
Defines functions old2new_genclone mlg.filter mll.levels mll.custom mll.reset nmll mll make_haplotypes as.genambig genclone2genind as.genclone multiploid_string is.genclone as.snpclone is.clone is.snpclone bootgen2genind

Documented in as.genambig as.genclone as.snpclone bootgen2genind genclone2genind is.clone is.genclone is.snpclone make_haplotypes mlg.filter mll mll.custom mll.levels mll.reset nmll old2new_genclone

# This software was authored by Zhian N. Kamvar and Javier F. Tabima, graduate 
# students at Oregon State University; Jonah C. Brooks, undergraduate student at
# Oregon State University; and Dr. Nik Grünwald, an employee of USDA-ARS.
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
# documentation for educational, research and non-profit purposes, without fee, 
# and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the statement
# above is incorporated into the material, giving appropriate attribution to the
# authors.
# Permission to incorporate this software into commercial products may be
# obtained by contacting USDA ARS and OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Office for 
# Commercialization and Corporate Development.
# The software program and documentation are supplied "as is", without any
# accompanying services from the USDA or the University. USDA ARS or the 
# University do not warrant that the operation of the program will be 
# uninterrupted or error-free. The end-user understands that the program was 
# developed for research purposes and is advised not to rely exclusively on the 
# program for any reason.

# bootgen methods ---------------------------------------------------------

#' Methods used for the bootgen object. 
#' This is not designed for user interaction.
#' @rdname bootgen-methods
#' @param x a \code{"\linkS4class{bootgen}"} object
#' @param i vector of numerics indicating number of individuals desired
#' @param j a vector of numerics corresponding to the loci desired.
#' @param ... unused.
#' @param drop set to \code{FALSE} 
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Zhian N. Kamvar
  f = "[",
  signature(x = "bootgen"),
  definition = function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE){
    if (missing(i)) i <- TRUE
    if (missing(j)) j <- TRUE
    loc <- dim(x)[2]
    if (length(j) > loc | any(j > loc)){
      stop('subscript out of bounds')
    # Taking Names
    locnall         <- x@loc.n.all[j]
    allnames        <- x@all.names[j]
    names(allnames) <- names(x@all.names)[seq_along(allnames)]
    names(locnall)  <- names(allnames)
    alllist         <- slot(x, "alllist")[j]
    indices         <- unlist(alllist)
    locnames        <- rep(names(allnames), locnall)
    tabnames        <- paste(locnames, unlist(allnames), sep = ".")
    res             <- slot(x, "tab")[i, indices, drop = drop]
    colnames(res)   <- tabnames
    ## Resetting all factors that need to be set. 
    slot(x, "tab")       <- res
    slot(x, "loc.fac")   <- factor(locnames, names(allnames))
    slot(x, "loc.n.all") <- locnall
    slot(x, "all.names") <- allnames
    slot(x, "alllist")   <- .Call("expand_indices", cumsum(locnall), 
                                  length(alllist), PACKAGE = "poppr")
    slot(x, "names")     <- slot(x, "names")[i]

#' @rdname bootgen-methods
  f = "dim",
  signature(x = "bootgen"),
  definition = function(x){
    return(c(length(slot(x, "names")), nlevels(slot(x, "loc.fac"))))
# @rdname bootgen-methods
  f = "dist",
  signature(x = "bootgen"),
  definition = function(x){

#' @rdname bootgen-methods
  f = "$",
  signature(x = "bootgen"),
  definition = function(x, name){
    return(slot(x, name))

#' @rdname bootgen-methods
#' @param .Object a character, "bootgen"
#' @param gen a genind, genclone, or genpop object
#' @param na how missing data should be treated. Default is "mean", averaging 
#'   over other values in the matrix. Possible values are listed in 
#'   \code{\link[adegenet]{tab}}.
#' @param freq if \code{TRUE}, the matrix will be a genotype frequency matrix.
#'   If \code{FALSE}, the matrix will be allele counts.
  f = "initialize",
  signature = "bootgen",
  definition = function(.Object, gen, na = "mean", freq = TRUE){
    if (missing(gen)){
    if (is.genind(gen)){
      objnames <- indNames(gen)
    } else if (is.genpop(gen)){
      objnames <- popNames(gen)
    } else {
      stop("gen must be a valid genind or genpop object.")
    num_alleles                <- slot(gen, "loc.n.all")
    num_loci                   <- length(num_alleles)
    slot(.Object, "tab")       <- tab(gen, NA.method = na, freq = freq)
    slot(.Object, "loc.fac")   <- slot(gen, "loc.fac")
    slot(.Object, "loc.n.all") <- num_alleles  
    slot(.Object, "all.names") <- slot(gen, "all.names") 
    slot(.Object, "alllist")   <- .Call("expand_indices", cumsum(num_alleles), 
                                        num_loci, PACKAGE = "poppr")
    slot(.Object, "names")     <- objnames
    slot(.Object, "type")      <- slot(gen, "type")
    slot(.Object, "ploidy")    <- as.integer(slot(gen, "ploidy"))

  f = "tab",
  signature = "bootgen",
  definition = function(x, freq = TRUE){ # freq is a dummy argument

#' @export
#' @rdname coercion-methods
#' @param bg a bootgen object
#' @aliases bootgen2genind,bootgen-method
#' @docType methods
bootgen2genind <- function(bg){

#' @export

  f = "bootgen2genind",
  signature = "bootgen",
  definition = function(bg){
    xtab <- tab(bg)
    if (is.numeric(xtab)) xtab[] <- as.integer(xtab*bg@ploidy)
    res <- new("genind", tab = xtab)

# bruvomat methods --------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname bruvomat-methods
#' @param .Object a character, "bruvomat"
#' @param gen \code{"\linkS4class{genind}"} object
#' @param replen a vector of numbers indicating the repeat length for each 
#'   microsatellite locus.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Zhian N. Kamvar
  f = "initialize",
  signature = "bruvomat",
  definition = function(.Object, gen, replen){
    if (missing(gen)){
    if (missing(replen) || length(replen) < nLoc(gen) || 
        (is.null(names(replen)) && length(replen) != nLoc(gen))){
      replen <- vapply(gen@all.names, function(y) guesslengths(as.numeric(y)), 1)
    replen <- match_replen_to_loci(locNames(gen), replen)
    ploid  <- max(ploidy(gen))
    popdf  <- genind2df(gen, sep = "/", usepop = FALSE)
    mat    <- generate_bruvo_mat(popdf, maxploid = ploid, sep = "/", mat_type = "numeric")
    mat[is.na(mat)] <- 0
    slot(.Object, "mat")       <- mat
    slot(.Object, "replen")    <- replen
    slot(.Object, "ploidy")    <- ploid
    slot(.Object, "ind.names") <- indNames(gen)

#' @rdname bruvomat-methods
#' @keywords internal
  f = "dim",
  signature(x = "bruvomat"),
  definition = function(x){
    return(c(nrow(x@mat), ncol(x@mat)/x@ploidy))

#' Methods used for the bruvomat object. 
#' This is not designed for user interaction.
#' @rdname bruvomat-methods
#' @param x a \code{"\linkS4class{bruvomat}"} object
#' @param i vector of numerics indicating number of individuals desired
#' @param j a vector of numerics corresponding to the loci desired.
#' @param ... unused.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param drop set to \code{FALSE}
  f = "[",
  signature(x = "bruvomat"),
  definition = function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE){
    if (missing(i)) i <- TRUE
    if (missing(j)) j <- TRUE
    x@replen    <- x@replen[j]
    x@ind.names <- x@ind.names[i]
    cols        <- rep(seq(ncol(x)), each = x@ploidy)
    if (length(j) == 1 && is.logical(j)){
      replacement <- j
    } else if (is.logical(j)){
      replacement <- rep(j, each = x@ploidy)
    } else {
      replacement <- vapply(j, function(ind) which(cols == ind), 1:x@ploidy)
    x@mat <- x@mat[i, as.vector(replacement), drop = FALSE]

# snpclone methods --------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @rdname is.clone
#' @examples
#' (sc <- as.snpclone(glSim(100, 1e3, ploid=2, parallel = FALSE), 
#'                    parallel = FALSE, n.cores = 1L))
#' is.snpclone(sc)
is.snpclone <- function(x){
  res <- (is(x, "snpclone"))

#' @export
#' @rdname is.clone
#' @examples
#' is.clone(sc)
is.clone <- function(x){
  res <- (is(x, "snpclone") || is(x, "genclone"))

#' Methods used for the snpclone object
#' Default methods for subsetting snpclone objects. 
#' @rdname snpclone-method
#' @param x a snpclone object
#' @param i vector of numerics indicating number of individuals desired
#' @param j a vector of numerics corresponding to the loci desired.
#' @param ... passed on to the \code{\linkS4class{genlight}} object.
#' @param mlg.reset logical. Defaults to \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, the mlg
#'   vector will be reset
#' @param drop set to \code{FALSE} 
#' @author Zhian N. Kamvar
  f = "[",
  signature(x = "snpclone", i = "ANY", j = "ANY", drop = "ANY"),
  definition = function(x, i, j, ..., mlg.reset = FALSE, drop = FALSE){
    if (missing(i)) i <- TRUE

    # handle MLG indices
    ismlgclass <- inherits(x@mlg, "MLG")
    # Tue Sep 27 12:08:37 2016 ------------------------------
    # Methods for subsetting genind object by sample name currently don't exist
    i          <- handle_mlg_index(i, x)
    # mlg        <- if (ismlgclass) x@mlg[i, all = TRUE] else x@mlg[i]
    # Subset data; replace MLGs    
    x     <- callNextMethod(x = x, i = i, j = j, ..., drop = drop)
    if (!mlg.reset){
      if (inherits(x@mlg, "MLG")){
        x@mlg <- x@mlg[i, all = TRUE]
      } else {
        x@mlg <- x@mlg[i]
    } else {
      if (!inherits(x@mlg, "MLG")){
        x@mlg <- mlg.vector(x, reset = TRUE)
      } else {
        x@mlg <- new("MLG", mlg.vector(x, reset = TRUE))
    # x@mlg <- mlg

#' @rdname snpclone-method
#' @param .Object a character, "snpclone"
#' @param mlg a vector where each element assigns the multilocus genotype of
#' that individual in the data set. 
#' @param mlgclass a logical value specifying whether or not to translate the
#' mlg object into an MLG class object. 
#' @author Zhian N. Kamvar
#' @keywords internal
  f = "initialize",
  definition = function(.Object, ..., mlg, mlgclass = TRUE){

    .Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, ..., mlg)
    if (missing(mlg)){
      mlg <- mlg.vector(.Object)
    if (mlgclass){
      mlg <- new("MLG", mlg)
      distname(mlg) <- "bitwise.dist"
    slot(.Object, "mlg") <- mlg

#' @rdname snpclone-method
#' @param object a snpclone object
  f = "show", 
  definition = function(object){
    y <- utils::capture.output(callNextMethod())
    y <- gsub("GENLIGHT", "SNPCLONE", y)
    y <- gsub("/", "|", y)
    genspot <- grepl("@gen", y)
    ismlg <- inherits(object@mlg, "MLG")
    mlgtype <- if (ismlg) paste0(visible(object@mlg), " ") else ""
    # mlgtype  <- ifelse(ismlg, paste0(the_type, " "), "")
    mlgtype  <- paste0(mlgtype, "multilocus genotypes")

    msg <- paste("   @mlg:", length(unique(object@mlg[])), mlgtype)
    if (mlgtype == "contracted multilocus genotypes"){
      thresh <- round(cutoff(object@mlg)["contracted"], 3)
      algo <- strsplit(distalgo(object@mlg), "_")[[1]][1]
      dist <- distname(object@mlg)
      if (!is.character(dist)){
        dist <- paste0(utils::capture.output(dist), collapse = "")
      msg <- paste0(msg, "\n         ",
                    "(", thresh, ") [t], (", dist, ") [d], (", algo, ") [a]")
    y[genspot] <- paste(y[genspot], msg, sep = "\n")
    cat(y, sep = "\n")

#' Create a snpclone object from a genlight object.
#' Wrapper for snpclone initializer.
#' @export
#' @rdname snpclone-coercion-methods
#' @aliases as.snpclone,genlight-method
#' @param x a \code{\linkS4class{genlight}} or \code{\linkS4class{snpclone}} 
#'   object
#' @param ... arguments to be passed on to the genlight constructor. These are
#'   not used if x is not missing.
#' @param parallel should the parallel package be used to construct the object?
#' @param n.cores how many cores should be utilized? See documentation for
#'   \code{\linkS4class{genlight}} for details.
#' @param mlg a vector of multilocus genotypes or an object of class MLG for the
#'   new snpclone object.
#' @param mlgclass if \code{TRUE} (default), the multilocus genotypes will be
#'   represented as an \code{\linkS4class{MLG}} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @author Zhian N. Kamvar
#' @examples
#' (x <- as.snpclone(glSim(100, 1e3, ploid=2)))
#' \dontrun{
#' # Without parallel processing
#' system.time(x <- as.snpclone(glSim(1000, 1e5, ploid=2)))
#' # With parallel processing... doesn't really save you much time.
#' system.time(x <- as.snpclone(glSim(1000, 1e5, ploid=2, parallel = TRUE), 
#'                              parallel = TRUE))
#' }
as.snpclone <- function(x, ..., parallel = FALSE, n.cores = NULL, 
                        mlg, mlgclass = TRUE){

#' @export

  f = "as.snpclone",
  signature(x = "genlight"),
  definition = function(x, ..., parallel = FALSE, n.cores = NULL, 
                        mlg, mlgclass = TRUE){
    if (!missing(x) && is(x, "genlight")){
      if (missing(mlg)) mlg <- mlg.vector(x)
      res <- new("snpclone", 
                 gen = x@gen, 
                 n.loc = nLoc(x), 
                 ind.names = indNames(x), 
                 loc.names = locNames(x), 
                 loc.all = alleles(x), 
                 chromosome = chr(x), 
                 position = position(x), 
                 strata = strata(x), 
                 hierarchy = x@hierarchy, 
                 ploidy = ploidy(x), 
                 pop = pop(x), 
                 other = other(x), 
                 parallel = parallel,
                 n.cores = n.cores,
                 mlg = mlg,
                 mlgclass = mlgclass)
    } else {
      res <- new("snpclone", ..., mlg = mlg, mlgclass = mlgclass)

# genclone methods --------------------------------------------------------

#' Check for validity of a genclone or snpclone object
#' @note a \linkS4class{genclone} object will always be a valid 
#' \linkS4class{genind} object and a \linkS4class{snpclone} object will always
#' be a valid \linkS4class{genlight} object.
#' @export
#' @rdname is.clone
#' @param x a genclone or snpclone object 
#' @author Zhian N. Kamvar
#' @examples
#' data(nancycats)
#' nanclone <- as.genclone(nancycats)
#' is.genclone(nanclone)
is.genclone <- function(x){ 
  res <- (is(x, "genclone"))
#' @rdname genclone-method
#' @param .Object a character, "genclone"
#' @param mlg a vector where each element assigns the multilocus genotype of 
#'   that individual in the data set.
#' @param mlgclass a logical value specifying whether or not to translate the 
#'   mlg object into an MLG class object.
#' @keywords internal
  f = "initialize",
  definition = function(.Object, ..., mlg, mlgclass = TRUE){

    .Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, ..., mlg = mlg)
    if (missing(mlg)){
      mlg <- mlg.vector(.Object)      
    if (mlgclass) {
      mlg <- new("MLG", mlg)
    slot(.Object, "mlg") <- mlg

#' Methods used for the genclone object
#' Default methods for subsetting genclone objects. 
#' @rdname genclone-method
#' @param x a genclone object
#' @param i vector of numerics indicating number of individuals desired
#' @param j a vector of numerics corresponding to the loci desired.
#' @param ... passed on to the \code{\linkS4class{genind}} object.
#' @param drop set to \code{FALSE}
#' @param mlg.reset logical. Defaults to \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, the mlg
#'   vector will be reset
#' @author Zhian N. Kamvar
  f = "[",
  signature(x = "genclone", i = "ANY", j = "ANY", drop = "ANY"),
  definition = function(x, i, j, ..., mlg.reset = FALSE, drop = FALSE){
    if (missing(i)) i <- TRUE
    newi <- i
    # Handling populations. This takes precedence over sample subsetting.
    dots <- list(...)
    if (any(names(dots) == "pop")){
      newi <- handle_pops_index(dots[["pop"]], x)
    mlgi <- handle_mlg_index(newi, x)
    x    <- callNextMethod(x = x, i = i, j = j, ..., drop = drop)
    if (!mlg.reset){
      if (inherits(x@mlg, "MLG")){
        x@mlg <- x@mlg[mlgi, all = TRUE]
      } else {
        x@mlg <- x@mlg[mlgi]
    } else {
      if (!inherits(x@mlg, "MLG")){
        x@mlg <- mlg.vector(x, reset = TRUE)
      } else {
        x@mlg <- new("MLG", mlg.vector(x, reset = TRUE))

#' create a string of ploidy counts
#' @param x a gen object 
#' @param ploid a string of ploidy prefixes. 
#' @return a string containing ploidy levels with counts for all samples
#' @noRd
multiploid_string <- function(x, ploid) {
  ploid  <- paste(ploid, paste0("(", table(x@ploidy), ")"))
  ploid1 <- paste0(ploid[-length(ploid)], collapse = ", ")
  sep    <- ifelse(length(ploid) > 2, ", ", " ")
  ploid  <- paste0(ploid1, sep, "and ", ploid[length(ploid)])
#' @rdname genclone-method
#' @param object a genclone object
  f = "show",
  definition = function(object){
    ploid  <- c("ha", "di", "tri", "tetra", "penta", "hexa", "hepta", "octa",
      "nona", "deca", "hendeca", "dodeca")
    ploid  <- paste0(unique(ploid[sort(object@ploidy)]), "ploid")
    ploid  <-  if (length(ploid) > 1) multiploid_string(object, ploid) else ploid 
    nind   <- nInd(object)
    type   <- ifelse(object@type == "PA", "dominant", "codominant")
    nmlg   <- length(unique(object@mlg))
    nloc   <- nLoc(object)
    npop   <- ifelse(is.null(object@pop), 0, nPop(object))
    strata <- length(object@strata)
    chars  <- nchar(c(nmlg, nind, nloc, strata, 1, npop))
    ltab   <- max(chars) - chars
    ltab   <- vapply(ltab, function(x) substr("       ", 1, x+1), character(1))
    pops   <- popNames(object)
    poplen <- length(pops)
    the_type <- ifelse(is(object@mlg, "MLG"), visible(object@mlg), "nope")
    mlgtype  <- ifelse(is(object@mlg, "MLG"), paste0(the_type, " "), "")
    mlgtype  <- paste0(mlgtype, "multilocus genotypes")
    if (the_type == "contracted"){
      thresh <- round(cutoff(object@mlg)["contracted"], 3)
      dist   <- distname(object@mlg)
      algo   <- strsplit(distalgo(object@mlg), "_")[[1]][1]
      if (!is.character(dist)){
        dist <- paste(utils::capture.output(dist), collapse = "")
      contab <- max(chars)
      contab <- substr("             ", 1, contab + 4)
      mlgthresh <- paste0("\n", contab, 
                          "(", thresh, ") [t], (", dist, ") [d], (", algo, ") [a]")
      mlgtype  <- paste0(mlgtype, mlgthresh)
    if (poplen > 7) 
      pops <- c(pops[1:3], "...", pops[(poplen-2):poplen])
    stratanames <- names(object@strata)
    stratalen   <- length(stratanames)
    if (stratalen > 7) 
      stratanames <- c(stratanames[1:3], "...", stratanames[(stratalen-2):stratalen])
    cat("\nThis is a genclone object\n")
    cat("Genotype information:\n\n",
      ltab[1], nmlg, mlgtype, "\n",
      ltab[2], nind, ploid, "individuals\n", 
      ltab[3], nloc, type, "loci\n\n"
    popstrata <- ifelse(strata > 1, "strata -", "stratum -")
    if (strata == 0) popstrata <- "strata."
    popdef  <- ifelse(npop > 0, "defined -", "defined.")
    cat("Population information:\n\n")
    cat("", ltab[4], strata, popstrata, paste(stratanames, collapse = ", "), fill = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(object@hierarchy)){
      cat("", ltab[5], "1", "hierarchy -", 
          paste(object@hierarchy, collapse = ""), fill = TRUE)
    cat("", ltab[6], npop, "populations", popdef, paste(pops, collapse = ", "), fill = TRUE)

#' @rdname genclone-method
#' @export
#' @param x a genclone object
#' @param fullnames \code{logical}. If \code{TRUE}, then the full names of the
#'   populations will be printed. If \code{FALSE}, then only the first and last
#'   three population names are displayed.
  f = "print",
  definition = function(x, ..., fullnames = TRUE){
    nmlg  <- length(unique(x@mlg))
    ploid  <- c("ha", "di", "tri", "tetra", "penta", "hexa", "hepta", "octa",
      "nona", "deca", "hendeca", "dodeca")
    ploid   <- paste0(unique(ploid[sort(x@ploidy)]), "ploid")
    ploid   <- if (length(ploid) > 1) multiploid_string(x, ploid) else ploid
    nind    <- nInd(x)     
    type    <- ifelse(x@type == "PA", "dominant", "codominant")
    nloc    <- nLoc(x)
    npop    <- ifelse(is.null(x@pop), 0, nPop(x))
    strata  <- length(x@strata)
    chars <- nchar(c(nmlg, nind, nloc, strata, 1, npop))
    ltab  <- max(chars) - chars
    ltab  <- vapply(ltab, function(x) substr("       ", 1, x + 1), character(1))
    pops        <- popNames(x)
    stratanames <- names(x@strata)
    the_type <- ifelse(is(x@mlg, "MLG"), visible(x@mlg), "nope")
    mlgtype  <- ifelse(is(x@mlg, "MLG"), paste0(the_type, " "), "")
    mlgtype  <- paste0(mlgtype, "multilocus genotypes")
    if (the_type == "contracted"){
      thresh <- round(cutoff(x@mlg)["contracted"], 3)
      dist <- distname(x@mlg)
      algo <- strsplit(distalgo(x@mlg), "_")[[1]][1]
      if (!is.character(dist)){
        dist <- paste(utils::capture.output(dist), collapse = "")
      contab <- max(chars)
      contab <- substr("             ", 1, contab + 4)
      mlgthresh <- paste0("\n", contab, 
                          "(", thresh, ") [t], (", dist, ") [d], (", algo, ") [a]")
      mlgtype  <- paste0(mlgtype, mlgthresh)
    if (!fullnames){
      poplen <- length(pops)
      stratalen <- length(stratanames)
      if (poplen > 7){
        pops <- c(pops[1:3], "...", pops[(poplen-2):poplen])
      if (stratalen > 7){
        stratanames <- c(stratanames[1:3], "...", stratanames[(stratalen-2):stratalen])
    cat("\nThis is a genclone object\n")
    cat("Genotype information:\n\n",
      ltab[1], nmlg, mlgtype, "\n",
      ltab[2], nind, ploid, "individuals\n", 
      ltab[3], nloc, type, "loci\n\n",
      fill = TRUE)
    popstrata <- ifelse(strata > 1, "strata -", "stratum -")
    if (strata == 0) popstrata <- "strata."
    popdef  <- ifelse(npop > 0, "defined -", "defined.")
    cat("Population information:\n\n")
    cat("", ltab[4], strata, popstrata, stratanames, fill = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(x@hierarchy)){
      cat("", ltab[5], "1", "hierarchy -", paste(x@hierarchy, collapse = ""), 
          fill = TRUE)
    cat("", ltab[6], npop, "populations", popdef, pops, fill = TRUE)

#' Switch between genind and genclone objects.
#' as.genclone will create a genclone object from a genind object OR anything
#' that can be passed to the genind initializer. 
#' genclone2genind will remove the mlg slot from the genclone object, creating a 
#' genind object.
#' as.genambig will convert a genind or genclone object to a polysat genambig 
#' class.
#' @export
#' @rdname coercion-methods
#' @aliases as.genclone,genind-method
#' @param x a \code{\linkS4class{genind}} or \code{\linkS4class{genclone}} 
#'   object
#' @param ... arguments passed on to the \code{\linkS4class{genind}} constructor
#' @param mlg an optional vector of multilocus genotypes as integers
#' @param mlgclass should the mlg slot be of class MLG?
#' @docType methods
#' @seealso \code{\link{splitStrata}}, \code{\linkS4class{genclone}},
#'   \code{\link{read.genalex}}
#'   \code{\link{aboot}}
#' @author Zhian N. Kamvar
#' @examples
#' data(Aeut)
#' Aeut
#' # Conversion to genclone --------------------------------------------------
#' Aeut.gc <- as.genclone(Aeut)
#' Aeut.gc
#' # Conversion to genind ----------------------------------------------------
#' Aeut.gi <- genclone2genind(Aeut.gc)
#' Aeut.gi
#' # Conversion to polysat's "genambig" class --------------------------------
#' if (require("polysat")) {
#'   data(Pinf)
#'   Pinf.gb <- as.genambig(Pinf)
#'   summary(Pinf.gb)
#' }
#' data(nancycats)
#' # Conversion to bootgen for random sampling of loci -----------------------
#' nan.bg  <- new("bootgen", nancycats[pop = 9])
#' nan.bg
#' # Conversion back to genind -----------------------------------------------
#' nan.gid <- bootgen2genind(nan.bg)
#' nan.gid
as.genclone <- function(x, ..., mlg, mlgclass = TRUE){

#' @export

  f = "as.genclone",
  signature(x = "genind"),
  definition = function(x, ..., mlg, mlgclass = TRUE){
    theCall <- match.call()
    if (!missing(x) && is.genind(x)){
      theOther <- x@other
      if (missing(mlg)) mlg <- mlg.vector(x)
      res <- new("genclone", tab = tab(x), ploidy = ploidy(x), pop = pop(x), 
                 type = x@type, prevcall = theCall, strata = x@strata, 
                 hierarchy = x@hierarchy, mlg = mlg, mlgclass = mlgclass)
      res@other <- theOther
    } else {
      res <- new("genclone", ..., mlg = mlg, mlgclass = mlgclass)
#' @export
#' @rdname coercion-methods
#' @aliases genclone2genind,genclone-method
#' @docType methods
genclone2genind <- function(x){

#' @export

  f = "genclone2genind",
  signature(x = "genclone"),
  definition = function(x){
    attributes(x) <- attributes(x)[slotNames(new("genind"))]
    class(x) <- "genind"
    x@call <- match.call()

#' @export
#' @rdname coercion-methods
#' @aliases as.genambig,genind-method
#' @docType methods
as.genambig <- function(x){

#' @export
  f = "as.genambig",
  signature(x = "genind"),
  definition = function(x){
      gen <- recode_polyploids(x, newploidy = max(x@ploidy, na.rm = TRUE))
    gendf <- genind2df(gen, sep = "/", usepop = FALSE)
    gendf <- lapply(gendf, strsplit, "/")
    gendf <- lapply(gendf, lapply, as.numeric)
    ambig <- new("genambig", samples = indNames(gen), loci = locNames(gen))
    for (i in names(gendf)) {
      res <- lapply(gendf[[i]], function(x) ifelse(is.na(x), polysat::Missing(ambig), x))
      polysat::Genotypes(ambig, loci = i) <- res
    polysat::Ploidies(ambig) <- info_table(x, type = "ploidy")
    if (!is.null(pop(x))) {
      polysat::PopInfo(ambig)  <- as.integer(pop(x))
      polysat::PopNames(ambig) <- popNames(x)

# Seploc method for genclone objects. 
# Note that this is not the most efficient, but it is difficult to work around
# the method for genind objects as they are forced to be genind objects later.
  f = "seploc",
  signature(x = "genclone"),
  definition = function(x, truenames = TRUE, res.type = c("genind", "matrix")){
    ARGS <- c("genind", "matrix")
    res.type <- match.arg(res.type, ARGS)
    if (res.type == "matrix"){
      splitsville <- split(colnames(x@tab), locFac(x))
      listx       <- lapply(splitsville, function(i) x@tab[, i, drop = FALSE])
    } else {
      listx <- lapply(locNames(x), function(i) x[loc = i])
    names(listx) <- locNames(x)

#' Split samples from a genind object into pseudo-haplotypes
#' @param gid a [genind][adegenet::genind] or [genlight][adegenet::genlight] object.
#' @return a haploid genind object with an extra [strata][adegenet::strata]
#'   column called "Individual".
#' @export
#' @md
#' @note The [other slot][adegenet::other] will not be copied over to the new
#'   genind object.
#' @seealso [poppr.amova()] [pegas::amova()] [as.genambig()]
#' @details
#' Certain analyses, such as [amova][poppr.amova] work best if within-sample
#' variance (error) can be estimated. Practically, this is performed by
#' splitting the genotypes across all loci to create multiple haplotypes. This
#' way, the within-sample distance can be calculated and incorporated into the
#' model. Please note that the haplotypes generated are based on the order of
#' the unphased alleles in the genind object and do not represent true
#' haplotypes. 
#' Haploid data will be returned un-touched.
#' @rdname make_haplotypes-method
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases make_haplotypes,genclone-method 
#'   make_haplotypes,snpclone-method 
#'   make_haplotypes,genind-method
#'   make_haplotypes,genlight-method
#'   make_haplotypes,ANY-method
#' @examples
#' # Diploid data is doubled -------------------------------------------------
#' data(nancycats)
#' nan9 <- nancycats[pop = 9]
#' nan9hap <- make_haplotypes(nan9) 
#' nan9              # 9 individuals from population 9
#' nan9hap           # 18 haplotypes
#' strata(nan9hap)   # strata gains a new column: Individual
#' indNames(nan9hap) # individuals are renamed sequentially
#' # Mix ploidy data can be split, but should be treated with caution --------
#' # 
#' # For example, the Pinf data set contains 86 tetraploid individuals, 
#' # but there appear to only be diploids and triploid genotypes. When 
#' # we convert to haplotypes, those with all missing data are dropped.
#' data(Pinf)
#' Pinf
#' pmiss <- info_table(Pinf, type = "ploidy", plot = TRUE)
#' # No samples appear to be triploid across all loci. This will cause
#' # several haplotypes to have a lot of missing data.
#' p_haps <- make_haplotypes(Pinf)
#' p_haps
#' head(genind2df(p_haps), n = 20)
make_haplotypes <- function(gid) standardGeneric("make_haplotypes")

#' @export

  f = "make_haplotypes", 
  signature(gid = "ANY"), 
  definition = function(gid) {
    stop("This function can only take genind or genlight objects")

  f = "make_haplotypes", 
  signature(gid = "genind"), 
  definition = function(gid) {

  f = "make_haplotypes", 
  signature(gid = "genlight"), 
  definition = function(gid) {

# multilocus lineage methods ----------------------------------------------

#' Access and manipulate multilocus lineages.
#' The following methods allow the user to access and manipulate multilocus 
#' lineages in genclone or snpclone objects.
#' @export
#' @param x a \linkS4class{genclone} or \linkS4class{snpclone} object.
#' @param type a character specifying "original", "contracted", or "custom"
#'   defining they type of mlgs to return. Defaults to what is set in the
#'   object.
#' @param value a character specifying which mlg type is visible in the object.
#'   See details.
#' @return an object of the same type as x.
#' @details \linkS4class{genclone} and \linkS4class{snpclone} objects have a
#'   slot for an internal class of object called \linkS4class{MLG}. This class
#'   allows the storage of flexible mll definitions: \itemize{ \item "original"
#'   - naive mlgs defined by string comparison. This is default. \item
#'   "contracted" - mlgs defined by a genetic distance threshold. \item "custom"
#'   - user-defined MLGs }
#' @rdname mll-method
#' @aliases mll,genclone-method 
#'   mll,snpclone-method 
#'   mll,genind-method
#'   mll,genlight-method
#' @docType methods
#' @author Zhian N. Kamvar
#' @seealso \code{\link{mll.custom}} \code{\link{mlg.table}}
#' @examples
#' data(partial_clone)
#' pc <- as.genclone(partial_clone)
#' mll(pc)
#' mll(pc) <- "custom"
#' mll(pc)
#' mll.levels(pc) <- LETTERS
#' mll(pc)
mll <- function(x, type = NULL) standardGeneric("mll")

#' @export

  f = "mll",
  signature(x = "genind"),
  definition = function(x, type = NULL){
    mll.gen.internal(x, type)

  f = "mll",
  signature(x = "genlight"),
  definition = function(x, type = NULL){
    mll.gen.internal(x, type)

  f = "mll",
  signature(x = "genclone"),
  definition = function(x, type = NULL){
    mll.internal(x, type, match.call())

  f = "mll",
  signature(x = "snpclone"),
  definition = function(x, type = NULL){
    mll.internal(x, type, match.call())

#' @export
#' @rdname mll-method
#' @aliases nmll,genclone-method 
#'   nmll,snpclone-method 
#'   nmll,genind-method
#'   nmll,genlight-method
#' @docType methods
nmll <- function(x, type = NULL) standardGeneric("nmll")

#' @export

  f = "nmll",
  signature(x = "genclone"),
  definition = function(x, type = NULL){
    length(unique(mll(x, type)))

  f = "nmll",
  signature(x = "snpclone"),
  definition = function(x, type = NULL){
    length(unique(mll(x, type)))

  f = "nmll",
  signature(x = "genind"),
  definition = function(x, type = NULL){
    mlg(x, quiet = TRUE)

  f = "nmll",
  signature(x = "genlight"),
  definition = function(x, type = NULL){
    mlg(x, quiet = TRUE)

#' @export
#' @rdname mll-method
#' @aliases mll<-,genclone-method 
#'   mll<-,snpclone-method
#' @docType methods
"mll<-" <- function(x, value) standardGeneric("mll<-")

#' @export

  f = "mll<-",
  signature(x = "genclone"),
  definition = function(x, value){
    TYPES <- c("original", "expanded", "contracted", "custom")
    value <- match.arg(value, TYPES)
    if (!"MLG" %in% class(x@mlg)){
      x@mlg <- new("MLG", x@mlg)
    visible(x@mlg) <- value

  f = "mll<-",
  signature(x = "snpclone"),
  definition = function(x, value){
    TYPES <- c("original", "expanded", "contracted", "custom")
    value <- match.arg(value, TYPES)
    if (!"MLG" %in% class(x@mlg)){
      x@mlg <- new("MLG", x@mlg)
      distname(x@mlg) <- "bitwise.dist"
    visible(x@mlg) <- value

#' Reset multilocus lineages
#' This function will allow you to reset multilocus lineages for your data set.
#' @export
#' @param x a \linkS4class{genclone} or \linkS4class{snpclone} object.
#' @param value a character vector that specifies which levels you wish to be 
#'   reset.
#' @note This method has no assignment method. If "original" is not contained in
#'   "value", it is assumed that the "original" definition will be used to reset
#'   the MLGs.
#' @return an object of the same type as x
#' @rdname mll.reset-method
#' @aliases mll.reset,genclone-method 
#'   mll.reset,snpclone-method
#' @docType methods
#' @author Zhian N. Kamvar
#' @seealso \code{\link{mll}} \code{\link{mlg.table}} \code{\link{mll.custom}}
#' @examples 
#' # This data set was a subset of a larger data set, so the multilocus
#' # genotypes are not all sequential
#' data(Pinf)
#' mll(Pinf) <- "original"
#' mll(Pinf)
#' # If we use mll.reset, then it will become sequential
#' Pinf.new <- mll.reset(Pinf, TRUE) # reset all
#' mll(Pinf.new)
#' \dontrun{
#' # It is possible to reset only specific mll definitions. For example, let's
#' # say that we wanted to filter our multilocus genotypes by nei's distance
#' mlg.filter(Pinf, dist = nei.dist, missing = "mean") <- 0.02
#' # And we wanted to set those as custom genotypes,
#' mll.custom(Pinf) <- mll(Pinf, "contracted")
#' mll.levels(Pinf) <- .genlab("MLG", nmll(Pinf, "custom"))
#' # We could reset just the original and the filtered if we wanted to and keep
#' # the custom as it were.
#' Pinf.new <- mll.reset(Pinf, c("original", "contracted"))
#' mll(Pinf.new, "original")
#' mll(Pinf.new, "contracted")
#' mll(Pinf.new, "custom")
#' # If "original" is not one of the values, then that is used as a baseline.
#' Pinf.orig <- mll.reset(Pinf, "contracted")
#' mll(Pinf.orig, "contracted")
#' mll(Pinf.new, "contracted")
#' }
mll.reset <- function(x, value) standardGeneric("mll.reset")

#' @export

  f = "mll.reset",
  signature(x = "genclone"),
  definition = function(x, value){
    mll.reset.internal(x, value)

  f = "mll.reset",
  signature(x = "snpclone"),
  definition = function(x, value){
    mll.reset.internal(x, value)
#' Define custom multilocus lineages
#' This function will allow you to define custom multilocus lineages for your
#' data set.
#' @export
#' @param x a \linkS4class{genclone} or \linkS4class{snpclone} object.
#' @param set logical. If \code{TRUE} (default), the visible mlls will be set to
#' 'custom'. 
#' @param value a vector that defines the multilocus lineages for your data.
#' This can be a vector of ANYTHING that can be turned into a factor. 
#' @return an object of the same type as x
#' @rdname mll.custom
#' @aliases mll.custom,genclone-method 
#'   mll.custom,snpclone-method
#' @docType methods
#' @author Zhian N. Kamvar
#' @seealso \code{\link{mll}} \code{\link{mlg.table}}
#' @examples 
#' data(partial_clone)
#' pc <- as.genclone(partial_clone)
#' mll.custom(pc) <- LETTERS[mll(pc)]
#' mll(pc)
#' # Let's say we had a mistake and the A mlg was actually B. 
#' mll.levels(pc)[mll.levels(pc) == "A"] <- "B"
#' mll(pc)
#' # Set the MLL back to the original definition.
#' mll(pc) <- "original"
#' mll(pc)
mll.custom <- function(x, set = TRUE, value) standardGeneric("mll.custom")

#' @export

  f = "mll.custom",
  signature(x = "genclone"),
  definition = function(x, set = TRUE, value){
    mll.custom.internal(x, set, value)

  f = "mll.custom",
  signature(x = "snpclone"),
  definition = function(x, set = TRUE, value){
    mll.custom.internal(x, set, value)

#' @export
#' @rdname mll.custom
#' @aliases mll.custom<-,genclone-method 
#'   mll.custom<-,snpclone-method
#' @docType methods
"mll.custom<-" <- function(x, set = TRUE, value) standardGeneric("mll.custom<-")

#' @export

  f = "mll.custom<-",
  signature(x = "genclone"),
  definition = function(x, set = TRUE, value){
    mll.custom.internal(x, set, value)

  f = "mll.custom<-",
  signature(x = "snpclone"),
  definition = function(x, set = TRUE, value){
    mll.custom.internal(x, set, value)

#' @export
#' @rdname mll.custom
#' @aliases mll.levels,genclone-method 
#'   mll.levels,snpclone-method
#' @docType methods
mll.levels <- function(x, set = TRUE, value) standardGeneric("mll.levels")

#' @export

  f = "mll.levels",
  signature(x = "genclone"),
  definition = function(x, set = TRUE, value){
    mll.levels.internal(x, set, value)

  f = "mll.levels",
  signature(x = "snpclone"),
  definition = function(x, set = TRUE, value){
    mll.levels.internal(x, set, value)

#' @export
#' @rdname mll.custom
#' @aliases mll.levels<-,genclone-method 
#'   mll.levels<-,snpclone-method
#' @docType methods
"mll.levels<-" <- function(x, set = TRUE, value) standardGeneric("mll.levels<-")

#' @export

  f = "mll.levels<-",
  signature(x = "genclone"),
  definition = function(x, set = TRUE, value){
    mll.levels.internal(x, set, value)

  f = "mll.levels<-",
  signature(x = "snpclone"),
  definition = function(x, set = TRUE, value){
    mll.levels.internal(x, set, value)

#' MLG definitions based on genetic distance
#' Multilocus genotypes are initially defined by naive string matching, but this
#' definition does not take into account missing data or genotyping error,
#' casting these as unique genotypes. Defining multilocus genotypes by genetic
#' distance allows you to incorporate genotypes that have missing data o
#' genotyping error into their parent clusters.
#' @param pop a \code{\linkS4class{genclone}}, \code{\linkS4class{snpclone}}, or
#'   \code{\linkS4class{genind}} object.
#' @param threshold a number indicating the minimum distance two MLGs must be
#'   separated by to be considered different. Defaults to 0, which will reflect
#'   the original (naive) MLG definition.
#' @param missing any method to be used by \code{\link{missingno}}: "mean", 
#'   "zero", "loci", "genotype", or "asis" (default).
#' @param memory whether this function should remember the last distance matrix 
#'   it generated. TRUE will attempt to reuse the last distance matrix if the 
#'   other parameters are the same. (default) FALSE will ignore any stored 
#'   matrices and not store any it generates.
#' @param algorithm determines the type of clustering to be done. 
#' \describe{
#'   \item{"farthest_neighbor"}{\emph{ (default) }merges clusters based on the 
#'   maximum distance between points in either cluster. This is the strictest of
#'   the three.}
#'   \item{"nearest_neighbor"}{ merges clusters based on the minimum distance
#'   between points in either cluster. This is the loosest of the three.}
#'   \item{"average_neighbor"}{ merges clusters based on the average distance
#'   between every pair of points between clusters.}
#' }
#' @param distance a character or function defining the distance to be applied 
#'   to pop. Defaults to \code{\link{diss.dist}} for genclone objects and
#'   \code{\link{bitwise.dist}} for snpclone objects. A matrix or table
#'   containing distances between individuals (such as the output of 
#'   \code{\link{rogers.dist}}) is also accepted for this parameter.
#' @param threads (unused) Previously, this was the maximum number of parallel 
#'  threads to be used within this function. Default is 1 indicating that this
#'  function will run serially. Any other number will result in a warning.
#' @param stats a character vector specifying which statistics should be
#'   returned (details below). Choices are "MLG", "THRESHOLDS", "DISTANCES",
#'   "SIZES", or "ALL". If choosing "ALL" or more than one, a named list will be
#'   returned.
#' @param ... any parameters to be passed off to the distance method.
#' @details This function will take in any distance matrix or function and
#' collapse multilocus genotypes below a given threshold. If you use this
#' function as the assignment method (mlg.filter(myData, distance = myDist) <-
#' 0.5), the distance function or matrix will be remembered by the object. This
#' means that if you define your own distance matrix or function, you must keep
#' it in memory to further utilize mlg.filter.
#' @return Default, a vector of collapsed multilocus genotypes. Otherwise, any
#'   combination of the following:
#' \subsection{MLGs}{
#'   a numeric vector defining the multilocus genotype cluster of each
#'   individual in the dataset. Each genotype cluster is separated from every
#'   other genotype cluster by at least the defined threshold value, as 
#'   calculated by the selected algorithm.
#' }
#' \subsection{THRESHOLDS}{
#'   A numeric vector representing the thresholds \strong{beyond} which clusters
#'   of multilocus genotypes were collapsed. 
#' }
#' \subsection{DISTANCES}{
#'   A square matrix representing the distances between each cluster.
#' }
#' \subsection{SIZES}{
#'  The sizes of the multilocus genotype clusters in order. 
#' }
#' @note \code{mlg.vector} makes use of \code{mlg.vector} grouping prior to 
#'   applying the given threshold. Genotype numbers returned by
#'   \code{mlg.vector} represent the lowest numbered genotype (as returned by
#'   \code{mlg.vector}) in in each new multilocus genotype. Therefore
#'   \strong{\code{mlg.filter} and \code{mlg.vector} return the same vector when
#'   threshold is set to 0 or less}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{filter_stats}}, 
#'   \code{\link{cutoff_predictor}}, 
#'   \code{\link{mll}}, 
#'   \code{\link{genclone}}, 
#'   \code{\link{snpclone}}, 
#'   \code{\link{diss.dist}}, 
#'   \code{\link{bruvo.dist}}
#' @export
#' @rdname mlg.filter
#' @aliases mlg.filter,genclone-method 
#'   mlg.filter,snpclone-method 
#'   mlg.filter,genind-method 
#'   mlg.filter,genlight-method
#' @docType methods
#' @examples 
#' data(partial_clone)
#' pc <- as.genclone(partial_clone, threads = 1L) # convert to genclone object
#' # Basic Use ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Show MLGs at threshold 0.05
#' mlg.filter(pc, threshold = 0.05, distance = "nei.dist", threads = 1L)
#' pc # 26 mlgs
#' # Set MLGs at threshold 0.05
#' mlg.filter(pc, distance = "nei.dist", threads = 1L) <- 0.05
#' pc # 25 mlgs
#' \dontrun{
#' # The distance definition is persistant
#' mlg.filter(pc) <- 0.1
#' pc # 24 mlgs
#' # But you can still change the definition
#' mlg.filter(pc, distance = "diss.dist", percent = TRUE) <- 0.1
#' pc
#' # Choosing a threshold ----------------------------------------------------
#' # Thresholds for collapsing multilocus genotypes should not be arbitrary. It
#' # is important to consider what threshold is suitable. One method of choosing
#' # a threshold is to find a gap in the distance distribution that represents
#' # clonal groups. You can look at this by analyzing the distribution of all
#' # possible thresholds with the function "cutoff_predictor".
#' # For this example, we'll use Bruvo's distance to predict the cutoff for
#' # P. infestans.
#' data(Pinf)
#' Pinf
#' # Repeat lengths are necessary for Bruvo's distance
#' (pinfreps <- fix_replen(Pinf, c(2, 2, 6, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2)))
#' # Now we can collect information of the thresholds. We can set threshold = 1
#' # because we know that this will capture the maximum possible distance:
#' (thresholds <- mlg.filter(Pinf, distance = bruvo.dist, stats = "THRESHOLDS",
#'                           replen = pinfreps, threshold = 1))
#' # We can use these thresholds to find an appropriate cutoff
#' (pcut <- cutoff_predictor(thresholds))
#' mlg.filter(Pinf, distance = bruvo.dist, replen = pinfreps) <- pcut
#' Pinf
#' # This can also be visualized with the "filter_stats" function.
#' # Special case: threshold = 0 ---------------------------------------------
#' # It's important to remember that a threshold of 0 is equal to the original
#' # MLG definition. This example will show a data set that contains genotypes
#' # with missing data that share all alleles with other genotypes except for 
#' # the missing one.
#' data(monpop)
#' monpop # 264 mlg
#' mlg.filter(monpop) <- 0
#' nmll(monpop) # 264 mlg
#' # In order to merge these genotypes with missing data, we should set the 
#' # threshold to be slightly higher than 0. We will use the smallest fraction 
#' # the computer can store.
#' mlg.filter(monpop) <- .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5
#' nmll(monpop) # 236 mlg
#' # Custom distance ---------------------------------------------------------
#' # Custom genetic distances can be used either in functions from other
#' # packages or user-defined functions
#' data(Pinf)
#' Pinf
#' mlg.filter(Pinf, distance = function(x) dist(tab(x))) <- 3
#' Pinf
#' mlg.filter(Pinf) <- 4
#' Pinf
#' # genlight / snpclone objects ---------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(999)
#' gc <- as.snpclone(glSim(100, 0, n.snp.struc = 1e3, ploidy = 2))
#' gc # 100 mlgs
#' mlg.filter(gc) <- 0.25
#' gc # 82 mlgs
#' }
mlg.filter <- function(pop, threshold=0.0, missing="asis", memory=FALSE, 
                       distance="diss.dist", threads=1L, stats="MLGs", ...){

#' @export

  f = "mlg.filter",
  signature(pop = "genind"),
  definition = function(pop, threshold=0.0, missing="asis", memory=FALSE,
                        algorithm="farthest_neighbor", distance="diss.dist", 
                        threads=1L, stats="MLGs", ...){
    the_call <- match.call()
    mlg.filter.internal(pop, threshold, missing, memory, algorithm, distance,
                        denv = parent.frame(), threads, stats, the_call, ... ) 

  f = "mlg.filter",
  signature(pop = "genlight"),
  definition = function(pop, threshold=0.0, missing="asis", memory=FALSE,
                        algorithm="farthest_neighbor", distance="bitwise.dist", 
                        threads=1, stats="MLGs", ...){
    the_call <- match.call()
    mlg.filter.internal(pop, threshold, missing, memory, algorithm, distance,
                        denv = parent.frame(), threads, stats, the_call, ...) 

  f = "mlg.filter",
  signature(pop = "genclone"),
  definition = function(pop, threshold=0.0, missing="asis", memory=FALSE,
                        algorithm="farthest_neighbor", distance="diss.dist", 
                        threads=1L, stats="MLGs", ...){
    the_call <- match.call()
    mlg.filter.internal(pop, threshold, missing, memory, algorithm, distance,
                        denv = parent.frame(), threads, stats, the_call, ...) 
  f = "mlg.filter",
  signature(pop = "snpclone"),
  definition = function(pop, threshold=0.0, missing="asis", memory=FALSE,
                        algorithm="farthest_neighbor", distance="bitwise.dist", 
                        threads=1L, stats="MLGs", ...){
    the_call <- match.call()
    mlg.filter.internal(pop, threshold, missing, memory, algorithm, distance,
                        denv = parent.frame(), threads, stats, the_call, ...)   
#' @export
#' @rdname mlg.filter
#' @param value the threshold at which genotypes should be collapsed.
#' @aliases mlg.filter<-,genclone-method 
#'   mlg.filter<-,genind-method 
#'   mlg.filter<-,snpclone-method 
#'   mlg.filter<-,genlight-method
#' @docType methods
"mlg.filter<-" <- function(pop, missing = "asis", memory = FALSE, 
                           algorithm = "farthest_neighbor", distance = "diss.dist",
                           threads = 1L, ..., value){

#' @export

  f = "mlg.filter<-",
  signature(pop = "genind"),
  definition = function(pop, missing = "asis", memory = FALSE, 
                        algorithm = "farthest_neighbor", distance = "diss.dist",
                        threads = 1L, ..., value){
    if (!is.genclone(pop)){
      the_warning <- paste("mlg.filter<- only has an effect on genclone",
                           "objects.\n", "If you want to utilize this",
                           "functionality, please convert to a genclone object.\n",
                           "No modifications are taking place.")
      warning(the_warning, call. = FALSE)

  f = "mlg.filter<-",
  signature(pop = "genlight"),
  definition = function(pop, missing = "asis", memory = FALSE, 
                        algorithm = "farthest_neighbor", distance = "bitwise.dist",
                        threads = 1L, ..., value){
    if (!is.snpclone(pop)){
      the_warning <- paste("mlg.filter<- only has an effect on snpclone",
                           "objects.\n", "If you want to utilize this",
                           "functionality, please convert to a snpclone object.\n",
                           "No modifications are taking place.")
      warning(the_warning, call. = FALSE)

  f = "mlg.filter<-",
  signature(pop = "genclone"),
  definition = function(pop, missing = "asis", memory = FALSE, 
                       algorithm = "farthest_neighbor", distance = "diss.dist",
                       threads = 1L, ..., value){
    pop       <- callNextMethod()
    the_call  <- match.call()
    callnames <- names(the_call)
    the_dots  <- list(...)
    parsed_distance <- distance

    if (!is(pop@mlg, "MLG")){
      pop@mlg <- new("MLG", pop@mlg)
    # Thu Aug  6 16:39:25 2015 ------------------------------
    # Treatment of the incoming distance is not a trivial task.
    # We want the object to have a memory of what distance function was used so
    # the user does not have to re-specify the distance measure in the function
    # call. Thus, there could be three possabilities whenever the user calls
    # mlg.filter:
    #  1. The user does not specify a distance
    #  2. The distance is specified as text
    #  3. The distance is specified as an actual function. 
    if (!"distance" %in% callnames){

      # This is dealing with the situation where the user does not specify a 
      # distance function. In this case, we use the function that was defined in
      # the object itself. 
      # If the user supplied dots, then we append them to the current parameters
      # and take the newer ones.

      distance <- distname(pop@mlg)
      d_env    <- distenv(pop@mlg)
      the_dots <- c(the_dots, distargs(pop@mlg))
      the_dots <- the_dots[unique(names(the_dots))]

    } else {

      # If the user supplied a distance, then we should store the environment
      # from the call and test that the function is defined in the environment
      # or is a oneliner

      d_env     <- parent.frame()
      the_dist  <- substitute(distance)
      the_distc <- as.character(the_dist)

      if (length(the_distc) > 1) { # this succeeds if the function is a oneliner
        parsed_distance <- the_dist  # this will be a function
      } else {
        parsed_distance <- the_distc # this will be a character


    # Trying to evaluate the function/matrix in its environment
    distfun  <- try(eval(distance, envir = d_env), silent = TRUE)
    if ("try-error" %in% class(distfun)){
      stop("cannot evaluate distance function, it might be missing.", call. = FALSE)

    # This part may be unnecessary, but I believe I was having issues with 
    # passing the call to the main function. The reason for this is that 
    # dealing with missing data is done in different ways depending on the 
    # distance function used. If it's diss.dist, nothing is done, if it's
    # Nei's etc. dist, then the correction is done by converting it to a 
    # bootgen object since that will quietly convert missing data; otherwise
    # the function missingno is used.
    the_call[["distance"]] <- distance

    # The distance isn't a function, so it should be a distance matrix/character.
    if (!is.function(distfun)){
      parsed_distance <- distfun
    # Storing the specified algorithm.
    if (!"algorithm" %in% callnames){
      # <simpsonsreference>
      # Do you have any of thoses arrows that are, like, double arrows?
      # </simpsonsreference>
      the_call[["algorithm"]] <- distalgo(pop@mlg) -> algorithm
    # The arguments are built up in a list here and then passed using do.call.
    the_args <- list(gid = pop, 
                     threshold = value, 
                     missing = missing, 
                     memory = memory, 
                     algorithm = algorithm, 
                     distance = parsed_distance,
                     denv = d_env,
                     threads = threads, 
                     stats = "MLGs")
    fmlgs <- do.call("mlg.filter.internal", c(the_args, the_dots))

    # here we are resetting the values in the MLG object including the
    # algorithm used and the parameters to the distance
    algos <- c("nearest_neighbor", "average_neighbor", "farthest_neighbor")
    mll(pop) <- "contracted"
    pop@mlg[] <- fmlgs
    cutoff(pop@mlg)["contracted"] <- value
    distname(pop@mlg) <- substitute(distance)
    distenv(pop@mlg)  <- d_env
    distargs(pop@mlg) <- the_dots
    distalgo(pop@mlg) <- match.arg(algorithm, algos)

  f = "mlg.filter<-",
  signature(pop = "snpclone"),
  definition = function(pop, missing = "mean", memory = FALSE, 
                        algorithm = "farthest_neighbor", distance = "bitwise.dist",
                        threads = 1L, ..., value){
    pop       <- callNextMethod()
    the_call  <- match.call()
    callnames <- names(the_call)
    the_dots  <- list(...)
    parsed_distance <- distance

    if (!is(pop@mlg, "MLG")){
      pop@mlg <- new("MLG", pop@mlg)
    # Thu Aug  6 16:39:25 2015 ------------------------------
    # Treatment of the incoming distance is not a trivial task.
    # We want the object to have a memory of what distance function was used so
    # the user does not have to re-specify the distance measure in the function
    # call. Thus, there could be three possabilities whenever the user calls
    # mlg.filter:
    #  1. The user does not specify a distance
    #  2. The distance is specified as text
    #  3. The distance is specified as an actual function. 
    if (!"distance" %in% callnames){

      # This is dealing with the situation where the user does not specify a 
      # distance function. In this case, we use the function that was defined in
      # the object itself. 
      # If the user supplied dots, then we append them to the current parameters
      # and take the newer ones.

      distance <- distname(pop@mlg)
      d_env    <- distenv(pop@mlg)
      the_dots <- c(the_dots, distargs(pop@mlg))
      the_dots <- the_dots[unique(names(the_dots))]

    } else {

      # If the user supplied a distance, then we should store the environment
      # from the call and test that the function is defined in the environment
      # or is a oneliner

      d_env     <- parent.frame()
      the_dist  <- substitute(distance)
      the_distc <- as.character(the_dist)

      if (length(the_distc) > 1) { # this succeeds if the function is a oneliner
        parsed_distance <- the_dist  # this will be a function
      } else {
        parsed_distance <- the_distc # this will be a character


    # Trying to evaluate the function/matrix in its environment
    distfun  <- try(eval(distance, envir = d_env), silent = TRUE)
    if ("try-error" %in% class(distfun)){
      stop("cannot evaluate distance function, it might be missing.", call. = FALSE)

    # This part may be unnecessary, but I believe I was having issues with 
    # passing the call to the main function. The reason for this is that 
    # dealing with missing data is done in different ways depending on the 
    # distance function used. If it's diss.dist, nothing is done, if it's
    # Nei's etc. dist, then the correction is done by converting it to a 
    # bootgen object since that will quietly convert missing data; otherwise
    # the function missingno is used.
    the_call[["distance"]] <- distance

    # The distance isn't a function, so it should be a distance matrix/character.
    if (!is.function(distfun)){
      parsed_distance <- distfun
    # Storing the specified algorithm.
    if (!"algorithm" %in% callnames){
      # <simpsonsreference>
      # Do you have any of thoses arrows that are, like, double arrows?
      # </simpsonsreference>
      the_call[["algorithm"]] <- distalgo(pop@mlg) -> algorithm
    # The arguments are built up in a list here and then passed using do.call.
    the_args <- list(gid = pop, 
                     threshold = value, 
                     missing = missing, 
                     memory = memory, 
                     algorithm = algorithm, 
                     distance = parsed_distance,
                     denv = d_env,
                     threads = threads, 
                     stats = "MLGs")
    fmlgs <- do.call("mlg.filter.internal", c(the_args, the_dots))

    # here we are resetting the values in the MLG object including the
    # algorithm used and the parameters to the distance
    algos <- c("nearest_neighbor", "average_neighbor", "farthest_neighbor")
    mll(pop) <- "contracted"
    pop@mlg[] <- fmlgs
    cutoff(pop@mlg)["contracted"] <- value
    distname(pop@mlg) <- substitute(distance)
    distenv(pop@mlg)  <- d_env
    distargs(pop@mlg) <- the_dots
    distalgo(pop@mlg) <- match.arg(algorithm, algos)

#' Convert an old genclone object to a new genclone object
#' @param object a genclone object from poppr v. 1.1
#' @param donor a new genclone object from poppr v. 2.0
#' @export
#' @author Zhian N. Kamvar
old2new_genclone <- function(object, donor = new(class(object))){
  has_strata <- .hasSlot(object, "strata")
  has_loc.n.all <- .hasSlot(object, "loc.n.all")
  if (has_loc.n.all){
    warning("this object appears to be up to date.")
  if (!has_strata && is(object, "genclone")){
    object@strata    <- object@hierarchy
    object@hierarchy <- NULL
  n <- old2new_genind(object, donor)
  if ("genclone" %in% class(n)){
    n@mlg <- object@mlg

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