#' Elliptical Fourier Analysis
#' Computes Elliptical Fourier Analysis of closed outlines based on `x` and
#' `y`-coordinates coordinates.
#' @param x A `matrix`, a `data.frame` a `list` of perimeter coordinates, often
#' produced with [object_contour()] or a vector of landmarks produced with
#' [landmarks()] or [landmarks_regradi()].
#' @param nharm An integer indicating the number of harmonics to use. Defaults
#' to 10.
#' @param align Align the objects before computing Fourier analysis? Defaults to
#' `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, the object is first aligned along the major caliper
#' with [poly_align()].
#' @param center Center the objects on the origin before computing Fourier
#' analysis? Defaults to `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, the object is first centered on
#' the origin with [poly_center()].
#' @param smooth_iter The number of smoothing iterations to perform. This will
#' smooth the perimeter of the objects using [poly_smooth()].
#' @return A list of class `efourier` with:
#' * the harmonic coefficients (`an`, `bn`, `cn` and `dn`)
#' * the estimates of the coordinates of the centroid of the configuration
#' (`a0` and `c0`).
#' * The number of rows (points) of the perimeter outline (`nr`).
#' * The number of harmonics used (`nharm`).
#' * The original coordinates (`coords`).
#' If `x` is a list of perimeter coordinates, a list of `efourier` objects will
#' be returned as an object of class `iefourier_lst`.
#' @details Adapted from Claude (2008). pp. 222-223.
#' @references
#' Claude, J. (2008) \emph{Morphometrics with R}, Use R! series,
#' Springer 316 pp.
#' Kuhl, F. P., and Giardina, C. R. (1982). Elliptic Fourier features of a
#' closed contour. Computer Graphics and Image Processing 18, 236–258. doi:
#' \doi{10.1016/0146-664X(82)90034-X}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(pliman)
#' leaf1 <- contours[[4]]
#' plot_polygon(leaf1)
#' #### default options
#' # 10 harmonics (default)
#' # without alignment
#' ef <- efourier(leaf1)
#' efourier_coefs(ef)
#' # object is aligned along the major caliper with `poly_align()`
#' # object is centered on the origin with `poly_center()`
#' # using a list of object coordinates
#' ef2 <- efourier(contours, align = TRUE, center = TRUE)
#' efourier_coefs(ef2)
#' # reconstruct the perimeter of the object
#' # Use only the first one for simplicity
#' plot_polygon(contours[[1]] |> poly_align() |> poly_center())
#' efourier_inv(ef2[[1]]) |> plot_contour(col = "red", lwd = 4)
efourier <- function(x,
nharm = 10,
align = FALSE,
center = FALSE,
smooth_iter = 0) {
if (inherits(x, "list")) {
if(inherits(x[[1]][[1]], "landmarks_regradi")){
x <- lapply(x, function(x){
if(inherits(x[[1]], "landmarks_regradi")){
x <- lapply(x, function(x){
coords <- lapply(x, efourier, nharm, align, center, smooth_iter)
invisible(structure(coords, class = "efourier_lst"))
} else{
if(inherits(x, "landmarks_regradi")){
coord <-x$coords
} else{
coord <- poly_check(x) |> poly_unclose()
coord <- poly_align(coord, plot = FALSE)
coord <- poly_center(coord, plot = FALSE)
nr <- nrow(coord)
if (nharm * 2 > nr) {
nharm <- floor(nr/2)
message("'nharm' must be lower than half the number of points. It has been set to ", nharm, " harmonics")
if (nharm == -1) {
nharm = floor(nr/2)
message("the number of harmonics used has been set to: ", nharm)
if (smooth_iter != 0) {
coord <- poly_smooth(coord, niter = smooth_iter)
Dx <- coord[, 1] - coord[, 1][c(nr, (1:(nr - 1)))]
Dy <- coord[, 2] - coord[, 2][c(nr, (1:(nr - 1)))]
Dt <- sqrt(Dx^2 + Dy^2)
Dt[Dt < 1e-10] <- 1e-10 # to avoid Nan
t1 <- cumsum(Dt)
t1m1 <- c(0, t1[-nr])
t <- sum(Dt)
an <- bn <- cn <- dn <- numeric(nharm)
for (i in 1:nharm) {
ti <- (t/(2 * pi^2 * i^2))
r <- 2 * i * pi
an[i] <- ti * sum((Dx/Dt) * (cos(r * t1/t) - cos(r * t1m1/t)))
bn[i] <- ti * sum((Dx/Dt) * (sin(r * t1/t) - sin(r * t1m1/t)))
cn[i] <- ti * sum((Dy/Dt) * (cos(r * t1/t) - cos(r * t1m1/t)))
dn[i] <- ti * sum((Dy/Dt) * (sin(r * t1/t) - sin(r * t1m1/t)))
a0 <- 2 * sum(coord[, 1] * Dt/t)
c0 <- 2 * sum(coord[, 2] * Dt/t)
coefs <- list(an = an,
bn = bn,
cn = cn,
dn = dn,
a0 = a0,
c0 = c0,
nr = nr,
nharm = nharm,
coords = coord)
invisible(structure(coefs, class = "efourier"))
#' Inverse Elliptical Fourier Analysis
#' Performs an inverse elliptical Fourier transformation to construct a shape,
#' given a list with Fourier coefficients computed with [efourier()].
#' @param x An object of class `efourier` or `efourier_lst` computed with
#' [efourier()].
#' @param nharm An integer indicating the number of harmonics to use. If not
#' specified the number of harmonics used in `x` is used.
#' @param a0,c0 the estimates of the coordinates of the centroid of the
#' configuration. If `NULL` (default), the generated coordinates will be
#' centered on the position of the original shape given by [efourier()].
#' @param npoints The number of interpolated points on the constructed outline.
#' Defaults to 500.
#' @details Adapted from Claude (2008). pp. 223.
#' @references Claude, J. (2008) \emph{Morphometrics with R}, Use R! series,
#' Springer 316 pp.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(pliman)
#' plot_polygon(contours, aspect_ratio = 1)
#' # without alignment
#' ef <- efourier(contours, nharm = 10, align = FALSE)
#' ief <- efourier_inv(ef)
#' plot_contour(ief, col = "red", lwd = 2)
efourier_inv <- function(x,
nharm = NULL,
a0 = NULL,
c0 = NULL,
npoints = 500) {
if (inherits(x, "efourier_lst")) {
coords <- lapply(x, efourier_inv, nharm, a0, c0, npoints)
invisible(structure(coords, class = "iefourier_lst"))
} else{
if (is.null(x$a0)){
x$a0 <- 0
if (is.null(x$c0)){
x$c0 <- 0
an <- x$an
bn <- x$bn
cn <- x$cn
dn <- x$dn
a0 <- ifelse(is.null(a0), x$a0, a0)
c0 <- ifelse(is.null(c0), x$c0, c0)
if (is.null(nharm)) {
nharm <- length(an)
if(nharm > length(an)){
warning("Number of harmonics used must be less than or equal to the number used in `efourier()` function\nSetting `nharm` to ", length(an), call. = FALSE)
nharm <- length(an)
theta <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length = npoints + 1)[-(npoints + 1)]
hx <- matrix(NA, nharm, npoints)
hy <- matrix(NA, nharm, npoints)
for (i in 1:nharm) {
hx[i, ] <- an[i] * cos(i * theta) + bn[i] * sin(i * theta)
hy[i, ] <- cn[i] * cos(i * theta) + dn[i] * sin(i * theta)
x <- (a0/2) + apply(hx, 2, sum)
y <- (c0/2) + apply(hy, 2, sum)
coord <- cbind(x, y)
colnames(coord) <- c("x", "y")
invisible(structure(coord, class = "iefourier"))
#' Erros between the original and reconstructed outline
#' Computes the sum of squared distances between the original data and
#' reconstructed outline. It allows examining reconstructed outlines with the
#' addition of successive contributing harmonics indicated in the argument
#' `nharm`.
#' @param x An object computed with [efourier()].
#' @param nharm An integer or vector of integers indicating the number of
#' harmonics to use. If not specified the number of harmonics used in `x` is
#' used.
#' @param type The type of plot to produce. By default, a line plot with the sum
#' of squared distances (y-axis) and the number of harmonics (x-axis) is
#' produced. If `type = "outline"` is used, a plot with the original polygon
#' and the constructed outline is produced. If `type = "deviations"` is used,
#' a plot with the deviations from the original outline and reconstructed
#' outline (y-axis) and points along the outline (x-axis) is produced.
#' @param plot A logical to inform if a plot should be produced. Defaults to
#' `TRUE`.
#' @param ncol,nrow The number of rows or columns in the plot grid. Defaults to
#' `NULL`, i.e., a square grid is produced.
#' @return A list with the objects:
#' * `dev_points` A list with the deviations (distances) from original and
#' predicted outline for each pixel of the outline.
#' * `data.frame` object with the minimum, maximum and average
#' deviations (based on the outline points).
#' If `x` is an object of class `efourier_lst`, a list will be returned.
#' @importFrom graphics legend
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(pliman)
#' ef <-
#' contours[[1]] |>
#' efourier(nharm = 30)
#' efourier_error(ef)
#' efourier_error(ef,
#' nharm = 30,
#' type = "outline")
#' efourier_error(ef,
#' nharm = c(1, 4, 20),
#' type = "deviations")
efourier_error <- function(x,
nharm = NULL,
type = c("error", "outline", "deviations"),
plot = TRUE,
ncol = NULL,
nrow = NULL){
type <- type[[1]]
if(!type %in% c("error", "outline", "deviations")){
warning("`type` argument must be one of 'error', 'outline', or 'deviations'. Defaulting to 'error'", call. = FALSE)
type <- "error"
if(inherits(x, "efourier_lst")){
num_plots <- length(x)
if (is.null(nrow) && is.null(ncol)){
ncol <- ceiling(sqrt(num_plots))
nrow <- ceiling(num_plots/ncol)
if (is.null(ncol)){
ncol <- ceiling(num_plots/nrow)
if (is.null(nrow)){
nrow <- ceiling(num_plots/ncol)
op <- par(mfrow = c(nrow, ncol))
error <- lapply(x, efourier_error, nharm, type, plot)
err <-,
lapply(error, function(x){x$stats}))
err$object <- sapply(strsplit(rownames(err), "\\."), "[", 1)
err <- err[, c(4, 1, 2, 3)]
rownames(err) <- NULL
dev_points <- lapply(error, function(x){x$dev_points})
stats = err,
dev_points = dev_points
} else{
ef <- x[["coords"]]
nh <- 1:x$nharm
} else{
nh <- nharm
averagedev <- maxdev <- mindev <- numeric(length(nh))
if(isTRUE(plot) & type == "outline"){
num_plots <- length(nh)
if (is.null(nrow) && is.null(ncol)){
ncol <- ceiling(sqrt(num_plots))
nrow <- ceiling(num_plots/ncol)
if (is.null(ncol)){
ncol <- ceiling(num_plots/nrow)
if (is.null(nrow)){
nrow <- ceiling(num_plots/ncol)
op <- par(mfrow = c(nrow, ncol))
dev_points <- list()
for (i in seq_along(nh)) {
index <- nh[[i]]
ief <- efourier_inv(x, nharm = index, npoints = nrow(ef)) |> unclass()
deviation <- sqrt(apply((ef-ief)^2, 1, sum))
dev_points[[paste0(nh[[i]])]] <- deviation
averagedev[i] <- mean(deviation)
maxdev[i] <- max(deviation)
mindev[i] <- min(deviation)
if(type == "outline"){
axes = FALSE,
type = "n",
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
asp = 1,
main=paste("Harmonics 0 to",index))
col = rgb(t(col2rgb("gray") / 255), alpha = 1),
border = NA)
plot_contour(ief, col = "red", lwd = 2)
if(type == "error"){
plot(nh, averagedev, pch=16,
ylab = "Average deviation from original outline",
xlab = "Number of harmonics")
lines(nh, averagedev)
if(type == "deviations"){
max <- sapply(dev_points, max)
xl <- length(dev_points[[1]])
yl <- length(dev_points[[1]])
plot(x = NA,
xlim = c(1, xl),
ylim = c(0, max(max)),
xlab = "Points along the outline",
ylab = "Deviation from the original outline (pixels)")
cols <- ggplot_color(n = length(dev_points))
legends <- character()
for (i in 1:length(dev_points)) {
lines(x = 1:xl,
y = dev_points[[i]],
col = cols[[i]],
lwd = 2)
legends <- append(legends, paste0("H", names(dev_points[i])))
legend(x = "topright",
legend = legends,
col = cols,
lwd = 2,
lty = 1,
pch = c(NA,NA),
cex = 0.5)
invisible(list(dev_points = dev_points,
stats = data.frame(average_dev = averagedev,
max_dev = maxdev,
min_dev = mindev)))
#' Normalized Fourier coefficients
#' The first harmonic defines an ellipse that best fits the outlines. One can
#' use the parameters of the first harmonic to “normalize” the data so that they
#' can be invariant to size, rotation, and starting position of the outline
#' trace. This approach is referred to in the literature as the normalized
#' elliptic Fourier. [efourier_norm()] calculates a new set of Fourier
#' coefficients `An`, `Bn`, `Cn`, `Dn` that one can use for further multivariate
#' analyses (Claude, 2008).
#' @param x An object computed with [efourier()].
#' @param start Logical value telling whether the position of the starting point
#' has to be preserved or not.
#' @return A list with the following components:
#' * `A`, `B`, `C`, `D` for harmonic coefficients.
#' * `size` the magnitude of the semi-major axis of the first fitting ellipse.
#' * `theta` angle, in radians, between the starting and the semi-major axis of
#' the first fitting ellipse.
#' * `psi` orientation of the first fitting ellipse
#' * `a0` and `c0`, harmonic coefficients.
#' * `lnef` the concatenation of coefficients.
#' * `nharm` the number of harmonics used.
#' @details Adapted from Claude (2008). pp. 226.
#' @references Claude, J. (2008) \emph{Morphometrics with R}, Use R! series,
#' Springer 316 pp.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(pliman)
#' leaf1 <- contours[[4]]
#' plot_polygon(leaf1)
#' # compute the Fourier coefficients
#' ef <- efourier(leaf1)
#' efourier_coefs(ef)
#' # Normalized Fourier coefficients
#' efn <- efourier_norm(ef)
#' efourier_coefs(efn)
efourier_norm <- function(x, start = FALSE) {
if (inherits(x, "efourier_lst")) {
coords <- lapply(x, efourier_norm, start)
invisible(structure(coords, class = "nefourier_lst"))
} else{
A1 <- x$an[1]
B1 <- x$bn[1]
C1 <- x$cn[1]
D1 <- x$dn[1]
nharm <- length(x$an)
theta <- 0.5 * atan(2 * (A1 * B1 + C1 * D1)/(A1^2 + C1^2 - B1^2 - D1^2))%%pi
phaseshift <- matrix(c(cos(theta), sin(theta), -sin(theta),
cos(theta)), 2, 2)
M2 <- matrix(c(A1, C1, B1, D1), 2, 2) %*% phaseshift
v <- apply(M2 ^ 2, 2, sum)
if (v[1] < v[2]) {
theta <- theta + pi/2
theta <- (theta + pi/2) %% pi - pi/2
Aa <- A1 * cos(theta) + B1 * sin(theta)
Cc <- C1 * cos(theta) + D1 * sin(theta)
scale <- sqrt(Aa^2 + Cc^2)
psi <- atan(Cc / Aa) %% pi
if (Aa < 0) {
psi <- psi + pi
size <- 1/scale
rotation <- matrix(c(cos(psi), -sin(psi), sin(psi), cos(psi)),
2, 2)
A <- B <- C <- D <- numeric(nharm)
if (start) {
theta <- 0
for (i in 1:nharm) {
mat <- size * rotation %*%
matrix(c(x$an[i], x$cn[i],
x$bn[i], x$dn[i]), 2, 2) %*%
matrix(c(cos(i * theta), sin(i * theta),
-sin(i * theta), cos(i * theta)), 2, 2)
A[i] <- mat[1, 1]
B[i] <- mat[1, 2]
C[i] <- mat[2, 1]
D[i] <- mat[2, 2]
lnef <- c(A[i], B[i], C[i], D[i])
coefs <-
list(A = A,
B = B,
C = C,
D = D,
size = scale,
theta = theta,
psi = psi,
a0 = x$a0,
c0 = x$c0,
lnef = lnef,
nharm = nharm)
invisible(structure(coefs, class = "nefourier"))
#' Get Fourier coefficients
#' Extracts the Fourier coefficients from objects computed with [efourier()] and
#' [efourier_norm()] returning a 'ready-to-analyze' data frame.
#' @param x An object computed with [efourier()] or [efourier_norm()].
#' @return A `data.frame` object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(pliman)
#' # a list of objects
#' efourier(contours) |> efourier_coefs()
#' # one object, normalized coefficients
#' efourier(contours[[4]]) |>
#' efourier_norm() |>
#' efourier_coefs()
efourier_coefs <- function(x){
if(!inherits(x, c("nefourier_lst", "efourier_lst", "efourier", "nefourier"))){
stop("Object is not valid. Please, use an object computed with `efourier()` or `efourier_norm()`", call. = FALSE)
if(inherits(x, "efourier_lst") | inherits(x, "nefourier_lst")){
if(inherits(x[[1]], "nefourier_lst")){
x <- structure(lapply(x, function(x){x[[1]]}), class = "nefourier_lst")
if(inherits(x[[1]], "efourier_lst")){
x <- structure(lapply(x, function(x){x[[1]]}), class = "efourier_lst")
nharm <- x[[1]]$nharm
names_objs <- names(x)
if(inherits(x, "nefourier_lst")){
an <-, lapply(x, function(x){x[["A"]]}))
bn <-, lapply(x, function(x){x[["B"]]}))
cn <-, lapply(x, function(x){x[["C"]]}))
dn <-, lapply(x, function(x){x[["D"]]}))
colnames(an) <- paste0("A", 1:nharm)
colnames(bn) <- paste0("B", 1:nharm)
colnames(cn) <- paste0("C", 1:nharm)
colnames(dn) <- paste0("D", 1:nharm)
coefs <- cbind(an, bn, cn, dn) |>
coefs$object <- names_objs
coefs <- coefs[, c(ncol(coefs), 1:(ncol(coefs) - 1))]
} else{
if(inherits(x, "efourier_lst")){
an <-, lapply(x, function(x){x[["an"]]}))
bn <-, lapply(x, function(x){x[["bn"]]}))
cn <-, lapply(x, function(x){x[["cn"]]}))
dn <-, lapply(x, function(x){x[["dn"]]}))
colnames(an) <- paste0("A", 1:nharm)
colnames(bn) <- paste0("B", 1:nharm)
colnames(cn) <- paste0("C", 1:nharm)
colnames(dn) <- paste0("D", 1:nharm)
coefs <- cbind(an, bn, cn, dn) |>
coefs$object <- names_objs
coefs <- coefs[, c(ncol(coefs), 1:(ncol(coefs) - 1))]
} else{
if(inherits(x, "efourier")){
an <- x[["an"]]
bn <- x[["bn"]]
cn <- x[["cn"]]
dn <- x[["dn"]]
coefs <- cbind(an, bn, cn, dn)
} else{
an <- x[["A"]]
bn <- x[["B"]]
cn <- x[["C"]]
dn <- x[["D"]]
coefs <- cbind(an, bn, cn, dn)
#' Power in Fourier Analysis
#' Computes an spectrum of harmonic Fourier power. The power is proportional to
#' the harmonic amplitude and can be considered as a measure of shape
#' information. As the rank of harmonic increases, the power decreases and adds
#' less and less information. We can evaluate the number of harmonics that we
#' must select, so their cumulative power gathers 99% of the total cumulative
#' power (Claude, 2008).
#' @param x An object of class `efourier`computed with [efourier()].
#' @param first Logical argument indicating whether to include the first
#' harmonic for computing the power. See `Details`.
#' @param thresh A numeric vector indicating the threshold power. The number of
#' harmonics needed for such thresholds will then be computed.
#' @param plot Logical argument indicating whether to produce a plot.
#' @param ncol,nrow The number of rows or columns in the plot grid. Defaults to
#' `NULL`, i.e., a square grid is produced.
#' @details Most of the shape "information" is contained in the first harmonic.
#' This is not surprising because this is the harmonic that best fits the
#' outline, and the size of ellipses decreases as for explaining successive
#' residual variation. However, one may think that the first ellipse does not
#' contain relevant shape information, especially when differences one wants
#' to investigate concern complex outlines. By using `first = FALSE` it is
#' possible to remove the first harmonic for this computation. When working on
#' a set of outlines, high-rank-harmonics can contain information that may
#' allow groups to be distinguished (Claude, 2008).
#' @return A list with the objects:
#' * `cum_power`, a `data.frame` object with the accumulated power depending on
#' the number of harmonics
#' *
#' @details Adapted from Claude (2008). pp. 229.
#' @references Claude, J. (2008) \emph{Morphometrics with R}, Use R! series,
#' Springer 316 pp.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(pliman)
#' pw <- efourier(contours) |> efourier_power()
efourier_power <- function(x,
first = TRUE,
thresh = c(0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999),
plot = TRUE,
ncol = NULL,
nrow = NULL){
if(inherits(x, "efourier_lst")){
num_plots <- length(x)
if (is.null(nrow) && is.null(ncol)){
ncol <- ceiling(sqrt(num_plots))
nrow <- ceiling(num_plots/ncol)
if (is.null(ncol)){
ncol <- ceiling(num_plots/nrow)
if (is.null(nrow)){
nrow <- ceiling(num_plots/ncol)
op <- par(mfrow = c(nrow, ncol))
power <- lapply(x, efourier_power, first, thresh, plot)
pwer <-,
lapply(power, function(x){x$cum_power}))
pwer$object <- sapply(strsplit(rownames(pwer), "\\."), "[", 1)
pwer <- pwer[, c(3, 1, 2)]
rownames(pwer) <- NULL
min_harm <-,
lapply(power, function(x){x$min_harm}))
min_harm$object <- names(power)
min_harm <- min_harm[, c(ncol(min_harm), 1:ncol(min_harm)-1)]
rownames(min_harm) <- NULL
cum_power = pwer,
min_harm = min_harm
} else{
a <- x$an
b <- x$bn
c <- x$cn
d <- x$dn
Power <- (x$an^2 + x$bn^2 + x$cn^2 + x$dn^2) / 2
power <- Power
cump <- cumsum(power)/sum(power)
harms <- 1:length(cump)
pch = 16,
ylab = "Power",
xlab = "Number of harmonics")
lines(harms, cump)
} else{
cump <- cumsum(Power[-1])/sum(Power[-1])
harms <- 2:length(Power)
ylab = "Power",
xlab = "Number of harmonics")
lines(harms, cump)
cum_power <-
data.frame(nharm = harms,
cum_power = cump)
minh <- numeric(length(thresh))
names(minh) <- paste0(thresh)
for (i in seq_along(thresh)){
wi <- which(cump > thresh[i])
minh[i] <- ifelse(length(wi)==0, NA, min(wi))
minh <- data.frame(t(minh))
colnames(minh) <- paste0("p", thresh)
cum_power = cum_power,
min_harm = minh
#' Draw shapes based on Fourier coefficients
#' Calculates a 'Fourier elliptical shape' given Fourier coefficients
#' @details
#' \code{efourier_shape} can be used by specifying \code{nharm} and
#' \code{alpha}. The coefficients are then sampled in an uniform distribution
#' \eqn{(-\pi ; \pi)} and this amplitude is then divided by \eqn{harmonicrank ^
#' alpha}. If \code{alpha} is lower than 1, consecutive coefficients will thus
#' increase. See Claude (2008) pp.223 for the maths behind inverse ellipitical
#' Fourier
#' @param an The \eqn{a_n} Fourier coefficients on which to calculate a shape.
#' @param bn The \eqn{b_n} Fourier coefficients on which to calculate a shape.
#' @param cn The \eqn{c_n} Fourier coefficients on which to calculate a shape.
#' @param dn The \eqn{d_n} Fourier coefficients on which to calculate a shape.
#' @param nharm The number of harmonics to use. It must be less than or equal to
#' the length of `*_n` coefficients.
#' @param n The number of shapes to generate. Defaults to 1. If more than one
#' shape is used, a list of coordinates is returned.
#' @param npoints The number of points to calculate.
#' @param alpha The power coefficient associated with the (usually decreasing)
#' amplitude of the Fourier coefficients.
#' @param plot Logical indicating Whether to plot the shape. Defaults to ´TRUE`
#' @return A list with components:
#' * `x` vector of x-coordrdinates
#' * `y` vector of y-coordrdinates.
#' @details Adapted from Claude (2008). pp. 223.
#' @references Claude, J. (2008) \emph{Morphometrics with R}, Use R! series,
#' Springer 316 pp.
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(pliman)
#' # approximation of the third leaf's perimeter
#' # 4 harmonics
#' image_pliman("potato_leaves.jpg", plot = TRUE)
#' efourier_shape(an = c(-7.34, 1.81, -1.32, 0.50),
#' bn = c(-113.88, 21.90, -0.31, -6.14),
#' cn = c(-147.51, -20.89, 0.66, -14.06),
#' dn = c(-0.48, 2.36, -4.36, 3.03))
efourier_shape <- function(an = NULL,
bn = NULL,
cn = NULL,
dn = NULL,
n = 1,
nharm = NULL,
npoints = 150,
alpha = 4,
plot = TRUE) {
shapes <- list()
if(n == 1){
if (is.null(nharm) & is.null(an)){
nharm <- 10
if (is.null(nharm) & !is.null(an)){
nharm <- length(an)
if (is.null(an)){
an <- runif(nharm, -pi, pi)/(1:nharm) ^ alpha
if (is.null(bn)){
bn <- runif(nharm, -pi, pi)/(1:nharm) ^ alpha
if (is.null(cn)) {
cn <- runif(nharm, -pi, pi)/(1:nharm) ^ alpha
if (is.null(dn)) {
dn <- runif(nharm, -pi, pi)/(1:nharm) ^ alpha
ef <- list(an = an, bn = bn, cn = cn, dn = dn, a0 = rnorm(1, 10, 30), c0 = rnorm(1, 10, 30))
shapes <- efourier_inv(ef, nharm = nharm, npoints = npoints) |> unclass()
} else{
for(i in 1:n){
if (is.null(nharm) & is.null(an)){
nharm <- 10
if (is.null(nharm) & !is.null(an)){
nharm <- length(an)
an <- runif(nharm, -pi, pi)/(1:nharm) ^ alpha
bn <- runif(nharm, -pi, pi)/(1:nharm) ^ alpha
cn <- runif(nharm, -pi, pi)/(1:nharm) ^ alpha
dn <- runif(nharm, -pi, pi)/(1:nharm) ^ alpha
ef <- list(an = an, bn = bn, cn = cn, dn = dn, a0 = rnorm(1, 10, 30), c0 = rnorm(1, 10, 30))
shapes[[i]] <- efourier_inv(ef, nharm = nharm, npoints = npoints) |> unclass()
if (isTRUE(plot)){
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