### TITLE: pop_reconstruction_functions.R
### AUTHOR: Mark Wheldon
### DESC: Functions to do population reconstruction developed for
### "Reconstructing Past Populations with Uncertainty from
### Fragmentary Data" submitted to Journal of the American
### Statistical Assocation".
### ------------------------ CCMPP FUNCTION- ---------------------- ###
### --------------------------------------------------------------- ###
popRecon.ccmp.female <-
function(pop, surv, fert, srb = 1.05, mig
,proj.steps, = 5
,label.dims = FALSE, base.year = "1960"
#-- Based on Preston et al. (2001), Ch. 6 --#
# pop : population count at baseline
# fert : matrix of age specific fertility rates NOT yet
# mulitplied by
# srb : sex ratio at birth matrix
# surv : Survivorship probabilities: the probability of
# reaching the age at the start of the interval.
# The first row should be nL0/(n*l0).
# The last row is survival for years in the open
# interval
# mig : Net number of migrants as a
# _proportion_ of prev time period's population
# proj.steps
# : number of time periods to project forward
# if missing, set to ncol(fert)
# : needed for correct interpretation of survival
# and fertility rates
# label.dims
# : should output have dimnames set?
# base.year
# : start year for projections (aesthetic)
#-- Checks --#
# If proj.steps is greater than the number of columns in surv,
# reduce or recycle fert, surv matrices
#-- Constants --#
n.age.grps <- length(pop)
n.surv <- nrow(surv)
#-- Derive proj.steps from ncol(fert) --#
if(missing(proj.steps)) proj.steps <- ncol(fert)
#-- Make SRB into matrix if not already --#
if(is.null(dim(srb))) srb <- matrix(rep(srb, proj.steps))
#-- Loop over number of required time periods --#
#-- Initialise pop.matrix --#
pop.mat <- matrix(0, nrow = n.age.grps, ncol = 1 + proj.steps)
pop.mat[,1] <- pop
#-- Initialize leslie matrix --#
lesM <- matrix(0, nrow = n.age.grps, ncol = n.age.grps)
#-- Project --#
for(i in 1:proj.steps)
#-- Make the leslie matrix --#
#-- Rows 2:(n.age.grps) = survival ratios --#
lesM[2:n.age.grps,1:(n.age.grps-1)] <-
lesM[n.age.grps,n.age.grps] <- surv[(n.surv),i]
#-- First row = fert and survival ratios --#
k <- 1/(1+srb[i]) * surv[1,i] * 0.5
dbl.fert <-*fert[,i] + c(*fert[-1,i], 0) *
lesM[1,] <- k * dbl.fert
#-- Migrants --#
net.numb.mig <- mig[,i] * pop.mat[,i]
#-- Project --#
pop.mat[,i+1] <-
lesM %*% (pop.mat[,i] + 0.5 * net.numb.mig) +
0.5 * net.numb.mig
#-- Add dim names --#
if(label.dims) {
ages <- seq(from = 0
,to =*(nrow(as.matrix(pop))-1)
,by =
yrs <- (0:proj.steps) * + as.numeric(base.year)
dimnames(pop.mat) <- list(ages, yrs)
#-- Output --#
### -------------------- SUMMARIZATION FUNCTIONS------------------- ###
### --------------------------------------------------------------- ###
life.expectancy.stationary <- function(z)
x <- c(head(z, -1), tail(z,1) / (1-tail(z,1)))
5 * sum(cumprod(x))
make.leslie.matrix <-
function(pop, surv, fert, srb = 1.05, = 5, label.dims = FALSE)
##-- Make the leslie matrix for CCMPP --##
## pop : population count at baseline
## fert : matrix of age specific fertility rates NOT yet
## mulitplied by
## srb : sex ratio at birth matrix
## surv : Survivorship probabilities: the probability of
## reaching the age at the start of the interval.
## The first row should be nL0/(n*l0).
## The last row is survival for years in the open
## interval
## proj.steps
## : needed for correct interpretation of survival
## and fertility rates
## label.dims
## : should output have dimnames set?
## Constants
n.age.grps <- length(pop)
n.surv <- length(surv)
## Make Leslie matrix
lesM <- matrix(0, nrow = n.age.grps, ncol = n.age.grps)
## first row = fert and birth survival
k <- 1/(1+srb) * surv[1] * 0.5
dbl.fert <-*fert + c(*fert[-1], 0) * surv[-1]
lesM[1,] <- k * dbl.fert
## rows 2:(n.age.grps) = survival ratios
lesM[2:n.age.grps,1:(n.age.grps-1)] <- diag(surv[-c(1,n.surv)])
lesM[n.age.grps,n.age.grps] <- surv[n.surv]
if(label.dims) {
age.labs <- seq(from = 0, by = 5, length = n.age.grps)
dimnames(lesM) <- list(age.labs, age.labs)
## return
net.number.migrants <- function(n1, n2, L)
##-- Find net number of migrants in a CCMPP projection --##
## n1 : Population count vector at time t
## n2 : Population count vector at time t + delta
## L : Leslie matrix used to get population at t + delta
## Invert n2 = L(n1 + 0.5 mig) + (0.5)*mig
## Can get proportions by pre-multiplying output by 'solve(diag(n1))'
## Make sure inputs are of correct form
n1 <- as.numeric(n1)
n2 <- as.numeric(n2)
L <- as.matrix(L)
return(2 * solve(L + diag(nrow(L))) %*% (n2 - L %*% n1))
### ----------------------- HELPER FUNCTIONS ---------------------- ###
### --------------------------------------------------------------- ###
## ........... Misc Functions .......... ##
## ..................................... ##
estMod.logit.mar29 <- function(p) log(p / (1 - p))
estMod.invlogit.mar29 <- function(x)
if(any(is.infinite(exp(x)))) {
y <- x
y[is.infinite(exp(x))] <- 1
y[!is.infinite(exp(x))] <-
else return(exp(x) / (1 + exp(x)))
##--- Generates random draws from inverse gamma ---##
estMod.rinvGamma.mar29 <- function(n, shape, scale)
return(1/rgamma(n, shape = shape, rate = scale))
##--- Returns value of inverse gamma pdf ---##
estMod.dinvGamma.mar29 <- function(x, shape, scale, log = FALSE)
if(log) d <-
shape * log(scale) - lgamma(shape) - (shape + 1) * log(x) - scale / x
else d <- scale^shape / gamma(shape) * (1/x)^(shape + 1) * exp(-scale/x)
##--- Creates column names for mcmc objects ---##
estMod.makeColNames.mar29 <- function(m)
## m: matrix of input values
e <- expand.grid(rownames(m), colnames(m))
apply(e, 1, FUN = function(z) paste(z[2], z[1], sep = "."))
## .... Projection for census years .... ##
## ..................................... ##
proj.cen.yrs <-
function(full.proj, bline.yr, vr.yrs, cen.yrs, proj.yrs
,labels = FALSE)
bline.yr <- as.numeric(bline.yr)
vr.yrs <- as.numeric(vr.yrs)
cen.yrs <- as.numeric(cen.yrs)
proj.yrs <- as.numeric(proj.yrs)
interp.counts <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(full.proj), ncol = length(cen.yrs))
if(labels) {
if(!is.null(rownames(full.proj))) {
rownames(interp.counts) <- rownames(full.proj)
} else {
rownames(intper.counts) <- seq(from = 0, by = 5
,length.out = nrow(full.proj)
colnames(interp.counts) <- cen.yrs
} <- cen.yrs %in% proj.yrs
cen.notin.proj <- ! <- proj.yrs %in% cen.yrs
## Check to see if interpolation necessary
if(all( {
interp.counts <- full.proj[,]
} else {
## Growth rates
## (Does this for all, including those not needing interpolation)
ratio.mat <- matrix(NA,
,nrow = nrow(full.proj)
,ncol = ncol(full.proj) - 1)
for(j in 1:ncol(ratio.mat)) {
ratio.mat[,j] <- full.proj[,(j+1)] / full.proj[,j]
yr.diffs <- diff(proj.yrs)
## if(any(is.nan(log(ratio.mat)))) {
## cat("\nratio.mat=\n"); print(ratio.mat)
## stop()
## }
r.mat <- log(ratio.mat) / yr.diffs
## Duplicate last column of r.mat so that "interpolation"
## can be done for years beyond the end of proj.yrs,
## assuming that the growth rate remains constant
## (although don't know why we'd do this)
r.mat <- cbind(r.mat, r.mat[,ncol(r.mat)])
## Interpolate
for(j in which(cen.notin.proj)) {
base.yr.ind <-
max(which(proj.yrs <= cen.yrs[j])) <- cen.yrs[j] - proj.yrs[base.yr.ind]
growth <- r.mat[,base.yr.ind]
interp.counts[,j] <-
full.proj[,base.yr.ind] * exp(growth *
interp.counts[,] <- full.proj[,]
## ............. Likelihood ............ ##
## ..................................... ##
log.lhood.mar29 <-
function(log.n.census, log.n.hat, ll.var)
##.. log.n.census and log.n.hat should already be logged
##.. log.n.hat should be log projected counts for census years
## interpolated if necessary
##-- value of log likelihoods --##
density <- dnorm(log.n.census,
mean = log.n.hat,
sd = sqrt(ll.var),
log = TRUE
##-- joint log likelihood --##
## .............. Posterior ............ ##
## ..................................... ## <- function(## estimated vitals
f, s, g, baseline.n
## fixed prior means on vitals
,prior.mean.f, prior.mean.s
,prior.mean.g, prior.mean.b
## fixed prior parameters on variance distns
,alpha.f, beta.f, alpha.s, beta.s
,alpha.g, beta.g
,alpha.n, beta.n
## updated variances on prior distns
,sigmasq.f, sigmasq.s, sigmasq.g, sigmasq.n
## value of the log likelihood
## non zero rows of fertility matrix
##-- Values of prior densities for vitals --##
##.. Note that log densities are calculated for numerical stability.
## f, baseline.n, prior.mean.f, prior.mean.b are logged coming
## in, s, prior.mean.s is logit transformed coming in, g and
## prior.mean.g are not transformed coming in.
log.f.prior <- dnorm(as.vector(f[,])
,mean = as.vector(prior.mean.f[,])
,sd = sqrt(sigmasq.f)
,log = TRUE)
log.s.prior <- dnorm(s, mean = prior.mean.s, sd = sqrt(sigmasq.s)
,log = TRUE)
log.g.prior <- dnorm(g, mean = prior.mean.g
,sd = sqrt(sigmasq.g)
,log = TRUE)
log.b.prior <- dnorm(baseline.n, mean = prior.mean.b
,sd = sqrt(sigmasq.n)
,log = TRUE)
##-- Values of prior densities for variances --##
log.sigmasq.f.prior <-
log(estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(sigmasq.f, alpha.f, beta.f))
log.sigmasq.s.prior <-
log(estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(sigmasq.s, alpha.s, beta.s))
log.sigmasq.g.prior <-
log(estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(sigmasq.g, alpha.g, beta.g))
log.sigmasq.n.prior <-
log(estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(sigmasq.n, alpha.n, beta.n))
##-- The log posterior is the SUM of these with the --##
return(sum(log.f.prior, log.s.prior, log.g.prior, log.b.prior
## ......... Acceptance Ratio .......... ##
## ..................................... ##
acc.ra.mar29 <- function(log.prop, log.current)
min(1, exp(log.prop - log.current))
acc.ra.var.mar29 <-
function(,, log.prop.var, log.curr.var)
min(1, exp(log.curr.var + - log.prop.var -
### --------------------------- SAMPLER --------------------------- ###
### --------------------------------------------------------------- ###
popRecon.sampler <-
function(#.. number of iterations and burn-in (not saved)
n.iter, = 0, = 1
#.. fixed variance hyper-parameters
,al.f = 1, be.f = 0.0109, al.s = 1, be.s = 0.0109
, al.g = 1, be.g = 0.0436, al.n = 1, be.n = 0.0109
#.. fixed prior means
,mean.f, mean.s, mean.g, mean.b
#.. inital values for vitals and variances
# *vitals not transformed coming in*
,start.f = mean.f, start.s = mean.s, start.g = mean.g, start.b = mean.b
,start.sigmasq.f = 5, start.sigmasq.s = 5, start.sigmasq.g = 5
,start.sigmasq.n = 5
#.. census data
# *not transformed coming in*
#.. **variances** for proposal distributions used in M-H
# steps which update vital rates.
#.. ccmp function
,ccmp.function = popRecon.ccmp.female
#.. number of periods to project forward over (e.g.,
# number of five-year steps)
,proj.periods = ncol(mean.f)
#.. age group width
,age.size = 5
#.. print algorithm progress
,verb = FALSE
#.. tolerance defining allowable survival probabilities
,s.tol = 10^(-10)
## .............. Sampler .............. ##
## ..................................... ##
## -------- Begin timing ------- ##
ptm <- proc.time()
## ------ Match functions ------ ##
## ------- Check input dimensions ------- ##
input.dims <- sapply(list(start.s = start.s[1:(nrow(start.s)-1),]
, start.g = start.g
,mean.f = mean.f, mean.s = mean.s[1:(nrow(mean.s)-1),]
,mean.g = mean.g
mismatch.dims <- apply(input.dims, 2, "identical", dim(start.f))
stop("Dims of these inputs do not match 'dim(start.f)'", "\n"
,paste(names(mismatch.dims)[!mismatch.dims], collapse = " "))
## ------- Check Years --------- ##
all.vr.years <-
list(start.s = colnames(start.s), start.g = colnames(start.g)
,mean.f = colnames(mean.f), mean.s = colnames(mean.s)
,mean.g = colnames(mean.g)
mismatch.yrs <- sapply(all.vr.years, "identical", colnames(start.f))
stop("Years of these inputs do not match years of 'start.f'", "\n"
,paste(names(mismatch.yrs)[!mismatch.yrs], collapse = " "))
all.vr.years.eq <-
sapply(all.vr.years, FUN = function(z) all.equal(colnames(start.f), z))
if(!all(all.vr.years.eq)) {
stop(paste("colnames(", names(all.vr.years)[min(which(!all.vr.years.eq))], ")"
," != colnames(start.f). There may be more...", sep = "")
proj.years <-
seq(from = as.numeric(colnames(start.f)[1]), by = age.size
,length = proj.periods + 1)
if(!all.equal(proj.years[1:ncol(start.f)], as.numeric(colnames(start.f))))
stop("colnames(start.f) != seq(from = as.numeric(colnames(start.f)[1]), by = age.size, length = ncol(start.f))")
vr.years <- as.numeric(colnames(start.f))
baseline.year <- as.numeric(colnames(start.b))
census.years <- as.numeric(colnames(
## ------- Determine fert.rows --------- ##
zero.elements <- mean.f == 0
fert.rows <- as.logical(apply(zero.elements, 1, function(z) !all(z)))
## ------- Type of migration data ------- ##
## No reason for this anymore; remove later
mig.string <- "prop"
## ---------- Storage ---------- ##
#.. MCMC objects for posterior samples
# Samples are stored as 2D arrays for compatibility with coda's
# mcmc format with iterations as rows, year* as columns.
# cycles fastest across columns, e.g.,
# _____________________________________________________
# 1960 | 1960 | 1960 | ... | 1965 | 1965 | ...
# 15.19 | 20.24 | 25.29 | ... | 15.19 | 20.24 | ...
# 1 -- | -- | -- | ... | -- | -- | ...
# 2 -- | -- | -- | ... | -- | -- | ...
# etc.
# _____________________________________________________
## How many stored?
n.stored <- ceiling(n.iter /
# Fertility
fert.rate.mcmc <-
mcmc(matrix(nrow = n.stored
,ncol = sum(fert.rows) * ncol(start.f))
,start = + 1
,thin =
colnames(fert.rate.mcmc) <-
# Survival proportions
surv.prop.mcmc <-
mcmc(matrix(nrow = n.stored
,ncol = nrow(start.s) * ncol(start.s))
,start = + 1
,thin =
colnames(surv.prop.mcmc) <-
# lx
lx.mcmc <-
mcmc(matrix(nrow = n.stored
,ncol = nrow(start.b) * (proj.periods))
,start = + 1
,thin =
colnames(lx.mcmc) <-
estMod.makeColNames.mar29(matrix(0, nrow = nrow(start.b)
,ncol = proj.periods
,dimnames = list(rownames(start.b)
,seq(from = as.numeric(colnames(start.b)[1]) +
age.size, by = age.size, length = proj.periods))
# migration proportions
mig.mcmc <-
mcmc(matrix(nrow = n.stored
,ncol = nrow(start.g) * ncol(start.g))
,start = + 1
,thin =
colnames(mig.mcmc) <-
# baseline counts
baseline.count.mcmc <-
mcmc(matrix(nrow = n.stored, ncol = nrow(start.b))
,start = + 1
,thin =
colnames(baseline.count.mcmc) <- estMod.makeColNames.mar29(start.b)
# variances
variances.mcmc <-
mcmc(matrix(nrow = n.stored, ncol = 4)
,start = + 1
,thin =
colnames(variances.mcmc) <-
c("fert.rate.var", "surv.prop.var", "mig.var"
#.. Record acceptance rate
acc.count <-
list(fert.rate = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mean.f[fert.rows,])
,ncol = ncol(mean.f[fert.rows,])
,dimnames = dimnames(mean.f[fert.rows,])
,surv.prop = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mean.s)
,ncol = ncol(mean.s)
,dimnames = dimnames(mean.s)
,mig = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mean.g), ncol = ncol(mean.g)
,dimnames = dimnames(mean.g)
,baseline.count = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mean.b)
,dimnames = dimnames(mean.b)
,sigmasq.f = 0
,sigmasq.s = 0
,sigmasq.g = 0
,sigmasq.n = 0
#.. Count how often acceptance ratio missing or na <- acc.count
#.. Count how often projection gives negative population
pop.negative <-
list(fert.rate = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mean.f[fert.rows,])
,ncol = ncol(mean.f[fert.rows,])
,dimnames = dimnames(mean.f[fert.rows,])
,surv.prop = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mean.s)
,ncol = ncol(mean.s)
,dimnames = dimnames(mean.s)
,mig = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mean.g), ncol = ncol(mean.g)
,dimnames = dimnames(mean.g)
,baseline.count = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mean.b)
,dimnames = dimnames(mean.b)
#.. Count how often surv probs are outside tolerance
s.out.tol <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mean.s), ncol = ncol(mean.s)
,dimnames = dimnames(mean.s))
## -------- Initialize -------- ##
#.. Set current vitals and variances to inital values
# Take logs/logits here where required
log.curr.f <- log(start.f) #<-- log(0) stored as "-Inf". Gets
log.prop.f <- log(start.f) # converted to 0 under exponentiation
logit.curr.s <- estMod.logit.mar29(start.s)
curr.g <- start.g
log.curr.b <- log(start.b)
curr.sigmasq.f <- start.sigmasq.f
curr.sigmasq.s <- start.sigmasq.s
curr.sigmasq.g <- start.sigmasq.g
curr.sigmasq.n <- start.sigmasq.n
#.. Fixed means for vitals and baseline
# Set these to inputs, take logs where required.
log.mean.f <- log(mean.f)
logit.mean.s <- estMod.logit.mar29(mean.s)
mean.g <- mean.g
log.mean.b <- log(mean.b)
#.. Fixed census data
# Take logs here
log.census.mat <- log(
#.. Set current projection: base on initial values
log.curr.proj <-
log(proj.cen.yrs(full.proj =
ccmp.function(pop = exp(log.curr.b),
surv = estMod.invlogit.mar29(logit.curr.s),
fert = exp(log.curr.f),
mig = curr.g,
proj.steps = proj.periods, = age.size)
,bline.yr = baseline.year
,vr.yrs = vr.years
,cen.yrs = census.years, proj.yrs = proj.years
#.. Current log posterior
log.curr.posterior <- = log.curr.f
,s = logit.curr.s
,g = curr.g
,baseline.n = log.curr.b
,prior.mean.f = log.mean.f
,prior.mean.s = logit.mean.s
,prior.mean.g = mean.g
,prior.mean.b = log.mean.b
,alpha.f = al.f, beta.f = be.f
,alpha.s = al.s, beta.s = be.s
,alpha.g = al.g, beta.g = be.g
,alpha.n = al.n, beta.n = be.n
,sigmasq.f = curr.sigmasq.f
,sigmasq.s = curr.sigmasq.s
,sigmasq.g = curr.sigmasq.g
,sigmasq.n = curr.sigmasq.n
, = log.lhood.mar29(
log.n.census = log.census.mat
,log.n.hat = log.curr.proj
,ll.var = curr.sigmasq.n)
, = fert.rows
## -------- Begin loop ------- ##
if(verb) {
cat("\n\ntotal iterations = ",
,"\nburn in = ",
,"\nthin = ",
,",\nnumber stored = ", n.stored, sep = "")
cat("\n\nfert.rows = ", which(fert.rows)
,"\ncensus years = ", census.years
,"\nvital rate years = ", vr.years
,"\nprojection years = ", proj.years
,"iter ", " quantity\n", "---- ", " --------"
,sep = "")
for(i in 1:(n.iter + {
# k is the index into the storage objects
k <- (i - - 1) / + 1
## -------- Vital Rate M-H Steps ------- ##
##...... Fertility .....##
if(verb && identical(i%%1000, 0)) cat("\n", i, " Fertility")
# - Proposal
#.. cycle through components
for(j in 1:length(log.curr.f[fert.rows,])) {
#.. make a matrix conformable w fertility rate matrix
log.prop.f.mat <-
matrix(0, nrow = nrow(log.curr.f), ncol = ncol(log.curr.f))
log.prop.f.mat[fert.rows,][j] <-
rnorm(1, 0, sqrt(prop.vars$fert.rate[j]))
#.. make proposal
log.prop.f <- log.curr.f + log.prop.f.mat
# - Run CCMP (project on the original scale)
# ** Don't allow negative population
full.proj <- ccmp.function(pop = exp(log.curr.b),
fert = exp(log.prop.f), #<-- use proposal
surv = estMod.invlogit.mar29(logit.curr.s),
mig = curr.g,
proj.steps = proj.periods, = age.size)
if(sum(full.proj < 0) > 0 ||
|| is.nan(sum(full.proj))) {
if(i > {
pop.negative$fert.rate[j] <-
pop.negative$fert.rate[j] + 1/n.iter
} else {
prop.proj <-
proj.cen.yrs(full.proj = full.proj
,bline.yr = baseline.year
,vr.yrs = vr.years
,cen.yrs = census.years, proj.yrs = proj.years
log.prop.proj <- log(prop.proj)
# - Calculate log posterior of proposed vital under projection
log.prop.posterior <- = log.prop.f #<-- use proposal
,s = logit.curr.s
,g = curr.g
,baseline.n = log.curr.b
,prior.mean.f = log.mean.f
,prior.mean.s = logit.mean.s
,prior.mean.g = mean.g
,prior.mean.b = log.mean.b
,alpha.f = al.f, beta.f = be.f
,alpha.s = al.s, beta.s = be.s
,alpha.g = al.g, beta.g = be.g
,alpha.n = al.n, beta.n = be.n
,sigmasq.f = curr.sigmasq.f
,sigmasq.s = curr.sigmasq.s
,sigmasq.g = curr.sigmasq.g
,sigmasq.n = curr.sigmasq.n
, = log.lhood.mar29(
log.n.census = log.census.mat
,log.n.hat = log.prop.proj #<-- use proposal
,ll.var = curr.sigmasq.n)
, = fert.rows
#- Acceptance ratio
ar <- acc.ra.mar29(log.prop = log.prop.posterior,
log.current = log.curr.posterior)
# - Move or stay
#.. stay if acceptance ratio 0, missing, infinity, etc.
if( || is.nan(ar) || ar < 0) {
if(i >$fert.rate[j] <-$fert.rate[j] + 1/n.iter
} else {
#.. if accept, update current fert rates, store proposed
# rate, update current projection and count acceptance
if(runif(1) <= ar) {
if(i > acc.count$fert.rate[j] <-
acc.count$fert.rate[j] + 1/n.iter
log.curr.f <- log.prop.f
log.curr.proj <- log.prop.proj
log.curr.posterior <- log.prop.posterior
#.. if reject, leave current fert rates and projections
# alone
} # close else after checking for ar=0, missing, inf
} # close else after checking neg or zero population
} # close loop over all age-spec fertility rates
#.. Store proposed fertility rate matrix
if(k %% 1 == 0 && k > 0) fert.rate.mcmc[k,] <-
##...... Survival ......##
if(verb && identical(i%%1000, 0)) cat("\n", i, " Survival")
# - Proposal
#.. cycle through components
for(j in 1:length(logit.curr.s)) {
#.. make a matrix conformable w rate matrix
logit.prop.s.mat <-
matrix(0, nrow = nrow(logit.curr.s)
,ncol = ncol(logit.curr.s))
logit.prop.s.mat[j] <- rnorm(1, 0, sqrt(prop.vars$surv.prop[j]))
#.. make proposal
logit.prop.s <- logit.curr.s + logit.prop.s.mat
#.. If proposal resulted in back-transformed s = 0 or 1, do
# nothing
if(estMod.invlogit.mar29(logit.prop.s[j]) > 1 - s.tol ||
estMod.invlogit.mar29(logit.prop.s[j]) < s.tol) {
#.. leave current surv rates and projections
# alone (simply do not propose
# extreme survival probabilities)
s.out.tol[j] <- s.out.tol[j] + 1/n.iter
} else {
# - Run CCMP (project on the original scale)
# ** Don't allow negative population; again, simply treat
# this as if the proposal were never made
full.proj <- ccmp.function(pop = exp(log.curr.b),
fert = exp(log.curr.f),
surv = estMod.invlogit.mar29(logit.prop.s), #<-- use prop
mig = curr.g,
proj.steps = proj.periods, = age.size)
if(sum(full.proj < 0) > 0 ||
|| is.nan(sum(full.proj))) {
if(i > {
pop.negative$surv.prop[j] <-
pop.negative$surv.prop[j] + 1/n.iter
} else {
prop.proj <-
proj.cen.yrs(full.proj = full.proj
,bline.yr = baseline.year
,vr.yrs = vr.years
,cen.yrs = census.years, proj.yrs = proj.years
log.prop.proj <- log(prop.proj)
# - Calculate log posterior of proposed vital under projection
log.prop.posterior <- = log.curr.f
,s = logit.prop.s #<-- use proposal
,g = curr.g
,baseline.n = log.curr.b
,prior.mean.f = log.mean.f
,prior.mean.s = logit.mean.s
,prior.mean.g = mean.g
,prior.mean.b = log.mean.b
,alpha.f = al.f, beta.f = be.f
,alpha.s = al.s, beta.s = be.s
,alpha.g = al.g, beta.g = be.g
,alpha.n = al.n, beta.n = be.n
,sigmasq.f = curr.sigmasq.f
,sigmasq.s = curr.sigmasq.s
,sigmasq.g = curr.sigmasq.g
,sigmasq.n = curr.sigmasq.n
, = log.lhood.mar29(
log.n.census = log.census.mat
,log.n.hat = log.prop.proj #<-- use proposal
,ll.var = curr.sigmasq.n)
, = fert.rows
#- Acceptance ratio
ar <- acc.ra.mar29(log.prop = log.prop.posterior,
log.current = log.curr.posterior)
# - Move or stay
#.. stay if acceptance ratio 0, missing, infinity, etc.
if( || is.nan(ar) || ar < 0) {
if(i >$surv.prop[j] <-$surv.prop[j] + 1/n.iter
} else {
#.. if accept, update current surv rates,
# update current projection and count acceptance
if(runif(1) <= ar) {
if(i > acc.count$surv.prop[j] <-
acc.count$surv.prop[j] + 1/n.iter
logit.curr.s <- logit.prop.s
log.curr.proj <- log.prop.proj
log.curr.posterior <- log.prop.posterior
} #.. if reject, leave current surv rates and projections
# alone
} # close else{ after checking for undefined ar
} # close else{ after checking for negative pop
} # close else{ after checking for s outside tol
} # close loop over all age-spec survival probabilities
#.. Store proposed survival probability matrix
if(k %% 1 == 0 && k > 0) surv.prop.mcmc[k,] <-
##...... Migration ......##
if(verb && identical(i%%1000, 0)) cat("\n", i, " Migration")
# - Proposal
#.. cycle through components
for(j in 1:length(curr.g)) {
#.. make a matrix conformable w rate matrix
prop.g.mat <-
matrix(0, nrow = nrow(curr.g), ncol = ncol(curr.g))
prop.g.mat[j] <- rnorm(1, 0, sqrt(prop.vars$mig[j]))
#.. make proposal
prop.g <- curr.g + prop.g.mat
# - Run CCMP (project on the original scale)
# ** Don't allow negative population
full.proj <- ccmp.function(pop = exp(log.curr.b),
fert = exp(log.curr.f),
surv = estMod.invlogit.mar29(logit.curr.s),
mig = prop.g, #<-- use proposal
proj.steps = proj.periods, = age.size)
if(sum(full.proj < 0) > 0 ||
|| is.nan(sum(full.proj))) {
if(i > {
pop.negative$mig[j] <-
pop.negative$mig[j] + 1/n.iter
} else {
prop.proj <-
proj.cen.yrs(full.proj = full.proj
,bline.yr = baseline.year
,vr.yrs = vr.years
,cen.yrs = census.years, proj.yrs = proj.years
log.prop.proj <- log(prop.proj)
# - Calculate log posterior of proposed vital under projection
log.prop.posterior <- = log.curr.f
,s = logit.curr.s
,g = prop.g #<-- use proposal
,baseline.n = log.curr.b
,prior.mean.f = log.mean.f
,prior.mean.s = logit.mean.s
,prior.mean.g = mean.g
,prior.mean.b = log.mean.b
,alpha.f = al.f, beta.f = be.f
,alpha.s = al.s, beta.s = be.s
,alpha.g = al.g, beta.g = be.g
,alpha.n = al.n, beta.n = be.n
,sigmasq.f = curr.sigmasq.f
,sigmasq.s = curr.sigmasq.s
,sigmasq.g = curr.sigmasq.g
,sigmasq.n = curr.sigmasq.n
, = log.lhood.mar29(
log.n.census = log.census.mat
,log.n.hat = log.prop.proj #<-- use proposal
,ll.var = curr.sigmasq.n)
, = fert.rows
#- Acceptance ratio
ar <- acc.ra.mar29(log.prop = log.prop.posterior,
log.current = log.curr.posterior)
# - Move or stay
#.. stay if acceptance ratio 0, missing, infinity, etc.
if( || is.nan(ar) || ar < 0) {
if(i >$mig[j] <-$mig[j] + 1/n.iter
} else {
#.. if accept, update current vital rates, store proposed
# rate, update current projection and count acceptance
if(runif(1) <= ar) {
if(i > acc.count$mig[j] <-
acc.count$mig[j] + 1/n.iter
curr.g <- prop.g
log.curr.proj <- log.prop.proj
log.curr.posterior <- log.prop.posterior
} #.. if reject, leave current fert rates and projections
# alone, store current rate
} # close else after checking for ar=na, nan, zero
} # close else after checking for negative population
} # close loop over all age-specific migration proportions
#.. Store proposed migration proportion matrix
if(k %% 1 == 0 && k > 0) mig.mcmc[k,] <- as.vector(curr.g)
##...... Baseline population ......##
if(verb && identical(i%%1000, 0)) cat("\n", i, " Baseline")
# - Proposal
#.. cycle through components (never update last
# value as this affects years beyond the estimation period)
for(j in 1:length(log.curr.b)) {
#.. make a matrix conformable w rate matrix
log.prop.b.mat <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(log.curr.b), ncol = 1)
log.prop.b.mat[j] <- rnorm(1, 0, sqrt(prop.vars$baseline.pop.count[j]))
#.. make proposal
log.prop.b <- log.curr.b + log.prop.b.mat
# - Run CCMP (project on the original scale)
# ** Don't allow negative population
full.proj <- ccmp.function(pop = exp(log.prop.b), #<-- use proposal
fert = exp(log.curr.f),
surv = estMod.invlogit.mar29(logit.curr.s),
mig = curr.g,
proj.steps = proj.periods, = age.size)
if(sum(full.proj < 0) > 0 ||
|| is.nan(sum(full.proj))) {
if(i > {
pop.negative$baseline.count[j] <-
pop.negative$baseline.count[j] + 1/n.iter
} else {
prop.proj <-
proj.cen.yrs(full.proj = full.proj
,bline.yr = baseline.year
,vr.yrs = vr.years
,cen.yrs = census.years, proj.yrs = proj.years
log.prop.proj <- log(prop.proj)
# - Calculate log posterior of proposed vital under projection
log.prop.posterior <- = log.curr.f
,s = logit.curr.s
,g = curr.g
,baseline.n = log.prop.b #<-- use proposal
,prior.mean.f = log.mean.f
,prior.mean.s = logit.mean.s
,prior.mean.g = mean.g
,prior.mean.b = log.mean.b
,alpha.f = al.f, beta.f = be.f
,alpha.s = al.s, beta.s = be.s
,alpha.g = al.g, beta.g = be.g
,alpha.n = al.n, beta.n = be.n
,sigmasq.f = curr.sigmasq.f
,sigmasq.s = curr.sigmasq.s
,sigmasq.g = curr.sigmasq.g
,sigmasq.n = curr.sigmasq.n
, = log.lhood.mar29(
log.n.census = log.census.mat
,log.n.hat = log.prop.proj #<-- use proposal
,ll.var = curr.sigmasq.n)
, = fert.rows
#- Acceptance ratio
ar <- acc.ra.mar29(log.prop = log.prop.posterior,
log.current = log.curr.posterior)
# - Move or stay
#.. stay if acceptance ratio 0, missing, infinity, etc.
if( || is.nan(ar) || ar < 0) {
if(i >$baseline.count[j] <-$baseline.count[j] + 1/n.iter
} else {
#.. if accept, update current mig rates, store proposed
# rate, update current projection and count acceptance
if(runif(1) <= ar) {
if(i > acc.count$baseline.count[j] <-
acc.count$baseline.count[j] + 1/n.iter
log.curr.b <- log.prop.b
log.curr.proj <- log.prop.proj
log.curr.posterior <- log.prop.posterior
} #.. if reject, leave current fert rates and projections
# alone, store current rate
} # close else after checking for ar=na, nan, zero
} # close else after checking for negative population
} # close loop over all age-specific baseline counts
#.. Store proposed baseline count matrix
if(k %% 1 == 0 && k > 0) baseline.count.mcmc[k,] <-
## ------- Variance Updates ------- ##
if(verb && identical(i%%1000, 0)) cat("\n", i, " Variances")
##...... Fertility rate ......##
prop.sigmasq.f <-
estMod.rinvGamma.mar29(1, al.f +
be.f + 0.5*sum((log.curr.f[fert.rows,] -
# - Calculate log posterior of proposed vital under projection
log.prop.posterior <- = log.curr.f
,s = logit.curr.s
,g = curr.g
,baseline.n = log.curr.b
,prior.mean.f = log.mean.f
,prior.mean.s = logit.mean.s
,prior.mean.g = mean.g
,prior.mean.b = log.mean.b
,alpha.f = al.f, beta.f = be.f
,alpha.s = al.s, beta.s = be.s
,alpha.g = al.g, beta.g = be.g
,alpha.n = al.n, beta.n = be.n
,sigmasq.f = prop.sigmasq.f #<-- use proposal
,sigmasq.s = curr.sigmasq.s
,sigmasq.g = curr.sigmasq.g
,sigmasq.n = curr.sigmasq.n
, = log.lhood.mar29(
log.n.census = log.census.mat
,log.n.hat = log.curr.proj
,ll.var = curr.sigmasq.n #<-- use current
, = fert.rows
#- Acceptance ratio
ar <- acc.ra.var.mar29( = log.prop.posterior
, = log.curr.posterior
,log.prop.var = estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(prop.sigmasq.f
,al.f + length(mean.f[fert.rows,])/2
,be.f + 0.5*sum((log.curr.f[fert.rows,] -
,log = TRUE)
,log.curr.var = estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(curr.sigmasq.f
,al.f + length(mean.f[fert.rows,])/2
,be.f + 0.5*sum((log.curr.f[fert.rows,] -
,log = TRUE)
# - Move or stay
#.. stay if acceptance ratio 0, missing, infinity, etc.
if( || is.nan(ar) || ar < 0) {
if(i >$sigmasq.f <-$sigmasq.f + 1/n.iter
} else {
#.. if accept, update current, store proposed
# and count acceptance
if(runif(1) <= ar) {
if(i > acc.count$sigmasq.f <-
acc.count$sigmasq.f + 1/n.iter
curr.sigmasq.f <- prop.sigmasq.f
log.curr.posterior <- log.prop.posterior
} #.. if reject, leave current and posterior
} # close else after checking for ar=na, nan, zero
if(k %% 1 == 0 && k > 0) variances.mcmc[k,"fert.rate.var"] <- curr.sigmasq.f
##...... Survival Proportion ......##
prop.sigmasq.s <-
estMod.rinvGamma.mar29(1, al.s + length(mean.s)/2,
be.s +
0.5*sum((logit.curr.s - logit.mean.s)^2))
# - Calculate log posterior of proposed vital under projection
log.prop.posterior <- = log.curr.f
,s = logit.curr.s
,g = curr.g
,baseline.n = log.curr.b
,prior.mean.f = log.mean.f
,prior.mean.s = logit.mean.s
,prior.mean.g = mean.g
,prior.mean.b = log.mean.b
,alpha.f = al.f, beta.f = be.f
,alpha.s = al.s, beta.s = be.s
,alpha.g = al.g, beta.g = be.g
,alpha.n = al.n, beta.n = be.n
,sigmasq.f = curr.sigmasq.f
,sigmasq.s = prop.sigmasq.s #<-- use proposal
,sigmasq.g = curr.sigmasq.g
,sigmasq.n = curr.sigmasq.n
, = log.lhood.mar29(
log.n.census = log.census.mat
,log.n.hat = log.curr.proj
,ll.var = curr.sigmasq.n #<-- use current
, = fert.rows
#- Acceptance ratio
ar <- acc.ra.var.mar29( = log.prop.posterior
, = log.curr.posterior
,log.prop.var = estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(prop.sigmasq.s
,al.s + length(mean.s)/2
,be.s + 0.5*sum((logit.curr.s -
,log = TRUE)
,log.curr.var = estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(curr.sigmasq.s
,al.s + length(mean.s)/2
,be.s + 0.5*sum((logit.curr.s -
,log = TRUE)
# - Move or stay
#.. stay if acceptance ratio 0, missing, infinity, etc.
if( || is.nan(ar) || ar < 0) {
if(i >$sigmasq.s <-$sigmasq.s + 1/n.iter
} else {
#.. if accept, update current, store proposed
# and count acceptance
if(runif(1) <= ar) {
if(i > acc.count$sigmasq.s <-
acc.count$sigmasq.s + 1/n.iter
curr.sigmasq.s <- prop.sigmasq.s
log.curr.posterior <- log.prop.posterior
} #.. if reject, leave current and posterior
} # close else after checking for ar=na, nan, zero
if(k %% 1 == 0 && k > 0) variances.mcmc[k,"surv.prop.var"] <- curr.sigmasq.s
##...... Migration Proportion ......##
prop.sigmasq.g <-
estMod.rinvGamma.mar29(1, al.g + length(mean.g)/2,
be.g +
0.5*sum((curr.g - mean.g)^2))
# - Calculate log posterior of proposed vital under projection
log.prop.posterior <- = log.curr.f
,s = logit.curr.s
,g = curr.g
,baseline.n = log.curr.b
,prior.mean.f = log.mean.f
,prior.mean.s = logit.mean.s
,prior.mean.g = mean.g
,prior.mean.b = log.mean.b
,alpha.f = al.f, beta.f = be.f
,alpha.s = al.s, beta.s = be.s
,alpha.g = al.g, beta.g = be.g
,alpha.n = al.n, beta.n = be.n
,sigmasq.f = curr.sigmasq.f
,sigmasq.s = curr.sigmasq.s
,sigmasq.g = prop.sigmasq.g #<-- use proposal
,sigmasq.n = curr.sigmasq.n
, = log.lhood.mar29(
log.n.census = log.census.mat
,log.n.hat = log.curr.proj
,ll.var = curr.sigmasq.n #<-- use current
, = fert.rows
#- Acceptance ratio
ar <- acc.ra.var.mar29( = log.prop.posterior
, = log.curr.posterior
,log.prop.var = estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(prop.sigmasq.g
,al.g + length(mean.g)/2
,be.g + 0.5*sum((curr.g -
,log = TRUE)
,log.curr.var = estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(curr.sigmasq.g
,al.g + length(mean.g)/2
,be.g + 0.5*sum((curr.g -
,log = TRUE)
# - Move or stay
#.. stay if acceptance ratio 0, missing, infinity, etc.
if( || is.nan(ar) || ar < 0) {
if(i >$sigmasq.g <-$sigmasq.g + 1/n.iter
} else {
#.. if accept, update current, store proposed
# and count acceptance
if(runif(1) <= ar) {
if(i > acc.count$sigmasq.g <-
acc.count$sigmasq.g + 1/n.iter
curr.sigmasq.g <- prop.sigmasq.g
log.curr.posterior <- log.prop.posterior
} #.. if reject, leave current and posterior
} # close else after checking for ar=na, nan, zero
if(k %% 1 == 0 && k > 0) variances.mcmc[k,"mig.var"] <- curr.sigmasq.g
##...... Population Count ......##
prop.sigmasq.n <-
estMod.rinvGamma.mar29(1, al.n + (length(mean.b) +
be.n + 0.5 * (
sum((log.curr.b - log.mean.b)^2) +
sum((log.census.mat - log.curr.proj)^2)
# - Calculate log posterior of proposed vital under projection
log.prop.posterior <- = log.curr.f
,s = logit.curr.s
,g = curr.g
,baseline.n = log.curr.b
,prior.mean.f = log.mean.f
,prior.mean.s = logit.mean.s
,prior.mean.g = mean.g
,prior.mean.b = log.mean.b
,alpha.f = al.f, beta.f = be.f
,alpha.s = al.s, beta.s = be.s
,alpha.g = al.g, beta.g = be.g
,alpha.n = al.n, beta.n = be.n
,sigmasq.f = curr.sigmasq.f
,sigmasq.s = curr.sigmasq.s
,sigmasq.g = curr.sigmasq.g
,sigmasq.n = prop.sigmasq.n #<-- use proposal
, = log.lhood.mar29(
log.n.census = log.census.mat
,log.n.hat = log.curr.proj
,ll.var = prop.sigmasq.n #<-- use proposal
, = fert.rows
#- Acceptance ratio
ar <- acc.ra.var.mar29( = log.prop.posterior
, = log.curr.posterior
,log.prop.var = estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(prop.sigmasq.n
,al.n + (length(mean.b) +
,be.n + 0.5 * (sum((log.curr.b - log.mean.b)^2) + sum((log.census.mat - log.curr.proj)^2))
,log = TRUE)
,log.curr.var = estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(curr.sigmasq.n
,al.n + (length(mean.b) +
,be.n + 0.5 * (sum((log.curr.b - log.mean.b)^2) + sum((log.census.mat - log.curr.proj)^2))
,log = TRUE)
# - Move or stay
#.. stay if acceptance ratio 0, missing, infinity, etc.
if( || is.nan(ar) || ar < 0) {
if(i >$sigmasq.n <-$sigmasq.n + 1/n.iter
} else {
#.. if accept, update current, store proposed
# and count acceptance
if(runif(1) <= ar) {
if(i > acc.count$sigmasq.n <-
acc.count$sigmasq.n + 1/n.iter
curr.sigmasq.n <- prop.sigmasq.n
log.curr.posterior <- log.prop.posterior
} #.. if reject, leave current and posterior
} # close else after checking for ar=na, nan, zero
if(k %% 1 == 0 && k > 0) {
variances.mcmc[k,"population.count.var"] <- curr.sigmasq.n
## ------- Store current population ------- ##
lx.mcmc[k,] <-
as.vector(ccmp.function(pop = exp(log.curr.b),
surv = estMod.invlogit.mar29(logit.curr.s),
fert = exp(log.curr.f),
mig = curr.g,
proj.steps = proj.periods, = age.size
if(verb && identical(i%%1000, 0)) cat("\n\n")
} # Ends outer-most loop
## ......... End Loop ........ ##
## ---------- Output --------- ##
#cat("inital values", "\n\n")
#.. initial values
start.vals <- list(fert.rate = start.f
,surv.prop = start.s
,mig.XXX = start.g
,baseline.count = start.b
,start.sigmasq.f = start.sigmasq.f
,start.sigmasq.s = start.sigmasq.s
,start.sigmasq.g = start.sigmasq.g
,start.sigmasq.n = start.sigmasq.n
, =
#.. fixed parameters
fixed.params <- list(alpha.fert.rate = al.f
,beta.fert.rate = be.f
,alpha.surv.prop = al.s
,beta.surv.prop = be.s
,alpha.mig.XXX = al.g
,beta.mig.XXX = be.g
,alpha.population.count = al.n
,beta.population.count = be.n
,mean.fert.rate = mean.f
,mean.surv.prop = mean.s
,mean.mig.XXX = mean.g
,mean.baseline.count = mean.b
, =
#.. migration type
new.names <-
lapply(list(start.vals, fixed.params), FUN = function(z) {
sub("XXX", mig.string, names(z))
names(start.vals) <- new.names[[1]]
names(fixed.params) <- new.names[[2]]
#cat("algorithm statistics", "\n\n")
#.. algorithm statistics
alg.stats <-
list(acceptance.proportions = acc.count
,pop.went.neg = pop.negative
,acc.prop.adj4neg = mapply(FUN = function(a, b, n) {
(a * n) / (n - b)
acc.count[1:4], pop.negative, MoreArgs = list(n = n.iter)
, =
,surv.outside.tol = s.out.tol
,run.time = proc.time() - ptm
#cat("algorithm parameters", "\n\n")
#.. algorithm parameters
alg.params <- list(prop.vars = prop.vars
,vital.transformations = list(fert.rate = "log"
,surv.prob = "logit", mig.XXX = "I"
,baseline.count = "log"
,population.count = "log")
,projection.periods = proj.periods
, = age.size
, = fert.rows
,surv.tolerance = s.tol
, =
,iters = n.iter
,years = list(vital.rate.years = vr.years
,baseline.year = baseline.year
,census.years = census.years
,projection.years = proj.years
names(alg.params) <- sub("XXX", mig.string, names(alg.params))
#.. results
ret.list <- list(fert.rate.mcmc = fert.rate.mcmc
,surv.prop.mcmc = surv.prop.mcmc
,mig.XXX.mcmc = mig.mcmc
,baseline.count.mcmc = baseline.count.mcmc
,lx.mcmc = lx.mcmc
,variances.mcmc = variances.mcmc
,alg.stats = alg.stats
,fixed.params = fixed.params
,start.vals = start.vals
,alg.params = alg.params
names(ret.list) <- sub("XXX", mig.string, names(ret.list))
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