
Defines functions tbl2tex envelope.pgam envelope periodogram lpnorm link elapsedtime framebuilder fnz g f plot.pgam print.pgam print.summary.pgam summary.pgam AIC.pgam deviance.pgam logLik.pgam coef.pgam fitted.pgam predict.pgam residuals.pgam bkfsmooth backfitting pgam pgam.hes2se pgam.par2psi pgam.psi2par pgam.fit pgam.likelihood pgam.filter formparser

Documented in AIC.pgam backfitting bkfsmooth coef.pgam deviance.pgam elapsedtime envelope envelope.pgam f fitted.pgam fnz formparser framebuilder g link logLik.pgam lpnorm periodogram pgam pgam.filter pgam.fit pgam.hes2se pgam.likelihood pgam.par2psi pgam.psi2par plot.pgam predict.pgam print.pgam print.summary.pgam residuals.pgam summary.pgam tbl2tex

# This free software is distributed under de GNU GPL version 2 license agreement
# This source code may be copied and modified since the author is cited.
# This software is free and it is provided with no warranty whatsoever
# This software can be cited as follow:
# cite the dissertation the source code is attached:
# Junger, W. L. (2004) Modelo Poisson-Gama Semi-Parametrico: Uma Abordagem de Penalizacaoo por Rugosidade. MSc Thesis. Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio, Departamento de Engenharia Eletrica
# R code for Poisson-Gamma Additive Models (pgam)
# it is part of Washington Junger's MSc. dissertations
# this class of model will handle only Poisson-Gamma family for a while
# in the future it is intended to handle Negative Binomial-Beta family also.
# started in 11/06/2003 (dd/mm/yyyy)
# last change: (date first)
# 18/10/2003  up and running (debut) - version 0.1.0
# 19/10/2003  log(1e-7) changed to log(0.1) when y=0 (very troubling in many zeros series) - version 0.1.1
# 21/10/2003  fixed some bugs, deviance to control convergence and partial deviance residuals in smoothing algorithm - version 0.1.2
# 22/10/2003  deviance to control convergence (not good) and deviance partial residuals in smoothing algorithm not working - version 0.1.2
# 24/10/2003  fixed some bugs, trying partial deviance residuals once more (works fine)
# 15/12/2003  fixed residuals degree of freedom: resdf <- n-kp-sum(sdf)-fnz-1
# 17/12/2003  some objects renamed
# 02/01/2004  backfitting(...) function returns the matrix of partial residuals now - version 0.1.3
# 03/01/2004  resource consuming envelope plot implemented now, some bugs fixed - version 0.1.4
# 12/01/2004  function call is returned now - version 0.1.5
# 05/02/2004  minor changes in envelope routine - version 0.1.6
# 12/02/2004  several functions re-written, major changes, finally a library - version 0.2.0
# 18/02/2004  C code linked, functions re-written, faster than never, documentation ok, functions removed, others created for perfomance improvement - version 0.3.0 (release version)
# 19/02/2004  fixed documentation problems - version 0.3.1
# 20/02/2004  one second faster, predict.pgam(), pgam.fit() and pgam.likelihood() are compiled C code now, new examples added to documentation - version 0.3.2
# 21/02/2004  X11() call removed
# 17/03/2004  some bugs fixed, some docs corrected, no more references to dispersion parameter, se of last seasonal factor, periodogram fixed, ... - version 0.3.3
# 15/04/2004  some bugs fixed, compliance with R version 1.9.0, default (preferred) optimization method moved to L-BFGS-B, approximate dispersion parameter back, light docs on envelope, ...
# 16/04/2004  removal of partial residuals options, full non-linear predictor, deals with NA's now, ... - version 0.4.0 beta
# 28/08/2004  minor bugs fixed - version 0.4.0
# 13/02/2005  fixed compiler flag, R version >= 1.9.0, broken missing data support removed and minor bugs fixed - version 0.4.1
# 05/03/2005  several changes in order to share functions with ocdm package and co-author included (Ponce) - v. 0.4.2
# 02/04/2005  fixed model estimated degrees of freedom -  v. 0.4.3
# 12/09/2005  now dealing with missing values, computation of null.deviance, some fixes, estimated degrees of freedom returned, help improvement, approximate significance test of smoothing terms - v. 0.4.4
# 16/06/2009  bug fixes to comply with R 2.9.0 - v. 0.4.7
# 25/01/2018  fix cran compatibility
# To do list:
# -----------
# * implement the analytical method to estimate information matrix
# * correct estimation of spectrum. done! but it needs some improvement!!!
# * extend to use multiples seasonal factors
# * compute gain for smoothed terms
# * implement an na.replace method
# * se for smooth terms is still missing
# * allow extraction of terms via predict.pgam
# * allow local regression smoothing
# functions begin here -----------------------

formparser <- function(formula, env = parent.frame())
                       # reads the model formula and splits it in two new formulae: one of parametric
# terms and another for smoothed terms.
    # .pgam.dataset <- get(".pgam.dataset",env=env)
    # attach(.pgam.dataset)    # necessary because of f()

    formula <- as.formula(formula)
    formterms <- terms.formula(formula, specials = c("g", "f")) # s'ed terms is supposed to be smoothed (g) and factorised (f)
    modterms <- attr(formterms, "term.labels") # assigns labels of model terms
    nterms <- length(modterms) # number of terms in model
    fformula <- NULL
    pformula <- NULL # parametric formula
    sformula <- NULL # smoothing formula
    oterm <- NULL # offset term
    offset <- NULL
    sdf <- NULL # smoothing df vector
    findex <- NULL
    pindex <- NULL
    sindex <- NULL
    oindex <- NULL
    fnames <- NULL
    fdata <- NULL
    fperiod <- NULL
    factorvar <- NULL

    response <- attr(formterms, "response")
    if (!(response == 0)) {
        response <- as.formula(paste("~", as.character(attr(formterms, "variables")[2]), sep = ""))
        r <- 1
    } else {
        response <- NULL
        r <- 0
    if (!is.null(attr(formterms, "specials")$f)) {
        findex <- attr(formterms, "specials")$f
    } # indeces of terms to be factorised in modterms array
    if (!is.null(attr(formterms, "specials")$g)) {
        sindex <- attr(formterms, "specials")$g
    } # indeces of terms to be smoothed in modterms array
    if (!is.null(attr(formterms, "offset"))) {
        oindex <- attr(formterms, "offset")
    } # offset location

    if (nterms) {
        for (k in (r + 1):(nterms + r)) {
            if (!(k %in% sindex) && !(k %in% oindex) && !(k %in% findex)) {
                pindex <- c(pindex, k)
    } # gets parametric terms indeces

    fterms <- length(findex) # number of terms in factorised formula
    pterms <- length(pindex) # number of terms in parametric formula
    sterms <- length(sindex) # number of terms in smooth formula

    if (fterms) {
        for (k in 1:fterms) # seasonal factors formula - one occurrence only !!!! must change!!!
            fed <- eval(parse(text = as.character(attr(formterms, "variables")[findex[k] + 1]))) # f extraction
            factorvar <- as.matrix(eval(parse(text = fed$factor)))
            colnames(factorvar) <- fed$factor
            n <- length(factorvar)
            period <- max(factorvar)
            factordata <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, n, period))
            factornames <- NULL
            for (k in 1:period)
                factordata[k] <- 1 * (factorvar == k)
                factornames <- c(factornames, paste(fed$factor, k, sep = "."))
            colnames(factordata) <- factornames
            for (d in 1:(period - 1)) {
                fformula <- paste(fformula, factornames[d], sep = ifelse(is.null(fformula), "~", "+"))
            fnames <- c(fnames, factornames)
            fdata <- factordata # c(fdata,factordata)
            fperiod <- c(fperiod, period)
        fformula <- as.formula(fformula)
        fdata <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(fdata))

    if (pterms) {
        for (k in 1:pterms) { # parametric formula
            pformula <- paste(pformula, as.character(attr(formterms, "variables")[pindex[k] + 1]), sep = ifelse(is.null(pformula), "~", "+"))
        pformula <- as.formula(pformula)

    if (sterms) {
        for (k in 1:sterms) # non-parametric formula
            sed <- eval(parse(text = as.character(attr(formterms, "variables")[sindex[k] + 1]))) # g extraction
            sformula <- paste(sformula, sed$var, sep = ifelse(is.null(sformula), "~", "+"))
            sdf <- c(sdf, sed$df)
        sformula <- as.formula(sformula)

    if (!is.null(oindex)) # dealing with the offset term
            oterm <- as.character(attr(formterms, "variables")[[oindex + 1]])[2]
            # oterm <- names(attr(formterms,"factors")[attr(formterms,"offset")])
            # oterm <- substr(oterm <- substr(oterm,8,nchar(oterm)),1,nchar(oterm)-1)
            offset <- eval(parse(text = oterm))

    if (attr(formterms, "intercept") == 0) {
        intercept <- FALSE
    } else {
        intercept <- TRUE

    # detach(.pgam.dataset)  # i don't like it!!!
    # rm(.pgam.dataset)
    retval <- list(response = response, pformula = pformula, pterms = pterms, sformula = sformula, sdf = sdf, sterms = sterms, fterms = fterms, fformula = fformula, factor = factorvar, fnames = fnames, fdata = fdata, fperiod = fperiod, oterm = oterm, offset = offset, intercept = intercept, fullformula = formula)
    class(retval) <- "split.formula"

pgam.filter <- function(w, y, eta)
# runs appropriate recursions for omega estimate
    n <- length(y)

    oo <- .C("pgam_filter",
        att1 = double(n),
        btt1 = double(n),
        PACKAGE = "pgam"

    return(list(att1 = oo$att1, btt1 = oo$btt1))

pgam.likelihood <- function(par, y, x, offset, fperiod, env = parent.frame())
# likelihood function to be maximized
    # splitting parameter vector into omega and beta
    fnz <- fnz(y)
    n <- length(y)
    psi <- pgam.par2psi(par, fperiod)

    # print(psi$beta)  # for debugging

    if (!is.null(psi$beta)) {
        eta <- x %*% psi$beta + offset
    } # parametric piece of predictor
    else {
        eta <- offset

    filtered <- pgam.filter(psi$w, y, eta)
    att1 <- filtered$att1
    btt1 <- filtered$btt1

    oo <- .C("pgam_loglik",
        lvalue = double(1),
        NAOK = TRUE,
        PACKAGE = "pgam"

    loglik <- list(value = oo$lvalue, eta = eta, att1 = att1, btt1 = btt1)
    assign("loglik", loglik, envir = env)


pgam.fit <- function(w, y, eta, partial.resid)
# estimates of y_hat_t|t-1
    filtered <- pgam.filter(w, y, eta)
    att1 <- filtered$att1
    btt1 <- filtered$btt1

    ynz <- y + 0.1 * (y == 0) # replaces zero counts by a small value (dangerous!!!)
    n <- length(y)
    fnz <- fnz(y)

    oo <- .C("pgam_predict",
        yhat = double(n),
        vyhat = double(n),
        deviance = double(n),
        pearson = double(n),
        PACKAGE = "pgam"

    # partial residuals
    if (partial.resid == "response") {
        presid <- (log(ynz) - log(oo$yhat))[(fnz + 1):n]
    # else if (partial.resid == "deviance")
    #       presid <- log(sign(y-oo$yhat)*sqrt(oo$deviance))[(fnz+1):n]
    # else if (partial.resid == "pearson")
    #    presid <- log((y-oo$yhat)/oo$vyhat)[(fnz+1):n]

    return(list(yhat = oo$yhat, resid = presid))

pgam.psi2par <- function(w, beta, fperiod)
# puts hyperparameters into optmization form
    alpha <- log(w / (1 - w)) # transformation to ensure constraints on w
    fp <- length(fperiod)
    newbeta <- NULL

    if (!is.null(beta)) {
        fp <- length(fperiod)
        bk <- 1

        if (!is.null(fperiod)) {
            for (k in 1:fp)
                newbetak <- beta[bk:(fperiod[k] - 1)]
                bk <- length(newbetak) + 2 # skip the last seasonal factor ex.: saturday, december etc
                newbeta <- c(newbeta, newbetak)
            if (length(beta) > sum(fperiod)) {
                newbeta <- c(newbeta, beta[bk:length(beta)])
        } else {
            newbeta <- beta
    par <- c(alpha, newbeta) # parameter vector to be optimized

pgam.par2psi <- function(par, fperiod)
# puts parameters optmization form back into beta
    alpha <- par[1]
    w <- exp(alpha) / (1 + exp(alpha))
    beta <- NULL

    if (length(par) > 1) {
        newbeta <- par[2:length(par)]
        fp <- length(fperiod)
        bk <- 1

        if (!is.null(fperiod)) {
            for (k in 1:fp)
                newbetak <- newbeta[bk:(bk + fperiod[k] - 2)] # get pieces of beta from par
                bk <- length(newbetak) + 1
                beta <- c(beta, newbetak, -sum(newbetak))
            if (length(newbeta) > sum(fperiod)) { # something odd is going on about here!
                beta <- c(beta, newbeta[bk:length(newbeta)])
        } else {
            beta <- newbeta
    retval <- list(w = w, beta = beta)

pgam.hes2se <- function(hes, fperiod, se.estimation = "numerical")
# puts parameters hessian matrix in the form of beta s.e.
    sigma <- try(solve(-hes))

    alpha <- sigma[1, 1]
    se.w <- sqrt(alpha * (exp(alpha) / (1 + exp(alpha))^2)^2) # correcting sigma^2_{omega} using delta rule James, B. (1996), Probabilidade:..., p.253

    beta <- NULL
    se.beta <- NULL

    if (length(diag(sigma)) > 1) {
        p <- length(diag(sigma))

        sigmabeta <- sigma[2:p, 2:p]
        if (p == 2) {
            varbeta <- sigmabeta
        } else {
            varbeta <- diag(sigmabeta)

        if (!is.null(fperiod)) {
            fp <- length(fperiod)
            bk <- 1

            for (k in 1:fp)
                varbetak <- varbeta[bk:(bk + fperiod[k] - 2)] # get pieces of beta from par
                covarbetak <- sigmabeta[bk:(bk + fperiod[k] - 2), bk:(bk + fperiod[k] - 2)]
                bk <- length(varbetak) + 1
                diag(covarbetak) <- 0.0
                beta <- c(beta, varbetak, sum(varbetak) - sum(covarbetak))
            if (length(varbeta) > sum(fperiod)) { # something odd is going on about here!
                beta <- c(beta, varbeta[bk:length(varbeta)])
        } else {
            beta <- varbeta
        se.beta <- sqrt(beta) # extracts standard error

    retval <- list(w = se.w, beta = se.beta)

pgam <- function(formula, dataset, omega = 0.8, beta = 0.1, offset = 1, digits = getOption("digits"), na.action = "na.exclude", maxit = 1e2, eps = 1e-6, lfn.scale = 1, control = list(), optim.method = "L-BFGS-B", bkf.eps = 1e-3, bkf.maxit = 1e2, se.estimation = "numerical", verbose = TRUE)
# estimates Poisson-Gamma Additive Models
    st <- proc.time()
    called <- match.call()
    pgam.env <- new.env() # new environment defined for pgam
    # assign(".pgam.dataset",dataset,env=pgam.env)    # it is necessary because of f(factor)

    if (is.null(formula)) {
        stop("Model formula is not specified.")
    if (is.null(dataset)) {
        stop("Model dataset is not specified.")

    # some fixed default options
    partial.resid <- "response"
    smoother <- "spline"

    if (!verbose) {
        control$trace <- 0
        control$REPORT <- maxit
    control$fnscale <- lfn.scale * (-1)

    parsed <- formparser(formula, env = pgam.env) # parse the formula and get components
    # building datasets and setting the model structure (no explanatory variables, seasonal factors, linear, additive, offset, drift)
    y <- framebuilder(parsed$response, dataset)
    yname <- names(y)
    y <- as.matrix(y)
    n.obs <- dim(y)[1]
    etap <- NULL
    px <- NULL
    kx <- 0
    pnames <- NULL
    pform <- NULL
    if (parsed$pterms) {
        pform <- parsed$pformula
        px <- framebuilder(pform, dataset)
        pnames <- names(px)
        px <- as.matrix(px)
        kx <- dim(px)[2] # number of non-seasonal factor explanatory variables

    etas <- NULL
    bkf <- NULL
    sx <- NULL
    sdf <- NULL
    ks <- 0
    snames <- NULL
    sform <- NULL
    sduplicated <- NULL
    var.smox <- NULL
    if (parsed$sterms) {
        sform <- parsed$sformula
        sx <- framebuilder(sform, dataset)
        snames <- names(sx)
        sx <- as.matrix(sx)
        sdf <- parsed$sdf
        ks <- dim(sx)[2] # number of non-parametric explanatory variables
        # getting duplicated values positions
        sduplicated <- apply(sx, 2, sdup <- function(x) {
            duplicated(sort(signif(x, 6)))

    fx <- NULL
    fp <- 0
    kf <- 0
    fperiod <- NULL
    fnames <- NULL
    fform <- NULL
    if (parsed$fterms) {
        fform <- parsed$fformula
        fx <- parsed$fdata
        fnames <- parsed$fnames
        fperiod <- parsed$fperiod
        fp <- length(fperiod) # number of seasonal factors terms
        kf <- sum(fperiod) # total count of seasonal factors

    offcoef <- offset
    if (!is.null(parsed$oterm)) {
        offset <- as.matrix(parsed$offset * offcoef)
        colnames(offset) <- parsed$oterm
    } else {
        offset <- double(n.obs)

    if (parsed$intercept) {
        # to be worked out

    terms <- list(response = parsed$response, pform = pform, fform = fform, sform = sform, snames = snames, df = sdf)

    px <- cbind(fx, px)
    kp <- kf + kx # number of explanatory variables

    # print(dim(sx));cat("\n");print(dim(px));cat("\n")
    # getting rid of NA's
    tempDataset <- cbind(y, offset, px, sx)
    #    stop("Missing data is not handled for now. It will be fixed soon.")
    tempDataset <- eval(parse(text = paste(na.action, "(tempDataset)", sep = "")))
    if (!is.null(attr(tempDataset, "na.action"))) {
        na.info <- list("na.action" = attr(tempDataset, "na.action"), "na.class" = attr(attr(tempDataset, "na.action"), "class"))
    } else {
        na.info <- list("na.action" = attr(tempDataset, "na.action"), "na.class" = substr(na.action, 4, nchar(na.action)))
    # print(dim(tempDataset));cat("\n")
    y <- as.matrix(tempDataset[, 1])
    n <- length(y) # get number of valid obs
    fnz <- fnz(y)
    offset <- as.matrix(tempDataset[, 2])
    if (!is.null(px)) {
        px <- as.matrix(tempDataset[, 3:(kp + 2)])
    if (!is.null(sx)) {
        sx <- as.matrix(tempDataset[(fnz + 1):n, (kp + 3):(kp + ks + 2)])
    # print(dim(sx));cat("\n");print(dim(px));cat("\n")

    undef <- rep(0, fnz)

    if (sum((y - as.integer(y)) > 0)) {
        y <- as.integer(y) # non-integer values are truncated
        warning("Some values must have been truncated in order to ensure compliance with Poisson specification.")
    } else {
        y <- as.integer(y)
    } # to avoid type conflict with integer functions

    if (sum(y < 0) > 0) { # checking for negative values. if detected, program halts
        stop("Negative observations detected. The series does not comply with Poisson specification.")

    if (length(beta) == 1) {
        beta <- rep(beta, kp)
    } # expansion of initial value of beta vector (assuming all the same)
    if (kp == 0) {
        beta <- NULL
    # if (is.null(px) && !is.null(sx))
    #       stop("This application still not fit full non-linear predictor models.")

    assign("loglik", NULL, envir = pgam.env)

    # mle estimation
    par <- pgam.psi2par(omega, beta, fperiod)

    optimized <- optim(par, pgam.likelihood, y = y, x = px, offset = offset, fperiod = fperiod, env = pgam.env, method = optim.method, hessian = FALSE, control = control)
    newoffset <- offset # case of full parametric model

    # smoothing
    k <- 0 # if k=0 at the end o function, this is a full parametric model
    norm <- 0 # same as k
    if (!is.null(sx)) {
        norm <- 1e35 # large number intialization of norm
        # oldetas <- 0
        loglik0 <- 0
        # deviance0 <- 0
        k <- 0
        for (k in 1:maxit)
            # getting useful information
            psi <- pgam.par2psi(optimized$par, fperiod)
            if (!is.null(beta)) {
                etap <- px %*% psi$beta
            } # parametric piece of predictor
            else {
                etap <- double(n)
            presid <- pgam.fit(psi$w, y, etap + offset, partial.resid)$resid
            loglik1 <- (-1) * optimized$value
            # backfitting smoothing
            bkf <- backfitting(presid, sx, sdf, smoother = smoother, eps = bkf.eps, maxit = bkf.maxit, info = FALSE)
            etas <- c(undef, bkf$sumfx)
            newoffset <- offset + etas # preserves original offset in full eta
            norm <- abs((loglik1 - loglik0) / loglik0)
            if (verbose) {
                cat(paste("iter:", k, " | ", "norm:", round(norm, digits), "\n"))

            if (!(norm < eps)) {
                if (k > maxit) {
                    if (verbose) {
                        cat("\nNo convergence after last iteration of the estimation algorithm.\n")
                # oldetas <- etas
                loglik0 <- loglik1
                # parametric fitting
                optimized <- optim(optimized$par, pgam.likelihood, y = y, x = px, offset = newoffset, fperiod = fperiod, env = pgam.env, method = optim.method, hessian = FALSE, control = control)
            } else {
                if (verbose) {
                    cat("\nSemiparametric model estimation algorithm has converged.\n")

    # debugging
    # mypsi<-pgam.par2psi(optimized$par,fperiod)
    # print(mypsi)

    # last running in order to get evaluated functions and hessian matrix
    if (verbose) {
        cat("\nFinal run: Getting estimated parameters, functions and numerical hessian matrix...\n")
    numerical.se <- ifelse(se.estimation == "numerical", TRUE, FALSE)
    optimized <- optim(optimized$par, pgam.likelihood, y = y, x = px, offset = newoffset, fperiod = fperiod, env = pgam.env, method = optim.method, hessian = numerical.se, control = control)
    psi <- pgam.par2psi(optimized$par, fperiod)
    if (!is.null(sx)) {
        if (!is.null(beta)) {
            etap <- px %*% psi$beta
        } # parametric piece of predictor
        else {
            etap <- double(n)
        presid <- pgam.fit(psi$w, y, etap + offset, partial.resid)$resid
        # backfitting smoothing
        bkf <- backfitting(presid, sx, sdf, smoother = smoother, eps = bkf.eps, maxit = bkf.maxit, info = TRUE)
        # restoring original size of elements in bkf and sx
        bkf$sumfx <- c(undef, bkf$sumfx)
        bkf$smox <- rbind(matrix(NA, fnz, ks), bkf$smox)
        dimnames(bkf$smox) <- list(NULL, snames)
        bkf$pres <- rbind(matrix(NA, fnz, ks), bkf$pres)
        dimnames(bkf$pres) <- list(NULL, snames)
        sx <- rbind(matrix(NA, fnz, ks), sx)
        # computing variance of smoothing functions
        sigma.smox <- apply((bkf$pres - bkf$smox)^2, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE) / (n - fnz - bkf$edf)
        var.smox <- matrix(NA, n, length(sigma.smox))
        for (j in 1:length(sigma.smox))
            var.smox.short <- sigma.smox[j] * bkf$lev[, j]^2
            hold <- 0
            for (i in 1:n)
                if (sduplicated[i, j]) {
                    hold <- hold + 1
                var.smox[i, j] <- var.smox.short[i - hold]
        bkf$var.smox <- var.smox

    # getting useful information
    omega <- psi$w
    names(omega) <- c("(Discount)")
    beta <- psi$beta
    names(beta) <- c(fnames, pnames)
    se.omega <- NA
    se.beta <- NA
    if (numerical.se) {
        se <- pgam.hes2se(optimized$hessian, fperiod)
        se.omega <- se$w
        names(se.omega) <- c("(Discount)")
        se.beta <- se$beta
        names(se.beta) <- c(fnames, pnames)

    iterations <- optimized$counts
    if (verbose) {
        cat("Counts (fn | gr): ")

    if (!is.null(optimized$convergence)) {
        if (optimized$convergence == 0) {
            convergence <- "converged"
        } else {
            convergence <- "not converged"

    loglik.value <- (-1) * optimized$value
    loglik <- get("loglik", envir = pgam.env)
    att1 <- loglik$att1
    btt1 <- loglik$btt1

    # corrected estimated residuals degrees of freedom (including ^w)
    if (!is.null(bkf)) {
        edf <- length(beta) + fnz + sum(bkf$edf + 1)
    } # correction suggested by Hastie and Tibshirani (1990)
    else {
        edf <- length(beta) + fnz + 1
    resdf <- n - edf

    # including seasonal factors in returned dataset
    if (parsed$fterms) {
        factor <- parsed$factor
        factor[na.info$na.action] <- NA
        factor <- na.omit(factor)
    } else {
        factor <- NULL
    dataset <- cbind(tempDataset, factor) # deparse(substitute(dataset))

    et <- proc.time()
    if (verbose) {
        cat(paste("\nEstimation process took", elapsedtime(st, et)), "(hh:mm:ss)\n")

    retval <- list(call = called, formula = formula, dataset = dataset, omega = omega, se.omega = se.omega, beta = beta, se.beta = se.beta, att1 = att1, btt1 = btt1, loglik = loglik.value, convergence = convergence, optim.method = optim.method, y = y, px = px, sx = sx, terms = terms, offset = offset, offcoef = offcoef, etap = etap, etas = etas, partial.resid = partial.resid, bkf = bkf, alg.k = k, alg.norm = norm, edf = edf, resdf = resdf, n.obs = n.obs, n = n, tau = fnz, na.info = na.info)
    class(retval) <- "pgam"

backfitting <- function(y, x, df, smoother = "spline", w = rep(1, length(y)), eps = 1e-3, maxit = 1e2, info = TRUE)
# ajust the non-parametric piece of predictor
    # getting useful information
    n <- dim(x)[1] # number of observations
    p <- dim(x)[2] # number of variables to be smoothed

    # initialization
    smox <- matrix(0, n, p) # create storage space for smoothed variables
    pres <- matrix(0, n, p) # create storage space for partial residuals variables
    lev <- matrix(NA, n, p) # create storage space for smoother leverage
    edf <- double(p) # create storage space for edf
    norm <- 1e35 # large value
    smooth <- double(n)
    m <- 0

    # backfitting
    while ((norm >= eps) && (m <= maxit)) {
        m <- m + 1
        oldsmooth <- smooth
        smooth <- double(n)
        for (j in 1:p)
            sumfx <- double(n)
            for (k in 1:p) {
                smox[, k] <- (k != j) * bkfsmooth(y, x[, k], df[k], smoother = smoother, w = w)$fitted
            for (k in 1:p) {
                sumfx <- sumfx + (k != j) * smox[, k]
            pres[, j] <- y - sumfx
            smoothed <- bkfsmooth(pres[, j], x[, j], df[j], smoother = smoother, w = w)
            smox[, j] <- smoothed$fitted
            lev[1:length(smoothed$lev), j] <- smoothed$lev
            edf[j] <- smoothed$df
            smooth <- smooth + smox[, j]

        norm <- lpnorm(smooth, oldsmooth, p = 2) / lpnorm(oldsmooth, p = 2)

    sumfx <- apply(smox, 1, sum) # sum of fx
    if (!info) {
        # short returning list - intended to be fast!
        retval <- list(sumfx = sumfx)
    } else {
        # complete returning list - slower!
        retval <- list(sumfx = sumfx, smox = smox, pres = pres, lev = lev, edf = edf)
    class(retval) <- "backfitting"

bkfsmooth <- function(y, x, df, smoother = "spline", w = rep(1, length(y)))
# smooths y against x wiht ds degrees of smoothness
    if (smoother == "spline") {
        smoothed <- smooth.spline(x = x, y = y, w = w, df = df)
        fitted <- predict(smoothed, x)$y
        lev <- smoothed$lev
        df <- smoothed$df
    # else if (smoother=="loess")
    #    {
    #    tempds <- as.data.frame(cbind(y,x))    # temporary dataset
    #    names(tempds) <- c("y","x")
    #    fitted <- loess(as.formula("y~x"),tempds,weights=w,span=1/df)$fitted
    #   retval <- list(fitted=fitted)
    #    }
    else {
        stop(paste("Smoother", smoother, "not implemented yet."))

    retval <- list(fitted = fitted, lev = lev, df = df)

residuals.pgam <- function(object, type = "deviance", ...)
# method for residuals extraction of a pgam model object
    predicted <- predict(object, ...)
    na.action <- object$na.info$na.action

    # adopting GLM notation for residuals extraction
    y <- napredict(na.action, object$y)
    mu <- predicted$yhat
    v.mu <- predicted$vyhat
    d <- predicted$deviance
    h <- predicted$hat
    att1 <- napredict(na.action, object$att1)
    btt1 <- napredict(na.action, object$btt1)
    phi <- predicted$scale

    raw <- y - mu # getting raw residuals

    if (type == "response") {
        resid <- raw
    } else if (type == "pearson") {
        resid <- raw / sqrt(v.mu)
    } else if (type == "deviance") {
        resid <- sign(raw) * sqrt(d)
    } else if (type == "std_deviance") {
        resid <- sign(raw) * sqrt(d / (1 - h))
    } else if (type == "std_scl_deviance") {
        resid <- sign(raw) * sqrt(d / (phi * (1 - h)))
    } # else if (type == "adj_deviance")
    #    {
    #    skew <- (1/6)*(2-att1)/sqrt(btt1*(1-att1))  # skewness coeficient of negative binomial distribution
    #    resid <- sign(raw)*sqrt(d)*skew
    #   }
    else {
        stop(paste("Residuals of type", type, "is not implmented yet."))

    retval <- naresid(na.action, resid) # put NA back

predict.pgam <- function(object, forecast = FALSE, k = 1, x = NULL, ...)
# method for prediction for new values
    # getting goods
    n <- object$n
    y <- object$y
    etap <- object$etap
    etas <- object$etas
    w <- object$omega
    na.action <- object$na.info$na.action

    # estimates of y_hat_t|t-1
    if (is.null(etap) && !(is.null(etas))) {
        model <- "nonparametric"
        etap <- double(n)
    } else if (!is.null(etap) && is.null(etas)) {
        model <- "fullparametric"
        etas <- double(n)
    } else if (is.null(etap) && is.null(etas)) {
        model <- "levelonly"
        etap <- double(n)
        etas <- double(n)
    } else {
        model <- "semiparametric"

    eta <- etap + etas

    filtered <- pgam.filter(w, y, eta)
    att1 <- filtered$att1
    btt1 <- filtered$btt1

    n <- length(y)
    hat <- double(n)
    fnz <- fnz(y)
    level <- NULL
    yhats <- NULL

    oo <- .C("pgam_predict",
        yhat = double(n),
        vyhat = double(n),
        deviance = double(n),
        pearson = double(n),
        PACKAGE = "pgam"

    for (t in 1:(n - 1))
        # pseudo hat matrix
        hat[t] <- w * exp(eta[t + 1]) / sum(w^(0:(t - 1)) * exp(eta[t:1]), na.rm = TRUE)

    # an attempt of extraction of components
    if (model == "semiparametric") {
        # semiparametric model
        plevel <- oo$yhat * exp(-etap)
        level <- plevel * exp(-etas)
        yhats <- plevel / level
    } else if (model == "fullparametric") {
        # full parametric model
        level <- oo$yhat * exp(-etap)
        yhats <- NULL
    } else if (model == "levelonly") {
        level <- oo$yhat

    # residuals are to be extracted elsewhere

    # scale parameter based on generalized Pearson statitics
    scale <- sum(oo$pearson, na.rm = TRUE) / object$resdf

    # cleaning the house
    oo$yhat[1:fnz] <- NA
    oo$vyhat[1:fnz] <- NA
    oo$deviance[1:fnz] <- NA
    oo$pearson[1:fnz] <- NA

    # put NA back
    oo$yhat <- napredict(na.action, oo$yhat)
    oo$vyhat <- napredict(na.action, oo$vyhat)
    oo$deviance <- napredict(na.action, oo$deviance)
    oo$pearson <- napredict(na.action, oo$pearson)
    level <- napredict(na.action, level)
    yhats <- napredict(na.action, yhats)

    # forecasting
    if (forecast) {
        # stop("Sorry! Forecasting is broken for now.\n")
        if (model == "semiparametric") {
            stop("Forecasting of semiparametric models is not implemented yet.\n")
        fc <- double(k)
        if (model == "levelonly") {
            for (n in 1:k) {
                fc[l] <- sum(w^(0:(n - 1)) * y[n:1], na.rm = TRUE) / sum(w^(0:(n - 1)), na.rm = TRUE)
        } else {
            if (!is.null(x)) {
                etaf <- x %*% beta
                for (l in 1:k) {
                    fc[l] <- w * exp(etaf[n + l]) * sum(w^(0:(n - 1)) * y[n:1], na.rm = TRUE) / sum(w^(0:(n - 1)) * exp(etaf[n:1]), na.rm = TRUE)
            } else {
                cat("\nCovariates were not supplied. Forecasting is not possible.\n")
                fc <- NULL
        forecast <- fc

    retval <- list(yhat = oo$yhat, vyhat = oo$vyhat, deviance = oo$deviance, pearson = oo$pearson, scale = scale, hat = hat, level = level, yhats = yhats, forecast = forecast)

fitted.pgam <- function(object, ...)
# method for fitted extraction only
    predicted <- predict(object, ...)

    retval <- predicted$yhat

coef.pgam <- function(object, ...)
# method for parametric coefficients extraction. although omega is not a coef, it is output in the first slot.
    retval <- c(object$omega, object$beta)

logLik.pgam <- function(object, ...)
# logLik method for extraction of loglik from a pgam object
    retval <- object$loglik

deviance.pgam <- function(object, ...)
# deviance method for extraction of deviance from a pgam object
    predicted <- predict(object, ...)

    retval <- sum(predicted$deviance, na.rm = TRUE)

AIC.pgam <- function(object, k = 2, ...)
# method for AIC estimation of a pgam model object
    predicted <- predict(object, ...)

    # gathering necessary quantities
    nprime <- object$n - object$tau
    deviance <- sum(predicted$deviance, na.rm = TRUE)
    edf <- object$edf
    phi <- predicted$scale

    retval <- (1 / nprime) * (deviance + k * edf * phi)
    # retval <- (1/nprime)*(deviance+k*edf)

summary.pgam <- function(object, smo.test = FALSE, ...)
# method for output summary of pgam model object
    predicted <- predict(object, ...)

    # general stuff
    call <- object$call
    formula <- object$formula
    convergence <- object$convergence
    optim.method <- object$optim.method
    n.obs <- object$n.obs
    n <- object$n
    tau <- object$tau
    alg.k <- object$alg.k
    alg.norm <- object$alg.norm
    fterms <- terms.formula(formula, specials = c("g", "f"))
    # get null.deviance
    if (!any(attr(fterms, "offset"))) {
        nullform <- paste(as.character(formula)[2], " ~ NULL", sep = "")
    } else {
        nullform <- paste(as.character(formula)[2], " ~ NULL + offset(", as.character(attr(fterms, "variables")[[attr(fterms, "offset") + 1]])[2], ")", sep = "")
    null.model <- pgam(formula = nullform, omega = object$omega, offset = object$offcoef, dataset = as.data.frame(object$dataset), na.action = paste("na.", object$na.info$na.class, sep = ""), optim.method = object$optim.method, se.estimation = "none", verbose = FALSE)
    null.deviance <- deviance.pgam(null.model)

    # goodness-of-fit statistics
    deviance <- sum(predicted$deviance, na.rm = TRUE)
    pearson <- sum(predicted$pearson, na.rm = TRUE)
    scale <- predicted$scale
    edf <- object$edf
    res.edf <- object$resdf
    # maximum likelihood parameters and hypothesis testing
    loglik <- object$loglik
    coeff <- c(object$omega, object$beta)
    se.coeff <- c(object$se.omega, object$se.beta)
    t.coeff <- coeff / se.coeff
    pt.coeff <- 2 * (1 - pt(abs(t.coeff), df = res.edf))
    if (!is.null(object$bkf) && (smo.test)) {
        # nonparametric stuff
        vars.smo <- dimnames(object$bkf$smox)[[2]]
        nvars.smo <- length(dimnames(object$bkf$smox)[[2]])
        edf.smo <- object$bkf$edf
        test.dev <- double(nvars.smo)
        # buiding parametric part formula
        baseform <- paste(as.character(formula)[2], " ~ f(", as.character(attr(fterms, "variables")[[attr(fterms, "specials")$f + 1]])[2], ") + ", as.character(object$terms$pform)[2], sep = "")
        for (j in 1:nvars.smo)
            devform <- paste(baseform, " + ", vars.smo[j], sep = "")
            vars.smo.j <- vars.smo
            vars.smo.j[j] <- NA
            vars.smo.j <- na.omit(vars.smo.j)
            edf.smo.j <- object$terms$df
            edf.smo.j[j] <- NA
            edf.smo.j <- na.omit(edf.smo.j)
            devform <- paste(devform, " + g(", vars.smo.j, ",", edf.smo.j, ")", sep = "")
            dev.mod <-
                pgam(formula = devform, omega = object$omega, beta = c(object$beta, mean(object$beta)), offset = object$offcoef, dataset = as.data.frame(object$dataset), na.action = paste("na.", object$na.info$na.class, sep = ""), optim.method = object$optim.method, se.estimation = "none", verbose = FALSE)
            test.dev[j] <- deviance.pgam(dev.mod)
        # approximate F-tests must be inserted at this point (soon!)
        chi.smo <- abs(deviance - test.dev)
        pchi.smo <- 1 - pchisq(chi.smo, edf.smo - 1)
    } else if (!is.null(object$bkf)) {
        # nonparametric stuff
        vars.smo <- dimnames(object$bkf$smox)[[2]]
        edf.smo <- object$bkf$edf
        chi.smo <- NULL
        pchi.smo <- NULL
    } else {
        vars.smo <- NULL
        edf.smo <- NULL
        chi.smo <- NULL
        pchi.smo <- NULL

    retval <- list(call = call, formula = formula, convergence = convergence, optim.method = optim.method, n.obs = n.obs, n = n, tau = tau, alg.k = alg.k, alg.norm = alg.norm, deviance = deviance, pearson = pearson, edf = edf, res.edf = res.edf, scale = scale, loglik = loglik, null.deviance = null.deviance, coeff = coeff, se.coeff = se.coeff, t.coeff = t.coeff, pt.coeff = pt.coeff, vars.smo = vars.smo, edf.smo = edf.smo, chi.smo = chi.smo, pchi.smo = pchi.smo, smo.test = smo.test)
    class(retval) <- "summary.pgam"

print.summary.pgam <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...)
# method for summary printing
    cat("Function call:\n")
    cat("\nModel formula:\n")
    cat("\nParametric coefficients:\n")
    width <- max(nchar(names(x$coeff))) + 2
    cat(rep(" ", width), "     Estimate     std. err.     t ratio      Pr(>|t|)\n", sep = "")
    for (i in 1:length(x$coeff)) {
        cat(formatC(names(x$coeff)[i], width = width), " ", formatC(x$coeff[i], width = digits + 6, digits = digits), " ", formatC(x$se.coeff[i], width = digits + 6, digits = digits), " ", formatC(x$t.coeff[i], width = digits + 6, digits = digits), "    ", format.pval(x$pt.coeff[i]), "\n", sep = "")
    # nonparametric partition of the model
    if (!is.null(x$vars.smo) && (x$smo.test)) {
        cat("\nApproximate significance of nonparametric terms:\n")
        width <- max(nchar(x$vars.smo)) + 2
        cat(rep(" ", width), "       edf            chi.sq         p-value\n", sep = "")
        for (i in 1:length(x$vars.smo)) {
            cat(formatC(x$vars.smo[i], width = width), " ", formatC(x$edf.smo[i] - 1, width = digits + 6, digits = digits), "   ", formatC(x$chi.smo[i], width = digits + 6, digits = digits), "     ", format.pval(x$pchi.smo[i]), "\n", sep = "")
    } else if (!is.null(x$vars.smo)) {
        cat("\nNonparametric terms:\n")
        width <- max(nchar(x$vars.smo)) + 2
        cat(rep(" ", width), "       edf\n", sep = "")
        for (i in 1:length(x$vars.smo)) {
            cat(formatC(x$vars.smo[i], width = width), " ", formatC(x$edf.smo[i] - 1, width = digits + 6, digits = digits), "   ",
                sep = ""

    cat("\nLog-likelihood value is ", round(x$loglik, digits), " after ", x$optim.method, " has ", x$convergence, ".\n", sep = "")
    if (x$alg.k > 0) {
        cat("\nEstimation process of semiparametric model stopped after ", x$alg.k, " iterations at ", round(x$alg.norm, digits), ".\n", sep = "")
    } else {
        cat("\nFull parametric model estimated.\n")
    cat("\nNull deviance is ", round(x$null.deviance, digits), " on ", x$n - x$tau - 1, " degrees of freedom.\n", sep = "")
    cat("\nResidual deviance is ", round(x$deviance, digits), " on ", x$res.edf, " degrees of freedom.\n", sep = "")
    cat("\nApproximate dispersion parameter equals ", round(x$scale, digits), " based on generalized Pearson statistics ", round(x$pearson, digits), ".\n", sep = "")
    # cat("\nGeneralized Pearson statistics is ",round(x$pearson,digits),".\n",sep="")
    cat("\nDiffuse initialization wasted the ", x$tau, " first observation(s). \nIn addition, ", x$n.obs - x$n, " observation(s) lost due to missingness.\n", sep = "")

print.pgam <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...) {
    cat("Function call:\n")
    cat("\nModel formula:\n")
    cat("\nLog-likelihood value is ", round(x$loglik, digits), " after ", x$optim.method, " has ", x$convergence, ".\n", sep = "")
    if (x$alg.k > 0) {
        cat("\nEstimation process of semiparametric model stopped after ", x$alg.k, " iterations at ", round(x$alg.norm, digits), ".\n", sep = "")
    } else {
        cat("\nFull parametric model estimated.\n")
    cat("\nDiffuse initialization wasted the ", x$tau, " first observation(s). \nIn addition, ", x$n.obs - x$n, " observation(s) lost due to missingness.\n", sep = "")

plot.pgam <- function(x, rug = TRUE, se = TRUE, at.once = FALSE, scaled = FALSE, ...)
# method for smooth terms plotting
    predicted <- predict(x, ...)

    # gathering some useful information
    na.action <- x$na.info$na.action
    y.level <- predicted$level
    x.level <- seq(1:length(y.level))
    if (!is.null(x$bkf$edf)) {
        edf <- round(x$bkf$edf, 0)
    } # rounding for better visualisation
    else {
        edf <- x$bkf$edf
    # se <- napredict(na.action,sqrt(x$bkf$var.smox))

    # warn.opt <- getOption("warn"); options(warn=-1)
    # plotting level
    plot(x.level, y.level, type = "l", xlab = "time", ylab = "local level", ...)
    if (rug) {

    # plotting smoothed covariates in predictor scale
    if (!is.null(edf)) {
        s <- length(edf)
        vars.smo <- dimnames(x$bkf$smox)[[2]]
        x.g <- napredict(na.action, x$sx)
        y.g <- napredict(na.action, x$bkf$smox)

        #    lb.se <- y.g-2*se
        #    ub.se <- y.g+2*se
        # setting labels
        y.g.lab <- paste("g(", vars.smo, ",", edf, ")", sep = "")
        for (i in 1:s)
            if (at.once) {
            } else
            if (interactive()) {
                prompt <- readline("Press ENTER for next page or X to exit and keep this page... ")
                if ((prompt == "x") || (prompt == "X")) {

            # setting scale to smoothed covariates plots
            #        y.g.lim <- c(min(lb.se[,i],na.rm=TRUE),max(ub.se[,i],na.rm=TRUE))
            if (scaled) {
                y.g.lim <- c(min(y.g, na.rm = TRUE), max(y.g, na.rm = TRUE))
            } else {
                y.g.lim <- c(min(y.g[, i], na.rm = TRUE), max(y.g[, i], na.rm = TRUE))
            # must be in appropriate order
            x <- as.data.frame(x.g[order(x.g[, i]), ])
            y <- as.data.frame(y.g[order(x.g[, i]), ])
            #        lb <- as.data.frame(lb.se[order(x.g[,i]),])
            #        ub <- as.data.frame(ub.se[order(x.g[,i]),])

            plot(x[, i], y[, i], type = "l", ylim = y.g.lim, xlab = vars.smo[i], ylab = y.g.lab[i], ...)
            #        lines(x[,i],lb[,i],type="l",col="red",ylim=y.g.lim,xlab=vars.smo[i],ylab=y.g.lab[i],...)
            #        lines(x[,i],ub[,i],type="l",col="red",ylim=y.g.lim,xlab=vars.smo[i],ylab=y.g.lab[i],...)
            rug(x.g[, i])
    } else {
        cat("\nFull parametric model. Nothing left to do.\n")
    # options(warn=warn.opt)

f <- function(factorvar)
# builds factor data matrix
    factorname <- deparse(substitute(factorvar))
    retval <- list(factor = factorname)
    class(retval) <- "factor.info"

g <- function(var, df = NULL)
# extracts spline information from the formula term g(var,df,fx)
    varname <- deparse(substitute(var))
    retval <- list(var = varname, df = df)
    class(retval) <- "spline.info"

fnz <- function(y)
# returns first non-zero observation index (base 1)
    for (t in 1:length(y)) {
        if (y[t] > 0) {

framebuilder <- function(formula, dataset)
# builds a data frame from the dataset given the formula
    if (!is.null(formula)) {
        frame <- model.frame(formula, dataset, na.action = na.pass)
    } else {
        frame <- NULL
    retval <- frame
    class(retval) <- "data.frame"

elapsedtime <- function(st, et)
# Computes the elapsed time between st (start time) and et (end time)
    time <- et[3] - st[3] # gets time from the third position of the vectors
    h <- trunc(time / 3600)
    if (h < 10) {
        hs <- paste("0", h, sep = "", collapse = " ")
    } else {
        hs <- h
    time <- time - h * 3600
    min <- trunc(time / 60)
    if (min < 10) {
        mins <- paste("0", min, sep = "", collapse = " ")
    } else {
        mins <- min
    time <- time - min * 60
    sec <- trunc(time)
    if (sec < 10) {
        secs <- paste("0", sec, sep = "", collapse = " ")
    } else {
        secs <- sec

    retval <- paste(hs, ":", mins, ":", secs, sep = "", collapse = " ")

link <- function(x, link = "log", inv = FALSE)
# apllies the link function
    if (link == "log") {
        if (!inv) {
            linked <- log(x)
        } else {
            linked <- exp(x)
    } else {
        stop(paste("Link funtion", link, "not implemented yet."))

lpnorm <- function(seq1, seq2 = 0, p = 0)
# returns the Lp-norm. If p=0 then Infinity norm is returned
    if (p == 0) {
        norm <- max(abs(seq1 - seq2), na.rm = TRUE)
    if (p == 1) {
        norm <- sum(abs(seq1 - seq2), na.rm = TRUE)
    if (p >= 2) {
        norm <- sum((seq1 - seq2)^p, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (p > 2) {
        warning("Lp-norm where p is greater than 2 is quite unusual.")


periodogram <- function(y, rows = trunc(length(na.omit(y)) / 2 - 1), plot = TRUE, ...)
# creates and plots periodogram of series x
    intensity <- function(w, x)
    # spectral analysis of series x
        n <- length(x)
        t <- seq(1:n)
        sp <- ((sum(x * cos(w * t)))^2 + (sum(x * sin(w * t)))^2) / n

    # initialization
    if (rows > trunc(length(na.omit(y)) / 2 - 1)) {
        rows <- trunc(length(na.omit(y)) / 2 - 1)
    x <- na.omit(y)
    n <- length(x)
    i <- seq(1:trunc(n / 2 - 1))
    omega <- (2 * pi * i) / n

    # Iomega <- sapply(i,function(i){intensity(omega[i], x=x)})
    Iomega <- sapply(omega[i], intensity, x = x)
    period <- (2 * pi) / omega
    period.max <- round(max(period), 2)
    period.min <- round(min(period), 2)

    if (plot) {
        # plots the periodogram
        plot(omega, Iomega, xlab = "Angular frequency omega (rad)\n[Period on top axis]", ylab = "I(omega)", ...)
        axis(3, at = c(min(omega), 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, max(omega)), labels = c(period.max, 12.57, 6.28, 4.19, 3.14, 2.51, 2.09, period.min))
        title(main = paste("Raw Periodogram of Series", deparse(substitute(y))))
        lines(omega, Iomega, type = "h")

    # returns periodogram
    periodogram <- cbind.data.frame(period, omega, Iomega)
    periodogram <- periodogram[order(periodogram$Iomega, decreasing = TRUE), ]

    retval <- periodogram[1:rows, ]

envelope <- function(object, ...) {
    # generic function for simulated envelope generation

envelope.pgam <- function(object, type = "deviance", size = .95, rep = 19, optim.method = NULL, epsilon = 1e-3, maxit = 1e2, plot = TRUE, title = "Simulated Envelope of Residuals", verbose = FALSE, ...)
# simulates and plots an envelope of residuals based on A. C. Atkinson book
    if (inherits(object, "pgam")) {
        st <- proc.time()
        if (rep < 19) {
            stop("Number of replications must equal or be greater than 19.")

        if (is.null(optim.method)) {
            optim.method <- object$optim.method
        n <- object$n
        tau <- object$tau
        dataset <- as.data.frame(eval(parse(text = object$dataset)))
        fitted <- fitted(object)[(tau + 1):n]
        formula <- as.formula(paste("SIMRESP", object$formula[1], object$formula[3]))
        resid <- resid(object, type)[(tau + 1):n]
        e <- matrix(NA, (n - tau), rep)

            for (i in 1:rep)
                if (verbose) {
                    cat(paste("\nReplication:", i, "\n"))
                } else {
                    cat(paste("[", i, "]", sep = ""))
                SIMRESP <- rpois(object$n.obs, fitted)
                runningmodel <- pgam(formula, dataset = cbind.data.frame(SIMRESP, dataset), omega = object$omega, beta = object$beta, offset = object$offset, maxit = 1e2, eps = 1e-4, optim.method = optim.method, se.estimation = "none", verbose = verbose, lfn.scale = 1e3)
                # for now these will be the defaults ---> must be changed!
                runningresid <- resid(runningmodel, type)[(tau + 1):n]
                e[, i] <- sort(runningresid, na.last = TRUE, method = "shell")

        e1 <- numeric(n - tau)
        e2 <- numeric(n - tau)

        if (rep == 19) {
            for (i in 1:(n - tau))
                eo <- sort(e[i, ])
                e1[i] <- min(eo)
                e2[i] <- max(eo)
        } else {
            for (i in 1:(n - tau))
                eo <- sort(e[i, ])
                e1[i] <- eo[ceiling(((1 - size) / 2) * rep)]
                e2[i] <- eo[ceiling(((1 + size) / 2) * rep)]
        residmean <- apply(e, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
        band <- range(resid, e1, e2, na.rm = TRUE)

        et <- proc.time()
        if (verbose) {
            cat(paste("\nOverall envelope simulation process took", elapsedtime(st, et)), "(hh:mm:ss)\n")
        } else {

        retval <- list(lb = e1, ub = e2, mean = residmean, residuals = resid)
        class(retval) <- "envelope"
    } else if (inherits(object, "envelope")) {
        e1 <- object$lb
        e2 <- object$ub
        residmean <- object$mean
        resid <- object$residuals
        band <- range(resid, e1, e2, na.rm = TRUE)

    # plotting the envelope
    if (plot) {
        qqnorm(e1, axes = FALSE, main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "", type = "l", ylim = band, lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "red", bg = "white")
        par(new = TRUE)
        qqnorm(e2, axes = FALSE, main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "", type = "l", ylim = band, lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "red", bg = "transparent")
        par(new = TRUE)
        qqnorm(residmean, axes = FALSE, main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "", type = "l", ylim = band, lty = 2, col = "blue", bg = "transparent")
        par(new = TRUE)
        qqnorm(resid, main = title, ylab = "Residual Components", xlab = "Standard Normal Quantiles", ylim = band, bg = "transparent", ...)
    if (inherits(object, "pgam")) {

tbl2tex <- function(tbl, label = "tbl:label(must_be_changed!)", caption = "Table generated with tbl2tex.", centered = TRUE, alignment = "center", digits = getOption("digits"), hline = TRUE, vline = TRUE, file = "", topleftcell = "   ")
# outputs a data matrix in LaTeX format
    tbl <- as.matrix(tbl)
    r <- dim(tbl)[[1]]
    c <- dim(tbl)[[2]]
    rnames <- dimnames(tbl)[[1]]
    cnames <- dimnames(tbl)[[2]]
    align <- rep(substr(alignment, 1, 1), c + 1)

    # vertical lines
    if (vline) {
        pos <- paste("|", paste(align, sep = "", collapse = "|"), "|", sep = "")
    } else {
        pos <- paste(align, collapse = " ")

    # headers
    cat("% File generated in R environment by tbl2tex()\n% Creation date: ", date(), "\n% Suggestions to Washington Junger <wjunger@ims.uerj.br>\n", sep = "", file = file, append = FALSE)
    cat("\\begin{table}\n", ifelse(centered, "\\centering\n", ""), "\\caption{", caption, "}\n\\label{", label, "}\n", sep = "", file = file, append = TRUE)
    cat("    \\begin{tabular}{", pos, "} ", ifelse(hline, "\\hline", ""), "\n", sep = "", file = file, append = TRUE)
    cat("    ", topleftcell, " & ", paste(cnames, sep = "", collapse = " & "), " \\\\ ", ifelse(hline, "\\hline", ""), "\n", sep = "", file = file, append = TRUE)
    # data
    for (i in 1:r) {
        cat("    ", rnames[i], " & ", paste(round(tbl[i, ], digits), sep = "", collapse = " & "), " \\\\ ", ifelse(hline, "\\hline", ""), "\n", sep = "", file = file, append = TRUE)
    # footer
    cat("    \\end{tabular}\n\\end{table}\n", sep = "", file = file, append = TRUE)
    cat("% End of tbl2tex() generated file.\n", sep = "", file = file, append = TRUE)

# functions end here -----------------------

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pgam documentation built on Aug. 20, 2022, 1:06 a.m.