# nocov start
fake_env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
make_dummy_package <- function(data, path) {
package <- data$Package
data$Version <- data$Version %||% "1.0.0"
mkdirp(tmp <- tempfile())
on.exit(unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)
file.create(file.path(package, "NAMESPACE"))
write.dcf(data, file.path(package, "DESCRIPTION"))
asNamespace("tools")$.build_packages(args = package, no.q = TRUE)
unlink(package, recursive = TRUE)
out <- dir()
if (length(out) != 1) stop("Failed to build package ", package, " :(")
file.copy(out, path, overwrite = TRUE)
dummy_so <- function() {
if (!is.null(fake_env$dummy_so)) return(fake_env$dummy_so)
mkdirp(tmp <- tempfile())
on.exit(unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)
"#include <Rinternals.h>",
"SEXP minus1(SEXP i) {",
" return Rf_ScalarInteger(REAL(i)[0] - 1.0);",
), "init.c")
callr::rcmd("SHLIB", c("-o", "", "init.c"))
so <- readBin("", "raw", file.size(""))
fake_env$dummy_so <- so
make_dummy_binary <- function(data, path, platform = get_platform(),
r_version = getRversion()) {
# Need these files:
# NAMESPACE -- nded to add useDynLib() and import() as needed
# DESCRIPTION -- need `Built` field
# Meta/links.rds -- can be the same if no manual
# Meta/features.rds -- .install_package_description() creates this
# Meta/nsInfo.rds -- .install_package_namespace_info() creates this
# Meta/package.rds -- .install_package_description() creates this
# Meta/hsearch.rds -- can be the same if no manual
# libs/<pkg>.so -- use the same dummy .so
path <- normalizePath(path, mustWork = FALSE)
package <- data$Package
data$Version <- data$Version %||% "1.0.0"
mkdirp(tmp <- tempfile())
on.exit(unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)
file.create(file.path(package, "NAMESPACE"))
write.dcf(data, file.path(package, "DESCRIPTION"))
if (paste0("", data$NeedsCompilation) %in% c("yes", "true")) {
# TODO: multi-arch on Windows
writeLines(paste0("useDynLib(", package, ")"), file.path(package, "NAMESPACE"))
sofile <- paste0(package, .Platform$dynlib.ext)
sopath <- if (nzchar(.Platform$r_arch)) {
file.path(package, "libs", .Platform$r_arch, sofile)
} else {
file.path(package, "libs", sofile)
writeBin(dummy_so(), sopath)
asNamespace("tools")$.install_package_description(package, package)
asNamespace("tools")$.install_package_namespace_info(package, package)
if (platform == "windows") {
pkgfile <- paste0(package, "_", data$Version, ".zip")
zip::zip(pkgfile, package)
} else if (platform == "macos") {
pkgfile <- paste0(package, "_", data$Version, ".tgz")
utils::tar(pkgfile, package)
} else {
# Other binary package, we use .tar.gz like on PPM
pkgfile <- paste0(package, "_", data$Version, ".tar.gz")
utils::tar(pkgfile, package)
file.copy(pkgfile, path, overwrite = TRUE)
standardize_dummy_packages <- function(packages) {
packages <- packages %||% data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
Package = character()
if (!"Package" %in% names(packages)) {
packages$Package <- paste0("pkg", seq_len(nrow(packages)))
if (!"Version" %in% names(packages)) {
packages$Version <- if (nrow(packages)) "1.0.0" else character()
} else {
packages$Version[$Version)] <- "1.0.0"
make_dummy_repo <- function(repo, packages = NULL, options = list()) {
packages <- standardize_dummy_packages(packages)
options[["platforms"]] <- options[["platforms"]] %||% "source"
for (plt in options[["platforms"]]) {
options2 <- options
options2[["platform"]] <- plt
options2[["no_archive"]] <- options[["no_archive"]] %||% plt != "source"
make_dummy_repo_platform(repo, packages, options2)
make_dummy_repo_platform <- function(repo, packages = NULL, options = list()) {
options[["platform"]] <- options[["platform"]] %||% "source"
options[["rversion"]] <- options[["rversion"]] %||% format(getRversion())
packages <- standardize_dummy_packages(packages)
if (!is.null(options$repo_prefix)) {
repo <- file.path(repo, options$repo_prefix)
pkgdirs <- get_all_package_dirs(options[["platform"]], getRversion())
mkdirp(pkgs_dir <- file.path(repo, pkgdirs$contriburl))
extra <- packages
extra$file <- character(nrow(extra))
latest <- tapply(
function(x) as.character(max(package_version(x))),
simplify = TRUE
extra$archive <- latest[extra$Package] != extra$Version
for (i in seq_len(nrow(packages))) {
if (options[["platform"]] == "source" &&
packages$Package[i] %in% options[["no_sources"]]) next
if (options[["platform"]] != "source" &&
packages$Package[i] %in% options[["no_binaries"]]) next
if (extra$archive[i]) {
if (isTRUE(options$no_archive)) next;
pkg_dir <- file.path(pkgs_dir, "Archive", packages$Package[i])
} else {
pkg_dir <- pkgs_dir
if (options[["platform"]] == "source") {
fn <- make_dummy_package(packages[i, , drop = FALSE], pkg_dir)
} else {
fn <- make_dummy_binary(
packages[i, , drop = FALSE],
extra$file[i] <- fn
file.create(file.path(pkgs_dir, "PACKAGES"))
if (grepl("windows", pkgdirs$contriburl)) {
pkg_type <- "win.binary"
} else {
pkg_type <- "source"
tools::write_PACKAGES(pkgs_dir, type = pkg_type)
if (isTRUE(options$no_packages)) {
file.remove(file.path(pkgs_dir, "PACKAGES"))
if (isTRUE(options$no_packages_gz)) {
file.remove(file.path(pkgs_dir, "PACKAGES.gz"))
} else if (file.exists(file.path(pkgs_dir, "PACKAGES.gz"))) {
# if empty
if (isTRUE(options$no_packages_rds)) {
file.remove(file.path(pkgs_dir, "PACKAGES.rds"))
if (!isTRUE(options$no_metadata)) {
current <- extra[!extra$archive,, drop = FALSE]
meta <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
file = current$file,
size = file.size(file.path(pkgs_dir, current$file)),
sha = cli::hash_file_sha256(file.path(pkgs_dir, current$file)),
sysreqs = current$SystemRequirements %||% rep("NA", nrow(current)),
built = if (nrow(current)) "NA" else character(),
published = if (nrow(current)) format(Sys.time()) else character()
outcon <- gzcon(file(file.path(pkgs_dir, "METADATA2.gz"), "wb"))
utils::write.csv(meta, outcon, row.names = FALSE)
if (!isTRUE(options$no_archive)) {
archive <- extra[extra$archive,, drop = FALSE]
adf <- list()
adir <- file.path(pkgs_dir, "Archive")
if (file.exists(adir)) {
adirs <- dir(adir)
adf <- lapply(adirs, function(d) {
pkgs <- dir(file.path(adir, d), full.names = TRUE)
fi <-
rownames(fi) <- basename(rownames(fi))
names(adf) <- adirs
mkdirp(file.path(pkgs_dir, "Meta"))
saveRDS(adf, file.path(pkgs_dir, "Meta", "archive.rds"))
cran_app <- function(packages = NULL,
log = interactive(),
options = list()) {
app <- webfakes::new_app()
# Log requests by default
if (log) app$use("logger" = webfakes::mw_log())
# Parse all kinds of bodies
app$use("json body parser" = webfakes::mw_json())
app$use("text body parser" = webfakes::mw_text(type = c("text/plain", "application/json")))
app$use("multipart body parser" = webfakes::mw_multipart())
app$use("URL encoded body parser" = webfakes::mw_urlencoded())
# Add etags by default
app$use("add etag" = webfakes::mw_etag())
# Add date by default
app$use("add date" = function(req, res) {
res$set_header("Date", as.character(Sys.time()))
app$locals$created <- FALSE
app$locals$repo <- tempfile()
app$locals$packages <- packages
app$locals$options <- options
app$use("create" = function(req, res) {
locals <- req$app$locals
if (!locals$created) {
make_dummy_repo(locals$repo, locals$packages, locals$options)
req$app$locals$created <- TRUE
function(obj) unlink(obj$locals$repo, recursive = TRUE),
app$use("repo" = webfakes::mw_static(app$locals$repo))
dcf <- function(txt) {
txt <- gsub("\n[ ]+", "\n", txt), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
fix_port <- function(x) {
gsub("http://127[.]0[.]0[.]1:[0-9]+", "<port>", x)
bioc_app <- function(packages = NULL,
log = interactive(),
options = list()) {
app <- webfakes::new_app()
# Log requests by default
if (log) app$use("logger" = webfakes::mw_log())
# Parse all kinds of bodies
app$use("json body parser" = webfakes::mw_json())
app$use("text body parser" = webfakes::mw_text(type = c("text/plain", "application/json")))
app$use("multipart body parser" = webfakes::mw_multipart())
app$use("URL encoded body parser" = webfakes::mw_urlencoded())
# Add etags by default
app$use("add etag" = webfakes::mw_etag())
# Add date by default
app$use("add date" = function(req, res) {
res$set_header("Date", as.character(Sys.time()))
app$locals$created <- FALSE
app$locals$repo <- tempfile()
app$locals$packages <- packages
app$locals$options <- options
app$use("create" = function(req, res) {
locals <- req$app$locals
if (!locals$created) {
make_bioc_repo(locals$repo, locals$packages, locals$options)
req$app$locals$created <- TRUE
function(obj) unlink(obj$locals$repo, recursive = TRUE),
app$use("repo" = webfakes::mw_static(app$locals$repo))
make_bioc_repo <- function(repo, packages, options) {
packages <- standardize_dummy_packages(packages)
bioc_version <- options$bioc_version %||% bioconductor$get_bioc_version()
options$no_metadata <- options$no_metadata %||% TRUE
options$no_archive <- options$no_archive %||% TRUE
packages$bioc_repo <- packages$bioc_repo %||%
if (nrow(packages)) "soft" else character()
packages$bioc_repo[$bioc_repo)] <- "soft"
bioc_repo <- packages$bioc_repo
packages <- packages[, setdiff(names(packages), "bioc_repo"), drop = FALSE]
# BioCsoft
options$repo_prefix <- sprintf("packages/%s/bioc", bioc_version)
pkg_soft <- packages[bioc_repo == "soft",, drop = FALSE]
make_dummy_repo(repo, pkg_soft, options)
# BioCann
options$repo_prefix <- sprintf("packages/%s/data/annotation", bioc_version)
pkg_ann <- packages[bioc_repo == "ann",, drop = FALSE]
make_dummy_repo(repo, pkg_ann, options)
# BioCexp
options$repo_prefix <- sprintf("packages/%s/data/experiment", bioc_version)
pkg_exp <- packages[bioc_repo == "exp",, drop = FALSE]
make_dummy_repo(repo, pkg_ann, options)
# BioCworkflows
options$repo_prefix <- sprintf("packages/%s/workflows", bioc_version)
pkg_workflows <- packages[bioc_repo == "workflows",, drop = FALSE]
make_dummy_repo(repo, pkg_workflows, options)
# BioCbooks
options$repo_prefix <- sprintf("packages/%s/books", bioc_version)
pkg_books <- packages[bioc_repo == "books",, drop = FALSE]
make_dummy_repo(repo, pkg_books, options)
config <- system.file("fixtures", "bioc-config.yaml", package = "pkgcache")
if (config == "") {
warning("Cannot find 'bioc-config.yaml' in pkgcache")
} else {
file.copy(config, file.path(repo, "config.yaml"))
# nocov end
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