x, allele.sep = "/|", col.pop = NULL, col.loci = NULL, ...)
    if (is.null(col.pop)) {
        ipop <- which(tolower(names(x)) == "population")
        if (length(ipop)) col.pop <- ipop
    if (is.character(col.pop))
        col.pop <- which(names(x) == col.pop)
    if (is.numeric(col.pop)) {
        names(x)[col.pop] <- "population"
        x[[col.pop]] <- factor(x[[col.pop]])
    if (is.null(col.loci)) {
        col.loci <- 1:ncol(x)
        if (is.numeric(col.pop))
            col.loci <- col.loci[-col.pop]
    if (is.character(col.loci))
        col.loci <- match(col.loci, names(x))
    if (allele.sep != "/|") {
        if (allele.sep == "")
            stop("alleles within a genotype must be separated")
        for (i in col.loci)
            levels(x[, i]) <- gsub(allele.sep, "/", levels(x[, i]))
    class(x) <- c("loci", "data.frame")
    attr(x, "locicol") <- col.loci

as.loci.factor <- function(x, allele.sep = "/|", ...)
    as.loci.data.frame(data.frame(x), allele.sep = allele.sep, ...)

as.loci.character <- function(x, allele.sep = "/|", ...)
    as.loci.data.frame(data.frame(factor(x)), allele.sep = allele.sep, ...)

as.loci.matrix <- function(x, allele.sep = "/|", col.pop = NULL, col.loci = NULL, ...)
    as.loci.data.frame(as.data.frame(x, allele.sep = allele.sep, col.pop = col.pop,
                                     col.loci = col.loci, ...))

alleles2loci <- function(x, ploidy = 2, rownames = NULL, population = NULL,
                         phased = FALSE)
    withPop <- !is.null(population)
    x <- as.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    if (is.null(rownames)) {
        idx <- rownames(x)
        if (is.null(idx)) idx <- as.character(seq_len(nrow(x)))
    } else {
        idx <- as.character(x[[rownames]])
        x[[rownames]] <- NULL
        if (withPop && rownames < population)
            population <- population - 1
    if (withPop) {
        pop <- x[, population]
        x <- x[, -population, drop = FALSE]
    p <- ncol(x)
    if (ploidy == 1) {
        loci.nms <- colnames(x)
        obj <- vector("list", p)
        for (i in 1:p) obj[[i]] <- factor(x[, i])
    } else {
        if (p %% ploidy) stop("number of columns not a multiple of ploidy")
        nloci <- p / ploidy
        start <- seq(1, by = ploidy, length.out = nloci)
        end <- start + ploidy - 1
        loci.nms <- colnames(x)[start]
        obj <- vector("list", nloci)
        sep <- if (phased) "|" else "/"
        foo <- function(...) paste(..., sep = sep)
        for (i in seq_len(nloci))
            obj[[i]] <- factor(do.call(foo, x[, start[i]:end[i], drop = FALSE]))
    names(obj) <- loci.nms
    obj <- as.data.frame(obj, row.names = idx, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    obj <- as.loci(obj)
    if (withPop) obj$population <- factor(pop)

loci2alleles <- function(x)
    ploidy <- .checkPloidy(x)
    if (any(ploidy == 0)) stop("ploidy not homogeneous within some loci")
    n <- nrow(x)
    LOCI <- attr(x, "locicol")
    x <- x[, LOCI]
    fl <- tempfile()
    write.loci(x, fl, allele.sep = " ", quote = FALSE,
               row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    res <- scan(fl, what = "", quiet = TRUE)
    res <- matrix(res, n, length(res)/n, byrow = TRUE)
    rownames(res) <- rownames(x)
    colnames(res) <- paste(unlist(mapply(rep, colnames(x), each = ploidy)),
                           unlist(mapply(":", 1, ploidy)), sep = ".")

na.omit.loci <- function(object, na.alleles = c("0", "."), ...)
    if (any(isDot <- na.alleles == ".")) na.alleles[isDot] <- "\\."
    pat <- c(paste0("^", na.alleles, "$"),
             paste0("^", na.alleles, "/"),
             paste0("/", na.alleles, "$"),
             paste0("/", na.alleles, "/"))
    pat <- paste(pat, collapse = "|")
    drop <- logical(nrow(object))
    M <- 1:ncol(object)
    for (i in attr(object, "locicol")) {
        x <- object[[i]]
        if (length(na <- grep(pat, x))) drop[na] <- TRUE
        if (any(na <- is.na(x))) drop[na] <- TRUE
    object <- object[!drop, , drop = FALSE]
    for (i in M) {
        if (is.factor(x <- object[[i]])) {
            drop <- tabulate(x, nlevels(x)) == 0
            if (any(drop)) object[[i]] <- factor(x)

nullAlleles2NA <- function(object, na.alleles = c("0", "."))
    if (any(isDot <- na.alleles == ".")) na.alleles[isDot] <- "\\."
    pat <- c(paste0("^", na.alleles, "$"),
             paste0("^", na.alleles, "/"),
             paste0("/", na.alleles, "$"),
             paste0("/", na.alleles, "/"))
    pat <- paste(pat, collapse = "|")
    for (i in attr(object, "locicol")) {
        if (length(j <- grep(pat, object[[i]])))
            object[[i]][j] <- NA_integer_

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