plotPK = function (concData, id, Time, conc, unitTime = "hr", unitConc = "ng/mL",
trt = "", fit = "Linear", dose = 0, adm = "Extravascular",
dur = 0, outdir = "Output")
ncacol = colors()[c(35, 490, 632, 81)]
ncacol12 = c("paleturquoise3", "moccasin", "lightsteelblue",
"salmon", "lightskyblue3", "sandybrown", "darkolivegreen2",
"thistle2", "gray85", "orchid3", "darkseagreen1", "lightgoldenrod1")
ncacol11 = c("deeppink4", "indianred3", "sienna2", "sandybrown",
"lightgoldenrod1", "lemonchiffon", "khaki1", "darkseagreen3",
"aquamarine3", "steelblue", "mediumpurple4")
ncacol18 = c("navy", "orangered2", "yellowgreen", "magenta",
"turquoise4", "tomato4", "mediumblue", "olivedrab4",
"yellow3", "indianred", "lightcoral", "seashell3", "hotpink3",
"midnightblue", "peru", "plum2", "khaki3", "lightgreen")
r.ramp = colorRamp(c("firebrick4", "thistle1"))
ncared = rgb(r.ramp(seq(0, 1, length = 8)), maxColorValue = 255)
g.ramp = colorRamp(c("darkgreen", "khaki1"))
ncagreen = rgb(g.ramp(seq(0, 1, length = 8)), maxColorValue = 255)
b.ramp = colorRamp(c("navyblue", "slategray1"))
ncablue = rgb(b.ramp(seq(0, 1, length = 8)), maxColorValue = 255)
# to.install.packages = c("binr", "tiff", "rtiff")
# new.packages = to.install.packages[!(to.install.packages %in%
# installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
# if (length(new.packages))
# install.packages(new.packages)
if (!is.numeric(dose) | !is.numeric(dur) | !is.character(adm) |
stop("Bad Input!")
colOrd = paste0(adm, "Default")
ColName00 = RptCfg[RptCfg[, colOrd] > 0, c("PPTESTCD", colOrd)]
ColName0 = ColName00[order(ColName00[, colOrd]), "PPTESTCD"]
if (!(max(dose) > 0))
ColName0 = setdiff(ColName0, c("CMAXD", "AUCIFOD", "AUCIFPD"))
SUBJIDs = unique(as.character(concData[, id]))
nSUBJID = length(SUBJIDs)
if (trt != "") {
TRTs = sort(unique(as.character(concData[, trt])))
nTRT = length(TRTs)
else {
TRTs = ""
nTRT = 1
DrugName = deparse(substitute(concData))
timemin = min(concData[, Time])
timemax = max(concData[, Time])
concmin = min(concData[, conc])
concmax = max(concData[, conc])
bitsy = ifelse(concmin<0.1, 0.01, 0.1)
if (length(dose) > 1 & length(dose) != nSUBJID)
stop("dose should be fixed or given for each subject!")
if (length(dur) > 1 & length(dur) != nSUBJID)
stop("dur should be fixed or given for each subject!")
Result = NCA(concData, id, Time, conc, trt = trt, fit = fit,
dose = dose, adm = adm, dur = dur, uConc=unitConc)
if (outdir != "" & !file.exists(outdir))
if (trt == "") {
pdf(file = paste("Output/Individual PK Linear Scale for ",
DrugName, ".pdf", sep = ""), height = 10, width = 10)
par(oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0), mfrow = c(2, 2))
for (i in 1:nSUBJID) {
Dat = concData[concData[, id] == cSUBJID, ]
Dat2 = Result[Result[, id] == cSUBJID, ]
if (nrow(Dat) > 0) {
x = as.numeric(Dat[, Time])
y = as.numeric(Dat[, conc])
plot(x, y, pch = 16, , col = ncacol[1], type = "b",
xlab = paste("Time (", unitTime, ")", sep = ""),
ylab = paste("Concentration (", unitConc, ")",
sep = ""), ylim = c(concmin, concmax), xlim = c(timemin,
title(paste("Subject ID", cSUBJID, sep = " "),
cex = 1.25)
mtext(paste(paste("Cmax", signif(Dat2$CMAX, 3),
sep = ": "), unitConc, sep = " "), side = 3,
adj = 0, col = ncacol[2], cex = 1)
mtext(paste(paste("AUClast", signif(Dat2$AUCLST,
3), sep = ": "), paste(unitTime, unitConc,
sep = "*"), sep = " "), side = 3, adj = 1,
col = ncacol[2], cex = 1)
else {
pdf(file = paste("Output/Individual PK Linear Scale for ",
DrugName, ".pdf", sep = ""), height = 6, width = 6 *
par(oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0), mfrow = c(1, nTRT))
for (i in 1:nSUBJID) {
for (j in 1:nTRT) {
cTRT = TRTs[j]
Dat = concData[concData[, id] == cSUBJID & concData[,
trt] == cTRT, ]
Dat2 = Result[Result[, id] == cSUBJID & Result[,
trt] == cTRT, ]
if (nrow(Dat) > 0) {
x = as.numeric(Dat[, Time])
y = as.numeric(Dat[, conc])
plot(x, y, pch = 16, , col = ncacol18[j], type = "b",
xlab = paste("Time (", unitTime, ")", sep = ""),
ylab = paste("Concentration (", unitConc,
")", sep = ""), ylim = c(concmin, concmax),
xlim = c(timemin, timemax))
title(paste("Subject ID", cSUBJID, cTRT, sep = " "),
cex = 1.25)
mtext(paste(paste("Cmax", signif(Dat2$CMAX,
3), sep = ": "), unitConc, sep = " "), side = 3,
adj = 0, col = ncacol18[j], cex = 1)
mtext(paste(paste("AUClast", signif(Dat2$AUCLST,
3), sep = ": "), paste(unitTime, unitConc,
sep = "*"), sep = " "), side = 3, adj = 1,
col = ncacol18[j], cex = 1)
if (trt == "") {
pdf(file = paste("Output/Individual PK Log 10 Scale for ",
DrugName, ".pdf", sep = ""), height = 10, width = 10)
par(oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0), mfrow = c(2, 2))
for (i in 1:nSUBJID) {
Dat = concData[concData[, id] == cSUBJID, ]
Dat2 = Result[Result[, id] == cSUBJID, ]
if (nrow(Dat) > 0) {
x = as.numeric(Dat[, Time])
y = as.numeric(Dat[, conc])
plot(x, log10(y), pch = 16, type = "b", col = ncacol[1],
xlab = paste("Time (", unitTime, ")", sep = ""),
yaxt = "n", ylab = paste(DrugName, "Concentration (",
unitConc, ")", sep = " "), ylim = c(log10(concmin +
bitsy), log10(concmax)), xlim = c(timemin,
ticks = seq(trunc(log10(concmin + bitsy)), trunc(log10(concmax)),
by = 1)
ylabel = sapply(ticks, function(i) as.expression(bquote(10^.(i))))
axis(2, at = ticks, labels = ylabel)
title(paste("Subject ID", cSUBJID, sep = " "),
cex = 1.25)
mtext(paste(paste("Tmax", signif(Dat2$TMAX, 3),
sep = ": "), unitTime, sep = " "), side = 3,
adj = 0, col = ncacol[1], cex = 1)
mtext(paste(paste("Half-life", signif(Dat2$LAMZHL,
3), sep = ": "), unitTime, sep = " "), side = 3,
adj = 1, col = ncacol[1], cex = 1)
else {
pdf(file = paste("Output/Individual PK Log 10 Scale for ",
DrugName, ".pdf", sep = ""), height = 6, width = 6 *
par(oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0), mfrow = c(1, nTRT))
for (i in 1:nSUBJID) {
for (j in 1:nTRT) {
cTRT = TRTs[j]
Dat = concData[concData[, id] == cSUBJID & concData[,
trt] == cTRT, ]
Dat2 = Result[Result[, id] == cSUBJID & Result[,
trt] == cTRT, ]
if (nrow(Dat) > 0) {
x = as.numeric(Dat[, Time])
y = as.numeric(Dat[, conc])
plot(x, log10(y), pch = 16, type = "b", col = ncacol18[j],
xlab = paste("Time (", unitTime, ")", sep = ""),
yaxt = "n", ylab = paste(DrugName, "Concentration (",
unitConc, ")", sep = " "), ylim = c(log10(concmin +
bitsy), log10(concmax)), xlim = c(timemin,
ticks = seq(trunc(log10(concmin + bitsy)),
trunc(log10(concmax)), by = 1)
ylabel = sapply(ticks, function(i) as.expression(bquote(10^.(i))))
axis(2, at = ticks, labels = ylabel)
title(paste("Subject ID", cSUBJID, cTRT, sep = " "),
cex = 1.25)
mtext(paste(paste("Cmax", signif(Dat2$CMAX,
3), sep = ": "), unitConc, sep = " "), side = 3,
adj = 0, col = ncacol18[j], cex = 1)
mtext(paste(paste("AUClast", signif(Dat2$AUCLST,
3), sep = ": "), paste(unitTime, unitConc,
sep = "*"), sep = " "), side = 3, adj = 1,
col = ncacol18[j], cex = 1)
if (trt == "") {
tiff(filename = paste("Output/PK Profile Linear Scale for ",
DrugName, ".tiff", sep = ""), height = 800, width = 1200,
res = 200)
par(xpd = TRUE, mar = c(4, 4, 4, 7), mfrow = c(1, 1))
plot(concData[, Time], concData[, conc], type = "n",
col.main = ncacol[1], xlab = paste("Time (", unitTime,
")", sep = ""), ylab = paste("Concentration (",
unitConc, ")", sep = ""), ylim = c(concmin, concmax),
xlim = c(timemin, timemax))
title(paste("Concentration vs. Time Profile of", DrugName,
sep = " "), outer = T, line = -2, cex = 1.2)
for (i in 1:nSUBJID) {
Dat = concData[concData[, id] == cSUBJID, ]
if (nrow(Dat) > 0) {
x = as.numeric(Dat[, Time])
y = as.numeric(Dat[, conc])
points(x, y, pch = 20, type = "b", col = ncacol18[i])
expnum = ifelse(nSUBJID < 10, 0.8, ifelse(nSUBJID < 20,
0.7, ifelse(nSUBJID < 25, 0.6, ifelse(nSUBJID < 32,
0.5, 0.4))))
legend("topright", inset = c(-0.2, 0), legend = unique(concData[,
id]), xpd = T, col = ncacol18, pch = 16, lty = 1,
title = "Subject ID", cex = expnum)
par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
else {
tiff(filename = paste("Output/PK Profile Linear Scale for ",
DrugName, ".tiff", sep = ""), height = 700, width = 700 *
nTRT, res = 120 + 20 * nTRT)
par(xpd = TRUE, mar = c(4, 4, 4, 2.5 * nTRT), mfrow = c(1,
for (j in 1:nTRT) {
cTRT = TRTs[j]
plot(concData[concData[, trt] == cTRT, Time], concData[concData[,
trt] == cTRT, conc], type = "n", col.main = ncacol[j],
xlab = paste("Time (", unitTime, ")", sep = ""),
ylab = paste("Concentration (", unitConc, ")",
sep = ""), ylim = c(concmin, concmax), xlim = c(timemin,
title(paste("Concentration vs. Time Profile of",
DrugName, sep = " "), outer = T, line = -2, cex = 1.2)
title(cTRT, line = -2, col = "indianred")
for (i in 1:nSUBJID) {
Dat = concData[concData[, id] == cSUBJID & concData[,
trt] == cTRT, ]
if (nrow(Dat) > 0) {
x = as.numeric(Dat[, Time])
y = as.numeric(Dat[, conc])
points(x, y, pch = 20, type = "b", col = ncacol18[i])
expnum = ifelse(nSUBJID < 10, 0.8, ifelse(nSUBJID <
20, 0.7, ifelse(nSUBJID < 25, 0.6, ifelse(nSUBJID <
32, 0.5, 0.4))))
legend("topright", inset = c(-0.3, 0), legend = unique(concData[,
id]), xpd = T, col = ncacol18, pch = 16, lty = 1,
title = "Subject ID", cex = expnum)
par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
if (trt == "") {
tiff(filename = paste("Output/PK Profile Log 10 Scale for ",
DrugName, ".tiff", sep = ""), height = 800, width = 1200,
res = 200)
par(xpd = TRUE, mar = c(4, 4, 4, 7), mfrow = c(1, 1))
plot(concData[, Time], log10(concData[, conc]), type = "n",
col.main = ncacol[1], yaxt = "n", xlab = paste("Time (",
unitTime, ")", sep = ""), ylab = paste("Concentration (",
unitConc, ")", sep = ""), ylim = c(log10(concmin +
bitsy), log10(concmax)), xlim = c(timemin, timemax))
ticks = seq(trunc(log10(concmin + bitsy)), trunc(log10(concmax)),
by = 1)
ylabel = sapply(ticks, function(i) as.expression(bquote(10^.(i))))
axis(2, at = ticks, labels = ylabel)
title(paste("Concentration vs. Time Profile of", DrugName,
sep = " "), outer = T, line = -2, cex = 1.2)
for (i in 1:nSUBJID) {
Dat = concData[concData[, id] == cSUBJID, ]
if (nrow(Dat) > 0) {
x = as.numeric(Dat[, Time])
y = as.numeric(Dat[, conc])
points(x, log10(y), pch = 20, type = "b", col = ncacol18[i])
if (nSUBJID <= 48) {
expnum = ifelse(nSUBJID < 10, 0.8, ifelse(nSUBJID <
20, 0.7, ifelse(nSUBJID < 25, 0.6, ifelse(nSUBJID <
32, 0.5, 0.4))))
legend("topright", inset = c(-0.2, 0), legend = unique(concData[,
id]), xpd = T, col = ncacol18, pch = 16, lty = 1,
title = "Subject ID", cex = expnum)
else {
tiff(filename = paste("Output/PK Profile Log 10 Scale for ",
DrugName, ".tiff", sep = ""), height = 700, width = 700 *
nTRT, res = 120 + 20 * nTRT)
par(xpd = TRUE, mar = c(4, 4, 4, 2.5 * nTRT), mfrow = c(1,
for (j in 1:nTRT) {
cTRT = TRTs[j]
plot(concData[, Time], log10(concData[, conc]), type = "n",
col.main = ncacol[j], yaxt = "n", xlab = paste("Time (",
unitTime, ")", sep = ""), ylab = paste("Concentration (",
unitConc, ")", sep = ""), ylim = c(log10(concmin +
bitsy), log10(concmax)), xlim = c(timemin,
ticks = seq(trunc(log10(concmin + bitsy)), trunc(log10(concmax)),
by = 1)
ylabel = sapply(ticks, function(i) as.expression(bquote(10^.(i))))
axis(2, at = ticks, labels = ylabel)
title(paste("Concentration vs. Time Profile of",
DrugName, sep = " "), outer = T, line = -2, cex = 1.4)
title(cTRT, line = 0.1, col = "indianred", cex=0.9)
for (i in 1:nSUBJID) {
Dat = concData[concData[, id] == cSUBJID & concData[,
trt] == cTRT, ]
if (nrow(Dat) > 0) {
x = as.numeric(Dat[, Time])
y = as.numeric(Dat[, conc])
points(x, log10(y), pch = 20, type = "b", col = ncacol18[i])
if (nSUBJID <= 48) {
expnum = ifelse(nSUBJID < 10, 0.8, ifelse(nSUBJID <
20, 0.7, ifelse(nSUBJID < 25, 0.6, ifelse(nSUBJID <
32, 0.5, 0.4))))
legend("topright", inset = c(-0.3, 0), legend = unique(concData[,
id]), xpd = T, col = ncacol18, pch = 16, lty = 1,
title = "Subject ID", cex = expnum)
if (trt == "") {
tiff(filename = paste("Output/PK Profile with CI for ",
DrugName, ".tiff", sep = ""), height = 800, width = 1000,
res = 200)
par(mar = c(4, 4, 5, 3), mfrow = c(1, 1))
tempbin = binr::bins.greedy(concData[, Time], nbins = nrow(concData[concData[,
id] == SUBJIDs[1], ]), naive = TRUE)
temp.t = ifelse(tempbin$binlo < 5, round(tempbin$binlo,
digits = 1), round(tempbin$binlo))
Dat3 = data.frame()
for (i in 1:nSUBJID) {
Dat = concData[concData[, id] == cSUBJID, ]
Dat2 = Result[Result[, id] == cSUBJID, ]
if (nrow(Dat) == length(temp.t)) {
Dat$NomTime = temp.t
Dat3 = rbind(Dat3, Dat)
meanC = aggregate(Dat3[, conc], by = list(Dat3$NomTime),
FUN = mean)
sdC = aggregate(Dat3[, conc], by = list(Dat3$NomTime),
FUN = sd)
nC = aggregate(Dat3[, conc], by = list(Dat3$NomTime),
temp.mean = meanC$x
temp.err = qnorm(0.975) * sdC$x/sqrt(nC$x)
temp.upper = temp.mean + temp.err
temp.lower = temp.mean - temp.err
plot(temp.t, temp.mean, col = ncacol[1], pch = 16, main = paste("Concentration vs. Time Profile of",
DrugName, sep = " "), xlab = paste("Time (", unitTime,
")", sep = ""), ylab = paste("Concentration (", unitConc,
")", sep = ""), ylim = c(concmin, concmax), xlim = c(timemin,
segments(temp.t, temp.lower, temp.t, temp.upper, col = "grey")
segments(temp.t - 0.2, temp.lower, temp.t + 0.2, temp.lower,
col = "grey")
segments(temp.t - 0.2, temp.upper, temp.t + 0.2, temp.upper,
col = "grey")
legend("topright", c("Mean", "95% CI"), pch = c(16, NA),
lty = c(NA, 1), col = c(ncacol[1], "grey"), inset = 0.05,
cex = 0.7)
mtext(paste("Counts in each bin:", tempbin$binct, sep = " "),
side = 3, line = -2, cex = 0.6)
mtext(paste(paste("Mean Cmax", signif(Dat2$CMAX, 3),
sep = ": "), unitConc, sep = " "), side = 3, adj = 0,
col = ncacol[2], cex = 0.8)
mtext(paste(paste("Mean AUClast", signif(Dat2$AUCLST,
3), sep = ": "), paste(unitTime, unitConc, sep = "*"),
sep = " "), side = 3, adj = 1, col = ncacol[2], cex = 0.8)
else {
tiff(filename = paste("Output/PK Profile with CI for ",
DrugName, ".tiff", sep = ""), height = 750, width = 750 *
nTRT, res = 120 + 20 * nTRT)
par(oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0), mfrow = c(1, nTRT))
for (j in 1:nTRT) {
cTRT = TRTs[j]
Dat.temp = concData[concData[, trt] == cTRT, ]
tempbin = binr::bins.greedy(Dat.temp[, Time], nbins = nrow(Dat.temp[Dat.temp[,
id] == SUBJIDs[1], ]))
temp.t = ifelse(tempbin$binlo < 5, round(tempbin$binlo,
digits = 1), round(tempbin$binlo))
Dat3 = data.frame()
for (i in 1:nSUBJID) {
Dat = concData[concData[, id] == cSUBJID & concData[,
trt] == cTRT, ]
Dat2 = Result[Result[, id] == cSUBJID & Result[,
trt] == cTRT, ]
if (nrow(Dat) == length(temp.t)) {
Dat$NomTime = temp.t
Dat3 = rbind(Dat3, Dat)
meanC = aggregate(Dat3[, conc], by = list(Dat3$NomTime),
FUN = mean)
sdC = aggregate(Dat3[, conc], by = list(Dat3$NomTime),
FUN = sd)
nC = aggregate(Dat3[, conc], by = list(Dat3$NomTime),
temp.mean = meanC$x
temp.err = qnorm(0.975) * sdC$x/sqrt(nC$x)
temp.upper = temp.mean + temp.err
temp.lower = temp.mean - temp.err
plot(temp.t, temp.mean, col = ncacol[1], pch = 16,
main = cTRT, col.main = "olivedrab", xlab = paste("Time (",
unitTime, ")", sep = ""), ylab = paste("Concentration (",
unitConc, ")", sep = ""), ylim = c(concmin,
concmax), xlim = c(timemin, timemax))
segments(temp.t, temp.lower, temp.t, temp.upper,
col = "grey")
segments(temp.t - 0.2, temp.lower, temp.t + 0.2,
temp.lower, col = "grey")
segments(temp.t - 0.2, temp.upper, temp.t + 0.2,
temp.upper, col = "grey")
legend("topright", c("Mean", "95% CI"), pch = c(16,
NA), lty = c(NA, 1), col = c(ncacol[1], "grey"),
inset = 0.05, cex = 0.7)
title(paste("Concentration vs. Time Profile of",
DrugName, sep = " "), outer = TRUE, cex = 1.5)
mtext(paste("Counts in each bin:", tempbin$binct,
sep = " "), side = 3, line = -2, cex = 0.6)
mtext(paste(paste("Mean Cmax", signif(Dat2$CMAX,
3), sep = ": "), unitConc, sep = " "), side = 3,
adj = 0, col = ncacol[2], cex = 0.6)
mtext(paste(paste("Mean AUClast", signif(Dat2$AUCLST,
3), sep = ": "), paste(unitTime, unitConc, sep = "*"),
sep = " "), side = 3, adj = 1, col = ncacol[2],
cex = 0.6)
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