
## stage.classify.R

## copied from demo graphics
# if(dev.cur() <= 1) get(getOption("device"))()

# opar <- par(ask = interactive() &&
#            (.Device %in% c("X11", "GTK", "gnome", "windows","quartz")))

options(digits = 3)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Data sets


#  ADD logical vectors for survival and flowering

aq.trans$survived <- aq.trans$fate != "dead"

aq.trans$flowered <- aq.trans$fate == "flower"

head(aq.trans, 1)

## pause AFTER tables
caption <- function(x) {
  cat("Press <Enter> to continue...")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
surv <- subset(aq.trans, stage %in% c("flower", "large", "small") & !

## show how cut() works
table(cut(surv$rose, c(-1:7, 45)))

z <- table(cut(surv$rose, c(0:7, 45), labels = c(1:7, "8+")), surv$stage == "flower", surv$survived, dnn = c("State", "Flower", "Alive"))

ftable(z, row.vars = c(2, 1), col.vars = c(3))

caption("Transition frequency table with initial state (flowering and rosette number) and fate (dead or alive)")

y <- table(cut(surv$rose, c(0:7, 45), labels = c(1:7, "8+")),
  cut(surv$rose2, c(0:7, 48), labels = c(1:7, "8+")),
  surv$stage == "flower", surv$flowered,
  dnn = c("State", "Fate", "Flower", "Flower")

ftable(y, row.vars = c(3, 1), col.vars = c(4, 2))

caption("Transition frequency table with initial state and fate of live plants")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
#  Logistic regression survival vs. leaf

a <- subset(aq.trans, leaf < 50 & stage != "recruit", c(leaf, survived))

logi.hist.plot(a$leaf, a$survived,
  type = "hist", boxp = FALSE, counts = TRUE, las.h = 0, int = 10,
  ylabel = "Survival probability", ylabel2 = "Number of plants", xlab = "Number of leaves", main = "Logistic regression leaf vs. survival"

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
## rosettes not counted before 1998!

flwr <- subset(surv, rose > 0 & rose <= 7 & stage == "flower" & year > 1997)
non.flwr <- subset(surv, rose > 0 & rose <= 7 & stage != "flower" & year > 1997)

# counts
rbind(flower = table(flwr$rose), vegetative = table(non.flwr$rose))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Check FLOWERING sample sizes of potential stage class boundaries using cut

a <- table(flwr$year, cut(flwr$rose, c(0, 1, 3, 10), labels = c("rose1", "rose2-3", "rose3+")))


# or just  two flowering classes

table(flwr$year, cut(flwr$rose, c(0, 2, 10), labels = c("rose1-2", "rose3+")))

caption("Potential stage class boundaries and sample sizes of flowering plants using cut")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
# SURVIVAL rates by rosette number and initial flowering state  USING proportions

tapply(flwr$survived, flwr$rose, mean)

tapply(non.flwr$survived, non.flwr$rose, mean)

##  TWO columns for binomial regression (counts of dead and live plants)

x.flwr <- table(flwr$rose, flwr$survived)
## non flower
x.non.flwr <- table(non.flwr$rose, non.flwr$survived)

rose <- 1:7

glm.flwr <- glm(x.flwr ~ rose, binomial)
glm.non.flwr <- glm(x.non.flwr ~ rose, binomial)


xrange <- c(.5, 7.5)

## plot
plot(rose, prop.table(x.flwr, 1)[, 2],
  ylim = c(0.45, 1), xlim = xrange, pch = 1,
  col = "royalblue", las = 1,
  ylab = expression(paste("Proportion surviving (year ", italic("t+1"), ")")),
  xlab = expression(paste("Rosette number (year ", italic("t"), ")")),
  main = "Survival rates by flowering state"

points(rose, prop.table(x.non.flwr, 1)[, 2], pch = 3, col = "darkgreen")

xp <- seq(1, max(rose), .1)
lines(xp, 1 - predict(glm.flwr, list(rose = xp), type = "response"), col = "royalblue", lwd = 2)
lines(xp, 1 - predict(glm.non.flwr, list(rose = xp), type = "response"), col = "darkgreen", lwd = 2)

## add space to increase box size
legend(.5, 1, c("Flowering", "Vegetative "), pch = c(1, 3), col = c("royalblue", "darkgreen"))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
#  GROWTH rates by rosette number and initial flowering state
#  1. probability of FLOWERING (ie, GROW into reproductive stage) the next year

x.flwr <- table(flwr$rose, flwr$flowered)
x.non.flwr <- table(non.flwr$rose, non.flwr$flowered)

glm.flwr <- glm(x.flwr ~ rose, binomial)
glm.non.flwr <- glm(x.non.flwr ~ rose, binomial)

plot(rose, prop.table(x.flwr, 1)[, 2],
  ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = xrange, pch = 1, col = "royalblue", las = 1,
  ylab = expression(paste("Proportion flowering (year ", italic("t+1"), ")")),
  xlab = expression(paste("Rosette number (year ", italic("t"), ")")),
  main = "Growth into reproductive stage"

points(rose, prop.table(x.non.flwr, 1)[, 2], pch = 3, col = "darkgreen")

lines(xp, 1 - predict(glm.flwr, list(rose = xp), type = "response"), col = "royalblue", lwd = 2)
lines(xp, 1 - predict(glm.non.flwr, list(rose = xp), type = "response"), col = "darkgreen", lwd = 2)

legend(.5, 1, c("Flowering", "Vegetative "), pch = c(1, 3), col = c("royalblue", "darkgreen"))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
#  2. probability of growing new rosettes (growth), losing rosettes (regression),
# or staying the same (stasis)) the next year

# ADD column growth to dataframe

flwr$growth <- flwr$rose2 - flwr$rose
non.flwr$growth <- non.flwr$rose2 - non.flwr$rose


#  CUT into groups corresponding to  0=statis, <0= regression, >0 = growth??

x.flwr <- table(flwr$rose, cut(flwr$growth, c(-10, -.5, .5, 10), labels = c("regress", "stasis", "growth")))
# non-flower
x.non.flwr <- table(non.flwr$rose, cut(non.flwr$growth, c(-15, -.5, .5, 15), labels = c("regress", "stasis", "growth")))


caption("Growth rates of flowering plants by rosette number")

## TWO columns for binomial regression (successes and failures)

a1.f <- cbind(regress = x.flwr[, 1], b = x.flwr[, 2] + x.flwr[, 3])
a2.f <- cbind(stasis = x.flwr[, 2], b = x.flwr[, 1] + x.flwr[, 3])
a3.f <- cbind(grow = x.flwr[, 3], b = x.flwr[, 1] + x.flwr[, 2]) <- cbind(regress = x.non.flwr[, 1], b = x.non.flwr[, 2] + x.non.flwr[, 3]) <- cbind(stasis = x.non.flwr[, 2], b = x.non.flwr[, 1] + x.non.flwr[, 3]) <- cbind(grow = x.non.flwr[, 3], b = x.non.flwr[, 1] + x.non.flwr[, 2])

# INITIAL flowering
m1.f <- glm(a1.f ~ rose, binomial)
m2.f <- glm(a2.f ~ rose, binomial)
m3.f <- glm(a3.f ~ rose, binomial)

## proportions for easier plotting

p.flwr <- prop.table(x.flwr, 1)
p.non.flwr <- prop.table(x.non.flwr, 1)

plot(rose, p.flwr[, 1],
  type = "n", ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = xrange, las = 1,
  ylab = expression(paste("Proportion (year ", italic("t+1"), ")")),
  xlab = expression(paste("Rosette number (year ", italic("t"), ")")),
  main = paste("Growth, stasis, and regression\nof flowering plants")

points(rose, p.flwr[, 1], pch = 1, col = "darkgreen")
lines(xp, predict(m1.f, list(rose = xp), type = "response"), col = "darkgreen", lwd = 2)

points(rose, p.flwr[, 2], pch = 3, col = "red")
lines(xp, predict(m2.f, list(rose = xp), type = "response"), col = "red", lwd = 2)

points(rose, p.flwr[, 3], pch = 6, col = "royalblue")
lines(xp, predict(m3.f, list(rose = xp), type = "response"), col = "royalblue", lwd = 2)

legend(2.5, 1, c("Growth", "Stasis", "Regress  "), pch = c(6, 3, 1), col = c("royalblue", "red", "darkgreen"))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
#  NON-flowering growth rates <- glm( ~ rose, binomial) <- glm( ~ rose, binomial) <- glm( ~ rose, binomial)

plot(rose, p.non.flwr[, 1],
  type = "n", ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = xrange, las = 1,
  ylab = expression(paste("Proportion (year ", italic("t+1"), ")")),
  xlab = expression(paste("Rosette number (year ", italic("t"), ")")),
  main = paste("Growth, stasis, and regression\nof vegetative plants")

points(rose, p.non.flwr[, 1], pch = 1, col = "darkgreen")
lines(xp, predict(, list(rose = xp), type = "response"), col = "darkgreen", lwd = 2)

points(rose, p.non.flwr[, 2], pch = 3, col = "red")
lines(xp, predict(, list(rose = xp), type = "response"), col = "red", lwd = 2)

points(rose, p.non.flwr[, 3], pch = 6, col = "royalblue")
lines(xp, predict(, list(rose = xp), type = "response"), col = "royalblue", lwd = 2)

legend(2, 1, c("Growth", "Stasis", "Regress  "), pch = c(6, 3, 1), col = c("royalblue", "red", "darkgreen"))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
# REPRODUCTION - number of fruits by rosette (complete fruit surveys at FILLMORE Canyon only)

fruit <- subset(aq.trans, stage == "flower" & fruits >= 0 & rose <= 7 & rose > 0, select = c(plant, year, rose, leaf, fruits))


fruit1 <- glm(fruits ~ rose, poisson, data = fruit)

caption("glm using poisson family")

## correct for overdispersion

fruit1 <- glm(fruits ~ rose, quasipoisson, data = fruit)

caption("glm using quasipoisson to correct for overdispersion")

## PLOT methods?  side-by-side boxplots  or try plotCI in gplots

boxplot(fruit$fruits ~ fruit$rose, xlab = "Rosette number", ylab = "Mature fruits", col = "green", ylim = c(0, 12), main = paste("Side-by-side boxplots of\nmature fruits by plant size"))

lines(xp, exp(predict(fruit1, list(rose = xp))), col = "red", lwd = 2)

# par(opar)

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