
Defines functions plotVowels normVowels normBark normLog normMel normErb normLobanov normLogmean normNearey1 normSharedLogmean normNearey2 normWattFabricius vowelMeansPolygonArea convexHullArea repulsiveForce repulsiveForceHeatmap prettyTicks ellipse uniquify fillTriangle createGrid

Documented in convexHullArea normBark normErb normLobanov normLog normLogmean normMel normNearey1 normNearey2 normSharedLogmean normVowels normWattFabricius plotVowels repulsiveForce repulsiveForceHeatmap vowelMeansPolygonArea

## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## phonR version 1.0-7
## Functions for phoneticians and phonologists
## AUTHOR: Daniel McCloy, drmccloy@uw.edu
## http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
## Development of this package was funded in part by NIH-R01DC006014
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##

#' @export
plotVowels <- function(f1, f2, vowel=NULL, group=NULL,
    ## tokens
    plot.tokens=TRUE, pch.tokens=NULL, cex.tokens=NULL, alpha.tokens=NULL,
    ## means
    plot.means=FALSE, pch.means=NULL, cex.means=NULL, alpha.means=NULL,
    ## hull
    hull.line=FALSE, hull.fill=FALSE, hull.args=NULL,
    ## polygon
    poly.line=FALSE, poly.fill=FALSE, poly.args=NULL, poly.order=NA,
    ## ellipse
    ellipse.line=FALSE, ellipse.fill=FALSE, ellipse.conf=0.6827,
    ## diphthongs
    diph.arrows=FALSE, diph.args.tokens=NULL, diph.args.means=NULL,
    diph.label.first.only=TRUE, diph.mean.timept=1, diph.smooth=FALSE,
    ## heatmaps
    heatmap=FALSE, heatmap.args=NULL, heatmap.legend=FALSE,
    ## color, style
    var.col.by=NULL, var.sty.by=NULL, fill.opacity=0.3, label.las=NULL,
    ## legend
    legend.kwd=NULL, legend.args=NULL,
    ## misc
    pretty=FALSE, output="screen", ...)
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    exargs <- list(...)
    font.specified <- "family" %in% names(exargs)
    ## to-be-deprecated items
    if ("var.style.by" %in% names(exargs)) {
        message("[phonR]: Argument 'var.style.by' has been deprecated and ",
                "renamed 'var.sty.by'. In future versions 'var.style.by' will ",
                "no longer work; please update your code.")
        if (!is.null(var.sty.by)) {
            message("Additionally, you have passed both the old 'var.style.by'",
                    " and the new 'var.sty.by' arguments; the old one will be ",
        } else {
            var.sty.by <- exargs$var.style.by
            exargs$var.style.by <- NULL
    ## two arguments get overridden no matter what
    exargs$ann <- FALSE
    exargs$type <- "n"
    ## Some graphical devices only support inches, so we convert here.
    if ("units" %in% names(exargs)) {
        if (!exargs$units %in% c("in", "cm", "mm", "px")) {
            message("[phonR]: Unsupported argument value '", units, "': ",
                    "'units' must be one of 'in', 'cm', 'mm', or 'px'. Using ",
                    "default ('in').")
            exargs$units <- "in"
        if (output %in% c("pdf", "svg", "screen")) {
            if ("width" %in% names(exargs)) {
                if      (exargs$units == "cm") exargs$width <- exargs$width/2.54
                else if (exargs$units == "mm") exargs$width <- exargs$width/25.4
                else if (exargs$units == "px") exargs$width <- exargs$width/72
            if ("height" %in% names(exargs)) {
                if      (exargs$units == "cm") exargs$height <- exargs$height/2.54
                else if (exargs$units == "mm") exargs$height <- exargs$height/25.4
                else if (exargs$units == "px") exargs$height <- exargs$height/72
    ## Some args are only settable by direct par() call (not via plot(), etc).
    ## Not strictly true for "family" or "las", but works better this way.
    par.only <- c("ask", "fig", "fin", "las", "lheight", "mai", "mar",
                "mex", "mfcol", "mfrow", "mfg", "new", "oma", "omd", "omi",
                "pin", "plt", "ps", "pty", "usr", "xlog", "ylog", "ylbias")
    if (output == "screen") {
        par.only <- append(par.only, "family")
    } else {
        file.only <- c("filename", "width", "height", "units", "pointsize",
                    "res", "quality", "compression", "family")
        file.args <- exargs[names(exargs) %in% file.only]
        exargs <- exargs[!(names(exargs) %in% file.only)]
    par.args <- exargs[names(exargs) %in% par.only]
    ## allow separate "las" for axis numbers & axis labels
    if (is.null(label.las)) {
        if ("las" %in% names(par.args)) label.las <- par.args$las
        else                            label.las <- par("las")
    ## split out arguments for annotations. If "pretty", axes get drawn
    ## separately from plot(); other annotation gets drawn in separate mtext()
    ## calls whether "pretty" or not.
    if (pretty) {
        axis.only <- c("cex.axis", "col.axis", "font.axis")
        axis.args <- exargs[names(exargs) %in% axis.only]
    } else {
        axis.only <- c()
    main.only <- c("cex.main", "col.main", "font.main")
    sub.only <- c("cex.sub",  "col.sub",  "font.sub")
    lab.only <- c("cex.lab",  "col.lab",  "font.lab")
    main.args <- exargs[names(exargs) %in% main.only]
    sub.args <- exargs[names(exargs) %in% sub.only]
    lab.args <- exargs[names(exargs) %in% lab.only]
    names(main.args) <- gsub(".main", "", names(main.args))
    names(sub.args) <- gsub(".sub", "", names(sub.args))
    names(lab.args) <- gsub(".lab", "", names(lab.args))
    if ("xlab" %in% names(exargs)) xlab <- exargs$xlab
    else                           xlab <- "F2"
    if ("ylab" %in% names(exargs)) ylab <- exargs$ylab
    else                           ylab <- "F1"
    if ("main" %in% names(exargs)) main <- exargs$main
    else                           main <- ""
    if ("sub" %in% names(exargs))   sub <- exargs$sub
    else                            sub <- ""
    exargs$xlab <- NULL
    exargs$ylab <- NULL
    exargs$main <- NULL
    exargs$sub <- NULL
    ## add "las" into label args
    lab.args <- as.list(c(lab.args, las=label.las))
    ## don't pass args twice!
    args.to.remove <- c(par.only, main.only, axis.only, lab.only, sub.only)
    exargs <- exargs[!names(exargs) %in% args.to.remove]

    ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    output <- tolower(output)
    if (output=="jpeg") output <- "jpg"
    if (output=="tiff") output <- "tif"
    output.types <- c("pdf", "svg", "jpg", "tif", "png", "bmp", "screen")
    output.raster <- c("jpg", "tif", "png", "bmp", "screen")
    if (!(output %in% output.types)) {
        message("[phonR]: Unknown argument value '", output, "': 'output' ",
                "must be one of 'pdf', 'svg', 'png', 'tif', 'bmp', ",
                "'jpg', or 'screen'. Using default ('screen').")
        output <- "screen"

    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    legend.kwds <- c("left", "right", "top", "bottom", "center", "topleft",
                    "topright", "bottomleft", "bottomright")
    if (!is.null(legend.kwd)) {
        if (!legend.kwd %in% legend.kwds) {
            stop(paste(c("legend.kwd must be one of '",
                         paste(legend.kwds, collapse="', '"), "'."),
    }   }

    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    if (is.vector(f1) && is.vector(f2)) {
        diphthong <- FALSE
    } else if (length(dim(f1)) == 1 && length(dim(f2)) == 1) {
        f1 <- as.vector(f1)
        f2 <- as.vector(f2)
        diphthong <- FALSE
    } else {
        if (!all(dim(f1) == dim(f2))) {
            stop("Unequal dimensions for 'f1' and 'f2'.")
        } else if (length(dim(f1)) > 2) {
            stop("Argument 'f1' has more than two dimensions.")
        } else if (length(dim(f2)) > 2) {
            stop("Argument 'f2' has more than two dimensions.")
        } else if (!is.null(vowel) && length(vowel) != dim(f1)[1]) {
            stop("First axis of 'f1' does not equal length of 'vowel'.")
        diphthong <- TRUE
    if (!diphthong) {
        if (length(f2) != length(f1)) {
            stop("Unequal dimensions for 'f1' and 'f2'.")
        } else if (!is.null(vowel) && length(vowel) != length(f1)) {
            stop("Unequal dimensions for 'f1' and 'vowel'.")
        l <- length(f1)
    } else {
        f1d <- f1
        f2d <- f2
        f1 <- f1d[,diph.mean.timept]
        f2 <- f2d[,diph.mean.timept]
        l <- nrow(f1d)

    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    if (diphthong) {
        arrow.only <- c("angle", "length")
        line.only <- c("type")
        if (pretty) {
            type <- ifelse(is.null(pch.means), "l", "o")
            pretty.diph.tokens <- list(length=0.1, angle=20, type=type)
            pretty.diph.means  <- list(length=0.1, angle=20, type=type,
            ## user override
            pretty.diph.tokens[names(diph.args.tokens)] <- diph.args.tokens
            pretty.diph.means[names(diph.args.means)] <- diph.args.means
            ## re-unify
            diph.args.tokens <- pretty.diph.tokens
            diph.args.means  <- pretty.diph.means
        if (diph.arrows) {
            diph.arrow.tokens <- diph.args.tokens[!names(diph.args.tokens)
                                                  %in% line.only]
            diph.arrow.means  <- diph.args.means[!names(diph.args.means)
                                                 %in% line.only]
        diph.args.tokens[names(diph.args.tokens) %in% arrow.only] <- NULL
        diph.args.means[names(diph.args.means) %in% arrow.only] <- NULL

    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    if (is.null(vowel)) v <- rep(NA, l)
    else                v <- factor(vowel, levels=unique(vowel))
    if (is.null(group)) gf <- rep("gf", l)
    else                gf <- factor(group, levels=unique(group))
    ## used later to set default polygon color when color varies by vowel
    col.by.vowel <- identical(as.numeric(factor(var.col.by)),
    ## var.col.by & var.sty.by
    if (!is.null(var.col.by[1])) {
        if (is.na(var.col.by[1])) {
            legend.col.lab <- NULL
        } else {
            legend.col.lab <- unique(as.character(var.col.by))
        var.col.by <- as.numeric(factor(var.col.by, levels=unique(var.col.by)))
    } else {
        legend.col.lab <- c()
        var.col.by <- rep(1, l)  # default to black
    if (!is.null(var.sty.by[1])) {
        if (is.na(var.sty.by[1])) legend.style.lab <- NULL
        else legend.style.lab <- unique(as.character(var.sty.by))
        var.sty.by <- as.numeric(factor(var.sty.by,
    } else {
        legend.style.lab <- c()
        var.sty.by <- rep(1, l)  # default to solid
    num.col <- length(unique(var.col.by))
    num.sty <- length(unique(var.sty.by))
    ## misc. plotting defaults
    if (is.null(cex.tokens))    cex.tokens <- par("cex")
    if (is.null(cex.means))      cex.means <- par("cex")

    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    if (pretty) {
        draw.axes <- TRUE
        ## still suppress axes if axes=FALSE
        if ("axes" %in% names(exargs)) {
            draw.axes <- as.logical(exargs$axes)
        ## if no colors specified, use equally spaced HCL values
        ## [-1] avoids duplicate hues 0 and 360
        if (num.col == 1) pretty.col <- "black"
        else {
            hue <- seq(0,  360, length.out=1+num.col)[-1]
            chr <- seq(60, 100, length.out=num.col)
            lum <- seq(60,  40, length.out=num.col)
            pretty.col <- hcl(hue, chr, lum, alpha=1)
        ## PCH: filled / open {circ,tri,squ,diam}, plus, x, inverted open tri
        pretty.pch <- rep(c(16,1,17,2,15,0,18,5,3,4,6), length.out=num.sty)
        ## LTY: custom linetypes more readily distinguishable
        pretty.lty <- c("solid", "44", "F4", "4313", "F3131313", "23F3",
                        "232923", "23258385", "282823B3", "13", "82")
        pretty.args <- list(mgp=c(2,0.5,0), xaxs="i", yaxs="i", axes=FALSE,
                            fg=hcl(0,0,40), tcl=-0.25, xpd=NA,
                            pch=pretty.pch, lty=pretty.lty, col=pretty.col)
        pretty.par.args <- list(mar=c(1,1,5,5), las=1)
        ## legend args
        pretty.legend.args <- list(bty="n", seg.len=1)
        ## let user-specified args override "pretty" defaults
        pretty.args[names(exargs)] <- exargs
        pretty.par.args[names(par.args)] <- par.args
        pretty.legend.args[names(legend.args)] <- legend.args
        ## re-unify to avoid later logic branching
        exargs <- pretty.args
        par.args <- pretty.par.args
        legend.args <- pretty.legend.args

    ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    vary.col <- !is.na(var.col.by[1])
    vary.sty <- !is.na(var.sty.by[1])
    ## color: use default pallete if none specified and pretty=FALSE
    if (!"col" %in% names(exargs)) exargs$col <- palette()
    ## linetypes & plotting characters
    if (!"lty" %in% names(exargs)) exargs$lty <- seq_len(num.sty)
    if (!"pch" %in% names(exargs)) exargs$pch <- seq_len(num.sty)
    if (!"lwd" %in% names(exargs)) exargs$lwd <- par("lwd")
    ## recycle user-specified colors to the length we need
    if (vary.col) exargs$col <- rep(exargs$col, length.out=num.col)[var.col.by]
    if (vary.sty) exargs$lty <- rep(exargs$lty, length.out=num.sty)[var.sty.by]
    if (vary.sty) exargs$pch <- rep(exargs$pch, length.out=num.sty)[var.sty.by]
    ## set defaults for token and mean plotting characters
    if (is.null(pch.tokens)) pch.t <- exargs$pch
    else                     pch.t <- pch.tokens
    if (is.null(pch.means))  pch.m <- exargs$pch
    else                     pch.m <- pch.means
    ## transparency
    trans.col <- makeTransparent(exargs$col, fill.opacity)
    trans.fg <- makeTransparent(par("fg"), fill.opacity)
    ## ellipse colors
    if (ellipse.line) {
        if ("lty" %in% names(ellipse.args)) {
            ellipse.args$lty <- rep(ellipse.args$lty, length.out=num.col)
            if (vary.sty) ellipse.line.sty <- ellipse.args$lty[var.sty.by]
            else          ellipse.line.sty <- ellipse.args$lty
            ellipse.args$lty <- NULL
        } else {
            ellipse.line.sty <- exargs$lty
        if ("border" %in% names(ellipse.args)) {
            ellipse.args$border <- rep(ellipse.args$border, length.out=num.col)
            if (vary.col) ellipse.line.col <- ellipse.args$border[var.col.by]
            else          ellipse.line.col <- ellipse.args$border
        } else            ellipse.line.col <- exargs$col
    } else {
        ellipse.line.col <- NA[var.col.by]
        ellipse.line.sty <- NA[var.sty.by]
    if (ellipse.fill) {
        if ("col" %in% names(ellipse.args)) {
            if (vary.col) ellipse.fill.col <- ellipse.args$col[var.col.by]
            else          ellipse.fill.col <- ellipse.args$col
        } else            ellipse.fill.col <- trans.col
    } else                ellipse.fill.col <- NA[var.col.by]
    ## hull colors
    if (hull.line) {
        if ("lty" %in% names(hull.args)) {
            if (vary.sty) hull.line.sty <- hull.args$lty[var.sty.by]
            else          hull.line.sty <- hull.args$lty
            hull.args$lty <- NULL
        } else {
            hull.line.sty <- exargs$lty
        if ("border" %in% names(hull.args)) {
            if (vary.col) hull.line.col <- hull.args$border[var.col.by]
            else          hull.line.col <- hull.args$border
            hull.args$border <- NULL
        } else if (col.by.vowel) {
            hull.line.col <- par("fg")
        } else {
            hull.line.col <- exargs$col
    } else {
        hull.line.col <- NA[var.col.by]
        hull.line.sty <- NA[var.sty.by]
    if (hull.fill) {
        if ("col" %in% names(hull.args)) {
            if (vary.col)        hull.fill.col <- hull.args$col[var.col.by]
            else                 hull.fill.col <- hull.args$col
        } else if (col.by.vowel) hull.fill.col <- trans.fg
        else                     hull.fill.col <- trans.col
    } else                       hull.fill.col <- NA[var.col.by]
    ## polygon colors
    if (poly.line) {
        if ("lty" %in% names(poly.args)) {
            poly.args$lty <- rep(poly.args$lty, length.out=num.sty)
            if (vary.sty) poly.line.sty <- poly.args$lty[var.sty.by]
            else          poly.line.sty <- poly.args$lty
            poly.args$lty <- NULL
        } else {
            poly.line.sty <- exargs$lty
        if ("border" %in% names(poly.args)) {
            if (vary.col) poly.line.col <- poly.args$border[var.col.by]
            else          poly.line.col <- poly.args$border
            poly.args$border <- NULL
        } else if (col.by.vowel) {
            poly.line.col <- par("fg")
        } else {
            poly.line.col <- exargs$col
    } else {
        poly.line.col <- NA[var.col.by]
        poly.line.sty <- NA[var.sty.by]
    if (poly.fill) {
        if ("col" %in% names(poly.args)) {
            if (vary.col)        poly.fill.col <- poly.args$col[var.col.by]
            else                 poly.fill.col <- poly.args$col
        } else if (col.by.vowel) poly.fill.col <- trans.fg
        else                     poly.fill.col <- trans.col
    } else                       poly.fill.col <- NA[var.col.by]
    ## handle NAs in linetypes (lty=0 means do not draw)
    ellipse.line.sty[is.na(ellipse.line.sty)] <- 0
    poly.line.sty[is.na(poly.line.sty)] <- 0
    hull.line.sty[is.na(hull.line.sty)] <- 0

    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    if (!is.null(alpha.tokens)) {
        col.tokens <- makeTransparent(exargs$col, alpha.tokens)
    } else {
        col.tokens <- exargs$col
    if (!is.null(alpha.means)) {
        col.means <- makeTransparent(exargs$col, alpha.means)
    } else {
        col.means <- exargs$col

    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    if      (output == "pdf") do.call(cairo_pdf, file.args)
    else if (output == "svg") do.call(svg, file.args)
    else if (output == "jpg") do.call(jpeg, file.args)
    else if (output == "tif") do.call(tiff, file.args)
    else if (output == "png") do.call(png, file.args)
    else if (output == "bmp") do.call(bmp, file.args)
    ## font handling for Windows
    is.win <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows"
    if (is.win && font.specified && output %in% output.raster) {
        par.args$family <- "phonr"
    ## initial call to par()
    op <- par(par.args)

    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    d <- data.frame(f1=f1, f2=f2, v=v, gf=factor(gf, levels=unique(gf)),
                    col.tokens=col.tokens, col.means=col.means,
                    style=var.sty.by, lty=exargs$lty, lwd=exargs$lwd,
                    pch.m=pch.m, pch.t=pch.t,
    if (diphthong) {
        d$f2d <- lapply(apply(f2d, 1, list), unlist, use.names=FALSE)
        d$f1d <- lapply(apply(f1d, 1, list), unlist, use.names=FALSE)
        #d.diph <- d
        #d.diph$f2d <- lapply(apply(f2d, 1, list), unlist, use.names=FALSE)
        #d.diph$f1d <- lapply(apply(f1d, 1, list), unlist, use.names=FALSE)
        #d.diph[names(diph.args.tokens)] <- diph.args.tokens
    if (is.null(vowel) && is.null(group)) {
        byd <- list(d=d)
    } else {
        byd <- by(d, d[c("v", "gf")], identity)
    ## dataframe of means. at this point each element of "byd" should have
    ## exactly 1 vowel and 1 grouping factor (gf) value
    m <- lapply(byd, function(i) {
        if (!is.null(i)) {
            idx <- !duplicated(i$gf)
            fg <- par("fg")
            tfg <- makeTransparent(fg, fill.opacity)
            with(i, data.frame(f2=mean(f2, na.rm=TRUE),
                               f1=mean(f1, na.rm=TRUE),
                               v=v[idx], gf=gf[idx], n=nrow(i),
                               ## mean of a color / style?
                               col.means=uniquify(col.means, fg),
                               style=uniquify(style, 1),
                               poly.fill.col=uniquify(poly.fill.col, tfg),
                               hull.fill.col=uniquify(hull.fill.col, tfg),
                               ellipse.fill.col=uniquify(ellipse.fill.col, tfg),
                               poly.line.col=uniquify(poly.line.col, fg),
                               hull.line.col=uniquify(hull.line.col, fg),
                               ellipse.line.col=uniquify(ellipse.line.col, fg),
                               poly.line.sty=uniquify(poly.line.sty, 1),
                               hull.line.sty=uniquify(hull.line.sty, 1),
                               ellipse.line.sty=uniquify(ellipse.line.sty, 1),
                               pch.m=uniquify(pch.m, 1),
                               lty.means=uniquify(lty, 1),
                               lwd.means=uniquify(lwd, par("lwd")),
    m <- do.call(rbind, m)
    m$gfn <- as.numeric(factor(m$gf, levels=unique(m$gf)))
    if (diphthong) {
        m$f2d <- do.call(rbind, lapply(byd, function(i) if (!is.null(i))
                         with(i, list(colMeans(do.call(rbind, f2d))))))
        m$f1d <- do.call(rbind, lapply(byd, function(i) if (!is.null(i))
                         with(i, list(colMeans(do.call(rbind, f1d))))))
    ## means & covariances for ellipse drawing
    if (ellipse.fill || ellipse.line) {
        mu <- lapply(byd, function(i) { if (!is.null(i)) {
            with(i, list(colMeans(cbind(f2, f1), na.rm=TRUE)))
        mu <- do.call(rbind, mu)
        sigma <- lapply(byd, function(i) { if (!is.null(i)) {
            with(i, list(var(cbind(f2, f1), na.rm=TRUE)))
        ## the covariance calculation above still may yield an NA covariance
        ## matrix if a vowel has only 1 token. This is handled later.
        sigma <- do.call(rbind, sigma)
        m$mu <- mu
        m$sigma <- sigma
    ## bym
    bym <- by(m, m$gfn, identity)

    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## token extrema
    if (diphthong) {
        plot.bounds <- cbind(range(f2d, finite=TRUE), range(f1d, finite=TRUE))
    } else {
        plot.bounds <- apply(d[,c("f2", "f1")], 2, range, finite=TRUE)
    ## ellipse extrema
    if (ellipse.fill || ellipse.line) {
        ellipse.param <- apply(m, 1, function(i) {
            if (any(is.na(i$sigma))) {
                i$sigma <- matrix(rep(0, 4), nrow=2)
                msg <- ifelse(i$gf == "gf", as.character(i$v),
                              paste0("(", i$gf, ", ", i$v, ")"))
                message("[phonR]: No ellipse drawn for ", msg,
                        " because there is only one token.")
            } else if (i$n == 2) {
                msg <- ifelse(i$gf == "gf", as.character(i$v),
                              paste0("(", i$gf, ", ", i$v, ")"))
                message("[phonR]: No ellipse drawn for ", msg,
                        " because there are only two tokens.")
            list("mu"=i$mu, "sigma"=i$sigma, "n"=i$n, "alpha"=1 - ellipse.conf,
        ellipse.points <- lapply(ellipse.param,
                                 function(i) do.call(ellipse, i))
        ellipse.bounds <- lapply(ellipse.points,
                                 function(i) apply(i, 2, range, finite=TRUE))
        ellipse.bounds <- apply(do.call(rbind, ellipse.bounds), 2,
                                range, finite=TRUE)
        plot.bounds <- apply(rbind(plot.bounds, ellipse.bounds), 2,
                             range, finite=TRUE)

    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## determine plot bounds
    user.set.xlim <- "xlim" %in% names(exargs)
    user.set.ylim <- "ylim" %in% names(exargs)
    if (!user.set.xlim) exargs$xlim <- rev(plot.bounds[,1])
    if (!user.set.ylim) exargs$ylim <- rev(plot.bounds[,2])
    ## calculate nice tickmark intervals
    xticks <- prettyTicks(exargs$xlim)
    yticks <- prettyTicks(exargs$ylim)
    ## ensure axes begin and end at a tickmark (unless xlim/ylim overtly set)
    if (pretty && !user.set.xlim) exargs$xlim <- rev(range(xticks))
    if (pretty && !user.set.ylim) exargs$ylim <- rev(range(yticks))
    ## annotation
    if (pretty) {
        x.args <- list(side=3, line=2)
        y.args <- list(side=4, line=3)
        t.args <- list(side=3, line=4)
        s.args <- list(side=3, line=3)
    } else {
        x.args <- list(side=1, line=par("mgp")[1])
        y.args <- list(side=2, line=par("mgp")[1])
        t.args <- list(side=3, line=1, outer=FALSE)
        s.args <- list(side=4, line=par("mgp")[1] + 1)

    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    do.call(plot, c(list(NA, NA), exargs))
    do.call(mtext, c(xlab, x.args, lab.args))
    do.call(mtext, c(ylab, y.args, lab.args))
    do.call(mtext, c(main, t.args, main.args))
    do.call(mtext, c(sub, s.args, sub.args))
    if (pretty && draw.axes) {
        if (!is.null(xticks[1])) {
            x.axis.args <- c(list(side=3, at=xticks), axis.args)
        } else {
            x.axis.args <- c(list(side=3), axis.args)
        if (!is.null(yticks[1])) {
            y.axis.args <- c(list(side=4, at=yticks), axis.args)
        } else {
            y.axis.args <- c(list(side=4), axis.args)
        do.call(axis, x.axis.args)
        do.call(axis, y.axis.args)

    ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ##  PLOT HEATMAP  ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    if (heatmap) {
        if (pretty & !"colormap" %in% names(heatmap.args)) {
            heatmap.args$colormap <- plotrix::color.scale(x=0:100,
                                                          cs1=c(0, 180),
                                                          cs3=c(25, 100),
        if (!"add" %in% names(heatmap.args)) heatmap.args$add <- TRUE
        with(d, do.call(repulsiveForceHeatmap, c(list(f2, f1, type=v),
    if (heatmap.legend) {
        if (!"x" %in% names(heatmap.legend.args)) {
            heatmap.legend.args$x <- rep(exargs$xlim[1], 2)
            heatmap.legend.args$y <- exargs$ylim - c(0, diff(exargs$ylim) / 2)
        if (!"colormap" %in% heatmap.legend.args) {
            heatmap.legend.args$colormap <- heatmap.args$colormap
        do.call(repulsiveForceHeatmapLegend, heatmap.legend.args)

    ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ##  PLOT HULL  ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ##
    if (hull.fill || hull.line) {
        hull.columns <- c("f2", "f1", "hull.fill.col", "hull.line.col",
        hh <- by(d, d$gf, function(i) i[!is.na(i$f2) & !is.na(i$f1),])
        if (diphthong) {
            ## if diphthong, hull should ignore diph.mean.timept
            hulls <- lapply(hh, function(i) {
                ipts <- with(i, data.frame(f2=do.call(c, f2d),
                                           f1=do.call(c, f1d)))
                hull <- ipts[chull(ipts),]
                hull$hull.fill.col <- unique(i$hull.fill.col)
                hull$hull.line.col <- unique(i$hull.line.col)
                hull$hull.line.sty <- unique(i$hull.line.sty)
                return (hull)
        } else {
            hulls <- lapply(hh, function(i) with(i, i[chull(f2, f1),
        lapply(hulls, function(i) {
            hull.args$col    <- i$hull.fill.col
            hull.args$border <- i$hull.line.col
            hull.args$lty    <- i$hull.line.sty
            hull.args$x      <- cbind(i$f2, i$f1)
            with(i, do.call(polygon, hull.args))

    ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## PLOT ELLIPSES  ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    if (ellipse.fill || ellipse.line) {
                         function(i) {
                             ellipse.args$border <- m$ellipse.line.col[i]
                             ellipse.args$lty    <- m$ellipse.line.sty[i]
                             ellipse.args$col    <- m$ellipse.fill.col[i]
                             do.call(polygon, c(list(x=ellipse.points[[i]]),

    ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## PLOT POLYGONS  ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    if (!is.na(poly.order[1]) && (poly.fill || poly.line)) {
        if (length(poly.order) != length(unique(poly.order))) {
            message("[phonR]: Duplicate entries in 'poly.order' detected; they",
                    " will be ignored.")
        poly.order <- as.character(poly.order) # as.character in case factor
        v <- unique(as.character(m$v))
        if (length(setdiff(poly.order, v)) > 0) {
            message("[phonR]: There are vowels in 'poly.order' that are not in",
                    " 'vowel'; they will be ignored.")
        poly.order <- intersect(poly.order, v)
        pp <- m
        pp$v <- factor(pp$v, levels=poly.order, ordered=TRUE)
        pp <- pp[order(pp$v),]
        pp <- pp[!is.na(pp$v),]
        pp <- split(pp, pp$gf)
        if (poly.fill) {
            bigenough <- sapply(pp, function(i) nrow(i) > 2)
            lapply(pp[bigenough], function(i) {
                pargs <- poly.args
                pargs$x <- cbind(i$f2, i$f1)
                pargs$col <- i$poly.fill.col
                pargs$border <- NA
                with(i, do.call(polygon, pargs))
        if (poly.line) {
            if (plot.means) type <- "c"
            else type <- "l"
            bigenough <- sapply(pp, function(i) nrow(i) > 1)
            invisible(lapply(pp[bigenough], function(i) {
                pargs <- poly.args
                pargs$x <- i$f2
                pargs$y <- i$f1
                pargs$type <- type
                pargs$cex <- 1.2 * cex.means
                pargs$col <- i$poly.line.col
                pargs$lty <- i$poly.line.sty
                with(i[i$v %in% poly.order,], do.call(points, pargs))
    }   }

    ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## PLOT TOKENS ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ##
    if (plot.tokens) {
        if (diphthong) {
            ## setup
            timepts <- length(d$f2d[[1]])
            ## no smoothing splines
            if (!diph.smooth || timepts < 4) {
                if (diph.smooth) message("[phonR]: Cannot smooth diphthong ",
                                         "traces with fewer than 4 timepoints.",
                                         " Plotting connecting segments ",
                ## plot first point
                if (diph.label.first.only) {
                    if (!is.null(pch.tokens)) {
                        with(d, text(f2, f1, labels=pch.t, col=col.tokens,
                    } else {
                        with(d, points(f2, f1, pch=pch.t, col=col.tokens,
                    ## if diph.label.first.only, ignore cex and pch from now on
                    diph.args.tokens$type <- "l"
                    if (diph.arrows) diph.arrow.tokens$type <- "l"
                ## prepare tokens args
                d.split <- split(d, seq(nrow(d)))
                d.args <- lapply(d.split, function(i) {
                    with(i, list(f2d[[1]], f1d[[1]], pch=pch.t,
                                 cex=cex.tokens, col=col.tokens, lty=lty))
                ## combine diph.args.means with m.args and plot
                invisible(lapply(d.args, function(i) {
                    i[names(diph.args.tokens)] <- diph.args.tokens
                    do.call(points, i)
                if (diph.arrows) {
                    ## prepare arrow args
                    d.arr.args <- lapply(d.split, function(i) {
                        xd <- 0.01*diff(i$f2d[[1]][(timepts-1):timepts])
                        yd <- 0.01*diff(i$f1d[[1]][(timepts-1):timepts])
                        with(i, list(x0=f2d[[1]][timepts] - xd,
                                     y0=f1d[[1]][timepts] - yd,
                                     x1=f2d[[1]][timepts], y1=f1d[[1]][timepts],
                                     col=col.tokens, lwd=lwd))
                    ## combine with diph.arrow.means and plot
                    invisible(lapply(d.arr.args, function(i){
                        i[names(diph.arrow.tokens)] <- diph.arrow.tokens
                        i$lty <- "solid"
                        if ("type" %in% names(i)) i$type <- NULL
                        do.call(arrows, i)
            ## diphthong smoothing spline
            } else if (diph.smooth) {  # timepts > 3
                apply(d, 1, function(i) {
                        steep <- with(i,
                                      abs(lm(f1d~f2d)$coefficients["f2d"]) > 1)
                        if (steep) dat <- with(i, cbind(f1d, f2d))
                        else       dat <- with(i, cbind(f2d, f1d))
                        pc <- prcomp(dat, center=FALSE, scale.=FALSE)
                        ss <- smooth.spline(pc$x)
                        ssi <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(predict(ss))) %*%
                            solve(pc$rotation)  # * pc$scale + pc$center
                        end <- nrow(ssi)
                        if (diph.arrows) {
                            curve.range <- 1:(end-1)
                                 do.call(arrows, c(list(x0=f2[end-1],
                        } else {
                            curve.range <- 1:end
                        do.call(lines, c(list(ssi[curve.range]),
                        message("[phonR]: Could not plot diphthong smoother. ",
                                "Plotting connecting segments instead.")
                        message(paste(e, ""))
                        if (diph.arrows) {
                            end <- nrow(i)
                            with(i, points(f2[1:end-1], f1[1:end-1],
                                           col=col.tokens, pch=pch.t,
                                           cex=cex.tokens, type="o"))
                            with(i, do.call(arrows, c(list(x0=f2[end-1],
                        } else {
                            with(i, points(f2, f1, col=col.tokens,
                                           pch=pch.t, cex=cex.tokens,
                    warning=function(w) message(w),
        } else {  # !diphthong
            if (is.null(pch.tokens)) {
                with(d, points(f2, f1, pch=pch.t, cex=cex.tokens,
            } else {
                with(d, text(f2, f1, labels=pch.t, cex=cex.tokens,
    }   }   }

    ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## PLOT MEANS  ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ##
    if (plot.means) {
        if (diphthong) {
            ## TODO: implement smoothing splines for means
            ## setup
            timepts <- length(m$f2d[[1]])
            ## plot first point
            if (diph.label.first.only) {
                if (!is.null(pch.means)) {
                    with(m, text(f2, f1, labels=pch.m, col=col.means,
                } else {
                    with(m, points(f2, f1, pch=pch.m, col=col.means,
                ## if diph.label.first.only, ignore cex and pch from now on
                diph.args.means$type <- "l"
                if (diph.arrows) diph.arrow.means$type <- "l"
            ## prepare means args
            m.split <- split(m, seq(nrow(m)))
            m.args <- lapply(m.split, function(i) {
                with(i, list(f2d[[1]], f1d[[1]], pch=pch.m, cex=cex.means,
                             col=col.means, lty=lty.means))
            ## combine diph.args.means with m.args and plot
            invisible(lapply(m.args, function(i) {
                i[names(diph.args.means)] <- diph.args.means
                do.call(points, i)
            ## plot arrowheads
            if (diph.arrows) {
                ## prepare arrow args
                m.arr.args <- lapply(m.split, function(i) {
                    xd <- 0.01*diff(i$f2d[[1]][(timepts-1):timepts])
                    yd <- 0.01*diff(i$f1d[[1]][(timepts-1):timepts])
                    with(i, list(x0=f2d[[1]][timepts] - xd,
                                 y0=f1d[[1]][timepts] - yd,
                                 col=col.means, lwd=lwd.means))
                ## combine with diph.arrow.means and plot
                invisible(lapply(m.arr.args, function(i){
                    i[names(diph.arrow.means)] <- diph.arrow.means
                    i$lty <- "solid"
                    if ("type" %in% names(i)) i$type <- NULL
                    do.call(arrows, i)
        } else {
            if (is.null(pch.means)) {
                with(m, points(f2, f1, col=col.means, pch=pch.m,
            } else {
                with(m, text(f2, f1, labels=pch.m, col=col.means,

    ## ## ## ## ##
    ##  LEGEND  ##
    ## ## ## ## ##
    if (!is.null(legend.kwd)) {
        if (is.null(legend.col.lab) && is.null(legend.style.lab)) {
            message("[phonR]: Legend will not be drawn because var.col.by and ",
                    "var.sty.by are both NULL or NA. You will have to use ",
                    "the legend() function.")
        } else {
            legend.merge <- TRUE
            ## legend pch
            legend.pch <- NULL
            if (length(legend.style.lab)) {
                if (plot.means && all(grepl("[[:digit:]]", pch.means))) {
                    legend.pch <- unique(m$pch.m)
                } else if (plot.tokens &&
                               all(grepl("[[:digit:]]", pch.tokens))) {
                    legend.pch <- unique(d$pch.t)
            ## legend col
            legend.col <- NULL
            if (length(legend.col.lab)) {
                if (plot.means) {
                    legend.col <- sapply(bym, function(i) unique(i$col.means))
                } else if (plot.tokens) {
                    legend.col <- sapply(byd, function(i) unique(i$col.tokens))
            ## legend background fill
            legend.bgf <- NULL
            if (hull.fill || poly.fill || ellipse.fill) {
                if (!is.na(m$ellipse.fill.col[1])) {
                    legend.bgf <- sapply(bym, function(i) unique(i$ellipse.fill.col))
                } else if (!is.na(m$poly.fill.col[1])) {
                    legend.bgf <- sapply(bym, function(i) unique(i$poly.fill.col))
                } else {
                    legend.bgf <- unique(hull.fill.col)
            ## legend linteype & border color
            legend.lty <- NULL
            legend.brd <- NULL
            if (hull.line || poly.line || ellipse.line) {
                if (!(length(unique(ellipse.line.sty)) == 1 &&
                          ellipse.line.sty[1] == 0)) {
                    legend.lty <- sapply(bym, function(i) unique(i$ellipse.line.sty))
                } else if (!(length(unique(poly.line.sty)) == 1 &&
                                 poly.line.sty[1] == 0)) {
                    legend.lty <- sapply(bym, function(i) unique(i$poly.line.sty))
                } else {
                    legend.lty <- unique(hull.line.sty)
                if (!is.na(m$ellipse.line.col[1])) {
                    legend.brd <- sapply(bym, function(i) unique(i$ellipse.line.col))
                } else if (!is.na(m$poly.line.col[1])) {
                    legend.brd <- sapply(bym, function(i) unique(i$poly.line.col))
                } else {
                    legend.brd <- unique(hull.line.col)
                if (length(legend.brd) != length(legend.bgf)) {
                    legend.brd <- NULL
            ## handle lty specially; needed for both style & color
            if (!is.null(legend.lty)) {
                if (!length(legend.style.lab)) {
                    legend.lty <- rep(legend.lty,
                } else if (length(legend.col.lab)) {
                    legend.lty <- c(legend.lty, rep(NA, length(legend.col.lab)))
            ## reconcile
            if (identical(legend.style.lab, legend.col.lab)) {
                legend.lab <- legend.col.lab
                legend.merge <- FALSE
            } else {
                legend.lab <- c(legend.style.lab, legend.col.lab)
                legend.pch <- c(legend.pch, rep(NA, length(legend.col.lab)))
                ## handle case: no lines / fills / pchs for color
                if (length(legend.col.lab) && is.null(legend.bgf) &&
                        is.null(legend.brd) && is.null(legend.lty)) {
                    legend.bgf <- c(rep(NA, length(legend.style.lab)),
                    legend.brd <- legend.bgf
                    legend.col <- c(rep(par("fg"), length(legend.style.lab)),
                ## handle case: only hulls (only 1 fill col) but col.by.vowel
                } else if (length(legend.col) != length(legend.bgf) &&
                               !is.null(legend.bgf)) {
                    legend.bgf <- c(rep(NA, length(legend.style.lab)),
                    legend.brd <- legend.bgf
                    legend.col <- c(rep(par("fg"), length(legend.style.lab)),
                ## handle other cases
                } else {
                    nas <- rep(NA, length(legend.style.lab))
                    fgs <- rep(par("fg"), length(legend.style.lab))
                    legend.bgf <- c(nas, legend.bgf)
                    legend.brd <- c(nas, legend.brd)
                    legend.col <- c(fgs, legend.col)
            ## eliminate vacuous args
            if (identical(legend.bgf, logical(0))) legend.bgf <- NULL
            if (identical(legend.brd, logical(0))) legend.brd <- legend.bgf
            ## assemble legend args
            new.legend.args <- list(legend.kwd, legend=legend.lab,
                                    pch=legend.pch, col=legend.col,
            ## user override & recombine
            new.legend.args[names(legend.args)] <- legend.args
            legend.args <- new.legend.args
            ## can't always pass fill because fill=NULL triggers drawing empty
            ## boxes and border=NULL draws black! :(
            if (!is.null(legend.bgf)) {
                if (!"fill" %in% names(legend.args)) {
                    legend.args$fill <- legend.bgf
                if (!"border" %in% names(legend.args)) {
                    legend.args$border <- legend.brd
            ## avoid warning that merge only works when segments are drawn
            if (!is.null(legend.lty)) {
                if (!"merge" %in% names(legend.args)) {
                    legend.args$merge <- legend.merge
            ## draw legend
            do.call(legend, legend.args)

    ## ## ## ## ##
    ## CLEANUP  ##
    ## ## ## ## ##
    ## close file devices
    if (output != "screen") dev.off()
    ## reset graphical parameters to defaults

## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## OMNIBUS NORMALIZATION FUNCTION (convenience function) ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
#' @export
normVowels <- function(method, f0=NULL, f1=NULL, f2=NULL, f3=NULL,
                    vowel=NULL, group=NULL, ...) {
    m <- tolower(method)
    methods <- c("bark", "mel", "log", "erb", "zscore", "lobanov",
                "logmean", "shared", "nearey1", "nearey2", "scentroid",
    if (!(m %in% methods)) {
        stop("Method must be one of: bark, mel, log, erb, ",
             "zscore | lobanov, logmean | nearey1, shared | nearey2, ",
             "scentroid | wattfabricius.")
    f <- cbind(f0=f0, f1=f1, f2=f2, f3=f3)
    if (m %in% "bark") return(normBark(f))
    else if (m %in% "mel") return(normMel(f))
    else if (m %in% "log") return(normLog(f))
    else if (m %in% "erb") return(normErb(f))
    else if (m %in% c("z", "zscore", "lobanov")) return(normLobanov(f, group))
    else if (m %in% c("logmean", "nearey1")) return(normLogmean(f, group, ...))
    else if (m %in% c("shared", "nearey2")) return(normSharedLogmean(f, group, ...))
    else {
        f <- as.matrix(cbind(f1=f1, f2=f2))
        return(normWattFabricius(f, vowel, group))
}    }

## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
#' @export
normBark <- function(f) {
    bark <- 26.81 * f / (1960 + f) - 0.53
    bark[bark < 2] <- bark[bark < 2] + 0.15 * (2 - bark[bark < 2])
    bark[bark > 20.1] <- bark[bark > 20.1] + 0.22 * (bark[bark > 20.1] - 20.1)

#' @export
normLog <- function(f) {

#' @export
normMel <- function(f) {

#' @export
normErb <- function(f) {

#' @export
normLobanov <- function(f, group=NULL) {
    if (is.null(group)) {
    } else {
        f <- as.data.frame(f)
        groups <- split(f, group)
        scaled <- lapply(groups, function(x) as.data.frame(scale(x)))
        return(unsplit(scaled, group))
}    }

#' @export
normLogmean <- function(f, group=NULL, exp=FALSE, ...) {
    ## AKA "Nearey1", what Adank confusingly calls "SingleLogmean".
    ## Note that Adank et al 2004 (eq. 8) looks more like a shared logmean,
    ## but in text she says it is applied to each formant separately.
    if (ncol(f) < 2) {
        stop("Missing values: normalization method 'normLogmean' ",
            "requires non-null values for f1 and f2).")
    if (is.null(group)) {
        logmeans <- log(f) - rep(colMeans(log(f), ...), each=nrow(f))
    } else {
        f <- as.data.frame(f)
        groups <- split(f, group)
        logmeans <- lapply(groups,
                           function(x) log(x) - rep(apply(log(x), 2, mean),
    logmeans <- unsplit(logmeans, group)
    if (exp) logmeans <- exp(logmeans)

#' @export
normNearey1 <- function(f, group=NULL, exp=FALSE, ...) {
    normLogmean(f, group=group, exp=exp, ...)

#' @export
normSharedLogmean <- function(f, group=NULL, exp=FALSE, ...) {
    ## AKA "Nearey2"
    if (is.null(group)) {
        ## this is my implementation of Nearey 1978's CLIH (eq. 3.1.10, page 95)
        ## (cf. eqs. 1 & 2 of Morrison & Nearey 2006)
        logmeans <- log(f) - mean(log(unlist(f)), ...)
        ## NOTE: Adank et al 2004 (eq. 9) would suggest this implementation:
        ## logmeans <- log(f) - sum(colMeans(log(f), ...))
    } else {
        f <- as.data.frame(f)
        groups <- split(f, group)
        logmeans <- lapply(groups, function(x) log(x) - mean(log(unlist(x)), ...))
        ## Adank:   lapply(groups, function(x) log(x) - sum(colMeans(log(x), ...)))
        logmeans <- unsplit(logmeans, group)
    if (exp) logmeans <- exp(logmeans)

#' @export
normNearey2 <- function(f, group=NULL, exp=FALSE, ...) {
    normSharedLogmean(f, group=group, exp=exp, ...)

#' @export
normWattFabricius <- function(f, vowel, group=NULL) {
    if (ncol(f) != 2) {
        stop("Wrong dimensions: s-centroid normalization requires an Nx2 ",
             "matrix or data frame of F1 and F2 values.")
    if (is.null(group)) group <- rep("g", nrow(f))
    ## make 2D list (group x vowel) of lists (f1,f2)
    subsets <- by(f, list(vowel, group), identity)
    means <- matrix(sapply(subsets,
                           function(i) ifelse(is.null(i),
                                              data.frame(I(c(f1=NA, f2=NA))),
                    nrow=nrow(subsets), dimnames=dimnames(subsets))
    minima <- do.call(rbind, apply(means, 2, function(i) data.frame(t(apply(do.call(rbind, i), 2, min, na.rm=TRUE)))))
    maxima <- do.call(rbind, apply(means, 2, function(i) data.frame(t(apply(do.call(rbind, i), 2, max, na.rm=TRUE)))))
    min.id <- apply(means, 2, function(i) apply(do.call(rbind, i), 2, which.min))
    max.id <- apply(means, 2, function(i) apply(do.call(rbind, i), 2, which.max))
    if (length(unique(min.id["f1",]))>1) {
        message("[phonR]: The vowel with the lowest mean F1 value (usually /i/)",
                "does not match across all speakers/groups. You'll ",
                "have to calculate s-centroid manually.")
    } else if (length(unique(max.id["f1",]))>1) {
        message("[phonR]: The vowel with the highest mean F1 value (usually /a/) ",
                "does not match across all speakers/groups. You'll ",
                "have to calculate s-centroid manually.")
    lowvowf2 <- do.call(rbind, means[unique(max.id["f1",]),])[,"f2"]
    centroids <- t(rbind(f1=(2*minima$f1 + maxima$f1) / 3,
                         f2=(minima$f2 + maxima$f2 + lowvowf2) / 3))
    f / centroids[group,]

## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##

#' @export
vowelMeansPolygonArea <- function(f1, f2, vowel, poly.order, group=NULL) {
    if (length(poly.order) != length(unique(poly.order))) {
        message("[phonR]: Duplicate entries in 'poly.order' detected; they ",
                "will be ignored.")
    poly.order <- unique(as.character(poly.order)) # as.character in case factor
    v <- unique(as.character(vowel))
    if (length(setdiff(poly.order, v)) > 0) {
        message("[phonR]: There are vowels in 'poly.order' that are not in ",
                "'vowel'; they will be ignored.")
        poly.order <- intersect(poly.order, v)
    if (is.null(group))  group <- "all.points"
    df <- data.frame(f2=f2, f1=f1, v=factor(vowel, levels=poly.order), g=group)
    df <- df[order(df$v),]
    bygrouparea <- c(by(df, df$g,
                        function(i) splancs::areapl(cbind(tapply(i$f2, i$v, mean),
                                                          tapply(i$f1, i$v, mean)))))

#' @export
convexHullArea <- function(f1, f2, group=NULL) {
    if (is.null(group))  group <- "all.points"
    df <- data.frame(x=f2, y=f1, g=group, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    bygrouppts <- by(df, df$g, function(i) i[chull(i$x, i$y), c("x", "y")])
    bygrouparea <- sapply(bygrouppts, function(i) {
        splancs::areapl(as.matrix(data.frame(x=i$x, y=i$y, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)))

#' @export
repulsiveForce <- function(x, y, type, xform=log, exclude.inf=TRUE) {
    dmat <- as.matrix(dist(cbind(x, y)))
    if (exclude.inf) dmat[dmat == 0] <- min(dmat[dmat>0]) / 2
    force <- sapply(seq_along(type), function(i) {
        sum(1 / dmat[i, !(type %in% type[i])] ^ 2)
    if (!is.null(xform)) force <- xform(force)

#' @export
repulsiveForceHeatmap <- function(x, y, type=NULL, xform=log, exclude.inf=TRUE,
                                  resolution=10, colormap=NULL, fast=FALSE, ...) {
    ## default to grayscale
    if (is.null(colormap)) colormap <- plotrix::color.scale(x=0:100, cs1=0, cs2=0,
    ## create grid encompassing vowel space
    gridlist <- createGrid(x, y, resolution)
    xgrid <- gridlist$x
    ygrid <- gridlist$y
    grid <- gridlist$g
    grid$z <- NA
    grid$v <- NA
    ## if using fast method, pre-calculate force of vowel tokens
    force <- repulsiveForce(x, y, type, xform, exclude.inf)
    if (fast) vertices <- data.frame(x=x, y=y, z=force)[!is.na(x) & !is.na(y),]
    else      vertices <- data.frame(x=x, y=y, z=type)[!is.na(x) & !is.na(y),]
    if (fast) {
        ## segregate grid points based on Delaunay triangulation of vowel space
        triang.obj <- with(vertices, deldir::deldir(x, y, z=z, suppressMsge=TRUE))
        triangs <- deldir::triang.list(triang.obj)
        sg.idxs <- lapply(triangs, function(i) splancs::inpip(grid, i[c("x", "y")],
        subgrids <- lapply(sg.idxs, function(i) grid[i,])
        ## ignore triangles too small to contain any grid points
        vacant <- sapply(subgrids, function(i) dim(i)[1] == 0)
        triangs <- triangs[!vacant]
        subgrids <- subgrids[!vacant]
        sg.idxs <- sg.idxs[!vacant]
        ## assign a force value to each grid point
        sg.force <- mapply(function(i, j) fillTriangle(i[,"x"], i[,"y"],
                                                       j[, c("x", "y", "z")]),
                           subgrids, triangs, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
        grid[do.call(c, sg.idxs), "z"] <- do.call(c, sg.force)
    } else {
        if (is.null(type)) stop("More accurate force calculation method (fast=FALSE) ",
                                "requires non-null values for 'type'.")
        hull <- vertices[chull(vertices),]  # polygon of hull
        sg.idxs <- splancs::inpip(grid[,1:2], hull)
        subgrid <- grid[sg.idxs,]
        ## which vowel is closest to each grid point?
        dmat <- apply(subgrid, 1, function(i) apply(as.matrix(vertices[c("x", "y")]),
                                                    1, function(j) dist(rbind(i, j))))
        ## still need to exclude inf, in case duplicate pts have diff vowels
        if (exclude.inf) dmat[dmat == 0] <- min(dmat[dmat>0]) / 2
        ## if there is a tie of which vowel is closest, pick first one (arbitrarily)
        which.min <- apply(dmat, 2, function(i) which(i == min(i))[1])
        #how.many.min <- apply(dmat, 2, function(i) length(which(i == min(i))))
        ## TODO: sensible way to do tiebreaker? wherever how.many.min > 1, look
        ## at next closest vowel iteratively until you find one that matches one
        ## of the vowels tied as closest... could get ugly.
        sg.vowel <- vertices$z[which.min]
        sg.force <- sapply(seq_along(sg.vowel),
                           function(i) sum(1/dmat[!(vertices$z %in% sg.vowel[i]), i] ^ 2))
        if (!is.null(xform)) sg.force <- xform(sg.force)
        grid[sg.idxs, "z"] <- sg.force
    image(xgrid, ygrid, matrix(grid$z, nrow=length(xgrid)),
          col=colormap, ...)

#' @export
repulsiveForceHeatmapLegend <- function (x, y, labels=c("low", "high"), pos=c(1, 3),
                                         colormap=NULL, smoothness=50, lend=2,
                                         lwd=12, ...) {
    if (is.null(colormap)) {  # default to grayscale
        colormap <- plotrix::color.scale(x=0:100, cs1=0, cs2=0, cs3=c(0,100),
                                         alpha=1, color.spec="hcl")
    xvals <- seq(x[1], x[2], length.out=smoothness)
    yvals <- seq(y[1], y[2], length.out=smoothness)
    cols <- colormap[round(seq(1, length(colormap), length.out=smoothness))]
    invisible(plotrix::color.scale.lines(xvals, yvals, col=cols, lend=lend,
                                         lwd=lwd, ...))
    if (!is.null(labels)) {
        text(x, y, labels=labels, pos=pos, xpd=TRUE)

## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
prettyTicks <- function(lim) {
    axrange <- abs(diff(lim))
    step <- 10^(floor(log(axrange,10)))
    coef <- ifelse(axrange/step < 1, 0.1,
                   ifelse(axrange/step < 2, 0.2,
                          ifelse(axrange/step < 5, 0.5, 1)))
    step <- step*coef
    lims <- c(ceiling(max(lim)/step)*step, floor(min(lim)/step)*step)
    if (diff(lims) < 0) {step <- -step}

ellipse <- function(mu, sigma, n, alpha=0.05, npoints=250, draw=TRUE, ...) {
    if (all(sigma == matrix(rep(0, 4), nrow=2))) return(rbind(mu, mu))
    else if (n < 3) return(rbind(mu, mu))
    p <- length(mu)
    es <- eigen(sigma)
    e1 <- es$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(es$values))
    theta <- seq(from=0, to=2 * pi, length.out=npoints)
    unit.circle <- cbind(cos(theta), sin(theta))
    ## for small n, confidence ellipses for multivariate sample means are
    ## distributed as Hotelling's T^2, which is (with appropriate scale factor)
    ## equivalent to an F distribution (hence the qf() function). For large n,
    ## this asymptotically approaches qchisq(1-alpha, p)
    scale.factor <- p * (n - 1) / (n - p)
    critical.radius <- sqrt(scale.factor * qf(1 - alpha, df1=p, df2=n - p))
    ## if we needed it, this would be the t-squared statistic
    # tsquared <- n * t(mu) %*% solve(sigma) %*% mu
    pts <- t(mu - (e1 %*% t(critical.radius * unit.circle)))
    if (draw) {
        colnames(pts) <- c("x", "y")
        polygon(pts, ...)

makeTransparent <- function (color, opacity) {
    rgba <- t(col2rgb(color, alpha=TRUE))
    rgba[,4] <- round(255 * opacity)
    colnames(rgba) <- c("red", "green", "blue", "alpha")
    trans.color <- do.call(rgb, c(as.data.frame(rgba), maxColorValue=255))

uniquify <- function(x, default.val) {
    ## handle factors smartly
    y <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(x)))
    if (any(is.na(y))) x <- as.character(x)
    else x <- y
    ux <- unique(x)
    ifelse(length(ux) == 1, ux, default.val)

fillTriangle <- function(x, y, vertices) {
    ## pineda's triangle filling algorithm
    x0 <- vertices[1,1]
    x1 <- vertices[2,1]
    x2 <- vertices[3,1]
    y0 <- vertices[1,2]
    y1 <- vertices[2,2]
    y2 <- vertices[3,2]
    z0 <- vertices[1,3]
    z1 <- vertices[2,3]
    z2 <- vertices[3,3]
    e0xy <- (x-x0)*(y1-y0)-(y-y0)*(x1-x0)
    e1xy <- (x-x1)*(y2-y1)-(y-y1)*(x2-x1)
    e2xy <- (x-x2)*(y0-y2)-(y-y2)*(x0-x2)
    e0x2 <- (x2-x0)*(y1-y0)-(y2-y0)*(x1-x0)
    e1x0 <- (x0-x1)*(y2-y1)-(y0-y1)*(x2-x1)
    e2x1 <- (x1-x2)*(y0-y2)-(y1-y2)*(x0-x2)
    f0 <- e0xy / e0x2
    f1 <- e1xy / e1x0
    f2 <- e2xy / e2x1
    z <- f0*z2 + f1*z0 + f2*z1

createGrid <- function(x, y, resolution) {
    ## create grid encompassing all pts (x, y) with `resolution` pts along
    ## short dimension
    vertices <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
    vertices <- vertices[!is.na(vertices$x) & !is.na(vertices$y),]
    bounding.rect <- apply(vertices[c("x", "y")], 2, range, na.rm=TRUE)
    xr <- abs(diff(bounding.rect[,"x"]))
    yr <- abs(diff(bounding.rect[,"y"]))
    if (xr > yr) {
        xres <- round(resolution * xr / yr)
        yres <- resolution
    } else {
        xres <- resolution
        yres <- round(resolution * yr / xr)
    xgrid <- seq(floor(bounding.rect[1, 1]), ceiling(bounding.rect[2, 1]),
    ygrid <- seq(floor(bounding.rect[1, 2]), ceiling(bounding.rect[2, 2]),
    grid <- expand.grid(x=xgrid, y=ygrid)
    list(g=grid, x=xgrid, y=ygrid)

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phonR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:29 p.m.