
Defines functions scaleInt scaleGLM GetSDy GetSDx stdCoefs handleCategoricalCoefs getCoefficients unstdCoefs coefs

Documented in coefs getCoefficients GetSDx GetSDy handleCategoricalCoefs scaleGLM scaleInt stdCoefs unstdCoefs

#' Extract path coefficients
#' Extracts (standardized) path coefficients from a \code{psem} object.
#' P-values for models constructed using \code{lme4} are obtained
#' using the Kenward-Roger approximation of the denominator degrees of freedom
#' as implemented in the \code{Anova} function.
#' Different forms of standardization can be implemented using the \code{standardize}
#' argument:\itemize{
#' \item{\code{none} No standardized coefficients are reported.}
#' \item{\code{scale} Raw coefficients are scaled by the ratio of the standard deviation
#' of x divided by the standard deviation of y. See below for cases pertaining to GLM. }
#' \item{\code{range} Raw coefficients are scaled by a pre-selected range of x
#' divided by a preselected range of y. The default argument is \code{range} which takes the
#' two extremes of the data, otherwise the user must supply must a named \code{list} where
#' the names are the variables to be standardized, and each entry contains a vector of 
#' length == 2 to the ranges to be used in standardization.}
#' }
#' For non-Gaussian responses, standardized coefficients are obtained in one of two ways:
#' \itemize{ \item{\code{latent.linear} Referred to in Grace et al. 2019 as the standard form of
#' the latent-theoretic (LT) approach. In this method, there is assumed to be a continuous 
#' latent propensity, y*, that underlies the observed binary responses. The standard
#' deviation of y* is computed as the square-root of the variance of the predictions
#' (on the linear or 'link' scale) plus the distribution-specific theoretical variance in the
#' case of binomial responses (for logit links: pi^2/3, for probit links: 1).}
#' \item{\code{Menard.OE} Referred to in Grace et al. 2019 as the standard form of
#' the observed-empirical (OE) approach. In this method, error variance is based on the
#' differences between predicted scores and the observed binary data. The standard
#' deviation used for standardization is computed as the square-root of the variance of
#' the predictions (on the linear scale) plus the correlation between the observed and
#' predicted (on the original or 'response' scale) values of y.}
#' }
#' For categorical predictors: significance is determined using ANOVA (or analysis of
#' deviance). Because n-1 coefficients are reported for n levels, the output instead
#' reports model-estimated means in the \code{Estimate} column. This is done so all
#' n paths in the corresponding path diagram have assignable values.
#' The means are generated using function \code{emmeans} in the \code{emmeans} package. 
#' Pairwise contrasts are further conducted among all levels using the default  
#' correction for multiple testing. The results of those comparisons are given in the 
#' significance codes (e.g., "a", "b", "ab") as reported in the \code{multcomp::cld} function.
#' For non-linear variables (i.e., smoothing functions from \code{mgcv::gam}), there are
#' no linear estimates reported.
#' @param modelList A list of structural equations, or a model.
#' @param standardize The type of standardization: \code{none}, \code{scale}, \code{range}.
#' Default is \code{scale}.
#' @param standardize.type The type of standardized for non-Gaussian responses:
#' \code{latent.linear}, \code{Menard.OE}. Default is \code{latent.linear} for binomial; 
#' otherwise it is \code{Menard.OE}.
#' @param test.statistic the type of test statistic generated by \code{Anova}
#' @param test.type the type of test for significance of categorical variables
#' from \code{Anova}. Default is type "II".
#' @param intercepts Whether intercepts should be included in the coefficients
#' table. Default is FALSE.
#' @return Returns a \code{data.frame} of coefficients, their standard errors,
#' degrees of freedom, and significance tests.
#' @author Jon Lefcheck <LefcheckJ@@si.edu>, Jim Grace
#' @references Grace, J.B., Johnson, D.A., Lefcheck, J.S., and Byrnes, J.E.
#' "Standardized Coefficients in Regression and Structural Models with Binary Outcomes." 
#' Ecosphere 9(6): e02283.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Anova}}, \code{\link[emmeans]{emmeans}}, \code{\link[multcomp]{cld}}
#' @examples 
#' mod <- psem(
#' lm(rich ~ cover, data = keeley),
#' lm(cover ~ firesev, data = keeley),
#' lm(firesev ~ age, data = keeley),
#' data = keeley
#' )
#' coefs(mod)
#' @export
coefs <- function(modelList, standardize = "scale", standardize.type = "latent.linear", 
                  test.statistic = "F", test.type = "II", intercepts = FALSE) {

  if(!all(class(modelList) %in% c("psem", "list"))) modelList <- list(modelList)

  if(inherits(modelList, "psem")) data <- modelList$data else data <- GetData(modelList)

  if(any(class(data) %in% c("SpatialPointsDataFrame"))) data <- data@data

  if(any(class(data) %in% c("comparative.data"))) data <- data$data

  if(all(standardize != "none")) { 
    ret <- stdCoefs(modelList, data, standardize, standardize.type, test.statistic, test.type, intercepts) 
    } else {
    ret <- unstdCoefs(modelList, data, test.statistic, test.type, intercepts)
  ret[, which(sapply(ret, is.numeric))] <- round(ret[, which(sapply(ret, is.numeric))], 4)

  ret[is.na(ret)] <- "-"
  names(ret)[length(ret)] <- ""

  if(any(ret$Estimate == "-")) warning("Categorical or non-linear variables detected. Please refer to documentation for interpretation of Estimates!", call. = FALSE)


#' Get raw (undstandardized) coefficients from model
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
unstdCoefs <- function(modelList, data = NULL, test.statistic = "F", test.type = "II", intercepts = FALSE) {
  if(!all(class(modelList) %in% c("list", "psem"))) modelList <- list(modelList)

  if(is.null(data)) data <- GetData(modelList)
  modelList <- removeData(modelList, formulas = 2)
  ret <- do.call(rbind, lapply(modelList, function(i) {
    if(all(class(i) %in% c("formula.cerror"))) {
      ret <- cerror(i, modelList, data)
      names(ret) <- c("Response", "Predictor", "Estimate", "Std.Error", "DF", "Crit.Value", "P.Value", "")

      } else {
        ret <- getCoefficients(i, data, test.statistic, test.type)
        if(intercepts == FALSE) ret <- ret[!grepl("(Intercept)", ret$Predictor), ]
  } ) )
  rownames(ret) <- NULL

#' Get coefficients from linear regression
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
getCoefficients <- function(model, data = NULL, test.statistic = "F", test.type = "II") {
  if(is.null(data)) data <- GetData(model)
  if(all(class(model) %in% c("lm", "glm", "negbin", "lmerMod", "glmerMod", "lmerModLmerTest", "pgls", "phylolm", "phyloglm"))) {
    ret <- as.data.frame(summary(model)$coefficients)
    if(all(class(model) %in% c("lm", "glm", "negbin"))) ret <- cbind(ret[, 1:2], DF = summary(model)$df[2], ret[, 3:4])
    if(all(class(model) %in% c("glmerMod", "pgls"))) ret <- cbind(ret[, 1:2], DF = length(summary(model)$residuals), ret[, 3:4])
    if(all(class(model) %in% c("phylolm", "phyloglm"))) ret <- cbind(ret[, 1:2], DF = model$n, ret[, c(3, 6)])
    if(all(class(model) %in% c("lmerMod"))) {
      # krp <- KRp(model, vars[-1], data, intercepts = TRUE)
      ret <- getAnova(model)
      # ret <- cbind(ret[, 1:2], DF = nobs(model), ret[, 3], P.Value = NA)
  if(all(class(model) %in% c("Sarlm"))) {
    ret <- as.data.frame(summary(model)$Coef)
    ret <- cbind(ret[, 1:2], DF = NA, ret[, 3:4])
  if(all(class(model) %in% c("gls", "lme", "glmmPQL"))) {
    ret <- as.data.frame(summary(model)$tTable)
    if(ncol(ret) == 4 & all(class(model) %in% c("gls")))
      ret <- cbind(ret[, 1:2], DF = length(residuals(model)), ret[, 3:4])
  if(all(class(model) == "glmmTMB")) {
    ret <- summary(model)$coefficients$cond
    ret <- data.frame(apply(ret, 2, as.numeric), row.names = rownames(ret))

    ret <- cbind(ret[, 1:2], DF = length(residuals(model)), ret[, 3:4])

    # ret <- ret[!sapply(ret, is.null)]
    # ret <- do.call(rbind, lapply(names(ret), function(i) {
    #   out <- ret[[i]]
    #   data.frame(
    #     Response = paste(formula(model)[2]),
    #     Predictor = c(paste0(rownames(out)[1], "-", i), rownames(out)[-1]),
    #     out[, 1:2],
    #     DF = length(residuals(model)),
    #     out[, 3:4]
    #   )
    # } ) )
    # rownames(ret) <- NULL
  if(any(class(model) %in% "gam")) {
    ret_linear <- as.data.frame(summary(model)$p.table)
    ret_linear <- cbind(ret_linear[, 1:2], DF = length(residuals(model)), ret_linear[, 3:4])
    ret_nonlinear <- as.data.frame(summary(model)$s.table)
    if(nrow(ret_nonlinear) == 0) ret <- ret_linear else {
      ret_nonlinear <- cbind(Estimate = NA, Std.Error = NA, ret_nonlinear[, 2:4])
      names(ret_nonlinear) <- names(ret_linear)
      ret <- rbind(ret_linear, ret_nonlinear)

  ret <- cbind(ret, isSig(ret[, 5]))

  ret <- data.frame(
    Response = all_vars_trans(listFormula(list(model))[[1]])[1],
    Predictor = rownames(ret),
  names(ret) <- c("Response", "Predictor", "Estimate", "Std.Error", "DF", "Crit.Value", "P.Value", "")

  # if(sum(grepl("\\:", ret$Predictor)) > 0) warning("Interactions present. Interpret with care.")
  ret <- handleCategoricalCoefs(ret, model, data, test.statistic, test.type)
  rownames(ret) <- NULL
  ret$Response <- as.character(ret$Response)
  ret[is.na(ret$P.Value), "Response"] <- ""

#' Handles putting categorical variables into coefficient tables
#' for easy use in path analysis
#' @keywords internal
handleCategoricalCoefs <- function(ret, model, data, test.statistic = "F", test.type = "II") {
  if(any(class(model) %in% "gam") | nrow(ret) == 1) return(ret) else {
  if(any(class(model) %in% c("glmerMod", "merMod", "glmmTMB"))) test.statistic <- "Chisq"
  vars <- names(data)
  f <- listFormula(list(model))[[1]]
  mf <- model.frame(f, data)
  catVars <- names(mf)[sapply(mf, class) %in% c("factor", "character")]
  if(length(catVars) == 0) return(ret) else {
    for(i in catVars) {
      meanFacts <- suppressMessages(lapply(i, function(v) 
        multcomp::cld(emmeans::emmeans(model, specs = v, data = data))))
      meanFacts <- lapply(meanFacts, function(m) {
        m <- as.data.frame(m)
        rownames(m) <- paste0(i, m[, 1])
        m[, 1] <- paste(names(m)[1], "=", as.character(m[, 1]))
        m$Crit.Value <- with(m, emmean/SE)
        m$P.Value <- with(m, 2 * pt(abs(Crit.Value), df, lower.tail = FALSE))
        colnames(m)[1] <- "Predictor"
      } )
      meanFacts <- do.call(rbind, meanFacts)
      meanFacts <- cbind(data.frame(Response = ret$Response[1], meanFacts))
      names(meanFacts)[names(meanFacts) %in% c("emmean", "SE", "df")] <- c("Estimate", "Std.Error", "DF")
      meanFacts <- meanFacts[, -which(colnames(meanFacts) %in% c("lower.CL", "upper.CL", "asymp.LCL", "asymp.UCL", ".group"))]
      meanFacts <- cbind(meanFacts, isSig(meanFacts[, 7]))
      names(meanFacts)[8] <- "sig"
      atab <- as.data.frame(car::Anova(model, test.statistic = test.statistic, type = test.type))
      idx <- match(i, rownames(atab))
      if(is.na(idx)) idx <- which(sapply(lapply(strsplit(rownames(atab), ":"), function(j) match(i, j)), function(x) !is.na(x)))
      atab <- atab[idx, ]
      atab <- data.frame(Response = ret$Response[1], Predictor = rownames(atab), Estimate = NA, Std.Error = NA, DF = atab$Df, 
                         Crit.Value = atab[, min(which(grepl("LR Chisq|Chisq|F value|^F$", colnames(atab))))], P.Value = atab[, ncol(atab)], 
                         isSig(atab[, ncol(atab)]))
      colnames(atab) <- colnames(meanFacts)
      ret2 <- rbind(atab, meanFacts)
      colnames(ret2)[ncol(ret2)] <- ""
      retsp <- split(ret, grepl(i, rownames(ret)))
      retsp[[2]] <- ret2
      ret <- rbind(
  # removed categorical interactions for now sorry JEKB
  # #what are the factors and their interactions?
  # factTypes <- rownames(modanova)[grep(catVars, rownames(modanova))]
  # #figure out which rows contain factors AND interactions
  # hasFactInt <- grep("\\:", factTypes)
  # intVars <- factTypes[hasFactInt]
  # #if there are interactions, use emmeans to get either
  # if(length(intVars)>0){
  #   intFacts <- lapply(intVars, deparseInt, model = model, catVars = catVars, vars = vars)
  #   intFacts <- do.call(rbind, intFacts)
  #   intFacts <- cbind(data.frame(Response = ret$Response[1]), intFacts)
  #   names(intFacts)[8] <- ""
  #   ret <- rbind(ret, intFacts)
  # }

#' Calculate standardized regression coefficients
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
stdCoefs <- function(modelList, data = NULL, standardize = "scale", standardize.type = "latent.linear", 
                     test.statistic = "F", test.type = "II",intercepts = FALSE) {
  if(!all(class(modelList) %in% c("list", "psem"))) modelList <- list(modelList)
  if(is.null(data) & inherits(modelList, "psem")) data <- modelList$data 
  if(is.null(data)) data <- GetData(modelList)
  modelList <- removeData(modelList, formulas = 2)
  ret <- do.call(rbind, lapply(modelList, function(i) {
    if(all(class(i) %in% c("formula.cerror"))) {
      ret <- cerror(i, modelList, data)
      cbind.data.frame(ret[, 1:7], Std.Estimate = ret[, 3], sig = ret[, 8])
    } else {
      ret <- unstdCoefs(i, data, test.statistic, test.type, intercepts)
      vars <- all_vars_merMod(i)
      newdata <- data[, vars, drop = FALSE]
      if(any(class(newdata) %in% c("SpatialPointsDataFrame"))) newdata <- newdata@data
      newdata <- dataTrans(formula(i), newdata)
      if(any(class(i) != "Sarlm")) numVars <- attr(terms(i), "term.labels") else
        numVars <- colnames(i$X)[-1]
      idx <- sapply(numVars, function(x) {
        if(grepl("\\:", x)) x <- strsplit(x, ":")[[1]]
        coln <- all_vars_notrans(formula(i))

        !any(sapply(data[, unname(coln[which(names(coln) %in% numVars)]), drop = FALSE], class) %in% c("character", "factor"))
      } )
      if(length(idx) > 0) numVars <- numVars[idx]
      B <- ret[gsub("s\\((.*)\\).*", "\\1", ret$Predictor) %in% c("(Intercept)", numVars), "Estimate"]
      names(B) <- numVars
      sd.x <- GetSDx(i, modelList, newdata, standardize)
      sd.y <- GetSDy(i, newdata, standardize, standardize.type)
      if(intercepts == FALSE)
        Std.Estimate <- B * (sd.x / sd.y) else
          Std.Estimate <- c(0, B[-1] * (sd.x / sd.y))
      # ret[which(gsub(".*\\((.*)\\)", "\\1", ret$Predictor) %in% c("(Intercept)", numVars)), "Std.Estimate"] <- Std.Estimate
      ret[which(ret$Predictor %in% c("(Intercept)", numVars)), "Std.Estimate"] <- Std.Estimate
      ret <- cbind(ret[, 1:7], ret[, 9, drop = FALSE], sig = ret[, 8])
  } ) )  
  rownames(ret) <- NULL

#' Get standard deviation of predictor variables
#' @keywords internal
GetSDx <- function(model, modelList, data, standardize = "scale") {
  data <- as.data.frame(data)
  vars <- all_vars_merMod(model)
  numVars <- vars[which(!sapply(data[, vars, drop = FALSE], class) %in% c("character", "factor"))]
  numVars <- na.omit(numVars)
  if(all(standardize == "scale"))
    sd.x <- suppressWarnings(sapply(numVars[!grepl(":", numVars)][-1], function(x) sd(data[, x], na.rm = TRUE))) else
      if(all(standardize == "range"))
        sd.x <- suppressWarnings(sapply(numVars[!grepl(":", numVars)][-1], function(x) diff(range(data[, x], na.rm = TRUE)))) else
          if(is.list(standardize)) {
            vars <- unlist(sapply(modelList, all_vars_notrans))
            vars <- vars[!grepl(":", vars)]
            if(!all(names(standardize) %in% vars))
              stop("Names in standardize list must match those in the model formula!")
            sd.x <- sapply(numVars[!grepl(":", numVars)][-1], function(x) {
              nm <- which(names(standardize) == x)
              if(sum(nm) == 0) {
                warning(paste0("Relevant range not specified for variable '", x, "'. Using observed range instead"), call. = FALSE)
                diff(range(data[, x], na.rm = TRUE)) 
              } else  diff(range(standardize[[nm]]))
            } )
          } else stop("`standardize` must be either 'scale' or 'range' (or a list of ranges).", call. = FALSE)
  if(any(grepl(":", all_vars_notrans(model)))) sd.x <- c(sd.x, scaleInt(model, data, standardize))
  sd.x <- sd.x[names(sd.x) %in% all_vars_notrans(model)[-1]]
  if(length(sd.x) == 0) sd.x <- NA

#' Properly scale standard deviations depending on the error distribution
#' @keywords internal
GetSDy <- function(model, data, standardize = "scale", standardize.type = "latent.linear") {
  data <- as.data.frame(data)
  vars <- all_vars_merMod(model)
  y <- vars[1]
  family. <- try(family(model), silent = TRUE)
  if(inherits(family., "try-error")) family. <- try(model$family, silent = TRUE)
  if(inherits(family., "try-error") | is.null(family.) | all(is.na(family.))
     & all(class(model) %in% c("Sarlm", "gls", "lme")))
    family. <- list(family = "gaussian", link = "identity")
  if(inherits(family., "try-error") || is.null(family.)) {
    sd.y <- NA 
  } else {
    link. <- family.$link
    family. <- family.$family
    family. <- gsub("(.*)\\(.*\\)", "\\1", family.)
    if(family. == "gaussian") {
      if(all(standardize == "scale")) sd.y <- sd(data[, y], na.rm = TRUE) else
        if(all(standardize == "range")) sd.y <- diff(range(data[, y], na.rm = TRUE)) else
          if(is.list(standardize)) {
            nm <- which(names(standardize) == y)
            if(sum(nm) == 0) {
              warning(paste0("Relevant range not specified for variable '", y, "'. Using observed range instead"), call. = FALSE)
              sd.y <- diff(range(data[, y], na.rm = TRUE)) 
            } else sd.y <- diff(range(standardize[[nm]]))
    } else if(family. %in% c("binomial", "Negative Binomial", "poisson"))
      sd.y <- scaleGLM(model, family., link., standardize, standardize.type) else {
        sd.y <- NA
        warning("Family or link function not supported: standardized coefficients not returned")

#' Compute standard deviation or relevant range of response for GLMs
#' @keywords internal
scaleGLM <- function(model, family., link., standardize = "scale", standardize.type = "latent.linear") {
  if(family. != "binomial") standardize.type <- "Menard.OE"
  preds <- predict(model, type = "link")
  if(standardize.type == "latent.linear") {
    if(family. != "binomial") 
      sd.y <- sqrt(var(preds)) else
        if(family. == "binomial") {
          if(link. == "logit") sigmaE <- pi^2/3 else
            if(link. == "probit") sigmaE <- 1
            sd.y <- sqrt(var(preds) + sigmaE) 
  if(standardize.type == "Menard.OE") {
    y <- all_vars_notrans(model)[1]
    data <- GetSingleData(model)
    preds2 <- predict(model, type = "response")
    if(is.null(names(preds2))) names(preds2) <- rownames(data)
    R <- cor(data[as.numeric(names(preds2)), y], preds2)
    sd.y <- sqrt(var(preds)) / R
  if(all(standardize == "range") | is.list(standardize)) sd.y <- sd.y * 6

#' Calculate standard deviation or relevant range for interaction terms
#' @keywords internal
scaleInt <- function(model, newdata, standardize) {

  v <- attr(terms(model), "term.labels")

  int <- v[grepl(":", v)]

  sapply(int, function(x) {

    x <- strsplit(x, ":")[[1]]

    x <- gsub("(.*) \\+.*", "\\1", gsub(".*\\((.*)\\)", "\\1", x))

    p <- apply(newdata[, x], 1, prod, na.rm = TRUE)

    if(standardize == "scale") sd(p) else if(standardize == "range")

      diff(range(p, na.rm = TRUE)) else if(is.list(standardize))
        stop("Relevant range standardization not applicable to models with interactions!")

  } )


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