
Defines functions popRecon.ccmp.female life.expectancy.stationary make.leslie.matrix net.number.migrants estMod.logit.mar29 estMod.invlogit.mar29 estMod.rinvGamma.mar29 estMod.dinvGamma.mar29 estMod.makeColNames.mar29 proj.cen.yrs log.lhood.mar29 log.post.mar29 acc.ra.mar29 acc.ra.var.mar29 popRecon.sampler

Documented in acc.ra.mar29 acc.ra.var.mar29 estMod.dinvGamma.mar29 estMod.invlogit.mar29 estMod.logit.mar29 estMod.makeColNames.mar29 estMod.rinvGamma.mar29 life.expectancy.stationary log.lhood.mar29 log.post.mar29 make.leslie.matrix net.number.migrants popRecon.ccmp.female popRecon.sampler proj.cen.yrs

### TITLE:              pop_reconstruction_functions.R
### AUTHOR:             Mark Wheldon
### DESC:               Functions to do population reconstruction developed for
###                     "Reconstructing Past Populations with Uncertainty from
###                     Fragmentary Data" submitted to Journal of the American
###                     Statistical Assocation".

### ------------------------ CCMPP FUNCTION- ---------------------- ###
### --------------------------------------------------------------- ###

popRecon.ccmp.female <-
    function(pop, surv, fert, srb = 1.05, mig
             ,proj.steps, age.int = 5
             ,label.dims = FALSE, base.year = "1960"

    #-- Based on Preston et al. (2001), Ch. 6 --#
    #   pop     :  population count at baseline
    #   fert    :  matrix of age specific fertility rates NOT yet
    #                mulitplied by age.int
    #   srb     :  sex ratio at birth matrix
    #   surv    :  Survivorship probabilities: the probability of
    #                reaching the age at the start of the interval.
    #              The first row should be nL0/(n*l0).
    #              The last row is survival for age.int years in the open
    #                interval
    #   mig     :  Net number of migrants as a
    #                 _proportion_ of prev time period's population
    #   proj.steps
    #           :  number of time periods to project forward
    #                if missing, set to ncol(fert)
    #   age.int :  needed for correct interpretation of survival
    #                and fertility rates
    #   label.dims
    #           :  should output have dimnames set?
    #   base.year
    #           :  start year for projections (aesthetic)


    #-- Checks --#

    # If proj.steps is greater than the number of columns in surv,
    #   reduce or recycle fert, surv matrices

    #-- Constants --#

    n.age.grps <- length(pop)
    n.surv <- nrow(surv)

    #-- Derive proj.steps from ncol(fert) --#

    if(missing(proj.steps)) proj.steps <- ncol(fert)

    #-- Make SRB into matrix if not already --#

    if(is.null(dim(srb))) srb <- matrix(rep(srb, proj.steps))

    #-- Loop over number of required time periods --#

    #-- Initialise pop.matrix --#

    pop.mat <- matrix(0, nrow = n.age.grps, ncol = 1 + proj.steps)
    pop.mat[,1] <- pop

    #-- Initialize leslie matrix --#

    lesM <- matrix(0, nrow = n.age.grps, ncol = n.age.grps)

    #-- Project --#

    for(i in 1:proj.steps)

        #-- Make the leslie matrix --#

        #-- Rows 2:(n.age.grps) = survival ratios --#

        lesM[2:n.age.grps,1:(n.age.grps-1)] <-
        lesM[n.age.grps,n.age.grps] <- surv[(n.surv),i]

        #-- First row = fert and survival ratios --#

        k <- 1/(1+srb[i]) * surv[1,i] * 0.5

        dbl.fert <- age.int*fert[,i] + c(age.int*fert[-1,i], 0) *

        lesM[1,] <- k * dbl.fert

        #-- Migrants --#

       net.numb.mig <- mig[,i] * pop.mat[,i]

        #-- Project --#

        pop.mat[,i+1] <-
            lesM %*% (pop.mat[,i] + 0.5 * net.numb.mig) +
                0.5 * net.numb.mig


    #-- Add dim names --#

    if(label.dims) {
        ages <- seq(from = 0
                    ,to = age.int*(nrow(as.matrix(pop))-1)
                    ,by = age.int)
        yrs <- (0:proj.steps) * age.int + as.numeric(base.year)
        dimnames(pop.mat) <- list(ages, yrs)

    #-- Output --#



### -------------------- SUMMARIZATION FUNCTIONS------------------- ###
### --------------------------------------------------------------- ###

life.expectancy.stationary <- function(z)
    x <- c(head(z, -1), tail(z,1) / (1-tail(z,1)))
    5 * sum(cumprod(x))

make.leslie.matrix <-
    function(pop, surv, fert, srb = 1.05, age.int = 5, label.dims = FALSE)

    ##-- Make the leslie matrix for CCMPP --##
    ##   pop     :  population count at baseline
    ##   fert    :  matrix of age specific fertility rates NOT yet
    ##                mulitplied by age.int
    ##   srb     :  sex ratio at birth matrix
    ##   surv    :  Survivorship probabilities: the probability of
    ##                reaching the age at the start of the interval.
    ##              The first row should be nL0/(n*l0).
    ##              The last row is survival for age.int years in the open
    ##                interval
    ##   proj.steps
    ##   age.int :  needed for correct interpretation of survival
    ##                and fertility rates
    ##   label.dims
    ##           :  should output have dimnames set?

    ## Constants
    n.age.grps <- length(pop)
    n.surv <- length(surv)

    ## Make Leslie matrix
    lesM <- matrix(0, nrow = n.age.grps, ncol = n.age.grps)

    ## first row = fert and birth survival
    k <- 1/(1+srb) * surv[1] * 0.5
    dbl.fert <- age.int*fert + c(age.int*fert[-1], 0) * surv[-1]
    lesM[1,] <- k * dbl.fert

    ## rows 2:(n.age.grps) = survival ratios
    lesM[2:n.age.grps,1:(n.age.grps-1)] <- diag(surv[-c(1,n.surv)])
    lesM[n.age.grps,n.age.grps] <- surv[n.surv]

    if(label.dims) {
        age.labs <- seq(from = 0, by = 5, length = n.age.grps)
        dimnames(lesM) <- list(age.labs, age.labs)

    ## return

net.number.migrants <- function(n1, n2, L)
    ##-- Find net number of migrants in a CCMPP projection --##
    ##   n1      :  Population count vector at time t
    ##   n2      :  Population count vector at time t + delta
    ##   L       :  Leslie matrix used to get population at t + delta
    ## METHOD
    ## Invert n2 = L(n1 + 0.5 mig) + (0.5)*mig
    ## Can get proportions by pre-multiplying output by 'solve(diag(n1))'

    ## Make sure inputs are of correct form
    n1 <- as.numeric(n1)
    n2 <- as.numeric(n2)
    L <- as.matrix(L)

    return(2 * solve(L + diag(nrow(L))) %*% (n2 - L %*% n1))

### ----------------------- HELPER FUNCTIONS ---------------------- ###
### --------------------------------------------------------------- ###

## ........... Misc Functions .......... ##
## ..................................... ##

estMod.logit.mar29 <- function(p) log(p / (1 - p))

estMod.invlogit.mar29 <- function(x)
    if(any(is.infinite(exp(x)))) {
        y <- x
        y[is.infinite(exp(x))] <- 1
        y[!is.infinite(exp(x))] <-
    else return(exp(x) / (1 + exp(x)))

##--- Generates random draws from inverse gamma ---##

estMod.rinvGamma.mar29 <- function(n, shape, scale)
    return(1/rgamma(n, shape = shape, rate = scale))

##--- Returns value of inverse gamma pdf ---##

estMod.dinvGamma.mar29 <- function(x, shape, scale, log = FALSE)
    if(log) d <-
        shape * log(scale) - lgamma(shape) - (shape + 1) * log(x) - scale / x
    else d <- scale^shape / gamma(shape) * (1/x)^(shape + 1) * exp(-scale/x)

##--- Creates column names for mcmc objects ---##

estMod.makeColNames.mar29 <- function(m)
    ## m:    matrix of input values

    e <- expand.grid(rownames(m), colnames(m))
    apply(e, 1, FUN = function(z) paste(z[2], z[1], sep = "."))


## .... Projection for census years .... ##
## ..................................... ##

proj.cen.yrs <-
    function(full.proj, bline.yr, vr.yrs, cen.yrs, proj.yrs
             ,labels = FALSE)

    bline.yr <- as.numeric(bline.yr)
    vr.yrs <- as.numeric(vr.yrs)
    cen.yrs <- as.numeric(cen.yrs)
    proj.yrs <- as.numeric(proj.yrs)

    interp.counts <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(full.proj), ncol = length(cen.yrs))

    if(labels) {
        if(!is.null(rownames(full.proj))) {
            rownames(interp.counts) <- rownames(full.proj)
        } else {
            rownames(intper.counts) <- seq(from = 0, by = 5
                                       ,length.out = nrow(full.proj)
        colnames(interp.counts) <- cen.yrs

    cen.in.proj <- cen.yrs %in% proj.yrs
    cen.notin.proj <- !cen.in.proj
    proj.in.cen <- proj.yrs %in% cen.yrs

    ## Check to see if interpolation necessary

    if(all(cen.in.proj)) {
        interp.counts <- full.proj[,proj.in.cen]
    } else {

        ## Growth rates
        ## (Does this for all, including those not needing interpolation)

        ratio.mat <- matrix(NA,
                            ,nrow = nrow(full.proj)
                            ,ncol = ncol(full.proj) - 1)
        for(j in 1:ncol(ratio.mat)) {
            ratio.mat[,j] <- full.proj[,(j+1)] / full.proj[,j]

        yr.diffs <- diff(proj.yrs)

        ## if(any(is.nan(log(ratio.mat)))) {
        ##     cat("\nratio.mat=\n");  print(ratio.mat)
        ##     stop()
        ## }
        r.mat <- log(ratio.mat) / yr.diffs

        ## Duplicate last column of r.mat so that "interpolation"
        ## can be done for years beyond the end of proj.yrs,
        ## assuming that the growth rate remains constant
        ## (although don't know why we'd do this)

        r.mat <- cbind(r.mat, r.mat[,ncol(r.mat)])

        ## Interpolate

        for(j in which(cen.notin.proj)) {
            base.yr.ind <-
                max(which(proj.yrs <= cen.yrs[j]))
            time.gap <- cen.yrs[j] - proj.yrs[base.yr.ind]
            growth <- r.mat[,base.yr.ind]
            interp.counts[,j] <-
                full.proj[,base.yr.ind] * exp(growth * time.gap)
        interp.counts[,cen.in.proj] <- full.proj[,proj.in.cen]




## ............. Likelihood ............ ##
## ..................................... ##

log.lhood.mar29 <-
    function(log.n.census, log.n.hat, ll.var)
    ##.. log.n.census and log.n.hat should already be logged

    ##.. log.n.hat should be log projected counts for census years
    ##   interpolated if necessary

    ##-- value of log likelihoods --##

    density <- dnorm(log.n.census,
                     mean = log.n.hat,
                     sd = sqrt(ll.var),
                     log = TRUE

    ##-- joint log likelihood --##


## .............. Posterior ............ ##
## ..................................... ##

log.post.mar29 <- function(## estimated vitals
                           f, s, g, baseline.n
                           ## fixed prior means on vitals
                           ,prior.mean.f, prior.mean.s
                           ,prior.mean.g, prior.mean.b
                           ## fixed prior parameters on variance distns
                           ,alpha.f, beta.f, alpha.s, beta.s
                           ,alpha.g, beta.g
                           ,alpha.n, beta.n
                           ## updated variances on prior distns
                           ,sigmasq.f, sigmasq.s, sigmasq.g, sigmasq.n
                           ## value of the log likelihood
                           ## non zero rows of fertility matrix

    ##-- Values of prior densities for vitals --##

    ##.. Note that log densities are calculated for numerical stability.
    ##     f, baseline.n, prior.mean.f, prior.mean.b are logged coming
    ##     in, s, prior.mean.s is logit transformed coming in, g and
    ##     prior.mean.g are not transformed coming in.
    log.f.prior <- dnorm(as.vector(f[non.zero.fert,])
                         ,mean = as.vector(prior.mean.f[non.zero.fert,])
                         ,sd = sqrt(sigmasq.f)
                         ,log = TRUE)
    log.s.prior <- dnorm(s, mean = prior.mean.s, sd = sqrt(sigmasq.s)
                         ,log = TRUE)
    log.g.prior <- dnorm(g, mean = prior.mean.g
                         ,sd = sqrt(sigmasq.g)
                         ,log = TRUE)
    log.b.prior <- dnorm(baseline.n, mean = prior.mean.b
                         ,sd = sqrt(sigmasq.n)
                         ,log = TRUE)

    ##-- Values of prior densities for variances --##

    log.sigmasq.f.prior <-
        log(estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(sigmasq.f, alpha.f, beta.f))
    log.sigmasq.s.prior <-
        log(estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(sigmasq.s, alpha.s, beta.s))
    log.sigmasq.g.prior <-
        log(estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(sigmasq.g, alpha.g, beta.g))
    log.sigmasq.n.prior <-
        log(estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(sigmasq.n, alpha.n, beta.n))

    ##-- The log posterior is the SUM of these with the log.like --##

    return(sum(log.f.prior, log.s.prior, log.g.prior, log.b.prior


## ......... Acceptance Ratio .......... ##
## ..................................... ##

acc.ra.mar29 <- function(log.prop, log.current)
    min(1, exp(log.prop - log.current))

acc.ra.var.mar29 <-
    function(log.prop.post, log.curr.post, log.prop.var, log.curr.var)
    min(1, exp(log.curr.var + log.prop.post - log.prop.var - log.curr.post

### --------------------------- SAMPLER --------------------------- ###
### --------------------------------------------------------------- ###

popRecon.sampler <-
    function(#.. number of iterations and burn-in (not saved)
             n.iter, burn.in = 0, thin.by = 1

             #.. fixed variance hyper-parameters
             ,al.f = 1, be.f = 0.0109, al.s = 1, be.s = 0.0109
             , al.g = 1, be.g = 0.0436, al.n = 1, be.n = 0.0109

             #.. fixed prior means
             ,mean.f, mean.s, mean.g, mean.b

             #.. inital values for vitals and variances
             #   *vitals not transformed coming in*
             ,start.f = mean.f, start.s = mean.s, start.g = mean.g, start.b = mean.b
             ,start.sigmasq.f = 5, start.sigmasq.s = 5, start.sigmasq.g = 5
             ,start.sigmasq.n = 5

             #.. census data
             #   *not transformed coming in*

             #.. **variances** for proposal distributions used in M-H
             #   steps which update vital rates.

             #.. ccmp function
             ,ccmp.function = popRecon.ccmp.female

             #.. number of periods to project forward over (e.g.,
             #     number of five-year steps)
             ,proj.periods = ncol(mean.f)

             #.. age group width
             ,age.size = 5

             #.. print algorithm progress
             ,verb = FALSE

             #.. tolerance defining allowable survival probabilities
             ,s.tol = 10^(-10)

    ## .............. Sampler .............. ##
    ## ..................................... ##

    ## -------- Begin timing ------- ##

    ptm <- proc.time()

    ## ------ Match functions ------ ##

    ## ------- Check input dimensions ------- ##

    input.dims <- sapply(list(start.s = start.s[1:(nrow(start.s)-1),]
                              , start.g = start.g
             ,mean.f = mean.f, mean.s = mean.s[1:(nrow(mean.s)-1),]
             ,mean.g = mean.g
    mismatch.dims <- apply(input.dims, 2, "identical", dim(start.f))
        stop("Dims of these inputs do not match 'dim(start.f)'", "\n"
             ,paste(names(mismatch.dims)[!mismatch.dims], collapse = "  "))

    ## ------- Check Years --------- ##

    all.vr.years <-
        list(start.s = colnames(start.s), start.g = colnames(start.g)
             ,mean.f = colnames(mean.f), mean.s = colnames(mean.s)
             ,mean.g = colnames(mean.g)
    mismatch.yrs <- sapply(all.vr.years, "identical", colnames(start.f))
        stop("Years of these inputs do not match years of 'start.f'", "\n"
             ,paste(names(mismatch.yrs)[!mismatch.yrs], collapse = "  "))

    all.vr.years.eq <-
        sapply(all.vr.years, FUN = function(z) all.equal(colnames(start.f), z))
    if(!all(all.vr.years.eq)) {
        stop(paste("colnames(", names(all.vr.years)[min(which(!all.vr.years.eq))], ")"
                   ," != colnames(start.f). There may be more...", sep = "")

    proj.years <-
        seq(from = as.numeric(colnames(start.f)[1]), by = age.size
            ,length = proj.periods + 1)

    if(!all.equal(proj.years[1:ncol(start.f)], as.numeric(colnames(start.f))))
        stop("colnames(start.f) !=  seq(from = as.numeric(colnames(start.f)[1]), by = age.size, length = ncol(start.f))")

    vr.years <- as.numeric(colnames(start.f))
    baseline.year <- as.numeric(colnames(start.b))
    census.years <- as.numeric(colnames(pop.data))

    ## ------- Determine fert.rows --------- ##

    zero.elements <- mean.f == 0
    fert.rows <- as.logical(apply(zero.elements, 1, function(z) !all(z)))

    ## ------- Type of migration data ------- ##

    ## No reason for this anymore; remove later
    mig.string <- "prop"

    ## ---------- Storage ---------- ##

    #.. MCMC objects for posterior samples
    # Samples are stored as 2D arrays for compatibility with coda's
    # mcmc format with iterations as rows, year*age.group as columns.
    # Age.group cycles fastest across columns, e.g.,
    # _____________________________________________________
    #   1960  | 1960  | 1960  | ... | 1965  | 1965  | ...
    #   15.19 | 20.24 | 25.29 | ... | 15.19 | 20.24 | ...
    # 1  --   |  --   |  --   | ... |  --   |  --   | ...
    # 2  --   |  --   |  --   | ... |  --   |  --   | ...
    #   etc.
    # _____________________________________________________

    ## How many stored?
    n.stored <- ceiling(n.iter / thin.by)

      # Fertility
      fert.rate.mcmc <-
          mcmc(matrix(nrow = n.stored
                      ,ncol = sum(fert.rows) * ncol(start.f))
               ,start = burn.in + 1
               ,thin = thin.by
      colnames(fert.rate.mcmc) <-

      # Survival proportions
      surv.prop.mcmc <-
          mcmc(matrix(nrow = n.stored
                      ,ncol = nrow(start.s) * ncol(start.s))
               ,start = burn.in + 1
               ,thin = thin.by
      colnames(surv.prop.mcmc) <-

      # lx
      lx.mcmc <-
          mcmc(matrix(nrow = n.stored
                      ,ncol = nrow(start.b) * (proj.periods))
               ,start = burn.in + 1
               ,thin = thin.by
      colnames(lx.mcmc) <-
          estMod.makeColNames.mar29(matrix(0, nrow = nrow(start.b)
                                 ,ncol = proj.periods
          ,dimnames = list(rownames(start.b)
           ,seq(from = as.numeric(colnames(start.b)[1]) +
           age.size, by = age.size, length = proj.periods))

      # migration proportions
      mig.mcmc <-
          mcmc(matrix(nrow = n.stored
                      ,ncol = nrow(start.g) * ncol(start.g))
               ,start = burn.in + 1
               ,thin = thin.by)
      colnames(mig.mcmc) <-

      # baseline counts
      baseline.count.mcmc <-
          mcmc(matrix(nrow = n.stored, ncol = nrow(start.b))
               ,start = burn.in + 1
               ,thin = thin.by)
      colnames(baseline.count.mcmc) <- estMod.makeColNames.mar29(start.b)

      # variances
      variances.mcmc <-
          mcmc(matrix(nrow = n.stored, ncol = 4)
               ,start = burn.in + 1
               ,thin = thin.by)
      colnames(variances.mcmc) <-
          c("fert.rate.var", "surv.prop.var", "mig.var"

    #.. Record acceptance rate

    acc.count <-
        list(fert.rate = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mean.f[fert.rows,])
             ,ncol = ncol(mean.f[fert.rows,])
             ,dimnames = dimnames(mean.f[fert.rows,])
             ,surv.prop = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mean.s)
              ,ncol = ncol(mean.s)
              ,dimnames = dimnames(mean.s)
             ,mig = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mean.g), ncol = ncol(mean.g)
              ,dimnames = dimnames(mean.g)
             ,baseline.count = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mean.b)
              ,dimnames = dimnames(mean.b)
             ,sigmasq.f = 0
             ,sigmasq.s = 0
             ,sigmasq.g = 0
             ,sigmasq.n = 0

    #.. Count how often acceptance ratio missing or na

    ar.na <- acc.count

    #.. Count how often projection gives negative population

    pop.negative <-
        list(fert.rate = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mean.f[fert.rows,])
             ,ncol = ncol(mean.f[fert.rows,])
             ,dimnames = dimnames(mean.f[fert.rows,])
             ,surv.prop = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mean.s)
              ,ncol = ncol(mean.s)
              ,dimnames = dimnames(mean.s)
             ,mig = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mean.g), ncol = ncol(mean.g)
              ,dimnames = dimnames(mean.g)
             ,baseline.count = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mean.b)
              ,dimnames = dimnames(mean.b)

    #.. Count how often surv probs are outside tolerance

    s.out.tol <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mean.s), ncol = ncol(mean.s)
                        ,dimnames = dimnames(mean.s))

    ## -------- Initialize -------- ##

    #.. Set current vitals and variances to inital values
    #   Take logs/logits here where required

    log.curr.f <- log(start.f) #<-- log(0) stored as "-Inf". Gets
    log.prop.f <- log(start.f) #    converted to 0 under exponentiation
    logit.curr.s <- estMod.logit.mar29(start.s)
    curr.g <- start.g
    log.curr.b <- log(start.b)

    curr.sigmasq.f <- start.sigmasq.f
    curr.sigmasq.s <- start.sigmasq.s
    curr.sigmasq.g <- start.sigmasq.g
    curr.sigmasq.n <- start.sigmasq.n

    #.. Fixed means for vitals and baseline
    #   Set these to inputs, take logs where required.

    log.mean.f <- log(mean.f)
    logit.mean.s <- estMod.logit.mar29(mean.s)
    mean.g <- mean.g
    log.mean.b <- log(mean.b)

    #.. Fixed census data
    #   Take logs here

    log.census.mat <- log(pop.data)

    #.. Set current projection: base on initial values

    log.curr.proj <-
        log(proj.cen.yrs(full.proj =
                         ccmp.function(pop = exp(log.curr.b),
                                       surv = estMod.invlogit.mar29(logit.curr.s),
                                       fert = exp(log.curr.f),
                                       mig = curr.g,
                                       proj.steps = proj.periods,
                                       age.int = age.size)
                         ,bline.yr = baseline.year
                         ,vr.yrs = vr.years
                         ,cen.yrs = census.years, proj.yrs = proj.years

    #.. Current log posterior

    log.curr.posterior <-
        log.post.mar29(f = log.curr.f
                       ,s = logit.curr.s
                       ,g = curr.g
                       ,baseline.n = log.curr.b
                       ,prior.mean.f = log.mean.f
                       ,prior.mean.s = logit.mean.s
                       ,prior.mean.g = mean.g
                       ,prior.mean.b = log.mean.b
                       ,alpha.f = al.f, beta.f = be.f
                       ,alpha.s = al.s, beta.s = be.s
                       ,alpha.g = al.g, beta.g = be.g
                       ,alpha.n = al.n, beta.n = be.n
                       ,sigmasq.f = curr.sigmasq.f
                       ,sigmasq.s = curr.sigmasq.s
                       ,sigmasq.g = curr.sigmasq.g
                       ,sigmasq.n = curr.sigmasq.n
                       ,log.like = log.lhood.mar29(
                        log.n.census = log.census.mat
                        ,log.n.hat = log.curr.proj
                        ,ll.var = curr.sigmasq.n)
                       ,non.zero.fert = fert.rows

    ## -------- Begin loop ------- ##

    if(verb) {
        cat("\n\ntotal iterations = ", n.iter+burn.in
            ,"\nburn in = ", burn.in
            ,"\nthin = ", thin.by
            ,",\nnumber stored = ", n.stored, sep = "")
        cat("\n\nfert.rows = ", which(fert.rows)
            ,"\ncensus years = ", census.years
            ,"\nvital rate years = ", vr.years
            ,"\nprojection years = ", proj.years
            ,"iter ", " quantity\n", "---- ", " --------"
            ,sep = "")

    for(i in 1:(n.iter + burn.in)) {

      # k is the index into the storage objects
      k <- (i - burn.in - 1) / thin.by + 1

      ## -------- Vital Rate M-H Steps ------- ##

      ##...... Fertility .....##

      if(verb && identical(i%%1000, 0)) cat("\n", i, " Fertility")

      # - Proposal

      #.. cycle through components
      for(j in 1:length(log.curr.f[fert.rows,])) {

        #.. make a matrix conformable w fertility rate matrix
        log.prop.f.mat <-
            matrix(0, nrow = nrow(log.curr.f), ncol = ncol(log.curr.f))
        log.prop.f.mat[fert.rows,][j] <-
            rnorm(1, 0, sqrt(prop.vars$fert.rate[j]))

        #.. make proposal
        log.prop.f <- log.curr.f + log.prop.f.mat

        # - Run CCMP (project on the original scale)
        #   ** Don't allow negative population
        full.proj <- ccmp.function(pop = exp(log.curr.b),
                            fert = exp(log.prop.f), #<-- use proposal
                            surv = estMod.invlogit.mar29(logit.curr.s),
                            mig = curr.g,
                            proj.steps = proj.periods,
                                   age.int = age.size)

        if(sum(full.proj < 0) > 0 || is.na(sum(full.proj))
           || is.nan(sum(full.proj))) {
            if(i > burn.in) {
                pop.negative$fert.rate[j] <-
                    pop.negative$fert.rate[j] + 1/n.iter
        } else {
            prop.proj <-
                proj.cen.yrs(full.proj = full.proj
                             ,bline.yr = baseline.year
                             ,vr.yrs = vr.years
                             ,cen.yrs = census.years, proj.yrs = proj.years
            log.prop.proj <- log(prop.proj)

          # - Calculate log posterior of proposed vital under projection
          log.prop.posterior <-
              log.post.mar29(f = log.prop.f #<-- use proposal
                             ,s = logit.curr.s
                             ,g = curr.g
                             ,baseline.n = log.curr.b
                             ,prior.mean.f = log.mean.f
                             ,prior.mean.s = logit.mean.s
                             ,prior.mean.g = mean.g
                             ,prior.mean.b = log.mean.b
                             ,alpha.f = al.f, beta.f = be.f
                             ,alpha.s = al.s, beta.s = be.s
                             ,alpha.g = al.g, beta.g = be.g
                             ,alpha.n = al.n, beta.n = be.n
                             ,sigmasq.f = curr.sigmasq.f
                             ,sigmasq.s = curr.sigmasq.s
                             ,sigmasq.g = curr.sigmasq.g
                             ,sigmasq.n = curr.sigmasq.n
                             ,log.like = log.lhood.mar29(
                              log.n.census = log.census.mat
                              ,log.n.hat = log.prop.proj #<-- use proposal
                              ,ll.var = curr.sigmasq.n)
                             ,non.zero.fert = fert.rows

          #- Acceptance ratio
          ar <- acc.ra.mar29(log.prop = log.prop.posterior,
                             log.current = log.curr.posterior)

          # - Move or stay
          #.. stay if acceptance ratio 0, missing, infinity, etc.
          if(is.na(ar) || is.nan(ar) || ar < 0) {
            if(i > burn.in) ar.na$fert.rate[j] <-
                ar.na$fert.rate[j] + 1/n.iter
          } else {
            #.. if accept, update current fert rates, store proposed
            #   rate, update current projection and count acceptance
            if(runif(1) <= ar) {
              if(i > burn.in) acc.count$fert.rate[j] <-
                  acc.count$fert.rate[j] + 1/n.iter
              log.curr.f <- log.prop.f
              log.curr.proj <- log.prop.proj
              log.curr.posterior <- log.prop.posterior
            #.. if reject, leave current fert rates and projections
            #   alone

          } # close else after checking for ar=0, missing, inf

        } # close else after checking neg or zero population

      } # close loop over all age-spec fertility rates

      #.. Store proposed fertility rate matrix
      if(k %% 1 == 0 && k > 0) fert.rate.mcmc[k,] <-

      ##...... Survival ......##

      if(verb && identical(i%%1000, 0)) cat("\n", i, " Survival")

      # - Proposal

      #.. cycle through components
      for(j in 1:length(logit.curr.s)) {

        #.. make a matrix conformable w rate matrix
        logit.prop.s.mat <-
            matrix(0, nrow = nrow(logit.curr.s)
                   ,ncol = ncol(logit.curr.s))
        logit.prop.s.mat[j] <- rnorm(1, 0, sqrt(prop.vars$surv.prop[j]))

        #.. make proposal
        logit.prop.s <- logit.curr.s + logit.prop.s.mat

        #.. If proposal resulted in back-transformed s = 0 or 1, do
        #   nothing
        if(estMod.invlogit.mar29(logit.prop.s[j]) > 1 - s.tol ||
           estMod.invlogit.mar29(logit.prop.s[j]) < s.tol) {
          #.. leave current surv rates and projections
          #   alone (simply do not propose
          #   extreme survival probabilities)
          s.out.tol[j] <- s.out.tol[j] + 1/n.iter
        } else {

          # - Run CCMP (project on the original scale)
          #   ** Don't allow negative population; again, simply treat
          #      this as if the proposal were never made
            full.proj <- ccmp.function(pop = exp(log.curr.b),
                                       fert = exp(log.curr.f),
                                       surv = estMod.invlogit.mar29(logit.prop.s), #<-- use prop
                                       mig = curr.g,
                                       proj.steps = proj.periods,
                                       age.int = age.size)

            if(sum(full.proj < 0) > 0 || is.na(sum(full.proj))
               || is.nan(sum(full.proj))) {
                if(i > burn.in) {
                    pop.negative$surv.prop[j] <-
                        pop.negative$surv.prop[j] + 1/n.iter
            } else {
                prop.proj <-
                    proj.cen.yrs(full.proj = full.proj
                                 ,bline.yr = baseline.year
                                 ,vr.yrs = vr.years
                                 ,cen.yrs = census.years, proj.yrs = proj.years
            log.prop.proj <- log(prop.proj)

            # - Calculate log posterior of proposed vital under projection
            log.prop.posterior <-
              log.post.mar29(f = log.curr.f
                             ,s = logit.prop.s #<-- use proposal
                             ,g = curr.g
                             ,baseline.n = log.curr.b
                             ,prior.mean.f = log.mean.f
                             ,prior.mean.s = logit.mean.s
                             ,prior.mean.g = mean.g
                             ,prior.mean.b = log.mean.b
                             ,alpha.f = al.f, beta.f = be.f
                             ,alpha.s = al.s, beta.s = be.s
                             ,alpha.g = al.g, beta.g = be.g
                             ,alpha.n = al.n, beta.n = be.n
                             ,sigmasq.f = curr.sigmasq.f
                             ,sigmasq.s = curr.sigmasq.s
                             ,sigmasq.g = curr.sigmasq.g
                             ,sigmasq.n = curr.sigmasq.n
                             ,log.like = log.lhood.mar29(
                              log.n.census = log.census.mat
                              ,log.n.hat = log.prop.proj #<-- use proposal
                              ,ll.var = curr.sigmasq.n)
                             ,non.zero.fert = fert.rows

            #- Acceptance ratio
            ar <- acc.ra.mar29(log.prop = log.prop.posterior,
                               log.current = log.curr.posterior)

            # - Move or stay
            #.. stay if acceptance ratio 0, missing, infinity, etc.
            if(is.na(ar) || is.nan(ar) || ar < 0) {
              if(i > burn.in) ar.na$surv.prop[j] <-
                  ar.na$surv.prop[j] + 1/n.iter
            } else {
              #.. if accept, update current surv rates,
              #   update current projection and count acceptance
              if(runif(1) <= ar) {
                if(i > burn.in) acc.count$surv.prop[j] <-
                    acc.count$surv.prop[j] + 1/n.iter
                logit.curr.s <- logit.prop.s
                log.curr.proj <- log.prop.proj
                log.curr.posterior <- log.prop.posterior
              } #.. if reject, leave current surv rates and projections
                #   alone

            } # close else{ after checking for undefined ar

          } # close else{ after checking for negative pop

        } # close else{ after checking for s outside tol

      } # close loop over all age-spec survival probabilities

      #.. Store proposed survival probability matrix
      if(k %% 1 == 0 && k > 0) surv.prop.mcmc[k,] <-

      ##...... Migration ......##

      if(verb && identical(i%%1000, 0)) cat("\n", i, " Migration")

      # - Proposal

      #.. cycle through components
      for(j in 1:length(curr.g)) {

        #.. make a matrix conformable w rate matrix
        prop.g.mat <-
            matrix(0, nrow = nrow(curr.g), ncol = ncol(curr.g))
        prop.g.mat[j] <- rnorm(1, 0, sqrt(prop.vars$mig[j]))

        #.. make proposal
        prop.g <- curr.g + prop.g.mat

      # - Run CCMP (project on the original scale)
      #   ** Don't allow negative population
        full.proj <- ccmp.function(pop = exp(log.curr.b),
                              fert = exp(log.curr.f),
                              surv = estMod.invlogit.mar29(logit.curr.s),
                              mig = prop.g, #<-- use proposal
                              proj.steps = proj.periods,
                              age.int = age.size)

      if(sum(full.proj < 0) > 0 || is.na(sum(full.proj))
         || is.nan(sum(full.proj))) {
        if(i > burn.in) {
          pop.negative$mig[j] <-
              pop.negative$mig[j] + 1/n.iter
      } else {

        prop.proj <-
            proj.cen.yrs(full.proj = full.proj
                     ,bline.yr = baseline.year
                     ,vr.yrs = vr.years
                     ,cen.yrs = census.years, proj.yrs = proj.years
        log.prop.proj <- log(prop.proj)

        # - Calculate log posterior of proposed vital under projection
        log.prop.posterior <-
              log.post.mar29(f = log.curr.f
                             ,s = logit.curr.s
                             ,g = prop.g #<-- use proposal
                             ,baseline.n = log.curr.b
                             ,prior.mean.f = log.mean.f
                             ,prior.mean.s = logit.mean.s
                             ,prior.mean.g = mean.g
                             ,prior.mean.b = log.mean.b
                             ,alpha.f = al.f, beta.f = be.f
                             ,alpha.s = al.s, beta.s = be.s
                             ,alpha.g = al.g, beta.g = be.g
                             ,alpha.n = al.n, beta.n = be.n
                             ,sigmasq.f = curr.sigmasq.f
                             ,sigmasq.s = curr.sigmasq.s
                             ,sigmasq.g = curr.sigmasq.g
                             ,sigmasq.n = curr.sigmasq.n
                             ,log.like = log.lhood.mar29(
                              log.n.census = log.census.mat
                              ,log.n.hat = log.prop.proj #<-- use proposal
                              ,ll.var = curr.sigmasq.n)
                             ,non.zero.fert = fert.rows

        #- Acceptance ratio
        ar <- acc.ra.mar29(log.prop = log.prop.posterior,
                           log.current = log.curr.posterior)

        # - Move or stay
        #.. stay if acceptance ratio 0, missing, infinity, etc.
        if(is.na(ar) || is.nan(ar) || ar < 0) {
            if(i > burn.in) ar.na$mig[j] <-
                ar.na$mig[j] + 1/n.iter
        } else {
            #.. if accept, update current vital rates, store proposed
            #   rate, update current projection and count acceptance
            if(runif(1) <= ar) {
                if(i > burn.in) acc.count$mig[j] <-
                    acc.count$mig[j] + 1/n.iter
                curr.g <- prop.g
                log.curr.proj <- log.prop.proj
                log.curr.posterior <- log.prop.posterior
            } #.. if reject, leave current fert rates and projections
            #   alone, store current rate

        } # close else after checking for ar=na, nan, zero

    } # close else after checking for negative population

    } # close loop over all age-specific migration proportions

      #.. Store proposed migration proportion matrix
      if(k %% 1 == 0 && k > 0) mig.mcmc[k,] <- as.vector(curr.g)

      ##...... Baseline population ......##

      if(verb && identical(i%%1000, 0)) cat("\n", i, " Baseline")

      # - Proposal

      #.. cycle through components (never update last
      #   value as this affects years beyond the estimation period)
      for(j in 1:length(log.curr.b)) {

      #.. make a matrix conformable w rate matrix
      log.prop.b.mat <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(log.curr.b), ncol = 1)
      log.prop.b.mat[j] <- rnorm(1, 0, sqrt(prop.vars$baseline.pop.count[j]))

      #.. make proposal
      log.prop.b <- log.curr.b + log.prop.b.mat

      # - Run CCMP (project on the original scale)
      #   ** Don't allow negative population
      full.proj <- ccmp.function(pop = exp(log.prop.b), #<-- use proposal
                            fert = exp(log.curr.f),
                            surv = estMod.invlogit.mar29(logit.curr.s),
                            mig = curr.g,
                            proj.steps = proj.periods,
                            age.int = age.size)

      if(sum(full.proj < 0) > 0 || is.na(sum(full.proj))
         || is.nan(sum(full.proj))) {
        if(i > burn.in) {
          pop.negative$baseline.count[j] <-
              pop.negative$baseline.count[j] + 1/n.iter
      } else {
      prop.proj <-
          proj.cen.yrs(full.proj = full.proj
                     ,bline.yr = baseline.year
                     ,vr.yrs = vr.years
                     ,cen.yrs = census.years, proj.yrs = proj.years
        log.prop.proj <- log(prop.proj)

        # - Calculate log posterior of proposed vital under projection
        log.prop.posterior <-
              log.post.mar29(f = log.curr.f
                             ,s = logit.curr.s
                             ,g = curr.g
                             ,baseline.n = log.prop.b #<-- use proposal
                             ,prior.mean.f = log.mean.f
                             ,prior.mean.s = logit.mean.s
                             ,prior.mean.g = mean.g
                             ,prior.mean.b = log.mean.b
                             ,alpha.f = al.f, beta.f = be.f
                             ,alpha.s = al.s, beta.s = be.s
                             ,alpha.g = al.g, beta.g = be.g
                             ,alpha.n = al.n, beta.n = be.n
                             ,sigmasq.f = curr.sigmasq.f
                             ,sigmasq.s = curr.sigmasq.s
                             ,sigmasq.g = curr.sigmasq.g
                             ,sigmasq.n = curr.sigmasq.n
                             ,log.like = log.lhood.mar29(
                              log.n.census = log.census.mat
                              ,log.n.hat = log.prop.proj #<-- use proposal
                              ,ll.var = curr.sigmasq.n)
                             ,non.zero.fert = fert.rows

        #- Acceptance ratio
        ar <- acc.ra.mar29(log.prop = log.prop.posterior,
                           log.current = log.curr.posterior)

        # - Move or stay
        #.. stay if acceptance ratio 0, missing, infinity, etc.
        if(is.na(ar) || is.nan(ar) || ar < 0) {
            if(i > burn.in) ar.na$baseline.count[j] <-
                ar.na$baseline.count[j] + 1/n.iter
        } else {
            #.. if accept, update current mig rates, store proposed
            #   rate, update current projection and count acceptance
            if(runif(1) <= ar) {
                if(i > burn.in) acc.count$baseline.count[j] <-
                    acc.count$baseline.count[j] + 1/n.iter
                log.curr.b <- log.prop.b
                log.curr.proj <- log.prop.proj
                log.curr.posterior <- log.prop.posterior
            } #.. if reject, leave current fert rates and projections
            #   alone, store current rate

        } # close else after checking for ar=na, nan, zero

    } # close else after checking for negative population

  } # close loop over all age-specific baseline counts

      #.. Store proposed baseline count matrix
      if(k %% 1 == 0 && k > 0) baseline.count.mcmc[k,] <-

      ## ------- Variance Updates ------- ##

      if(verb && identical(i%%1000, 0)) cat("\n", i, " Variances")

      ##...... Fertility rate ......##

      prop.sigmasq.f <-
        estMod.rinvGamma.mar29(1, al.f +
                  be.f + 0.5*sum((log.curr.f[fert.rows,] -

        # - Calculate log posterior of proposed vital under projection
        log.prop.posterior <-
              log.post.mar29(f = log.curr.f
                             ,s = logit.curr.s
                             ,g = curr.g
                             ,baseline.n = log.curr.b
                             ,prior.mean.f = log.mean.f
                             ,prior.mean.s = logit.mean.s
                             ,prior.mean.g = mean.g
                             ,prior.mean.b = log.mean.b
                             ,alpha.f = al.f, beta.f = be.f
                             ,alpha.s = al.s, beta.s = be.s
                             ,alpha.g = al.g, beta.g = be.g
                             ,alpha.n = al.n, beta.n = be.n
                             ,sigmasq.f = prop.sigmasq.f #<-- use proposal
                             ,sigmasq.s = curr.sigmasq.s
                             ,sigmasq.g = curr.sigmasq.g
                             ,sigmasq.n = curr.sigmasq.n
                             ,log.like = log.lhood.mar29(
                              log.n.census = log.census.mat
                              ,log.n.hat = log.curr.proj
                              ,ll.var = curr.sigmasq.n #<-- use current
                             ,non.zero.fert = fert.rows

      #- Acceptance ratio
      ar <- acc.ra.var.mar29(log.prop.post = log.prop.posterior
                             ,log.curr.post = log.curr.posterior
                             ,log.prop.var = estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(prop.sigmasq.f
                              ,al.f + length(mean.f[fert.rows,])/2
                              ,be.f + 0.5*sum((log.curr.f[fert.rows,] -
                              ,log = TRUE)
                             ,log.curr.var = estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(curr.sigmasq.f
                              ,al.f + length(mean.f[fert.rows,])/2
                              ,be.f + 0.5*sum((log.curr.f[fert.rows,] -
                              ,log = TRUE)

        # - Move or stay
        #.. stay if acceptance ratio 0, missing, infinity, etc.
        if(is.na(ar) || is.nan(ar) || ar < 0) {
            if(i > burn.in) ar.na$sigmasq.f <-
                ar.na$sigmasq.f + 1/n.iter
        } else {
            #.. if accept, update current, store proposed
            #   and count acceptance
            if(runif(1) <= ar) {
                if(i > burn.in) acc.count$sigmasq.f <-
                    acc.count$sigmasq.f + 1/n.iter
                curr.sigmasq.f <- prop.sigmasq.f
                log.curr.posterior <- log.prop.posterior
            } #.. if reject, leave current and posterior
        } # close else after checking for ar=na, nan, zero

      if(k %% 1 == 0 && k > 0) variances.mcmc[k,"fert.rate.var"] <- curr.sigmasq.f

      ##...... Survival Proportion ......##

      prop.sigmasq.s <-
        estMod.rinvGamma.mar29(1, al.s + length(mean.s)/2,
                  be.s +
                    0.5*sum((logit.curr.s - logit.mean.s)^2))

        # - Calculate log posterior of proposed vital under projection
        log.prop.posterior <-
              log.post.mar29(f = log.curr.f
                             ,s = logit.curr.s
                             ,g = curr.g
                             ,baseline.n = log.curr.b
                             ,prior.mean.f = log.mean.f
                             ,prior.mean.s = logit.mean.s
                             ,prior.mean.g = mean.g
                             ,prior.mean.b = log.mean.b
                             ,alpha.f = al.f, beta.f = be.f
                             ,alpha.s = al.s, beta.s = be.s
                             ,alpha.g = al.g, beta.g = be.g
                             ,alpha.n = al.n, beta.n = be.n
                             ,sigmasq.f = curr.sigmasq.f
                             ,sigmasq.s = prop.sigmasq.s  #<-- use proposal
                             ,sigmasq.g = curr.sigmasq.g
                             ,sigmasq.n = curr.sigmasq.n
                             ,log.like = log.lhood.mar29(
                              log.n.census = log.census.mat
                              ,log.n.hat = log.curr.proj
                              ,ll.var = curr.sigmasq.n #<-- use current
                             ,non.zero.fert = fert.rows

      #- Acceptance ratio
      ar <- acc.ra.var.mar29(log.prop.post = log.prop.posterior
                             ,log.curr.post = log.curr.posterior
                             ,log.prop.var = estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(prop.sigmasq.s
                              ,al.s + length(mean.s)/2
                              ,be.s + 0.5*sum((logit.curr.s -
                              ,log = TRUE)
                             ,log.curr.var = estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(curr.sigmasq.s
                              ,al.s + length(mean.s)/2
                              ,be.s + 0.5*sum((logit.curr.s -
                              ,log = TRUE)

        # - Move or stay
        #.. stay if acceptance ratio 0, missing, infinity, etc.
        if(is.na(ar) || is.nan(ar) || ar < 0) {
            if(i > burn.in) ar.na$sigmasq.s <-
                ar.na$sigmasq.s + 1/n.iter
        } else {
            #.. if accept, update current, store proposed
            #   and count acceptance
            if(runif(1) <= ar) {
                if(i > burn.in) acc.count$sigmasq.s <-
                    acc.count$sigmasq.s + 1/n.iter
                curr.sigmasq.s <- prop.sigmasq.s
                log.curr.posterior <- log.prop.posterior
            } #.. if reject, leave current and posterior
        } # close else after checking for ar=na, nan, zero

      if(k %% 1 == 0 && k > 0) variances.mcmc[k,"surv.prop.var"] <- curr.sigmasq.s

      ##...... Migration Proportion ......##

      prop.sigmasq.g <-
        estMod.rinvGamma.mar29(1, al.g + length(mean.g)/2,
                  be.g +
                    0.5*sum((curr.g - mean.g)^2))

        # - Calculate log posterior of proposed vital under projection
        log.prop.posterior <-
              log.post.mar29(f = log.curr.f
                             ,s = logit.curr.s
                             ,g = curr.g
                             ,baseline.n = log.curr.b
                             ,prior.mean.f = log.mean.f
                             ,prior.mean.s = logit.mean.s
                             ,prior.mean.g = mean.g
                             ,prior.mean.b = log.mean.b
                             ,alpha.f = al.f, beta.f = be.f
                             ,alpha.s = al.s, beta.s = be.s
                             ,alpha.g = al.g, beta.g = be.g
                             ,alpha.n = al.n, beta.n = be.n
                             ,sigmasq.f = curr.sigmasq.f
                             ,sigmasq.s = curr.sigmasq.s
                             ,sigmasq.g = prop.sigmasq.g #<-- use proposal
                             ,sigmasq.n = curr.sigmasq.n
                             ,log.like = log.lhood.mar29(
                              log.n.census = log.census.mat
                              ,log.n.hat = log.curr.proj
                              ,ll.var = curr.sigmasq.n #<-- use current
                             ,non.zero.fert = fert.rows

      #- Acceptance ratio
      ar <- acc.ra.var.mar29(log.prop.post = log.prop.posterior
                             ,log.curr.post = log.curr.posterior
                             ,log.prop.var = estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(prop.sigmasq.g
                              ,al.g + length(mean.g)/2
                              ,be.g + 0.5*sum((curr.g -
                              ,log = TRUE)
                             ,log.curr.var = estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(curr.sigmasq.g
                              ,al.g + length(mean.g)/2
                              ,be.g + 0.5*sum((curr.g -
                              ,log = TRUE)

        # - Move or stay
        #.. stay if acceptance ratio 0, missing, infinity, etc.
        if(is.na(ar) || is.nan(ar) || ar < 0) {
            if(i > burn.in) ar.na$sigmasq.g <-
                ar.na$sigmasq.g + 1/n.iter
        } else {
            #.. if accept, update current, store proposed
            #   and count acceptance
            if(runif(1) <= ar) {
                if(i > burn.in) acc.count$sigmasq.g <-
                    acc.count$sigmasq.g + 1/n.iter
                curr.sigmasq.g <- prop.sigmasq.g
                log.curr.posterior <- log.prop.posterior
            } #.. if reject, leave current and posterior
        } # close else after checking for ar=na, nan, zero

      if(k %% 1 == 0 && k > 0) variances.mcmc[k,"mig.var"] <- curr.sigmasq.g

      ##...... Population Count ......##

      prop.sigmasq.n <-
        estMod.rinvGamma.mar29(1, al.n + (length(mean.b) +
                be.n + 0.5 * (
                  sum((log.curr.b - log.mean.b)^2) +
                  sum((log.census.mat - log.curr.proj)^2)

        # - Calculate log posterior of proposed vital under projection
        log.prop.posterior <-
              log.post.mar29(f = log.curr.f
                             ,s = logit.curr.s
                             ,g = curr.g
                             ,baseline.n = log.curr.b
                             ,prior.mean.f = log.mean.f
                             ,prior.mean.s = logit.mean.s
                             ,prior.mean.g = mean.g
                             ,prior.mean.b = log.mean.b
                             ,alpha.f = al.f, beta.f = be.f
                             ,alpha.s = al.s, beta.s = be.s
                             ,alpha.g = al.g, beta.g = be.g
                             ,alpha.n = al.n, beta.n = be.n
                             ,sigmasq.f = curr.sigmasq.f
                             ,sigmasq.s = curr.sigmasq.s
                             ,sigmasq.g = curr.sigmasq.g
                             ,sigmasq.n = prop.sigmasq.n #<-- use proposal
                             ,log.like = log.lhood.mar29(
                              log.n.census = log.census.mat
                              ,log.n.hat = log.curr.proj
                              ,ll.var = prop.sigmasq.n #<-- use proposal
                             ,non.zero.fert = fert.rows

      #- Acceptance ratio
      ar <- acc.ra.var.mar29(log.prop.post = log.prop.posterior
                             ,log.curr.post = log.curr.posterior
                             ,log.prop.var = estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(prop.sigmasq.n
                              ,al.n + (length(mean.b) +
                              ,be.n + 0.5 * (sum((log.curr.b - log.mean.b)^2) + sum((log.census.mat - log.curr.proj)^2))
                              ,log = TRUE)
                             ,log.curr.var = estMod.dinvGamma.mar29(curr.sigmasq.n
                              ,al.n + (length(mean.b) +
                              ,be.n + 0.5 * (sum((log.curr.b - log.mean.b)^2) + sum((log.census.mat - log.curr.proj)^2))
                              ,log = TRUE)

        # - Move or stay
        #.. stay if acceptance ratio 0, missing, infinity, etc.
        if(is.na(ar) || is.nan(ar) || ar < 0) {
            if(i > burn.in) ar.na$sigmasq.n <-
                ar.na$sigmasq.n + 1/n.iter
        } else {
            #.. if accept, update current, store proposed
            #   and count acceptance
            if(runif(1) <= ar) {
                if(i > burn.in) acc.count$sigmasq.n <-
                    acc.count$sigmasq.n + 1/n.iter
                curr.sigmasq.n <- prop.sigmasq.n
                log.curr.posterior <- log.prop.posterior
            } #.. if reject, leave current and posterior
        } # close else after checking for ar=na, nan, zero

      if(k %% 1 == 0 && k > 0) {
        variances.mcmc[k,"population.count.var"] <- curr.sigmasq.n

      ## ------- Store current population ------- ##

      lx.mcmc[k,] <-
          as.vector(ccmp.function(pop = exp(log.curr.b),
                                  surv = estMod.invlogit.mar29(logit.curr.s),
                                  fert = exp(log.curr.f),
                                  mig = curr.g,
                                  proj.steps = proj.periods,
                                  age.int = age.size

      if(verb && identical(i%%1000, 0)) cat("\n\n")

  } # Ends outer-most loop

    ## ......... End Loop ........ ##

    ## ---------- Output --------- ##

    #cat("inital values", "\n\n")
    #.. initial values
    start.vals <- list(fert.rate = start.f
                      ,surv.prop = start.s
                      ,mig.XXX = start.g
                      ,baseline.count = start.b
                      ,start.sigmasq.f = start.sigmasq.f
                      ,start.sigmasq.s = start.sigmasq.s
                      ,start.sigmasq.g = start.sigmasq.g
                      ,start.sigmasq.n = start.sigmasq.n
                      ,pop.data = pop.data

    #.. fixed parameters
    fixed.params <- list(alpha.fert.rate = al.f
                         ,beta.fert.rate = be.f
                         ,alpha.surv.prop = al.s
                         ,beta.surv.prop = be.s
                         ,alpha.mig.XXX = al.g
                         ,beta.mig.XXX = be.g
                         ,alpha.population.count = al.n
                         ,beta.population.count = be.n
                         ,mean.fert.rate = mean.f
                         ,mean.surv.prop = mean.s
                         ,mean.mig.XXX = mean.g
                         ,mean.baseline.count = mean.b
                         ,mean.pop.data = pop.data

    #.. migration type
    new.names <-
        lapply(list(start.vals, fixed.params), FUN = function(z) {
        sub("XXX", mig.string, names(z))
    names(start.vals) <- new.names[[1]]
    names(fixed.params) <- new.names[[2]]

    #cat("algorithm statistics", "\n\n")
    #.. algorithm statistics
    alg.stats <-
        list(acceptance.proportions = acc.count
             ,pop.went.neg = pop.negative
             ,acc.prop.adj4neg = mapply(FUN = function(a, b, n) {
                 (a * n) / (n - b)
              acc.count[1:4], pop.negative, MoreArgs = list(n = n.iter)
             ,acc.rat.na = ar.na
             ,surv.outside.tol = s.out.tol
             ,run.time = proc.time() - ptm

    #cat("algorithm parameters", "\n\n")
    #.. algorithm parameters
    alg.params <- list(prop.vars = prop.vars
                       ,vital.transformations = list(fert.rate = "log"
                        ,surv.prob = "logit", mig.XXX = "I"
                        ,baseline.count = "log"
                        ,population.count = "log")
                       ,projection.periods = proj.periods
                       ,age.gp.size = age.size
                       ,non.zero.fert.rows = fert.rows
                       ,surv.tolerance = s.tol
                       ,burn.in = burn.in
                       ,iters = n.iter
                       ,years = list(vital.rate.years = vr.years
                        ,baseline.year = baseline.year
                        ,census.years = census.years
                        ,projection.years = proj.years
    names(alg.params) <- sub("XXX", mig.string, names(alg.params))

    #.. results
    ret.list <- list(fert.rate.mcmc = fert.rate.mcmc
                  ,surv.prop.mcmc = surv.prop.mcmc
                  ,mig.XXX.mcmc = mig.mcmc
                  ,baseline.count.mcmc = baseline.count.mcmc
                  ,lx.mcmc = lx.mcmc
                  ,variances.mcmc = variances.mcmc
                  ,alg.stats = alg.stats
                  ,fixed.params = fixed.params
                  ,start.vals = start.vals
                  ,alg.params = alg.params
    names(ret.list) <- sub("XXX", mig.string, names(ret.list))



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